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tv   News  RT  August 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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the, the, the, the founder of the global, a popular telegram app is reportedly detained in france. and the last interview before his arrest, pablo durham, revealed us security agencies, were pressuring him to violate the privacy of the platforms, users. we got so much attention from the f b i the security agencies wherever we came to the us times. and i think the attack is coming neither from the european union nor from france. it's most likely an attack from the united states. capital durham is a former press secretary, it says washington has long been after telegrams, founder and might be behind his arrest. stay tuned for his explosive comment to archie of seals off
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a shrine used by ethnic romanian followers of the ukrainian orthodox church. that's been banned by the zalinski governments. and israel launches, strikes across southern level 9 and calling it a pre emptive measure against has the last the melting group in terms hodges as much as a quote partial response. the your watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow with a look at the top news stories from the round the world end of the week, gone by a crack down on free speech. just one of the reactions to the news that russian tech tycoon pablo europe has reportedly been detained. by french police, the telegram founder was accused of not giving security services access to private information on the messenger platform. investigators are allegedly accusing him of complicity in drug trafficking, fraud and crimes against children earlier are to use that charlotte davinsky took
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my colleague union o'neill through the details. this is a reports from french tv stations to say that they've got sources close to the investigation hayes plain pablo dogs plain arrived in paris on saturday evening, and he had just switched the towel, not guessing of the play, but apparently he was detained by the french all star t's now according to one source close to the investigation. the reason they show that i had released this warrant for him and arrested him on french. so it is because telecom is seen as being the go to go to ask for a criminal activities organized crime at for the last few years. now you mentioned that some of the declines that he could be facing charges over they say, is money laundering for to this is a drug trafficking crimes against children. these are incredibly serious crimes.
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it's expected that he's going to go before a judge on sunday in front and is unlikely to be released from pre trials to tension. because of obviously the fact to use the funds, he has his ability to leave the country and perhaps avoid justice that they are expecting. but he will be reminded in custody until any trial. and that could be many, many months away. the suggestion, if he's found guilty, he could spend up to 20 years in prison. now the russian embassy in paris has said that it is looking for clarity on this situation. do, of course, as a russian citizen, he also has joined nationality and he's a french citizen too. we're dealing with the situation charlotte that and it's helping in front of the country, which shap promotes itself as a beacon of democracy in a, in a dark world. all that kind of thing. freedom of speech is par on like yet, he's being treated in such a high profile way as, as a criminal,
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like directly as if he's accused of doing nice things himself. but he's not yet. let's be clear. he's not being accused of actually carrying out any of these activities. the basis of this warranty is that because telecom missing is don't motor rating enough of it's not don't providing information to governments in the west, but he's essentially complicit in these crimes simply for being the owner and co founder of telecom. it's pretty incredible situation now. we know that she's been coming on the massive pressure from western governments to share information, tyler golf, which is one of the most popular movie downloaded apps in the world to close to 1000000000 uses swipe. so in this idea that it's gonna end to end encryption, that it's safe to send messages on, on telecoms website says it does not pass information to governments. all of these the big take points when people are using to look at the app. so he's talked about
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the pressure he's been coming on the recently he sat down with us host talk a calls and, and talk specifically about what the us authorities have been doing and how they've been trying to persuade him to pass on information. let's just have a listen to the said in the interview. we got too much attention from the, the, at the i, the security agencies, wherever we came to the us. i brought an engineer that is working for telegram and there was an attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind my back by cyber security officers officers. the events of january of the 6 uh we received a letter from uh, i believe, uh, congressman of the democratic side. and they requested that we would share all the data we had in relation to what they called this uprising letter. it seemed very serious and the letter said, you know,
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if your fail to comply with this request, he will be in violation with them in the us constitution. that took a call soon. we acted very quickly to the report. solve popple through ups arrest, saying that he's been locked away in c z asked a 3 by a member of nato that this is the west that is locked him up because he's refusing to sense of the truth. and i think that's really interesting is, but what we've got here is west and government putting out a warrant for this big tech logo and essentially putting him behind boss before he's even been able to have his day in court. now there's been lots of other reaction as well in and coming from influential americans or consumed by the developments in this case from just arrested pablo during founder and ceo of the encrypted i'm sense,
