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tv   News  RT  August 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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exact opposite message pro war and needs are clearly out of step with voters, and they have been punished for the, on the defensive. russia it does that. so now the garage of attack drove is lowest volume drain, a 3 border regions. and it comes as p of losses from its on the ongoing new carpet and continued to mount and looking for peas as easy as prime minister, wrapped something for a trip to cab, hoping to find a way to end the war. washington questions, new galleys efforts. we welcome, but by doing helpful, we mean it's got to include the conversations with the prince and it's got to start from an understanding of where presidential lensky is on this. disturbing images from solving russia has an investigation continues into the present and uprising by inmates who pledge allegiance to islamic states and killed for present offices
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before being shot dead by special forces. the public could today not coverage of the latest dread, shaping the world right now. this is our, the international i a michael watch it on attempted to ukrainian drone attack on roches west. the board as was repelled over night with air defenses. doubting 7, all the aircraft, a folding debris from one of the drones intercepted in the photo nash region spot, the fire on the ground, one person was said to had been injured. and ukraine's ongoing in custody and to the coast region is continuing to come with a really high cost of the russian defense ministry estimates. key of loss is that more than 5500 troops, a russian attack helicopters, no, natalie alligators have been in action strike,
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hang out. that'd be great in positions that was more on all the latest developments of the region. here is all these egos that of think is provided by the russian defense minister. you should do sound significant. they do continue to provide information to update the information as to how they are dealing with ukraine's pulled the in cash. and that, and this comes as the united states has announced that they will be providing more than a $125000000.00 worth of aid to k of this includes a variety of weapons of, uh, munition of missiles and miss how's both including for the uh for like 10 crowns for multiple launch rockets, systems, especially american, made multiple loans walk in systems like high mazda. now the thing about the high mazda m auto rest, basically ukraine throughout since the beginning of this conflict, since the got the 1st system of this kind,
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they have been very careful as to how they've been using those so that they do not lose too many to russia's account to fire, but here they have been using such systems with a pace that they had not previously experienced on seeing that the russian defense ministry. it has been very well happy to flew into that success when they have been targeting and successfully hitting high mazda mazda below, and rocket systems. at the same time, the united states, they seem to have uh, basically put themselves on a possible escalation here as they be gradually explaining that they do indeed, green lights keep hitting russian internationally recognized russian soil with american made long range missiles. and they have entered that other options could be on the table too. they are allowed to use us provided material to defend them
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selves against russian aggression. and as you know, the president allowed them to use us munitions across that border to deal with him and, and threats. but we're still having conversations with them. i have no policy leanings, one way or another to speak to today. and certainly no new policy decisions that have been made. the united states, they're not alone in this boat. they have been relying heavily on europe, both the united states and cuba, and the u. that also has failed to condemn, keeps operation here in the course region. the e u has been saying from the get go, that they do indeed support the praying that they support ukraine's efforts to defend itself. this is how they portrait. and now the europe in union is also seems to be, are taking the same road of escalation. what you're going to happen to ukraine will determine, oh, sure. how much you'll probably take our future. and we have to think about ukraine putting hello sales. in the game. we are part of the game. we have no part of the
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war. well dropped part of the conflict. and the way the conflict movie solve will affect the piece of security elsewhere, especially in the nets region. ukraine is failing, and ukraine, he's failing quite badly and it has already lost some key tactical points and logistical towns that play the major. busy role in ukraine's logistics and russia is advancing very quickly and the then that's region. and so many ask you the question as to whether, whether or not those those, those units that are used and that are currently in the world in the fighting here in the cruise region, that maybe they could see a better use. and that the net scrooge and on the territory that ukraine considered as its own. so because it over that the ukrainians have been there on the backbone that they have been the they have been sweeping. and basically the front that is
