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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  August 25, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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can on the actions of the hostage take has had absolutely nothing to do with the islamic face. these individuals whom we label as criminals are in no way represents tips of islam. their claims that an emma might have attempted negotiations, but i firmly believe now and always been negotiating with terrorists is futile. they must be eradicated at the source, like a cancerous cube, threatening to poison our entire society. this is yet another ack, stemming from criminal conspiracies, painted undermining. russia focused re to by these easily manipulation poems, truly agents of darkness the operates under the guise of the islamic state. but let me tell you what they promote is not in this lennox stage. it's a satanic agenda. disguise to such these things the benefits of to unites us and strengthen our bones with old russian citizens. we must not succumb to provocations . a struggle is shed. we have one homeland that we must defend by any means necessary for hostages were wounded in friday's incident. they were brought here
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initially to this hospital where they were treated for the injuries. it was here that side of the, one of the present cause lost his life now and amongst the tragedy they were individual acts of heroism, one prison, god explains how he tried in vain to save his colleagues life. i'm looking at myself now. i'm covered in his blood. i pulled him out there with my comrades. after the terrace were neutralized, he was taken to the ambulance. he couldn't walk anymore. he was already covered in blood. i carried him on my back. when the assault took place, i arrived on the alert, he lost consciousness, literally 5 to 10 minutes before the start of the operation. the signs of life were very active. he made noises squeezing my hand. i didn't see any visible signs of cuts though, but it was all very fast and there was blood. there was blood i don't to night is had, it felt like it was pierced. his face was kicked in blood, but it wasn't bleeding any more. and after the day of the uprising to a supposed to leave for the weekend,
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that had been serious problems with corruption, not the prison back in 2021. the head of security was found to have accepted bribes from a junior inspector for the inspect to, to stay off with a control or full salary. perhaps more seriously in the spring of 2024, the deputy head of the prison, good authority. but lancaster was found to accept it 320000 roubles from an intermediary on behalf of foreign lakes. so they received special frequent special privileges in the prison. now, this will surely be on the investigates as mines as they carry out that proved into how 5 days events unfolded. i just say with our to international up next on moscow mules, my colleague se examines they have pockets the of the so called good guys of the west, the
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as western leaders recklessly talked of escalating the conflict in ukraine. european voters has sent the exact office that message pro war and meets are clearly out of step with voters, and they have been punished for the the
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hey buddy, welcome back to the moscow mules. i'm shay, bowes. this is episode 2 of season 2 over the ground here in the basement of this information ology at the f as b h q. i'm joined, unfortunately yet again by my little friend. he's sort of frodo to gandalf. he's my little side cake and that's organic. our producer editor, t boy in general, painted, you know, we've had a very busy week, our friend, tamala, our new joe. we were freaking out a bit last week or, and about how joe biden was going to, you know, strip us of everything to talk about. but kamala is delivery and she's delivering in spades. the don't be no case can corp met the dnc in chicago, a real thing for each show. and we've got plenty to talk about planning to look at all the less stuff i wrote in the video of her speech about how she was going to united america was there on
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the nation with this election, has a crashes fleeting? she liked the maternity. so passed bitterness, cynicism and divisive battles of the past, a chance to charge a new way. yeah. all right, so very interesting me, kamala wants to talk about uniting america, and i might be difficult when over 70000000 americans last time routes vote for donald trump and a lot of those folks that went that interested in the portion. so let me the power was come out of going to united america. hey, i got a great idea. let's park a mobile portion filled out. so how you take conventions so that everybody who funds you can go out and, you know, terminate the pregnancy? well, in the car park, and if that doesn't suit you, you can go and get a sec to me or even get
