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tv   News  RT  August 27, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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the, the, the friends reveals that 12 charges telegrams to seal people do it off, has been interrogated, didn't put an action with president chrome. and since the case isn't a whole list of goals but fails to convince other tech chiefs, some of whom have already fled the youth. the chief of the facebook and instagram drops the ball. the shell letter openly admitting to start pressing information about cobit 19. and by doing family corruption on his side, off the request of the us government on these really national security administer calls for the building of a single call, get this side of the aisle accent. most countries across the country's intelligence
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cheap board said quote, jewish terror or against palestinians is threatening the very existence of this real itself. the mid 19 acapulco midday in duck, got a 9 am here in moscow. welcome to the news. our the french prosecutor's office is it's holding pablo dural think connection with a dozen alleged crimes committed by an all names suspect via his platform. the telegram ceo can legally remain in custody in par us for 2 more days before decision must be made on whether to charge or release him, or correspondent in the french capital can tell us more. a lovely little amount is on the investigation against bible dressers contain in the period of his detention may be extended to non to 6 hours. so the decision of a judicial investigator why such a long period of time?
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because having an extremely serious charges have been broad involvement and drug trafficking and distribution of balances against smallness, money laundering, and for french just as believes that there refusal to call for rates as low enforcement. and the lack of motivation on the tell them from platform makes its founder and the accomplished oldest crimes that can be committed with its house. the rest of the funnel door of high school such serious i'll try to run the well that it forced the manual. i'm a chrome to break his silence and did not any political background to the case. frances, more than anything attached to freedom of expression and communication to innovation into the spirit of enterprise. it will remain so. the rest of the telegram president on french territory took place as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. this is in no way a political decision. so need to have x or to dish and solid directly. whether it's c o telegram published a message on this platform saying that the titled europe has nothing to hide and
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that the company is complying with all the political rooms. so please, what questions continue to swirl around a possible motive behind his arrest. and while i'm on the, with my chrome has denied any political link stressing the independence of french courts, is assurances of failure to convince many when you say you are committed to freedom of expression, you are lying. we have a letter from france that proves this. without a doubt we had to shutdown rumble in france because you have no commitment to freedom of expression. it would be helpful to the global public to understand more details about why he was arrested. you see the by the ministration encouraging france ma crone to arrest the owner and founder of telegram public juror off. he's now as of right now in a french prison, but that seems like, i mean that's a hallmark of dictatorship. it sounds to me. yeah. what was, you know, we was your up, your up is now how does not have free speech?
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i'm very skeptical about their claims. and i, i really find it hard to believe that it has nothing to do with politics. frankly, i can't see any justification for it. it would be as if you had been in the united states, for example, someone from the chief executive officer of uh, arrives in 2, arrested for some users, uh, phone calls that they made a box. whatever nefarious activities that they were undertaking, it's like arresting their utilities service for whatever is coming through the telephone line, for example. so it really makes no possible sense. and i think, you know, in fact, the sex charge traffic in charge that is apparently being held up as the case really makes no sense either sense. we have plenty of the leads on sex trafficking and in particular in reference to the the epstein case and all these possible leads
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and they're never followed up. so i, i think it's very, it's very suspicious. i think it's very political. i think that there are definitely using this as a test case in order to probably open more and more digital uh, digital menus and, and to gain access and control of them. and i think that if they can get to the most difficult case, which is, which is val graham, then they could have all of them fall like a sort of domino myco rectinwald's. while our website is also closely following the controversial case against pablo draw, if you can keep across all the details, including more on the mysterious woman accompanying the telegram chief on his plate when he loved it. in part, as you can find a lot of our teeth, don't know what pablo you're off, holes, russian,
