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tv   News  RT  August 21, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the 4400, you could install just dead 300 in the past 24 hours. the bad green loss is a b, as in nancy as incursion into russia as the u, as in mid is being focused. i think the p s. when it comes to what their longer term objectives are here, and that's something that we're still discussing, probably the voice of the outlay. today's ukraine is several west. the haven't been nathan submitted complaint to the un against cube support for terrorist police and
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every the people who don't good class. so it is a police and a mass protest against the idea of trying to pull some members of that community to fight in gods by law sco accuses the landscape of pharmacy upon the phase of millions of questions as cute haldeman find this additionally pretty important over to the a very well welcome to you from the entire t international. you see, we come to live from that. let's take a look at the top. so is this out more than a full $1400.00? you put it in. soldiers have been killed since keys north is in college and
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interaction 2 weeks ago. and that's according to moscow's defense ministry. $300.00 an equal in terms of being killed in just the pop cost at 24 hours. keith is also in calvin's back ring. losses of equipment with 26 units of the vehicles destroyed . that same good 6 times repose and l. carriers and 17 come by vehicles destroyed in a single day. the grand full of his have failed in their attempt to deep into rushes pers region. meanwhile, the us has a method to subbing as an advisor, so he's limited the full the offensive but have a vote. the i are of officials in moscow who condemned washington support for the reckless offensive and which civilians i've suffered. all teasing close out of as the lights just updates as well she is count. besides, he has been going on all across the will see you here in the coolest region.
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basically the ukrainians have been trying to expand the presence of the russian soil along the border while the russians in town have been denying them this opportunity. and this john's, basically the boys on the ground are telling me that there are 3 major hotspots as of now, the town so dropped and uh its vicinity. the town of quoting yvonne and uh, basically the border section, the outside of the town of the school. but where we have just returned from now when it comes to the town of quoting you, but for instance the ukrainians, they. busy they did fail to take on that place had done so they surveilled the area for a couple of days and now they have renewed their attempts to claim the sound. the boys are telling you that they are indeed working 24 sell. busy repelling those attacks on the political front though the united states, they have finally admitted openly or rather they have begun to speak openly and publicly and really just providing details as to how much they are in touch
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with kids. when it comes to the board, we're encouraging operation here in the course region is the us ready to open. we probably support the craze operation curse if not, why not look again or, or continue to have the discussions with ukrainians in terms of their, their focus. you heard president, so when you say it was to create a buffer zone. so we're, we're having those conversations to learn more about what their objectives are. again, if you take a step back from the us perspective, our focus continues to be enabling ukraine to be a free and southern country that can deter russian aggression in the future. and so that means that continues to be our, our focus. but when it comes to what their longer term objectives are here, that's something that we're still discussing with them. well and the rushing for an intelligent service has stepped forward to saying that according to that information, this key is operation in the course. korean is planned out by day to member states
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. according to available information, the operation of the armed forces of ukraine in the cursed region was prepared with the involvement of the security agencies of the us branding and poland. military advisors from nato countries are helping with the coordination of the invading units and with the use of western weapons by the ukrainians. so both the united states and key, if they indeed very much like that, the world's attention on brushes attention when it comes to that to is glued and that the spotlight is on the events here in the course region. because elsewhere on other parts of the front, it's not that bright for kids. actual, basically outside of the, the nets region. uh, the premium forces have been fully back. and they have been losing ground and losing cherokee at a pace greater than all of the last year has the largest before coming in. come from one woman was killed by
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a quinn in drugs that dropped explosives on a civilian call in the closely dom. oh yeah, we heard from a full us, apple is less than kind of he says that said some place in washington were well aware the clean incursion into close the 1st time. i don't believe that the us was as surprised by this invasion, as they say they are. i don't because i don't think that the, i think elements of the united states department of defense and intelligence community were aware of it. i think they're trying to push russia into an over reaction or a kind of response in ukraine that would revive nato enthusiasm for supporting ukraine. because we know that enthusiasm is, is a drawing up. the money is drawing up and the willingness to support ukraine in this battle is, is diminishing. we know from the very beginning,
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from even before 2014, that the united states has been heavily involved in every aspect of ukraine's politics and it's military and the strategic and tactical decisions that you couldn't make. so we already know the united states is directly involved and has been they, the state sees ukraine is a battering ram with which to beat russia. that's been their goal from the very beginning. i have a claim that fails in the course when we get off the diversity of bulk of its resources. the roof nami is making a breakthrough in done by just recently, taking the settlement of their long yeah. but as a team, logistic hub in the town of pope growth in size, i'm now he put in officials of sounding the alarm under such circumstances, the occupation of elk grove is a matter of the near future until our roads is living out since days. it looks as if we are giving up on the doughnuts region the states of minutes,
