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tv   News  RT  August 28, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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ready to come along. the telegram at the top of the office, reportedly taken to court in paris as new details to rousing his arrest in the same id. please believe the states, the biggest rate on the west side can over 20 years with the beginning 10 pallets in it with the it's ready for administer, quoting for the $510.00, which is a spread through the area. this is far from the 1st come on points that i'm visiting here when it comes to the intensity of the fighting and the communications . most of the parts of the front, while they hopelessly pale in comparison of the reports from the baffled zone, as the crating of incursion is too close to the top, come on through now admitted into these thoughts a new test failed. questions arising in the west,
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i was suppose for ukraine and an exclusive comment to watch tv. russian. i'm positive to the u. k. all right, tell him. but there's many disagree with the current politics. i of course, i know a lot of people here pick one this, the incidental. so all in conflict in a good in that right. in the rise and we went to the resort to keep silence because of the saying that they might be consequences for them. the hello and welcome. this is also the international with the world news update is great and happy with us this now and some news just in a puddle. dirt roads has reportedly been taken to a power is caused for an strategies are likely to decide whether to put the business bond on the form or the investigation. this comes with new details and mugs suggesting the french will. socrates had been talking to him:
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telegrams the pavel, there was some months prior to his arrest. according to western media, rest were ins folder all fine, and his brother telegram found a nikolai was issued months prior to the rest of the tech chief. french post occasion has told us either because it is possible due of to be the only person involved. these type joins extended the tension and pay, read a set to expire this wednesday when he must either be charged or released. the french prosecutor's office space is holding him in connection with 12 alleged crimes committed by a name suspects by his platform, including the distribution of drugs on child pornography. the french president, in this case, is not politically motivated to spot many warnings about the future safety on the platform. the telegrams the door of the rest over the weekend has in fact let's do a search and downloads of the app or the of my colleague unions. o'neil's. but with serbian m. p. alexander poverty is that he saw that do i was arrest as of a very dangerous preston for other big techs vegas. anyone and everyone is now fair
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game, who opposes? so i would say, i would call that the western global. global is deep states, narrative and whoever opposes them and their policies is, should be worried. and that's almost and that's anyone who has a free mind who wants to explore both sides who wants a neutral reporting? the, the done loads of telegram have expanded considerably. the people seem to be at like voting with their feet. they're saying we're, we're, we're happy that this is secure, and we want to perhaps support pop older off as well by doing this. but there's in the side to that because it's the encryption keys are given 2 fronts, like there's a lot at stake over the next few hours, isn't there?
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where do you think tell or promise future lights? uh huh. if of course, if bob older of resists, i think it has an even better future if he doesn't want to come to the pressure to the blackmail. uh because these are mafia tactics was be very clear about this. they're trying to extort things. friction keys from him, some russian official probably alerts, ice. let's say the free world, the free world, which is no longer the west. that telegram is no longer safe event doesn't happen. i think it's just popularity is bound to expand. how would you think they would have reacted if he was arrested here in russia? not in front? well, we know what would have happened. i mean, or russia, whatever. there would have been proof quote unquote to them that russia is an authoritarian state. that there is no press freedom here, freedom of expression. we've had western official said openly,
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that what applies for that and what's good for them. they have a right to certain things to which those outside of the garden, uh, quote unquote don't have to. so of course it for, i should have done, it would have been branded, there's repression. when's a western country does as well? they have to, uh, you know, for this, for the good of everyone for everyones good present, look from is visiting your nation and tomorrow i believe you tomorrow. and the next day, the 29th and the 30th a 2 day visit, given in the presence of the church, has condemned public your office a rest. i've seen that could that be a sticking point in the me? the united arab emirates were scheduled to by. i think a fighter aircraft from a france, ah, and they've suspended that. i would hold the president, which would do the same thing because he was about to make a deal with him,
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a crown for the purchase of 12 or a fall fighter planes from france. so i think that would be a gesture showing that actually he means what he says, and the so be actually is concerned with this repression of a free speech that's going on in the west. and especially now and in france, at least 10 pablo city and say were supposedly being killed in the west bank because the idea launches a massive operation is believed to be the biggest raise it on the area and of a 20 years as well as the rain se townsend terrorism operation for this military, launching multiple strikes on the ceiling, off the tons of cnn and tour and local media reported on the presence of these wally military vehicles, including tanks and pull those as helicopters, as drones in the sense of the west bond over nights forces 1st surrounded the town
