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tv   News  RT  August 21, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the russians did not have and do not have any positions here in the city center. so ukrainians, they have been using about 5 hours to hit a strictly civilian air. bobsy ripple is from the bible quotes, the reason why he is ill fated incursion has been floated as the us a larger role in open stating when it comes to what their longer term objectives are here. that's something that we're still discussing. this is a voice, the outrage against inquiry of several west africa, naples submit
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a complaint to the you and your people support for the service in that region. the full little to class with is very, very easy and i'm left protests against the idea of fun to the members of the community. so far. i think of the most good is there a to see of from the playing up on the face of millions of this is peter paul. and i can find this additional include up to the life of our international new center in moscow. this is the welcome to the global news also. so it's a more than
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a full $1400.00 euclid and soldiers have been killed since key launch is encouraged him into russia to he's got now that's according to most goes defense ministry straight on the incline in service of being killed in the past 24 hours game is also in kansas diverting losses of equipment with 2016 units of all the vehicles destroyed. that include 6 times 3 plus and l carriers. i have a 17 comb button vehicles and eliminated all the sacrifices of yields get its results. as you claim in fulls is a failed in their attempt to push further into rushes because region of the english i've traveled to one of the towels and i've been drilled heavy effects blanket forces. i'm filed the civil war. this is the very city center of uh, the town of cum skia, but you can see the state, it has been left him. ukrainians had been selling it with everything that they had more to as a taylor
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a using may to made brown. this is one of the cluster munitions that did not explode. as you can imagine, the russians did not have and do not have any positions here in the city center. so the ukrainians, they have been using all that 5 power to hips a strictly civilian area. right here it says it has entail the us and i'll listening to him and this days have been a the great in the folds on his surgery, the bunch of them has do with methods. a survey is advised that the keys menissi folding incursion is us ready to open. we probably support the crowds operations curse if not, why not? look again or, or continue to have the discussions with ukrainians in terms of their, their focus. you heard president, so once you say it was to create a buffer zone, so we're, we're having those conversations to learn more about what their objectives are. again, if you take a step back from the us perspective,
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our focus continues to be enabling ukraine to be a free and southern country that can deter russian aggression in the future. and so that means that continues to be our, our focus. but when it comes to what they're longer term objectives are here, that's something that we're still discussing with them. according to available information, the operation of the armed forces of ukraine and the cursed region was prepared with the involvement of the security agencies of the us. britain in poland, military advisors from nato countries are helping with the coordination of the invading units and with the use of western weapons by the ukrainians, largest so forth coming in kind of one. a woman was killed by input in guns and took expenses on a civilian vehicle in the course really didn't really had phone a full us apples that phone cut off. she said sometimes in washington were well aware of the finding cogent interruption. the 1st time i don't believe that the us
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was as surprised by this invasion as they say they are. i don't, i don't think that the, i think elements of the united states department of defense and intelligence community were aware of it. i think they're trying to push russia into an over reaction or a kind of response in ukraine that would revive nato enthusiasm for supporting ukraine. because we know that enthusiasm is, is a drawing up. the money is drawing up and the willingness to support ukraine in this battle is, is diminishing. we know from the very beginning, from even before 2014, that the united states has been heavily involved in every aspect of ukraine's politics and it's military and the strategic and tactical decisions that ukraine makes. so we already know the united states is directly involved and has been they,
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the state sees ukraine as a battering ram with which to beat russia. that's been their goal from the very beginning. part i so as i said is out to the afternoon concept where people have taken to the feet of new jazz to speak out against q support for terrorist groups in africa. crowds gathered in and it has capital amazing, the national flag as well as a rustle, one of the legs with some of the see with moscow and opposition to cues meddling in the region for the south it out. but the thing is a terrorist thing, but it goes offensive. it's west by new jersey. what is molly? i look, you know, faster and enjoyed complaint to the un security council here. as you can support for terrorist groups. recently they, you put in official methods, the keys involvement in them, attack them, but i'll try the militants again,
