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tv   Inland Visions  RT  August 23, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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as have been saying that it really is affecting how winds are evolving. does that mean that the sparkling wine is that we are tasting now? are not even close to what we had, let's say a 100 years ago. locally, i have no idea how was a ton of years ago. i suspect that the in the 100 last year is very many of us power meters, which i have to change is a type of wind rather than just temperature of the the type of uh how's the vines where it could be. the also winds were either made into winery has nothing to do comparing to which we do today in which we did in the best. even if 100 years ago started to sift refers to step of about also was close to which was made in trump. and at this time, the people who started to plan some vines here, i didn't know what was the feeling, the it's, but i think it was a great idea to put vines here, as well as beautiful as it is out here,
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a part of making wine and that's the sparkling wine, you have to go down to where the bottles are and then the sellers shall go. take a look, fine print, let's do it in the . so this is fascinating to me to be down here. can you tell me a little bit about how this one is actually made and what does the process like? where does the bubbles come from? are they natural? you know, it's, it's, it's part of a mystery of sparkling wine. here we are in a place where the wind over the sponsoring in the bubble, and actually one of the secret of a good spot. the one when it's middle classic is a 2nd from addition, which happens in these bulk and which is close to his gaps. so it makes that the
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bubbles remain inside and it's the things to some use that we didn't the one with some sugar to create this 2nd according to the invitation, which we call the please the most. and but it's understandable in english as well. and the for next, the last point is to wait to waste certain time to get this from a session and as well to wait some months. is it not some years to have this interaction between the wine and the east with the typical or total of this to have this. but if you cation which we gave to the winds, a final taste of fine bubbles, good roma, nice book, it's, and behavior in miles, which would be creamy and very dirty. k. hm. what about out and turning the bottles . i know that's important for the process. what does that all about? okay. you mean uh each day they have to be handled when they'll definitely they
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don't know it so which because of let me ask because in the buffalo we have some used can that if we to, if we would take a bottle and we'd see that it's cloudy, inside and the sparkling wine has to be clear. so these are the steps where we can bring old a used to one point and it's this reading processing. we do it by turning by inc. c . 19. and can we 2 time today can be sometimes areas 3 hours, depending if it's made by hand or if it's made mechanically. but it's something which takes in total mex, minimum 2 or 3 days and sometimes can be as well to 2 weeks or 2 or 3 weeks. but it's to per 1000 as gorgine. what about um the age of one, in terms of what's the oldest bottle of wine that you have here at the facility? to be honest, i'm, i will we have some old bottles, but we are not such focus to make connections rather are interested in. that's
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a normal timing, 5 years for a cause. the info, rosie is already a nice time. i would not the best one of the oldest. for me, a very good one can be young and i even prefer the young 13. going to send the old wine. very good. mm hm. well, shall we go see more the winery a deal. let's go. okay, so what determines the value of the one? what makes one expensive versus a cheap one? so the manufacturer has some people consider as well. that's a is the 1st and the guy who is the girl who is making the wine easy. looks like you want me to shift the cruise in the for example. i seen this is not so critical, it's sort of pressure point for me. it's much more with the story of a bronze for example, i'm, i'll just so it's 160 years. so it's not the stuff to say that the one of
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these a cheap line to see times the value of because he has sense such a long time. now i have to ask your friends, you're starting your tree and friends, you've come here to russian to make wine. let me just stay here for so long. i am. it's the right people at the right place. with the very interesting projects, the quality level are. i would say higher than they were before, but we have progressing. and they seem to make for all is for me very interesting and for that too. so that's why i said the, what you do here, you may not be able to do it somewhere else. so i stays on fascinating conversation . thank you very much. you're welcome to this. here's a shuttle go tell them where their philosophy is to bring a little bit of fresh frontier under wash and soil with a little bit of russian sol as well. just check it out.
