tv News RT August 25, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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[000:00:00;00] the, the found the, all the globally popular telegram is reportedly detained in front. and the last interview before the rest, pablo the roles were billed us. security agencies were pressuring him to violate the privacy of the platforms. use that we get too much attention from the f b i the security agencies wherever we came to the us as relative strength across southern 11 and cold. and get a preemptive measure against hezbollah. similar to a group into and such as a quote, comp time slot demand, the landscape signed to build, binding to the center result canonical orthodox church. for the use of the persecution, we speak exclusively to
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a greek all bishop in jerusalem to close the loop and not against win digits. freedom. because the orthodox churches in the world and christianity reject this action that was taken by the ukrainian parliament. these dangerous actions that violate freedom of expression and freedom of religious and spiritual affiliation. the hello and welcome. this is the weekly on, on the international with the latest news updates along with a round up of the stories the shapes, the week is great to have you with us. like us hop story this our a crack down on free speech. just one of the reactions to the news that the russian tech to i couldn't paddle do of as opposed to the being detained by french police. the telegram found the is accused of notes giving security services access to private information on the messenger platform. investigators are allegedly accusing him of complicity and drug trafficking, fraud,
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and crimes against children. all teeth saw the jeep ascii, told us no. this is a reports from french tv stations to say that they've got sources close to the investigation. he's playing pablo dogs playing the rice in paris on saturday evening, and he had just switched the towel not getting off the plane. but apparently he was detained by the french, all star t's now according to one source close to the investigation. the reason they showed that i had released this warrant for him in arrest him on frank soul is because telegram is seen as being the go to go to ask for a criminal activities organized crime at full the last few years. now you mentioned that some of the crime is that he could be facing charges over they say, is money laundering for to this is a drug trafficking crimes against children. these are incredibly serious crimes.
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it's expected that he's going to go before a judge on sunday in front and is unlikely to be released from pre trial detention because of obviously the fact who he is, the pharmacy has his ability to leave the country and perhaps avoid justice. they are expecting that he will be reminded in custody until any trial, and that could be many, many months away. the suggestion, if he's found guilty, he could spend up to 20 years in prison. now, the russian embassy in paris has said that it is looking for clarity on the situation do, of course, as a russian citizen, he also has joint nationality, and he's a french citizen too. we're dealing with the situation, charlotte, that it's happening in front of a country which shap promotes itself as a beacon of democracy in a, in a dark world. all that kind of thing. freedom of speech is part online,
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yet he's being treated in such a high profile way as, as a criminal, like directly as if he's accused of doing nice things himself. but he's not. yeah, let's be clear that he's not being accused of actually carrying out any of these activities. the basis of this warranty is that because telecom missing is don't motor rating enough of it's not providing information to governments in the west, but he's essentially complicit in these crimes simply for being the owner and co founder of telecom. it's pretty incredible situation now. we know that she's been coming on the massive pressure from western governments to share information, talent, golf, which is one of the most popular movie downloaded apps in the world, are close to a 1000000000 uses slides. so this idea of that is go and, and encryption that it's safe to send messages on, and telecoms website says it does not pass information to governments. all of these, the big take points when people are using to look at the app. so he's talked about
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the pressure he's been coming and recently he sat down with us host talk a cost and, and talk specifically about what the us authorities have been doing and how they've been trying to persuade him to pass on information. let's just have to listen to the said in that interview, we got too much attention from the, the, the at the i, the security agency is wherever we came to the us. i brought an engineer that is of working for telegram and there was an attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind my back by cyber security officers officers. the events of january of the 6 uh we received a letter from uh, i believe, uh, congressman of the democratic side. and they requested that we would share all the data we had in relation to what they called this uprising.
