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tv   News  RT  August 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the telegram c o pa both are off is reportedly taken to court in paris as new details surrounding his arrest. merge the site is believed to have launched the biggest rate on the west bank and over 20 years, reportedly killing pen palestinians with the as rarely foreign minister, calling for the fight in the other to spread to the area. and questions are rising in the west of rent support for your brain and an exclusive comment to our tea rushman basket or to the u. k. on drake, helen says, many disagree with current politics, but choose to keep silence. i of course, i know a lot of people here in columbus to incidentally with the conflict in, in
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a good in the right. it's in the right that we went to the, to, to keep center because of the seeing that they might be consequences for them. the they're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in the russian capital. we start with news just in telegrams and pub, older off has report on they've been taken to a paris court. french judges are likely to decide whether to put the businessman under formal investigation is comes as new details emerge, suggesting the telegram boss had long been in french authorities across harris. according to western media arrest florence for durham, and his brother telegram co founder nikolai were issued months prior to the rest of the tech chief. the french prosecutor's office has told our t it considers puddle dirt off to be the only person involved. he is being held in connection with 12 alleged crimes committed by a named suspects via his platform,
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including the distribution of drugs and child pornography. the tech to extend a detention period is set to expire this wednesday one. he must either be charged or released. r t corresponded in a dish of deborah zach reports from outside the paris court. i just read the point where outside the paris accord, building what paddle do are of his company, as he has been taken to court, where he may safe charges or even the prison sentences by the sea of telegram has been under investigation by french authorities from the national onto front office for full days. the french court accuses him of not doing enough to come with the crimes that may have been committed by you is this outpaced telegram apps? no ceiling to disclose information about it and square news. he's been arrested over 12 charges to relate to the organized crime, to do since his detention on saturday. no, it be international community has gone down to this arrest and clearance had some freedom of speech to the french president and says the case is not politically
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motivated. despite many warnings about the future, safety of the platform, telegram ceo powell drums arrest over the weekend has in fact led to a search and downloads of the app. my colleague nick aaron spoke with former british diplomat and proud, who says this arrest has opened the pen doors box on free speech? i mean this so much that it is all i now feel free to speech write to me. i love this be known. so twisted constantly, ever since probably a little has been listed mark, so i can vote is produced sensational visual benevolence, somebody's into the license of that that my students will commit to the in, in dc. and so this is going to open this whole kind of a window as box of people saying, well, what does this need actually for, for the space. so you don't ask who's being quite clear since people do it as being the best that i see if anything illegal is, is happening on the social media sites and then that has to be taken down. and there has been a pretty clear on that, but he's also being quite strong in his views of actually this is a bad sign for
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a speedo space. that is the rest. this happened to the thing that's very impossible to buy the mountains. i could, but that's it because i think, you know, they can be next. why i mean, you know, if, if google was being arrested for some, unspecified crimes being committed by others on the phone. well, you know, you see what, what kind of whole things and get insight into any social media platform because it's overly available for people to use. but you know, tied anymore could be next. i could, but could be arrested, make something nice. and then what could happen? i'm just wondering, you know, if, if it was on the other foot and pebble durham had been detained in russia rather than phones. how different do you think the international reaction would be? i say the thing was, i mean i was interested in most in 2018 when telegram was, was benz initially, you know, a by the bus in the states or thought he's not just made an increase in people wanting to use the ground in motion of the time there's a kind of big article that's necessarily gonna be binding washer and well, that's the main. so it kind of kind of big data on freedom of speech and that was kind of 60 as good as a. absolutely,
