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tv   News  RT  August 23, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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on russia, on the black sea, where recently they've got the serious about making some world class one. the hot breaking news and disturbing images from southern russia special forces not as neutralized for inmates who are engaged in the revolt and hostage taking incidents of the correctional facility in the vocal garage. it had more than $5000.00 ukranian troops killed it now failed in caution. into russia, archie visits one of the area of why keeps forces found themselves in the cross has the ukrainians. they have been using about 5 power to hips, a strictly civilian area. this is a, one of the cost of munitions that did not explode 3 data in the us willingness to
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contribute in 4 possible ways to facilitate unknown data kind of piece is brought in minnesota. and then under more, do you have rising t of off to visiting warsaw as a help to develop a roadmap to resolve that you create and conflict? the probably a continuing, i copied to the latest trends, shaping the well right now. this is our team to national i a michael project. now let's start with the breaking news from solving russia, where i present the uprising at a correctional facility and the ride region has been suppressed by special forces stuff. all staff members were killed in the hostage drama in a prison in the full grad region. 4 criminals took 8 staff members, and 4 inmates hostage for staff members suffered stab wounds of varying severity. 3
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of them died. another 4 who resisted were hospitalized. one of them later died in the hospital during the special operation to free the hostages conducted by the federal penitentiary service and the national guard. all for criminals were neutralized as a result of the bandits, criminal activity for inmates were injured. there were no injuries among the staff involved in the hostage rescue operation. russian special forces have gone in and neutralize the situation at the penal colony. number 19, they have neutralize, the rising prisoners that we understand. one of the prisoners was shot dead as a result of the fact that he was trying to activate the amount functioning suicide best we seen the image is a base, is pretty incredible. this stone said a few hours ago on friday was rising prisoners were able to capture some of the prison guards and then taking them hostage were able to essentially shut down the
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facility. some of those who were at the correctional facility were able to get out . they were taken to hospital full and chosen to take it to hospital. we had an update from the regional health facility saying that 2 of those who who had been taken to hospital previously, what in a serious condition. and we got a sense of what this was about, because there were lots of videos focusing about on social media from these writing prisoners these terrace carried up as a terror attack at one of the payment colonies in russia. they claimed this was revenge for that process. who are being held currently behind jail in prison, occurring at the crocus city full attack by huge tara attack in most goes back in march of this year. with 145 people tells over 500 people in judge. and of course, the russian authorities very quickly quote, the perpetrators who have
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a sense of given concessions and said that this was linked to ice. so although the most coast or she's upset that they believe have was actually behind the attack overall. and again, the prisoners who took part in this rising say we took the present guards host just saying that they were in support device. so to answer the nicest flag it at one point they had demanded money, $2000000.00 in cash. and that helicopter to get them up, but of course none of that came to fruition and then because of the russian special, so workforce is going and taking control of the situation very, very quickly. i know now we have been hearing from the wife of one of the security guards who's currently receiving treatment in prison. let's have a listen to what she has to say dos. yes, my husband does. okay. he's currently at the local hospital. he's alive and just has a card in his ear, that's all i know for now,
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he'll likely manage to escape and find safety. he's worked there for 3 years and before now he didn't mention any issues or problems at work. there have never been any confidence before. everything seemed fine. i'm still in the dark about what actually happened. some of this is a maximum security jail at houses over $1200.00 inmates. and because it's a maximum security, and you could imagine the sorts of criminals, the in the but of course sign free, those who were taken hostage have been released to the russian special forces getting in then essentially whipping them up. yeah. sort of ave, in this email, and besides, i do, i know you've been with me throughout the last 3 hours and they've seem to sort of filters out pretty quickly with it. but it's not something rings reminded of, of a similar situation. didn't something like this happened recently earlier this year? that's why it was stuff on dollars which isn't too far away. it's
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a couple of 100 kilometers away from where the situation is being unfolding on friday. and that's where inmates broke out vessels and took some of the gods back prison is that was result the very quickly with the criminals. be neutralized type of move. this is just the type of the only spoken terms of tara incidents that have been happening in russia. just in 2024 alarming statistics that the into a ministry has give pronouncing that has been a search by some 40 percent increase in the 1st 6 months of 2024 compared to last year, i thought totes up to over 1600 incidence crimes of being class is either being linked to tara work stream is, and so the russian security, so forces have really been hauled at work in 2024, trying to keep the country safe. and there it's, since we've covered head as the croaker city, whole. this, these 2 incidents got the jailer for the last few months, but they've been out there in syncing areas such as i dug
