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tv   News  RT  August 24, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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the, the, the in the headlights here are not see as a russian, a defense systems shoot down ukrainian drugs that try to attacks 3 regions overnight. t as incursion and bait into the quarter of the region is failing with more than 5000 of his troops killed enough. while india is 5 minutes of trouble, the key evan hopes of finding a road map to peace. washington is on the happy with a multi lateral approach can advise there's no range of body to pick a side. we welcome foot by being helpful. we mean it's going to include conversations with the gradients and it's got to start from an understanding of where president zalinski is on this. i just don't think images from southern russia, of the inmates of the jail in the folder grad region, take hostages,
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and kills for prison. employees, special forces take out the perpetrators to place the legion to islamic state. is a higher we are not long got that piece across here. who for staking l a. please do something quite inconvenient, quite inconvenient. he says right there that you use outgoing top diplomat is not at all happy by the fact that so many parts of africa turning that back on europe, i named bracing new partnerships with the russian federation the day here at most go it all to you is live as worldwide your top stories start right now on top of the bill here at all to interrupt you as a western board, as we go. where a defense systems shut down 7 ukrainian drones have tried to attack 3 regions overnight. one of the drugs was destroyed in the vote on us region. a short lived fire broke out of a scene for following the thought of the deputy forwarding from the skies. the
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local government says at least one person was injured. when else with the code of scrooge and why the russians administrate, defend the sides, ukraine's failed incursion bade, has cost the key of a 5000 of his troops, will bring some photos for you. russian k. a 52 alligator, the tech choppers getting you crazy at all. the forces with a barrel of rockets administrator, defense reports of the crew performed in n. c. miss. all maneuver off of the strike and return to face and reporting on regional developments and code is all correspond to equal or the figures provided by the russian defense ministry should do sound significant. they do continue to provide information to update the information as to how they are dealing with ukraine's pulled the in cash. and that, and this comes as the united states has announced that they will be providing more than a $125000000.00 worth of aid to k of this includes
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a variety of weapons of munition of missiles and miss how's both including for the uh, for like, 10 crowns for multiple launch rockets, systems, especially american, made multiple launch walk in systems like high mazda. now the thing about the high mazda m auto rest, basically ukraine throughout since the beginning of this conflict, since the got the 1st system of this kind, they have been very careful as to how they've been using those so that they do not lose too many to russia's town to fire, but here they have been using such systems with the pace that they had not previously experienced on seen, and the russian defense ministry. it has been very well happy to flew into that success when they have been targeting and successfully hitting high mazda mazda below and rocket systems. at the same time the united states. they seem to. 5 have
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uh, basically put themselves on a possible escalation here as they be gradually explaining that they do indeed, green lights keep hitting russian internationally recognized russian soil with american made long range missiles. and they have entered that other options could be on the table too. they are allowed to use us provided material to defend themselves against russian aggression. and as you know, the president allowed them to use us munitions across that border to deal with him and, and threats. but we're still having conversations with them. i have no policy leanings, one way or another to speak to today, and certainly no new policy decisions that have been made. the united states, they're not alone in this boat. they have been relying heavily on europe, both the united states and cuba, and the u. that also has failed to condemn, keeps operation here in the course region. the e u has been saying from the get go,
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that they do indeed support the praying that they support ukraine's efforts to defend itself. this is how they ported. and now the europe in union is also seems to be are taking the same road of escalation. what you're going to happen to ukraine will determine. ready how much you'll probably take our future, and we have to think about ukraine, booting hello sales. in the game, we are part of the game. we're not part of the war or dropped part of the conflict . and the way the conflict movie solve will affect the pieces included elsewhere, especially in the, the, the nets region. ukraine, the is failing, and the ukraine, he's failing quite badly and it has already lost some key tactical points and logistical towns that play the major. busy role in ukraine's logistics and russia is advancing very quickly and the then that's region. and so many ask you the
