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tv   Perspective  RT  August 28, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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pressed the rebellion with the utmost severity against the inhabitants of nam may be germany through is 15000 well equipped army all around the country. concentration camps were built in humane medical experiments over citizens were conducted within the period of 4 years. the german scaled up to 60000 people among weights. there were 80 percent of the here railroad tried and 50 percent of the number dr. the events in south west africa are called the 1st genocide of the 20th century. and not without reason are compared to the whole of cost just $2.00 decades later after the massacre in nam may be a hitler to solve unit foot on the same brown colonial uniform which puts the world into the chasm of the 2nd world war. the united states, dried new sanctions on russia. that's the best thing the that could have happened
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to russia because the sanctions on russia, against agriculture, against the other items, or made russia fetus hurting samsung. so as on agriculture and now. so the major bryant export are no longer defendants on the united states and europe, the, i've made the heart wrenching decision. this has been my campaign. and as a boy president, trump, robert f kennedy has decided to suspend his campaign and will now begin actively campaigning with president donald j. trump, to form the you are the party which will focus on ending the war and ukraine, ending censorship and restoring at the american food supply chain, which is
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o. s. k not only bring enough supporters to guarantee a win for their public and domini. but also in, of personal and political clout to make these promises come true once in office on sky. now hughes and this is prospective, the r k junior says he has formed a unity party with president trump, where he will support and work with initiatives inside the trump campaign. which address is a few critical points including ending the forever wars ending childhood disease epidemic. securing the border, protecting freedom of speech, unraveling corporate capture of regulatory agencies, and stopping intelligence agencies from propagandizing centering and surveilling americans and borrowing them from interfering and us selections. almost all of the
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sound like familiar points from new american 1st agenda. so our case endorsement of the former president trump over democratic domini, carmella harris, seems like an easy choice. however, we're on the case of porters or formerly those of president trump were disenfranchised following trumps 1st term. and if so, are they now more likely to put their confidence back into trump just because our f k told them to. and let us discuss with our panel 1st. so you have a desi, k robinson, political commentator and health professor. we have is steve malls, bird political commentator, and radio host, and andrew wong, political analyst and republican delegate from florida to the r n. c. thank you so much for joining me on this show. angie, let's start with you. what do you think is the main reason why our ref case support endorsement of president trump? and do you think this proves he was going to damage traps campaign if he would have stayed in the race? oh no, it's a 2 camelot coming together. you have the kennedy clan, as well as
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a trump's family coming together. this is like the dynasty we're talking about. this is what tv ratings love. and i think, you know, if, if our, if k junior, can bring, not only himself is campaign, but also the donors as well as perhaps, you know, some of the supporters over that will be fantastic. i think trends can have a lot of fun with this. he knows that you know r f k junior brings a lot to the table. we're gonna see politics are very high level now between these 2. so i, i look forward to seeing what trump is going to get out of them. we're ready hearing that trump wants to start a commission with him, where he has the assassination attempt commission. i mean, i mean, come on, you get into kennedy and trump in on one ticket that way. i think this works. does he? but that is the question that i have to ask, you know, kennedy does are okay. does bring something to take, or at least from a concert or standpoint. but was he ever really anything to the democrats, besides just as last name and the overall family,
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the majority of the katie family has already denounced our f k. even endorsing trump and being involved? well, the only thing i think he's really bringing to the trump presidency or the attempt at a presidency is more weird. i think that he's going to go right along with that bunch . and i don't think there was very much difference. i think the traffic going in of conspiracy theories. i think he was really more of a fly in the ointment and i'm not sure how much of a bump trump is going to get from him. i think that many people who were waffling or disillusioned with both parties and so he, he served as maybe a bit of an alternative for people who were this illusions with trump. but i'm not sure if it's going to be much of a bump. you're not getting camelot here. you're getting a person who, who, you know, brings a great deal of controversy, which could be fun, you know, for the trump campaign, a brain worms conspiracy series, you know,
