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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  August 27, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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goal and one of the targets on the course, the border incursion operation that is being carried out by kids right now. they have failed to come any closer to the plant. but russia, again, has was that it has the cube, has the facility in its process has that has been also reports that you bring could be preparing a dead. the bonus act against the course nuclear power plant. those with media report citing sources within the russian security community. so this visit by raphael rossi, they had a v i. e. i is meant to ensure that the punch is safe and the key of and basically to send a message to k of that. the facility, a nuclear safety is not something to be gambled and scored with well, if you'd like to delve deeper into that story or indeed any of our stories this, our, me, i suggest r t dot com is a solid starting point. all is lively content discussions to get stuck into there
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to, to bye for now. the what is this? think of the content and devices. oh send we into around with the rest of the world . we're going to relate to the winds, in terms of donations on, in tons of tray, africa must define what she wants. political assets might define ourselves. cultures. africa must define ourselves critically. the cause of the guys no choice but to move forward forward. she will the type of 75 years of in the month to see they
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make sure they ask um, do you mean would it do that part of time? as of right, it contained the word one thing listed it. we are one of the collections with america, with english, put that only in mind, so it has to be a role in days of finding place to do business in the eyes of fine people. do the search indian lady scientists have insured landing on the rid of folks in w w. but when it got put on od green for deacon, same in the show the training, talk to them the hello and welcome my name is arnold from. can you not ever changing the focus today more than it is on india audit? and tonight we are discussing our great nation that a very special guest is a member of parliament and following minnesota electronics and information and technology and law and justice. combination group sites. radi sean copper assad is
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a seasoned indian politician lawyer. i've seen a member of the ruining beach, a p policy. his father was also a permanent lawyer and politician, what i use in corporate assault and has represented high profile clients and government bodies. and his legal career includes several law cases. as a politician, he's held numerous key positions in the indian government, including 3 ministerial posts, and has also as a, as a member of both houses of the indian parliament. about sluggard will come to the shore. thank you very much. your father was a prominent lawyer and he was also the member of my business. and how much does that influence due to the choice of goods? first of all, my pleasure. i didn't like to talk to you on this book. product with unable and cab in giant, the whole country globally, different and nice might expect them to got to think of and that blunder chevrolet,
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not the for the locals with them in global limits. absolutely, absolutely. yes. my father came up with the hard work. okay. we, i'm really beginning to become the lawyer to be able to do cation. i really talk about him, but since today you are talking about him, he passed away 9094 with the phone that i've done sending the of the oregon members with the present. but 10 years and what does important unable g to begin your life or did you want to me? at least the wording the same with the audit committee. that's very important. and i have seen hard times of my father, i'm from those groups kind of the part that came up to day what it is, those are the any moving dates i might need to god for my father. you know, send me certain values in life. and he also can read to me in very unmistakable
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tubs, if you are in a party with the do you want to remain with it to that regardless of up to adults. if idea of naturally number, just be happy to make part of the robust country. i have that bishop of this, that's what he is telling me about. and i was the back principal, my student life, i'm g. but do you have any one thing that he can do? what do i like? but don't compromise on the studies and that they also did. yeah. yes. you had 1.10 minutes to the other positions at once. how much pressure, what was that? i'm good for the department and stuff. mm hm. what did you put, i mean, trusted me. right? the heart, we've got a bug failed, so i so so doesn't mean fortune broadcasting when the step had any luck to it. absolutely. it was an symbol chapman and above. yeah, yes. yes. who said right, many wrong step and you have been very kind to me on this. i've been loving this stuff, but this time he is mostly eating testing. we would inform him to acknowledge the
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law and justice and also communication with what is what important as will be this vision. your viewers need to know after the please many became the face of the bar in 2014, to decline, an expression if i'm elected as prime minister, i've tried to get in india that i b plus i. d is equal to i. d. in the us government, me plus id information technology is equal to india to model. and i'm really privileged above the me, the dissolution he gave to me to put on the go feminist. what do you have done a lot to do from india's legal system on? so what are the big issues that to man i'm sure, and a lot of issues. first of all, i must tell you what he has done. okay. the good sense of the tax is that the bankruptcy court is did. nearly $1500.00 or log type will be on the british at all