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french syndicates, a novice and emerald t citizenship. now the u. e. foreign ministry stays there closely, following the case on top. the monday fronts provide mr. dirt off with all concert our services are t correspondent, and the email is shar, has been taking a look at how the tech seo once left rochelle refusing to help local authorities only to not end up in a french prison. paddle durham is no stranger to controversy. he has long been talking about how he believes russia's calls to get telegrams, encryption keys back in 2018. a form of censorship was leaving in rush a few years ago of his uh print to all of this activities were used as a pretext to monitor the communication off of the russian systems. and then in many cases used to suppress this
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events. when i decide their demands, the stakes were high. for me personally, i was still living and russian, and my team in my old company were also based in that country. many years have passed since then. many things changed. i no longer live in russia, no longer have any companies or employees there. but one thing remains the same. i stand for our users no matter what their right to privacy is sacred. now, more than ever, he even decided to leave russia and obtain 1st citizenship believing that in a supposedly we, europe, he would be met with open arms though developed country blocks, messengers for refusing to give in christian keys to intelligence agencies, abolishing the right to privacy is a cure that is more dangerous than the disease itself. and fortunately for him, though, he couldn't be further from the truth back in 2018, he was asked by the russian government to cooperate and share telegrams,
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encryption keys, in order to stop terrace related activities happening via the app. now got to a few years later, paris issues and the rest warrens for the billionaire due to his failure to cooperate with spencer thought is. however, when his issues with the russian government arose, the mainstream media showed ways raised for telegrams. creator applauded him and batch and rushes, lack the freedom of speech, as they call it. we call them representatives of the un, the council of europe, the o. s. c, the european union, the united states, and other concern governments to scrutinize and publicly challenge russia's actions in order to uphold the fundamental rights to freedom of expression and privacy. both online and offline, stipulated in binding international agreements to which rusher is a party. but what happened now were all of these voices that was so eager to defend freedom of speech, back in 2018. all of them have basically gone radio silence. ironically it was
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russia who arrested him, but his face has long run meant the size. this fog stands some weight of space and human rice puddle dirt left russia when the government tried to control his social media company telegram. but in the end, it was put in who arrested him for allowing the public to exercise free speech. it was a western country, a bite in administration ally and enthusiastic nato member that locked him away. puddle dirt sits in a french jail, denied living warning to any platform owner who refuses to censor the truth at the behest of governments until agencies, dark missus, descending fast on the formerly free world. the arrest of durham is an assault on the basic human rights of speech and association. i am surprised and deeply saddened that my crime has to send it to the level of taking hostages as a means for gaining access to private communications. it lowers, not only france, but the world, even some european politicians,
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and now raising the alarm over the case and what sort of precedent it sets for the future. in europe, we are now faced with censorship, with the stink of regime long to live. freedom of thought and of speech, who will be the next to be gagged. the great and inconvenient, 11 mosque, and perhaps the american, the text icons should be watching his back. now that some veteran us politicians appear to be openly written in him. while do of holes, french citizenship is arrested for violating french rule. this has broader implications for all the social media, including twitter. there's a growing intolerance for platforming. this in fluid malign influence and the growing appetite for accountability must could be none of us. so baffled dogs, freedom flights from russia has landed him behind bars in so called free and democratic france. small school has by the way, demanded access to durham, who still holds washington citizenship, but says the requests to defend him was denied by paris. so much for transparency
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and justice in the west where stated volume is no longer same what they're made out to be. we caved into government pressure to sensor content about cobit shielded the binding family from potentially damaging stories. and i regret it. the words of tech ty, kuhn and head of meta platforms, mark secretary laid out in a letter he sent to congress or to correspond to kill up and takes us through the bottom shell confession on facebook founder and ceo, mark soccer. burke has now made a startling confession. not only has facebook engaged in censorship, but it's done it on direct orders from the american government. in 2021, senior officials from the bite and administration, including the white house, repeatedly press, star teams for months to assess or certain coffee, 19 content, including humor, and so tar, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn't agree. i believe the government