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very close to what one might might describe as collapsing and russia has been moving and strides as you brain has had to, if it has to vacuum a town up to town of to town to provide safety for the civilians. as russia advances and uh well continues to liberate more touchy the published president who's been on a visit to key and has revealed some of the taxes. countries supply to ukraine has not only been involved in the course concussion, but as sprout as they have been. it's a cause on the we watch with emotion as the p t 91 transferred by us from poland over a year ago. and i still are today defending ukraine on the battlefields. they're fighting in the course guerria where ukraine is showing that it has strength today, in order to show the russian invaders that it is able to counter attack strongly and proud lately. but the spot,
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but presidents delight in police times rolling into russia reports and i take it from close close region last week, suggested we haven't been faring so well in the action. what's thought to be a police tank alongside all the ukrainian vehicles i've picked to it, having apparently been destroyed by drones. the oldest comes, has the trademarks independent states with lot of means the last key talking about how the countries forging its own pos in the world is 5. it's almost totally reliance on the west will help. we'll have more on this in a few minutes. so dialogue and the bill most the hope of death and destruction, malice the key a message, the indian fund minister to with him to key of this week a he started visit was part of a post, bind there under moody to find a pos to end the war recently i traveled to russia for a meeting was a lot of them are putting there. also,
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i've said this in clear words that any problem is never solved on the battlefield. the way to a solution lies only to dialogue, to diplomacy, and we should move in that direction without wasting any time. both sides will have to sit together and find ways out of this crisis. i want to assure you that india is ready to play. it's active role in every effort for peace. if i personally can contribute to this, i would definitely like to do so. so, so i know the moody making some big visits to eastern europe a 1st time that he's been in poland, meeting the president in that president due to also the prime minister donald task that oversee leaving, followed and by train. and going to this much a way to visit to key where he met so let in skiing, he met members of the indian dashboard and again repeating this mentor. the india is looking for a peaceful solution to the conflict of 4 a. we said many times india has be neutral in this conflict. it's not taking sides . the randomly say actually that's not true. it has taken this side. it's taken the
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side of piece. you touched on briefly on the fact that he's not just meeting with ukraine and officials, he was also meeting some of the, the indian diaspora. the how does that go? yeah, that's why so the indian desperate prior to the conflict resulting in 2022 is around 2 at health files and strong in the whole of the country on the road, just on the 20000 indian statements in capsule. and he's still a simple dashboard, and it was one of his 1st ports of cool to go and meet people from his homeland. and he was met with some pretty alarming stories as i'm telling him that they are coming and a lot of pressure in cray. because india is seen as having cosy to russia and having taken russia side now as a result of the concerns that were raised to the end to moody during that visit, his special protection group actually decided to run up the security around his visit. now we saw these images of him going to the waist,
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this piece parking care where he pay tribute to mahatma again the previous leader. we didn't see it from the images. it looked like it was very peaceful, but that special protection. cool. apparently we using bullet resistant, i've gotten shields fool around. i'm really on high alert because of these concerns . that engines in ukraine have been suffering as a result of this perceived idea that india is english as cap price. as you say, moody was saying that we're on the side of peace. there's no point choosing sides. where on the side of peace, what, what about reaction here? reactions be coming out of brussels out of washington. what can you tell us about the reaction to moody's visit? we think that the reaction would be that northern de moody was that to try and find a peaceful solution to this conflict. but actually what we're, it seems a lot the focus is still on the fact that i'm not into moody visited most school just a few weeks ago. and just how friendly that visit was the twice between him and president
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preaching. i mean, we all remember that big bat has been braced if the 2 lead is proved. beaming is a match each other in a diesel. a to call is who we liked each other. and that seems to her uncle the west so much that they still talking about i to in fact, the indian external 5 minutes, there was doing an interview press briefing and one of the reporters from western media that, that the, the bbc specifically asked about the hug yes, go ahead and you talked about prime minister moody's visit to most go last month. and a lot of people who were very upset to see that embrace between the 2 leaders. you know, you know, up off of the world when people meet peoples. they are given to embrace signatures . it may not be part of the all culture, but i assure you it's part of us. the so oh, he's hot today. i think i saw the problem just also embrace presence in the sky and