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caps. and there's lots of free legal forms, except i have become completely state in, in simpler. but the biggest part is the technician to do to ship a day to day. you're going to auto gates from anywhere in the, in the word when you've been loyal to us, even from a product similar to naturally shin to, to publish the movie is good. you should data really 20 good. all cases, brand new, all over the country. are the click of a button to block and being opened. that was yes. that was all removed. beam is to do the family pulling up the brick in seeing flash truck. jennifer doug is doing one thing and i'm just very unbutton into the democracy. going about a little how the case would be quote, decided by the dc. the job of the government still lawyers to facilitate in for us to, to improve the low framework of law like arbitration,
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etc. so that in the justice delivery system becomes more than more robust a lot has been done. what does that look like to be done? it is about to conduct this, but do you think it will happen? you said yourself that so many cases which are going on in data available on digital platform. but what about the system justice deliver like? yes, they even have to be included in that. for instance, that thing relations know everything they did, the millions of cases being disposed of the sort of chip bouncing cases. they didn't, you know, 80 up. you've been go the go to get, you know, but you want to dispute mediation contribution. all these things have some the disputes, devin 5, correct me. nothing good. i'll be thinking system is also being plus tax so that lot of cases can be decided by arbitration. all these things are going to get there,
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but never forget one thing. india, even a common person goes to court. i would take you to the bar. it's kind of wrong because, but if my popularity is violated, if a large number of cases i've been defaulted off, it wouldn't go to nobody because i've been fight. it all goes to it and the government has been replacing clothing and allows with heavy gun collodion mentality, thinks repeatability question. look cushion. definitely a product isn't. yes. i repeat product isn't the old one good relations with america with england. mm. but the earlier than mine, so it has to be a role. and the latest thing. no. yes, we tend to not be in there as i need the not the instruction. so i'm good. you're doing one thing, but interesting to me, i would like to show you today. so i was just at the bottom and indian printer,
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god gave me an 1860 to the able to exactly the same time, not for some years in good numbers, equal debt being a good the images look, but as t. mm hit the send data and that's right on just this. now, i mean, that's this. and 2nd, mclaughlin said he must have indians let him brown color, but they're just by hot and finally called anybody on them again was because of india. but it's the same yet when all these boards came into the country, i didn't, the band was the address and the list being listed that are the most deep. but 9 was the all of them 185-218-8095 from their liberals. i have some pretty good grade on that for us. it also gave us really kind of a window harsh solution, bullshit, month, month on the the present. today. let me dig this up by godaddy one thing.
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the other side, with the 1st present of into the, into my state. he stood 1st in back to pollution from the big lot of board music on the boogie. that means he's good for us for the potentially to be out of try to kind of 40. so of being out of bangladesh and also also that the big level of all to these are divisions and the leaders nothing to move with the most. and legally, benita, if you have to feed the country, remember, this lee gets held in get needs to be the caller to the right. and i would say that the mother in which these colonial laws are being changed. it also an indication v from the product must determine our own legal, the identity of so one of your biggest to be in this law, i'm going to some of the,
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for a quote to put the bill on much pressure you what under, you know, and looked at all or something because i used to watch the 5 minutes a lot of push me with the woman had filed the case in the supreme court and the department filed response to it. but i think in the law mr. visit you have to find the item, you ordered the instruction. i went to prime minister me is it blows 10 family in the cart and outside, behind the big this victims of people's done that. and then i will do my research and believe me, i was amazed me. this is the big, not probably big plus plus the live good, complete. the love deluxe deluxe. a young woman by been to he had the speech of the in will the and you'll be came back. the deluxe has been, wasn't due by the way to, to dr. osborne on the works of the month. what did this said you'd be open practice was being allowed to go to maybe the board, ben, politics, me even in buck designer. but i love ation from jordan to
