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tv   Documentary  RT  August 22, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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representative sikes of the rally in washington, d. c. t introduced his dentist while i do, a gallery of mississippians who had travelled there to demand a new state flag by laurence as i loved this because and the thing is, you know, we had a discussion with a bunch of i saw this flag and fell in love with it and i really liked it when i found out that the designer was lord is spanish. lauren is the grand daughter of senator johnston. he represented during the time of jim crow where they thought the separate but equal was okay. is just so important to me to accept that overtime and through the generations of people change. i'm a hip hop already. are you still pods when lying and inspires and i respect honoring your ancestors ion or mine. and that's kind of,
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i feel where the clash happens because no one's gonna back down from that. but i need you to acknowledge the brutality that was carried out under that banner. and once you can do that, then hopefully a dialogue can begin. and we can come to some sort of agreement because i'd rather have you as my neighbor then my enemy we value this plan of mine. and there's nothing more to say to my guy, you pay the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, or the, it's pretty flag that's about the extent of it. it does not replace what we have. i understand, you know, the 20 stars the significance and what the meaning of that supposed to be, but nothing about it. honors confederate, veterans of the soldiers. nothing. the cemetery that we're going to can i say cemetery. it's not much of a cemetery is just a few grades. but to me this is what our state flag is about. this is why our flagship or my in the side
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the this was originally just a small family cemetery. bell railroad tracks are in the same place. those are and they ran from meridian to jackson, around the vicksburg. soldiers died on the train right up here. they didn't even know the names of a so just these are some of the files and who fault and and their families never heard from them again to know where they were buried. what happened to them? this one right here, it says a 6 brave soldier. slate here. so that's kind of feel about it. they were brave. they were honorable. they didn't fight to preserve slavery
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like fault because their home is invited. because they're the 1st i ask them to and it was honorable, find it to the how can you say that when, when that cause that you say that they fall. so nobody 4 was girded up by slavery. and then you know, the whole reason for mississippi getting into the civil war, they say very plainly, it's about preserving slavery the, this stuff that goes back almost to founding in this country that,
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that the belief that america is whitelist. and anybody else in the country has to back down to the white so it's about white supremacy. it's about power and control. it's about maintaining the status quo. and any kind of change occurs in this country where there's progress made towards diversity is responding to as it is a threat to the white. if we're going to change this flag in some ways white going to have to stand up and step up. and it's got to have to use legislation the last legislative session. there were 19 bills related to the flag the session there 22. all of those bills related to change or means by which we could change the flag has
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been introduced by african american legislators. the bills for in support of the current state fired have all been introduced by white male, conservative legislators of the 2001 the people of mississippi voted on a flag and 65 percent of the people voted to keep the current flag. well, i don't think we as elected representatives, have the right to overturn their decision. now, whether you like it or not, we can argue about that. but the decision was made by the people of mississippi to keep the current flag. so do you have a personal feeling about the flag? i personally believe that we should keep the flag. i think that the narrative that any little maurine being there that harkens back to the civil war is somehow racist
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or in support of slavery is just wrong. what we have to do is spend the time to educate every one of or what's the real history. it the, the belief that the flag issue will be settled when we all understand the real history of the civil war is attractive. but which part of the history confederate inherited supporters argue that the civil war was not sought to free the slaves? because abraham lincoln himself said, so it is original inaugural address. he said, if i could preserve the free and all the slaves, i do that i can preserve the union, but for some slight sense, if i can preserve the use of a phrase, those keywords result him though lincoln was morally opposed to slavery. he
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held common racist police and then there's the court when amendment amendment was proposed to actually legalize. and i tried to propose it to the southern people to get them to, to join, get back in the union. but they did not. i didn't, they didn't want to have any part of it all hit a, been a mile with slavery in the core and amendments with a fix that, because it stated that the south to perpetually keep this peculiar institution which referred to slavery. if they would not succeed from here to the core, one amendment passed both houses of congress and 18. 61 lincoln in his 1st and all girl address said he would not interfere with it. had the car when amendment been adopted before the civil war began, it would have provided a constitutional protection for slavery in the united states. and it would have been the 13th amendment, the mississippi made it clear that they succeeded to protect slavery.