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the i know that when you, you 1st started, you waited 15 years until these designs were more of a tour before you started making one. why is that? what does the age of divine have to do with the quality of the one? you have to go to it, but it was us to not grab the as the grapevines age, the wine they produce gets better. now this is because older vines have a longer roots reaching deeper into the soil, you plus they are more resistant to whether fluctuations or making them much better of surviving droughts and a lack of precipitation story, which often happens in the summer and before harvest. once the roots are deep
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enough, and so that usually takes about 12 years for a vine growing and one place where the grapes seals and the resulting wine are of a much higher quality level. so the easiest thing so i've read that you do everything you can to prevent the mechanical damage to the grapes. what does that mean exactly? do do everything by hand? hand pick can sort and also by some store, but most of the work we do in the vineyard is by hand. every year we focused on each individual buying at least $4.00 to $5.00 times basically every season as we start on our a manual task. the 1st thing we do is the pruning tool, which has meant to adjust the expected yields of divine scope, and this is done to every single grapevine. sometime after that, we do what's called a shoot defending. it is another way to regulate yield, to keep the vines balanced, and make sure the grades ripen as evenly as possible. once we see the grave
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clusters forming a minute. this is the 1st set phase. we look at each vine separately and decide whether we should do green harvesting. so you know, this means removing some of the grapes in order to help the whole cluster ripen more evenly. harvesting itself is also done by hand. we picked the grapes and put them in special boxes so that they can be brought to the processing facility in perfect condition and upper free of mechanical damage and on spoils provisioning the . so for me, consistency for businesses important so that you have the same tradition, the same quality of wines each year. but there's so many things that go into the making of wind the weather and can change the harvest can be bad. how do you get
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that consistency year after year? yeah, much cuz that's the, that's what's important and essential is a style of the one. we have an analogy and it's a wind making professionals to customize as the wind to creating a distinct style defines the final product that goes to the can see my, my number is not in the wind making process. i was tossing all the way back from my work into vineyards. i'd say say our goal is to identify the best conditions that are more than that. and what you said is absolutely true. as i said, we are in the agriculture world as so can you. so we can have good weather on demand, but nevertheless, we tried to cultivate our grapevines. 80 sauce in great them any more than the web with the vine itself. and overall make sure that the high quality of a wind is maintained. yeah. after. yeah, and i mean, i get, i think, a set of course that doesn't change the fact that there are great is one on the 8th . and then there were years where all we can do is maintain high quality and have a surprise. but what about these barrels? what are they made of? what happens to the juice inside them? why are they so important to the one making process? i need those mean nationality strategies come to play in the final stages of the wind production at the not all wind goes into bottles,
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only the best us. we edge all wind for about 2 years. this is done in order to add complexity in depth to know also we have over 10 different barrel times, so i'm so some of these great variety is verified in age separately. after that, we made the lens based on which power will produce the best result. all how while it adds to the balance and somebody, somebody either. now when we came in we heard music playing and i understand that you play classical music to your wines. what does that do to the process? is that just a gimmick? or does it actually help the wind mature or get a better taste? may ship atoms we believe that's at the corner of our lives is balance and harmony that the classical music helps us maintain, in a sense of balance and harmony. and we believe that one can sense that as well. so the not the shape. mm hm. which music is a little wine like the best? um, i know i'm, i'm a problem and we've tried out different things so far, but we're still exploring them just we use pieces by russian composers such as dried gorski is going to most of the most of the now i know that
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a lot of people say do you know your wines? in your opinion, what does it mean to understand a one? i mean, how do you get to that process? they may have the questions. this is a very difficult question. i haven't really been able to find an answer. sometimes i feel like we really understand one way or which sets as often a move in spite of frame of mind, you know that most, sometimes it feels like one, i'm assessing a new task for them. the problem to solve, in order to improve on what you can do to adjust some things to better understand the people who choose all wind. but if you have machine, the, some of the newest wineries here are getting a modern twist can to very impressive architectural designs, catch the eye to scully's, the very good gravitational winery certainly deserves the extra attention. the . so this place looks fabulous, but not just the looks you specialize in gravitational winery. quite simply. what