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a gun. it's done to me shop. yeah, it has been good. do you have not? i'm really happy that the damn gave me for the prototype and the women also came into support. and today it has been another. is that led to a lot of declining the number of people that are, are it has? yes, yes. because and bought or you, you will feel criminal prosecution also. me like i'm bragging really. got been to do that. let anybody does or has anybody lot of good as i've been fighting. yeah. they're getting this debt. mm. and so was the was going to community but did against it, but ultimately the stood for but then one of the other than political parties was, so we all up against it. why do you think the but against it means when politics, what else charbonneau decided on me and i would not named them. but many women leaders of the party also opposed it by that
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shows the vice like grip of that does the elements and without you to talk to them, even in the branch of these as interpreted by many leading is connor. some people don't permit but i'm happy. i'm very happy. yes not. let's talk about digital india. you would vary in more than as administer. what do you think you have been the most important? is that so far? what does the building deal? i give a very simple definition. did you guys design to empower or not in the bottom and lead to detail inclusion, bridging the digital divide. this does have some people have no see how we could do it. and this must be, i can't predict. i'll give you his home room economical. i thought, but in india,
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i thought of the identity, the something bring the physical identity. me. i can tell you my name. i can have a plastic surgery, but my fingerprint and i live in the same uh the card captors deck. okay. and that do the conformation. all right? and then yesterday we have got nearly 135 cut off of the card. then we have got nearly $900.00. we're going to smartphones in india. more than what the population of europe in america is the biggest achievement of mind. and above g is to see young people in the villages that have been cuz we also do globally how to do searches playing on the video, the deed that was yeah, begin cheap. well, given already put me please sometime between to watch that message. me kindly send it with us. so would you mind talking to me on a video blog? this is the chat emerging involvement of or the indians, and the big as
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a team went up detail. india was been good or not came education school disability . and he had taken the course digitally and one thing led to goal rent grow, not game, really good. the vaccine. first off, the, the 2nd one was being loaded onto a mobile x. i can understand that the lock being opposed by the person. but i remember to, i'm not position on a very big lead to off of the opposition by the environment. said it digital digital, what does this digital digital do thing or something? well, a many to really sort of talk about it and that, and now i was just going to tell you that digital payment didn't get the degree to . so i do think the input did. when did the single vision? i'm hoping this like this me able to use it will not dig the vaccine within india. i remember that. yes, i directly viewed it. yeah. the floor. i don't want to comment on them. but they
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have seen the benefit of the dies ition. an india. what is the progress of india and the men? will these men will the he is bringing the united nation from elite environment and making it available to the common people that do an event that is using digital payment? yes, of course the selling joining is low by the smartphone. get the information, even the food set up, good thing, what is the pollution this. ready is a great it is that we have been able to achieve, i'm very proud of the prime minister and i'm very proud of it and getting people a whole lot, many people to accept technology and they have not gonna be accept the technology. they are enjoying it and that they're leasing it and they're getting and father in power. yeah. that, that'd been deleted. yeah, yeah. so they said design thing, but already been approved filled out and the and when it got pulled up. oh, not going for the down payment. the show,
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the training sucks is of the 3 that brings me to the question on the beach is the most important thing that's being talked about is vice uniform civil court in park? what funded benefit housing? it'd been different the society how i seem to pharmaceutical hall you a game and this lloyd, we'd be a 1st little place, an obligation. how you wouldn't be bought from this load would be a personal vice and obligation. someone will be sent on the but some will go by it, but it hardly get mad it can you press the light but the list, other lights inheritance, file sort of property, partition of property and look to see the practical part of it today. if it good nowadays edited, does he say that to me in my personal control, the personal lopez face very heavy punishment and because i've tapped topic ident
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in imperial court, no the be a nurse, send it that way. with that, if you do have money to go to the press, the law if they didn't do a contract being in contract, that is that profiting property indeed on the hydro. but that's the real property. at the many cases, common law is did a new short pause. susan will give it a date or disclosure how big of a dog there for the many cases, one law is building the country uniform. soon, board is what, basically for the vacation of one low, they had to buy it, come another deal for interest if you do enough in the country, get this little go with me. namely, go one part of the without discrimination, hollywood. but the laws which i be really personal. what did the study money when you bought one of the choice when you died? and what are the trustee?