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of cnn, blocking exits, entrances and access to hospitals best, according to palestinian officials. meanwhile, as well as foreign minister claims, the operation was positive for full scale war, comparing it to the gauze, the operations. we need to deal with this right exactly. as we deal with tara the infrastructure in garza, including the temporary evacuation of palestinian civilians in any of a step needed. this is a war in every sense. well, thoughts as were full of miss democratic functions, spokes person. dimitri de leon, is that is what is ethnically cleansing the westbank. while the world is busy wisconsin to an extension of the genocide that is taking place in gaza. israel is the taking advantage that the whole world is paying more attention to guys while it has been silently amex, it adds things, thoughts, although us bank silently, uh, promoting and put that thing is on has the tires,
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groups and are today. and they are taking advantage of that by conducting this ethnic cleansing operation, but literally operation unoccupied westbank and basically it is, uh it has it killed over 10 people and just few hours. uh, there are tons of injuries, destruction, to infrastructure, and calls for displacing civilians are coming out of the cabinet. members of these rarely ministry, which cruise the ethnic cleansing, instead of this a military operation, the rest of work for them is really officials. there's nothing new. the, it's a mob been because there is one small coating for synagogues to be built at the science of the all acts and most compound in jerusalem. notoriously hard line knows national security ministers. coal mines is fox fresh outrage and the atlantic weld . or the reaction, the warrant of the impact of these violations and the ongoing efforts to reach an
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agreement in gaza and urge the international community to take urgent action. the kingdom of firms is categorical rejection of this extremist and inflammatory statements and its rejection of the ongoing publications of the feelings of muslims around the world. the kingdom stresses the need to respect the historical and the legal status. quote at the oaks, a mosque and activating serious mechanism to hold is really officials accountable for the ongoing violations of the international laws. norms and resolutions. jordan will take all necessary measures to stop the attacks on the holy sides, and it is preparing the necessary legal files to take action in international courts against such attacks which constitute a clear violation of international law and a dangerous escalation. the jordan will confront by all possible means would be roxanne comes and it concerns that the move would violate the decades old agreements between is wally and mostly most ortiz, to maintain a state as quote and especially for me to send us and y'all,
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his office has been quick to distance itself from is involved and v as i do. jews were recently seen praying. it's alex that and for each of the local regulations that only allow follow is of islam to worship. the, the sign sits a top the holy is placed into the as an attempt to amounts well in another, questionable, lose an idea, a soldier who allegedly participates in the race of detain. palestinians was welcomed as a stall guest on a local is ready tv program was hopefully today in our show a fine or figured as far as 100 who was dealing with the how much do before said to the team on camp. and now dealing with the accusations, we all want to hear what he has to say. tell me, why do we stand like this? because i also can be in force 100. look at my size. no, no, no. so 30, hardly even. that's with the other guy since the much daily of this month when it is really trying to release president securities for its age, but possibly showing a group of dogs sexually assaulting de palestinian detaining. just
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a warning for the we are about to show you this voltage and you might find a distressing in the city or some states, a timer, allegedly shows palestinians line on the flow of the sky. tame on tom is ready. so does it. then seeing taking one of the prisoners into a corner where they reportedly sexually assault and behind the res shield. numerous waste palestinians of describes the abuse and torture. the sofa bed boxes were full, missed them across its function spokesperson told us that various crimes against palestinians are now being reward is quite the is way the government on society. they see nothing. each gun, the humanized ation of the tasks and the people by the is riley social values, allows for many crimes. one of them is right. so way thing about spinning for is a soldier is accepted socially and of course promoted by the
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israeli government. and the army, and that's why we're fine people who are under investigation for raping the city and political prisoners and kidnap is ready custody against international law. are being promoted for the kidnapping and for the way. so when we speak about uh, the state of israel, we have to understand that we are not talking about global state with normal standards. and even when we talk about this ready society, we're not talking about in a society that is diverse and normal. this is, is society that was built on the supremacy dehumanizing ideology of zionism. that truly believes that the jews done as jews are superior to do all the others, especially about 10 years and whatever it takes to achieve design as goals is allowed. and not only allowed and reward it brings it was for building
