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tv   News  RT  August 28, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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of the cause, the ukrainian incursion into cursed, falters tia this top come under admits the souls aims. how failed. archie reports from the front line is far from the 1st come on points that i'm visiting here. but when it comes to the intensity of the pricing, bundled communications, most of the parts of the funds will be hopelessly pale in comparison to the investor selling of george soros drops in to ukraine to discuss business opportunities in the country. coming is over $4000000.00 worth of a took care of is reported missing the us justice department
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target donald trump and once again modeling a new indictment seeking to strip him from presidential m unit t for a legit interfere in 2020 presidential election. the, it's a pm in moscow, it's wednesday, august the 28th. and this is our team use our we begin in rushes, kursk border region where the countries forces continue to repel a fresh wave of the premium. the tax must go saves ukraine. this last over 6 and a half 1000 troops on hundreds of armored vetoes during its incursions so far, ortiz eager to sit down, have visited one of the units stationed in the area, fighting on the front line. this is where it's all started. the suits the region of russia's course, the province to keep cranes fast. flo pfizer, full size of the joker,
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takes us to the special forces operations. well, this is far from the 1st come on points that i'm visiting here. but when it comes to the intensity of the pricing and the communications, most of the parts of the front while they hopelessly pale in comparison radios yellow over each other, sports is our glue to the tv showing light drone feeds. so how much was the sort of coveted stitch, right? they've just ordered support from some very big guns the the, the whole room cheese. but this one is not always broad cost in 4 k tv drones con bose, the same picture quality, but it doesn't make the footage any less impressive. the
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page one of us might come on this says he doesn't remember a busier time and this for the lift up, which is the situation is very tense because the enemy has been trying to build on the success of their authentic have since the 1st days of our arrival as a result, the success failed miserably. since the 1st days, dozens of vehicles tanks armored vehicles have been burned. therefore, if it is not for nothing that this is already called the course bulge, because there was no such amount of equipment involved in the enemy's counter offensive during the operation of all the equipment is being destroyed. the enemy does not even have time to deliver reserves. according to radio intercepts, they are in an extremely depressed mood. they can't even evacuate. we are working
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on their complete destruction. ukraine is nowhere near done with attempts to break russia's spirits here, but hates and his men love. a challenge i make is done up reporting from the court screech in russia. ok, see what keeps invasion of russia's. chris creation was supposed to stop bosco's advance on the bustle field in don't boss. that's the admission from ukraine's top military commander. it saves the results of so far followed in short as the one of the goals of the course of operation was to divert enemy forces from the direction of pol crossed the enemy understands this. so they continue to concentrate efforts on fall across the course. cooperation has diverted the enemy's forces. 230000 soldiers were transferred and the number is growing. but the enemy still continues to gain strength in this area. a key city of park cut off in
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the boss mentioned by the current in general, is currently in the hands of keeps forces. the russian military is rapidly approaching the key logistics hub as part of its main operation in the done yet republic. according to law, school was ministry of defense, the 27th guards, motorized rightful division, has taken control of several settlements in the area, including the village of affordable care. former seattle, this story, johnson told r. t. the short sightedness of alexander sir, steve's c'mon, boots big problems for you to. so 1st he claims that the operation was designed to get russia to shift soldiers from the don boss in order to relieve pressure on ukrainian soldiers facing off against the russian advance and forced them to go up the crow skinny claims that that's what happened. but that didn't happen. the 200, he says, 823-0000 russian soldiers removed up there. well,
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that's not the case either. russia already had troops stationed nearby. russia did not have to draw down any of its forces and the done boss, that's number one. number 2, the only one who actually pulled forces from the don boss dynette skin particular and read apply them to cursed with starsky and, and, and that is widely acknowledged by many ukrainian analysts. this having been an incredibly stupid, foolish thing to do because it has now weakened the defenses ended on boss to such an extent that we are seen. russian forces advancing multiple kilometers a day, taking some entire towns and villages intact without it, you know, having to fire a single artillery round. when you've got a senior military commander like source key. so detached from reality, it tells you how much trouble the ukrainians are in to can know the story you were
