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tv   News  RT  August 22, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the game has little to show for his incursion into russia, of the amount to losses of us could, with his desktops estimated at over 4700. but it was, it also wasn't about implants overnight. content didn't pack on the, the nuclear power plots a lot. you is a major advocate for stable peace in this region. india stance is very clear. this is not an air of war, and is prime is under under movie arrives in poland. so finding a road map from so peace in new right also,
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right the, the us in general, quite a policy laws. the ignores a massive pro policy and demonstration outside is national convention as pro jeff is called for official stock market. got penn. gotta find an exclusive interview. jobs. see the widow, but at least a rainy and present this makes about. so how's the legacy? she says the brand you see were called to solve the finding some program to most c like so. corporation one of mr. racy success is, was to solve sanctions on neighboring ties by a multilateralism. multilateralism was one of the terms that mr. racy used so much to solve this problem for our country and others. the a very well welcome to you from the inside of the international news team and
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coming to live from, let's go, let's take a little to so is this out? a russian, at this time, the systems have something down at least 27 guns in the country. desperately including over the course leading bias of leading to moscow's defense, mentioned that it's set and the claim has last up to full $1700.00 of sold is in the post region alone, including more than 300 in a single day. oh think the english general has the story basically here in the course regions, ukrainians for the past couple of days i've had no success so they've been stopped . they can not move forward so well generally the premiums have been trying to log elsewhere. i give them, but they still have some primitive. what was that have been accumulated on this side of the board now again with the to no avail this time, but the russians. yes, they have seen targets. he's bringing this up on that part of the board. them they have be helping out brushing fruits on the ground here on the 1st regent as well.
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i'm the, it's due to the efforts to a large, to a large proportion that the premiums have the self care and that they have had no, no real military success. on the ground now at the same time do you premiums, they have been trying to create logistical problems for the russian army. and they have been destroying bridges leading to one part of the boat. busy over a key river here in the course region, they have been basically trying to cutoff is that's part of the border from uh, well from a reliable supply from reliable supply routes. now we personally saw one of such bridges leading to the small town of which cove completely destroyed by one of such bones, apparently supplied by may. so there have also being reports of kids using high mas cluster munitions to target on to crossing that. russia is building the next to his board that the enemy try to do a 2nd nuclear power plant overnight. g i a, a has been informed. they promised to send specialists to assess the situation. i
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hope they will do something. now the italian deputy prime minister has said that the ukrainians, using nature made equipments in nature, made weapons against the internationally recognized russian. techy could lead to opening a late and doors. bob's humanitarian and military aid to enable ukraine to defend itself has always been approved by the league this off to the part of you to a dramatic will complete re sending weapons to strike and killed also the on russian territory. but according to the pentagon, the use of these long range nature made mist solves against the territory, but to crane is currently occupying here in the course region is something that they are giving a green light for high checklist and occurs defensive to to the ukrainians. have permission to use, a tech comes to blind, a russian carter offensive into their, into their see your pocket, the capture. so i'm not going to get into ukraine's selection of
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a capabilities is a conduct their, their operations are policy is, is not changed, which is in terms of using a long range straight capabilities to conduct the strike. you know, as you part of say, conducting counter fire, defensive operations across the border is permitted, and i'll just leave it there. but what causes most concern here is that there is a massive nuclear power plant just outside, of course. and it is well within reach of these long range nato supply list cells. so if you praying was to sol gets and to successfully hit that nuclear power plant, which according to russia, is in the plans that could cause a massive nuclear head disaster. the scale, it could be potentially the scale of chernobyl or logic. again, it depends on the severity of the hips. so it also has been the subject of international concern. the head of the international atomic energy agency has said
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that basically he will be visiting soon as a course can play a power plant and to check how the state of affairs there is. so again, there is plenty of room for escalation here, and it could end up in a massive tragedy. so we will be standing by here to report on the developments, the sizes of miles and so on the side of the bullet as in demand in, namely, but into use western web 3 to conduct the long run strikes into russia is foreign policy chief in system that would expedite negotiations to end the conflicts. ukraine's course defensive is a severe blow to russian president putin's narrative lifting restrictions on the use of capabilities versus the russian military involved in aggression against ukraine. in accordance with international law, would have several important effects strengthen ukrainian self defense by ending
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rush essential arie for its attacks on and bombardment of ukrainian cities and infrastructure save lives and reduce destruction and ukraine. help advance piece efforts. hold out. let me so who are the 2 guys who highlighted what was being said here? nathan countries all waging a proxy will, again russia via ukraine and there's no money in the west willing to speak out against it. of india had a sort of a sense of sheet, but that is not authorizing anybody to say what they think. and i think that's a lot of people would like to join the what the mr. sylvia say that, but the only few of them have the courage up to say that what the key of the, the going to the go to the region. that was something that there was a 4 she was suggested by strategies to from west and will be died in the