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your operations of the 11th year of the will, the lands on which thousands of ukrainians laid down their lives for ukraine. the situation is very tense and it is getting worse, while po cross still has 2 weeks according to calculations. myrna grad does not have that time. murnet grad has only a few days left. maybe a day to 3. before the 2014 code for cross was called cross the r may sc, named after the sylvia for the army which defeats it did not sees it as one of the cranes main defensive strongholds as a key logistics help. and the don't that script public, it's liberation would compromise, you craze, defensive abilities and supply rooms. and it would also allow russia to liberate the entire region. ukrainian soldiers on now reporting that there are loss, confused and disoriented. they're getting less on munition than before. there's an, a lot of manpower and the machine are reclining fighters have reported that russian
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of forces have really amplified their might. since that encourage and even many wondered what the points of the incursion walls. and one thing about everyone seems to agree on. now. even western mainstream media is that it worked in russia's favor . russian soldiers are still grinding their way through. ukrainian defense is capturing villages and towns and bringing moscow closer to the stated goal of complete control of the domestic region in eastern new green. on monday, russian troops appeared to have captured nearly all the town of new york entered nearby tourist and were encroaching on the logistical hub of poke rask. it seems like it was bank in a rush or a band and in all of its positions and jumping. so course defense supposedly allowing a brake fluid for ukraine bought so according to soldiers and military experts. that assumption was once again faulty. despite the successes of the defenders in the kirk region, the russians have not yet transferred their troops on mass from here said ukraine's 40 seven's mechanized brigade. its main strike force remains to have,
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on the other hand, did move its troops from the on that scan height of where the fiercest battles are on the way. and the financial times has reported that ukraine sent over $10000.00 soldiers, including many of its elite airborne forces and some economic brigades to course. and it all begs the question, was it worth? it certainly doesn't look like it's the people have taken to the cities of these as has been cows against cave support. the terrace groups in africa, crowds gathered, and these as capital by using the national flag as well as a russia one, as they express some of those, even most of and the opposition to key was meddling in the reason for this is south it out so that the thing is a terrorist thing, but it goes a sentiment expressed by an agent as was molly. i'm books, you know,
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fast of the joy complaint to the un security council. again to claim support for terrace brooks. recently, a ukraine official admitted to keith involvement in the times, what kind of going to move to again small in government and russian involved in the group forces. those 3 west side of the nations have emphasized that you've actions are a threat to the region. as we are sending you this letter to denounce the open and assume support of the government of the republic of ukraine for international terrorism in particular, in the saw how these acts also constitute a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states. a characterized aggression on all countries. we call on the security council to take responsibility for ukraine's deliberate choice to support the scourge of terrorism . the rejection of which is unanimous internationally in all its forms and manifestations. in this list, how does a my,
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the fall semester with the soon as you call me in the office, spoke to me for the crating between citizens who has admitted collaboration with harvard payables in the northern marty. this, the house stays say that those call is full glass statements are confirmed by the you, created and invested are to cynical, as well openly and without the slightest doubt expressed. his country supports a full international tube has been particularly in this. the whole reason to say is it is even worse, that these senior ukraine and officials have publicly announced as the results to come. what do you mean by how you craze? military intelligence recently claim to have had a role in the massive i'm boost killed russian slices, operating alongside, not in forces in marty. and that's the kind of assessing has no spot to be is, the parts of africa must become a proxy was old as a result of the craze. but off the seeing that the energy katya diplomatic ties, cranes became
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a fossil continued to be violent attack. an echo is expressing its strong disapproval of the praise attack kills it has back track for his own state goods. shuffle the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against the russian war criminals. the whole world has already seen this and principal, this can be commented on. we certainly will not disclose any details, but let's say there will be a continuation it is uh, the transitional government. the republic of molly has decided to sell a diplomatic relations with ukraine without conducting the photo study of the facts and circumstances of the incident in northern molly, as well as without providing any evidence, a few grains involvement in the specified event. let's so from modeling is amplitude of possible also comes just a week off the ukraine said to russia, influence molly and easy to cut to pro magic ties, which you have saved. that's