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a contraceptive device jammed right in there too. this is really getting united american come on and seems to be promising everything to everybody. her economic policy is one is we're basically gonna give you everything you want, no idea how we're going to pay for any of it. but maybe you'll be completely distracted by the fact that you're just gonna have to stay woke, don't just be, will be the won't just be the won't just be old for woke. and you know, we've even got as sort of biological man, assuming other companies and people because they want to, you know, have their pronouns respected. but meanwhile, it's all about woke. it's all about local you, right? on the video there we have to stay. well, yeah, like everybody needs to be well off and you can talk about it here with the locust or walker and so we'll get to the movie or as well. this isn't said, i mean, this isn't absolutely going insane. so nobody wants to know or ask any questions about the economic policy. they didn't allow anybody to broach any of that stuff. pretty tally. and you know,
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ask yourself may be given the amount of videos and snapshots and take talks. you see of all the guys used to be girls. girls used to be guys, man that want to be cats, dogs, whatever the you want to be an orange banana. it seems to be in the states. you can be anything you want to be maybe because of so many of these dudes now in the states may become all those photo base really we'll deliver the presidency tour. take this guy, for example. i'll give you a slightly overweight shop who thinks he's a lady to support me and i'll be in jail because we don't want to play along with the boys and girls come out to play. that'd be anything you want any day game. we just want to be, you know, meeting to vegetables on the video. there are, why is this such a roadblock? an expense officer especially, you say here to students, but this is serious and we're meant to seriously look at these. i've seen people taken seriously. it's absolute terrorism, it's the same. so, you know,
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these people are really in charge now in the state of the actual vista, of kamala harris, the person who was completely dismissed, as being fruitcake only a couple of months back is not being peddled by the western media. i think the greatest thing since fried snags. now, one of the biggest problems with this is, is the kamala is not, she wouldn't be into technology geography as we saw last week. ukraine is a country in europe. russia is a bigger country in europe. we saw all that last week too, but take a look at this. you know, why fi and boss is this like the 1st time you saw an electric light running water cooler television come on is getting really excited about the fact that you can actually get wi fi on a bus. on the video on the bus has why fi and even u. s. b outlet next to every we believe that the sure you can charge your phone on your way. that's good. but everybody knows already in the audience, kamala, you lunatic, everybody know it's going to ask yourself,
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what about the everyday problems of the average american? we'll look at eric adams, the governor in new york, the big apple field home. of course, at this stage the changes run fast, and so they decided to release new technology that they've discovered. it's immensely impressive, stuff they decided to actually put the rubbish flags in a band. yes, i repeat, they've decided that they're gonna put their in bins on the video using get out the music and everything. so they're only now introducing. we need these are actual minutes. prior to this, you just see everywhere, all over the in the river, down to some way, wherever you suited, you know, you know, the actually have a box, right? and so i go back, in fact, new york, you know, for this is crazy. this is what's actually happening in the democratically
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controlled states come a woke up, you know, notes. i mean, well back at the convention and things were holding up. and there was a very, very sincere dedication to go to sleepy joe. or he's all paul. people were really getting behind the delusional ols and crap them a genocidal maniac. i mean, even had a completely spontaneous this was get that at all likely a completely spontaneous. we loved joe. we loved joe, for one person in particular, who we all know doesn't feel loved. joe was also put on camera and made feel a little bit uncomfortable because she had to also kind of say, i love. yeah. i love show. she don't loved your video or the texas. yeah. we love, you know. yeah, she loves them. all right. yeah. she loves to hate them. yeah. for sure. she to of on the symbols. hm. and of course, good. all nancy. uh,
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do you know she wasn't going to give in there with the crappy oh, we love joe the speech. she talked to the podium, this old veteran. she's quite a sure lady. she's a really both the boot or the rules, the screwdriver and the old jo. what she got up on the stage, but interestingly, i think i'll use something happened. she dropped her instruction from that and yeah, who about what to say or something. so that is either a bit of toilet paper or it could have been who knows what the video you. let's have a look at her. as she approaches estates here, check it out is either cling on, feed out a trip to the lady then. so she had a little, an authorized passenger, let's say for those, you know, is that and yeah, who is the instructions about what is available to you, most of whom in the army as well. but another thing that is interesting about google and that's uh, nazi jeremy for a ford escape. nazi. good on a nancy eh,
