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tv   News  RT  August 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the rain junior, beside the fire, a golf of ferry transporting fuel and sob and russia after it was headed that you trade in strike. 17 rescued to audit is still messing ukraine is continuing. incarcerating to russia is coming as a high priced with moscow. estimating the death toll is posing in on the 5000 the mass. protests driven, indonesia have made the policy sample between the government and the nation's highest court. the
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why this is all the international reaching you live from our new center in moscow. i a michael caught you up with the updates that we start this all with the breaking news from southern russia, where a fairy carrying fuel tags has exploded into a file bowl. after being hit in the trade in strike of a vessel, a certain frank and the port of comcast, 17 crew members were rescued. a 2 are still set to be missing. booms have been deployed as a side to contain leaking fuel, and assets that being taken to limit the environmental impact. a local journalists sent us this report. the most difficult thing. yeah. after the you crating the empty ship missile nick junior struck the ferry in the cab passport, st, igniting fuel tanks, and resulting and a massive flap. the area has been cooled off, and 5 fighting and rescue services are on site. a specialized find train has been dispatched to help contain the place. currently,
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official source is to show that there is no threat to be 5 spreading. the crime in bridges of raising is normal and there is no fuel shortage of gas patients in crimea, especially since one for you alone cannot create a deficit. most congo is transpose the body row away line of the crime in bridge with some transferred by ferries, away with the fact that a ukrainian missile hit a fairy caring fuel. things indicates the depth of the recognizance conducted by the crate inside. meanwhile, rescue teams is searching for 5 people to run bold the ferry at the time of the attack. the explosion which led to the mass. the fine suggest that the missile designated with at least several 100 kilograms of explosives, whether these individuals device such a destination remains on node. and there is currently no information about any casualties. the situation on the potentially is stable and everything is functioning. as usual, there are still queues that the crime in bridge from the to manny side has thousands of tories hate to the peninsula,
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that firefighting teams that have contained the place cannot accurately determine how long it will take to extinguish it. because fines involving fuel and lubricants a typically assigned to the highest level of danger. and the, the bed while russian air defenses have been active again doubting, at least 27 drones. and that's according to the m o. d, which also says when you create ins, losses of nearing 5000 if i'm is continuing in caution into the course region. obviously it goes down to a report basically here in the course region the ukrainians for the past couple of days i've had no success. so they've been stopped, they can not move forward. so well, generally the premiums have been trying deluxe elsewhere. i give them, but they still have some, some examples was that have been accumulated on the side of the board. now again with the to no avail. this time, but the russians, yes, they have seen targets. he's bringing on that part of the board. them. they have be
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helping out brushing fruits on the ground here on the 1st regent as well. and it's due to the efforts to a large, to a large proportion that the premiums happy he's still here and that they have had no, no real and military success on the ground. now at the same time ukrainians, they have been trying to create logistical problems for the russian army. they have been destroying bridges, leading to one part of the boat. busy over a key river here in the course region, they have been basically trying to cuts off because that's part of the border from uh well from a reliable supply from reliable supply routes. now we, personally, so one of such bridges leading to the small town of which cova completely destroyed by one of such bones, apparently supplied by nature. there have also being reports of kids using high mas cluster munitions to target on to crossing that russia is building next to his board. now the thailand deputy prime minister has said that the ukrainians, using ne,
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to made equipments in nature made weapons against the internationally recognized russian techy could lead to opening a rape and doors. bob's tremendous area in the military aid to enable ukraine to defend itself has always been approved by the league that is off, that you pray you to a dramatic will complete, re sending weapons to strike and killed also on russian territory. but according to the pentagon, the use of these long range nato made mess halls against the territory that ukraine is currently ok. buying here in the course region is something that they are giving a green light for high checklist and occurs defensive to to the ukrainians. have permission to use a tech comes to blind, a russian counter offensive into their, into their pocket capture. so i'm not going to get into ukraine's selection of capabilities is they conduct their, their operations. our policy is, is not changed, which is in terms of using
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a long range straight capabilities to conduct the strike. you know, as you've heard a say, conducting counter fire, defensive operations across the border is permitted, and i'll just leave it there. but what causes most concern here is that there is a massive nuclear power plant just outside, of course, and it is well within reach of these long range, nato supplied most of the enemy tried to attack a nuclear power plant overnight. the i a, a has been informed, they've promised to send specialists to assess the situation. i hope they will do so. so if you pray and was to targets and to successfully hit the nuclear power plant, which according to russia, is in the plans that could cause a massive nuclear disaster. the scale it could be potentially the scale of chernobyl or logic. again, it depends on the severity of the hips. so it also has been
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a subject of international concern. the head of the international atomic energy agency has said that basically he will be visiting soon of a course nuclear power plant and to check how the state of affairs there is. so again, there is plenty of room for escalation here, and it could end up in a massive tragedy. so we will be standing by here to report on the developments. well as occurring in the 4th is push for us into the coast region. the local flooded paddic at one band walks 60 kilometers on the foot just to reach safety it'd be a bundle the so the. ringback
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the spices, i'm fine right now. what's going to pass through that through the bike into the bushes and i'm walking now. i need to reach out to the highway where the trees on the cell phone. i don't know yet what i will go. i will decide in a bit. this is how i am about creating the files. somebody else to the left it's. that's cool. this is what we're doing cheap with you here. tell you right?
