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tv   News  RT  August 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the breaking news and disturbing images from southern russia, but as of both his life is neutralized full inmates to engage in the result of the passage taking incident as a correctional facility in the blue. i read it more than 5000. you could and killed in the failed incursion into rush of policy. that is one of the areas where can you also found me so in the process ukrainians, they have been using google that fire power to hips a strictly civilian area. this is a, one of the cost of munitions that did not explode to the $3.00 dates in the us. willingness to contribute in all possible ways to facilitate and know the time of
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this is prime is a run reload the arrives in, keys also visits. it won't, so was he hopes to develop a robot to solve the queen conflict, the expedited company today. so the next is global news roundup. i'm rode home on a i'm, this is our team international breaking news from southern russia in a swift operations. first of all, it does have a successfully some view the prisoner uprising i rescued for hostages and a correctional facility in the rollover. i'd read and unfortunately, full staff members were killed during the house inch take in a prison in the full grad region. 4 criminals took 8 staff members, and 4 inmates hostage for staff members, suffered stab wounds of varying severity. 3 of them died. another 4 who resisted
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were hospitalized. one of them later died in the hospital during the special operation to free the hostages conducted by the federal penitentiary service and the national guard. all for criminals were neutralized as a result of the bandits. criminal activity for inmates were injured. there were no injuries among the staff involved in the hostage rescue operation. russian special forces have gone in and neutralize the situation at the penal colony. number 19, they have neutralize, the rising prisoners that we understand. one of the prisoners was shot dead as a result of the fact that he was trying to activate amount functioning suicide. best we seen images of basic 40 incredible. this stone said a few hours ago on friday was rising prisoners were able to capture some of the prison guards and then taking them off stage were able to essentially shut down the
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facility. some of those who were at the correctional facility were able to get out . they were taken to hospital full in total, take it to hospital. we had an update from the regional health facility saying that 2 of those who who had been taken to hospital previously were in a serious condition. and we got a sense of what this was about, because there were lots of videos floating about on social media from these writing prisoners. these terrorists carried up this a terror attack at one of the people colonies in russia. they claimed this was revenge for that process. who are being held currently behind jail in prison for carrying at the crocus city full attacked by a huge terrorist attack in most goes back in march of this year with $145.00 people tails over 500 people in church. and of course, the russian authorities very quickly quote, the perpetrators who have a sense,
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given concessions and said that this was linked to i. so although the most goes towards he's upset that they believe he was actually behind the attack overall. and again, the prisoners who took part in this rising say, who took the prison guards host, just saying that they were in support device will to on funding an ice is flag it at one point they had demanded money, $2000000.00 in cash. and that helicopter to get them up, but of course none of that came to fruition and then because of the russian special, so workforce is going in taking control of the situation very, very quickly. i know now we have been hearing from the wife of one of the security guards who's currently receiving treatment in prison. that's how i listen to what she has to say. dost. yes, my husband does. okay. he's currently at the local hospital. he's alive and just hasn't caught him. she's ear. that's all i know for now. he'll likely manage to escape and find safe to you. he's worked there for 3 years and before now he didn't
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mention any issues or problems at work. there have never been any conflicts before . everything seemed fine. i'm still in the dark about what actually happened. some of this is a maximum security trail at houses over $1200.00 inmates. and because it's a maximum security, as you can imagine, the sorts of criminals that are in that. but of course, thankfully those who were taken hostage have been released to the russian special forces getting in then essentially whipping them up. yeah. shut out. ave, in this email and it's outside while you've been with me throughout the last 3 hours. and they've seem to sort of filters out pretty quickly with it. but i saw something rings reminded of in a similar situation then something like this happened quite recently earlier this year. that's why it was stuff on dollar which isn't too far away. it's a couple of 100 kilometers away from where the situation is being unfolding on
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friday. and that's where inmates broke out vessels and took some of the gods back prisoners. that was result the very quickly with the criminals being neutralized that. but most, this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of terror. incidence that has been happening in russia just in 2024 alarming statistics that the into a ministry has different out saying that has been a search by some 40 percent increase in the 1st 6 months of 2024 compared to last year. i thought totes is up to over 1600 incidence crimes of being class is either being linked to tara or extremism. so the russian security suits forces of really being held at work in 2024, trying to keep the country safe. and there, it's, since we've covered head as the croaker city, whole this, these 2 incidents at the jailer for the last few months. but there was another instance in areas such as i dug a stone in, in the south of russia, where the security surfaces of had to go in