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in part because they believed that black people were better suited to work in the oppressive heat requirement for picking cotton. and some white mississippians feared that emancipation wouldn't just mean economic ruin. it would lead to something they fear even more racial equality. this was made clear when a commissioner named william l harris was sent to georgia to persuade them to join mississippi in seceding from the union and form a southern confederacy of slaveholding states and an address to the georgia general assembly. he said, our fathers made this a government for the white man projecting, and there was an ignorant, inferior barbarian race, incapable of self government. he considered his speech, saying, mississippi would rather see the last of her race. men, women and children, stimulated one common funeral pyre and see them subjugated to the deck, redemption of civil political,
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and social equality within the race. georgia joined the confederacy. 3 months later, i with our previous president, there was nothing but a big, hey. and it seemed like there was more of a, a war of a race war, more space on the was, was really what it was. this isn't a rational thing, not by any means. and we don't say for anything. rifle at all. we were out here. we're staying for a southern price. the wife knows i believe with this prize very without properly that we're going to be able me to tom it set out and everybody finally uses wrist it because it's like, don't stand for racism is just our heritage. we sit down in a table in hash out the way it comes to understanding this and the way that we feel, regardless how you feel, you know,
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the way you feels while you feel we can't change. we're not asking you to change that. we're asking you to come to a place in your life where you can accept what we do as we say of what you the, what the odds of that happening are slim. and i honestly believe it freedoms, that style is going to allow us i believe people were relaxing me and that's all right. she says religion the united states flag and flag of 18. $94.00 as a symbol of the mississippi that adopted the constitution of 18. 90 mississippi's governor at that time, james argument unabashedly stated mississippi's constitutional convention of 1890 was held for no other purpose than to eliminate or from politics. let the world
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know it just as it is. governor of argument also said, if it is necessary and every 0 in the state will the list and it will be done to maintain white supremacy, sometimes is here because a city is such a bad place. quite frankly, things like that. that's fine. they can stay wherever they are and why. if i didn't like this, if you don't find find some place where you can do. you have a great day. and i love you and say, if you don't like it, you can go somewhere else. my family has been here for more than a century in the flag is still what it is to me. no, i wanna take the flag away from you. can we? i don't trust the car the but we're
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talking about these days that represents mississippi. you and then what was it all over? the boy the, the told him the how they were looking at i was going to dreamland for dreams come true. we have approximately
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10000000 people in california that are risk of becoming on house. looks good man. pulls up some people working to pretty jobs and still not enough because of the cost of living also has increased coal bags and then still by chance. last year long. the amount of, of homeless rose by 12 percent in california in the book is to know it talks about how to get a website
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to 37 percent. busy right, 2015 with the law sooner rather than mostly my r y b
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b y b y y the noon i met re stores once before and he said something to me in that conversation i'd heard from other confederate heritage some orders array was the only one who set it on camera. you'd said that slavery was, it was a natural condition. i don't know exactly what i said, the man. but i remember the energy,
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the relationship between the slave and the master was an, except the thing and a, it was there was a love between i wanna make sure i understand what you're saying here. that, that, that the natural range. and you're saying that in united states in mississippi, that it was a natural fit, slavery was natural and that the in simulation ship could be a natural thing, could be yes, it could be now that could be people who felt like it was on that type of slaves some of them perhaps so you think would you not them? yeah. don't think of majority frames for okay with the position. yes. they just accepted it as a as they're stationed in the law. do you see a situation where blacks could be masters to wines without being asked with that? um yeah, i think in some cases you know i had a, a, a supervisor when i worked at
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a department store one time that was black. and i took orders from him and did what he told me to do. and what you had your freedom piece, do you have your liberty? could you imagine situation where you were the slave a glass master? well, let me just say that that's not something that i can just fully comprehend. and imagine right here here and your questions that i'd be happy to think about. okay, yeah, i'm just curious. i'm one of those racks that you sent me to the notice how much i love america. you made the comment so much that i got my education and now it's created. it was someone who isn't afraid of someone who's gonna come in wherever, how's the bread and we're gonna make sure that we get the flag we can make this or not really the biggest challenge and