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a stone and in the south of russia where the security surfaces of had to go in a neutralize. that's right. but of course, there are many threats that they have been able to neutralize without anything happening without the public being pushed at risk, or even being aware of it until following that operation. they turned around and said, well, we were able to meet twice a cell, but really hot. it was in 2024. now political strategies to come and take the anthony web. i believe that they could be some people involved, but interested in staring on trouble inside the russia. one does so the one that united his merchandise he will lift this, i'm going to who's interested is it. and um, it's the officer is trying to use the stream is free to cause uh, disruption and so, and um, in russia and uh there have been
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a twin site in the past that perhaps she crazy is pretty fine. this. um certainly of on the look at the uh, connections um and the um the the why the issue of, um i so uh and indeed there are a contracts. you're formally weird. i'll try to hide. but it is interesting that some of these groups, are she ever attack cases or how bob very do want to form a pretty about just saying between christians and muslims. are they even between mazda and so often say, russia, i think it's about 18 percent of the population. the lawsuit in federal ration is false up beside. currently, that is our loss of home and in russia, and that should continue now to roches west and board. as the way keeps troops of phasing mountain lots of submit their fielding cash and into
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the coast region of the russian defends ministry says the great and has lost more than 5000 soldiers in the area with over $400.00 taken out of action in the last 24 hours and it's not just a non pallet. ukraine is believed to have lost at least $69.00 tags in the field incursion. this footage was provided to r t by russian service man revealing the wreckage on the battlefield as mazda. ready forces take aim american the mess. scenarios are reportedly among the dead. the r t z goes down of tablets to one would test. one of the settlements incentives this report to school which vehicle caucus is lying, the side of the road, a tell tale sign, overcoming kazi drone hunting area. we speak through a small settlement that has found itself from ukraine defense maps. russian positions are a few minutes drive away. this is the place where the ukrainians tried to capitalize on the initial territorial games they had in the quarter screeching in
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the 1st 2 days of the operation. in fact, they even tried to gain a foothold in the town that our film and crew has now left behind. so they obviously failed. now, the fighters here, they are telling me that they have made a conscious effort to build their defense, not inside, but outside of town to minimize potential civilian casualties. mostly the situation is quite tense. the enemy groups in large clusters, all guys are working great. we defend our people, peaceful civilians, they left the homes. why should they go back to? the settlement itself is going through some of its darkest days. locals, many of whom have the entire lives built around small lots of farmland, have had to sleep. many have nowhere to return. now. key if did not hold its auto recruiters back here. well, this is the very city center of the town of comes cuba key. you can see the state
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has been left in ukrainians. have been selling it with everything that they had more to as uh, taylor, a, using nato made round. this is uh, one of the cluster munitions that did not explode. as you can imagine, the russians did not have and do not have any positions here in the city center. so the ukrainians, they have been using all that 5 power to hips a strictly civilian area. so some civilians still risk their lives and visit their homes here to look off to them while fights is on the front line to shed their blood to push the enemy back. i'm gonna get done and proposing from the course region russia party. while, according to the pentagon, washington is contend with key of using us supply the weapons to strike russian territory. the use of us weapons and curse violated any us policies. our policy
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does allow for ukraine to conduct counter fires, to defend itself from russian attacks coming over that border region. and that border region does include curse that does include su me. and so they are defending themselves from russian attacks within that region. now the pen to going to has reportedly opened up. it's checkbook ones again, at this time, pledging another $125000000.00, a package and the full medical equipment of the hi mazda mazda full multiple launch rockets system is set to be included in the batch. now these are the same weapons that have been used to attack the coast region and seen here, mean destroyed via russian forces. now one you create in officer talks about why cube decided to attack who's that you have them with. so i think this is how this decision was made. they were thinking, what is our current situation? let's look at the front line developments, total mass. let's look at the mood within our people, our economy,
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our energy sector. total mess relations with our partners are also not looking very good now. everyone complains that we have terrible corruption. that's why they don't give us money. and the worst problem is that we don't have much approval. so we need to come up with something or if there are no clear understandable goals and there are no strategic goals so far for why they started all of this. this is a, a us of the top off the shelf i idea and pushing the ukrainians to do it with us equipment promising that would be back up. every plan has come from washington. now what their goals are, are always marky, it really is just had it in can you and a war that's failing and not have a total failure on their hands during an election season. so their goals are pretty short term unlimited. also not very well thought out one after another of ukrainian
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forces. last because they're being totally used. they're not defending their own homeland. they're really defending or us agenda. they have not changed their situation on the ground. if anything, it's much worse. they haven't had to be their goals encouraged whatever those goals were, and they certainly have not changed their situation within ukraine. now, india is willing to do everything possible to facilitate peace between russia and ukraine. and that is, according to his statement by both india and ukraine, as the indian prime minister was visiting, keeps a portion of the state and was read out by india. as for administer, the prime minister retreated the need for some children's practical engagement between all stakeholders to develop innovative solutions that will have broad acceptability and contribute towards early restoration of beach tv created in the