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pressure was wrong, and i regret that we were not more outspoken about it. now the censorship that has gone on, according to the recent revelation from the facebook founder, is not simply on matters such as cove and but rather on matters of a much more part as a nature. specifically, this refers to the scandal reported on by the new york post related to information about hunter, biden's, laptop, and information that was found on it. now that story was suppressed by facebook as well as twitter and other social media outlets on the basis that it was russian. this information. well here at archie, we reported from day one that was baseless. the idea that this was some kind of russian propaganda or some other russian conspiracy we simply didn't match reality . it has been now confirmed that the 100 buying laptop story was indeed true. and now marks dr. burg admit that the claims that it was somehow russian. this
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information or russian propaganda add no basis in reality. in a separate situation the f. b, i warned us about a potential russian, this information operation about the bite and family. and the reason why they lead up to the 2020 election that fall when we saw a new york post story and reporting on corruption allegations involved. and then democratic presidential nominee angel biden's family, we sent the sort to fact checkers for a view and temporarily demoted while waiting for reply. it seems been made clear that the report and it was not approaching this information and in retrospect we shouldn't have demoted the story. i now have a girl who was arrested just 48 hours prior. powell durham is a russian social media and data social messaging app creator who is known for creating telegram. he was arrested by french authorities while refusing to turn over the privacy of the users telegraph. now pavel durham has long been labeled the
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russians. zachary burg, angie's boasted about how to use social media app t created v. k, refused to cooperate with russian government authorities. when it came to taking down certain pages now on like gerad marks. dr. berg has indeed been cooperating with the american government in order to take down the pages and information of individuals. and he may be sorry about it now, but it's now and he's been doing this for a long time. this is something that i have older. i've refused to do in russia and ended up getting arrested for not in russia, but in france. 2 is which is mark sucker, birds regret had kicked in before the damage was done rather than years later. sucker berg soldier information. so he's a free man, probably off didn't. so he's in jail. it's this simple. this is explosive, and damming in 2021. during coven rumble,
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told the media to pounds sand. we told tech companies, threatening to cancel us to pound sound. and we did not sold, glad to be on the right side of history. now the question, it comes up with marks dr. bergs admission of cooperating with the american government in order to engage in political censorship and regretting it is about the upcoming u. s. presidential elections that to take place on the 5th of november with that election coming up, it remains to be seen. whether is dr. burke will indeed face similar pressure and whether or not control of the social media apps and their political influence will play a role in determining who becomes president of the united states. that remains to be seen. it's an open question, and it is certainly interesting that mark soccer bird came forward with his confession regarding events that did have an impact on the previous election 4 years ago. it's interesting that he came forward with it at this time. i'm just picking off on caleb's piece there. we spoke to us politically on the list and
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documented filmmakers shown stone. it says that if social media outlets a lot of the government to tell them what to do, they're not working for free speech. but actively against that. it is basically a more formalized confession. he could say uh because it's been sent to the, to the congress. previously, he did a secretary did an interview with, with rogan joe rogan, where he talked about the fbi. i kind of bullying a facebook and back in, in that timeframe of the, especially dr. barton laptop scandal and he did say that, you know, he sucked but there, the information they were getting from the f b, i was that it was a, i guess, russian propaganda which the f b, i should have known better the rest the we actually had under by the laptop before rudy giuliani, i got it and got it to the new york post. so the f. b, i was clearly politicized. anything about the nice thing information, but that's the name of the game, right? if, if it's a social media outlet is willing to allow the government to tell them something,
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then they are basically working at the behest of government propaganda. rather than working for free speech. think the us government already officially responded to the white house or whatnot, responded basically saying, you know, coven was a very serious threat. and we had to, you know, basically you call it police misinformation and does information and all of that, that's the attitude of, of this administration. don't forget, this administration has been, you know, sued by multiple parties for it's, it's, it's, it's, it's censorship tactics. and to this point, actually the supreme court a few weeks ago actually ruled in the, in the favor actually of the white house. and the government being allowed to, i guess, you know, censor at some levels to them at least for another over a headlines stories today. israel is notoriously hard line. national security minister has re, it's a rated his controversial call to build. the synagogue kept the side of the locks and mosque compound interest. policy allows for praise on temple mount
