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tv   News  RT  August 23, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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the, the breaking news on this to the info from southern russia already say full people of the, in the us for the life of the unit in the hostage taking incident. a prison in the vulgar was recent more than a fight files. and he claimed fixed up to in the failed incursion into russia on see, this is one of the areas where the kids forces found themselves in the process the ukrainians. they have been using little about 5 power to hips, a strictly civilian area. this is a one of the cluster munitions that did not explode. tv 3 dates in the us. willingness to contribute in all possible ways to facilitate. and no later on the police and the 5 as the body,
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i rides and t vault the visiting was sort of the hubs to develop a roadmap to resolve these for income. the which is one to 5 pm here in the russian capital, wilton, wherever hugh, catching the news from today. this is all we thought was breaking news from southern russia. full of people have been hospitalized off to being wounded in a hostage, taking situation at a correctional facility in the volvo of the region earlier and obviously. so let's go from the full people, but safe and haul safe to offset, to being killed. one of them was a prison staff member. it's ok with drawing now by all t's i saw eventually, this is good. this actually relates as, as some developments on the charlotte. uh well, all the latest developments where all we give us a whole run down,
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if you would please. that's right. well, it looks like the situation has been ruled under control of this penal colony in the vulgar road region. russian swamp teams swooned into the facility, taking control of the situation, and we understand the or for the hostages have now been released. so that's the important update on this. we don't know what the condition is. of those who had been taken hostage as we say russian salt teams going in able to release those for hostages and get the situation under control. what's interesting and some of the information coming up now, and this is a sole speaking to odyssey, is that it was only for prisoners that were involved in this incident. and the, the of the prisoners facilities didn't support what was going on to, to take you through what's happened for the last week. wow, is this has been a very movable face. this situation as it's been unfolding the information coming
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out as being a pushy extreme, was stalls off with the fact that what happens here is that there was a ride to the prison. and then these full prisoners were said to have overtaken some of the guards taking some of them hostage to individuals of kills and not the original stall sufficient since including we understand one of the guards is correctional facility, a maximum security quite correctional facility to get a sense of the sorts of criminals who would buy that. now we know that at 2 people were taken to hospital in a serious condition. i know that you were also taking the full people to hospital altogether. the serious condition information came out from the regional health authorities, giving an update on the condition that we knew the, as i said 2 individuals were killed. so this was a situation that was ongoing. we had videos coming out of the prison where we could
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see prison guards with blood running down the face looking like that they had been injured. we don't know if these ones are taken hostage or were the ones that were injured and later taken to hospital. we also had some of the inmates who are behind this active tara also then unfolding a flag of ice. so showing their legions to is lot, make state and also video is coming out from the, the, the, the perpetrators themselves, filming themselves, explaining why they did this, saying that this was a revenge attack. but for that call mazda essentially, who were behind the terror attack in march of this year in moscow, at the croaker city hall, i mean, she ranch terrible incident, a $145.00 people killed more than 500 people injured. and i thought it was a cold sit where i think it was on the gunman went in and they shot at people who
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die for nice nights out. and then the facility food down a huge tragic event here in moscow a very dark night. and of course, the russian security services very quickly fund what they say of the perpetrators behind that the top menu admission to stay with the perpetrators and had some allegiance to i. so although we have heard from moscow authorities that actually they believe she, i was over the, behind the attack a quicker city hole. so the inmates behind isn't sent in the vocal road region today on friday, saying that this was a revenge attack for the colorado being taken up by the russian security services previously, in fact, being held in jails at the moment. so this is a been a very mercury picture, but the stage a situation where we all know is that it seems to be oil and to control the sweat teams of sold,
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taking control of the facility and being able to release the hostages will be of course, guessing medical attention as they need a token of those who are already at the hospital. all she has been speaking to the wife of one of the correctional facility gods, who is in hospital not. it seems in the serious condition. this is what she has to say. dot yes, my husband does. okay. he's currently at the local hospital. he's alive and just hasn't caught him. she's ear. that's all i know for now. he'll likely manage to escape and find safe to you. but he's worked there for 3 years and before now he didn't mention any issues or problems at work. there have never been any conflicts before. everything seemed fine. i'm still in the dark about what actually happened . the obvious, incredibly sad to those who lost by life in this incident on the 2 who was seriously injured in hospital, not serious condition. hopefully they will be able to recover. but it does seem as