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a neutralized. that's right. but of course, there are many threats that they have been able to neutralize without anything happening without the public being put at risk, or even being aware of it until following their operation. they've turnaround said, well we were able to meet twice a cell, but really hot. it was in 2024. but this was not allowed to political stresses this time coming to you to continue and the, and c, thanks so much for taking that 5. and joining us here today on ology international now. so this is a terrible event that happened just unfolded today. but it's the 2nd time this summer that there's a hostage situation out of russian prison with pretty much the same scenario. what are your thoughts on this? is it a coincidence, or is it something more was more devious behind it to well versus. busy congratulations sensitivity for somebody off the situation for you. well, i,
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i do think that some laws are credit should be given to the russian security forces fed dealing with this friday probably correctly because i have in the water . well, the media. uh, i'm sorry the, the robert ations that the president page site should i even have everything else. so the district action is text books are really high, but it's uh, lessons will be love and this because obviously it was a big box. if it hasn't happened to tool above i, i'm just sort of wonder, you know, he's made sure that he will look this. i think he's interested is it? and um, it's the officer is trying to use the stream is free to cause disruption. i'm char in um, in russia and uh, but i have been a point slate in the past, but perhaps she cried, just be fine. this. um certainly will need to look at the uh,
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connections um and the um the the why the issue i have um i so and indeed that the repair contracts fit for a weird. i'll touch tight. but it is interesting that some of these groups are she ever attacked cases are al, but they do want to form of think about just saying between christians and muslims, where they, even between mazda in south office in russia. i think it's about 18 percent of the population. the russian federation is most up beside. currently there's a lot of harmony and in russia, i'm not sure to continue you, but i think they all will say lessons to be learned in respect. so i figured you look at what was happening and then you try as we've got the presence of
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u. k which has got extreme is and then we've also had a situation. somebody several, something good. last year we had the my sister already know the bombing. wow. i think it was about so if you want me to, you can show them as well as the 1000 didn't change under cause. so recall the loss in common. but what happened with the charge of j know they must go with the stuff that they do that the shape group of people is having to the concepts and the fishing and spice. as nice as all i pass the think that they should be more worldwide calibration. on these things on the inside of the u. k. um putting a, a sort of role between the itself and the rushing dropped man. this is an issue, right. they should be at a loss of calibration and indeed in sir, uh, i so well, let's do this. the featured primarily buyer
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a buyer. i shop at one site by uh, do you try and do you guys site and all the site? that's common grounds, isn't there a to uh, to feats uh, stream is terrorism and it's very important because nothing wrong with the russian governance for the area uh in crush. uh said that, but i'm not trying to allow for the one to cause hectic divisions about stuff is a very important point because they will be in to do that in the united kingdom as well. and if you are 5 to russia, i think this go a 100, you know, and see the crates and i have to sell it to you and see how religious the combination is, is already good. it's all the walls of people living in the home of the of the there is risk gone. 3. forgive me. i see this. i forgive me. i the,
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i think that's what i wanted to of another question about because we've heard the time and the appropriate national moves and association have said foreign powers, this please with rushes will, i'm tired, was muslim nation might have somehow influenced this terrorist group. what do you think about that as well? i think i think that's that's, that's probably possible. i but certainly a stronger i've already stronger argument which escape? um, so uh, should i be we all got that should be 5 so you can gain 6th street or something. i'm not sure it would be governments taking advantage of it straight. this creates to co term cause havoc in other countries. i don't see sure you're familiar with us . i certainly they it is very imposed subject. she and i think there's, there's a need for time sheets to work hard to get the orbit. um, yes,
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it's very true. um if you go back to box up in the middle east and so right in a rock and all that country is. so it stream is the grapes blame um america. either you can all the countries and what was sorry for russia for that role was in uh, come back figure this extreme is in my for i. so i'm ready to face are available, but not completely different because i still have a person sitting iraq and syria and a number of other countries in the welfare check be in africa and a, it really is time that that was togetherness on come by 2nd base and they shouldn't trust in the present. and by doing that in the states was saying he's focusing the k, i the size of the care of policy on know, career,
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russia and china. i'm nothing said about believe process of uh is the best it stream is, which is a name you can increase against boss, so the well, and that's, that's why they should be chop or i should. but we, we really, they got to bad mind, but we don't want for the kind of events to read the bombing it's, i'm certainly, i'm sure i'm not sure. do you want to study more charter sacks? so that's cool. so basically, corporations aren't really height. they will be some policy issues across the board or the countries they will say, right? we've got to co operate something this and the insurance space and all that as i've signed it on today that i have that even though i need somebody to join us here today on, on teams. and i feel a pleasure talking to mike again. okay. now to says less of orders one teams as well. so you think mounting loss isn't made that found incursion into the cause?