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is that? a no sound good? yeah, no wineries built in 3 level in the system and you can see it over there on the top with a greater process. the than one level down is one fermentation in storage and the lowest level is for one barrel anger and you've got way the product 1st grapes and one moves along the production process from one level to another using only gravity or was if this helps eliminate any unnecessary stress on the grapes and later the wind, which is good for the quality. and we can adjust the process flow the way we need to them. most of them. now, i know many winds have laboratories, but yours is impressive. we were in there, it's quite clean. interesting. why does a winery need a laboratory? i'm what i thought. yeah. but the laboratory helps us measure certain parameters of the grapes, the juice, and the wind to make the right decisions at the right time. occasionally the lab takes samples to monitor the storage and aging of our winds, so that the wind stays healthy and within the desired parameters in your final
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product that is bottled wine is sampled and tested in the laboratory. but in the left, it has the latest equipment that allows us to conduct enhanced tests on about 70 samples simultaneously. and we've got a student that nicer now kind of an interesting question. i guess. i mean, it's a beautiful day. it's a hot day, but climate change i've heard is changing the percentage of alcohol in the actual wines. why, how and is that a problem for you? it's a chest thing, some of them now, despite the fact that the climate helps increase the percentage of alcohol in one's enough, the trend is actually the opposite. is people want winds. with less alcohol. nobody wants high alcohol one. so the alcohol plays an important role in shaping the morgan, elliptic and qualities that may have experienced wine makers know how to handle this process. and that, that we work with great funds to slow down the accumulation of sugars and grapes. here we harvest our grapes, not when they reach a certain sugar content level, but when they are technically right for this new skills video is now you are
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located next to the woods fish nature reserve to which means you have this modern technological facility and nature, right next to each other, is it possible to strike a balance in wine making in nature and technology can yes, now i'm going at that will of course more over we live in tandem. nature and everything that surrounds us is part of the system, not even our seller, where the wind h as in barrels is a recess cut out in raw. yeah. it, which allows us to keep the desired ambient temperature without using any electricity that, and the gravitational method that we use allows us to avoid the use of electric comp saving energy and allowing the product to flow naturally to move by gravity the
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which are curial. it is said here that making wine is an art. if this is the case, who is the most important artist? um or sure, yes there. so i believe, and the entire team here believes that the main artist is displacing the nature. the total water of this region, by the way, it's responsible for the quality of the wind we get here. it includes factors like sewing island or climate, or, and the grapevines. we planted more than 10 years ago. all these things help create a wine and they provide the basis for quality one, making him to them or, and we, um, really the medium for transforming all the input data we get into the final product . the glass of wine only was a like a when you poured glass of wine, we have these beautiful glasses right here. what do you look forward? you look for the color, the look for the past to be the clarity of what are you looking for in a glass of wine or sugar split, cuz then your whole legal gunner left click properties of wine are important. where you've got any wine tasting stats with the assessment of color to then flavor,
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but then change them up if they're a wind lover's ex, that sense of money as with most who lay more focus on the taste. making little of the ones color will flavor. so don't put, in any case, all these 3 components are important and they should offset one another, preventing a balance for them. so those, and if you're going to have one prevailing over the other to appear when the other way. so we've all heard, let's let the wind breeze a little bit. why does a wind that need to breed? is it a life? i mean, what's the story here? our sugar asked uh when we talk about breathing, we mean access to oxygen at the wine needs oxygen, just like humans. if we block access to oxygen during the wine aging process in the bottle, cuz its development will still last on weight. so that's why small doses of oxygen are needed or especially for the wine aging and oak barrels across the can with small amounts of oxygen get into the wine through woods tours 6. and once the wine is bundled from uh, oxygen enters through the cool grow, allowing the wind to grow and gain complexity and richness. when you open
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a bottle of aged wine, you let it free for some time to a ration helps the wine open up, bringing out its text, you over into room uh for revealing the complexity of it. okay, so we've all heard about the aromas of wines. each wine has its own specific smell with different notes. some could be leathery, some could be fruity, some could be chocolate. the buttery, even weird things like cab p petrol. where do these come from? is this just our imagination, or is there something really to this, a little slow that depends on the silence, great variety or sheer groups of very complex berries. they contain a number of chemical elements and mineral substances which later on in various flavors and hands to the winds. and we'll get to the great skins by the way, not the flesh that contain most of the coloring agents and flavor compounds here, nit ralph fermentation and aging cause the on the lease owing to no barrel. i will help transform these flavors some show and you can smell and taste the manual glass