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if this situation has been put to a fairly conclusive and very quickly with minimal casualties. yeah. saw it. so if, if this will surface about 3 hours ago, we'd been of course, covering it every minute since this happened. something similar to this happened, i believe that was also uh, faulted or filled it out, as i say, really quickly, back in june 10th. it was of outlook, that's why this was at a prison. the facility enroll stuff on don't. which is also in the south of russia . it's own you write about 350 kilometers away from where the current instance has been happening on friday. and this is where prison is broke after that jail cells were able to take control of some of the security guards, again, taking them hostage. and again, this was a situation that was approved under control very quickly by the russian authorities . they said they eliminated the criminals by quickly,
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but low just really interesting. looking back at some of the diseases fixed in terms of parent incidents in russia this year. so for and it is being an incredibly difficult year for russia. these are figures from the ministry of the interior saying that there has been a surge in crimes related to tyra and extremism in the country. a 100. it was 1650 crimes classified in those categories. that was an increase in the 1st 6 months of 2020 full of 40 percent on the previous is an oversee either. we've seen some big incident says the 2 instance we've just talked about, the cost of taking situations in these $2.00 correctional facilities. the cro chris city hall, but let's give gee, where do you use a no credit would do is with the russian security service as have talks about the numbers of attempted terror attacks that they have to take before they're able to carry out. and they have been kept incredibly busy in the ca mother,
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trudy of charlotte, and appreciate those latest updates uh to show the bessie. thank you for that so, so i'm out and to how do you so the is the executive director of the arabs sense of research on a studies. i always good to see you because we've been following one thing going on in the southern positive. russian needs this escape of these uh well this go to the side of the hostage taking situation. but this is the of the 1st time this has happened. this is the 2nd time a similar scenario. a happened back in june. what are your thoughts about these a, this rise, especially with these links to isis or dice? what are your thoughts on that since the resumed again, of course, it was hard time because our son stayed by. is this the insistence? but as you said, 1st of all, it's not funny to find buffy. hi. and so i'm saying like that's enjoying the interest of prism but is on our sons did. did to is this incident by many birth
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cert. so just and successful. wait indeed, was it? and that event thing get towards it, that ariah's or the reason ours. so i think it's a successful mission of the national security and digital and institutions and the rest of the sec i you, i want to focus on the brand. so bear on see that the institutions is that these doors that situation by giving you information on the ins and use and that is associated with the process to get what is the information about this edition as it is? and it said that you want to say that again, shouldn't like somebody else it to uh, a deal was that did or is rush, i have and many mention the experiences to 3. it was this,
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the incidence ends up as to for us are, and those that ensures that the con, 3 in that state, the floor, again is do green, can control the internet of security. that is the russian stage, the grid, and the bar for the state. and this vision of the time can deal with or is this, it needs to bite us, thrown away. so is that a shame didn't this both of those are prisoners demands by uh, around stone or given good idea to go to school or any thing they focus on in this situation by successful weight and how many bumps so i think uh no, that's just it in sure, one way another i'm going to another is that the ex civilians will rush. it runs this the wrong states can indeed under but event i is this uh,
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3 it to the restaurant is this. i am, i think we can find the kind of, uh, intelligence uh after the uh, by us or is this a promo would site to make a resort to us uh, schedule for us. yeah. is it just say a 100 because you know, the cham and all of a problem and national moves and associated another said, forum power was this, please with the rush is warm times with moves of nations might have played a role in terrorism in the country. what do you think about that? yes, the same good rooms the 1st time i just tried to open the door and to uh, i made an order i saw by going to to accident lions of national security and then go to the other of europe and i were over the brand again as i saw the same as our stairs and uh uh i was, i was this remote site that i had to replace um since they are ordered. and so he's
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in the us national security and disability rosa. so he's saying is there is there, is there a link between is this and is this a, it's in the prison that was having to now enjoy talking to enjoying it was still fine. and those are, i would say it tends right to the 3. it security and disability and also to make a visit on a resident and this, and that was a good price up to it or may be influenced and that uh, we're integrating, i own okay. and i can find that i see a link between what happens and the water and when i am sure for one day feeds in the sky, one final question from you know, how significant is this incident within the context of so regional security concerns? the yes i think is the top in the engine, sorry, is the, with
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a face to the old site is on. does the mission on the security room citizen. so i said to this incident, we made the show more strong and the it the and if let's the infinitive, lea, i'm not sure i did you under, under, i saw a behavior ins the order, new crime you and i think new grant and they think it was may, could, i saw a try to move forwards to achieve its goals and so it isn't. and in a grant and they think it the. 7 to be is the last time we find the some incidents and that's it. and slides that may be, we'd find dominion try as a from i would say the punters to a fit that are somebody's thinking that i'm sure the mr. walton is on our shop. now. this team can deal to strongly agree with this. i've students, but a successful way to date. i think it's