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question as to whether, whether or not those those, those units that are used and that are currently in the world in the fighting here in the cruise region, that maybe they could see a better use input the net scrooge. and on the territory that ukraine considered as its own. so because it over that the ukrainians have been there on the back burner, they have been the they have been retreating and basically the front that is very close to what one might might describe as collapsing. it and russia has be moving and strides as ukraine has had to. it has to vacuum a town up to town of to town, to provide safety for the civilians as russia advances and well continues to liberate more touchy well as ukrainian troops to spread themselves in a taken out of action by russia. cabs attempts to mobilize more fighters for the
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front line remain in high gear video, so exciting online showing recruitment offices in pursuit open. next con scripts, that's the men flee the officers. so we're looking around them off. it literally seems to be a case of run for your life. well, volunteers are in very short supply. another video to pick, so dropped 9, looking to take one more to the battlefield. however, local ukrainian women came to aid that would be conscript, basically, saving him from his fate. meantime, another case in west and ukraine unless you're in the procedure the yeah, that they go to offices a ryan going on and off the stopping him to see if he was liable for military service. that's why the efforts of onlookers this way through us or through the prime united was eventually taken in for service clearly against as well as local officials, defended their actions and the face of what has really become a public outcry. the video was presented in the context of allegedly illegal
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actions by law enforcement officials and the territorial recruitment and social supports center. however, following an investigation and clarification of all the circumstances, it was established, but no illegal actions were committed against a citizen. the a typical reaction of elderly passers by and women who interfered with the activities of law enforcement officials and conscription officers by showing their disdain. and trying to stand up for the law breaker is surprising. a well off of the circle of recruitment officers at a round up as over locals. the report leaf drawing a spiner in the works. what you're looking at right. there was a familiar scene now 6 of the ministry jobs offices, cars with torched overnight on friday. and we heard from a former senior pentagon analyst who told us the key of his dealing with dissension among the ranks among the populous it's a desperation on the part of the ukrainian ukrainians. i cannot get the they,
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they totally used up there with the manpower the, the average age of, of manpower is, is in the forty's generally a single twenty's and they're looking for very, very young recruits. and they're, they're bulking at that then that they don't see the points. there's no goal, there's no, no strategy. no, there's no end to what, what, what is what is going on here and, and that they're, there doesn't seem to be. and i think the population that as a whole is very concerned about what, where, where this is all waiting to and, and, and it's wiping out their younger, younger generation as a consequence. and, and, and, and, and the people themselves, every day people are rebelling against it. well, as you probably well know by now, india is probably minutes of travel to key of looking for ways to resolve the ukraine conflict there and promote e said the dialogue and diplomacy the only ways for to achieve peace across the
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reach. recently i traveled to russia for a meeting with vladimir. there also, i have said this in clear words that any problem is never solved on the battlefield . the way to a solution lies only to dialogue, to diplomacy, and we should move in that direction without wasting any time. both sides will have to sit together and find ways out of this crisis. i want to assure you that india is ready to play. it's an active role in every effort for peace. if i personally can contribute to this, i would definitely like to do so. so, so i know the moody making some big visits to eastern europe a 1st time that he's been in poland, meeting the president in that president due to also the prime minister donal task that oversee leaving. following by train. i'm going to this much a way to visit to cuba, where he met, so let and skiing. he met members of the indian dashboard, and again repeating this montoya, the india is looking for
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a peaceful solution to the conflict. now for a reset, many times india has the neutral in this conflict. it's not taking sides. the randomly say actually that's not true. it has taken a side. it's taking the side of the piece. you touched on briefly on the fact that he's not just meeting with you, created and officials. he was also meeting some of the, the indian diaspora, the how tobacco. yeah, that's why so the indian desperate prior to the conflict. restarting in 2022 is around 2 at health files and strong in the whole of the country. and they're all just on the 20000 engine, steve syncing caps. and he's still a simple gas but, and it was one of his 1st ports of cool to go with neat people from his homeland. and he was met with some pretty alarming stories, as i'm telling him that they are coming and a lot of pressure in cray, because india is seen as having cosy to, to russia. and having taken russia side now was a result of the concerns that were raised to the community during that visit. his
