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tv   News  RT  August 25, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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then living here, the, this hours headline stories, the phone girl, the global lead, popular telegram up, is reportedly detained in front. and the last interview before his arrest pop of draw revealed us security agencies, are pressuring him to violate the privacy of the platforms, users. we got too much attention from the, from the at the i to the agency is wherever we came to be with israel launch. it strikes across the southern 11 on calling it to a pre emptive measure against because pull up the militant group in turn pledges like poke some harsh response on from the 1st time in 25 years of polio when infection has been detected in gallons. that i made urgent. call this for a cease fire to vaccinate over 600000 children from the tennessee virus.
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the live from our international youth center here in moscow. this is archie good to help you with this a crack don't on free speech. just one of the reactions to the news, the russian tech to i could probably juror of has reportedly been detained by french police. the telegram finder is accused of not giving security services, access to private information on the messenger platform. investigators or allegedly accusing him of complicity and drug trafficking, fraud on crimes against children are to charlotte to pinsky told me more. this is a reports from french tv stations to say that they've got sources close to the investigation. his playing pavel during explaining,
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arrived in paris on saturday evening, and he had just switched the towel not getting off the plane when apparently he was detained by the french, all star t's now according to one source close to the investigation. the reason they showed that i had released this warrant for him and arrest him on french. so it is because telecom is seen as being the go to go to ask for a criminal activities organized crime at for the last few years. now you mentioned that some of the crimes that he could be facing charges over they say is money laundering for this is a drug trafficking crimes against children. these are incredibly serious crimes. it's expected that he's going to go before a judge on sunday in front and is unlikely to be released from pre trial detention because of obviously the fact who he is, the pharmacy has his ability to leave the country and perhaps avoid justice. they
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are expecting that he will be reminded in custody until any trial, and that could be many, many months away. the suggestion, if he's found guilty, he could spend up to 20 years in prison. now, the russian embassy in paris has said that it is looking for clarity on the situation. do, of course, as a russian citizen, he also has joined nationality and he's a french citizen too. we're dealing with the situation. charlotte, that then it's happening in front of the country, which shap promotes itself as a beacon of democracy in a, in a dark world. all that kind of thing. freedom of speech is par online yet. he's being treated in such a high profile way as, as a criminal, like directly as if he's accused of doing nice things himself. but he's not. yeah, let's be clear that he's not being accused of actually carrying out any of these activities. the basis of this warrant is that because telecom missing is don't
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motor rating enough of it's not providing information to governments in the west, but he's essentially complicit in these crimes simply for being the owner and co founder of telecom. it's a pretty incredible situation now. we know that she's been coming on that massive pressure from western governments to share information, talent, golf, which is one of the most popular movie downloaded apps in the world, are close to a 1000000000 uses slides. so in this idea that it's gonna end ends encryption that it's safe to send messages on, and telecoms website says it does not pass information to governments. all of these the big take points when people are using to look at the app. so he's talked about the pressure he's been coming and recently he sat down with us host talk a calls in and talk specifically about what the us authorities have been doing and how they've been 20 swayed him to pass on information. let's just have to listen to
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the said in that interview, we got too much attention from in the, the, at the i, the security agency is wherever we came to the us. i brought an engineer that is working for telegram and there was an attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind them and back by cyber security officers officers. the events of january of the 6 uh, we received a letter from uh, i believe, uh, congressman of the democratic site. and they requested that we would share all the data we had in relation to what they called this authorizing the letter. it seemed very serious. uh and the letter said, you know, if your fail to comply with this request, he will be in violation with the us constitution. that took a call soon. we acted very quickly to the reports of papa through ups arrest,