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the letter seemed very serious and the letter said, you know, if your fail to comply with this request, he will be in violation with the us constitution. that took a call soon reacted very quickly to the report. solve papa through ups arrest saying that he's been locked away and sees the asked a 3 by a member of nato that this is the west that has locked him up because he's refusing to sense of the truth. and i think that's really interesting. is that what we've got here is western government putting out a warrant for this big tech mogul and essentially putting him behind boss before he's even been able to have his day in court. now there's been lots of other reaction as well, even in coming from influential americans or consumed by the developments in this case from just arrested pablo during founder and ceo of the encrypted
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uncensored telegram platform. the need to protect free speech has never be more urgent. p o, v. it's 2030 in europe, and you're being executed for liking a mean. it's telegram today, it will be ex, tomorrow. a free speech is under attack one over the world. why are people's opinions and voice is such a threat? courageously resolve differences freely in the public square. will. of course we know that dog has actually worked with governments in the west to acquiesce to the demands he address to the demands of the e. u to bon off seeds, foaming telegram. if you have a i. e u base number, you cannot get access to our new services via that app. and it's interesting that now he is in faults in the way he could find himself behind the boss public draw a full shot and issue a started. he's here in rush, reminded charlotte, how did the turn died on what most schools have to say on these the latest
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development she has. this is going back to 2018 where telegram was fund in russian . that's because it was refusing to handle the information and essentially in breach of russian laws. now that fund was listed when telecom and the russian authorities came to a dealer, not to is it telecom would pass information to the fs b own request if it was related to external. we missed investigations as a telecom widely used still had in russia. but at the time we had in jews from the west or cooling file, we'll say know, hey, we are again russia trying to clump down the freedom of speech. this is an ok. we're not happy about this. an interesting read. the russian foreign ministry spokes business said, well, she one, does this bill be the same? and g o's cooling for his freedom and cooling for his liberty. right now, i just remember how in 2018, a group of 26 n g o has condemned the russian quotes decision to block telegram.
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telegram had legal issues to many countries had in connection with the technical parameters of the encryption system. these western and g guys quote on the russian authorities to stop crazy obstacles to telegrams, walk the appeal to the you. when the council of you are the only see the european union, the united states and other governments to resist russia's actions, protect the fundamental rights of freedom of expression and privacy. at the same time during the remainder. lodge all this time, continuing to develop telegram. do you think these n g h will appeal to parse this time on demand or release, or will they swallow that tons of the question is now. where could this lead could this open the floodgates of the actions? we knew that was a suggestion in the u. k. just a few weeks ago that a little mosque could be arrested for some of the, the tweets he made during the riots. we swore in the u. k. and is this a question about freedom of speech choices about where the power in today's society lies?
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and the fact that western governments are concerned that perhaps they're losing it . the russian embassy and for also stage of the reason in touch with paddle drugs lawyer. but the european country has avoided any contact with mosca. we heard from the ria booth, not a russian and p and member of the state and doing a committee on international affairs. and she thinks the telegram found his arrest was entirely dependent on his nationality. and that's the problem of the lease. so people, sometimes those years i were like that we have, we have this, i don't, i guess the western propaganda issue inside of our minds believe in the states. they do have freedom of speech and now there are no masks already. he should have been understanding that it's gonna happen with him. but i think people think about this, but they don't realize it fully. now he does these guys in very serious and they do go off to every single russian. they go up,
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they do go after every person who's things differently than the west, who wants them to sing. so this is 1994, and i don't think he's he for the probably that it has enough money to secure himself and kind of was convinced that he's the citizen of the world. there is no such thing. he took with french citizenship, but he didn't become french by birth. a visas and nationalism. this is, was the for there. and this has been lots of times back. people show open their eyes and realize that the only reason the work is now in prison is because he is russian, and there is nothing he could have done or could do. now, to free himself is no words he could say. he will be found guilty no more than once . it is nothing to do with friends. uh, friends typically is just there as far as the executor, over certain things that the united states wants them to do. busy when they want to step aside, they use or france, germany,
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and other countries of nato. why do i say so? because i know a lot of cases, i know of cases in france, there were 2. our football fans rested in 2018 in france. and they serve the affordable conditions 3 and 10 years in france, and it was a very high profile case. but who was the per some or that can use ation or the state who ordered that because they needed evil russians. there are many people for war on the process and all the ser, the children lance in france in 2016 when there was a football match for the rest of the russians. so they just use france and the person who actually signed the deal is far away across the ocean in the plan to extend the united states. so we shouldn't be clear about that and the only safe place today to or hide for a person who has their own mind and who wants to be easily life,