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a message to insight on the outside. and the way i've picked is that a patients in the water in the past are interested in the but after leaving the side, they always good to the view. all right, so the executive director of the center for research and studies. thank you for your time. right? now to us is less than what is, what keeps it up facing mount sing, loss isn't made that found incursion into the course media. now, the russian defense, and as he said, the plane has to offer more than 5 files. and so it is in the area with a full 100 taken out of action in just the last 24 hours. i is not just manpower you crime is would have to last at least 69 times in the failed incursion. this footage was provided to all the by russian service when revealing the wreckage on the bottom of it as most cuz forces take came america most or is all the pull the
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among the oddities english. i know travel to one of the settlements incentives. the civil scorched vehicle caucus is lying the side of the road. a tell tale sign over coming cause you drone hunting area. we speak to a small sacrament that has found itself when you create a sense maps. russian positions are a few minutes drive away. this is the place where the ukrainians tried to capitalize on the initial territorial gains, very having the coolest region in the 1st 2 days of the operation. in fact, they even tried to gain a foothold in the town that our filming crew has now left behind. so they obviously failed. now, the fight is here. they are telling me that they have made a conscious effort to build their defense, not inside, but outside of the town to minimize potential civilian casualties of the nursery. the situation is quite tense. the enemy groups in large clusters,
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all guys are working great. we defend people, peaceful civilians. they left the homes. where should they go back to? as the settlement itself is going through some of its darkest days, locals, many of whom have the entire lives built around small plots of farmland, have had to flee. many have nowhere to return. now. keith did not hold its auto recruits back here. well this is the very city center of uh, the town of come square because you can see the state it has been left him. ukrainians have been selling it with everything that they had more to us. uh, taylor a using may to may brown. this is one of the cost of munitions that did not explode . as you can imagine, the russians did not have and do not have any positions here in the city center. so the ukrainians, they have been using all that fired power to hips,
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a strictly civilian area. some civilians still risk their lives and visit their homes here to look after them while fights is on the front line to shed their blood to push the enemy back. i'm gonna get it done and proposing from the course region . russia party who are going to the pilot on washington is couldn't tend to keep using us supplied weapons to strike russian territory. has the use of us weapons and curse violated any us policies. our policy does allow for ukraine to conduct counter fires, to defend itself from russian attacks coming over that border region. and that border region does include curse that does include su me. and so they are defending themselves from russian attacks within that region. stupendous autumn has a rift pull to the opening of is trying to put one. so yeah, this time. so i think another 125000000 the la package and the foremost. but if it
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quit meant the high mazda multiple loan smoking system is said to be included in the bunch, these are the same weapons, have been use of tax look closely due. i'm seeing here being destroyed by russian forces. what do you say an office of thoughts about why he's decided tech cause of every month? so i think this is how this decision was made. they were thinking, what is our current situation? let's look at the front line developments total mess. let's look at the mood within our people, our economy, our energy sector, total mess relations with our partners are also not looking very good now. everyone complains that we have terrible corruption. that's why they don't give us money. and the worst problem is that we don't have much approval, so we needed to come up with something where there are no clear understandable goals. there are no strategic goals so far for why they started all of this. this is a, a us of the top off the shelf i idea and
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pushing the ukrainians to do it with us equipment promising that would be back up. every plan has come from washington. now what their goals are, are always marky. it really is just how'd it continue in a war that's failing and not have a total failure on their hands during an election season. so their goals are pretty short term unlimited. also not very well thought out one after another of ukrainian forces. last because they're being totally used, they're not defending their own homeland. they're really defending or u. s. agenda. so they have not changed their situation on the ground. if anything, it's much worse. they haven't achieved their goals and kurtz, whatever those goals were. and they start might have not changed their situation
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within ukraine. india is willing to do everything possible to facilitate peace between gosh, a new for and that is, according to a statement by both india and ukraine. as the indian prime minister was the visits in cuba, oppose the state. what was read out by india is for minnesota, or the prime minister retreated the need for some children's practical engagement between all stakeholders. to develop innovative solutions that sort of have broad acceptability and contribute towards early restoration of beast. he, they treated the us willingness to contribute in all possible ways to facilitate and know later on a piece and the say, my name is prime met assistant, that movie, i feel only lead to more devastating consequences. he said, he's ready to pass the play a role in we can piece agreement as well as emotive piece efforts to us deputies