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saying that he's being locked away in. susie asked a 3 by a member of nato that this is the west that has locked him up because he's refusing to sense of the truth. and i think that's really interesting is that what we've got here is western government putting out a warrant for this big tech mogul and essentially putting him behind boss before he's even been able to have his day in court. now there's been lots of other reaction as well, even in coming from an influential americans or concerned by the developments in this case. from just arrested pablo during founder and ceo of the encrypted uncensored telegram platform. the need to protect free speech has never be more urgent. pos, e. it's 2030 in europe, and you're being executed for liking a mean. it's telegram today, it will be ex,
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tomorrow. a free speech is under attack one over the world. why are people's opinions and voice is such a threat? courageously resolved differences freely in the public square? will of course we know that dog has actually worked with governments in the west to acquiesce to the demands he address to the demands of the e. u to bon off seeds foaming telegram. if you have a i e, u, base number, you cannot get access to our new services via the app. and it's interesting that now he is in faults in the way he could find himself behind the boss problem. draw a full shot and issue a started. he's here in rush reminder. charlotte, how did the turn died on what most schools have to say? and these latest development she has, this is going back to 2018 where telegram was fund in bush. and that's because it was refusing to handle the information and essentially in breach of russian rules. now that fun was listed when telecom and the russian authorities came to the dealer,
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not to is it telecom would pass information to the fs, be own request if it was related to external. we missed investigations as a telecom, widely used still here in russia. but at the time we had in jews from the west or cooling file, we'll say no, hey, we are again russia trying to clump down the freedom of speech. this is an ok. we're not happy about this. an interesting the, the russian foreign ministry spokesman said, well, she one, does this bill be the same? and g o's cooling for his freedom and cooling for his liberty. right now, i just remember how in 2018, a group of 26 n g o has condemned the russian quotes decision to block telegram. telegram had legal issues to many countries had in connection with the technical parameters of the encryption system. these west and m guys quote on the russian storage use to stop crazy obstacles to telegrams, work the appeal to the when the council view or the received the european union,
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the united states and other governments to resist of russia's actions, protect the fundamental rights of freedom. of expression and privacy at the same time during the remainder lodge all this time. continuing to develop telegram. do you think these n g 's will appeal to parse this time on demand or release? or will they swallow that tons of the question is now, where could this lead could this open the floodgates of the actions? we knew that was a suggestion in the u. k. just a few weeks ago that e mail and musk could be arrested for some of the, the tweets he made during the riots, we soar in the u. k. and is this a question about freedom of speech choices about where the power in today's society lies? and the fact that western governments are concerned that perhaps they are losing it . israel has launch several strikes, targeting southern lebanon, describing it as a pre emptive measure against his bella. the militant group in turn threatened
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a harsh response to the overnight attacks or to contribute or robbie bergman spoke to us earlier from ben green. the report were operation ceased for a number of hours about a month ago. here's what i launched. a striking 10 is really build your intent is really uh, citizen and motional shops on the goal. on heights. they were drew's. yeah. they were is really citizen in response to israel killed. so what shot gotta, which is a hit by law commander in 11 on now it's in his below has a threat and 2 straight back in a serious way and strike israel and israel, military intelligence. i mean, to happen on that just for child going on for the past since the war has started is because, but i've been launching between 10 and a 100 missiles into israel almost every day. but it is real. got wind this morning that they were launching, waiting to launch a major attack with heavy muscles, long distance metals, and about 5 o'clock in the morning. is there a launch at preventive striking the airport where i'm at now?