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special protection group actually decided to run, set the security around his visit. now we sold these images of him going to the waist. this piece parking cab where he pay tribute to mahatma again the previous leader, we didn't see it for me. images, it looked like it was very peaceful, but that special protection. cool. apparently we using bullet resistant gotten shield school around. i'm really on high alert because of these concerns that engines in ukraine have been suffering as a result of this perceived idea that india is in russia's camp. because as you say, moody was saying that we're on the side of peace and there's no point choosing sides where on the side of peace, what, what about reaction here? reactions be coming out of brussels out of washington. what can you tell us about reaction to moody's visit? we think that the reaction would be that not under moody was that to try and find a peaceful solution to this conflict. but actually what we're, it seems
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a lot the focus is still on the fact that i'm not in the moody visited most school just a few weeks ago. and just how friendly that basically was the twice between him and president preteen. i mean, we all remember that big bat has been braced if the to lead is proved. beaming is they match each other in a visa or a to go is who we liked each other. and that seems to run to the west so much that they still choking it by to in fact, the indian external 5 minutes. there was doing an interview press briefing and one of the reform, which is from west to me to that, that says the bbc specifically asked about the hug. yes. go ahead and you talked about prime minister moody's visit to most go last month. and a lot of people who were very upset to see that embrace between the 2 leaders, you know, and off off to the world. when people meet people, they are given to embracing each other. it may not be part of your contract,
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but i assure you it's part of us. so of impact today, i think i saw the prime minister also embrace presence in the sky and i've seen him do it with a number of other leaders in a number of other places. well, i know we did see that under moody and so landscape also in pricing on another level, washington also he's very much closely watching this visit and, and again, although they welcome to the end, the movie going to create a meetings that i'd skipped really seemed as if this was through gritted teeth, and they said yes again, we support the idea of piece, but everything has to be on ukraine and by defacto sealants case tons in the country has to decide for itself. um uh, what, uh, what diplomatic conversations are going to have and, and as i've said many, many times when it comes to the crime or if there is another country out there that
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uh, that is willing to be helpful in terms of trying to end the war and ukraine, we welcome that. but by being helpful, we mean it's got to include conversations with the ukrainians, and it's gotta start from an understanding of where prisoners warranty is. ours. we say all the time and it sounds like i'm slapping a bumper sticker on it, but i don't mean nothing about ukraine without you. great. now of course, the west, particularly the us leading the charge has been demanding, trying to sway india into its compo for the last 2. and a whole fee is in need. it has been made, showed huge metal in regards to a small india seems to want to consistently pushes the fact that it wants to see a stable multi polar world. and this is something that can only be achieved by a peaceful resolution. rather than saying, i'm here with the west, so i'm here with russia. a former indian bassett, a, a project folgram says that his country is simply trying to find
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a solution that will treat both sides of the conflict family. a feminist of all the 1st spencer muscle as is one of the that's the thing to. busy fox most most phrase for many, many years. and then there's a written one face and then yes. and that goes a message. just a movie flush game with a muscle said that is your visa, johns, for war. war is most the solution for issues be can be solutions to issues, which is the same message. so if you want to create, uh uh, let's see all the plans as far as to the general impression you wanna stream video. is that what? so? is there anything fun to use of the word? oh, ok. sympathetic towards that i should worship events. that
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there was an understanding then so we need to expand these words. students pressure that understanding has been studied. law cream was the last big light. someone has to come forward and see what else is allowed to offer because of the war let's you use the jones somebody is working as we also know it's in the off the phone to the office and the home phone. a personal uprising at a correctional facility and the bulk of grad region of south of russia has been suppressed by special forces. a total of 8 people killed among them for prison. staff members now special forces arrived. they took out the perpetrators who had
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actually placed the legions to islamic state because it is not in a prison in the vulgar grad region. 4 criminals took 8 staff members and 4 inmates hostage for staff members suffered stab wounds of varying severity. 3 of them died . another 4 who resisted were hospitalized. one of them later died in a hospital during the special operation to free the hostages conducted by the federal penitentiary service and the national guard. all for criminals were neutralized as a result of the bandits, criminal activity for inmates were injured. there were no injuries among the staff involved in the hostage rescue operation. so both of those things elliptical, can you security remains tight here. there's a high security prison in russia is olga garad region. following yesterday's 10th, signed off the whole stage taking situation. what we know so far is not full inmates monies to overpower stuff during the disciplinary meeting. they took a present gauze on full inmates. hall stays now. we sold grim footage of them,
