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tv   Documentary  RT  August 22, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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scott, from what else the rather peaceful demonstrators in front of the presidential palace as sold out, all the police officers and the securities are focusing on the house of representatives as we speak. because this is one of the biggest demonstrators and also the biggest clash that the country has to be in a sense not to tell the 19th news. adjusting k full says have i times a port in a southern russian and some visual survey thing online. so it's loading blowing from the area, but it is a team on location. traffic on the crime in bridge has been halted movie units in. so festival are on highlights, literally bringing all the latest updates as they come in. now over to the us, what pro policy and protests is gathered on last for the 3rd day in
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a row that voices were clear. with charles, i'm, i'm a slamming the democratic national convention and infusing the u. s. of funding, genocide. so those attending the dnc, however, did not want to hear the message. the, the, the, visually just from the class that the government has hardly had any effects on the demonstrate. the
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museum who says the who's solitude off on a ma city, a reno who's in the d n. c. i'm when say the same has been consistent over the past few days. so as, as a, with firefight, i'm pulling out the democrats so being complicit in the war on god all this day off the violent classes of police like to over 50. over some of the said this we're here to send a message to the dmc because chicago actually has one of the largest palestinian communities in the entire nation. we literally have a place on google called little palestine, and the democratic party will not get our bo, if the genocide and gaza doesn't end immediately. every single week we just see more money and more weapon reapproved. and so same thing to us. neither of them are getting our vote until that policy changes by and said he was a design is child support israel like so i feel like right now what we're trying to
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do here is just to show like at least come on here is that for help or understand our side to get around. so this is always good to have a company with us here on, on the internet. so we'll be back in about 30 minutes. we'll see you then the mm mm hm. hi, there have an e mail folder called k k k. the referred
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to your organization as the biggest one is your response around the main guy was right in this world, i guess what i see is just a bunch of homes, right? i imagine overall mobile, our state flags, the biggest sylvia. we're stand up for what we believe was what dr. misty ran into college. there's a don't like it and that's just the from the client they reach christmas. people need to know that groups like this. do still exist at this hate. this ideology is, is in fact behind a lot of the support for the state flag,
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we must awaken white race to mislead, embody damn class. they may have this model, the model is better, just remember one damn thing, why it is not going to stand by. i was more and more this nonsense. just it shows us that when he's had enough your data like your i'm not trying to change the k k case mind. i'm not trying to change the league of the south mind. i'm not trying to change the deck, say alliance says my, and i'm trying to change this opinions that are good. and they said that care about their neighbors that maybe don't fully understand what impact the flag has on the people that are out the last time we saw you, your new orleans,
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what was going through your mind during all that? it was crazy. it was absolutely not something i never thought i'd ever see my laughter, but it happened and you know, i got arrested. so i need to work on most miles. notice that and remote shot that they released on the knees. they asked my ear to ear when i took my shot, cuz i was happy i was proud of what i did. i mean, a southerners are getting tired of this entire being picked out. we get beat down and talk bad about all the time, especially southern people. we talked about being ignorant and everything like that . and, you know, i'm far from england. i'm far from it. i mean, i, i'm an engineer, you know, i might have a little southern draw not talk a little slow, but i'm far from english now. they want to start coming to our identity as southerners, you know, things that way. and that makes us so that you know, such as the competitors think they want to race it and why?