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these really, airport was closed down for a few hours, but they opened up again at 7 am. as you can see, and most people are getting notices from the places of employment, they should not come to work. the government has sent out a message to most people usually work from home and stay within an area that is close to a bombshell, cuz everyone's waiting is belies. i issued a statement saying that their 1st wave, which is over $300.00 rockets launch. it is all, most of them were shot down. there was only one person, one is really that was injured in the city of also, but most of it was a failure. 320 rocket launch may as well. and his block now mentioned that they are finished with the 1st wave of attack upon israel with more to call. i'm not sure if that will be today, tomorrow, or the days to come. i so the war is coming. i'm must come. there's no way that it is well can live. i do this threat on a daily basis. and as a whole, north of israel cleared up is really citizens, kids not going to school. she was supposed to start in a week or 2. people haven't gone back to work. 80000 people, we have 80000 internal reputation inside of israel. the wars going to call them,
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the question is when and what scale and will be a regional war, including iran and the who these in jamming. let's in our international relations academic hi, its l, how rearrange, joining us live from lebanon. you're most welcome. in terms of these overnight the tax is or the case of more of what we've seen over recent week stuff that tit for tat. and then roger lee at dying died, or is it something more significant from what you've seen to actually what's happened yesterday or the uh, the uh, yeah, the early morning today was a, a, it to, and there are 2 points of views regarding what's happened. are these are you decides they believe the, the, the last at the end of the start in order to contain on the board. but i missed or e mail. tom, sorry anybody's dumped from the theater systems to
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a response to the destination of the cars will not need to from the bodies perspective, especially from the uh, is this a b as in please said that was the job of receiving information. but these are, you didn't get a james bond he launched, it's like, and that is so complex like you just did want to take 2 minutes or 2. but i believe that the at the see the image image yesterday and discharge is something a month. it kind of more was it said you would, the level is more of a good week. i'm not sure about it. as you said, you today about the big cities was we are 2 of the doesn't offer attacking, i'm responding and yes, found to be at the, at the us except the i'm, there is
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a speech for the, the, a genetics, the custody of his beloved. and i believe that we'd have to look at when he, professions of the speech at either this at doc on live on. uh, yes, the, the response of his will look in editor regarding the summation would stop at this then. oh, would we want to add to the scenarios and as, and we want to know that today that the student is of the best of the vision and what personally, i don't think you've done with each this point. oh yeah, i do. yeah. yeah. it's and can i just ask you, which we're speaking to somebody in the nation that's come under at those those attacks, those are a strikes. so how would you describe the, the lebanese peoples of news on the possible conflict?
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growing in bay root is our general support for his ball as auctions. yeah, that's the nice people of different physical uh they do not wish to uh, have the most paid war. it'd be, well, you know, we have a number of considerations. the problem is, of course, people feel of it must have been what however, however, yes, we can say that in general there is a been use consensus. be regarding the mississippi off they sing this, are you the steps that you need a be reached? i gave you of course there are some courses to be realistic because we have some voices that are against people fit ations on campus. today is the beginning. now, since 8 october baby, the that there was no need to enter the at the bottom of the word that is for them . but in general, whenever it comes to me to the question of the security, okay,
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but not as of uh the sort of deal for the bundle. no, i believe that today. oh, most of the sectors are concessions of the bundle are supporting the large to desist and the store is right across the table for the bottle, regardless of the personal opinion and the policy good citizens between has a lot of them and the thing is real. describe the attacks on lab unless you know is preemptive. no, i would suggest that such a nice age stage and a possible broad or regional conflict firing before being fired at isn't such a good idea if you're aiming to de escalate tensions. so is west jerusalem actually speaking to, to do that, to less than what's happening or isn't nothing. yeah. who government thinking, you know, what, maybe i brought or is the way to go here?
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yeah. there's only like, give so many persons and a large number actually of people. i know we believe that a disney government or nothing new home. so does not want to of this war. and the we believe i believe person be i support the, uh, the uh, assumption that the whole actually benefits from uh an ours or vision and works because as you know, eh, he does not. he is, uh eh, danny, he is. uh, the, the one thing i need do you always do sport and does, uh, as he beach does, may be, there is an escalation and the word was live on. this will continue or the, his personal benefits and would drive to the night of space actually. and the western countries to support him and this was due to most time in order to make what he believes is a, uh, a, a victory. however, this a condition or the team will be there as well. and i think the uh today the,