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he said no, we're here because the visa by the spring of 2017 cities and counties throughout the state had renewed the state flag from government buildings as well as all a public universities. the and the rallies and public meetings are becoming more confrontational, the, [000:00:00;00] the
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one that takes it to take it to the folks of the people in mississippi. the, no, no, this is our home. these are our symbols. what appears to be a sign, but it's also link it to the, to the nearby city with a 60 percent black population. the court to just approve the city council's plan to remove 4 prominent confederate statutes from public property,
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including the monument to jefferson davis. president of the confederacy for confederate heritage, supporters like george, their fears were coming true. confederate monuments were now under attack. their argument is that the statue using the symbols of the southern people are racist in from o y supremacy. that is their argument. we've got this guy walk around with the the communists black here and he's going around just talking smack, just walking up people and just calling this white supremacist and racist and everything like that. but we're all willing to protect ourselves. if we feel threatened, we will use our weapons. yes. or if i felt threatened in my life a certain your name, right. i was really and you really to be now with and this is a cause. i'm willing to give my life more comfortable for years and years.
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any time i walk around with my state flag, this is the flag a mistake. and i get very sick and tired of being called a racist. and i'm big it because because i'm proud of where i'm from and it's came to a point where not i'm targeting and we've given we could or was we lost a lot and we're not gonna lose anymore. one year on the right side of history is always worth fighting for you don't know about
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reality value money. just because you say that to be the most president i've ever heard of my life. you don't know any of these people in your car all why some prayers do not hear of prejudiced on the back up in the shower they're looking for trouble. so they can get us basically kicked out of here, arrested. rake our spirit. but we're not gonna file for you guys, please get them over there and separate them before hits the fan, if you would, we would greatly appreciate. can i not go over on the other side of the street? there's grass over there. they're going to have a cook out over there, but they're over here trying to instigate us. you see this is rolling the window up
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on me. he's rolling the window. you see that? he just rolled the window up on me. all enrolled the window. i want more center, even your advisor number sir. what's your name? your badge number. what's your name? your badge number. may i get your name and your bathroom or not, susan, asking for an i'm an advisor. you're supposed to give it your public service. you say they roll the window, they roll the window, they don't care. there was in trouble. there is a fan on the i regarding
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the, [000:00:00;00] the
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way history maintaining flavor, right? the the in the in response to the violence at the jefferson davis mom,
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a group of self identified white supremacists and neo nazis gathered at least circle in new orleans for white civil rights organization. the today were there to protest the plans removal of a statue of confederate general robert on this day it wasn't possible to separate confederates from racist. the 4 days later,
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the jefferson davis stature was taken down and robert e lee was removed from his pedestal. at least, circle the, the rapid collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hold for independence. but the colonial power. so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the air of lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. this bible play caused particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 rest with claim for dependence broke out both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britons urgently began to transfer reinforcements to
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a rack and used aircraft. british war secretary, winston churchill birds. the use of chemical weapons against the rebels. and general ser i on their hel dane bordered the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning a village properly takes a long time. an hour or more according to sized paulding recalled cynically. in his memoirs, the maybe the old girl d paid off the revolt was crossed. however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognized bustle. the 1st, as the king of a rag can gave part of the power to representatives of the local population via rack. the revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the way to final independence.
12:00 am
the we're told us president joe biden does not want to stand off with russia over ukraine to trigger a global war. the evidence suggest just the opposite. nato now uses you praying to attack russia. have no doubt. russia will respond. mm . the, i never have an e mail folder called k k k. the call list referred to your organization as the biggest one is your response around


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