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why want to write something that happened in this country? you know, market you learn from me because any time you write rice's change banner a bit, and that's why i'm afraid i'm saying today is we're fixing to start repeating history and things keep going in the favor rand table. that will be exactly what's gonna happen. the whites are going to be putting family cancer, you know, are going put out the slave labor and the minorities are gonna take over everything, you know. but if it, but my business specialist, otherwise the bank and put up with them they, they, they'd rather die. do you have a sense of where this is or the
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i've condemned to many different groups, but not all of those people. when they are not supposed to believe me, you add people in that group that were there to protest to taking care of them. a very, very important that you are responding to something that they say in the culture that they are agreed. uh huh. i mean, a, i'm not gonna say why people are wrong to, to rally, you know, around their pride in their race because they're biased, allowed to be part of the race that i'm, you know, proud to be wiping. and i'm not afraid to say that why should they? so if they asked me, i would say don't do it at night and they'll do the torches because it doesn't, it looks militant, but that's what they were going to buy. this thing to them. they're thinking back
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to the time we're white's, we're in charge of everything the, i'm glad you became president because a boat out all the hatred and all the racism that was hayden from the well, that made people feel comfortable and like we have a ride. they nice cool by yeah. because the answer, christ haste to show up for jesus to show me. what do you think the last year says trucks done for us? what's your, what's your take on it? it doesn't surprise me. it always has existing here in mississippi. we always have failed. we say it was the, the, the, the hatred deal,
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pression, the systemic racism, institution. we've always have failed my nephews. all over fair black little goals. do you honestly think they had the same opportunities as the little wible? no. i'm a part of the poor people's campaign where we're engaging in 40 days of direct action save with this. so being around vote a separation of mass incarceration, the correction system. craze on the pool. and as a pull argument for an example, parchment was billed on the idea of come, big leasing. so that was just the continuation of slavery.
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they did take in control of those men and women. there's a lot, so you create long stairs when you take away all of them rights, you treat them as a full human. that's what they did back in, in implies they did that, they beat them basically and lead them today for nothing. they just come in and, and beat the hell out of them. so you tell me there is not the ideologies of comparison to keep people in bondage and submit. it's a confederacy dressed up in a $5000.00 to the right. now we had the, the
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the one today, a crew from cbs evening news is coming into a studio. you know, another fun day for an introvert. and and just what are the chances of this flight flying on top of the statehouse, 100 percent? 100 percent? yeah, a new flag for a new mississippi designed by
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a grand daughter of the old. so this that is flag is a hit more businesses fly it in jackson, the state capital then fly, the state, fly out of complete flag source, the status, why god sells the states official flag, florida. one, it is one of the only things that has toxic political environment that has breached parties, transcended the toxicity, and of that i am immensely proud and heavy or restful. i regret the things are moving at a much slower pace that i had ever anticipated. when i 1st got involved with this, and i'm learning just how new on and how low the wheels i've progress here in mississippi, the, it's
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a gallery of the white male, a weight of mississippi. the what is the there's, there's not one for trip honorarium of any sort to a person of color in the state capital. so the white banner, we're playing a big boy now are we are still fine. i just want them to know that we will continue. so fine, so let's be clear, just because you don't see us doesn't mean we're not here.
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the 3 years of passed inside, begin working on this down. the flag of 1894 was still flying above the capital. and it felt like a solution was even further out of reach. like a dream deferred the i wondered where all this anger and frustration with lead, without dialogue or compromise. when those who had the power to solve the problem lacked the courage to do any things have killed so many people. the
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know how they were looking at i was walking into dreamland for dreams come true. we have approximately 10000000 people in california that are risk of becoming on house looks good and then pulls up. some people are working to pretty jobs and still not enough because of the cost of leaving also has increased the coal bags and then still by chance, last year long. the amount of of homeless rose by 12 percent in california.