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anti vaccine. i think that's what he's going to bring. and folks who loves that, you know, we'll get a kick out of that, but i don't think it's going to be really much of a bump on that side. well, that's interesting. see, because you are even hearing the latest stories been that i think you'd be headed a well, according to an ex girlfriend. i mean, you are getting a lot of these silly stories that are coming out, eating a dog. i think it was a couple of weeks ago that our kid from your perspective malls were gonna know it's gonna be hard for, for you to look at it. but what could be a downside to having are of k, a part of the ticket to? well, the way the media portrays are of k. i mean, he already, on the day that he announced that he was supporting donald trump last friday and in um, the are good and where, where the heck was that? i forget where it was he to did. he compared himself to ross perot, who ran for the presidency as an independent in 1992. he said the mainstream media
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put ross perot in 10 months, put him on 34 times. 34 interviews, t, robert kennedy junior has had 3 from the main stream media, 3 interviews. they marked him. you're left out the, the fair that he don't think central park a what a crazy person and our guest here with all due respect, more weird. i mean, if, if this was calmer, harris and reportedly there are some reports. you went to comma la harris 1st and she said no, but if this was comma la harris, it would be, oh my god. * god cavity and how is a wonderful grow? you know, a time, a lot to a, but of course it's all crazy, crazy kennedy with crazy trump. so that's why i think the impact will be not as great as it might have been if combat harris has said yes on her part. but that's what things does he, the most where does bring up, you know, it's not really that huge. she said, no, she didn't even take his calls. are some of the rumors that we've heard about our
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of k, when he was calling both campaigns to see if you had a spot for him. do you wish that at least the democrats and commons harris campaign would have at least listen to him at least talk to him or, i mean, you even want to lose any amount of voters at this stage a. yeah, i'm not sure how, how much of a loss it will be to not include him in any conversations or any part of the democratic ticket. i don't think that he was a serious democratic contender. any way? i think like i said earlier, i think he was a fine, the white man. again, this is not camelot. i think that if the, the harris walls ticket had embraced him in some way to have conversations. that of course, is always, you know, preferable that there are conversations, but he is an and serious person. and so i think he went to the side that represents on there he is. and this and so i don't think that if they, i don't think there would have been any sort of switch returned if you know, if the waltz harris ticket had embraced him that this would be ok. i'm
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a lot. i think that the democrats were clearly not in alignment with his campaign. his family has denounced his not just his run for president and what he stood on and is in his nonsense platform, but also his this. his decision to support trump has also brought more. he and fire from that family and your goodness. i think it's more of a conversation that that will lives in the media as, as a bit of intra team. it rather than anything serious. the democrats, the party of democracy, which is the biggest joke of all comma la harris has never gotten one vote to be where she is. they fought tooth and nail to keep our f k off the ballot. in the primaries, they refused him pam, a kennedy secret service protection. they did everything they could, and the kennedy family must be out of their minds because this man is more like j.
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f. k. at r f k, then the clowns that are parading around is the ticket. now look what j f k stood for lower taxes, strong military, everything. a conservative democrat, these days would stand for compared to these radical progress of not jobs. so i don't know what the kennedys have been smoking, but that's their problem. was interesting only the family. yes. the and at least that's something we can agree on it. but i want to get to this fact that there's this personal on that because of the family, our case raise has family history with the intelligence community. we can all admit, i think has been very strange. and this is a tribute in honor of bobby. i am announcing tonight that upon my election, i will establish a new, independent presidential commission on assassination attempts. today will be jazz was released to the remaining documents pertaining to ss as
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a student of president john, et cetera. and do you kind of alluded to this in the very start, but i want to get your take on this steve, what would, what would be the reaction to push back if our of k was to have to leave the c i a, what do you think is main objection would be oh absolutely. i think that that would be an amazing peck. i think that both families, both of trump family as well as the kind of the family what, what other 2 families in american history has suffered more from this. right. who knows more deeply about this it's, it's a. ringback bit of a taunt for sure, but certainly i think americans want to know and they may even use this as a reason to vote for the trump tickets. so i think this is a great move on president transit part. okay, so steve, do you think president trump is actually serious though about going after the cdc? any of the a as r k, as a lute is one of his priorities and his endorsement speech on friday when he said this, millions and millions of americans who want clean air clean water and