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where you can speak freely. is russia to discuss this further or less costly. so hold on the president of the west, the east and g o. nicholas markovich, many thanks for joining us on the program. he's nice to see you today. so as you, i'm so you've downloaded publisher of a paste. we've been detained and could face serious charges phones a pace very unhappy about the lack of control. it's welding if it's how the ground slicing these terrorism concerns and other risks is his arrest, then justify a lot. i don't think what we have to say the 1st, just as a buyer hasn't given a lot of information. so we would have to see what other, why has already been detained, but nothing seems justified. in any case. he himself is not accused of anything. definitely the in the press release is here in francis and stuff that we've been seeing that he has been detained. apparently because telegraph is accused of not enough moderation, not enough cooperation with the i would imagine, in this case, the french government concerning a child abuse considering drug trafficking,
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even terrorism enough. and that's why he's here. he hasn't been apprehended that last night, but this doesn't seem justified in the way it happened. also, he was enough and i was flying over to france just for dinner. and he stopped in the bush airport, which is a v i. p airport in the north of paris and the instruction to apprehend them was released while he was inside practically, or at least a couple of hours before. so this definitely seems that he was on the french, maybe governmental or at these traditional system radar. for some time and i think he's and he's not mean i would say enjoyable hours right now, being interrogated by and by the french police and the justice system. we spoke to russian that payment ria booth earlier and she thinks they say it's more, it's bigger than the she thinks is a case of russ it'd be do you think that might be the case? it definitely is not going to help in the balance, but i don't think it's only that. i think that definitely what the noise, the west, what a noise france is that total grams of that form for open speech started. there are
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problems to training every, all of these i would say, and i not indictments vangee, subjects which have been raised against telegrams can be used against instagram, can be used against facebook and to bend and became there where there still are, are serious problems on those platforms uh with people using them for uh, devious causes. however, mark zuckerberg is not. it comes to france with, without and doesn't have any problems, even even must put a message on s x a couple hours ago. we find this thing that if you own must isn't how i use a mark zuckerberg. it doesn't have any problem with the western traditional systems because i should keep it in. and then he gave them back doors to his and for it to his ad farms. and this is something that, um, the federal direct refused to do so. i think definitely the west global west that assistant french government here does not want. and i think this is the real cause is that they do not want a platform which they do not control. they don't want that phone on for speech. there's not forget that a couple of days ago. i tell you what the commission of your opinion and wrote to
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you on most intimidating here because on his platform there was information on the u. k. and he was going to have a debate with the truck. these are neither did us nor the need. the need are the u . k. are in the european union. and so these are the types of, i would say, attitudes that are have problem and high profile figures in the political establishment in your, today's hat. that's the real part of they do not free speech. and that is why mister draw isn't custody at this at this at this time. yeah, and the rest of durham is definitely spook some people of course, pablo scape one is one of them. he's one of the founders of the video platform rumble. he posted on accent that he's now left. you are up since through of detention. rumble has also face legal challenges in for on. so given that wants to assessments of the situation with the freedom of speech that and do you think this move to detain? europe was slowly initiated by friend toll authority. so do you think it's bigger than that? for this i do think it's bigger than that. i think us, i don't know,
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i'm not sure if maybe this has been initiated something, but it seems really that is, could have been initiated in the united states and that may be processed just the, doing the dirty work here as possible. i know that in the west, they do not like telegrams in the west. i would say the governments in lots of these countries do not want to and because of the freedom of speech and it is frightening. and i do understand that people who have platforms who i am in to advocate for the most speech are worried, are worried. and i can understand that some of them even want to leave the you. it is extremely difficult to have access to free information made mention media in the west today controls company the information either these matrices and media belongs to all the guards and they control the information that the narrative or to the states. so it's very difficult to have an independent opinion or to a system of debates, even in traffic, supposed to be the country of the day of freedom of speech. and it was very difficult going to be outside the social network outside of the internet. there's not a lot of room for free space for us to be charged,
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maybe at 2 o'clock in the morning and the show that live by 0.2 percent of the population and have somebody was gonna say something quite interesting. but the rest of the time, they're the, the governments here are really trying to control the narrative. and this is what it's giving them is that there is a very different narrative on the internet which is escaping their control at people. more and more people are do not believe, i mean, for us, the percentage of the people believing mainstream media is extremely low. and this has been set in many different different as the districts and inquiries here. they don't trust the median. and there's also good that julian sands was accused of rape and then he said, oh, that's not true anymore. donald trump was accused of collaborating with the russians and then to the, or 2 or 3 years down the road as it was best not to win the most anymore. so people know that there's a lot of st and use being pending by federal, by mainstream. yes. so they go to the internet and pep forms, which enabled people to have free speech r, r. and i would say in the, the cross hairs of the government's because they can't control and, and of course, when you've got few speak,