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us willingness to contribute in all possible ways to facilitate and no later on a piece, now we mistake manhattan, this problem medistat and says that the military action will only lead to more devastating consequences. and that he said that he is ready to personally pay to play a role in arranging a peace agreement in response to more these, these efforts and us deputy secretary of state and fuller, i'm the acid to india. root at the bottom. it says that the new delhi has to be more specific about the who site it's on. i've been glad to see again the strength of the international alliances come together to, to support you printer that is in its efforts to defend itself. and so i think that's the important piece here is to try to protect and preserve the international order we understand. india is
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a long relationship with russia. and india has to make it sound determinations about where it's wants to be on. on the scale that we spoke with from r n d and bassett. uh huh. rodney moved over. he said this is countries trying to find a solution that would treat both sides of the conflict funding most fully as is only that into. busy most, most friends for many, many years. and then there's a written on this and then some that goes a message system or the 1st a game with a muscle that is your visa, john's full war war is most distribution for issues. these can be due to the issues,
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which is the same message means such as you want to create. uh uh, let's see. all the printers hosted the general impression restaurant media is the functions of the word on sympathetic towards the russian worship events that there was an understanding then. so we need to expand these words, 2 words, pressure that understanding has been studied. law cream was the last light. someone has to come forward and see what else is a no, no, no. all the students because of the war. let's use visa, jones. somebody is working diligently on the phone. it's in the, off the phone to the office and the home phone.
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all right, let's go to all the issues now. he wants to describe the rest of the, well, that's a jungle. wild europe was up got into races, but now the nose of the process diploma chose at bar l seems to have been put down to place by africa is done towards russia and away from europe. a piece of russia who for staking our place. and this is something quite inconvenient and see what's happening in other parts of africa. i knew we would have to be the 2 big worried when i came to deliver ourselves and leave the other way. i, french and italian not all the times in accordance. it not all the time working together, but they will do they, they don't, no longer. you will be engine leave. yeah, yeah, only judge and russia inch. i'm going to leave you on cost through his chevrolet. there's a ring, a navy of ages, not to be in every pages. what church are rushing basis,
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which is not exactly the way we imagined how they may need to read. and nadia has to be met. all right, let's get the take on all of this now from ology contribute to a range of mass and not rachel. what's amazing in all of this is that it is ball rolling south seems here. amazed the countries are turning their backs on europe considering some of the disparaging comments that i've come from you, or officials over the years. a yeah, boy, all sounds really surprised because none of this is really turned out as he imagined that. yeah, it's a slight difference of approach. last, i checked, neither of russia nor turkey has ever had an official light burrell music publicly about quote, governing africa and like he just did. there, he sounds like a guy who is in denial about wise and got dumped by his girlfriend. he just doesn't understand what africa sees and this other guy, russia also by the way,
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sounds like a bit of a control freak. maybe he has something to do with the fact that this guy really just cannot shut off. how about his world view that he has of how africa is just really europe's very own backyard, like it belongs to them, and they get to decide on all the landscape. and if they don't like what they see? well, they'll just pull those at like the french and the bricks dead in leading the over throw of libyan leader, margaret darcy, when they decided that he wasn't sufficiently compliant. or like europe did in this a hell region of africa in french sled military operations there for so called stability. that ended up just leading to a series of routine changes in cruise, which is kind of the opposite of stability. and it's pretty telling that burrell here is just so surprised to discover that there's actually a limit for some folks. and these african countries on the amount of mocking around
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that they'll actually tolerate from europe and the west. it's such a big shock to him because burrell once told a group of european diplomats and training, that he just figures that europe is one big landscaping business. you could say fanning out across the developing world from the comfort of their manicured gardens to team the wild jungles. you'll see when you go to some of the african countries and you'll see people support the body. booting has saved on bus. now he would have come to offer a gun, save us. what kind of intellect to process is behind these kind of the active duty, the rest of the world, most of the rest of the goal, it's a jungle and the jungle. could you ready to go to the garden this has to go to the jump. do business has to be much more engaged with the rest of the well
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on the why the rest of the world will evade us? yeah, brown just does not understand. the ask in logic in wanting to deal with other countries like russia, because yeah, it'd be far more logical for africans to just keep flowing. europeans hang around when the use talk p are representative around here. can't stop talking about then why keys, indiana jones, and they're just background actors and his safari adventures. such a big mystery why awful games might decide that they'd have enough that maybe it was time to look at some security and business partnerships that didn't involve a bunch of clowns, promising stability and prosperity and failing to deliver. and the odds of these jokers meeting in the back door are probably a lot lower. if there are some russian faces scattered around, applicant officials have made it pretty clear recently that they also have enough problems to deal with of their own, some of which they feel have been caused or compounded by european gardening,