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constitution. i thought the color 11 precludes 8 that the from be involved in wars that are not directly wars of defiance of its own borders. so there are no reason whatsoever why the police should be providing web funds to your brain from the very, from the very beginning. this is not a war of your brain. this is why, perhaps the war of the united states towards the russia in a way to actually use w lies the government as the president of these, the of these are going to russian souls is have the upper hand on the front lines as the settlement of measure well yeah, in the public has been liberated by britain, the army closer to the team, the districts hub or pop trucks for breaking news, updates and analysis, arriving the russell you claim calls within real time. make sure you follow all websites of c con sites. india is prime minister,
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has arrived in poland to promote way is to resume the land called. but he said his position is clear, the peace must be restored in the region. a part of the, the bypass, the india is the land of buddhist legacy. and when it comes to buddha, it is the police in peace, not war. thus, india is a major advocate for stable peace in this region. india stance is very clear. this is not an error of war. since for the 1st time in 45 years, that in didn't. so i'm in this stuff has landed in portland so significant in that context. but more importantly, the 2nd is to nation wizard is going to be the capital city of ukraine key where he in fact he's going to be meeting with valencia as well as if this me is extremely significant given the back. so remember prime minister now remember what
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he was only a few weeks ago in law school to meet with his friends a lot the met booth and veteran 5 booth. the lead us spend a couple of days together. we sold that during that particular, was it a which again, the timing was it's very important because that's when need to lead us looking, meeting in washington for the needle saw mass meetings and mc trying to give out the message, the well, the gosh as isolated monday saw picture of the morning of both from into submitting the movie and loved the man who's been standing sold or showed us when that since it was a very, very significant. and was it also was it that our, the west we remembered that i'm calling this wizard by the prime minister of india to law school. a huge disappointment using india manages and 0 political being fixed by engaging both with russia as well as the west in india. was position of utility for windmills, phone policy,
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that's not something new. and india reiterated that even for the russia, ukraine conflict fit in the side piece. but it looks like the west 1000 on the stats and it's still one thing. get to pick aside. i've been glad to see again the strength of the international alliances come together to, to support you printer, that it's in its efforts to defend itself. and so i think that's the important the piece here is to try to protect and preserve the international order. we understand india is a long relationship with russia and india has to make it sound determinations about where it's wants to be on, on the scale. so it's interesting because the was one species, but the west is auto key within the pool, which, which is essentially a monthly reports to the con thing to the you need. that's one. we saw the piece on
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the so called the summit, which was inside has a new or in the here are in switzerland. but in fact india send um send it to be present ation. but in the refuse to design a joint statement, simply saying that while both the policies are not on the negotiating table, it just defies the purpose of a nice socials of these talks that we are talking about in india. have the main thing that most of us and of course, can be from, from, from the back of feeling the back to see. but of course, dialogue and diplomacy is the key. what india has best for decades, india had a policy to maintain its distance from all countries. however, the policy of today's india is to have equal closeness with all countries. the india today wants to connect with all today's india, talks about the development of all today's india is in with all and thinks about
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the interest of all. we're proud that today the world is respect in india. as a global brother. it went into us talking about these emails, not only talking for in the i remember you daddy's thought to be the voice of the global south in india, very well realizes that this part of the world is the most impacted by the job, which is 167, west is indeed said, and which is why india has always pressed on and it will lead resolution for peace in the rush, i do queen conflict. so this is a significant with a, by the indian prime minister to keep out of time when tensions between russia and ukraine. i'm saying very high of the indians. yeah. now my folks, as of a rum said throughout the country, it made a power struggle within the government and the nation's highest court. the scenes of tales unfolded
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outside parliament. the purchases tried to plus the rebels embrace the gates were all those pulled out with a non wind. previously the parties would not need at least 20 percent representation in it regionally assembly to feel like candidate for electives. and the president insisted, the amendment was part of the checks and balances of going to cause will not run back to not to pull as more thousands of dollars. traders has gathered outside the house of representative building since 9 am this morning demanding lawmakers to draw their plans to rectify it, saunter virtual version of the election law. however, as we speak right now, dumbest readers have carried on fences trying to get into the house. some already
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to successfully get into the area and then not try only from the main gate, but also try to get into that house from the black gate and facing police officers to try to secure the situation as we speak right now. the clash between the demos theaters and the police are still happening outside the area. as the police have already cleared the area in side, i'm only for journalist and those house of representatives that won't be able to stage inside the power struggles between the parliament and the judy history comes a mid week of dramatic or political developments in the country. 2 days ago on tuesday, the constitutional court being pulled a minimum trash will requirement to nominate 20 days in nature on kinda the elections that will be held on november this year and kept the minimum age limit of