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i've seen him do it with a number of other leaders in a number of other places. well, i know we did see the moody and so landscape also in pricing on another level. washington also very much closely watching this visit and, and again, although they welcome to the end, a movie going to create a meeting. so let's get really seemed as if this was through gritted teeth. and they said yes, again. we support the idea of piece, but everything has to be on ukraine and by defacto sealants case tons. every country has to decide for itself. um, uh, what, uh, what diplomatic conversations are going to have and, and as i've said many, many times when it comes to the claim or if there is another country out there that uh, that is willing to be helpful in terms of trying to end the war and ukraine, we welcome that. but by being helpful,
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we mean it's got to include conversations with the grades and it's got to start from an understanding of where presidents warranty is on. we say all the time and it sounds like i'm slapping a bumper sticker on it, but i don't mean nothing about ukraine without a crate. now of course, the west, particularly the us leading the charge has been demanding, trying to sway india into its compo for the last 2 and a whole fee is in need. it has been made, showed huge metal in regards to this will, india seems to want to consistently pushes the fact that it wants to see a stable multi polar world. this is something that can only be achieved by a peaceful resolution. rather than saying, i'm here with the west, so i'm here with russia about foreign policy expenses, the root canals due to i believe the india he's in a unique position to help try to end the war a, b and b a has thing, but it gets you thought it goes right from the beginning, that's being avenue. so perfect. and then became a new proposal to our prime minister was ready get scrolling down by me. he had
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been tied up just by let's go by the 5th of sending this bn do team. and our prime minister was very, very catchy. but it does that. yeah, i'm not going to decide if any one b, i'm not going to side with any stakeholders. get we are inside the yeah, give me p i get sides will be so you know, we are on a piece and you want beats so bad for our fee. and the other time it estimated to be anybody key or even in the sign up, you're paying that's out in the eyes, not with the side with you paying on this complex can be known, as example, decided people are up to you on this bond, not with united states i made a go on, we need to invest on thanksgiving, being the as the i n e y. then in gabrielle deciding bit, these investigations are on the way he and southern russia, a half the prison. the uprising left a total of 8 people dead inmates pledging allegiance to islamic states killed 4 guards of the facility before being shot dead by special forces because it is not
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in a prison in the vulgar grad region. 4 criminals took 8 staff members, and 4 inmates hostage for staff members, suffered stab wounds of varying severity. 3 of them died. another 4 who resisted were hospitalized. one of them later died in a hospital during the special operation to free the hostages conducted by the federal penitentiary service and the national guard. all for criminals were neutralized as a result of the bandits, criminal activity for inmates were injured. there were no injuries among the staff involved in the hostage rescue operation. so both of those things elliptical for new security or of items tied here. there's a high security prison in russia's folder garage region following yesterday's 10th, signed off the whole stage taking situation. what we know so far is not full inmates monies to overpower stuff during the disciplinary meeting. they took a present calls on full inmates hosp days. now we sold grim footage of them,
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so it could, i didn't online, they appeared to be owned with knives. so no doubt questions will be honest as to how they managed to obtain those weapons in a high security prison. now again, during the course of the day, we know that 4 people were killed, free to come to star boons walls inside the prison, and another died in the hospital. now the hostage titles, while they've touched beverly egypt to be so cold. as lubbock state, they said that the action was carried out in revengeful night, despite, as the brothers de referring to. those are in prison, off to the risk a croak of city hold a talking most go region, which that the $145.00 people dead and around $500.00 people, a wounded. now a game of the inmates, the hostage takers, at one stage, they even raised a major flag off of the is. so i make a state now a number of people, as we know, managed to leave the correctional facility. they were wounded
