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tv   Direct Impact  RT  August 22, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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in palm coast time, so it's the whole salty it off on the law. so the rena hosted in the d. n. c. on wednesday, the theme is being consist of over the past few days. so that seat with a pile of fine, i'm calling out democrats for being can sit in a little more on gaza list and they also violent passes with police, lead to over 50 rest, some of those that said that, so we're here to send a message to the dmc, because chicago actually has one of the largest tell us, send him communities and the entire nation. we literally have a place on google called little palestine, and the democratic party will not get our vote if the dentist item does or doesn't end immediately. every single week we just see more money and more weapon reapproved. and so same thing to us. neither of them are getting our vote until that policy changes, but instead he was a design is child support israel like so i feel like right now what we're trying to
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do here is just show like at least come on here, is that you could help her understand our side hopefully together just a protest against the democratic more just like the protest against the vietnam war . uh, this is clearly binds for its now years and you know, these are people out here who like normally vote for democrats, but we're going to protest their genocide. and it's very similar to what happened in 68 with the protest against the president johnson's warranty. in up the d n. c, just the dog and pony show. obviously it's not a sign of the healthy democracy. 5 dave and tech terrace. you didn't run in the primaries. fine and barely won because ran because it didn't run against anybody. this is not democracy. they've tried to silence all the are i positional voices.
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they're trying to shut down. 3rd party candidates like kill stein, bobby kennedy, and the, the sales the candidates. there's nothing. a craddick about this process whatsoever . the view and security council is currently discussing the situation in the middle east. let us this and then other notice that this in the region including the fruit is mr. ortho, hold on just to feel that's the father undermines business to build and i think mr . chris, i don't a representative of the public school year for the statement and i give the flow to, to present to, to of i would you wish for president thank you for completing this meeting. i want to extend my position to respectful women and especially to book the result bucksta
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from save the children for the critical insight to book the box that i want to say that 3 of my a you're the dictation encourage you to work shows that he and face of your mind that you money to the true guy. i'm guy. out of the bait and auction. highlighted by the beef situation in garza is vi. we'd no progress. nearly 11 months after these lately, or combined power long should that a brutal operation of punishment of punishment against
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defenceless palestinian civilian we are still counting the death over 40000 over 40 pounds and we have students counting the injured over 90000. and this figures made eyes up, you know, don't, did you do to do the toyota aging situation in the region, but also to the event for these outbreaks. we collapse the system in drugs you to these that highly policies, deliberate targeting or false propose. and did you confidence so now
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in this context, the spread of for you is looming for day to day 20 out of $36.00 hospitals and guys out of service nation, give me a fix to response to this thread on most impulsive despite these challenges, the emotional humanitarian community firm really to help with the full fledge bucks the nation company. however, we cannot vision any vaccine nation company and the continuous. these are really robust. we are all aware
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that the so called because solution make on these. it is simply a fiction in gaza. we need a real secession of facilities to ensure the success of this company. and we echo w a true and yulusef calls for humanitarian poles to move for 40. comparing of like vaccine, as you suppose you then to day the bottom body keys i your patience. continue. the bottle. impunity it continue it. sporty. c o. 2 link further. since i'm making gov
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a nightmare making garza and leave it the place for the body seen you got busted off it and it was sudden on a daily basis. and there is no sign of hope for a month. we have been thought that we are close to securing the 14 good men to the massacre of the palestinian cbs. unfortunately, nothing's happened. and why are we continue to support continue our support to the effort of the mediators above chipped and the united states to each should be to each did but property hold up
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here. fortunately, the reality is clear for everyone, these really occupying power continue to use more emotional things, including security, closer to your decision, including i see all of the, the words to me, the beast is facing the least go for broader conflicts. we firmly believe that the permanency is firing. garza is the only bus to avoiding for the escalation in deluge of julia the months. the immediate and effective implementation of security council resolutions including resolution $2755.00. this is what lucian is clear. they've got all these
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bottom on, i'm full, full series. they've got a piece or form for me, but all of these that i have, you know, combine forces from guys and they've got them to use the deviation. i'm director of all please on this to that hopes this is lucian must be a pretty method. now. you said president, the occupying use of the mind to crush. can you hold for an independent palestinian state? we have fox, the chevy. how's scott people they do my best population of party, city and state. they are next or the senior logs. they spun,