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the lower is equal for jews and muslims. i would be able to send a goal that as well. the news would violate decades old agreement between is really own muslim authorities to maintain a state. this quote in this as a prime minister, netanyahu, whose office has been quick to distance himself from. it's a more been viewers idea to as were recently seen, praying up i'll acts in breach of local regulations that only allowing muslims to worship their the sites. it's a top, the whole is place in judaism temple. not so adding fuel to the fire on this really rob. i wait for this. has made a shocking suggestion to bomb the iconic mosque on framer, run for the attack in order to inside conflict between us. we don't know, maybe one of the missiles will heat the mask and clear of the plates for the week
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of this. i could also be and they would call the pay if it was up to me that last time when they shot me. so i would click 10, that's the one we saw came from the line and showed it down. you know, then all the, i will go and get this figured out and that will be the, and the problem is you make them fight with each other, these and managing well, there's really human rights activists and politicians. you already have oppenheimer, who advocates for a 2 state solution via the piece, no n g o. so he's mr. ben, viewers stance has the soul aim of confrontation between palestinians and the wider and wisdom worth the same day using my benefit period. i mean, you still say homeland security and these other ones without doing real x on the ground, you know, the to change the situation on the simply minus and to make a, these constraints, not just the emission other ones, but also as a new just what the effect of this we see joyce,
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people come to planning the template of miles. this is a change of this. that's a score. it's a, it's a new situation. totally contradict the agreement between these and joseph is making mistakes. me because they truly believe that this is what these when should do, he believes that these way shows a move away on the stream is from this area, including 10, pretty miles. so you know that this is very 1st thing in same book. and most of them seem both, and he's the only motivation the, the goal is to fight with the, with the most, the most ridiculous thing in, and to say it's, so he's really jewish and not the most image or this is who's born to say, this is the change in what he's doing, i figure these pages that he has the power to say, such as statements and to gain more vote for them than right. and eventually to make it the reality. he said that the beginning of the step that he would change the situation a on the template amounts and then he will allow a jewish people to play with it. and we see that's what he was going to see is
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actually the feel today. so if he is, for me, seem to be seen a go a next to them, us go instead of them us, it might happen in a few months. so, you know, they're so, you know, well, it's almost a either, it doesn't have to pay for words. he's saying what the really would like to do and a sofa, what he was saying actually happened. i mean, well, the chief of israel's secret service shouldn't bets has one, but put jewish terror against palestinians is jeopardizing israel's very existence . roman bar was speaking about the rump of violence. car died by hard line settlers in the west like the jewish terror leaders want to make the system lose control. the damage to israel is indescribable. the hilltop used trend has long become a bit of violent activity against the palestinians. i never agreed to the term
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nationalist crime. it isn't crime because it's the use of violence to create intimidation, to spread the fear that is terror. it is not nationalist crime. and certainly not national because it challenges national security. this statement is a very, a dramatic alarm, a croak for the state of things. right. and the address for this, the claims these days are the government, the government. we have a ministers that are not only a knowing the secular violence, the actually supposed to mean and the, and the minister responsible for the police. they come up. and this is actually allowing the set goes to act with violence against palestinians. and the police is giving them immunity because this is the way that the minister would like to be a reality for being there for the address, for the se, dramatic, that there is the government and the paperless. these way we have to know that
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particular reason as to know, that's a, in the governments. we have a simpleton, a policies that support dale a jury still against policy means the malaysian prime minister has like choose western media of twisting the truth about gals i'm, i'm more a better human sales people in the global. so they're not in need of a lecture on democracy and human rights as a plane toward the 2nd. what the west is trying to do in the media is to the right . but this conflict started because of the publication that happened on october 7th . we do not accept such a view because the coming noise ation happened much earlier and continues relentlessly. the problem is not certainly designed its government to be 0, but the failure of the world system in order which is of course strongly influenced by the united states. the western world doesn't need to tell them, teach us about the meaning of democracy or fundamental rights and sustainable development. well, the statement comes as qualon per reaffirmed its decisions. the cut trade with israel because of its actions in guns and the moves in the pressuring west