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i mean if you'd be interested in and so to me to the best so so, so we'll be hearing from the fence is in dc and other places. so it has kind of the you have starting to take action against georgia if the government proceeds with its stated intention to dissolve pro western factions in parliament after october's elections. russell's says the move would jeopardize george's bed to join the european block of all position policies. of labor and civil society and independent media are essential for ensuring the government so accountable in the democratic values are upheld. pluralism is a central pillar, the u. accession process. let's discuss this now with a stip on guy extra research for at the institute of european studies in belgrade. so i'm going to have you on the program with us, but you claims to believe she wants to completely ban opposition parties and georgia. however, the country's parliamentary speaker says these allegations are merely this
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information. what do you make of it? all? i think that the we're dealing here with a political pressure from brussels and with the, the complete lack of principles and the only very barely caring about geo political interest on the altar of politics. and they have given away folded fountains. and not only when it comes to dealing with foreign entities, because that was the case is a boss in colonialism about the even at home uh, corporate examples such as due process. uh, citing the private uh property uh and uh, freedom. the speeds are being jeopardized in west itself, so when they are projecting their power to whereas other countries, this is only emphasize even more. so what we see now is
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a fuel political pressure that door to georgia is receiving from the west for the last uh, more than more than a year and help us understand why brussels thinks that it even has the right to dictates or threaten to believe. see over internal political developments within georgia because brussels has completely a colonial mindset. even belgium, which is hosting the us. do sions, uh, is one of the most severe uh, colonial powers. uh, it is responsible for millions of uh, that's especially uh in the so called bound bowsman, congo. and you is basically behaving to say they are treating other nations and other partners outside of the you. but even within the you as
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a mature, as children. and that is a very called the sounding esentially, racist way of dealing it before the relations. so that is why they think that they are entitled to tell georgia what to do or they are insightful to be involved in micro management. so. busy a politics in every country that they, i think uh, should be micromanage a crane and they'll dove. uh, meanwhile, have both cracked down on opposition parties. and yet they've been given a roadmap to joining the you. why is georgia being treated differently? as i already said, for your political reasons, the same reason for why the nazis of the united season was tolerated in the baltic states, for instance, or in many, some european countries. uh, by russell's it is purely because of geopolitical reasons. so what
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they are supporting model for instance is the exact thing that. 3 they are going to condemn georgia for or some other country. so phrases in model what we see uh practically a frag down against the most popular opposition party, the most popular kind of party in the country. sure. i mean, ukraine we have, uh, we have, i mean, uh there were political murders there was, uh, banning. i mean, just recently the orthodox church was banned in in ukraine. so the page of the freedom of religion is not even guaranteed. uh, but the core reason is geo politics, so there are no values that the us defending. and this became more and more obvious that i think that their credibility is already completely controlled. russell says
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the door to you, membership remains open for georgia. if the country bends to as well and changes as political course is this type of pressure likely to change to place these direction as well. first of all, georgia as some other countries will never join to you, but this would not even benefit georgia. uh and uh, this uh, a perspective of, uh, joining you at some point in the future on the horizon is only a carrots that is not sweet anymore. uh. and the one drawers in the sea uh, in this is big some carriers policies. they only speaks and uh, i really don't care because even anything would there be uh to be accepted tomorrow is not the same to uh, get you membership in 2024 or in 2004. so things have changed and the u is not in organization. uh in which, um,
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i mean it is not attractive. uh, i mean, to say we said mildly, uh, as it used to be uh years ago. so they are using this you membership perspective only as a colonial to do in order to subjugate georgia survey, uh, and the other country, some top georgia and politicians have a choose the west of trying to destabilize the country and force it to join the conflict against russia, if that's the case, do you think that the, you would view george a more favorably and the same way they view ukraine more favorably? i mean, ukraine is not a candidate for joining to you. and it is a destroyed country with the more than a 1000000 people who either died with 1000000 or so really wounded or millions of people for refugees. i mean, the you, you created the disaster eastern europe and georgia is smart enough. georgia has an