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small in government and russian lawgroup forces. those 3 west african nations have emphasized that keys, actions are a threat to the region. we are sending you this letter to denounce the open and assume support of the government of the republic of ukraine for international terrorism in particular in the saw how these acts also constitute a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states. a characterized aggression on all countries. we call on the security council to take responsibility for ukraine's deliberate choice to support the scourge of terrorism . the rejection of which is unanimous internationally in all its forms and manifestations. in this ms. hutton is a model in between a false. so make reference to the comments off his spokesman for the crating between intelligence who has admitted collaboration with private labels in the northern marty. this, the house state say that those comments olga statements were confirmed by that you created an investigator to cynical as well openly and without the slightest doubt
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expressed. he's conscious support to full international tubes and particularly in this the whole reason. the way to say is it is even worse, back to these senior ukraine and officials of publicly announced as the results to come. what you mean by how you craze. military intelligence recently claimed to have had a role in domestic boost, killed russian fights is operating alongside marty and forces a marty. and that's a kind of assess and has no spot to be is the parts of africa might become a proxy was old as a result of ukraine. but off to seeing that to monday and new z cut to diplomatic ties to degrade aquino fossil condemning the 5 into attack. an echo is expressing it's a strong disapproval of your credit is attack kills. it has back tracked on his own statements. bishop of the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against the russian war criminals. the whole world has
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already seen this and principal. this can be commented on. we certainly will not disclose any details, but let's say there will be a continuation to it is uh, the transitional government of the republic of molly has decided to sell a diplomatic relations with ukraine without conducting the photo study of the facts and circumstances of the incident. in northern molly as well as without providing any evidence of few grains involvement in the specified event. let's. so from modeling is amplitude of us. so also comes just a week off the ukraine said to russia, influence molly and easy to cut to co magic ties of t of savings that miss a and model is decision. a august, we're not made by those countries are known as city waiting that russia had had to those decisions have a listen to this kind of as little as it was the to ukraine has expressed its position on these decisions by malia and to share. we decided to cancel organizations against the supporters of international terrorism. this is
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a part of the russian narrative russian propaganda creating this image as a few crane is involved in some kind of terrorism. these 2 countries have made their decisions in a haste and not far sighted manner, and without providing any essential evidence without studying the cause. we all understand perfectly well that these countries, 3rd ties with the russia. how much of these countries depends on russia. of course, we understand that these decisions were made not only by these countries, but bosco's position has been very clear from the beginning and it stands firm and its support for all initiates, is aimed at combating terrorism. added, convince, such as every form and context. in fact, he has what the far in the phase spokeswoman has said off the news is used to cut ties with 2 of the severing of diplomatic relations with ukraine by the 2nd african country already clearly demonstrates the growing understanding by the continent states of the terrorist nature of the key of regime moscow has repeatedly drawing
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the attention of the international community to the relevant facts. as you can just imagine, what the reaction of the width would have been like, what even the mainstream media, if for things where the other way around, and as many a car into saying it is fucking that you create his actions and ask because i've not been strongly or even widely condemned by the international community, another stockton case off of double standards in the dealings with care of and moscow indeed. and as these african countries, i've been saying, ukraine has violated the sovereignty of african states. and the international community is not doing anything about that. it's very disappointing, in fact, where you can see the price so hard to, to get support from africa was supporting terrorism at the same time. why do i have the news out of this stone? and also it also has a 7 tides with the most cool pub feel kit that comes as a bone said country is interior mess it says listen to is is