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what it is when you're getting mad at them in personal do there's oh, it's simple to know what it means. dates are already going ahead. me like with i couldn't like awesome when able to solve this. how is going to, i know, very, very compelling case of some governor data we left out like tribal except uh, that can be done through the you know, the union administer for law and justice. why fi, quinn fiction between the executive and the judiciary. so is that helpful, or should there be more agreement between the 2? no, but it's not like stuff picks. you know, you can sit defense of opening it on such an issue. and what does that mean? put it very simply. what should it be? the judgement, how it gets with the quote is entirely the domain of the tradition. the government should not interfere at all. as far as the appointment is concerned, even the high cost will be good. so you guys said it is basically the commonest
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stakeholder discussion between the government and the gdc and told me it was very important. the notion of separation of policy is a good to do this thing in the district. is it going to must go by being an adult over to the bottom of the state legislature on the list. they got a must say the law the, there's a good if i knew the street as i said, the light to be clearly low. but in the extra laboratory, this leads to a dining room, some fiction. but there is an end of the mechanism, of course fedex. and this is how i do monthly thing settled then for. i'm really happy that up to 75 years of in the democracy. and make sure it is come between you the street and the is the contributor, and what i say. so, and above the 50 years of emergent, dia, the,
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the good use to be superseded. doug is used to be transferred, booms, weekly, and monthly. is to be change uh, judgment. yes, i know. absolutely. so how do you see in this evolution on the global stage under moody 2.0 products time? is that right? this is india sky. this is part of the time. and what the movie has done, and she has lived, they haven't followed of india and the global estate. let me give it instances in the i don't need to buy in factory in 2014. i also most of electronics. nobody has more than 27 people buying all the brands from apple, samsung. it'll be manufactured in india and globally being exposed to like 9 person of small bikes in india upcoming being when we met the vaccine, we use globally being appreciated, but good on an article by industrial. now in the 2nd,
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the world in terms of one effect in the opposite rewards have a 2nd to none. and then a startup eco system. hardly a few 100. no, it is more than 100000. and out of which 100 unique log unique one means $1000000.00. you put all young people what, what did he has done? has been able to showcase india. india is a fine place to do business in days of fine pay to do research. in days of indian lady scientists have insured landing on the moon. you have seen that kind of data for this country in the world. one being lifted into india is the highest investment in technology, highest invest from the infrastructure. all the big big games are coming during the ever going to make the chip song. so why the world is coming to india because indians, but none of these, let me go to the end of this month. why?
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but so like on one kid i've been globally faded into freedom. anybody? because india has content sense. they'll put the but i do agree that it's getting, you know, the whole thing, you did what he showed the vision, develop the confidence and already in the as you can do the indians can do. absolutely. and that is them as of 10 years. and this is going to be the also in multi p as how i do. thank you very much and thank you for watching join me again next week as the front cover. is that great vision of hope? in the midst of the the
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1918. the countries of the west won the final victory over the ottoman empire. the sultan's government capitulated to the inside and signed the humiliating armesis of little girls. great britain and france and a delay wanted not only to destroy the ottoman empire, but also to divide the prime orderly turkish lands among themselves. in 1919, their armies began to land on turkish territory. but the west decided to choose greece as the main striking force seeking to make others realize this aggressive glance bore an intervention, provo, mass, indignation among the turkish peoples. the national liberation struggle was led by the experienced general mustafah come all as
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a 3rd. in order to bear down the enemy, a bank on the mobilization of the nation, and the alliance with russia, which acted as a united front with turkish patriots. at the end of august 1922, the third's army won a decisive victory over the invaders. in the battle of doom, libby not and within a month liberated all asia minor from them, the impressive success of the circus army force the west to make concessions. in 1923, the loss on these treaty was signed. turkey. one of the 1st countries in asia manage to defeat the colonial empires and defend its independence. becoming an example for in the millions of via press on the planet the valley, her, my little sister store. okay. the model girl that i got you. no problem saying that
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i'm out of the nose, i'll think arguments us out in the drive i showed my brother through he was sudden to help people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being the same. well, i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago police. it'd be gang chicago is like, you get a photo of that police, you lose your life as another crime, same another. this could have been a doctor, or nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here the
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to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power type vision with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really one say better wills, and is it just because it shows you few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground again,
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the only 41 percent of us adults have a non savings to cover a 1000 dollar emergency, we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical. then in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system. you have to prove to the government that you truly need help . the simplest way to like explain the basic income is that is like social security . for the rest of us, a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month. no strings attached. use i have i would like the main i don't know. i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserving.
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just by virtue of your being here, the friends reveals that 12 charges kilograms, c o hobbled europe, has been interrogated in connection with president mike cronan says the case isn't but with a goal, but fails to convince other tech change some of it. and i've already planned for the party examines how and mister drew off once, left russia after refusing to cooperate with authorities on up access only to end up in a french prison. meanwhile, the chief of the facebook and instagram, who, how soon would be interested, drops up both show letter opened the admitting to suppressing information about co bed 19 on biden's family. corruption on his platforms of the big requests of the us government.


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