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tv   News  RT  August 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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the, the, the russians did not have and do not have any positions here in the city center. so the ukrainians, they have been using will that 5 power to hips. a strictly civilian area are 2 reports on the bottom of the cruise region, which has been copying on the ukrainian attack. and that's us, us. acknowledge it. it's been handing out advise to p a over the in kasha when it comes to what their longer term objectives are here. that's something that we're still discussing at and voice saying that wrong. protest is in ms. yeah. make a stand against creating support for tara groups in the region, and that's i have several west african nations take the matter to the united
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nations, the both of the jews class with the police. and these are all over the idea of gland to force members of your community to fighting guys at the . but this is our to international are reaching you from our new center in moscow. i have mike, a quick chat with the updates. now, soon as your crane launch days in caution into russia, 2 weeks ago, he has lost more than 4000 troops. and that's according to moscow's defense ministry. it's not just troops key this losing but the equipment to a 26 almost vehicles have been destroyed, clued in sixpence 3, personnel carriers and 17 combats vehicles are these ego stan of reports from one
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of the towns that on in the old heavy attacks by you create in forces a while and this is the very city center of the town of comes key of the key. you can see the state has been left in the ukrainians, have been selling it with everything that they had more to as a taylor a using nato. made brown, this is one of the cluster munitions that did not explode. as you can imagine, the russians did not have and do not have any positions here in the city center. so the ukrainians, they have been using all that 5 power to hips a strictly civilian area. now process as it has entail that the us and all the need to remember states had been eating ukraine and it's in crushing. the pentagram is even admitted to giving advice. is the us ready to open? we probably support the crowds operations curse if not, why not?
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look again or continue to have the discussions with ukrainians in terms of their their focus. you heard president, so once you say it was to create a buffer zone, so we're, we're having those conversations to learn more about what their objectives are. again, if you take a step back from the us perspective, our focus continues to be enabling ukraine to be a free and southern country that can deter russian aggression in the future. and so that means that continues to be our, our focus. but when it comes to what they're longer term objectives are here, that's something that we're still discussing with them. according to available information, the operation of the armed forces of ukraine in the kirk region was prepared with the involvement of the security agencies of the us. britain in poland, military advisors from nato countries are helping with the coordination of the invading units and with the use of western weapons by the ukrainians. now while the us has acknowledged it's becky backing off the t of border offensive some in the
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west, the sounding the alarm over escalating pensions. they tanya and deputy prime minister and head of the right wing populous league, has one that promoting additional hostilities, including stripes on russian soil, could push the weld over the edge humanitarian, the military aid to enable ukraine to defend itself has always been approved by the lee this off to the part of you to a dramatic will complete, re sending weapons to strike and killed also on russian territory. he said these uh, because uh, he knows the, the majority of, uh, the young uh, cds and uh, he's not to agree with the decision to send the web phones. do crating the expansion, if they use bad my to striking side the russian territory. you're all there are many, many voices though. uh. a leader. uh like, uh the,
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the main uh when you go to your uh, vehicle in, uh, i was lucky. i bought the ford so uh some uh, do we park these like kind of been before deutschland, uh, in uh, in germany. uh and uh, many, many other uh who are uh, more and more uh, disagree with the, the police is that he pulls uh to the government, the buy in from sales and washington. we bought it on the border of the global. com for the, the data. uh will be a completely distraction, especially for the european calling in the uh that is why is the frequent one this then the uh why the ruling and go over. i mean, visa. yeah. and uh, one so uh that you will be on
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a con threes that doesn't do uh not so you can get to a void the visa, a terrible shadow, not long professor at the university of california. we'll go my to a believes that the supply of the tale in weapons to your trade is unconstitutional, considering the conflict is a need to approximate war against iraq. soon. i a diagnostic to show. and i thought, because 11 precludes anybody from be involved in wars that are not directly wars of defiance of its own borders. so there are no reason whatsoever why the police should be providing web funds to your brain from the very, from the very beginning. right now what is happening is that the change of the aust, your brain, the, we can talk about the change of bonds are in these ink, ink car, show me the interaction. batteries already have steak and they way also the arguments that was developed at some point in dpi. yeah. but i mean these scores