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of the theater. africa has suffered from colonialism exploitation and the losing this wealth for the past 50 years. as a result, i have considered friends are forced to seek employment. well traveling a difficult bump in danger throat as sometimes ends in death. one of the guys being utilized to industrialize europe and the west add to the detriment of africa. and we therefore wants to ensure that through the african trade agreement, we are able to trade amongst each other. and this is why we are now buildings from our relations with the likes of russia, ty, 9, the products and family to ensure that we are able to build industry within our own countries and be able to put an associate to those resources and the sell them as
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a beneficiary to products, burrell just doesn't understand why africa might want to try. taking a, a relationship break, you could say from europe in order to data around and see other people like russia and turkey went out for free countries to just keep loving europe's gardening brigade stumble around, hoping that they bump into some natural resources that they can pocket it's really august borrow doesn't understand africa and the world. thank you very much, rachel. hi, rachel, of are to contribute to their bringing us up to speed. thank you. all right, let's get some more thoughts on all these now and speak to the executive secretary of the african legacy foundation. most a bright most i'm happy to have you join me of that right now. how would you respond to joseph bottles? bill will demand over no european basis 80 more in libya. what if i
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didn't, mike? this is a plane my, you're a does maintain a major admitted to prison peasants and present started in the country. only 3 years ago. stephanie williams, the american u. n. suspicion roy to the country admitted that there were 10 foreign ministry bases in libya and hinted that some of them were actually belonging to italy, the u. k. and france. in addition to that, there are 20000 forwarding fighters as reported by that u. m. many of them come from uh, western medicine or it's what she could say correctly is that the libyans especially do not. we've come west and ministry presence in the country because it's a presence that cause havoc. a disaster and catastrophe was around libya. there are
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tens of thousands, literally tens of thousands of libyans who have been killed, magic men, women, children, by nato's bones that came down on libyan cities. and i would love you to your store, remember something that this has not just been happening in libya for the last 15 years since the tumbling of get duffy, but goes back to be a sub brun. i'm and boom box and then simply be in cities and raids on libya and cities by the americans supported by the british cause of the depth of thousands of innocent libyans, russia on the other side, always at deeds. this is the russian official policy, and i respect to what was deals with only only with governments. internationally recognized governments and government and organizations. not just in libya, bought in the whole continental fox. because russia has of variety,
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positive history and libya and do not forget and libya and lydia and citizen, russia hill, built up the b, b, the official libyan army for decades. russia engaged positively and the libyan economic developments. since the seventies eighties and nineties and the russia was a veteran favor and positively engaged with libya's foreign policies in africa, which sort to unite and liberate the confidence. so i think what brought in is what it about really is not community minutes. the presence of the west and libya, but how the west last 4 digits in the secret ability and how not just millions of own africans are truly, i'm whole hosted e mail against the west. and it's policies in africa and our favoring, not just the russia, russia, china, india present as a rise, the hours from around the world. because the libyans and africans fees are these
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powers provide them with alternative, provide them with a space of minova and engage with them again. so i bought the engagement in diagnose and policy making and i'm going to standing on shared history as well. yeah, that's the evidence is kierra, i really all of us when it comes to the disposition of russia towards africa and so on. but why doesn't borrow? and some of the you officials understand the confidence people towards russia and other players instead of the west. i would like to propose that they do understand, i think that playing the role of the idiots because they cannot admit to that which they know they understand what they are doing to africa. they are the ones behind the policies, the rubbing of natural resources. only a few years ago, a major sufficient academic british to study uh, stipulated that $140000000000.00 british pound that comes to about
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$185000000000.00 out of book out of the got every single year, year and get out in the form of dropping of oil and dies and i, and i'm calling about the uranium. i'm a precious natural resources are these policies not causing by chance, but that they are strategic routes that europe and the u. s. h enough rica, because us we get is the got on keep all of the minutes of the economies of the west and the guaranteed that the war machine for profit making war machine or the west continues to generate to profit for the needs of the west. so i would say that the mr. brown spilled them is not genuine, is false. he knows exactly that the russia, china, and yet,
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i always like to not to sing it out, but i shot because this is an international movement. yes. maybe let's politically by russia. but it's joined by china and yeah, and brazil, and many other countries that tries to bottom how nobody tries to give the global styles, which includes that in america, africa, and south asia. a chance to actually develop in dependency, have sovereignty, sovereignty over their natural resources. and be an equally player in, in was politics, politics of peace. i'm just, there's not politics or for not, but at tech support. i'm injustice. ok. we have to live here now most how you brought him, the executive secretary, all the african legacy foundation. thank you. so much for your insight. thank you much break. right web actually a big now see you again with more stories at the top of the find out the
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