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a telegram platform. the need to protect free speech has never be more urgent. p o v. it's 2030 in europe, and you're being executed for liking a mean. it's telegram today, it will be ex, tomorrow. free speech is under attack, won't over the world. why are people's opinions and voice is such a threat courageously resolve differences freely in the public square? will of course we know that dog has actually worked with governments in the west to acquiesce to the demands. he acquiesced to the demands of the you to find oxy folding telegram. if you have a i e, u base number, you cannot get access to our new surfaces via that app. and it's interesting that now he is in fonts in the way he could find himself behind the box. as drugs arrest makes waves online, the number of people downloading the telegram app is skyrocketing. we spoke
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exclusively was derives former press secretary who says there is no better p r for telegram. then it's founder's arrest. yes, i get it was it was of course a complete shock. and yes ma'am, i got a call from my people when i was already asleep. i mean, they called and asked why i was not online and said that door off was arrested. so it's a hard time for us now. the but you haven't experienced anything like this even while working with possible. yeah, but oh, so it's a big mystery why he disregarded his own safety and decided to land in paris. and despite the fact that he didn't know most likely that there was a warrant out for his arrest, but obviously would probably do rough is not the kind of person who fears that he is the kind of person who faces danger. because she is also shown throughout his history that he is a pretty cautious person in that sense. it's a little he has said many times that there is no point in going to jail with this one when we all remember these statements. but nevertheless, that only suggest 2 things that come to mind, frustrated as either he did not know that
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a warrant for his arrest was being prepared to know. or if we believe the french media or the warrant for his arrest was issued 5 minutes before his plane landed in the way either he knew about it, but didn't think it would be that serious. he probably thought he was a little above french justice. in fact, him a telegram has tried to comply with the laws of the jurisdiction where it is present to him that to you telegram also complied with the requirements of sanctions. legislation to block channels, including by the way, with the russian media outlets such as our teeth solution. cuz the reason is probably much deeper than that to get all the time. and i think the attack is coming neither from the european union, nor from france. it's most likely an attack from the united states don't just which has been after people do are off for a long time and door off as always talked about it. he and he said, for example, in an interview with tucker carlson means that he and his employees are under pressure or at least i, there's some kind of surveillance conducted by the f b i and i think the root causes are there 3 of them. so it doesn't make any sense
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to discuss the intentions of the french authorities who arrested them because they don't play any role here at all from you. yeah, the store that he has, i think that this arrest and this whole situation means only the best for telegrams, reputation. look right now. even this hasn't been out in the press yet. i've done a little bit of research on the monitors that are available when you to a telegram downloads have really skyrocketed by some metrics. it's already the number one downloaded app in the world. even though it's only been 24 hours or even less than 24 hours since the news broke out, it doesn't mean as soon as he was arrested. for example, prominent figures such as for example, the lawn, musk and others smoke out a key and the hash tag free door of pablo door off, cuz they've reached the top of twitter trends that even speaks to his exploding popularity. which naturally converts to product popularity. the daughter, well, i mean, we're probably talking about telegram approaching a 1000000000 users in
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a general sense. you would think that in the next couple of days we will see that we will overcome this barrier of 1000000000 users. this is, of course, the most famous dry sand effect among marketers. it will affect the popularity of telegram, it'd be how well this popularity be used by telegram itself further to meet or for example, by the authorities option we do not know yet. but naturally we can now say unambiguously that for telegrams popularity, there is no better story than its founders arrest. and just on the hills of pavel during the rest. another prominent tech entrepreneur has bid farewell to europe. the founder of the video platform rumbled, chris philosophy, promises to fight for free speech. i'm a little late to this, but for good reason. i'm just safer, departed from europe. france has threatened to rumble, and now they have crossed a red line by arisen telegram, sealed bible due to ruthlessly for not sense when speech rumble will not stand for these behavior and will use every legal means available to fight for freedom of
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expression as universal human rights to the russian embassy in france as stated that it is in todd's was possible derived lawyer, but the european country has avoided any contact with moscow in an exclusive conversation with our t russian foreign ministry spokesman marie has a heart of us trust. paris is committing the very same offence at once. accused of moscow, a, in the streets in the garden, in 2018 steps were indeed taken in our country and to put in, in order to, in particular, in accordance with russian, most a work of mass media, social platforms, and so on. this was done them on the other things by core decision that are more it calls such a flurry, not even criticism, but hey tread. i posted a screenshot of 26 west and n g o 0 and the old troll abriel biased to back them signed the collective latter against the country either among them. for example, i missed the international committed to protect. john listens to human rights house