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back inside these, these are more of the files of but your brain. and therefore you can have what you make like in a way that these goes into somebody compatible the ukraine to defend themselves. but the want is very clear that these needs not just a matter of the spending the ukrainian borders, but we're talking about the, the phone flash conflict that has very complex reasons that are not at the jazz that limited to the needs of defiance of a smaller accommodate towards the bigger one as the main, simpler by god. that was a lie. but it has to do with actually go see during the amount of the proxy proxy of this war. this is not the water of your brain. this is why, perhaps the war, the united states, towards the russia in a way to actually do you stop the lives of the government and the presidency of these, the of these are going to be and let's go to offer,
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can now people have taken to the streets of nature, to speak out against you, create and support for terrorist groups in africa. crowds gathered in a capital accusing key of meddling in the region. these j along with molly and book, you know, 5, so of now last the joint complained to the un security council, again, the 3 in support for terrorist groups. he comes after a rainy and official admitted to p, as in boy mentioned the mid attempt to attack against bobby and government and the russian wagner group forces. those 3 west african nations have emphasized but key of actions all river threats to the region. we are sending you this letter to denounce the open and assume support of the government of the republic of ukraine for international terrorism in particular, in the saw how these acts also constitute a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states. a characterized aggression on all countries. we call on the security council to take
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responsibility for ukraine's deliberate choice to support the scourge of terrorism . the rejection of which is unanimous internationally in all its forms and manifestations. in this ms. hutton is a model in taking a false. so make reference some of the comments office spokesman for the crate. and with the 3 intelligence who has admitted collaboration with target quibbles in the northern marty. this the house state say that those call me is the full glass statements, were confirmed by the creating an investigator to cynical as well openly and without the slightest doubt expressed his punches, support to full international tubes. and particularly in this, the whole reason. the letter says it is even worse, back to these senior ukraine and officials of publicly announced as the results to come. what you mean by how you craze. military intelligence recently claimed to have had a role in the mass of i'm boost killed, russian fights is operating along side, marty, and forces a marty. and that's a kind of assess and has no spot to the is the parts of africa might become
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a proxy was old as a result of ukraine, but also seeing that to monday and new z cuts of diplomatic ties to do trade, aquino fossil condemning the violent attack and echo is expressing it's a strong disapproval of your credit is attack kills. it has back tracked on its own statements. bishop of the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against the russian war criminals. the whole world has already seen this and principal, this can be commented on. we certainly will not disclose any details, but let's say there will be a continuation. oh, it is uh, does the transitional government, the republic of molly has decided to sell a diplomatic relations with ukraine without conducting the photo study of the facts and circumstances of the incident in northern molly as well as without providing any evidence of few grains involvement in the specified event lives. so for
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modeling is in potato fossil also comes just a week off the ukraine said to russia, influence molly and easy to cut to come out to the ties which you have seen that miss a and molly's decision. a august, we're not made by those countries alone in the city waiting that last year i had, hadn't seen those decisions. have a listen to this, kind of as little as it was the to ukraine has expressed its position on these decisions by molly, in the chair, we decided to cancel organizations against the supporters of international terrorism. this is a part of the russian narrative russian propaganda creating this image as a few crane is involved in some kind of terrorism. these 2 countries have made their decisions in a haste and not far sighted manner, and without providing any essential evidence without studying the cause. we all understand perfectly well that these countries, 3rd ties with the russia. how much of these countries depends on russia. of course, we understand that these decisions were made not only by these countries, but was position has been very clear from the beginning and it stands firm and is