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across today. the head of the ukranian president's office has held that meeting with american investor and head of the open society foundation network. alexander sore us, the 4th song of george stuart us, arrived in kia to discuss deals to be made and plans for the economy. it's reported the parties also discussed the restoration of critical infrastructure. also on the agenda was the seizure of russian upsets on their possible transfer to ukraine, as well as increasing sanctions. pressure must go well, alexandra, sources visit to comes and meet the news that to you monitoring aid worth over 4000000 dollars year mark for the countries military. it's going missing us according to a report released by the ukranian defense ministry. according to the results of joint internal audits from march to july, 2020 for the cleaning,
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defense ministry in cooperation with the ukrainians state customs service identified potential risks of illegal use of humanitarian aid worth a 4 point $2000000.00. however, the department could not confirm the fact of receiving this age by military units. the defense ministry has sent relevant notifications to law enforcement agencies to assess the legality of the actions of individual officials on the grounds of legal enrichment, misappropriation of property and abuse of office as well. here's the details that last aid for ukrainian soldiers includes over 400 vehicles and just under 500 tons . busy of goods including food and plastic at pilots. so that's as a total volume of a to key of from the west has already reached those, you know, hundreds of billions of dollars. the e u has since a 110000000000 euro, with half of that being li, filleted, while the us house contributed over 75000000000 euro in total. with
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23000000000 more, you're marked in the future are to contribution. chris. sam says that while western nations are actively financing ukraine at the expense of their citizens, the real beneficiary of such spending is the state. and banking leads. it is the british, in this case, if we're looking at the u. k. this one, the which types pay us spending so much money on providing these weapons to the right. but the actual people, we really think the reward he's not the british tax pay a, you know, most of these funds have to construct his wit by they are utilizing, if not pay very little tax compared to what they should be paid back into the economy. so that way they can that friends of when a guy in the binds, but they've got to use the british types. but as last add add, the ukrainian people have lost even more money moves. right. and they're always countries in the bought that compet office. if you like hot spots so full credit, the place is full, full, full tax evasion. for the move bit of money. you know,
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what the people use is the web off. sure. i think that is probably how that's, that's and you create up there. they'll use it and they'll create these ideas. i think goes, you'd probably be coming up 3 economic sides of the west and companies to set up as maximize that, that tax efficiency. i mean, we pads a non c below c just before she step down, that it'd be usa. the best thing you the credit you credit is a good investment. we use the white investment, right? because what they do is by creating a country web by the, you know, you created itself so has, has got, you know, is very important to the world state security. it has it. so the natural gas resources has a lots of things the, the, the, the united states in particular really wants to get its bit so it wants to try items. um, basically the task the well, but it's particularly you're away from dependency or russian natural resources such as russian or the gas. that'd be similar to how we sold the behavior of, of, of what's the government said 80 ross. and i've got us started the way in which
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they privatized the oil and gas fields in these countries. the modus operandi, all of the american of the american rooting, at least since i've just started google, they don't do it for free. that's certainly, that's a big buddy. what does rivers of sutton slow into ukraine is submerged? who else is making money? a british funds are came. advisors which specializes in high risk investments in emerging markets, has made a healthy profit from the purchase of ukrainian debt. the share of the premium company bones in its portfolio wanted to double figures worth a total of $470000000.00, making its bottom line rise by a solid 12 percent according to bloomberg ukraine's nuff to get off the junk boats alone brought the fund to a 73 percent of them rise while you printing real. we have the ultimate at our canes. investors pretty how big 52 percent in their pocket presents again breaks
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down how more is often good business for speculators. in this case, they mean usually states assets that have been in some way and take could or in some sort of uh, sort of dock away and, and we possessed from the people driven see private companies. so example, when we were affected your credit debt welds, we referring to a state companies such as the crating railways for example, which this particular fund how it's a huge stake. it adds. so essentially it's usually a, it's usually a products that come, that was owned by the state. oh, by the people that have been some way being stolen from the essentially, you know, if, if you and i go out and take a resource that was put the dominant league the full days by the state. i, i not for profit company in the sense that it's that to set the people. and they