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a healthy nation, have concerns about toxins in our environment and pesticides that are food. that's why today i'm repeating my pledge to establish a panel of top experts working with bobby to investigate what is causing the decades long increase in chronic health problems in childhood div. i think you serious? absolutely. and i think the 2nd time around this would all be part of draining the swamp. i mean, he talked about that the 1st time and didn't do a great job on it. i think this time he is dead set on doing exactly what he said. and i think having our of k junior on there what, who, who better to, to, to go after the swap issues, he can't fight with the people, but the swamp issues that need to be addressed and these are some of them. and i think he's dead serious about this. well, our pay seems to be in agreement because he has said this. so you are the president
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as going to make america healthy again. the thank you very much and god bless you and god bless america. dessie, this kind of go see because sam see the join your probing. autopay is a full assault on the deep state. do you agree with this? because now neither one of them have holdings to any politicians in the past. and do you think this is a goal that potentially spans political party lines? i think the only thing that really spans political lines in party lines is you know, the routing out of corruption. sure. but the fact that this former president can stand there and talk about the health of air and children. i'm literally trying to hold myself together from lassie. i mean, this is a man who has said that wind energy is selling wells and
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filling birds. while we all know that cats are really more of a detriment to birds than anything, it is absolutely ridiculous that a man who has suppressed and ignored kohl's. it is looking to widespread protect people against the disease. it is laughable. and the fact that he would bring in someone who has shuttled in conspiracy theories to, to attend to central intelligence is also laughable. a person who has endorsed the notion that anti depressants are linked to school shootings. and that, that, that the vaccinations are killing people. and that i could go on and on and on about the conspiracy theories, but it just makes absolute like slowly. so things that
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a person who shoveled in conspiracy theories should head a central intelligence agency and that a president who ignored coded until we absolutely could not is concerned with health. and who has said that wind energy is killing wells. and birds is now all of a sudden concern with the environment. more guy now isn't margaret. i know you have response to that. so let's just hold off because after the break, we're going to continue this conversation about our of k and his announcement. and it was purposely time to curtail meant them commer harris had had out of the democratic national convention the the
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they are probably her my little story. okay. the model girl that i got you. no problem seeing that on the out of the know nothing. 30 minutes us out of the drive i showed my brother through he was trying to help people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being saved. well, i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago police. it'd be gang chicago is like, you get pulled over the police, you lose your life as another crime, say another i could have been
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a doctor or nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing that. people out here. the welcome back to perspective i'm starting to hear your host and i always find it funny when political karma decides to strike. now, following the close of the republican national event, and we all remember president joe biden almost immediately stole all the headlines and the momentum by announcing that he had decided not to seek re election and the comma harris, his name was quickly pushed to the top of the ticket now before the delegates from the democratic national convention could even make their way home. robert f kennedy decided he too was going to pursue the highest office no longer and was proud endorsing donald trump for president. this move could see those valuable independents are politically disenfranchised voters testing their ballot for trump,
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but it is calmer. harris going to relinquish those voters so quickly. well, i want to bring back in our panel to discuss yeah, desi, k robinson, political commentator, health professor. we have steve malls, burg radio host and political and media commentator as well as angie wong. here in studio with me, political analyst and was a republican delegates to the r n c from florida. let's start with the u. n. g on this. do you think comma harris can win by just re engaging the democratic base likes to try to do during the day and see you well they certainly are trying to push her forward. right. and she does have the momentum. i was afraid she wasn't going to have that she had in the rallies like trump is absolutely the living room, even though there are supposedly a i generate it, but still, let's forget the conspiracy less on are going that know. okay. we don't get yeah, but no, she has just remember only 7 days out from the election and we're less than now. we're only about 2 or 3 weeks from early voting. starting. that's happening really, really quick. she's able to manufacturer and her her home, her momentum,