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is that a, she's quite a wealthy lady. very well indeed. actually young young, she, one of the, the, had a cruise, serious money order. she did the so she actually a masked around $120000000.00. ashtray money. while her salary is around $470000.00 or plus about $70000.00 mature speaker of the house. so that means she will have to been working on her politician. sorry for the 2000 years in order to take that 120000000. i just didn't get it through insider trading. the absolutely nothing to see here. i mean that one of the most powerful politicians in american life would never dream of getting involved in that kind of story. yeah. like saying to the 100 percent profit from the 800 percent profit. this is not in profit margin is a daylight robbery. abroad is, this is hijacked. of course, let's not be to one side. and we have to remember that the democrats are only
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really getting in the next year on law school meals because they're in power. they're the people who pull believers, or maybe it's somebody else in a far off mediterranean country pulling the neighbors. but that's for another day show. but, you know, the republicans are just as the fullest and one particular republican, a real favorite of mine. what was the most repellent human beings to ever stand on to feed and walk upright? the disgustingly incipit and bloodthirsty and blood curdling lindsey graham, when the video of what i think about 1st quite bank of america. yes. beautiful, beautiful. keep it up. russian or don started, this is why don't skin repellant piece. remember is, all russians are dying, you know, we're sending the money. it's all doing well. the he just as a talent for being like a very unattractive i'm part of the reason it looks like to me, a middle aged gay white male who loves to see young man dying for each. of course,
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while as most of this and uni party of the states basically say you need a $1000000000.00 to even room for present. now the us, they are the same, you know, same on israel, basically the same when ukraine, but they are different. another way you have to really ask yourself, who would you rather go out on the beer with or to a barbecue and the republicans and the democrats. ok, we've got a little video comparison between the 2 conferences with their whole tal risk. yeah, i mean, i think me for you who you seems like the movement or something to me says let me see what is the year is the so for the democrats are very dark. is very dark magic going on with the democrats
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sort of for the course. despite our efforts here to this information h q and moscow to find solutions to america is in europe, the world's and rushes and everyone else's problems. maybe it's time we actually asked artificial intelligence. i'm not talking about all you pretending. you knows things when he doesn't, because that is kind of artificial attention. hold on, that's a really, i'll be what happens when you ask a i, uh how we can a piece of harmony in the united states politically. the answer is always love. video is terrifying. me my check, this is really scary, but polishing the apple and i was like something from a 19 seventies har movies, some sort of gypsy magic going on there. so all you have in the name of jesus, are we going to know what's real?
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almost all real in the future, which must go meals on our tea every sunday. for the course, at the republican and democratic conferences, there was being whoops and hollers for the 2 foreign projects that the uni party is involved in. and that would be ukraine, and of course is well, lots of people getting killed in both places. uh oh, impossible without american money. but let's talk about lindsay, our friend lindsay, who so happy about courage. he loves the beloved like electricity of hannibal lecter. ask type of guy, let's have a look at what's actually happening on the ground now. you know, we post a lot of these videos online ourselves personally, but this is one particular case which is pretty cool in this is what american money, your tax payer money and your opponent us, is paying for these things that really is going around places like odessa a very pro russian city and dragging people off to certain depth of the room. the video is a guy who is a fitness instructor mine his own business,
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doing his day's work. when to go real as trying to up to take them off to me quite a while now. so let me 1st. so the boys terminal. they turn over the dispute says, basically, you're going for jerome or, you know, you're dressed the soldiers, you're behind. so just what are you guys go and do the findings? i mean, so there's pretty interesting stuff right now what happens is, of course he gets dragged out into a vehicle. the next part 2 of the so i get is he gets pulled though you can see that these tools are twice as big as him. and you know, we also know that what happened during this assault on this month. and then he got dish kicked out and buy these monsters and they're well known for this stuff gets pulled out into the car next part of the installment. oh you want it. look at the size it is uh you know, fully dragging them into the vehicle. okay. this is quite a wast out of some of the stuff i've seen in his p c. c, which is basically the dictator. zalinski is you know,