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experience of be pushed by the west uh to flights. uh, they are basically orthodox facing brethren, the flights a, a russia which was uh against the will of the majority. but they were to like i said, during doors and dictator, sawgrass really. uh. they were encouraged and pushed to the into this adventure natal. certainly the united states, certainly you, that georgia has no chance of winning this war, but nevertheless they've pushed them. and now, uh americans, i mean natal, essentially the americans are, they wants to pause there once again because they wants to stretch russia a sort of his fights on several fronts. and that is all that we see here. and this is more logic and there is no, i repeat, there are no values that you is defending. and they really don't care about the
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state of democracy or freedom of speech because they are counseling both in their own countries in their own societies. they look at what's happening in great britain, for instance, what i look for what has happened very last couple of weeks. right? well only the parents of one guy, a researcher at the institute of european studies in the 3rd grade. thank you. at least 10 palestinians have reported they've been killed in the west bank as the idea of launches a massive operation. it is believed to be the biggest rate on the area in over 20 years. the israel hasn't done the raids a counter terrorism operation with its military launching multiple strikes and sending off the tons of janine ends. tarren local media reported on the presence of israeli military vehicles, including tanks, bulldozers, helicopters, and drones. the idea of entered the west bank overnight forces are 1st the
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surround to the town homes in the in blocking exit entrances and access the hospitals according to palestinian officials. meanwhile, israel's foreign minister claims the operation was part of a full scale war, comparing it to the gaza operation. we need to deal with this right? exactly as we deal with tara infrastructure and goza, including the temporary evacuation of palestinian civilians in any of a step needed. this is a war in every sense, such as reformers, democratic factions, bucks, person, demitria, de leon. a says, israel is ethnically cleansing the west bank while the world is busy with gaza. is an extension of the genocide that is taking place in gaza. israel is the taking advantage that the whole world is paying more attention to guys while it has been silently amex, it and its thing parts. although us bank silently promoting and protecting is
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on has the tires groups and are today. and they are taking advantage of that by conducting this ethnic, cleansing operation, military operation, unoccupied. uh, westbank, and basically it is uh, it has uh, killed over 10 people in just few hours. uh, there are tons of injuries, destruction, to infrastructure, and calls for displacing civilians are coming out of the cabinet. members of this really ministry which proves the ethnic cleansing, instead of this a military operation. a collective of 30 u. k based a medical staff who have been working as volunteers in war torn garza are urging the british prime minister to stop selling weapons to israel. we are a multi face and multi ethnic group, united not by any political motivation, but by the desire to care for those were suffering. we demand that the u. k. government act immediately to bring an end to the continued is really military
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escalation of catastrophe in gaza. the united kingdom must ensure that its policies are ones that result in a ceasefire by withholding military support israel and by ending arms trade with israel. we believe our government is obligated to do this both under british law and international humanitarian law. and that this is the morally, as well as legally right thing to do. and some of them are fresh for the edge from the end. the nation hospital, one of the largest in gaza, shows a scene of devastation inside its wards. the idea is rated the facility multiple times after climbing it was sheltering militants. the site now continues to treat patients despite a severe lack of resources and when we're 20 out of 36 hospitals and does the are no longer able to function amid the war. we spoke with dr. my him correct. she who has worked inside garza xerox a hospital and co signed to the open letter to the british prime minister. so
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that'd be one was well, we have witnessed firsthand the terrible situation within as i was in april 2024. and things are so much worse now than they were then and that for these, this completely unimaginable. we are healthcare professionals. we are humanitarians . we care very much for the suffering this people particularly innocent people and with a new government in the united kingdom with fresh people in office, we're hoping to achieve a ceasefire within such a. all i can talk about is what i have directly witness myself. and what i have experienced while i was the, the bombing, the shrapnel injuries that the terrible suffering of people. now as early as being armed by many other countries. it's not just the united kingdom. and we believe very strongly that there needs to be