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settlement. i'm free country. they phone from us. they and less circular spirit, east in the west back. why? they loot and 2 other simians in both them and puny each i want to ward that the risk of god's us. but the c d a may duplicate in the west back community cannot remain silent. and to conclude mister price, it's fine to turn the car much in guys. it's
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time to close. the stop shop to the story of the media, the east dock chop that also of the story of the international community and of the security council. hi, thank you. thank you. representative of o j. f for the statement. i give you the flow to the representative of washing federation. suppose people who say, thank you mr. president. we would like to thank this patient coordinate and for the middle east peace process, mr. to finish lunch. but thank you for the comprehensive overview of the situation in the occupied palestinian territory, including the cause, a strip and the west bank. we are also grateful to dr. lewis at baxter
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for his leg here that's covered in a sobering description of the situation industry. because it is painful, but we have to acknowledge that the security council as the main human body tasks where the maintaining international peace and security for more than 10 months now has basically remained a passive observer of as a continued blood fasick and gaza, which is 2 by now more than 40000 innocent civilian lives. as was stated by the un secretary general guiterres, the level of the killings and destruction in the course of the is rating operations as the highest one compared to any other conflict anywhere in the world during his mandate. and what is happening in gaza is and i quote, after lawlessness. the thing is, we are deeply disappointed by the fact that the council has not been able to demand an unequivocal ceasefire and ensure that there is compliance with this demand by
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all parties to the conflict between 2 and a half months ago. security council members have adopted a resolution 2735, drafted by the end at the time american colleagues told us the to the fate of the to between our mazda in israel on seas. fire and hostages release. hinge upon that resolution system and of a time has now come to take stock of clothes that documented impacted the situation on the ground. and we can answer that question unequivocally. it didn't impact the situation on the ground. actual money is and the agreement, whether it's a cold president by new plan providing for an immediate cease fire. their agreement is something that our american colleagues at the time told us about, but israel is continuing its brutal operation, only pausing when of a need to the community over 2 and
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a half months. almost 3000 posting is fell victim to it. a user and of course and the full withdrawal of the is really army from god in efforts to restore the destroyed infrastructures and on something that anyone is even considering. at the same time is really, is essentially blocking the humanitarian workers were creating all kinds of obstacles to them. and similarly other resolutions. and one thing though can monitor in resolutions of that we have passed as since the current escalation of the conflict remain words on paper. because we continue thinking it's unacceptable that a members of the security council in june, signed off on obviously false statement in the american resolution where it said that israel supposedly had already agreed to the proposed do even the official statements by israel at the very same meeting clearly showed that the leadership of west jerusalem had no intention of stopping the military operation in gaza.
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delegation of the russian federation at the time upstate and on voting on the american draft. and we do not to regret that extension one bit. he says it is noteworthy and that having forgot was and so they stated in june and our american colleagues are trying to sell us it another a new quantity having modified the parameters of the original deal in a way that is suited to for israel. and today, the representative of the united states in this room, not even having tried to explain what these modifications are, it was once again calling on the phone members of the security council to exert pressure and how much we according to the information we have. israel is now insisting on keeping the data for military presence in gaza, including the control over the crossing with egypt and the philadelphia corridor. we do note that such
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a changes to the parameters of the deal is also something that some countries in the regions you mentally object to. and i would like to put a question to american colleagues on whose behalf are you acting? no. when you are trying to push through that d a, which is the principle of different from the original one, the security council never the less the i'm the deal formulated in this way. and why, when you call upon all of us to sort of pressure exclusively on how much leadership to make sure that the movement accepts the new is really when you consistently refused to work with western jerusalem, which critically depends on you for weapons supplies. so that's 8, is this something that uh, well intentioned, and impartial mediators do stuck because of the time just shown that when the eastern, the, she had about the true reason behind that american product were confirmed. and yet