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the problem is, is the home says the, the western countries, especially the united states. actually i still believe that they are still playing between a dime and they are still given size one of them yahoo, yes. of the same time. they don't want additional escalation uh for the war or it isn't an outbreak of the word today. uh, really huge and add the after this. right. on live on a very small oh, would love to have the results of the estimation of the especially did i believe that it's the time for the us to start or to exercise more efficient or let them? yeah, we'll get you to an agreement. this is by it only would be talking about the serious a danger or that's a gardening the alternate of emotion. and okay, very interesting analysis. absolutely. mixed messages, as you say,
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they're coming from washington. it appears that police hired l. how really academic and research and media and politics live from saddam 11 on many things. a thank you so much. now dire warnings coming from guys that were a 10 month old baby has contracted the polio virus seen for the 1st time in the region 25 years. after around the kitchen, the child is reported to be partially paralyzed. the disease is highly infectious. others often spread through sewage and contaminated water on rock. commissioner general felipe laws are really underlined. the virus will pose a danger beyond cancer. to very sad world health organization confirms that a 10 month old baby in guys is now butterflies. huge a bully, a virus. the 1st case in more than 25 years full that will not make the distinction between posting and and is really children delaying
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a human side. impulse will increase the risk of spread among children. it is not enough to bring the vaccine center, gaza less protected to cold chain to have an impact. the vaccines must end up in the most of every child under the age of 10. traces of the virus and gals as wastewater were detected by the united nations in june. the illness most of the effects of children under the age of 5 on may cause paralysis disfigurement and potentially death. the u. n. is quoting, for at least a week, long cease far in order to attempt to stop the virus spreading and provide children garza with the necessary vaccinations and his speech of the un security council apollo sitting on board so that hundreds of thousands of children in casa, are an urgent need of help while you are still debating and the mediator still trying to reach an agreement on the seas via or are we going to allow this specific, limited, cold for and not to a nation to take place?
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i read long to let one come 3 to have the veto and everything, including love to inoculate. $640000.00 team and children, probably a anyway. is it packed to church in every way? and as we speak, peo springing gaza, they will not wait the only way to comprehend. so the address of the vast multitude of means in gaza. this wouldn't be just sustainable ceasefire. well, let's speak live now in the program to unicef communications head for the middle east and north africa test ingram. you're most welcome and we appreciate your time this sunday test. usually concerning news from guys that with these reports of the polio virus being detected for the 1st time in a quarter of a century, how big is the fear that infections could spread? it's a tremendous larry for several reasons. one,
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this environmental sample that we've detected in the gaza strip has been leads to a wholly a very and from egypt, which means it could have been circulating in gaza for many months is as long ago as september 2023. which means that the risk of other children being infected with probably a virus, particularly as vaccination levels of drugs in recent months with the conflict is a real threat. and then as you said earlier, the health and sanitation systems in gaza have really been decimated. so we're looking at real problems as well in stopping the spread in the environment and then detecting it. if there are any further cases in gaza. yeah, the u. k. as in foster to be you and as underlying the gals is the deadly it's place in the world to be a child. now israel says it does, it's up most not to harm civilians, but it isn't war as you say, that gal. so strip a subject, a concentrated area on the situation is dire, isn't that so hope critical. is it for the young right now in the strength to look,
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we've been trying for months, that is the most dangerous place to be in the world to be a child. and we don't say that lightly. we say that after looking at all aspects of a child's life and in the gaza strip at the moment, we've seen tens of thousands of children reportedly killed or injured or buried underneath the level. and children should not be a target. so the fact that these numbers are so high really tells us a lot about these conflicts, about the indiscriminate nature of it and how it really is affecting so many civilians. i think that number there though is, is just the children who are being recorded, killed in general, buried under the rubble, and then the other aspects of a child's life that are being so seriously affected. we 2nd children with malnutrition, with diseases, with mental health impacts from this conflict. so it really is every aspect of a child's life that's being negatively impacted. so in terms of what's, don't know, un security council members have underlined the urgent need for hundreds of
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thousands of children and gas. if you get fox and nations, israel's own boy to the u. n. has confirmed more than 2000000 polio vaccines have been sent to gals that and cooperation with the w h. you, i'm yourself, how much will that leave you at right now the spread of the disease high for? are we into a, do you think i to? so those are things that have already answered because a straight we're part of retain vaccination programs and a good chunk of them have been administered. but what we're trying to do this week is bringing new vaccines that are specifically targeting the kind of polio variant that has been detected in the gaza strip. so they're special new vaccines and they should hopefully arrive from yusef in gaza tomorrow. they've just been grand airport now, so the hope is that we will get them in and then we can start the campaign with urgency on the 31st of august. but of course, we've been cooling for these pools so that we can do this campaign safely and effectively. it is no easy fades to vaccinate 640000 children. well,