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the i go from the mentally. i found a donation pipe. i'm sitting in the pipe, jaime, from the jones rest and a little because i'm already very tired. the dog is still with me, the . the mom thinks me out. it's or no, no, he wasn't equations of mine and he drove me to my brother scott the to which i could hear and gunshots, explosions on some kind of screams. it's impossible to describe. it's just some kind of hara, when you hear all this, it's very scary. i was worried about my mother because she wasn't able to locate on
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food when i made sure she was lucky and i was relieved. and i meant the continuing in cash and they use for impulse achieve is crating, the piece will come about sooner. if you cranes is given the right to carry out long reading strikes into russia. ukraine's course defensive is a severe blow to russian president clinton's narrative lifting restrictions on the use of capabilities versus the russian military involved in aggression against ukraine. in accordance with international law, would have several important effects strengthened ukrainian self defense by ending russia century for its attacks on and below barman of ukrainian cities and infrastructure save lives and reduce destruction and ukraine. help advance piece efforts the while they use for the impulse. the chief ones more fighting hungry, which the board as the crane has instead called for the english he, asians to end the war hungry continues to be pro piece ukraine not only defends,
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but also attacks. we want to cease fire and piece about certainly a research fellow have the global policy institute in for the past, george, samuel e. but these are the west is denuded. if things escalating, the conflict will force russia to copy to late of the lunacy that has prevailed in the e u. since the sides of the circle is a special mother to over ations is going very strong. it's kind of thinking that is another in the reckless modem is likely to lead to a very dangerous account say, but it's obviously wrong because it's uh, they list idea that if you just keep the escalating and escalating, you just keep moving. um, the uh, the, the whole still that the by uh, one knowledge and another and oh,
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it's in and out as much. somehow russia will capitulate. russia will go away. and the, the nature of policy will succeed. there's no basis for this whatsoever. because if it had been the case, they've every a skilled at the risk that make that mistake. and i would have led to that outcome then the would've been over a long ago. but did they keep doing this? so what if we just go this? if we just use this weapon, we just use that weapon. if we now target a key, it gets a little bit beyond the ukranian border. now let's, let's talk it a little bit further inside russia and somehow russia will capitulate rush jose, okay, well, that's enough. well, there's absolutely no basis for it, and that's why it is, it's the, the i'm saying that of burrell demonstrates that the e u and they to have loved nothing and forgotten nothing. its been while russian forces continuing to in ford hall. and the front line is taking control of the
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supplement, the measure void and the, the yes republic. and brings them closer to the key logistics hob bumper groups for the very latest developments and the war head over to our website, r t dot com. right now, a power struggle between the indonesian government and the country's highest court has now spilt over into the street. so with mass nationwide protest the now the k all takes scenes outside the parliament, has protest as a tried to break it into the complex. but please use the a gas in the cabin to dispatch the crowds with all the latest. here's our cheese, rebec rebecca, and not be to thousands of thomas traders has gathered outside the house of representatives building since 9 am this morning demanding lawmakers to drop their
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plan to back the fire controversially version of the election law. however, as we speak right now, demonstrators have tear down fences trying to get into that house some already to successfully get into the area and then not try only from the main gate, but also try to get into the house from the black gate and facing police officers to try to secure the situation as we speak right now. the clash between the demos theaters and the police are still happening outside the area. as the police have already cleared the area in sight. i'm only for a journalist and those house of representatives that won't be able to stay inside the power struggles between the parliament and the judy history comes amid
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a week of dramatic or political developments in the country. 2 days ago on tuesday . the constitutional for the pope, a minimum trash will requirement to nominate 20 days and we should on kinda the elections that will be held on november this year and kept the minimum age limit of 30 years for an candidate. however, only 2 days after, as we speak to day, the house planned to meet and to rectify this new law that will change the results of the constitution. of course. and this is what you will be as are off the demonstrators and push them to get into the streets. however, the house finally has that, that they will postpone their after vacation of controversial changes to date, but they will still have time a few days at have until the registration period for the candidates will be closed
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next week. this changes when i log opportunities for other candidates that will not reach 20 percent off the trash rules. and this is what i'm good. the people they took on social media last night loving indonesian social media with loop post st. emergency warning. however, the people felt bad, this is not enough. there for them was peters gathered in several sit a cities around the country, individual part as well in several spots. however, the class only have been in the house of representatives. i just bought from one of the rather peaceful demonstrators in front of the presidential palace. so the, all the police officers and the securities are focusing on the house of representatives as we speak. because this is one of the biggest demonstrators and also the biggest clash that the country have see ever since not to told the 19th and to the