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a center golf in the middle of a month at a time when with such tensions, what he is calling for. blo, be your 4 big beer and then it's not a matter of quality. it's a matter of ideology. so your boss is constable to region where the country's forces continues to repel a fresh wave. if you creating a tax most go saves you quite as low surface 6 and a half 1000 troops on hundreds of on the vehicle. steering is 3 week long getting carson sees egleston off, visited one of the unit stations in the area, financing on the front lines. this is where it's all started, the suits the region of russia's course, the province to keep claims success, lo fi, same whole side of the joker, takes us to the spot, special forces operations. well, this is far from the 1st come on points that i'm visiting here,
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but when it comes to the intensity of the pricing and of communications most other parts of the front while they hopelessly pale in comparison, the radios yellow over each other sports is our glue to the tv showing light drone fields, the temperature has to be in the city of the sort of comforts detroit. they've just ordered support from some very big guns the the, the whole room cheese. but this war is not always broad cost and 4 k tv drones con, both the same picture quality. but it doesn't make the footage any less impressive . the
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page, one of our smart commanders says he doesn't remember a busy a time in this war fellow, which in this situation is very tense because the enemy has been trying to build on the success of their authentic have since the 1st days of our arrival as a result the success failed miserably. since the 1st days, dozens of vehicles tanks armored vehicles have been burned. therefore, if it is not for nothing that this is already called the course bulge, because there was no such amount of equipment involved in the enemy's counter offensive during the operation. all the equipment is being destroyed. the enemy does not even have time to deliver reserves. i think according to radio intercepts, they are in an extremely depressed mood. they can't even evacuate. we are working on their complete destruction. ukraine is nowhere near done with. attempts to break,
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crushes spirits here, but hades and has been love. a challenge i make is done of reporting from the court screeching russia. oxy. ok? of the invasion of russia's coast, collision was supposed to stop, most goes advance on the bonds or field and don't bus. that's the admission from your friends. top military commander who stays the results of sofa full let us show the one of the goals of the course of operation was to divert enemy forces from the direction of paul crossed. the enemy understands this. so they continue to concentrate efforts on fall across the course, cooperation has diverted the enemy's forces. 230000 soldiers were transferred and the number is growing. but the enemy still continues to gain strength in this area . in the case of a, of a cloth in dunbar dimensions by the ukranian, generally, as comedy in the hands of kids forces. but the russian military is rapidly approaching the key. logistics hub is positive. his main operation and adorn yes.
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republic. according to most schools, the ministry of defense, the 27th, the golf loads rise, rifle division has taken control of several specimens in the area, including the village of all of con, phone. let's see. i know this, the larry johnson told all tv show sizes, most of alex on the 5th case, come on, boats big problems for ukraine. so 1st, he claims that the operation was designed to get russia to shift soldiers from the don boss in order to relieve pressure on ukrainian soldiers facing off against the russian advance and forced them to go up the crow skinny claims that that's what happened. but that didn't happen. the 200, he says, 823-0000 russian soldiers removed up there. well, that's not the case either. russia already had troops stationed nearby. russia did not have to draw down any of its forces and the done boss,
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that's number one. number 2, the only one who actually pulled forces from the done boss dynette skin particular and read apply them to cursed with starsky and. and that is widely acknowledged by many ukrainian analysts. this having been an incredibly stupid, foolish thing to do, because it has now weakened the defenses ended on boss to such an extent that we are seen. russian forces dancing multiple kilometers a day, taking some entire towns and villages intact without it, you know, having to fire a single artillery around when you've got a senior military commander like source key. so detached from reality, it tells you how much trouble the ukrainians are in the, in an exclusive interview, i spoke with the russian on boss of the, to the u. k. andre cal. and it told us that and many political experts in the west
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and this done this opposing ukraine was a mistake, but they were afraid to speak up. it is a very special situation in the united kingdom wednesday. talk about your green, because if there's only one narrative is possible here, and it sounds as follows, a rustic instead of an unprovoked aggression against the ukraine. and u. k. will stand with your brain as long as it takes. i think he was here is unprovoked. it's a still totally false, it does not take into account the other said, or they do it or we agree in those are us a discrimination or for us in population of course of the negation built on occasion by their waste or what the us and interests and many, many other things, including the doing is just some of the conflict. it's most important things. however, it is being used to phrases are being used to all across the most media in reports unless i do have could reports as well. and it will, you know, other aspects,