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and i think if she can stay quiet, she probably may have a good chance at at least leveling up with trump. and a lot of the polling is saying that they're in single digit competitions right now . so it's frightening what's happening, but she was able to do in a very short time, and i think trump's team should be worried about it on that sir, will definitely do you feel like comma hers is actually try to appeal to independent crossover bowers or she's just trying to get her own base, re engaged after what by didn't had not successfully done this past year. yeah, i don't know if it's either or i think that there's definitely a push now to engage as many folks as possible. i agree with angie that it is an incredibly close race. i think she has been able to amass a great deal of excitement of for what would be seen as a very historic when i think that uh the, the campaign, the dnc. really try to bring in folks who, you know,
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oprah winfrey was one of the sort of shining examples of an independent which, which was trying to engage independent voters. and so i think it's there definitely, i think there are going to be some, some swing states and they're going to be some places that are going to be really tough nut to crack. i think ultimately it will be a very close race. well, technically now doesn't i just have to ask, why do you think oprah is a independent do, sir? as an independent, i've seen her as a democratic, even endorsing trump 20 years ago, said they should work as a team together. i've always put her in the democratic candidate, you really were, do you really to, you're more than independent, independent from politics, maybe not necessary, politically. well, you know, i can't speak for her, but i has definitely seen her in interviews and several interviews, identifying herself as an independent. she has said that she has voted for both republicans and democrats in the past. i think her stepping up, she doesn't speak very often in terms of endorsing folks when she has it has been i
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have seen brock obama, stacy, a bronze, pamela harris. and i think when she feels strongly about people who are going to make significant change within this country to rally people, to fight for democracy to make sure that on heard people are heard. i think she speaks up. it's interesting on that one. and steve, i know that you were going to say something at the end of the last day, but i wanted make sure that i get your thoughts on it. but i got to keep going. you guys keep going, which is great because we love when steve, actually he's not gonna hold anything back. that's the one thing. no one will ever accuse him of biting his tongue. but that being said, do you think this endorsement by r k actually blunted the dnc convention and gave back some of that momentum that was stolen away from present trouble heading into this last phase of the campaign? well again, i don't want to sound like a broken record, but the, the, the, the a, d and c was a media event like the are and see it was a media event. and again, our of k, his endorsement was down play, it was mocked. it was the he was mocked. so when, when,
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when the average person gets their news and they hear about this, there's no excitement in the endorsement the way they would have been. if he had endorsed com a lot, harris, you know, i, i just, i just last bill. i mean what, what, who is carmella hatteras? well, what did old per say about com a lot, harris, you know, did the d n. c was a whole bunch of rich people getting up there, knocking ridge people out there. people succeed. you know, you've got people like oprah who should be taxed, who should feel guilty, who should give money back? who shouldn't be allowed to succeed too much. but there they are. the obama is all for that to telling people how much money they should make and what they should do with their money. not like us, but like you it's, it's a force, it's a joke. and she, her campaign, it's not a campaign. she said no campaign, she said script in advance where she repeated the same thing from the teleprompter over and over like 2 or 3 or 4 of them. and he came out to pounding his chest and
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lying, lying, lying, lying. i've been out, they say, whose dog very poses width is a lie. they keep finding lie after lie. this guy is a felony lying person, but oh, we all know people like if he's just your average coach. he wasn't a coach. coaches assistant coaches don't when state championships. oh, were you a oh, do you ever hear a super bowl? they take the assistant coach and say he won the title. no, never. but jim, all is he won the state championship as an a so far as the coach. we don't know, he wanted, this is made up media crap, and that's what trump is up against and he better know how to fight back. oh, i think steve is not, i'd say the say, steve is not going to be on 10 mazda as christmas card list. definitely not heading up his fan club. but jesse to that point, you also had tulsa gabrey who's come out and she is a former democratic congresswoman. now she has been on fox and over the past few years obviously has gone more to the conservative right leaning media and found