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a jew and they says style of doing the struggle with those inmates. so we're taking the whole stage, we managed to speak to one of those present gods who tried to help his colleague. i'm looking at myself now. i'm covered in his blood. i pulled him out there with my comrades. after the terrace were neutralized, he was taken to the ambulance. he couldn't walk anymore. he was already covered in blood. i carried him on my back. when the assault took place, i arrived on the alert. he lost consciousness, literally 5 to 10 minutes before the start of the operation. the signs of life were very active. he made noises, squeezing my hand. i didn't see any visible signs of cuts though, but it was all very fast and there was blood. there was blood, i don't tonight. his head. it felt like it was pierced. his face was kicked in blood, but it wasn't bleeding any more. and after the day of the uprising, he was supposed to leave for the weekend. now this isn't the 1st such incident is taking place in russian prisons in the back in june. a similar incident unfolded in
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real stuff where 6 inmates over pinewood style said taking hostages. they issued a similar list of demands for cash and for a vehicle to help make the escape from the prison. now again, russian security forces, they moved in very quickly and they neutralized 5 of the hostage types of investigators all here on the scene though recovering out to prove to determine exactly what took place here by some breaking news, just reaching us on our tea right now. the founder of a popular telegram network has reportedly been detained in front, after touching down in the capital in his private debt from us. not by john. i mean, to report say that the entrepreneur has been placed in custody and is due to appear before and investigating judge this saturday evening. a search warrant for drugs was issued by the french national educational police on the basis of a preliminary investigation. the amount of the charges he could face terrorism,
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drunk traffic, and then fraud among the ibis girl who has full citizenship, including french, is believed to have been accompanied by woman and the body guard. when he came to france, now ukrainians alone will determine the future of their country. and that was the message from loudon, mister lands key as the nation mopped its independence day. a problem model, ukraine and ukrainians will determine how to live, what is what's asked to take and what choice to make up. this is how independence works. smoke good independence has many dimensions. each of them needs to be achieved in order to defend independence, comprehensively. this is economically independence. this is energy independence. this is the spiritual independence of the ukrainian people. now let's take a look at just how independent ukraine actually is. downstairs the outbreak of the war, the country has been large, me financed by western powers. now, around
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a $175000000000.00 has come come from the united states. and $123000000000.00 has come from the european union. that most of, that's money is finance. 8, not military. it is almost twice as big as ukraine's i know g d p of a $178000000000.00. now when it comes to energy, kim also now relies on outside help from its neighbors. in the western part of the country by euclid receive supplies from several of the eastern european countries and europe and the kids energy minister has won. the may not be able to meet if she's in the demands in the face of a harsh winter. now really done also is an aspect that's blocking me. zaleski was keen to point out when he pulled off of independence. but his words come just days after the parliament voted to baton the traditional orthodox church. and that move
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will impact an estimated point to meet even people who follow its faith stopped persecution, not the church, and it's a play g begun after the 2014 cool in key f. now, 5 years later, a new charge was forms to make a break from the historical applies to russia. download moscow's denounced the track down as a violation of international law. is this the? yes, this is an elation their goal is to destroy true orthodoxy and replace it with a false charge. do you understand to create a cause the orthodox churches? it's a false cause. the church that use a similar rituals, but has seized houses of worship, and pretends to use them according to our customs. but in fact, amongst the faces by my colleague brought him mommy's, spoke to a panel of guests to question how close the business case was on independence. on to reality, i would say it sadly, it's not in the independent direction because the country is mainly controlled and
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directed by the american that it is. and that action by the your be in the, you know, need, is, it said the audiences the law has started. it looks like that. uh, you know the i have always seeing the usc and using you guys that its proxy and your is x, y being that he so sees a few tried. i believe that, i mean uh if there is a new band this, then they should not be the should not be in this situation right now. let me see now is that the electives leadership or the ukraine. uh and uh, we have to know that the last key is not respecting his own because it's using the he threw calls on because he's mandates is over. and so goes for the around the over the a great involvement that they turn the country into some kind of a natal desktops, which is constantly harvesting more and more of ukrainians who became hostages.