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so it could, i didn't online, they appeared to be owned with knives. so no doubt questions will be honest as to how they managed to obtain those weapons in a high security prison. now again, during the course of the day, we know that 4 people were killed, free to come to star boons walls inside the prison, and another died in the hospital. now, the hostage titles, while they've touched beverly egypt to be so cold as lot mix state, they said that the action was carried out in revenge. what they described as the brothers de, referring to those that are in prison, off the, the risk of crow because city hold a talking most go region which that the $145.00 people dead and around 500 people, a wounded. now a game of the inmates, the hostage takes, is at one stage, they even raised a major flag off of the is. so i make a state now a number of people, as we know, managed to leave the correctional facility. they were wounded
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a jew and they says style of doing the struggle with those inmates. so we're taking the whole stage, we managed to speak to one of those present gods who tried to help his colleague. i'm looking at myself now. i'm covered in his blood. i pulled him out there with my comrades. after the terrace were neutralized, he was taken to the ambulance. he couldn't walk anymore. he was already covered in blood. i carried him on my back. when the assault took place, i arrived on the alert. he lost consciousness, literally 5 to 10 minutes before the start of the operation. the signs of life were very active. he made noises, squeezing my hand. i didn't see any visible signs of cuts though, but it was all very fast and there was blood. there was blood, i don't tonight. his head, it felt like it was pierced. his face was kicked and blood, but it wasn't bleeding any more. and after the day of the uprising, who was supposed to leave for the weekend, the hostage takers, well, they weren't joined by the other prisoners, they typed the agent,
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so the assignment site, they made to a number of dom mullins, including $2000000.00 us dollars in cash. on a helicopter, which was supposed to land in the co dog and take them to georgia and local. and mom said, well, negotiations went out to the question of the options of the hostage takers have absolutely nothing to do with the atlantic face it to these individuals whom we label as criminals are in no way representatives of islam. their claims that in a mom might have attempted negotiations, but i firmly believe now and always been negotiating with terrorists is futile. they must be eradicated at the source, like a cancerous cube, threatening to poison our entire society. this is yet another act stemming from criminal conspiracies, painted, undermining, russia focused, rated by these easily manipulated poems, truly agents of darkness. the operates under the guise of the islamic states. but let's be clear. well, they promote is not in this land make state is a satanic agenda disguised as such. these things to them should serve to unite us
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in strength, not bones with old russian citizens. we must not succumb to prove occasions. a struggle is shed, we have one homeland that we must defend by any means necessary. a smell, this isn't the 1st such incident is taking place in russian prisons at 8 o'clock in june. a similar incident unfolded in real stuff where 6 inmates over pinewood style said taking hostages. they issued a similar list of demands for cash and for a vehicle to help make the escape from the prison. now again, russian security forces, they moved in very quickly and they neutralized 5 of the hostage takers investigators all here on the same though, be coming out to prove to determine exactly what took place here. and that more content is to tell you about as a knife type to place in the western german city of his island, a police report at least 3 people killed in 8 wounded. 5 of them seriously,
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of the of tactic plays that a festival of celebrating the cities 650 event of a 3. according to reports, passes by it was simply stopped at random. no one's arrested so far, but a police man. how does under way of searching for a male as salem to escape the scene? report say one of the witnesses described the perpetrator as quote, an arab looking man. will you remember good old joseph burrell one. so describing the rest of the world as a jungle, while europe was a god in oasis. now brussels top different about his shots and dismayed because africa is turning its back on europe and facing the russian federation. is the hello. we are not long got that piece of russia who for staking our bleach. and this is something quite inconvenient and see what's happening in other parts of africa. i knew we would have to be a little bit worried when it came to, to brussels. in libya, they were
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a french and italian not all the times in accordance. it not all the time working together, but where do they they don't no longer be engine leave. yeah, yeah. only judge russia inch. i'm going to leave you in cost. there is a chevrolet, there's a ring, a navy, beijing is not to be in every pages but search or rushing and bases which is not exactly the way we imagined how the. ready training area has to be managed for all sounds really surprised because none of this is really turned out as he imagined that. um yeah, its a slight difference of approach. last i checked neither of russian nor turkey has ever had an official light burrell. he's probably about for governing africa and like, he just did there. he sounds like a guy who's in denial about why he got down by his girlfriend. he just doesn't understand what africa sees and this other guy, russia also by the way,