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30 years for and candidates. however, only 2 days after, as we speak to day, the house plan to me and to rectify the new law that would change the results of the constitution. of course, and this is what you mean as are off the damaged readers and pushed them to get into the streets. however, if the house finally has said that they will postpone their after vacation of controversial changes to date, but they will still have time. a few days at had until the registration period for the candidates will be closed next week. this changes what our block opportunities for other kind of days that would not which 20 percent off the trash rules. and this is what i'm good. the people they took on social media last night loving innovation, social media put loop posting, emergency warning. however,
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the people felt bad. this is not enough. there for them was peters gathered in several cities around the country, image of heart as well in several spots. however, the clash only have been in the house of representatives. i just bought from one of the rather peaceful demonstrators in front of the presidential palace as sold out. all the police officers and the securities are focusing on the house of representatives as we speak. because this is one of the biggest demonstrators and also the biggest clash that the country have see in the sense not to told the 19th as a, as, as, as now to gaza. where foot this has it, most of the wounded people being rushed to hospital out and these really so i come on a locked it in and then our bottle, which killed at least 9. a warning,
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disturbing images are i had is due to the influx of hazlehurst space is limited on some weight foot semen sitting on the floor. he went outside, so it's not in the air. it was for you to see the credit has to be in the safe zone . i made the idea continued of pencil. as the cyclists on the central gauze intensified is really busy, has issued a new evacuation order for both displaced in the above. many of them have been sheltering that for months the residence had been advised to flee to the west. however, how soon, se, there's simply no way left to go. look here to the places crowd is weeks, then the people will go see don't go, but they leave it on top of the garbage because there is no place to stay home with them. all. are they going to jump? must again, they go into the ground and dump as the old food us on a bowl and throw us into see there is no space for us to move toward the west side or west. as there is no space. a people are living on the beach,
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even though sitting on an asshole can find space as we don't know where these people can go in. these valley military keeps telling us sleep, come on liberal soccer, but why do we go? we're living like dogs. that's why we sleep in the sandwich, sit on the sand with needs and we're suffering the entire bodies to cover rushes. me why does our highest this biased? the u. s. s. abraham lincoln ad called court carrier, and it's like group to the middle is a made a growing tensions in the region here. first, it shows f 35. 5 is jenson loan. i'm seeing from the war ship. the vessel has been ordered to deploy by washington, which claims it and wants us to provide quote, regionals, the ability all this comes of it. is it wrong? we how the a, the reason coming was, how much need of to the lights and all of the new
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writing present came off to abraham lacy slash died and then heading up to crash back in may we have a tom so sit down with the late prisoners window, she says, one of her, how little success is, was corp with, for the states this bite, less than the factions are even worse. the full interviews throughout the day here on the but for now is a quick review. and i see the one of mister racy successes was to solve sanctions on neighboring ties by a multilateralism. multilateralism was one of the terms that mr. racy used so much . and if you solve this problem for our country and others, the western sanctions didn't allow us to work with regional states including russia . i think one of the reasons why people liked to mr. racy so much is the development during the club and 19 period. people suffered so much from code 19 with us, mr. racy was able to solve this problem by a proper connections with neighbors. we reached a level that we could help the neighboring countries regarding cobit 19. the
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sanctions limit us in the medical field. i remember on raised these last visit to new york, he said, hum, the why don't you let us provide medicine for our special patients or even produced such a medicine? western countries did not are not and won't let us if they are going by their own policy. so we should do it on our own. we need to change some of our policies in response to western countries policy use. fortunately, on the policy sought out by mr. racy were endorsed by the supreme leader and supported by the people o, as in the us, that web pro policy and protests of daven on last for the 3rd day in a row, the voices were clear with charles some by most loving the democratic national convention on the t, as in the us of funding genocide. some of those attending the dnc however, didn't want to hear the message, the, the,
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the, again, the, the, well little insight, some dental plan is that the vision is hardly had any effect on the demonstrations . the medium palm coast to the people saw it all on a march in the area of this in the b and c on wednesday. the thing is being consistent with the prostate. so there and see what kind of fun i'm pulling out. and democrats for being consistent in the war on garza all this. and they also
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bothered passions and police legs and the safety of some of those. the said that we're here to send a message to the dmc because chicago actually has one of the largest palestinian communities in the entire nation. we literally have a place on google called little palestine, and the democratic party will not get our bo, if the genocide and gaza doesn't end immediately. every single week we just see more money and more what than reapproved. and so same thing to us. neither of them are getting our vote until that policy changes byte and said he was a design is child support israel like so i feel like right now what we're trying to do here is just show like at least come on harris, that help her understand our side, together just a protest against the democratic more just like the protest against the vietnam war war and this is clearly binds for it's now mirrors