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a ceasefire. and one of the ways to help bring this about is by stuffing, providing arms to israel. the february is almost no floorspace visible within the hospital the the hospital that normally catered to or looked after 200 and patients a 150. and patients at the time during my stay, the head over 700 in patients, and there were thousands and thousands of people that were sheltering within the hospital. some the coast tougher to the infection rate was through the roof that we are not used to there. we're almost, you know, the basic equipment that would be required for any surgical procedure was not available. basic drugs were not available, people were severely male. the attrition and more than anything was, is just for the number of children that were sold in the hospital. the basic hubs of health care have been destroyed within the size of the amount of medical aid that is getting through is so,
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so it's fine at the moment. and are you surprised that i'm not being allowed to? there's no shortage of people who want to supply medical aid. however, it is, it is just not getting through the power supply to hospitals is not there. the water supply to the country has been cut off. there's no electricity supply from and this has a, this has a huge impact on every facet of life, but in particular health care. when we talk about 40000 deaths, we're talking about people that has been identified in bodies that have been discovered under the rubble. the goodness knows how many tens of thousands of people, the projections as published within the lines that are, are based on a modeling from, from other wars around the world. so i have no reason to doubt that bigger. i cannot tell you exactly how many people have died,
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but i think it is likely to be much closer than the 186000 projected then it is 240000 thanks for the ban. that's the indonesian president elect response to new e laws that for him, but the in part of products linked to deforestation. after meeting with friends, president and manual, not crohn, the southeast asian leader announced his state would only benefit from the restrictions if you want to ben or palm while from entering europe. i say thank you very much. we'll use or a pump oil for the benefit of our people. it's human soul sufficiency in energy. we feel that if you're of does not want to buy our opponent oil, we're grateful. it's a blessing in disguise. the new bad requires their pay and market actors to prove that their commodities do not originate from recently deforested land or have contributed to for us to degredation. the you is aiming to reduce carbon emissions with the new legislation a palm oil is just one of the products on the use chopping block. it's x 4 is
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a significant contributor to the indonesian economy. earning millions of dollars in revenue each year and creating jobs in rural communities. a mile is widely used in several industries, from food to cosmetics and even biofuels. we spoke with energy law expert to be on television. he says that you is only chasing its own interest the far more government attempt, but to maximize part of the mice, all the technology of wild to supply for the buyer for their did for the end of the do self subsidies since the from the you over i believe since the government of you, our european formations, they want to keep the european greenville by 2015. i thought it was, it makes sense, at least one percent, or that this one, a one, a 0, a major is. but on the other hand, the day and they should go for a month, one to $6.00, increase the problem with exports. so you do for you get opinion countries and also
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a lot of companies. there is some kind of products from the associates and afraid of skin. do you opinion the product in domestic market from the platinum oil, to ask the company better off the end of upsets because phone will it probably still fatty? mitchell is the pumps, pump plenty of supplies for quantity and if you can get opinion, you'll find so the type of product, the best smart, good, quite impulsive, done before fixing that equations to, to have place to dip is the, the probably big, small prepaid moving from the different pacific ocean my colleague nick aaron set down for an exclusive interview with the russian ambassador to the u. k. andre colin, he says many people in the west understand that supporting ukraine is a mistake, but they are afraid to speak up a. it's a very special situation in the united kingdom wednesday. talk about your green, because if there's only one narrative is possible here, and it sounds as follows, russia has started an unprovoked aggression against the ukraine, and
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u. k. will stand, are we? so you put in as long as it takes, but think he was here is unprovoked. it is totally false. it does not take into account the other said, or they did do it or we have great. and those are us a discrimination or far as inputs, relation of course, of the negation both on occasion and by the way so that there are some interest and many, many other things, including convenience, do need to some of the conflict. it's most important things. however, it is being used to phrases are being used to all across the most media in a reports unless i do have could reports as well. and it will, you know, other aspects it has become a. so the idea was you want to each of the quote positions of the united kingdom, those you put in these based. this is the range of course. uh, no other things can be discussed. seriously here i did talk about that to be is one of the fame was well, it all just varies. some 3 of these days,