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it has become a, so the idea was you want to reach, you know, the quote position of the united kingdom. those you put in these based. this is the range of course. uh no other things can be discussed seriously here i did talk about that to me as one of the fame was. well, it all just varies. some 3 of these days, he had told me that even in the united states, so the biggest part pulling out of your brain about situation is different to in the way that discussions about allowed, different views are possible. uh and uh it is still legs are not in the united kingdom i of course, i know a lot of people here, a quote uh, throughly believes, uh, we don't believe you additional duration of the story. one distance of the roots on the conflict, them in the, in a good in that rides in the right way. whether they keep it sort to keep silence because of the same because they have to, they might be uh well that they might become sick, was for them. so you, we all seeing some people that shifted in some other us choose,
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how long would it be before we might say, i'm mazda, of people changed the auditors to what was the conflicts and you credit into russia itself. politically speaking, i don't know, it may have been of course it was development or for the events over the year on the theater in the sense that, uh the uh, keeps, keeps going. i meant, uh, currently is driving concrete tools and add this. uh and uh you can go and that is helping kids. so these driving still some that is in terms of economics in terms open, diminishing goals, number of population is a disaster for them all this size. uh, but we, so these development only went to be a step to, to utilize that. it was a grave mistake by all sides to support the inquiry. and, you know, it's early in the, what us and motions. you know, i had the mention of that uh that might be implemented friend, uh oh. um, i know i'm a people of these things that because of the situation that has been aggravated to
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by univision, in course, could reach them of course. and after that, uh, also full size of talking about some kind of for negotiations, some kind of a 2nd, the confidence that real full of beauty can still get in switzerland, of course. uh it does go through at least at the moment. uh to talk about that. um, do you have a list of a withdrawal from, for firms that i somebody from for them to come out of some sort of i of course is minute expose, i know for a living kid and uh they agree when, when i think of that uh the quote is corporation, the dispute uh, to goes one is to uh, we, the bulk of that us and $0.04 for them. uh, done bus for them uh for him to investigate area and to bring them over to into the rest of the situation in order to defend the spoke with you. and a 2nd goal is of course, to show to the out the will cause
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a waste as pressed with united states, u. k. of that. uh, you put in an arm, you still could april, and we pro is not one of auto moments beyond it. k, in can do some some successes. both of these goals has not been achieved as, as we know. i already know. situation in the course. of course area has stabilized a rest and forces are becoming more and more. i see it a substantial and we have direct more desert of with the or more capabilities. and what's the, what's next or what's next? uh, do they have to be, is that or, or do they have to stay and play or totally. so we will follow the events a bizarre conspiracy assumption, not sound to them and daily, but it is i phone cuz brandon claims that a group of ukrainian sailors alone sabotaged a new history pipelines. the paper also the keys, the son of the gym and media outlets of producing a fake news story about the acts of terrorism. with regard to versions such as that of the tigris show as one of the most important media in germany. or also like
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those of the originally obvious us c. title questions remain and new ones are piling up. to put it bluntly, the picture of the 3 suspects from ukraine that has now been outlined to points to a particularly bizarre conspiracy assumption and a g o. strategically, central event, including its media presentation, makes it clear that journalistic media professionals often want to be in the thick of it. instead of just being there in a less professional sense. this is very interesting and i suppose what it displays is a split if you like in the, the narrative, the narrative that the current narrative, weird stuff, you know, several ukrainians, a drunken evening of hiring a off descending 60 meters below the baltic sea. the most survey you'll see on, on, on the planet of the 2 is almost like a drunken night i. this is what we're going to do and this will for you train. this is what we've been for right on. this is now almost a public spot among the german media. and remember germany. this was the most critical piece of energy infrastructure in germany. and it was the biggest terror
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act, if you like, on that sort of in the midst of this had a critical impact on german life. the ability to access cheap russian gas that has a huge deal political impact to your strategic impact on the country. so this is a very well established newspaper burden against the item. asking questions of older the german newspapers tiger show and was a good site on another regional paper saying, why are you guys so eagerly peddling this idea of these, you know, hand it narrative intelligence leaks. basically, you're telling us that these are investigations, the not investigations. what so, so we're, we're, we're not seeing any real investigation this wiper and it gives item to say you're calling or conspiracy theories for asking you the questions as to where does this evidence come from? and it's becoming less and less plausible. brinninger design does look very refreshing for us here to see western media and particularly in germany stepping nope. now i'm saying, look, this doesn't add up the top a listen to some of the detail of what we're doing is i don't have to say,