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foundation, human rights watch, and so on. now the big question was where all the old with the where the collaborative lots as you know, there was no doubt that these news has spread all over the world. where he's old there a criticism more ways older a consent was the oldest statements about human rights for about freedom maybe. where is the protection of these values, which they only talked about and insisted on so stopping, lee was last is where is the reactive position is there is nothing for russia has always sat. the basis of the decision should be laws, rules and compliance with the legislation level reactions that for relate to to tell of drumming 20172018. they should. they had the logical explanation with the legislative framework go to unite in attempt to find a way out of the situation. they said that the but the whole world came down and asked them to see but take a look at the day. it turns out that all these who criticized on by the way,
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the l as a palace, criticizes rushes in most saying that for god about freedom of speech. and that is like to human rights components, the closet. now take a look. what it is, the l is a palace, it is paris that is at the for from to be offensive against human rights and freedom of speech. but in this case, we act in accordance with lowes speech without the trundle documents without guidelines. but for in this case, from durham is a citizen of all countries. um, this is the 1st thing they rely upon. in this case, when it comes to having their citizenship built and ignore the requirements of all the states that appeal to their citizenship. when a person has it, because we will do every thing, evidence part of the circumstances demanded acts as sam documents. this is a citizen of all country. in any case, in any situation, whoever he is,
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we will defend his rights officer and war correspondent thomas roper says it's only a matter of time before paris. pressures are off into the following western directives. some years ago, and russia had trouble with telegram for the same reasons, so they would, tara x and the door of didn't open the checks of the terrace, which led to some problems between doff and russia. but that he was able to leave the country. nobody arrested him. so it's interesting which country is which part of the world is pretty russia on the west? well, the west in general is as fighting against um everybody was, well, doesn't police the west side narrative. and we have censorship everywhere. so uh, what we see is that, uh, friends as part of the west. and uh, so it's, it's easy to say why they do it because it sits in line with the north and the us in line would be what the us government is doing. um, so nothing,
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nothing really surprising. the question is not if there will be sections or whatever restrictions for to the room or a change of the policy order by, by the government. the question is that if this will happen, and the question is, when you know to southern rushes builder on board a region where 6 people were killed on sunday by ukrainian strikes. and that's according to the regions. and governor, 14 more people were reportedly wounded as several villages came under attack. houses, cars and outbuildings are important to have been damaged. local governor labeled the dudley strikes as brutal terrorist attacks and war of the population to take shelter while the ukrainian strikes persist. keowee is stepping up, it's cracked down on the followers of the ukrainian orthodox church that was recently banned in the country. authorities have now sealed off a shrine, used by ethnic romanians in western new crane. local church officials have slammed
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the move. are you creating this or it is ben? besides, to remain in speaking parish in ukraine and now romanians by preventing death over this from building the solid gold spiritual freedom, they tell all the logs and sealed the shrine of the club in the metropolitans in the cemetery of june of c. c t. we'll see how the key of authorities deliberately restricting the rights and disadvantage in the romanian speaking my know routine ukraine 1st vessel resist refused to register as a carrier for the remaining of orthodox church. now the head start at the sewer, romanian, speaking parishes. what next? the persian is, will most likely appeal to the romanian president. first of all, the ukrainian orthodox church on the canonical or from the orthodox church is that was the largest faith based organization in the country. well, it's not the largest, it's probably the most dominant one according to a $0.21, as i believe there are more than $20000000.00 ukranian orthodox such church show worshippers. and of course this stage began playing well and very dangerous. a game
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of religious divisions the since the 2019 if that's the year of creation of excuse matic, orthodox church of ukraine instead of the ukrainian orthodox church. now the latter, the 1st one was created and is supported by the government and it's supposed to be less than a v, a legit influence of most coal over ukrainian church goers and believers. now what followed after that and before that as well actually could easily be described as the religious persecution in the country of ukraine. now since the establishment of the news gives matic, a church of government reigns on the ukrainian or cups. church became a regular as well as against the clerics and regular church course. i mean, it became of violence as well as people were being kicked out of monasteries. and the church is now authorities of ukraine. uh, following the decision uh, on
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a new credit creation of the new church. the even receives property from the traditional church and gave it to the new one that the government had established now. oh this of course coleman agents, whether you crate in parliament, passing a law on, on tuesday that would allow to ban ukrainian orthodox church the canonical one altogether. and uh, uh, now what we see from the latest news is that the persecution is not against only against our russian speakers, but against other minorities in ukraine as well, in this case, against the remaining one. now this law, the latest law that would ban ukraine and orthodox church, was noticed by well, many people around the world, including the head of the catholic church, up old francis. and this is his reaction to key of law continual say we continue to follow with sorrow the fighting in ukraine and the russian federation.