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a threat to the national security favor. think his pilot possum load the fact so branding, then you can also search with some claim has kept top ties to must go how well not to m p's agreed with that move. the ordinary portions was the same today that ukrainian parliament has made a fatal mistake. by voting in favor of banning the ukrainian orthodox church. and this mistake without any doubts, will cause tragic consequences for the entire ukrainian people. just no loss can prevent us from frame visiting temples defending our faith. there are no obstacles to this, just as there were none for the lord. the divide of christian also don't see any quinn is affecting more than 20000000 people throughout the country. that is, since the creation of the new key of civil the orthodox church of your credit in 2018. following the west soon back to against the pre was the pro russian
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government. now to says the new choice was intended to move away from moscow's influence. but since it's establishment, when you quit in church, has received massive support from the local government provost days we'll see is from the traditional judge and transferred to a new one without pollution from the colors. now, this was the dispute between, i say, between the 2 intelligence erupt, it in 2022. when russia began as mid feet operation, hundreds of police were detained and accused of being trained to violent inquiry. and i thought his that is, this was especially costing his ties was most good. but yeah, files of houses of worship were rated by police. the search is conducted throughout modest res, i'm of the holy sites. mostly the says cave is creating, violating international renewal,
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as well as the premiums own legal code. okay. manager, california legitimate zelinski is not that reasoning by the hands of its extreme is this comes up being repressions against the clergy of the you. coordinating orthodox church and violence, lee seizing it's religious sites. this monstrous actions by the illegitimate users of kids violate the stipulations of a number of international human rights of courts and the laws of ukraine itself. by all the rides of the agreement, orthodox church, and millions of orthodox believers in this country must be restored and the perpetrators must be punished. people are afraid to just stand up to those even better. understand how to sign up to this regime to the lots of pressure to because it is a manufactured who goes out for churches. they will, the prosecutor will be sort of prisons, maybe around information from the united nation, just need something more than 11000 political prosecutions are happy. and frank, today,
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the so called democracy of the world's finest and watch. and this process of the church and banning of the grant orthodox church today is new all coordinated by washington because they're the ones or will put on the so called chief executive church. and we'll see you there. but try to push on the idea of the church and destroy the ties to be free. and russell looked for the 5000 years. the orthodoxy, the frame when russian orthodoxy are connected with a 1000 your history and yours just a couple of years before the was one, it started, they wanted to west point to push this destruction to their nations. and this is what happened today. they're going to ask the questions, the brain orthodox functions and everything else. the other church, it's, i don't know for sure orthodox churches thought officially supported by the people . only people are free are with now. i look forward to dr. questions on the bring. what does that search to go to the place of worship?
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their churches are being fans church to be taken over by the look to governments with the support of the security service of the point and the local police. the people are locally or developed supporting this at all. it's always important only by the government entities, wireless changes. now the government and government, lo, i, the one they just said it had shed information when long ago about the notes the sub with the amounts, according to this day, the statement from russell for mfc. so someone, maria, so heard of it, it should do. at the beginning of setting up the official spokesperson from the german foreign ministry, sebastian fisher said, the berlin is allegedly exchanging some information with russia about the terrorist attacks carried out in september 22 on north street one and nordstrom, 2 gas pipelines. with this statement, the german side obviously tried to cause doubt on the validity of the claims that were put forward by the russian side, against the german authorities. regarding their refusal to cooperate in the investigation of this crime,
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it is the ultimate as necessary to emphasize the dimensions of words. but mister fisher were completely untrue. let's say this simply to make it easier for the translators to translated into german. it was a lie. by let's get more details on this from all to come to the right. so in laws and rachel, good to see. all right, so what else can you tell us about this mess? so can you break it down for us please? it's yeah, germany is long been saying that they've been keeping everyone involved in the loop on this north stream ordeal and they're investigating a bit russia now says that bogus and just so happens with just last week. polish officials said the berlin did such a uh, bang up job of keeping them in the loop. the germany couldn't even be bothered entering the details of their so called main suspect into the border patrol database. so as a result of not being flagged on the polar side,