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you know, how to establish editorial offices come up with the idea of on the one hand, the valuing experience. colleagues as conspiracy theorists, while at the same time attaching importance to a particularly bizarre conspiracy theory that such a far reaching action in the midst of various powers at the bottom of the baltic sea was carried out by some patriotic divers from ukraine on their own. still have questions to quote brackets, reading worker. so many reports, so many questions. very, very important stuff. this is really, really interesting. and that didn't do, you know, the, nobody's story unit is an, a german class. now remember, a german outlet is expected to follow the line to, you know, take this boon, fed narrative, challenging that narrative and saying, why are we being asked to tell people as stories which are linked to us rather than follow really investigative process? much of the mainstream media in the west has blamed on this quite
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a vague and description, a pro ukrainian group that's continually in the headlines. what's russia say? well, russia, as it has been saying, all the law, remember the narrative of the west was when this happened was the russian blowing up its own pipeline rush. it blows up its own pipeline rather than turning off the gas after spending billions on this infrastructure. the western media and the western politicians. we also had the business, of course, the painting, the americans were blowing. it'll pretty publicly and deleting it. so what is very almost comedic process with no, it's really and what the russians are saying is what they've been saying. all along, at sort of a loud rough stressing that at why is it russian, i've been involved, they've been refused access to the data that the germans obviously have. that's what sort of a lab robust thing. he suggested that everything that's been asked for has been, you know, deflected away, suggesting that there is no investigation at all that everybody knows who actually of north sea. and of course, the body is the heart of the uh and you know,
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at her uh, very far before tackling mr. fisher, the german foreign ministry spoke 1st. it's very interesting. most of it was her and it should do it. those living center presented the official spokesperson from the german foreign ministry. sebastian fisher said, the berlin is allegedly exchanging some information with russia about the terrorist attacks carried out in september 22 on north street one and nordstrom to gas pipelines. with this statement, the german side obviously tried to cause doubt on the validity of the claims that were put forward by the russian side against the german authorities. regarding their refusal to cooperate in the investigation of this crime. it is also necessary to emphasize the dimensions of words, but mister fisher were completely untrue. let's say this simply to make it easier for the translators to translated into german. it was a lie, a she, i think it's worth pointing out as well. this happened in 2022, there being many so called investigations probes. as you say, russia was not involved in on the, on the grid, the verdict, the grid on the feeling just lead to know where,
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and that's where you can see here. i think just frustration, but also the, the russian foreign ministry just thing. well, we knew this was gonna happen. i mean, this is the obvious reality. i mean, the idea that russia blew up to the north stream is exceptionally a, you know, a fancy for, let's say, we've had a big a investigative looks i've had, this will be doing the reality of these people going down to the bottom of the baltic sea 60 meters down interest me when the mike lynch's got cited, tanya and if it's 50 meters down, it's going to take us time because right now we're being told the tree ukrainians in a sailboat. modest to, you know, going to still pick out to the mid level, the, most of a piece of water in the world at the time. because they're telling us they can spot russian. so, marines, the, what, some of these ports and come out there and you know, on a jolly bit of a barbecue, down to the bottom. and below, we'll add these 2 north stream pilots,
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which are encased in concrete, 60 meters below the surface. a lot of questions still don't answer, do we had farm and stuff and then call tre, energy policy spokesman is to be alternative for germany party in the bundle stock . and he seems to think the west is looking for a scapegoat to distract from the true perpetrators of the attack on north street. is most interested in wealth. first of all, we should remember that right after their tax, basically everyone said that a state acura must be behind that. otherwise it would have been impossible. and if i remember correctly, the german government said that to the and indeed it sounds quite wild to suggest that some isolated forces just do cause to commit a terrorist attack and 80 meters of the low to see it doesn't sound plausible to me . what does sounds, laws more? well, you have to ask yourself, what is the purpose of this narrative? i personally think it's just smoke and mirrors, and they're looking for escape. go to distract from the true perpetrators. and this narrative does just that for them. generally speaking, public opinion in germany is also directed in such a way as to convince.


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