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and thinking about the recently adopted norms of law and ukraine. i have a fear for the freedom of those who pray. please do not have bol ish. any christian church directly or indirectly churches shouldn't be touched me, the patriarch of the russian orthodox church, curiel. now he's described a key of so late as bad as nothing less of a correct down on religion. and he is the also called on the leaders of other religious organizations around the world of bo frances, on the head of the anglican church in the k, and on the permanent religious leaders to voice their supports for the create an orthodox church listing of this. and having failed to weaken the canonical church in ukraine, having failed to shake its unity, the authorities decided to band completely as a result of the adoption of the current law. hundreds of monasteries, thousands of communities. millions of austin dogs, believers in ukraine, will find themselves outside the legal field will lose their property in place of
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prayer. of course not everyone in the, in, in parliament's or within the ukrainian society has been supporting this new law that would potentially introduce the band and the ukranian orthodox church. now, one of the ukrainian parliament, the deputies actually had a criminal case launched against him when he, a voice is disconcerting about the ban of the ukrainian or from ex church. take a look on your corner and was able to do that you create in parliament, has made a fatal mistake by voting in favor of banning the ukrainian orthodox church. and this mistake without any doubts, will cause tragic consequences for the entire ukrainian peoples. no loss can prevent us from praying visiting temples, defending our faith. there are no obstacles to this. just as there were none for the lord. meanwhile, and millions of ukrainians continued to associate themselves with the ukrainian orthodox church. that said could be banned any moment now because there is
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a law people ready to pray in hiding to do their religious services in hiding. meanwhile, thousands of ukraine, our folks to the worshippers have come out for their traditional yearly gatherings in support of their things. and their religion and their, this is happening all over the country and in various circumstances as well. the israel has hit southern lebanon describing the action as a pre emptive measure against hezbollah and respond to hundreds of rockets and drones were launched by the militant group at israel. as well as the strike was retaliation for the assassination of its military commander. in july, the group's leader explained to the delay as a chance for gaza to engage in peace talks and to keep israel waiting nervously for the attack. for almost a month. however, we were prepared for a delay. first of all, these really and american security intelligence,
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technical field, air, land, and sea forces were at the peak of mobilization. therefore, haste could mean failure. secondly, the same delay is a punishment for the enemy. this mobilization and this psychological, moral economic and financial fatigue were useful by the truth is that we were on guard to give these negotiations a chance. because our goal is mainly to stop the aggression in gaza and it became clear that netanyahu was launching a new attack and to the americans were merging with him. there is no point in delaying anymore. we realized that our target has to be these really military intelligence. and also this military targets had to be very close to the city of tel aviv polosa as the last 2 of its members. and the as rarely attack according to benjamin netanyahu. all the rockets and drones launched of the country were
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successfully intercepted while the idea of confirmed one navy officer was killed and 2 more wounded. ortiz correspondence on the ground told us more a non beside him. how much of a hezbollah has made 2 statements. the 1st of these includes the following points, the response to the assassination of the combined food sugar, which took place in the south and the root has already been done on the 1st phase of this response has been successfully completed. in addition, as well as the statement concerned, a large scale drug and the top of the morning, these really all me against attacks on civilians. the organization stressed it's fine because i'm ready to respond to any attacks on civilians in lab. and on the 2nd statement, a report of the launch of $320.00 rockets from south and 11 on towards 11 is really military bases in the south of level under intensive flights of military aircraft, up to the capital b route, according to has pull out an operation will successfully carried out using a significant number of missiles positions in northern israel's and disabling the