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basically said it's off to, to the highest speed that you got to see massive, which had this happen because suddenly you've got this huge expanse of natural resources. in this case, natural gas, that he's able to be with tons of private companies that are in the ukraine, that doesn't get buttons, the ukranian economy. and essentially, it's been plugged it in to, in this case instead loved in a, into the british into the british states and into investors within this funded loved the okay, another big story of the day, the us justice department has taken a donald trump once more. the deal with a has filed the revised indictments against the republican presidential candidates accusing him of trying to overturn the results of his 2020 election loss to joe biden. the new case aims to circumvent a recent supreme court ruling. that stated, mr. trump is at least presumptive lee and union from criminal prosecution fractions during his presidency. now the former american leaders at bach, calling at
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a which is an attempt to interfere in this year's ballot where he faces democrats, come a law, horace. in an effort to resurrect a debt, which hunt in washington dc in an act of desperation. and in order to save face, they legally appointed special council. the range deck smith has brought a ridiculous to indictment against me, which has all the problems of the old indictment and to be dismissed immediately. well, that's breakfast on the new indictment against donald trump kept in place. all 4 charges brought up in the original case that includes cones per se to the full, the us up stripped official proceedings. watson you this time however, is the prosecution is plain that trump didn't have any quotes constitutionally assigned presidential shootings in the post election crowns effort. of power, meaning that any actions then can be treated essentially like any other us citizen . then you indictment. however,
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as far from the only case brought against trump over recent years. he's the only presidents in us history who's faced both federal state prosecution since leaving the oval office. that focuses on charges of keeping classified documents and interfering in the previous selection on the federal level as well as in the state of georgia. this was one sided in new york where he built his business and par on charges of fraud. drury there find him guilty on all kinds. let's cross now to us broadcaster and commentators, steve miles berg joining us indeed, live from new york city. bit to see you the presidential election just 3 months away now or so. but the prosecution seems intent on pushing these charges against trump hards valid are they well, obviously based on the supreme court decision that you alluded to on presidential
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immunity while the president is in office, they felt they had a re do a lot of the, the indictments the charges and they did and, and without getting to technical, some of the charges involved him talking to the justice department and telling them what to do while they throw all that out. because that could be considered an act as president, one of his duties to talk to the justice department. but the bottom line here is look, i mean, this is insane. again, again, right before the election day, a little over 2 months, actually the closer to 2 months before the election. jack smith choose this to do this, jack smith choose this to make donald trump's point, that this is unprecedented, that this is election at the fear. it's, it's an attempt at electron interference. it's not good applied certainly not before the election. none of this in this case is going to take place before the
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election is just another effort in my view. and donald trump's view by the justice department to place more doubt, keep comma hours more ammunition because she already calls them a convicted felon, which he is. and it's just outrages what's going on here. and what has been going on here is lots to pick a park there. steve donald trump openly called this a which on given the amount of charges brought against them unprecedented. and us presidential history come, i put to, if it was an election year there would even be democrats possibly agreeing without at this point. well yeah, well they look different. i don't, i don't know how many there would be because democrats despise donald trump. and when you call someone a threat to democracy and you july about them that way, and you'll lie about them by saying he's gonna end democracy. he's going to destroy the constitution. he's going to be a dictator on day one. and they say this with
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a straight face, and when i say they, i'm talking about top level democrats, i'm talking about com a lot higher as i'm talking about the media. well, is it, is it beyond the realm of, of feasibility that they would attempt to lock this man up? did them out of the race, make sure he does it when they teach them twice. of course, they didn't convict him. so he was remains in office, but they impeached him twice as president of we know and, and now that and he's been, he's awaiting sentencing in september quite possibly for the harsh money with the porn star. that's the or radically one could see him go to jail in september and have to finish out the election campaign from jail. that's how sick and twisted all of this is he up to now. he's being tass law, nothing sticks, but we're in especially even for donald trump from new territory here. so as i