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saying through the state of a full i'm baffled with india. richard. my insisted that i need jenny has to be more specific about this side. it's all i've been glad to see again, the strength of the international alliances come together to, to support you printer, that it's in its efforts to defend itself. and so i think that's the important piece here is to try to protect and preserve the international order we understand . india is a long relationship with russia. and india has to make it sound determinations about where it's wants to be on, on the scale. why? that's why i'm now to run you the full my indeed i'm boss. so that's it's really an romania i look forward to pub and representative to the u. n. agencies. and thank you so much for taking the time. and joining us here today on uh to the national is
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a pleasure now. so in the new credit have released a doing statement that says india is willing to facilitate a potential piece agreement and the color of it. what is faith? india steps would be so when i a list of all the 5 minutes of all do 1st went to most folks. uh, as is only that strong between 2 uh, fox most most faithful, many, many years. and the vision for thing is a really long space, and then just, and that goes a message. it's just a movie 1st game with a muscle that, that is gonna be st. john's. but this is not the time for war, but war is not the solution for issues, peace can lead to solutions to issues because it's a message that is going to create. uh,
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let's see. all of this wants to do it most specifically. oh, there's been so let's do this 1st year in data is certainly one. that's why. so that will be interesting to follow that. you know, uh if i may, since the beginning of the thing calls that the west has tried to make in the pick of side. but india and since it's remaining neutral, now what in your opinion? so why do with some powers want india only on the side as well? uh, the general impression, uh, you're gonna distribute. yes. is that the global thoughts, the developing countries of the world are more sympathetic towards russian worship events that there was an understanding then. so we need to expand these words, she was pressure that understanding as we study law ukraine
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was the last line. i'm not saying this was off is about saying this america's on strategic experts including. busy make dr. kissinger says it's in fact it can be repeated. so america is perhaps by the side of mind by the display of sunset. that's the way the office box. yeah. but i put in stuff for the wi fi to stay there and i need to see expansion needles in more than that. in the box. there is also a need for an absolute all moments as is good on the actual physical fire. someone has to be at the house phone for word and see what else is allowed to run off. she has nothing to do stage one by observing just
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because of the was just use visa. john's. somebody is working on it so yeah. but also on the off of the piece of machinery since that's a good one. so i guess are interesting face indeed at least diplomacy is a needs just if i may take this slightly, slightly different and go to the now india is defense minutes a currently in washington, 5 minutes. somebody in cuba did spend with a flurry of diplomatic activities will lead to any real concrete development as to what ending the call of it. what do you think that as he will dis, knuckle down and not pay any attention to this sort of approach? then i directly, it is up to you green when russia to decide the but that's the wish to do. uh, the defense you, mr. mr. diagnostics visit to washington has no connection with this vendor talk
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701 international. but she was also basically somebody electrons there, which is which is common wessy and that's what i was 7. mr. munoz visit just fine inside this was are not your former office visit mostly on the phone on. she's missed a movie who is your credit to the that isn't more just on. busy busy step on the who is this a beautiful piece of the resides in the moving forward, even if it is a step forward when you step. so what if russia clean can come and stop the cost of the table? that's going to be there to, to minutes for the people of these $2.00 countries. this is, but, you know,
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we see the body in the queue now, he's not the 1st, the prime is so, or will country need to, to, to, i'm broke a piece. so at least bring both sides to the negotiating table. you know, you may remember there was an african delegation time. easy, but i tend to, that made that piece by seems like the only one from the west engaging both sides is hung guy is on gary and p. m v or by but why. 5 so in your opinion, all the biggest west and pals fueling the conflict with the weapons. well, major representatives of the global south indian china, for example, a choice and the flights the. there's another link to talk to her that this shouldn't be days in the initial stages. in 2022000 for the treat. me good enough was x 2
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q 10 possible. suddenly, the stop i took the imposter the part as a few visits of producing and it is uninstalled. and there is also this increase. busy in the defensive blueprint. busy gift to you. so clearly he does not seem to be very much on the agenda you one of the people. busy and say, non fighters, you want me want to talk to someone else to step forward and i'm going to some movie next steps forward and give them suggestions and then very, very no confrontational on it. good surveys. no, i don't see any on the status of search one in yet is
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really 2 or 4. what do you want? is it, can you me to the bottom piece taking a step forward. so i think that should be coming back to me more as a positive approach, i uploaded in dates and that we have going to have to leave with this on the rajiv, they'll go out for my new number. so it's a, it's the ann romania. i'm from a permanent representative to the u. n. agencies that thank you so much for your time. thank you. have that as well. but he knew from the southern russia, in a swift operation, so full of his have successfully a sub jude, a prisoner uprising and rescued old for offices at a correctional facility in the boulder of the region. by 30 said several houses.


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