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that to be more friendly to her. but you are seeing more republicans probably, than ever before, actually coming back out, endorsing some of the republican can't. are democrats endorses republican candidates? should democrats be concerned? i, i don't think so. i don't think they should be concerned in that sense. i think that, uh, you know, over the weekend over 200 can 200 folks who, who've worked with george w bush and across the republican leadership of come out in support of campbell harris. and so i think that there will definitely be a surprise, alliances, alliances and allegiances. but i don't think that's any reason to particularly be afraid. i think the thought of a trump presidency is enough to scare people. i think that we are going to have a fight on their hands. i think we're going to have massage any and racism at the forefront because that's always the way that we can instill fear in people. and in
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terms of lies, well nobody shepherds in lies the way that donald trump does your, he's cornered the market on that. so i don't think you need to worry steve about uh, you know, who's going to take over in terms of just honest ease. i think that the trump campaign has pretty much coordinate market on the bill. clinton mispronounced comma la harris's name twice. is he a racist? no. only republicans. who do it are right purposely that triple purposely don't mis pronounce her name on the outside. yes. yes, this is where we're getting, but before we go and you, i've got to ask you and i'm going to put you on the spot cuz we talked about this and actually the make up room earlier. what about the attention that are of kids getting? is it taking away from judy vance, who was under some fire and some hate these past 2 weeks for past comments being made? what do you say you, how do you think j. d bad says viewing all of this attention, going to think he welcomes this, that this spotlights now on
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r f k. and his background. yeah, no, we were just talking about that whether or not uh, you know, i think ours k juniors having his moment and it's great. welcome to the party r k jr. and you know, i don't think someone's gonna allow that to happen that much longer because he's not on the ticket. unfortunately, you know, you're seeing all the graphics come up that he is on the ticket that he's like a co vp. no, no, i think r k junior is going to milk every single 2nd of his new celebrity within the republican party. and then, you know, he's got quite down a little bit because judy vance is the future of the party. well desi, k robinson. steve malls were angie long. thank you so much for 5, a conversation. i guarantee we will continue this conversation to future because while it's a short period time to election day, we still have a lot of things to discuss. thanks for joining me. not tobar surprises or if k junior is time people to still vote for him on election day. if not, if you do that for me and neither of the major party candidates went to
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a 170 for us, which is quite possible. in fact, today our polling shows i'm tying a 269 to 269 and i could conceivably still end up in the white house in a contingent election, as well as no candidate for president wins the majority of votes or reaches it is a magic number of 270 in an election. the 12 amendment of the constitution says the house of representatives will elect the president with the senate, choosing the vice. now this far of election is what our of k is referring to. when he started contingent election. now it has been implemented twice in the nation's history. first, it was to elect the president 1825, and 2nd to elect the vice president in 18. 37. why would or of can you bring up even the possibility of a contingent election? yeah, the 12 of them, it says the house must choose amongst the top 3 vote getters, which would automatically make arv k in option, considering he is not removing his name from all of the balance. he is only doing
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this in 10 battleground states, thus making his supporters very valuable to both parties. one candidate is counting on support to matter, and the other is still hoping it really doesn't. but hey, that's just my perspective. i'm scotty. now hughes, thanks for watching the the the united states try new sanctions on russia. that's the best thing the that could have happened to russia because the sanctions on russia, against agriculture, against the other items, or made russia fetus tardies that's on so as on agriculture and now, so the major growth export are no longer dependent on the united states in europe, the
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only 41 percent of us adults have enough savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical. then in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system. you have to prove to the government that you truly need help . the simplest way and like explain the basic income is that is like social security for the rest of us, a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month, no strings attached. use i have, i would like them maybe. i don't know. i just don't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve. and then
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just by virtue of your being here, the breaking news of parents officially charges, hobbled or of with 6th alleged crimes committed via his telegram platform and ordered him to remain in france after pain of 5000000 bureau bound. questions miles over. why the telegram c e o has been taking the card while the likes of meta owner marcus, i prefer the locks is free. that's why his platform is being used to commit crime. also ahead the, the idea is police have launched his biggest rate on the west bank in over 20 years report as a killing 10 pallets in, in the is really foreign minister calling for the fight and got the to spread to the area. the.


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