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a miss a. and molly's decision a august, the will not made by those countries alone. a city waiting that russia had had 0 was decisions, have a listen to this. and it was the was, it was the to ukraine, has expressed its position on these decisions by molly, in the chair, we decided to cancel all of his actions against the supporters of international terrorism. this is a part of the russian narrative russian propaganda creating this image as if you crane is involved in some kind of terrorism. these 2 countries have made their decisions in a haste and not far sighted manner, and without providing any essential evidence without studying the cause. we all understand perfectly well that these countries, 3rd ties with the russia. how much of these countries depends on russia. of course, we understand that these decisions were made not only by these countries. and so then what was this? and it has been very clear from the beginning and it stands firm. and its support for all initiates, is aimed at combating terrorism and is put in such as every form and context. in
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fact, he has what the far and the phase spoke to me and has said off to his youth, to cut ties with care of the settling of diplomatic relations with ukraine by the 2nd african country already clearly demonstrates the growing understanding by the continent states of the terrorist nature of the key of regime moscow has repeatedly drawing the attention of the international community to the relevant facts. as you can just imagine, what the reaction of the width would have been like for even the mesa media, if for things where the other way around and as many a car into saying it is talking that you create his actions and ask because of not the strongly, even widely condemned by the international community, another stockton case off of double standards in the dealings with care of and moscow indeed. and as these african countries, i've been saying, ukraine has violated the sovereignty of african states and to the international community is not doing anything about that. it's very disappointing in fact. so you
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can see that try so hard just to get support from africa. well, supporting terrorism at the same time, but let's get so civil insights on this as you let me live now is replied captain, i'm security consultant. so d gotta buy shares. so the thanks so much for taking the time out. closely talking about this complaint made to the un security council, but by they combine these have between a 5 so but how, how significant is this complaint and in what ways could the un security council respond to this complaint this, thank you very much for having me yes this complaint bye but again if possible on monday it is very significant in that uh, this tip meant to meet that 2 grand high hand in the attack thats couple lived july with 248. uh um, uh, what can i do also for the sum of money and troops. we have his books, my uncle,
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for ships books, one of the, of the green, military intelligence and the use of who made the statement that uh, they provided all the information he, um, almost has in his ward. but you, we provided all the information that enabled a tech so see, now if this is uh true, you will receive the ukrainian official trans buck from the statement that was made by bill officials books one i this is one of the, the kind of of conflict where having him money because we'll talk any foreign intervention on the side of the money a rivers. we would say it's to remain in non international conflict, but it's not much of great and saying that it just give us support for the do you mind me or give us a fight? i guess is to, to the government, then it just, it would put in, in, uh, you know, a conflict that is what gets national mitchell is fund international conflict. and this would be something that should give a worries to the united initial or to the not to initial security costs. now i will
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said that for a while you see, would you agree? i mean my, the new gen i'm looking for. so now they have a union among them which says that a top one is supposed to a tech one the other. so by the simple attack, when might be able to get a fossil under the jet or they may have also see that have been attacked. so this is a very serious uh, you know, of, uh, uh, development, especially given the front of the african countries in the meant just as this of the mattress of what it is. they have been the venue. what are the venue for total between the us as well that time? i'm the united states of america. so african congress have enough for what's in that history and doing like to see any problems the world that just happened in the appointment. so you can see apart people from the complex mid by monday, i'm looking at possible the economy community of west african states. it won't do it. this countries i've suspended them, but she was looking a good just hi is this environment of ukraine in uh i've had that just practically in money, especially. i'm thinking okay,
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not fully this company in the region. well, i think and companies we should threaten that. the appointment is good to be turned into a new full, full, full, probably will. okay, i'll, i'll, we'll get into the echo off and the after you a little bit later. but before we do so, if i may, what are the potential repercussions fully? you claim, if the un security council investigates these claims seriously. okay, i'm up before we able to get to the method visuals. we would like to see what the, what's requested was is it relations with the ukraine? i'm african countries. now you go see, susie, ukraine was she on the wall has started. what african countries have tried to maintain uh, kind of neutrality, in case of what's in the united, the initials at the middle of somebody. however, with this aspect to can by you create it is definitely going to look to support. i need to wait to, you know,
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move some freights from the i think one of the united nations certainly do not to mention security comes from the united nations charter, half the duty just stop any threat to international peace. what you put in has been not a significant significant piece. so definitely the negative, initial security cousin is going to go to austin and it just supposed to call attention to this. uh uh, you know, is this an incident which happened on quote when you print with a free from uh, you know, uh, violating the, uh, so what do you see what the country so the, so it looks like you briefly mentioned the so the uh, eco awesome and of course the, again, this is even though i need these. yeah, molly and i believe i have to have moved away from i cause the after the union. yeah. union as well. uh. are they likely to, to condemn these actions will publicly and would this gather more?