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sounds like a bit of control freak. maybe he has something to do with the fact that this guy really just can't shut off about his world view that he has of how africa is just really europe's very own backyard, like it belongs to them. and they get to decide on all the landscaping and if they don't like what they see, well, they'll just pull those at like the french and the bricks did in leading the over throw of libyan leader market off for you. and they decided that he wasn't sufficiently compliant, or like europe did in this a hell region of africa in french sled military operations there for so called stability. that ended up just leading to a series of routine changes in cruise. which is kind of the opposite of stability. and it's pretty telling that around here is just so surprised to discover that there's actually a limit for some folks. and these african countries on the amount of mucking around
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that they'll actually tolerates from europe and the west. it's such a big shock to him because burrell once told the group of european diplomats and training, that he just figures that europe is one big landscaping business. you could say founding out across the developing world, from the comfort of their manicured gardens to teams while jungles the rest of the world. most of the rest of the, with the jungles and the jungles could invade the goddess the god. and this has to go to the jungle, it will be and this has to be much more engage with the rest or they will find out why the rest of the will miss willis invades us. you'll see when you go to someone's not frequent countries and you'll see people supporting $1414.00 has saved on bus now for you would have come to africa and save us. what kind of intellect to process is behind is kind of the active duty. yeah. brown. just does
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not understand the can logic in wanting to deal with other countries like russia, because yeah, it would be far more logical for applicants to just keep flooding. europeans hang around when they use talk p r representative around here. can't stop talking about them like cheese, indiana jones, and they're just background actors in safari adventures. such a big mystery why out for things might decide, but they have enough that maybe it was time to look at some security and business partnerships that didn't involve a bunch of clowns. promising stability in foster care and failing to deliver. and the odds of these jokers, sneaking in the back door, are probably a lot lower if there are some russian faces scattered around, african officials have made it pretty clear recently that they also have enough problems to deal with of their own, some of which they feel have been caused for compound data by european gardening, according to the africa, has suffered from colonialism exploitation and the losing this wealth for the past
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50 years. as a result, african citizens are forced to seek employment well traveling a difficult, bumpy, and dangerous road as sometimes ends in death. says imperialist lopez, one of those imperialists consider that we belong to them, and a wealth also belongs to them. they think that they're the ones who must continue to tell us what is good for our states, africa, our continent that suffered so much because of the impaired release. this arrow is gone forever. our resources will remain for us in our populations. bureau just doesn't understand why africa might want to try taking a relationship break. you could say from here up in order to data around and see other people like russia and turkey without suffering. countries can just keep loving europe's gardening brigade stumble around, hoping that they bump into some natural resources that they can pocket humans who would be 5 is over at least an explosive video, showing
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a greek flag oil tanker on its way to israel being blown up the answer to happen on thursday, off of the crew had a band on the ship from an initial attack off of the blocks that engulf most of the vessel is not reportedly drifted in the red sea. who these all suspect 2 of us have attacked at least one other vessel that late assigned for the group has taken name and over 80 ships that had to and from israel since the war broke out in gaza. i mean, the only thing who things are asking for is for an end to the war on god. so that's the only reason that targeting israel link ships and washington to the you. now it basically given up trying to stop the who these as the ship. so slow and vulnerable that who think ms solves and drones are those western ships, by the way, they've all been seen by paddling out of the red speed. or give you the stories, the mainstream media by data touch pushing more. it's on the
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mass junior cent fee and welcome back to going underground broadcast single around the world from the middle east, while the us and its allies continue to am zalinski and ukraine, and that's in yahoo! in israel president vladimir persian today observes russia's day of remembrance and sorrow. the anniversary of the soviet union's victory in world war 2 and 27000000 russians were killed by nazis. the most of them in the allied country. this just weeks after russia was banned from you. not ceilings, frances, the day commemoration. earlier this week, there was panic in nature, legacy media or of opinions, visits north korea. despite these attempts to reach out to.


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