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of wine on the and let's not forget that wine tasting is a very individual experience. more people's perceptions of one flavor and taste can be different. what was nice looking fact when 2 people smell the same one, the sensory associations may be very different and then what's the worst you should hold. what's yours to that? think the number of you, family run and boutique wineries are springing up across the region. one of them is missing a winery, it pays special attention to preserving the taste, the local soil gifts, the wine, but find out more with its founders. nikita, this is the perfect to setting for a conversation about wine. now you can be considered a garage winery who is a good, i've ceased, and what exactly do you do here? regardless of the well, the term garage one is from the bronze. we're different from model one making
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without advanced tools of technology. so in this model, the focus is above all on the quality of drapes, would be our top task is roll top quality crates to produce multiple entities of our signature blank screen. you'll see a garage in this case, simply refers to the small size of the business side as well. mm hm. now it seems to me that a smaller businesses like yours would have a little bit more room to experiment with what you do is that true and what kind of experiments have you done here of business loan them or that's true, will like to experiment with will like to work are wines a little long, for example, when it makes white wine after the great suppressed the juice has to settle to close, the settlement has to form at the bottom. leave include juice on the time being uh the juice has done ready to work with what we like to shake it all up and let it settle again because it makes that used to be tricked and take them somewhere. it gives us more flavor. i mean it, that's one example try another experimental wine. so it is this one right here. it could be called in over done was a for under done, right. and so it's a good day, bye into some blue blue. this thirst quenching sounds like log log that you make
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when drinking something delicious and refreshing its alcohol content is low. but there isn't a lot of goodly wind producing brush as yet, and it's not so it's one of our signature points to mine yet. so it's true that we have some room for experiments and we'd like to work on each where winds with special care edits weeks to the production technology magic mode. yeah. mm hm. now i've heard that here. you have a philosophy to try and limit human interference with the grapes and in the process . what does that mean and how do you do that? most of the bumps though, the guy do use to pay special attention to the great. so the big, the harvesting time with great care because it defines the style of the one a one that's our philosophy as a board or that one major can observe and make time with balance decisions. as also we usually don't mix different grapes, which means we can showcase all the grapes to work with as their best. and we just, if something were to go wrong with always be able to mix and mix proportion and there's the show come on. why makers to if you make a mistake or make it proportional? assistant job, of course for the final question i guess is,
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i mean the setting is beautiful. it seems fun. does this job for you? joy and if so, how so dark and yes of course brings me a lot of joy from different parts of the job. it's a lifestyle. i thought we did a lot of work here. so it's a lot of farm work, but it's always gives me joy. no matter how hard to work the assessment and the best part most is the result is it will stop. so the, the hi, this is absolutely stunning. you put a lot of emphasis on to arrive for otherwise a sense of place. but it's not just about the soil. what exactly is terah talking about the where they put this to me a little over 50000000 years ago. there was an ocean where we're walking right now . the 10th of this ocean. after it disappeared, the magnetic rocks formed limestone base soil was this type of soil is right under
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our feet. uh well, this limestone is from that era and the bottle of 50 to 60000000 years ago when the story is there is a line ridge sort of these very good for the vine. got cut off that the whole so there are a significant drops in temperature at night. some of these were under direct sunlight right now to torture on without the wind, it will be very hard special. but at nighttime, we have to wrap up and knock it out because the temperature drops to $8.00 to $9.00 degrees. maybe even though to verify the difference in temperature during the day and at night provides one with the right level of acidity and mean around, let's say what you are a magic pre close is maintained is good. so we get light franklin wines from here, and how much is this the steering? the one thing i've noticed is that a lot of wineries are proud of their traditions. so that's a big part of the feeling of the business. but you are a new company, a new business. do you have any traditions that you already have started while encouraging i'd, we're a small one rate to back up. we already have an established tradition of making