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busy the old, their own country and this is old on purpose of course with the support as sponsorship for the western countries and make up. ready of this conflict, the north special military operation was necessitated. ukraine was, was known unanimously in the west as the most corrupt country in europe. but also now it's, it's a democratic, uh vanguard. and so, um, it's the information's not being, being disseminated personally to the where. so that's where that comes from then. so it's uh office and say, you know, today supposedly independent barrier. and it appears to me that there must be a language barrier that currently and the word independence must have some of the means. because here's the countries,
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the largest beggar nice no more in the in the world is talking about human thinking . mom again, the pivot you know, is what i see is, has said that russia would fail the rough. oh yeah. the ukrainian rock in all aspects because supposedly no one cares about most of the red lines anymore. what do you think about that rhetoric? this is blake and threats that come from nato to reserve a shot from the mouth of the ukrainian. i will say again, i elected leadership hopefully hoping the sponsor so before the in need to realize at some point that, that they have lost and that they should build their profits to change the policy. but i think that now russia cons 3 lead a negotiate with the leadership of the state that has banned the of the
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orthodox space. now this is the time when the lexia has to do some more can do by the actions towards, you know, the final conclusion on this was, and this is the best method must be very clear involved. on the other hand, if you look at the situation, rest is, is set free with economy and suffering. and the people are, you know, facing recession inflation. and it is not be appalled. and that the most of the people, countries in the people from joe, to the, uh, you know, asking the questions from the government. that's why these bodies drag, done so much. why have you been, you know, a lot of supporting the anatomy do of americans the west as really here. what is happening uh, in ukraine the, the monk for in favor of some of you printing in the west is that we're supporting democracy. but the reality is,
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with the way the zalinski regime has nothing to sell. there is no, it's no democracy in ukraine. and there has not been for some time. and so, you know, when it comes to freedom of religion and other apps, freedom of press other political parties. now those are permitted to exist. so there's nothing democratic about the brain. i'd like to take you back to our breaking news story. we're following this, our, the founder of the popular telegram network has populated the report that need being detained in front of touching down in paris in his private jets from mazda by john. that means that reports say that the printer has been placed in custody and is due to appear before an investigating judge this saturday evening. a search warrant for durable was issued by the french national, judicial, please. on the basis of a preliminary investigation, that monthly charges he could face our towers and drug trafficking on fraud. do all
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of us believe to have been accompanied by a woman had the body guard when he came to fonts. papa durham is a native russian yet left his homeland around 10 years ago. and in 2021 was glad to french citizenship. recently, he has lived mainly in the united arab emirates, but after his detention the telegram encrypt the car and see used the the operations on the platform last more than 5 and a half percent inviting. a telegram was founded back in 2012 and now has lenient of use as well wide in one of his most recent interviews with american journalist tucker kaufman bureau came to the f. b i and us authorities a passion him in terms of freedom of speech. we got too much attention from the the at the i, the security agencies wherever we came to the us. i brought an engineer that is
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working for telegram and there was an attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind me and back by cyber security officers. officers were agents that were trying to persuade him to use certain open source tools that he would then integrate into the telling us code that the mind the same would serve as backdoors would allow the us government to spy on people who use telegram the u. s. government to maybe any other government because of backstory is a back door regardless of who is using it after the events of january of the 6. uh, we received a letter from uh, i believe uh, congressman of the democratic side. and they requested that we would share all the data we had in relation to what they called this uprising letter. it seemed very serious and the letter said, you know,
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if your fail to comply with this request, he will be in violation with the us constitution or something. 4 weeks after that, where we got another letter and knew whether from the republican side of the congress and there we read that if we give out any data according to the previous request, we would be in violation of the risk institution. so we got to the letters that said whatever we do with the file leasing serious constitution, a larger dot com is where you can get details of all the stories will fall. i miss out. i'll see you again on top of yeah. why not? the
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mass juniors on see and welcome back to going underground, broke out single, around the world from the middle east, while the us and it's i lives continue to. i'm zalinski and ukraine, and that's in yahoo! in israel, president vladimir persian today observes russia's day of remembrance and sorrow. the anniversary of the soviet union's victory in world war 2 and 27000000 russians were killed by nazis the most out of any allied country. this just weeks after russia was banned from neo nazi linked frances the de commemoration. earlier this week, there was panic in nature, legacy media or of opinions, visits north korea. despite his attempts to reach out to hand to piece, the russian president's cool facies fire and ukraine was rejected by the nature of the content.


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