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that suspect ended up leaving poland and see he into ukraine. this mysterious ukrainian, vladimir z, berlin's top suspect, who may say was living in poland, teaching deep sea diving by day, and according to their latest official narrative blowing up major infrastructure as the ghost of the baltic sea in his spare time, i guess like some kind of a marvel movie villain. so berlin thinks it's keeping poland and russia apprised that everything that's going on. maybe germany should check their draft folder because it doesn't sound like anyone's actually getting anything or at least maybe turned on their red receipts. so they can prove that they've actually sent anything out or been in contact with anyone about this. meanwhile, a bunch of dodge, m, p. 's are now asking their government if it's still cool to be seen being all by the, by the, with ukraine in light of germany's nordstrom findings. do
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you agree to the few crane were indeed behind this attack that cannot remain without the consequences for relations between the netherlands and ukraine. are you prepared to reconsider this relationship as well? it turns out that even germany who's infrastructure was blown up and it's cheap russian energy in industrial competitiveness along with it is still looking for ways to keep the cash rolling into p as even with the budget problems that germany currently has. yeah. because who wouldn't go either their way to help out the neighbor who was caught slashing their cars, tires. well, not your neighbor himself, just some people he had over one night got drunk type this crazy idea to go do that . well, your neighbor tried to stop them, but they just wouldn't listen then. well, what are you going to do? right? that's the story. now essentially that zalinski and the c i a tried to talk the
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drunken ukrainian officers and the guy in charge of them out of doing all this, but the lives these former top generals, illusion e when road and just let them do it any way. we're supposed to believe so. busy zalinski punished the lose you need it because it was really upset about this. how do you do that? my main thing in the bass are to great britain. even rushes and bass or to the un doesn't sound like he's buying any of this. only a child or a very nice person can believe that 3 i'm going to die was i'd be find these the last. so those will promote these fairy tale. i want to create this most screen. their own confessions of us stop officials in the sub a dash of the north stream, which are widely known. actually only one thing is clear. germany has important information about these terrorist effect. we should chairs withdrawal noise,
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but come seals from the secuity causal to germany has taken over 2 years to figure out who gets treated to a tire track. massage, who gets tossed under the wheels, and the best way they've been able to come up with is that it's ukraine, but only, well, some random yahoo, who's in ukraine, that no one could really matters to reelect and then really it's not their fault. right? pretty tough story swallow for the check, present it to apparently you don't remember who might have no clear incriminating information, that it was true to ukraine, that was behind the attack. when an armed conflict is waged, it's waged not only against military targets, but also against objects of strategic nature. pipelines have strategic purpose. if the attack was aimed at cutting off costs applies to europe on money to russia, then that would be a legitimate purpose. but i do not have that information paul is a prime minister,
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chimed in just the other day and said that journey has messed all of this up so badly that they should really just quote, apologize and keep quiet. but look, if they did that, then it would deny the western press the opportunity to write more episodes or even maybe a whole new season of this plot hole red and thriller that a lot of people already hitting the off button on. yeah, it really is a drama, isn't a, obviously you come to the, the original mazda and that with all the details. thanks for the updates for you as well as them. so protests as put these are also those jews craft. although these are the same dragging the site is off the street beating them with the taller than use it was that kind of do this. first of the writing is the old lies the voice outcry against the idea of seeking more calls. good from the we're in god's up. oh, think on doing the rolling button and send us this report from the scene,
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the the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, to jerusalem on the induction center. they also want to ask choose from. so you saw me today by the blocking traffic, the trying to store the eviction center. there again, so sort of busy i rather live under a power so the government there are against injunction into the army even after
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october 7th. they say they'd rather die than going to be army the for the past year, there's been a lot of conflict between the different branch of the government. did you additional, the legislative executive and the traditional courts have ruled that also about use do have to be conscripted into the army. so where was the last or decided and the court has now being set on the streets of jerusalem, tells it to various and other cities throughout the country. they have in the army units that can be made compatible browser or the last 2 such as netflix and hulu. the uh, but the hard corner towards the box will not accept any kind of compromise any kind of time, but spend a way from studying. so is not considered acceptable to them, so no one really knows which direction is heading right now. there's a lot of fighting on the streets to prevent the orthodox from hing conscripted into the idea of this is robbie been reporting from jerusalem. a top indian official has express concerns about what drives,