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mentioned 3 months side from the election, you've got momentum for a new candid or at least there was a comm allow horace. what kind of impact is this going to have on his presidential race as well? i think the trump haters are good as a c c. but i think the trump supporters are going to be rallied even some of them who have expressed some displeasure with trump for various things. he's made some kind of pro life statements or least less. so by a, a. uh, i'm sorry, kind of pro um, less pro life. okay. uh, so we've lost the support in some areas for people who is still in sleep pro life. but this kinda thing riley's, the base in raleigh support for donald trump. it's just say we only can probably, i'll take it out. i think given steve, what about those buffalo drawn states where they're still voters off for up for
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grabs. that could but could okay. the, the 100 over over the edge. well, no, i think it's pretty cool. i think that reinforces the support as of harrison, it did say see, and it's important rallies, the supporters of trump to say, here we go again, we gotta, we gotta back him. there are independence and they could go either way up what i think with our k junior is coming out and support of donald trump and speaking out on this issue as i'm sure he will. i think in the long run, when push comes to shove, it will favor donald trump. people will say enough is enough of this election interference of this attempt to put this man in jail and prevent him from becoming president again. well, that's going to be an action packed few months. that is for sure we'll, we'll watch within fresh both you and i, and many more besides us broadcast or, and political level as the most for ecc, thanks for your time. my pleasure. the bizarre
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conspiracy assumption about sub berliner is like tongue. a newspaper based in berlin, has brenda claims, not a group of ukrainians, sabotage, the nord stream pipelines alone. the outlet also accuse of some german media polluting a fake news story with regard to a version such as that of a tug of scouts is one of the most important media in durham, and you'll similar ones like the regional. most of these are 2 questions, remain a new ones, a piling up to put it bluntly the picture of the 3 suspects from ukraine that has now been outlined points to particularly result conspiracy assumption. and the g a strategically central event, including its media presentation, makes it clear that journalistic media professionals often want to be in the thick of it. instead of just being there in the less professional sense as well. somebody else has join may not live in this. she do, it's hard to correspond. she bows to delve deeper into the shape,
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be the north stream side. it's not going away. and but now we're starting the, you're more and more dissenting and voices from the official at, nor a table, or at least what had been the official lot or to for the last a few years really. so what's coming out? well, this is very interesting and i suppose one of displays use us police if you like in the them narrative, the narrative that the court narrative where is that, you know, several ukrainians, a drunken evening at hiring. he off descending 60 meters below the body. see the most survey, let's see on, on the, on the planet of the kid was almost like a drunken night. i. this is what we're going to do and this will for you track. this is what we've been for, right? and this is now almost a public spot among the german median. remember germany, this was the most critical piece of energy infrastructure in germany. and it was the biggest terror act, if you like, on that sort of in the midst of this had a critical impact on german life, the ability to access cheap rushing gas and how she would feel political impact
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geostrategic impact on the country. so this is a very well established newspaper burden against the item. asking questions of older the german newspapers the tigris show and was a good site on another regional paper saying, why are you guys so eagerly peddling this idea of these? um, you know, honda narrative intelligence leaks, basically you're telling us that these are investigations, they're not investigations whatsoever. so we're, we're not seeing any real investigation this wiper and it gives like to say you're calling or conspiracy theories for asking you the questions as to where does this evidence come from? and it's becoming less and less plausible and put in there gives us a very refreshing for us here to see western media. and particularly in germany, stepping up now and saying, look this tools and add up the top a listen to some of the detail of what we're doing is i don't have to say you how do established editorial offices come up with the idea of on the one hand the
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valuing experience, colleagues as conspiracy theorists, while at the same time attaching importance to a particularly bizarre conspiracy theory that such a far reaching action in the midst of various powers at the bottom of the baltic sea was carried out by some patriotic divers from ukraine on their own still have questions to quote brecht, reading worker. so many reports so many questions. so you know, very, very important stuff. this is really, really interesting. and that didn't do, you know, the, nobody's story unit is an, a german class. now remember, german outlet is expected to follow the line to, you know, take this boon, said narrative, challenging that narrative and saying, why are we being asked to tell people as stories which are linked with rather than follow really investigative process? much of the mainstream media in the west has blamed on this quite a vague and description,