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united nations. now for months the us has been effectively putting a spoke, hitting the wheel of the un security council, his efforts to bring peace to guys that, that was the charge made earlier today by rosters representative to the body. since the district me is as of, as washington has been holding the entire security council hostage for 10 months, threatening to use a veto and not allowing the required tough and unambiguous decisions to be taken to see the on the palestinian issue. only c spy and gauntlet on advancing the middle east. peace process of this is even more unfortunate because it was the maniacal design, all the united states to monopolize the middle east peace process and reshape it according to buttons. beneficial to israel. the lead to the dramatic consequences that we witnessing today can possibly right, let's cross now straight to new york where we have ortiz corresponding collab multi in joining us right now. caleb is good to have you join me now. another day in yet
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another discussion in the security council on the situation in gaza. take us through what was said, as well, a 15 member body that leads the united nations convened yet another meeting to discuss the israel palestine conflict, the ongoing bombardment of gaza. and the meeting began with some very moving presentations about how children are affected by the conflict. and the humanity are in tall. uh and we heard from the members of the security council now the palestinian authority spoke and made clear that they want the international community to vote sale it promises and step up and stop what they considered to be a genocide going on in gaza. and israel spoke and said that they want the international community to have their back and to not be sympathetic to the forces opposing them, which they deemed to be terrorists. now, the western block of countries, specifically the united states,
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the united kingdom and france, they took to the floor, then they blamed to the entire situation and the recent escalation on iran that was their choice of words they blamed escalation and the potential for the conflict to expand in a much wider way throughout the region. they said that was surely and purely iran spots. now, it's worth noting that iran has not yet responded to israel and retaliated for israel's blatant attacks on iran and attacks on palestinians on iranian soil. now the united states boasted about the progress being made currently in negotiations and said that caliber eve is ready to go. and the whole world is simply waiting on a moss for a deal to be reached in which the hostages can be returned as the spire can be declared. now, the representative of russia, deputy ambassador dmitri poll janski's, he contested that u. s. version of,
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of that saying that doesn't really match the facts of what's actually taking place and saying that the negotiating table, here's what he had to say for your value, possibly in the muse that's 2 and a half months ago, the members of the security council, the adult to the resolution prepared by washington, as the american colleagues assured us at the time, the phase of the deal between amazon is right on the see saw on the release of hostages depended on this document. now it's time to make a conclusion on how it has affected the situation on the ground and unambiguous onto this is no way the best way of noticing that forgetting about bad june coming . american colleagues now trying to sell us a new, picking up post, modifying the parameters of the deal under discussion in a way which is convenient to israel and without even bothering to explain to us what these changes off. they are the members of the security council to put pressure on them as i want to ask, are american colleagues on whose policy you act saying that up to now other countries that were members of the security council, whether permanent or rotating,
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emphasize the humana, terry, and toll of the conflict, they emphasized the costs in terms of human lives. the danger at this point, the polio epidemic breaking out and the need for there to be a serious effort to resolve the conflict and declare a ceasefire, so that humanitarian workers can get the job done. we specifically heard from china as well as out jerry, you know, when he went on base, it must be noted that the humanitarian issue cannot be politicized. hunger cannot be weaponized civilians lives cannot be used as bargaining chips. the international community has repeatedly issued calls for a cease fire and an end to the fighting. but what we have seen is that israel has turned a deaf ear to them and has not shown any sign of a cease fire. these really military operations continue causing new casualties every day. josh, uh kaiser,
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the situation is got busted off it and it was sudden on a daily basis. and there is no sign of holes or 4 months. we have been told that we are close to securing the 14 good men to the massacre of the palestinian cbs. unfortunately, nothing's happened. these are really occupying power continue to use more international. k is certainly not the 1st time the security council has met to discuss these issues and certainly not the 1st time the issues discussed have been raised in the sentiments have been expressed. but one looks on and sees that the international community doesn't look like it's reaching a consent. ready or state of agreement, any time soon. all right,
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let me up in our tea correspond in bringing us up to speed here. thank you. why not? there's been another laundry pro palestinian demonstration in the outside. the democratic national convention in the united states protest as came of the washington has helped to fund the genocide, but he was a message falling on deaf ears for some of those attending the political gathering . the again, the. 7 what despite the lack of interest from those inside the convention, that the protest as outside are still determined to get the voice is heard.