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the . what's your sense of on the, to be on the part of me, a shame because it's a disgrace, somebody else's ancestors. the same way. i feel this phrase when i i always come in love and when i do anything,
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and i know a lot of people are non like, you know, my mom came in, but he got her jail be got the dial 6. don't know. i don't know, but i do know that until we change the system, nothing else we have to change the face. we can't change the hearts and minds of people believe that it's not a symbol in races. when i left that afternoon, i thought the story was over, and one thing was becoming clear to me. what you believed about the flag depends upon who you are. but there are truths here, and the truth is uncomfortable. the mississippi says stephen,
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from the union to preserve slavery, they said so very clearly. but the soldiers thought for other reasons to their families, their homes, a fierce desire for self determination, the and so we can believe that the confederate flag has brought feelings of pride and affection to generations of mississippians whose ancestors fought and died under. and it's also true that the confederate flag represents a defeated southern nation set in trying the right of a white person to own a black person and its constitution. and that same flag is favored by white supremacists today. so when black mississippians tell us at the confederate flag is a hurtful reminder of the brutal and humane treatment of their ancestors. we can
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believe them too. it's all true. there's both the sacrifice and an injustice that people of good faith can acknowledge the question remains. what would it take to force the reckoning of these troops? nearly 2 years later, in the midst of a pandemic, we learn the answer. the confrontation shows a white police officer with his needs, heading down the neck of the size of the bag. is reminiscent of the dirt garners very same words i can breathe. the
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the nearly 8000 people joined black lives matter, mississippi to march the streets of downtown jackson once in their voices to be heard, not just the same but across the country. the think about it in your name for a minute and $46.00, thanks the queen, the man the
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within hours of the black glass and that a protest pressure in the legislature intensified momentum is building the change mississippi states flag even as the legislative session winds down walmart, as joining in the fight against the state flag announcing it will remove the statewide from its mississippi stores. some of the most influential voice is to remove mississippi flag come from faith leaders across the state. the us marine corps is now banning all the evictions of the confederate battle flag at all marine installations. united states navy plans to fans, confederate flags from public spaces just from every mississippi public university lobby lawmakers to remove the state. person to the governor, debra housman is changing his tune, calling for the legislature to vote on the flag. now,
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it seems like it's coming through ahead with this potential. but to me, it's funny that an event that happens, you know, 1037 miles away from jackson, mississippi is impacting mississippi with an overwhelming vote of 85 to 35. is this the, the law makers, funded in favor on efforts to change of their state flying the call to serve the lives of black mississippians and this moment lead to an unexpected turn. there is a major change to one of the options that could be an alternative to mississippi's current state flags, lawrence doing it as a designer of what has been known as the students flags. it's stepping away from the project in a continued effort to be of service. i'll be stepping away from this endeavor, as i understand the hurt and potential harm. my last name calls, but i'll always continue to fight for mississippi and her people,
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which i consider both a duty and a joy. mississippi needs and deserves a new flag to help make it so. lauren. back at the capital confederate heritage supporters held rallies to express their frustration with the legislature. what do you want me to do? what do you want the legislature to get our flag about allowing citizens most philosophy they wrap this up with mississippi already voted on it 2001 and they just took that away. they ignored and angered betrayal. types look sickness. how can you put finding about
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the firewall to your voice on your boat the tonight i am signing along to turn the page in mississippi. black, 94. the
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to the it's like this is amazing history that we cannot with this and i think as
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a result of this, i would say can be a better place for treasurer. come in always we, in one accord here today, the legislation to change the states flag called for a commission to come up with a new design. the new flag cannot contain any symbols of the confederacy and it must include the words and god, we trust. the commission solicited ideas for a new flag and to receive thousands of online submissions chosen magnolia design with 20 white stars, signified mississippi as the 20th state to join the union. the gold star at the top of the circle represents mississippi's 1st peoples, the indigenous native american tribes of the land that would become mississippi in november of 2020 mississippi folders approved the new design by
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a wide margin. and now our neighbors fly. the new mississippi state flag, the to
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the it's almost almost a pollution in the west, but this whole idea of with my, to the last refrain in that some truth behind it. i mean, think about it for the american $60000000000.00 for the reason. a package, not a lot of money. a lot of money stays within the united states in terms of the defense contract as an a like pulled out money that, you know, they part time, they prolong the war to keep russia busy. you know, this is the, ultimately, this, what the west is doing is on a file, you know, try for the west to take him and the
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game high levels. the show boy thing comes in to rush out on the mounting off is over to this desktop estimated files and $700.00, but then also hold on to about a few things over. i think 10 to the fact i'm nuclear power. meanwhile, as well as the forces towards the the train of sol, tom, closer stories in the ever wisdom among local civilians. one man gave up this time next few ac, evacuating his mother. and then he had to walk 60 gomez's safety as good for the news. the news.


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