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support for all initiates, is aimed at combating terrorism added conditions such as it reform and context. in fact, he has what the far in the phase spoke to me and has said often uses used to cut ties with care of the settling of diplomatic relations with ukraine by the 2nd african country already clearly demonstrates the growing understanding by the continent states of the terrorist nature of the key of regime moscow has repeatedly drawing the attention of the international community to the relevant facts. as you can just imagine what the reaction of the width would have been like, or even the mesa media, if things were the other way around. and as many a car into saying, it is shocking that you create his actions and ask because i've not been strongly or even widely condemned by the international community. another stocking case off of double standards in the dealings with care of and moscow indeed. and as these
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african countries, i've been saying, ukraine has violated the sovereignty of african states, and the international community is not doing anything about that. it's very disappointing in fact, where you can see that try so hard to get support from africa. well supported terrorism at the same time. now retired military captain and security consultants id got a bi straight, who says that the u. n. needs to pay close attention to the situation on the african continent. a nother too great. it seems that it does give us support to the for the, for the money our rebels provide, i guess, is fitted wilmont. then it just, it was pointing in, uh, you know, a conflict that is once international mitchell is an international conflict, and this would be something that should give a worries to the united mitchell or did you not to initial security cause. now how most of that was, oh wow. you seem uh well, you agree? i mean, uh molly need yet. i'm booking a freshman now they have a union among them which says that a tap on one is mostly a tech one the other. so by the simple attack on monday,
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i would get an actual and the data they me and also see that have been attract. so this is a very serious, you know, of a development african countries. they will not look to see any from the world that just happened in the point to me. so you can see a property of them from the complaint made by monday, i'm looking at possible the community of west african states. it won't do it. this countries have suspended them, but you, it was what came out and clicked as high as this environment or you could in, in uh, an ipad that is practically money especially i'm going to be. so not only this companies in the region, well, african countries we should threaten that the appointment is going to be turned into a venue for, for, for prophy will have independent british jointly says that he is being persecuted for doing his job. and that's out that he was detained at an airport in london onto the terrorist terrorism at all because of his reporting,
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which on the bed hall says that the way he was treated to was a borderline validation of his human rights. the investigation is still ongoing. so i'm, i'm, i was arrested and then released on bail. so i'm waiting to see if i'm going to be charged. some people seem to be very upset with my reporting. i've tried to provide a counter wait, a counterbalance to what is being said by the bbc, what is being said by the mainstream media about the middle east. so throughout my, my journalistic career, and i think this is upsets a lot of people in the political, in the media establishment. and this is an, you know, it's an alter political persecution the way that i was treated as the united states is borderline violation of human rights. i mean, i don't want to dramatize it of course, but sending 6 police officers, one of them in, you know, tactical gear into the plane. you know, half of them step the steps into the plane and put me in handcuffs. you know, i was gonna have to wait hours for water, you know, put in a, an,
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a cold cell that smells like you're in. i mean, the conditions are really horrific. and i'm not just saying that because it happened to me. i'm speaking generally. no one, no one should be in these conditions. this is, this is the behavior that the united kingdom consulate uses other countries of doing. but as a matter of fact, a violation of freedom of depressed and attacking journalists is, is a very, very real thing in england. i saw that when i covered julian his on his case and that was happening to me. i'll be in a different phone. but since the 1st case of permanent voice is be investigated in the west, any of this month and the f b i rated the home of the ex un weapons inspector, scott ritter in connection with the federal investigation of the rate is said to have taken place the day after which i met with independent presidential candidate, robert kennedy ginia, and now was during hearings on whether kennedy should be included on the new new york ballad. in june, the retail was also prevented from taking
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a flight from the us. he was dropping to take part in the st. petersburg economic farm us and also in the august the f. b, i rated the virginia home owned by political comment data. dimitri signs a soviet born us national science gulf. um, he said not being officially notified of any f b i such as of his property and he hasn't visited the us for a long time. richard met hoss again, believes that the rest of john list and such as all the homes is a watering trend. it is a trend it and it's a scary it, it's a terrifying trend because what, what's, what they're trying to do is make examples of us in different ways. i'm going home to england and then they use the terrorism act against me or scott, is it? he's at home in the us and then they come and read this house. they, they, they were afraid that people are going to listen to alternative media to independent journalists and free their minds, you know, and the answer they want. well, what was that?