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you can tell the truth. what's really happened with joining us out, what's going around donald trump and restaurant, is that true or not? and when you go to these platforms, you find different and the different opinions, different judgments of democracy, supposed to be the people power to the people that people are supposed to say. ok, this is the information i'm getting from media. this is somebody else on the internet giving enough information, let the people make their own choices and decide. but in the west today, we're not in the dark tunnel where the government's do not want people to decide. they want to decide for them. and there's not even forget that in fact, we had a referendum on, on the treaty uh for the european cities, the french people voted against the entries of the french government a couple of years after that. back track, the better on the decision. different other uh, the french decisions and forced the, the, the, you can treat onto the french, this is the type of democracy we've got here in the, in west, in the west. and it's, it's very scary to the, to me, i think whatever happens next uh, with base pop out during the case could make
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a real turning point. not just for tele ground, but the other social media and message of platforms because many use of the boys likes to tell the ground because that scene is most secure, is mostly perio, to watch stuff in any security. so a lot of the stake as to whether do off decides to give in and co operates with you or people start diesel hauled out and this will forget the path older of has cooperated with the before. for example, if you chose to ban all teas, a telegram channels there in europe. so how do you see this going on? how far could they run if occasions reach to what he decides to do next? well, he's got to be receiving a lot of pressure. the way this has been played out, the fact that they arrested him coming out of a saying not even a warning and bring him directly uh to uh, to, to be interrogated as if he was a high profile, a criminal, a drug screen theater. this is something just extremely intimate, intimidating for somebody who's not used to such a. i'd say it's a such a,
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a situation. we'll see how long she stays in the be interrogated by it differentiates police and judges seals a system. of course they are going to put the pressure on him, they want him to break down. they want him to give them access to until around to have that door access. drops it in that took a famous and took across an interview. he had pressure from governments, especially in the united states, to have back door access so that they can spy on everybody. because this is the in game they want. the information on those are trying to think differently. this is the real, this is the real x out behind the, the attack against him. and i think that behind this will see if you resist, you may be due to the sauce. and then this is something that i don't wish for him. he'd be extremely courageous if he does, if he stays firm on his belief that he must defend cri speech. and that he has already given a lot, as you said, he has collaborated in the past with governments concerning various serious matters and very dangerous matters. and i think of this is something which is
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understandable, but i think that on free speech, if he stands on this, they may want to put him behind bars and they didn't hesitate to put your yeah, sounds behind bars and they won't hesitate to put him idaho. he's not going to go down that task, but if she gives it, then this is going to be an invitation for other platform managers to give in. because and we see that these other ways the what uses to get to the, to the as putting pressure and committing people, putting them behind bars is threatening them of putting them behind. but as part of the longer time, just curious of the 20 years of that's a lot. uh and so this is something, this is the way the west proceeds today, and it's getting every day to her to try to get a different voice out on the media. so speaking to us today, it's great to hear your thoughts on the situation. nicholas rachels, the and presidents of west, east and g. i. thank you. i us and other news now as well as long several strikes, targeting southern lebanon, describing the action as
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a pre emptive measure against has beloved. it responds hundreds of real kits and drawings when the we should by has blocked out as well. all of them were intercepted by the idea. according to the is wally prime minister sees correspondents on the grounds. tell us more, a non beside my how much of a hezbollah has made 2 statements. the 1st of these includes the following points. the response to the assassination of the come on the full sugar which took place in the south and be root has already been done on the 1st phase of best response has been successfully completed. in addition, as well as the state when concerned a large scale dro natasha warnings, these really all me against attacks on civilians. the organization stress is fine because already to respond to any attacks on civilians in lab. and on the 2nd statement to report to the launch of 320 rockets from south and never known to 11 is really military bases in the south of lab and under intensive flights of military aircraft, up to the capital b rate according to has an operation was successful, you can reach out to using
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a significant number of missile spots positions in northern israel's and disabling the owing time system. it is obvious that whatever strikes were carried out, the place really made a trait across it has full on minus the launch missiles as the key g m t military bases in northern israel. it should be emphasized that these bases are important from the point of view of military purposes. the air force headquarters on the main all 10 the re positions in northern israel, located the facilities. adults as well as actions have to run attention to the spaces on the online game system in light of the current intensity of the missile flight from south and never known to most northern israel. about a month ago is what i launched. so striking 10 is really build your intent is really uh, citizen and motional shopping summit goal on heights. they were drew's. yeah. they were is really citizen and respond to israel killed for what shot god, which is a hit by law commander in 11 on now is. ready his, the law has a threat and just straight back in