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a light wind for ourselves from the 1st grapes of the land. when we work all day and get very tired, we drink one or 2 glasses of this light wine to get some of the energy bags of a russian. we call this wine at the she moved the choke. you and you're not. there is no exact english translations. online, but that is all traditional to open each season with this one to perfect. now i know that this is harvest time. um, what is all important about this time? what happens if you get it wrong? if you have is too early or too late? how important is that for you guys? did we monitor different sections of the videos every day? i think this morning when we got samples from different parts site and testing, she'll go acidity p h and other parameters we need to know to make sure we set the right dates for harvesting each kind of grapes. got one of them. that is the key decision for every winemaker you said the winds characteristics will depend on it again. because right now, there are many different varieties that are famous,
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merlow, cabernet, southern young and all different types of grapes. but you deal with some that are not quite, i would say ordinary, what do you work with here? i've got to live, you know how the, my science background. i think that you need to grow the local, great variety to ask them. you may have to be a really good wind for them. you need special area that we all know cabin a from bordeaux on who needs cabin a from a napa, think a good, a good estimate, great wine from local grapes. that's the right thing to do. the pleasure of mcbride, and so you're not necessarily a chateau, but how do you distinguish yourself specifically? oh, got the there's them as you can see them. there are 2 small oak trees behind us and when we planted the vineyards, i told the guys to leave them as a landmark if we also have 2 wonderful pets. cool gaze to entertain all gas more than that so you can get them moved, boost through this fun and the j as well as
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a glass of one. let me try the 2 wonderful cool ways of very loving that. and they enjoyed meeting new people at the vineyard, and my dear thank you very much. thank you. thank you. so and just a special message from my friends. alexa and carissa. if you do choose to drink, follow your local laws and drink responsibly in the the the now can you use visa, stipulate hip sent to nancy,
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click comes and then that's just me where it gets to the young showcase. use the thing. so i'm just going to the boys at the boys, the probably the one that's noun that'll be for them. imagery of assess florida doesn't want that. i faxed them, put the notes up under that fortunately, dreamland for james come through
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we have approximately 10000000 people in california that are risk of becoming on house. looks good and then pulls up somebody for working to 3 jobs and still not enough because of the cost of living also has increased co bags and still by todd. she has last year long, the amount of all homeless roles by 12 percent in california. to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality. distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills,
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and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented as fast can you see through their illusion going underground can the because they already see here, because they kept the store i visited and then use their email future great if and then to the you rules, the not see theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war labor comes 10. prisons really well, you know,
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think she's the media venue, so i'm assuming you need even the big chest. maybe to get ahold of that credit livingston, i'm assuming people's going to sit in approximately 25000 people, went through the occupied of go to finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff, dudley looked at if the ship did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the size of the stuff. so young congress that, i mean, yeah, what the famine disease forced labor to which you have by the word. so for me was, what was the last it also need you to do was to take it to you, but that it's with you're almost human off with those who quoted his name portion of the 6 of the give you what feeling do 30 because he does it to the rules to thousands of testimonies of crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more. when you look on here, you know, one or 2 so do to speak is 90 in the did i tell you? yeah, for the good i see it or really supplement they decided to do discuss what if we can just do it,
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but there's being yet that was put in the middle of the it's the headlines right now. if you are not you international, nearly 5000 ukrainian troops killed and that failed in coaching in the rough as cortez region. and we have, is it, one of the settlement to a key of forces found themselves in the cross the premiums. they have been using about 5 hours to hit a strictly civilian area. this is a, one of the cost of munitions that did not explode. india is present if the rental moody arriving to the foster visiting whole soul. he hopes to find a road about the piece, some of the ukrainian monthly because it's an historical level of repression for the russian orthodox church from a few cranes decision to bind. the canonical orthodox church and algebra should
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have been eastern.


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