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storm crop and dragon people out. no, it's not where the story ends. sadly, for this guy, later on a couple of months later, after this guy had been dispatched into the meek liner, he obviously didn't want a fight for someone's he what sort of army needs these types of people who are absolutely rejecting this war with russia. so what happens he is found and videos savvy? marcio does a pretty grim chain. basically you're tied to a tree and he'd been rate. it's pretty lindsey isn't it? but you don't want to see this type of stuff from the video you. yep. for sure. it's in the portal, you have wonderful doesn't what strongly see a level 3. yeah. so the guy has actually been forced to tell people that he's a gay and that he has been raped and you know, what happened to him in the end? we don't know. so lindsey, next time you feel like, yeah, waving a little ukrainian flag for this type of fuel meek, right? or maybe you should put on the old a uniform yourself and a helmet, and scoff east and dine
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a ditch. you rocking little not for audio impersonator and of course, and ukraine, probably about 750000 human beings. men have died fighting this war for nato, against which it is sounding numbers. think about 875-0000 ukraine army of 2022, probably destroyed twice or 3 times over. of course, you've got radical people here. people from, you know, the west of ukraine, who been funded by the states, the c a for decades, even after the 2nd world war there were funded people like ok beecher bun vera. this is not the new. so you've got a lot of actual nazis fighting at with the crating army. what are you using your credit, right. i mean yeah. betsy, what the uh yeah. the tale and tv. the news channel. uh, i think is right. you know, the biggest one in italy, they managed to find a nazi just the 1st guy. they stopped to interview on the street, run the video, check the students how to do the signing there in the street. so i'm going to have
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to check your time. no, guess what that says, that is, leaves time that us as always are each time that i don't think there was any need s . s regiment, pounds or regiments one of the most brutal. and it was actually founded as out all the fiddlers body guard. but right, no financing ukraine. correct. a set of course, you know, you really wish that the mainstream media in europe, france, for example, which is plying scouts, decides to bomb bridges and civilian instructor in, in russia, and killing civilians. in many cases. your worst, if they would open the rise, that something will happen, that they would be embarrassed in to actually acknowledging the people they're sending all of this money and weapons. there are bunch of few murders. well, guess what, here on the most come use. we're able to deliver search information, check out this french talk show, where they're discussing the curse getting the visuals, the attack on zillow. oh, no problem. russians. when suddenly somebody spots something that's slightly
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uncomfortable for the french given what the stand in front of the spot. one of our you girlfriends with a s s held on and it doesn't go down very well with is it pen is room the video? oh, she checked is uh huh. oh look. oh, what's the as oh, my mom you sacramento, what is this? this is a actual nazi and ukraine. look at his face, check his face, watch. it's really good. check it. so watch when he sees him there's you call. it isn't that. see, there are not season you're trying to. i guess has been telling you that for few years. wow. and of course, the other things are developing very well in the usa heartland of freedom and democracy, which is the dictatorship in ukraine. let's see, what can we do? we can imprison journalists, we can find the opposition,
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that we can even kill some american journalist like could all gonzalez, lira mile, paul, and what can we do? what can we do to enhance freedom of expression in ukraine? i know you that's behind the church. that's find the most ancient ties between ukraine and russia. and steve, all this from the picture slab or as well. this is all about the money rabbits about getting your hands on some prime real estate. and reading real being solved into the wounds of a huge amount of people within your own domestic population on the video. and this is how ukrainians treat ancient and very sacred sites. so this is some sort of moving to take an increase in the kind of like village village dance and we're going to do it up on the altar of the ukrainian orthodox church, which i just didn't find. you know, it's like finding the catholic church in our lab because as links to enroll with
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adult lives. who would that go piece if and of course, if that's all i know for you. now let's do a bit of pillaging on a bit of killing, burning a bit of property bombing a few minus 3 see a while, and then it'll dates at the curse which is going to end pretty soon. i would imagine let's take a few souvenirs home in the form was stealing very ancient artifact from modest rece churches and putting them up. so classy, so classy, stick them up on ebay. how about that on the, on the video. so this is basically uh where you will find a very ancient, very holy relics from that ukraine. you know, it's not check from the russian orthodox church, which have been stolen by ukrainian soldiers. i don't know freely available to buy on at, you know, basically ebay, it's absolutely ridiculous. they don't have any class these boys that so things aren't that much prettier, over in the go to united kingdom where the 90 k is probably the dis united kingdom right now. a lot of problems on the street, so like crime,