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i didn't know support uh, within the african continent on its way, like i said, come to this in the 90s. this has been the, just the warranties have seem to have that policy will come to the continent. so definitely, or this will begin the, uh, all those, like it was all the other ones, including the african union. i guess for the past. uh, you know, it kind of official when you great was it look one africa to but if you a bunch of ground of, uh, it probably won't between 2 companies. so i already, of course i'm bringing it up with the drum and i'm sure, or full african union, it will be simple pdf. so what i'm saying is that in general, no african uh, community organizations would be supportive of what you could and has the what is it reminds them of the deputies of the night. just it's just a mattress seventies when africa was about to get out for a follow up pretty much and dates a very interesting indeed. sadly we'll have to leave with that by thank you very
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much. reside comes in and security consultant, mr. so the ground to show who opposes the things again. thank you very much. now is the soul protests as police? i'm also don't dues class of authorities was seen driving them. the status of this is being thing them was the bus home i'm using. what was it coming to this bus and the riley is well organized to voice out. why against the idea of seeking more conscript for the war in gaza? oh think until they took a role the above and send us this report from the scene the the the,
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the jerusalem on the injection center. ultra orthodox choose from so use i mean to is added to the blocking traffic, trying to scan the eviction center where against this database really rather live under parts of the government. there are against injunction into the army even after october 7th. they say they'd rather dive and go into the army the over the past year. there's been a lot of conflict between the different branches of government. did you additional, the legislative executive and the traditional courts have ruled that also have to use do have to be conscripted into the army. so where was the last or decided and the court has now been stored on the streets of jerusalem, television to various and other cities throughout the country. they have in the
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army units that can be made compatible browser with less choose such as net dot org . but the hard core or towards docs will not accept any kind of compromise. any kind of time is spent away from studies or is not considered acceptable to them. so no one really knows which direction is heading right now. there's a lot of fighting on the streets to prevent the as your facts from being conscripted into the idea of this is robbie been reporting from jerusalem funds to other news that this study and all sort of search have 7 ties with the most go time 3 ok, and now that comes as the bolted countries in, terry, a mess. it says the russian choice is a threat to national security. people think he is a part of that impulse a lot and the fact so bonding the unclaimed, all sort of touch with some claim has kept up ties to multiple. however, multiple that'd be agreed with that move toward your portions was
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a weight issue today that ukrainian parliament has made a fatal mistake by voting in favor of banning the ukrainian orthodox church. and this mistake, without any doubts that will cause tragic consequences for the entire ukrainian people. just no loss can prevent us from frame visiting temples, defending our fables. well, there are no obstacles to this, just as there were none for the lord. so now the divide of kristen also don't see any place is a 2nd to more than 20000000 people throughout the country. that is, says the creation of the new key, the simple to both the dumpster, who played in 2018 following the west, some back to against the previous. the pro russian government now keeps that the new touch was intended to move away from off those influence. now, since it's established, when the new plan in touch has received massive support from the local government
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properties was seen from the traditional chart and transferred to the new one without permission from the colored. the dispute between the 2 charges robinson in 2022. when russia began isn't feel peroration hundreds of free, well detained, and accused of being trained to by the input. and if those is that is despite the choice officially cutting is tied with the law field. last year, files of houses of worship were reigned in by police with such as conducted so monasteries. and although the sights moscow has accused keys of trying to ride the kate, chris, traditional question of the orthodoxy. and you quite. this is miss dudley. yes, this is an anal elation. their goal is to this choice, to authentic seat and replace it with a false charge. do you understand to create a clause the orthodox church? it's a false cause. the church that use a similar rituals,
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but has seized the houses of worship and pretends to use them according to our customers. but in fact marks the faith by the cost of live to lose the rocker, which is a historian. i'm principal research fellow and the institute of recent history of serbia and i was on that and thank you so much for joining us. disturbing news of both this coming on is not good to see politics and religion make slightly. so if i, my thought was, how does this bind affect, you play and all sort of christian population as a whole he told the truly affect the orthodox christian population in ukraine. about it is not affecting that. i'm just now in this moment they were the they were under a talk from
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a 2018 after the the season of the many cult, better educate, to intervene. reading the ukraine and implemented by toyota state is a huge part of the, of a problem. charge problem uh, which is happening today in ukraine. so uh, in this moment, uh, this is a, just a, a finalization of aggression against the ukrainian or for the service of the most competitive case. because they are under agression of the key of the machine. which los for years and in this finalization as a reorder the 3rd few minutes ago, the goal is completes, a complete the disappearing of the russian orthodox
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church ukraine or the training and also the church of the most competitive. because the official cute give wants to to suck any kind of harass identity in ukraine and any kind of a rush, some his story co orthodoxy in ukraine and the, this is why they decided to finalize the rest them against the ukrainian or to the church. but frankly, i expect that it will come even earlier, but i don't know why they decided to make the move now. but the, that small would, the, i have a strong impact on the a complete overlook, speciality not trusting ukraine, but in the entire world. because uh, in this moment i don't see any possibility for compromise
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between the churches. uh, the can only come churches in the the forgive me forgive me for and interrupting uh what, what sort of, you know, freedom of religion is with a pillar of democracy and throughout the west where ever you go in the western media sofas. i'm politicians are often our spoke, put on say, scalding the religious liberty. this time however, when there are the new or they oh that openly supporting the buying. why do you think the, the world has turned the back on this community? because the community is still can only kind of connect it to the most competitive and there are different babies, very sofa thinking. and the conclusion was if


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