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what the british government are trying to do, and what the us government are trying to do, and is really trying to do is, is to have one narrative in anybody who dies, you know, divert, so diverges from that will be punished and made an example out of and i must say something that you know, uh, what happened to scott: uh, it really, you know, resonated with me because he was as sort of a similar background with the united nations. you know, he was, he worked as a weapons inspector with the un. my parents worked with us when we have nothing to do with terrorism, we're all from the diplomatic community. we oppose terrorism, we're against terrorism. you know, i, myself, i was a victim of terrorism when we were posted in, as one of our, you know, the, the egyptian embassy adjacent to my school, the bridge school was blown up. so i was there. so you know, the idea that scott's or the i a, a support terrorism is ludicrous with a lot of people on us who would support terrorism will be become terrorist. and 2, e's real it out. they have been valid and seems as police class with orthodox jews or forward. these were seen driving demonstrate as all the streets and beating them
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with bathrooms and using water, kevin, to dispatch them. other riley's with cold in protest of, of the idea of seeking more conscripts for the watering guys that are to contribute to the bottom and sent us the support the the, to jerusalem on the induction center. they also want to ask choose from. so you saw me to choose added to a model of blocking traffic. we are trying to store the eviction center where against this database really i rather live under a part of the government. there are against injunction into the army even after october 7th. they say they'd rather died and going to be armies the
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with the past year. there's been a lot of conflict between the different branch as a government, did you additional, the legislative, the executive and the traditional courts have ruled that also have to use do have to be conscripted into the army. so where was the last or decided and the court has now been fed on the streets of jerusalem, television to various and other cities throughout the country. they have in the army units that can be made compatible products or orthodox jews, such as netflix, the, who, the are. but the hard part towards the box will not accept any kind of compromise. any kind of time is spent away from studies or is not considered acceptable to them . so no one really knows which direction is heading right now. there's a lot of fighting on the streets to prevent the also effects from being conscripted
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into the idea of this is robbie been reporting from jerusalem. right in the us, so noisy pro palestinian demonstration took some of the shine away from the 2nd night of the democratic national convention in chicago. the the demonstrators gathered outside but you do any consulate to the city waving father, stevie and slides and chanting. support for gather attentions bought over early in the day when the american flag was born. a number of arrests were made a human and labor rights lawyer done cover like who attended the late as it pro palestinian protests. believe that the convention has become legal more than a 2nd, a protest against the democratic more just like the protest against the vietnam war
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. this is clearly bites words. now here's the, you know, these are people out here. we like normally vote for democrats, but we're going to protest. there are 2 at his side, and it's very similar to what happened and 68 with the protest against the president johnson's warranty. and the d. n. c, just the dog and pony show. obviously it's not a sign of the healthy democracy. 5 it's dave and tech terrace. you didn't run in the primaries by and barely won because ran because they didn't run against anybody . this is not democracy. they've tried to silent small. the oppositional voice is they're trying to shut down 3rd party candidates like kill stein, bobby kennedy, and the, the sales the candidates. there's nothing. a chronic about this process whatsoever
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. now, recent polls suggests how is currently leads trump. but political commentators speculating web i, she'll be able to keep hold of that advantage through to the election day. fort lines co host on reduced put, make jamal's thomas. believe the many of the problem is made up of the democratic convention wouldn't necessarily be carried through this meeting doesn't really have anything to do with democracy. to be fair. like you must citizen. what they say is not necessarily to missouri with what they do. i give an example of gives a fantastic speech, and in that speech he makes the point of saying, we believe in peace. we believe in democracy, we believe in, etc, etc. so he's saying this in the context of a campaign where during obama's own term obama was instrumental and it will be through the training government. it was his administration that presided over the destruction of the article, which government and democratically elected government. those double bond from
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senate in syria, almost instrumental tried to over throw shell beside the syrian government if it was before around and recommended in order to basically prevent terrace and taking over the country. it would most likely fall. it doesn't stop obama from screaming democracy, despite the fact that he's willing over the real governments when it suits him, livia against things like bridges, country that you have this indignity of a black president presiding over of slavery with it, putting blacks and traits that has nothing to do with the bottom of a stadium a we believe in democracy, we believe it, freedom, etc, etc. it shows that they say what they do is something different in print. exactly. that's what matters or policy doesn't often factor into the way americans vote. not all of this columns as come of that harry is, is all for sure they've been named as the democratic parties presidential now many body serves no one told the printed as a program includes