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the it's the day and the rules. demonstrations are being held and wednesdays filings fled and more than 50 arrests made that were heard from some of those that the protest we're here to send a message to the bmc because chicago actually has one of the largest palestinian communities in the entire nation. we literally have a place on google called little palestine, and the democratic party will not get our vote if the genocide and gaza doesn't end immediately. every single week we just see more money and more what than reapproved . and so same thing to us. neither of them are getting our vote until that policy changes bought and said he was a design is child support israel like so i feel like right now what we're trying to do here is just show like at least come all harris,
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that help her understand our side hopefully together, but while the former us house be good nastic by those, he said that she wanted on the opening process to replace joe biden as the democrats candidate, and not just camera how is jumping straight into his shoes. she meant the clay may not need to be to the wall street journal. many of us who were concerned about the election wanted to have an open process. it was an open process. anyone could have gotten in here is had the endorsement of the president and she politically as do, we took advantage of it and shut down not shut down, but won the nomination. but anybody else could have gotten in now, legal and the media analysts now though, says that many people have concerns about whether that convention is a sign of a healthy democracy. tomlin harris has never won one primary,
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not one. she's never been on the or any ballot in any primary ever. she had to drop out initially. she had a simple 2 percent and there were problems left in white. okay. she was a vice person now or she's in, and it's almost like, well, there's a well that that's, that's the way that she still has it is i don't know how long it's been actually spoken with this, the press taking questions and answers. she was picked selected as time women or the candidates of the, the year or whatever was not, or were having given i believe, any kind of an interview. i mean, this is the real what everybody's telling me to be in charge. but nobody apparently that many people have concerns about whether this is, is that a healthy democracy or more importantly, whether those in charge of this healthy democracy know what's going on?
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is this a democracy? is this a, a smooth the system of ascension? i'm not so sure. well that's the big now. thanks for watching. i'll see you again the
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the . oh, what else seemed wrong? just on the safe house. because the application and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the in this thing of the continent of boxes. oh, shall we interact with the rest of the world? we're going to relate with the wind in terms of nations or in tons of tray. africa must define what she wants for lifted assets must
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define are soft cultures. africa must define ourselves critically. the cause emphasize no choice but to move forward. forward. she will i'm a representative of sites at a rally in washington d. c. t introduced his dentist while i do a gathering of mississippians who had traveled there to demand a new state flag of them by lawrence that as i loved this the end of the year, you know, we had a discussion about that. i saw this flag and fell in love with this, and i really liked it when i found out that the designer was lord and spanish. lauren is the grand daughter of senator johnston. he represented during the time of jim crow where they thought that separate but equal was okay. is just so important
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to me to accept that overtime and through the generations of people change on the hip hop already are you still pops with light and inspires. and i respect honoring your ancestors ion or mine. and that's kind of, i feel where the clash happens because no one's gonna back down from that. but i need you to acknowledge the brutality that was carried out under that banner. and once you can do that, then hopefully a dialogue can begin. and we can come to some sort of agreement because or i'd rather have you as my neighbor then my enemy we value this land of mine. and there's


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