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a serious way and strike israel. but israel gone when this morning that they were launching, waiting to launch a major attack with heavy muscles, long distance middles. and about 5 o'clock in the morning, israel launched and prevented strong got the airport where i'm out now these really airport was closed down for a few hours, but they opened up again. and most people are getting notices from the places of a point and they should not come to work. the government has sent out a message to most people usually work from home and stay within an area that is close to a bomb shelters. and there's a lot of now mentioned that they are finished with the 1st wave of attack upon israel with more to come natural. that will be today tomorrow for the days to come . i so the war is coming. i'm must come. there's no way that it is well can live. i did this threat on a daily basis. and now the whole north of israel, clear because really citizens, kids not go with this. well, she was supposed to start in a week or 2. people haven't gone back to work. 80000 people, we have 80000 internal reputation inside of israel. the war is going to call and
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the question is when and what scale and will be a regional war, including iran and who is in yemen. international relations academic hyatt, all her reverie space is way be a time from lebanon already attends by benjamin netanyahu to buy himself more time . let me see for the physical uh, they do not wish to uh, have the it was paid war fx. yes. we can say that engine um there is any news concerns me because i think the mississippi off basing those are either that's really the on. so does not want to out of this war the we believe i believe versa. and b, i. so for the, the, the assumption that the whole actually benefit from a large or regional and war, he is the event the, i mean, do you all as the sport and gaza, he believes he says,
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may be there as an escalation. and the word with the live on his will continue or uh, his personal benefits under dr. who, united states actually on the west side of the country. some 4 ton of this one due to most time in order to make what he believes is victory. will have them as a lensky house, fine to build binding. they cannot nicole orthodox church, following years of persecution against it. and this worship is not the day's move, was condemned by the head of the russian patriarchy, who's called for a response from international orthodox church leaders. having failed to weaken the canonical church in ukraine, having failed to shake its unity. the storage has decided to band completely as a result of the adoption of the current law. hundreds of monasteries, thousands of communities. millions of austin dogs, believers in ukraine, will find themselves outside the legal field will lose their property in place of prayer. it's the divide of christie and also milky. and you explain
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a sex more than 20000000 people throughout the country and follows the creation of the new t of supported orthodox church of ukraine in 20. 19 a few short years off of the us supported made on to your claims governments at the new denomination was intended to less than most goes influence. the establishment of the church for the key of persecution, of canonical clerics waits on orthodox churches, on threats to and follow is the grew of the stats of the conflict in 2022 or thirty's. it sees property from the traditional church, transferring it to the new one. and then this past tuesday, the countries paul them and post a know the facts to bombings, you created orthodox judge. however, not all of the countries and peas agrees with the religious comp time. when your portion was a big issue today that ukrainian parliament has made a fatal mistake by voting in favor of banning the print in orthodox church. and this mistake, without any doubts, will cause tragic consequences for the entire ukrainian people. there's no laws can
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prevent us from frame visiting temples, defending our faith. there are no obstacles to this, just as there were none for the lord. okay, you have to define triggered a response from jerusalem. aussie early a spoke exclusively to archbishop, the adult says that the holy cities, greek orthodox patriot kids who is a big move is a violation of religious freedom. yeah. and how do you click on the tree, sees that they also don't stretches in the world and christianity and they over whelming majority reject this action of this decision that was taken by the ukrainian parliament. and we can see that this decision to be on jobs or of course before the sanction they what persecution. and there was still persecutions against this church. the arrest of bishops, the seizure of churches, the rest of plunging, and the seizure of properties and endowments belonging to this church. these are dangerous actions that violate freedom of expression and freedom of religious and
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spiritual affiliation. there was no traditional church or more traditional or less traditional church in ukraine. in ukraine, there was only one orthodox church. you cannot see race, the existence of an ancient church that is over a 1000 years old and ukraine with the stroke of a pen. and by a vote in parliament, cancel the existence of a church with a 1000 a year history. this is an on just action part. this is a clear violation of human rights. all other entities that were created to be alternatives to this church are invalid, illegal, and illegitimate. and we do not recognize emma to it is not within the powers of the parliament told the government in ukraine to intervene in this religious increase. the obstacle match of whoever supports the span, regardless of their religious will. sick, terry and affiliation is upon the reason this private gonna is to get to have it with us this sunday and i'll see international i'll be back with more than 30
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