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a number of pledges for what is referred to as job. i didn't 2nd to talk to read about all of that head over to a website r t dot com. the now slot out lie is a that's the damning this small on dismissal by a roches foreign ministry of claims by the german government that he had shared information with moscow about a tax on the north stream gas pipelines. it should do it deliberately upset numbers . the official spokesperson from the german foreign ministry, sebastian fisher said, the berlin is allegedly exchanging some information with russia about the terrorist attacks carried out in september 22 on north street one and the assume to gas pipelines the mention boards. but mr. fisher were completely untrue. let's say this simply to make it easier for the translators to translated into german. it was a lie to you. germany is long been saying that they've been keeping everyone involved in the loop on this in order to stream ordeal. and they're investigating
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a bit russia now says that bogus and just so how does that just last week polish officials set the berlin did such a uh, bang up job of keeping them in the loop that germany couldn't even be bothered entering the details of their so called main suspect into the border patrol database, so as a result of not being flagged on the polar side. that suspect ended up leaving poland and see he into ukraine. this mysterious ukrainian, the vladimir z, berlin's top suspect, who may say was living in poland, teaching deep sea diving by day, and according to their latest official narrative blowing up major infrastructure as the ghost of the baltic sea. and his spare time, i guess, like some kind of a marvel movie villain. so berlin thinks its keeping poland and russia apprise of everything that's going on. maybe germany should check their draft folder because it doesn't sound like anyone's actually getting anything or at least maybe turned
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on their red receipts. so they can prove that they've actually sent anything out or been in contact with anyone about this to me while a bunch of dodge m. p. 's are now asking their government if it's still cool to be seen being all by the, by the, with ukraine in light of germany's nordstrom findings. do you agreed to the few cream were indeed behind this attack that cannot remain without the consequences for relations between the netherlands and ukraine. are you prepared to consider this relationship? well, it turns out that even germany who's infrastructure was blown up and it's cheap russian energy and industrial competitiveness along with it is still looking for ways to keep the cash rolling into p as even with the budget problems that germany currently has. yeah. because who wouldn't go either their way to help out the neighbor who is caught slashing their cars, tires well,
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not your neighbor himself. just some people he had over one night, got drunk, had this crazy idea to go do that. well, your neighbor tried to stop them, but they just wouldn't listen and well, what do you going to do? right? that's the story. now essentially that zalinski and the c i a tried to talk the drunken ukrainian officers and the guy in charge of them out of doing all this, even rushes and bass or to the un doesn't sound like he's buying any of this. only child the very least person can believe that's 3. i'm going to divers, i'd be fine. these the last germany has taken over 2 years to figure out who gets treated to a tire track. massage. who gets tossed under the wheels, and the best they've been able to come up with is that it's ukraine, but only well, some random yahoo! who's in ukraine, that no one could really manage to reelect and then really it's not their fault, right? pretty tough story. swallow for the check, present it to apparently you,
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i don't remember who i have no clear incriminating information that it was true to ukraine. that was behind the attack. when an armed conflict is waged, it's waged not only against military targets, but also against objects of strategic nature. pipelines have strategic purpose. if the attack was aimed at cutting off costs applies to europe on monday to russia, then that would be a legitimate purpose. but i do not have that information. a whole is a prime minister chimed in just the other day and said that journey has messed all of this up so badly that they should really just quote, apologize and keep quiet. but look, if they did that, then it would deny the western press the opportunity to write more episodes or even maybe a whole new season of this class who. busy written thriller that a lot of people are already hitting the off button on a ride to be for their own good top india and official has expressed concerns about the dominance of
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peg giant like apple and amazon. i don't see it as a matter of pride and have a market may become part of an electronic commerce network. 10 years from now. it is a matter of concern when amazon says we're going to invest a $1000000000.00 in india. we forget this $1000000000.00 is not coming for any grace service or investment, the supporting economy. how many miles stores do you see now in the corner? and how many will that 10 years ago? what are those mobile stores? will only apple or the larger taylor sell mobile phones under accessories? now the comma is administer cold out to be unfair advantages. major global retailers have drawing attention to what he described as the predatory pricing policy last year. amazon said it would increase its investments in india to $26000000000.00 by 2030 by the commas administer. i had already.


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