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particularly american companies, apple and the amazon dominating inc. homeless volunteers in the south asian country . i don't see it as a matter of pride and have a market may become part of an electronic commerce network. 10 years from now, it is a matter of concern. when amazon says we're going to invest a $1000000000.00 in india, we forget this $1000000000.00 is not coming for any grace service or investment. the simple being in economy. how many miles sold? do you see now in the corner? and how many was that 10 years ago? what are those mobile stores? will only apple or the larger taylor sell mobile phones and the accessories? coma submitted a set of phone calls about the imbalances and feeling a relatively small local legends and major global retailers from the west in grow intention to what he described as
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a predatory pricing policy by foreign companies. last year, amazon said it would increase his investment in the country to $26000000000.00 by 2030. but the calmness of the as a, had already expressed similar concerns. back in 2021 was the value to a think of stuff up found us on zoo issue a side view of thanks so much for joining us here. so interesting story is on. i mean, 1st of all isn't spent in splendid so growth both for an e commerce funds in india, a real matter of concern. well, you know, i need to visit the game. i really didn't think that threats are real or not the real concern on some friends very well the know about i do, i'm going back stores, survive that e commerce back to right. and those are the other concerns. is that some sort of remember that items are in small groups,
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people would talk about that. met the people, how much they so strong. and if, if you really look from the computer perspective, i think a lot of times he wouldn't have really benefited. right. and we didn't as a risky game, and it's on a farmer speeding and risky game. and the comments have made uh, the service easier in a very complex country like india. yeah, it certainly is very interesting that to some, given a big, big tech guy. and then of course of, uh, got the thing is, you know, a lot of pies all day affecting local retailers. i mean, do they get an offensive? they get hit the hardest that would be some effect light source. it will start to it's a really looking at start looking at the, around the liter. bye. right. and in terms of the retail, by the shared off,
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the big dec. uh, they probably had the wrong would have what, having please. but if you really look at the monitor or say the market has also been on. so in that sense, i'm not very sure if uh, if uh, a small retainer has not delivering or they have seen seem be good. if they have seen the group. and so he had an apple, samsung, i would bring anything on the finger side which is green and the base at which india has to interview for the next 20 years. i don't see much of a good i exceed the next 1520 years ever as a, as a space. but as an economy where bread big, big and small retail store can survive off thought about, you know, in about 1015 years. you know that the shift room starting, affecting the smaller plan. there's interesting, yeah, she said do the, i mean i've been to a, i've talked about this with other yes before. when we talked about how big take
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tend to do business, perhaps they didn't, they didn't pay the taxes in india. do you think? does that money go back into the government? no, that's. so that's a tricky uh question for me. but if you really look at the structure of the government of india has designed what it says that is throughout our platform like amazon, you can not to be to see direct selling to the dealer. right? so essentially you can move on, amazon is built into our customer in india sate farm. let me give or amazon and let's say you are a customer in india, then pipe interface for the platform and like paperback policies to amazon and back to the business model. now i, i still claim that the platforms were to be moved to a very good profit or i would still in the imagine that the i didn't big losses
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because we have spinning investment space. so. so in that sense, i don't think of any other big tech would be paying much taxes. so why would think the comma samantha be so concerned about the extra $0.20 and $1000000000.00, but we're going to be invested in india. i think the concern that's going to affect the look in the last 15 minutes or so. right. or maybe 1012 years or so. amazon would have already invested our $10.00 to $7000000.00 by $1000000000.00. now we're in the red, one of the, in the next 56 years they are saying that they're going to be mean be i'd be willing to invest in india and they're going to invest more light, which means that they're going to take mary office and have them fix motor off if i'm disabled, to see some profit down the line so, so, so in, in the sense they fight over commerce minister. what i will see that was, that was on the same day and there is in this with the lead to it by now is it is 10 percent,


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