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freedom that i think defense. and as he says he has lots of mold and 5 files. and so it is in the area with over $400.00 taken out of action just in the last 24 hours. and there's no change of mind. power. new credit is due to have lost at least $69.00 times in the founding because of this footage was provided to all the virus and the service and revealing the refuge on the battlefield as one of the forces take an american missouri's arm to pull the among the dead odds easy goes down. i've traveled to one of the settlements and instead of this triple a scorched vehicle caucus is lying the side of the road. a tell tale sign, overcoming kazi drone hunting area. we speak to a small sacrament that has found itself on ukraine defense maps. russian positions are a few minutes drive away. this is the place where the ukrainians tried to capitalize
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on the initial territorial gains they had in the coolest region. in the 1st 2 days of the operation, in fact, they even tried to gain a foothold in the town that our filming crew has now left behind. so they obviously failed. now, the fighters here, they are telling me that they have made a conscious effort to build their defense, not inside, but outside of town to minimize potential civilian casualties. mostly the situation is quite tense. the enemy groups in large clusters, all guys are working great. we defend people, peaceful civilians, they left the homes. where should they go? back to? the settlement itself is going through some of its darkest days. locals, many of whom have the entire lives built around small lots of farmland, have had to sleep. many have nowhere to return. now. keith did not hold. it's all to a recruiters back here. well, this is the very city center of the town of comes key of the key. you can see the
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state has been left in the ukrainians, have been selling it with everything that they had more to as a taylor a using made to made round. this is a one of the cost of munitions that did not explode. as you can imagine, the russians did not have and do not have any positions here in the city center. so the ukrainians, they have been using all that fired power to hit a strictly civilian area. us. some civilians still risk their lives and visit their homes here to look off to them while fights is on the front line to shed their blood to push the enemy back. i'm gonna get done and proposing from the course region. russia party going to the was this is ken tenuous, came using us of wide web and it's a psych russian territory has the use of us weapons and curse violated any us
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policies. our policy does allow for ukraine to conduct counter fires, to defend itself from russian attacks coming over that border region. and that border region does include curse that doesn't include su me. and so they are defending themselves from russian attacks within that reach up. the highest level of the opened up is china book once again, this time to do another $125000000.00 a packet in the form of men to equipment the high miles multiple launch real quick . the system is said to be included in the batch. these are the same weapons that have been use. i've track the costs bleeding and seeing him being destroyed by russian forces. why do you plan officer talks about why keep decided to track close? evelyn was when i think this is how this decision was made, they were thinking, what is our current situation? let's look at the front line developments total mass, and let's look at the mood within our people, our economy,
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and there's our energy sector. total mess relations with our partners are also not looking very good. now. everyone complains that we have terrible corruption. that's why they don't give us money. and the worst problem is that we don't have much approval. so we need to come up with something or if there are no clear understandable goals and there are no strategic goals so far for why they started all this stuff. and this is a, a us of the top off the shelf idea and pushing the ukrainians to do it with us equipment promising that would be back up. every plan has come from washington. now what their goals are, are always marky, it really is just how it continue in a war that's failing and not have a total failure on their hands during an election season. so their goals are pretty short term unlimited or still not very well thought out one after another of
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ukrainian forces. last because they're being totally used. they're not defending their own homeland. they're really defending or u. s. agenda. they have not changed their situation on the ground. if anything, it's much worse. they haven't had to be their goals and kurtz, whatever those goals were. and they start might have not changed their situation within ukraine. and yeah, is wanting to do everything possible to facilitate the piece with whom rush and your grade. that is according to a statement by the end. and you'd find, as an indian prime minister was visiting team opposing on the statement was read out my in this foreign minister, the prime minister retreated the need for some children's practical engagement between all stakeholders to develop the number of solutions that will have broad acceptability and contribute towards early restoration of beach. he,
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they treated the us willingness to contribute in all possible ways to facilitate and no later on a piece. and the statement and the 5, this is, this is the action is it will only lead to more devastating consequences. he said he is reading to pass the play a role in reaching a peace agreement and resolve some of these piece efforts us deputies, tennessee of state. and former i'm boss of the to india written should. um, uh, is that new delhi has to be most specific about his side is on i've been glad to see again the strength of the international alliances come together to, to support you, printer. it's in its efforts to defend itself. and so i think that's the important piece here is to try to protect and preserve the international order we understand . india is