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jerusalem to in the war. washington no arbor house directed intense criticism, often malaysian premier himself over that sense, we discussed the pm sentiments with little extra seller wants to email us here from the national university. ultimately, we can see that it's just time there is a use abuse. busy culture, so any time on god's art to dish, you can see the narrative of the western media. we're not going to put like is the stairs done by the is right. is like a something that creating because of how much money please. so i think i will permit is just want to make it clear that a spot all of these things and to bring that kind of, that would be finding more if you go with cnn or bbc or any other media that'd be good for by this. which is a very good friend of you and is i also have a vision on
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a news. so you can see that did, did you really don't want to show that in many ways i can see that the other stock says to the energy in the components. so there's no, nor do we have to actually have the i just wanted to ukraine. what we are sure, and i saw you, we've come on, you can see this to being portrayed very different ways going to ukraine, russia, russia, black and white, a. d, d 's, you create the much support to support it by your wisdom media data. you can see there's so much humans works that'd be put into this situation of me, but not at all. what you still do. does a on his way to efforts a possible and you can or crisis the head of the international atomic energy agency . raphael grossey is heading to the cursed nuclear power plant. it's reported that
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the organization intends to give an independent assessment of the situation of the russian facility with more than the visit. your chart is eager. she's off a raphael, rusty, the head of the international atomic energy agency is about to visit the course nuclear power plants laser on tuesday. this visit comes, i mean, it heightens concerns about the safety of the facility. russia has repeatedly wounded that the facility has been made a target by the queue forces. it has shown the debris oven unmanned aerial vehicle found just a 100 meters away from the nuclear waste storage facility. so indeed, russia has been warning and has been raising concerns about the fact that this power plant could be held hostage by kids. and initially that have been some speculation that the facility could be the initial goal. and one of the targets on the coast border incursion,
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operation that is being carried out by kids right now. they have failed to come any closer to the plant. but russia, again has was that it has the cube has the facility and it's across has that have been also reports that ukraine could be preparing a dead sea bonus act against the course nuclear power plant. those with media report citing sources within the russian security community. so vis visit by rafael rossi. they had a v i. e. i is meant to ensure that the punch is safe and the key of and basically to send a message to key is that the facility a nuclear safety is not something to be gambled and scored with not hunting like federal u. s. cache to citizens. to alleviate inequality, i'm grown breaking ideas for new marxism on steroids joined comedian tre crowder, as he heads to the american side to see what the people themselves think. that's
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something that the the most people i know they laser 8 hour job and go home and relax the house about 3 or 4 more hours to go. so i just keep my clothes, change my clothes, the 1st job, go to the 2nd and this keeps an keys me from want to go home. what's the book about this time? oh, well it is finished out to a piece of mailbox. it was, it was um each oh yeah, i have listen to some of that one with you. of
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the use you didn't have to maybe work as hard to get by. you could uh maybe spend more time with your loved ones. why you still have them margaret? this is my grandpas sister. she came off a horse in a curve and i found her on the bank and over here's my grand great grandmother and great grandfather. here it's peaceful. i really like it up here. and then since my family's buried here, how this feel like, i need to come up here and take care of the secretary. i disliked volunteer and do things for my community in try to make
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a difference. the no one ever dies and says, and i wish i had a better job, they say i wish i had more time to spend with my family. i wish i could've explored some of my interest of music or ard, or church, or being a baseball coach. and so i just think we're at a moment where we're going to have machines and artificial intelligence produce a lot of things much more cheaply than we've ever seen before. we're going to have the potential for abundance. and when we have abundance, what we should do is give people the chance to live out their dreams, whatever they are. and that's the gift of this moment. if we don't turn it into the hundreds, we already spend billions of dollars every year in this country to try to address poverty and economic insecurity. what do we get for that money? we get 50 percent of americans living pay.


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