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another resolution by security council, which was pushed through by washington became not just a diplomatic cover for israel to continue with a systematic cleanser with gaza. but it also became a spoiler because of this, the security council no longer undertakes for us to have a document which would be in line with a strict and unequivocal demands to parties to cease fire. would it more over? because all the provocative acts by israel, over the past 2 months, the middle east region has come even closer to the brink of the global conflict. and the security council through the united states efforts is not doing anything to stop the blood. vasa, israel is continuing because after a week ago, members of the security council were discussing the tragedy in the time being school there as a result of industry, the strike, more than a 100 people died and dozens were wanted. as we warned at the time, this is the incident was not an unfortunate episode. it was rather
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a manifestation of a conscious policy by the. is there any leadership on the 20th of all school, but are, you mean was attacked as school and i'm a stuff, a hawk, as a region in kansas city, actually is 12. people died as a result. you mean the prime minister netanyahu in reaction to the joint appeals by the international community. just stop that killing a peaceful policy and use the states. but she will not stop until how much this totally destroyed is to be and the footboard for his american allies. he would not display such a disregard for the position of the over whelming opinion of the un member states. separate the point i would like to make edits a point to that is unacceptable to have a they provocative action by the leadership of israel at the o. p t. and i refer specifically to the 13th of august visit by the minister of national security. been clear to the all access most skin jerusalem is easiest. these really authorities to undertake effective measures to stop this fallacious practice, which is a blatant violation of the status quote of the old city holy sites. religious
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colleagues, how much longer i was going to remain idle when americans wouldn't be negotiators, continue putting on a show and feed us empty promises of speed. the results of a they have different amount of coverage on the ground. the reality is at washington for 10 months, and that was kept they in tried council hostage threatening to veto, and not allowing us to possibly pass a strict and unequivocal decisions, neither of the palestinian issue nor the sci fi and gaza. nor on the moving of the middle east peace process forward. and this is a little bit more lamentable because it is the maniacal desire of the united states of monopolize the middle east peace process and to re formatted according to israel patterns that it lead lead to the dramatic consequences that we're witnessing today seduce degrees. i don't think i need to say to you that the situation undermines the authority of the security council, the security council since october. it has not been able to pass any affective
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decisions which are needed. not only for the adjust the settlement of the palestinian issue in line with our very own resolutions, but also to prevent the regional war in the middle east. and if for a solution 2735 is not being implemented. well, let's, let's, let's pass a new document which you put to send an unequivocal signal to the spoilers of that . what we're doing in is it is not, is, will not be allowed to happen. with infinity and provide such a resolution, that's the problem of books which could help and violence regardless of the whims displayed by any of decides to the complex. it's of critical importance also to make sure that the washington stops finally, their multi 1000000000 military assistance to israel. which is being used to, to destroy peace for palestinians. how many more victims i need it for the security council to finally act in line with its mandate instead of blindly following v m m
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us and his really lead for to 1000 palestinians. most of them are women and children, is that not enough for us to pass the decision. they the decisions that i need to see when we are formulating of this way to make sure that all of our colleagues feel their historic responsibility and our shoulders. and we are ready to work with all of those who share this position of ours with. and i thank you for your attention. while you're back with me here in the c d a is a closely with isn't in on the and the security council. we 1st heard from the, i'll do and i representative. let me give you a quick wrap up on the key. things that he thought was about. interesting why he called the tax on is a guy that he said called it a punishment game to civilians or defensive civilians. he's at the desk, so it's just an uncountable. he pointed out the toddler, thing of hospitals was key here because there's
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a wide spread of polio. and when the u. n. a w, a co looking to, to help these people with vaccinations, they come through that and that's the cx 5. and then he went on, so he said that it is actually the un security council responsibility to save lives, not just to sit by 5 o'clock. and before i don't want to go a little bit into debt. so because when russia is so, so as it came on a he told, so he re pointed the blame that these are, is the un security council. they said clearly that it's been 10 months. the us security council has remained and observe. uh, this is completely not acceptable. he said the piece 5 put for the countless times by members of the un security council of who is being vetoed by the united states. i mean this can be a way forward. he also told about, um, how israel makes false claims of a fist by what, in fact, what, what is,
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is just buying time and more a most of it is dying view and security council condemns how us, but not the beloved, the boss. close by is way. i mean these are really so of this for everyone to see. but those are the main points that came from russia. we went on to the how long will the un security council remain idle? why we us close to the makes false promises and how many mole base the base of it is need to die before the un security council? does it still down? these are the key things from you and the right. this me thing that will wrap everything out for you and bring it. we'll see you throughout the day here. agent. right, let's go on to all the stories now from around the world. 50 meters is down on the sea bed. off the starting coast lies the refuge of a super hot sun con monday,