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and, you know, these are people out here. we like normally vote for democrats, but we're going to protest their genocide and it's very similar to what happened. 68, with the protest against the president johnson's warranty. in up the d n. c, just the dog and pony show. obviously it's not a sign of the house, the democracy. 5 they and tech terrace you did run in the primaries. fine and barely won because ran because they didn't run against anybody. this is not democracy. they've tried to silence all the oppositional voices. they're trying to shut down 3rd party candidates like kill stein, bobby kennedy, and the sales. 1 candidates, do something democratic about this process, whatsoever. is the analysis that will be no investigation into
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a local pop star over his call for violence against policy. and inquiry was only a propos off of the thing i am though, i'm suggesting keeping everyone in gaza invitation for the 7th of august. so, but how much of time muster am i? so we need to wipe out gaza for what they have done. we must not leave even one person there. they are be fair and people who came to murder women and children and babies. it's unbelievable, but i'm sitting at home and crying for several days already. i saw a gable. the thing is over at mazda parts of south africa's genocide case, it gains as well in the international court of justice. a algorithm is not the only problem. is there any whose purpose you called for exterminating power? seems all this was them as a sub here in the countries defends them, is that your god said the people of god, the little quote human animals and these very come on the office has
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a policy that should be in hell without access to drinking water. we spoke with an international politics lecture from indonesia and international islamic university, 57. he said that by allowing permanent individuals to call for debt aside is running. government is trying to normalize it. this is the way how the government tries to normalize the rest of it. in order to make sure that the bc is physically normal for them to say that it seems that there is a kind of a reduction of these ations or perhaps a justification of the blue, something beyond what can be seen as a self defense. because what this star has said is basically jim aside, and that basically the negations that you see, the officials lar, bottom, beside the product list doesn't necessarily for you to, you know,
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leave me these kind of the last 3 of genocide. anything seems that they also tried to pursue these kind of a, not a deep within the public slide show us the mean that there is a kind of a of approximately stations and showing that this kind of an i thought we both genocide is brittany simple. in the, in the probably level 15 made his down on the c bed off of the tying cause, live the refuge of a c p, or the sun come monday off the freestone 5 of the 6 body to the when down with it have now been recovered. wait for pulls of the include boot if tech. so i soon mike lynch along with for others while 50 the all the passages i include survived. sure is co incidence is around him is off. so i raised more questions as lynch's co defendant in a recent
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u. s federal trial died on the very same day of the being hit by a car, while children ought to share those those deeper. well, it has all the ingredients of a hollywood for the tech billionaire, just acquitted in a $1000000000.00 for all trial. the luxury off on a one and a 1000000 storm sinking it off the coast. typically, of course the main stream media or quick to lodge onto the sensational story. a dream mediterranean holiday turn deadly when in luxury yacht caring. v i p's was hit by a water spout, he's been described as britons. bill gates, one of persons, bresner in technology. entrepreneur, the missing included a british tech billionaire whose daughter and 2 americans. now one of the west impressed was happy to tell you that the tech billionaire was missing. there's also plenty they don't seem so eager to talk about, like his shady leads to western intelligence and his key role in developing tech solutions and to shadow we spice sector. the building, they're known as the british bill gates. i've been celebrating his miraculous,
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a cripple, after 12 year legal bottle, with american i. t giant hewlett packard when a freak tornado. if his little 3 crews sinking the boat in seconds and taking a number of people, including lynch himself, he had reasons to celebrate practically no one ever beat a federal criminal case in the us. in fact, the best of half a percent of defendants walk free. he was even expedited to america and put under house arrest there was he awaited his face, while lynch had always maintained his innocence and was apparently all set to put it all behind. it seems that faith had other plans and this is where the story takes an almost unbelievable turn. in a remarkable coincidence. just 2 days before the base in science, the sea bed, lynch's co defended the us fraud trial. steve and chamberlain was hit by a car while out for a room near his home in england. he was taken to hospital and put a live support,
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but he died there on monday the same day as lynch's yacht site gets even creepy. here when you read the names of those, went down with the both jonathan bloomer, a senior us banker from the financial giant, morgan stanley. he and being the star witness for an inch. chris maurice little american prominent lawyer who defended lynch during his trial, but also was on board to do new york. and here's what he wrote right after the acquittal verdict 2 months ago. i am so glad to be home, and i live happily ever off. well, little did he know there's no doubt this string of incredible coincidence as leaves more questions than answers. why wasn't mike lynch, the owner, i'm most familiar with the amongst the survivors. how could to the statistically most try men alive? both meet tragic ends within days of each other in the most improbable ways. in any


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