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a pro ukrainian group that's continually in the headlines. what's russia say? it's well russia, as it has been saying, all the long, remember the narrative of the west was when this happened was the original blown up its own pipeline rush. it blows up its own pipeline rather than turning off the gas after spending billions on this infrastructure. the western media and the western politicians. we also had the business, of course, he's painting the americans for blowing little people because in deleting it. so what is very almost comedic process with north street. and what the russians are saying is what they've been saying all along, at sort of a loud rav stressing that at why is it russian often involves they've been refused access to the data, and that the germans obviously have that's what sort of a lever, obviously, he suggested that everything that's been asked for has been, you know, deflected away, suggesting that there is no investigation at all that everybody knows who actually blew up north stream. and of course, the murray is the heart of the in, you know, at her very far reform tackling mr. fisher or the german farm ministry spokesperson
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. very interesting. most of it was the her, it, it should do it deliberately upset numbers, the official spokesperson from the german foreign ministry. sebastian fisher said, the berlin is allegedly exchanging some information with russia about the terrorist attacks carried out in september 22 on north street one and the assume to gas pipelines. with this statement, the german side obviously tried to cause doubt on the validity of the claims that were put forward by the russian side, against the german authorities. regarding their refusal to cooperate in the investigation of this crime, it is the ultimate necessary to emphasize the dimensions, the words. but mister fisher were completely untrue. let's say this simply to make it easier for the translators to translated into german. it was a lie. get one year a she, i think it's worth pointing out as well. this happened in 2022. there has been many so called investigations probes. as you say, russia was not involved in on the, on the width verdict, the grid on the billing just lead to nowhere. and that's where you can see here,
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i think just frustration, but also the, the russian foreign ministry just being well, we knew this was gonna, i mean, this is the obvious reality. i mean, the idea that russia blew up to the north stream is exceptionally a, you know, a fancy for, let's say, we've had a big a investigative looks i've had, this will be done. and the reality of these people going down to the bottom of the baltics, the 60 meters down interest me when the mike lynch's got cited tiny. and if it's 50 meters down, it's going to take us time is right here. now we're being told a tree. ukrainians. in a sailboat, managed to, you know, going to still pick out to the middle of one of the most of a piece of water in the world at the time. because they're telling us they can spot russian. so marines, the, but some of these points that come out there and you know, on a jolly bit of a barbecue, down to the bottom. and below, we'll add these 2 north stream pipe us, which are increased in concrete, 60 meters below the surface at
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a lot of questions still don't answer them. yeah, a lot of questions have a lot not answered that indeed a shape o start to correspond to taking us through that shift. thanks is always i just want to pick up though on something that the shay was talking about there as well because we got reaction at to the latest media scandal from german, ortho, and more correspondent publish report. let's take a listen. but it's a question in general, a systematic question to the rest of the media system. why the not critical but follow on the scenario shifts of the governments. so this is a general. busy of them, which we see again here, but this is something you know, and the question is how to define investigator investigates on this. i have with the and also stream example shows that they are not doing it. so i think investigative free investigative journalist journalist like, like to whatever say, my gosh, would be offended if somebody calls that were to do cnn,
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generally mainstream media doing somebody would call investigative, shutting this. so it's a question of the different, the definition. and i think the ministry media, i do a lot to investigate, i'm sure it isn't about they do whatever, following the briefings of their governments on this as much with isn't this particular media in germany like my book, like very good sites on car or several else but they are small, it's the same and other states, what are they just speaking or whatever. and the west. there are alternative media, alternative journalists, investigative journalist, about to they have a small audience in comparison with the big media organizations which have billions of dollars as, as a budget. so they, they will not change anything. and we have to take the questions on all the all times, whether it's whatever, cuz i haven't changed career or on no, you credit russia, russia, but,
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but this doesn't change anything into the mainstream media as we have seen them during the last. yes. a journalist, thomas roper, so that is hard. mid week news roundup is looking for now. it's a busy one. i'll be back off the top after another great original, a short martine documentary, which gets going in moments victims the e, so is on the form. i'm suppose to fits it, but it is. what do you do is you meet the low, you know, because it all could as in pro is into play article as much as it should not be doing it. i b, m, i. 16 secret admission to establish opponents on the ground close to the table in the city city supplies the design of their school a full for the progress that kind of.


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