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a long relationship with russia. and india has to make it sound determinations about where it's wants to be on. on the scale, we start with form my indian, i'm by so the right june the raise said his country is trying to find a solution that will treat both sides of the conflict savvy won't do for spent too much food as is only that into. busy busy fox, nice to space for many, many years and the 1st and then there's a written on this and then just some that goes a message that some of the 1st a game with a muscle that is the st. john's for war, war is most the solution for issues. peace can lead to solutions to issues, which is the same message such as you want to create. uh, uh,
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let's see. all the cleansers foster, the general impression you wanna restrict media. is that what so? is there anything in front of the word? oh, ok. sympathetic towards that i should worship events. that there was an understanding then. so we need to expand these words. 2 words, measure that understanding has been good. sturdy law cream was the last big light. someone has to come forward and see what the law offices are. no, no, no one lives up because of the war let's you use the jones somebody is working. yeah. it's really awesome. it's only off the phone to the office and the home phone and is
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really part of that member has pulled for development of a nuclear missile. as it turns to is in the series a made the war in gaza. i mean, i want to remind you that on the 1st day i said that we need a nuclear weapon. as far as i'm concerned, we need a nuclear capable ballistic missile. of course, i wasn't talking about a chemical weapon, but whether derek or miss all with mass and ballistic capabilities, with large scale damage potential to maintain deterrence. and a whole hardly believe that every person in gaza who does not give us information about the hostages is an accomplice to come us. therefore, such a person is in my view, a dead man walking about that same income isn't made on the idea of a tax on gaza. is where i was old and residents of the southern and do fun unit once considered the same zone to fleet from their homes, an estimated 90 percent of gauze population. so they can display since the war
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a relative in october of last year. so it is have access only 10 percent of the region. despite those terrifying numbers is really part of a member of a door neighbor of mine that has pulled them as well to conduct the competing, located all gaza, coughing off. oh, food rules and the even medical supplies. should we stay? no, we should do the opposite. complete this engagement coast, all the crossings noble supplies. no more to notice this of the no goods we have already taken on this crazy process called this engagement. we need to close all the crossings, no more to no goods. on the west side is also being targeted by the idea of forces this further from the 2 carbon refuge income shows the awesome off of an ass like and hours long braids. there are 3 people's dead bicycle into passing authorities, 7 the i'm so in the west bank of seen a surgeon violence with is what it pulls is conducting mid day,
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the rigs that often the gun by those local policies. meanwhile, the head of the is really security agency has sent a letter to mis 5 minutes and nothing yahoo urging him to address the jewish settlers who engage in violets in the west bank. the hill top you phenomenon long ago became a hot bed of violence against palestinians. i never agreed to the term nationalist crime. it isn't the crime because it's the use of violence to create intimidation, to spread fear that is terror. it's not a nationalist crime. and certainly not national because it challenges national security. i'm convinced that this needs to be one of the government's main goals before it's too late. but yeah, it's always reading paul, i'm a member of the cast. so he said, these learning doesn't hanes have been more than it is, was own citizens,
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the world's most of the stand that the current situation, the diesel a is not only the destruction list of ation. the genocide, the ice cream guys are carried out by the government then shouldn't be in the, in the as we know, let them. yeah, was if i mean the step is not even interested in stopping gates in order to save these are the hostages and saved lives even of soldiers equally fast. okay, but it's been and even if it also means getting utilities because these government 8 studies thing is more than they love these bugs. so the ethnic cleansing the goes on in the west bank, alongside domestic gain, garza in the process of damages like poker into it. flushes because they don't see those on the bottom of the salt subjugation plan or which side of the smoke, which is the meanest or finance of it or so i mean is that within the ministry of defense and fascist basis, doug really believes in today's show,
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sabrina sea of the jewish paper to the my confidence in i raise redeemed the problem in an outside the bottom. and unfortunately of the moment this voice is quite relaxing. be mileage and not in wake. well, that's all for me for today, as always is going to have your company, mike, holding mazda, of course, and we'll be with you. and then some of the, as i've been doing for a very good the
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the we're told us president joe biden does not want to stand off with russia over ukraine to trigger a global war. the evidence suggests just the opposite. nato now uses you praying to attack russia,
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have no doubts. russia will respond the, i mean everyone is chasing the same dream. everyone is doing the same thing. having to get a job, making it rich, making the savvy money that lose the most popular person in the world. no body. the now we're all doing the same damn thing. it's like watching the high school all over again. i believe in creating awareness about homeless because if we don't pay attention to it, it's going to overwhelm the population. and when that happens, where's the money going to come from?


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