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a lot of protests against immigration, but guess what? people are talking about, you know, care storm are becoming like a very authoritarian a dictator or you'll seeger. but in fact, in the last 10 years over 50000 people. if i'd criminal cases open against them in the u. k. for posting things on line for having an opinion that sounds like at the soviet union doesn't because well, russia has nothing close to that amount to people that were criminal case or in prison. check it out. the bad guys really are on the we the 5 days now. if you really want to see what the major schism is in the united kingdom right now, you probably have a look at this video. it kind of defines the issue between the immigrant and the good old indigenous english. and you have to say to yourself, which one of these groups would you say will try and survive and grow in posterity? check this out. if this was natural selection, i think it would be pretty clear on the video again. okay. so here we got the white
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middle age man in there, not these are the funds to that as the oh yeah, here we go. most comparison to these are the stone trouble of the lobby valley, the gate, the gate the like we said, good oak here, storm or the relatively new prime minister of the u. k. a, you know, he's not such a bad guy really, you know, all distinct authorial stuff. locking people up for having an opinion, you'd imagine. but listen, it's not that much of a surprise tier when he was the director of public prosecutions. he was the guy who decided to keep and without julian assigned behind bars by protesting against his release on bail. interesting, no kia has released
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a campaign video to back up his views on this and crushing and you know, really coming down on people's right to have an opinion. after all, it's the home of democracy. why do you okay, when the video of, and of course for the mentally challenged or you know, delegates at the dnc, it's obvious that that wasn't the care style. we're playing music too loud, right. did you right away? reading to 5 to complete with the south american wide. right? yeah. you know, k, there's a beautiful you right to do you under calculation, the ones that are not get you over to. you can also do on the book over to make an appointment with the dentist and you don't show up, believe it or not, june, right away for sure with the patients in the website. yeah, because it's just beautiful out. of course, what's the thing to do? let's release or criminals out of jail. let's compose a plan to release actual people who've stopped people broken into people's homes. so we can make lots of space to put, you know, middle aged women who support the writers. it all makes complete, you know,
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sense her career. so i might have this kind of getting pretty cheap. so savvy that brings us to the end of episode to of season, to hello, saying that for some reason of the moscow mules out. of course, i think the theme of the tonight show has been all about how they're not even trying to hide it anymore. you've got people telling you that they're spending hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars doing the writing. but they're actually funding nazis. they're burning churches, they're stealing very, very important religious artifacts. meanwhile, they're promoting a portion, they're promoting the destruction of the fabric of much of what has created western civilization. and of course, we hope that by next week they wouldn't get the job done. i myself analogy will be here again to tell you what they've been. ok. i'll see you this, the,
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the there was a time when i started to was a beam. new thing, flowers divided the continental lines for time, months themselves. it was divided as a hunting ground. if we do not do not the corner knives as we come again, we know that they are those who want the mazda continent to step and 8, but the mazda clinton, and never be stopped, because the mazda continent must be great. she will only be great. one of the show does all of us sons and daughters on by the set. all right, so now click on the goodwill time full on let us confess about underground east mazda, the of
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the, the, the founder of the global, a popular telegram app is reportedly detained in france. in the last interview before his arrest. come with the rob, reveal to us security agencies for pressuring him to violate the privacy of the platforms, users. we got too much attention from the, at the i, the security agencies, wherever we came to the west side of those times. i think the attack is coming neither from the european union, nor from france. it's most likely an attack from the united states holder on former press secretary says washington has long then after telegrams, founder and might be behind his arrest. stay tuned for his exclusive comments to


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