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he had told me that even in the united states, so the biggest part pulling out of your brain about situation is different to in the way that discussions about allowed, different interviews are possible and it is still legs are not in the united kingdom i of course, i know a lot of people here who'll uh, truly believe, uh, who did not believe you additional notion of the story. one distance of the roots on the conflict them in, in a good in their lives, in the right way. whether they are sort to keep silence because of the seeing of the to the might be and uh well, i said they might become sick with us for them. so you, we all seeing some people that shifted in some other us choose, how long would it be before we might say, i'm mazda, of people changed the us to. so what was the conflicts and you credit and see russia itself? politically speaking, i don't know, it may have been of course it was development or for the events uh over the year on
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the theater in the sense that uh the uh, keeps, keeps going. i meant uh, currently is the right bank transferred to us and they had this uh and uh, you could go in and what is helping kids. so these driving still some that is in terms of economics in terms of diminishing goals, number of population, that is a disaster for them all this size. uh but we, so these development only went to be a step to, to utilize that. it was a grave mistake by all sides to support the inquiry and you know, it's early in the, what us and motions, you know, i had to imagine that it might be implemented friend, uh oh. um, i know i'm a people of these things that because of the situation that has been aggravated to by univision, in course, could reach them of cause. and after that, uh, although uh, full size. i do think about some kind of for negotiations, some kind of a 2nd, the confidence that the real full of beauty can still get in suicide. and of course
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uh it is no 3 at least at the moment. uh to talk about that. um, do you have a list of a withdrawal from, for firms that i send that from for them to come out of some sort of i of course is minute expose, i know full of and cute and uh the agree when uh when i think of that uh, the quote is corporation, the dispute uh to goes to one is to uh, pull it we, uh, the bulk of that us and $0.04 for them. uh, done bus for them uh, friend and bus area and to bring them over to into the residence the reason in order to defend the other border spoke with you. and a 2nd goal is of course, uh to show to the, uh, uh, with the will cause a waste as best with united states. you d as it, uh, you put in an arm, you still can april, and we pro is not all of them. it's beyond it, k income, do some some successes. both of these goals has not been achieved as, as we know, i already know. situation in the course. of course area has stabilized
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a rest and forces are becoming more and more. i see it as substantial and we'd have to react more, deserves with the or more capabilities. and what the, what the, what the next do they have to be? is that or do they have to stay and play or totally. so we will follow the events. communication is vital and prosperity will flow as a result. that is the message emerging from the breakfast municipal forum being held right here in moscow, which has brought together delegates from over 100 nations. archie correspondence at the event spoke with a south african tech entrepreneur who says, bricks offers, business owners access to new horizons through international cooperation. the name, but it's for i'm and this platform athletics in general, outreach blossom nations. and it's me of us. it is extremely power voltage. any showed in dodge county, is that pretty? yes, we do not have access. and you see a with an input, it's
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a discussion. so i can use the 5 levels. these are people that are often overlooked . so it's municipalities, 2 municipalities, these business to business is direct business relations. so this platform has opened a couple of dollars for boxes, combine these 2 issues. and without any event, ti, i think we have a head more access to a child who had more access to it last year. and i should take that cost when it comes to technology development apps spend just a little bit. yeah. st. petersburg, you know, told him to see 2 men in this city and state and that, and just that struck your open. my was in damages, i would have never access before. and thanks to this platform, you know, just enable me and some of the companies to access talked to last technology. and the best part about this top plastic number is you're able to dump, scale it into the applicant context and make sure that it is a pretty couple. and we are able to use it to stay with our to international have
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next on cross like peter lavelle and his guest discussed 75 years of nato. bye for now. the
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the the hello and welcome to cross topic. were all things are considered. i'm theater, live out the north atlantic treaty organization is celebrating its 75th anniversary in washington. this week, for many in the west, nato is deemed to be the most successful military alliance in history. for others beyond the west, nato is the most serious security threat to humanity. today the


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