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only time system. it is obvious that whatever strikes were carried out by is really ministry across has full of minus to launch myself as the key jeep and key military bases in northern israel. it should be emphasized that these bases are important from the point of view of military purposes. the air force headquarters on the main or tenant re positions in northern israel, located at these facilities. the us has been as actions have to run attention to these bases on the online game system. in light of the current intensity of the missile flight from south 11 o 2 most northern israel about a month ago. here's what i launched. a striking 10 is really build your incentives . really, uh, citizen and motional shopping. somebody go on hide. there were drew's. yeah, think where is really citizen in response to israel killed fort shafter, which is a hit by law commander in 11 on now it's his, the law has a threatened to spray back in a serious way and strike israel. but israel got when this morning that they were
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launching, waiting to launch a major attack with heavy muscles, long distance missiles, and about 5 o'clock in the morning. is there a launch that prevented strong got the airport where i'm at now? these really, airport was closed down for a few hours, but they opened up again, and most people are getting notices from the places of employment. they should not come to work. the government has sent out a message to most people usually work from home and stay within an area that is close to a bomb shelters. and there's a lot of now mentioned that they are finished with the 1st wave of attack upon israel with more to call. i'm not sure if that will be today, tomorrow, or the days to come. i so the war is coming. i'm must come. there's no way that it is well can live. i do this threat on a daily basis and add the whole north of israel clear up as early as citizens. kids not going to school. she's supposed to start in a week or 2. people haven't gone back to work. 80000 people, we have 80000 internal reputation inside of israel. the wars going to call them? the question is when and what scale and will be a regional war, including iran and the who these in you, i'm and i'm a law that who is
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a militant group and am and has vowed to respond to israel is attack expressing support for has the law and there has been no mention of the splitting efforts in tel aviv either prime minister netanyahu has warned that sunday's strike will not be israel's final blow. must show what happened today is not the end of the story. why he didn't has blog with surprising strikes. 3 weeks ago, we eliminated a chief of stuff today with falls, gets attacked, lands nicer, a lot in bare root. and how many and tear run should know that this is another step on the way to change the situation. and to return our residents safer to the homeless and i repeat, this is not the end of the story. i mean, meanwhile, british airways has suspended lives to tell a view, to spend during an airport for at least 4 days following the latest flare up in the region. we discussed the escalation with journalists. malik colored, who says locals in lebanon, have welcome has, because strikes on israel, actually,
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the girl active, the one by the end of the 7, a does not minutes choose it. to defend says the law from launching its missiles and its uh, drones, the launching of uh, the long distance today was not the end of the cost of the pro active in the apartment. it was actually a, in the action to assist in anything for us. okay. and this for so many menus, people, it was something they wanted and they waited for maybe more than that. so it has them set as what actually spending the nights and the um, the shelters. and the anticipation was never known on the, on the side of living and life is going as usual, however, um that is where you decide they have the taxes or postponed all the flights to go to an airport. now it asked to stay at the keep the, you know, the set those up. this, the northern coupon for the sign on us to give salters is
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a, is a call in and such a mistake. i just said that have a key and that that it wants to be a jewish stage picking up a senior. and this is for the, for the summit of october as it transported to the union because it's good to stay with our, to international up next on rosa parks on it and her guests to discuss the changing character of modern welfare by from the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the the welcome to was a part of a few years ago at close connected conflicts with soldiers killing each other in near pacific was considered obsolete, at least among militarily uptown nations. it was stopped opposite a remotely controlled west funds or far as knuckles diploma. so you could deliver a desired outcome without much blood spilling. but the war in your brain clearly defied. that's wishful thinking. how is it changing the character of more than a warfare of to discuss that i'm now joined by alexander hills, professor of military history at the university of calgary professor here is great to talk to you now. i'm sure that when you were just embarking on this the


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