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the sky is full of the stripes, so we really need that pause. so that health workers feel safe, that families feel safe enough to bring the children to health clinics, and that we can get the vaccines rod acosta. we've got the strip to every child that needs them. well that's, that's the, the acute point isn't it, that you've got these vaccines, they're waiting, they come be the can be sent out and they can help people. but you're in the midst of a war. so just talk us through test, how do they get there? how are they going to do that in, in the midst of, of a conflict with our that's the start is the only way for that to happen. is this the spar a look? it's the only way for us to be effective in to do it properly. we are going to do our very best without as a site or a 7 day cost to each of the $2.00 rounds of, of based campaign. but that is really what we need because as the say, doing the sort of ambitious that sedation campaign in the middle of
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a really intense conflict is, is nearly impossible. so what we're doing now is we've brought the phrases, the cold storage for the vaccines to the gaza strip and my putting that in place. the vaccine should arrive. we've got a 2700 health workers boys to begin the specs the nation campaign. so everything's almost ready to go to start on the 31st of august. and so we just need the other end of the video to come through. and that's, there's probably a pause on, on what is that communication? like when they they talk happens, do you find that the promises are, are ad delivered when, when they say there will be that pause does not happen for you on either side to be able to help a look. i think we same for 10 months now. the low of the assets from the humanitarian community have not been delivered. and that is why there is such a humanitarian crisis on the ground in terms of the continued lack of basic
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services for children and their families. and that's really devastating for us as humanitarian to, to stay and to do with every day. so look, i'm, i just hope that this probably pulls can be put in place because the risk of the polio virus now does not only threaten because the stream it threatens the region. polio does not respect borders and all neighboring countries are risk of these virus moving into other un vaccinated community. so it's really important that everybody works together to help us get on top of the base fast. and it's not only children is that it could pose a threat to unbox, knew that i will as well. and then that leads to the possibility that the other at epidemics could emergent goes. yeah, that's right. and, you know, one of the things that we're concerned about is, of course we've, we've picked up, these probably got a taste. they may well be others. we need to increase the valence. it's a said whether there are more cases in the community. but it's also an indicator that health systems have decimated, sewerage is, is really
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a problem on the streets of god. so access to safe and clean water is also an issue . and so that means other diseases posed a threat to children such as measles or cholera or hepatitis. so we, we really focused on polio, but also conscious of the fact that the families and gods a real risk of the increased spread of disease, particularly with winter around the corner just well we have you all in our last 30 seconds if we ton, and we're hoping it happen sooner rather than later, but in terms of aid but gals is going to need long term after the violence and unfold. q monetary knox is grunted, just give us a nice line on that. it's an illness. i think, you know, every aspect of the services that used to existing as a, has been impacted in some way. 85 percent of schools have been time aged or destroyed. and we seem to know most impact on hospitals and health centers and a half of them, the remain costly functioning in some way. so i guess
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a needs to get in. but there's also a huge rebuilding asset that needs to happen as well as support for the children of god as i said that they can rebuild. there's a long future ahead of them, but we need to be there by their side, and that's what units have intends to do with the only say good luck with the immediate se fox nation at real life as well. thank you so much for coming to the program and sharing with us at what, what's being undertaken on the scale of it. unicef communications manager for the middle east, the north africa test ingram. thank you. thank you. a nice house . the ukraine conflict changed the character of modern warfare. it's a big question, but today's guest and we're also part alexandra hill. he's a professor of military history and kind of the university of calgary. he believes so here his thoughts next the
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welcome to was a part a few years ago at close kinetic conflicts with soldiers killing each other in near proximity was considered obsolete at least among militarily advance nations. it was stopped opposite, a remotely controlled west friends or pars knuckles diploma. save could deliver a desired outcome without much blood spilling. but the war in ukraine clearly defied. that's wishful thinking. how is it changing the character of more than warfare? to discuss that, i'm now joined by alexander hills, professor of military history at the university of calgary professor here is great to talk to you now i'm sure.


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