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officer. a freak still not 5 of the 6 bodies of those that went down with it. have now been recovered, which refills of the include british type type. good. mike lynch along with 4 of this now 15 of the passages, a cruise to vive stairs coincidences surrounding the dissolved, so have raise more questions as lynch's co defendant and a recent us federal trial died on the very same day. also being hit by car wall jolting our teeth. she bows has all the details. well, it has all the ingredients of a hollywood for the tech billionaire. just acquitted in a $1000000000.00 for all trial. the luxury off on a one and a 1000000 storm sinking it off the coast. typically, of course the mainstream media or quick to lodge onto the sensational story. a dream mediterranean holiday turned deadly when in luxury yacht caring. v i p's was hit by a water spout. he's been described as britson bill gates,
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one of britain's best known in technology entrepreneur as the missing included, a british tech millionaire whose daughter and to americans. now one of the west impressed was happy to tell you that the tech billionaire was missing is also plenty. they don't seem so eager to talk about like his shady leads to western intelligence and his key role in developing tech solutions and to shadow we spice sector, the billionaire known as the british bill gates. i've been celebrating his miraculous, a cripple after 12 year legal bottle, with american i. t giant hewlett packard when a freak tornado. if his little 3 crews sinking the boat in seconds and taking a number of people, including lynch himself, he had reasons to celebrate practically no one ever beat a federal criminal case in the us. in fact, the best of half a percent of defendants walk free. he was even expedited to america and put under house arrest there was he awaited his face. and while lynch had always maintained
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his innocence and was apparently all set to put it all behind, it seems that faith had other plans. and this is where the story takes an almost on believable turn in a remarkable coincidence. just 2 days before the base in science, the sea bed, lynch's co defendant, the us fraud trial. steve and chamberlain was hit by a car while out for a room near his home in england. he was taken to hospital and put a live support. but he died there on monday the same day as lynch's yacht sites a gets even creepy. or when you read the names of those who went down with the both jonathan bloomer, a senior us banker from the financial joint, morgan stanley, he at being the star witness for an inch. chris maurice little american prominent lawyer who defended lynch during his trial, but also was on board to do new york. and here's what he wrote right after the acquittal verdict 2 months ago. i am so glad to be home,
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and i live happily ever off. well, little did he know there's no doubt this string of incredible coincidence this leaves more questions than answers. why wasn't mike lynch, the owner, i'm most familiar with the almost a survivors. how could to the statistically most try men alive? both meet tragic ends within days of each other in the most improbable ways. in any case, it looks like we may never know how to the luckiest man alive, seemingly became the luckiest in the blink of an eye. my whether you're still back right now will be right back. the i wanted to come here since i was $121.00. my grandfather told me that his mom came from russia that we were,
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i was part russian. i didn't plan on staying this long. i was gonna look around, i was gonna see if it was for me, but then i came and then i was like, i remember when i go home, i've never been happier in life than i am here in russell. the i've only lived here a few months, but i wanted to tell you what fascinates me about russia and share the stories of other foreigners who lived here. like jay, who worked as a chef and now raises gods and mix cheese and the countryside can like chat, who's been granted political asylum because he's being persecuted by the f. b. i us, embassies. and for countries that come asking me it's, it's wild like an american family that recently moved to russia with 6 children. i've never felt safer at land tire life than living here. the
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which are ours, that makes you know, i'm not going to you care about me. if you care about the place. i wish somebody could just tell me why this is their hair patriot lynching beating poverty. why supremacy is so disgusting. amber. the people of mississippi voted on a wire, and 65 percent of the people voted to keep the car why our purposes to it's in the name of the confederate soldiers because of these monuments that you see everywhere or not can, but they're not monuments to the confederate government, they're monuments to the, to the soldiers to the veterans. you know, if we're going to be offended by everything, every negative part of our history,
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we have to get rid of everything the, the, the amount of. so i've seen the batman to the un security council as the state of palestine. now as the floor is the president does that had been polio free for the last 25 years. now it is under the imminent threat of the spread of this terrible disease that can cause palaces. and this guys does not need more that are leases and that's fast by bombs and bullets now combined with occupation sponsored fine and, and disease guys has.


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