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tv   News  RT  August 29, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the stories emily retreats anymore, the ukrainians has shown a lot of this to change if you know that the t launching attacks inside the russian territory. our top story, this our, your foreign minister, joseph burrell notes, ukraine, either sensitive in russia's cost region. there's plenty of losing thousands of troops and finally gets progress told telegram chief of have a girl is a specially charged with a 1000 crimes and strong navigations include a refusal to provide information requested by government. folding the with the apt found that potentially facing a decades behind phosphor complicity and crime is committed on his platform
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reexamine why this heck, chief of no spin targeted todd logo is probably one of those recognizable logos of what we have no way to assess the mindset of those we're shooting at us. you when? well as food program, freeze its activity in garza as often idea attack target to speak to monetary and agencies tone voice the system full pm here in moscow, and this is on the international with the latest. well, news updates and very welcome to you on the top story based on what the russian defense ministry reports ukrainian forces, how sustained hundreds of casualties in the coast region over the last 24 hours, dozens of on the vehicles were of destroyed russian. all its hillary under forces
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carried out several strikes on ukrainian positions and macaws region, as well as on warehouses on neighboring ukrainian soil. cap is estimated to have lost $7450.00 ukrainian soldiers of a 70 times. i'm full time laws walk it launching systems during the incursion, but the use told diplomats is openly praising. ukraine's strategic or density senior training has shown a lot of, as such as it was actually launching, attacks being sides of russia territory. these are put ation goods as built a role to for things narrative about these we need to lead restrictions on the use of wait for the big gains of russia, meaning 30 targets nicole to the international law during the summer. i being
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issue statements supporting this, this is the wip, literally that we are providing to, to create and has to have full use did restrictions, has to release the know the gradients for be able to target for playstation. the way across here is that otherwise you can definitely well, meanwhile, russian talk diplomats like a lot of rob has condemned his ear accounts of pot statement. rob, rob saves the west, has been escalating the conflict, its entire duration. i need, should he also, they seriously intend to carry out the instructions of the senior comm ride and inflict the strategic defeat on russia. this is what it under doctrinal documents. they repeat this daily weekly, at their various meetings, and each time they pump the crate in with more and more modern and weapons. and now
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there is a discussion about how to use these weapons. but i want to say one thing. so this is not because the lansky has already tried them all out, and one of them uses the child as long as it does not cry. no, this is a continuation of the same line, but we have observed for centuries, inclines, top military come on to has a method they k ups invasion of russia's cost equation was supposed to slow down, most goes in volumes and don't bass. he says that that plan has say false, failed to materialize because the confession wrong that comes as the situation on the front line looks increasingly dia for ukraine. moscow has confirmed that it's taking control of a several strategic assessments of the don't. yes, we're public with the village of nikolai, of among the latest, the russian military is also says in the approaching the town of the crowd scape crucial logistics hub in the area. the size of ukrainian low america claims that countries troops have abandoned some 4 different positions without putting up a fight. on this day night, the russians entered suite of a week ago,
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i went to the outskirts of to later bye in the direction of nev. good, all just got and so full to vacations in front of the town. there was nothing in the town, just an ordinary civilian settlement. i went into the trenches, but no one was guarding them. no one was near them. i went on the ground and came out into a field. the russians were ready on the other side of the field, but there was no one else. mounting ukrainian lost his on the grounds, come despite some $75000000000.00 worth of funding on support from the us since 2022, including high laws, multiple walk, it launches well, many of them have been destroyed by the russian military along with all the pieces of ukraine's west and supplied equipment. meanwhile, the reason was that they shows americans, benita, russian, victoria, the ukraine would be stabilized west and security and have a negative impacts on washington's global standing. with the polos and mentions,
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a few of people now support the provision of economic assistance funds, needful aids to k of from a hasn't been so governmental affairs for the us trade representative steve. gil saves the american public assault just to learn more about what caused the conflict, which explains the change in attitude. i think it is the outset of the conflict between russia and ukraine. the media was so one sided that americans were only getting one side of the story, and it was all about promoting ukraine, creating fear of russia. the american people have suddenly and finally started to get more of the truth of what precipitated the conflict and, and how badly it's actually going for ukraine. at this point. i think the danger now is that zalinski seized a possible, it's not likely trumpet ministration. coming in that will not continue to write blank checks due to zalinski and his regime. i think he's getting more dangerous and more, more desperate. i think that's why you've seen the incursion into occurs. i think so that's why you're seeing them change the numbers of how they do construction to
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throw it. was that young man into the, into the warfare. she's getting more desperate. he's starting to launch attacks on apartment buildings in, in russia. and i think it's unfortunate that the us either is unwilling to rein him in or his incapable of writing him in. and that puts us closer towards a wider conflict. the chief executive of telegram has officially been charged by french over at ortiz. pablo dural face is 10 years in prison. they found the guilty of multiple alleged crimes committed on his online platform. list includes failing to help distribution of child pornography, as well as refusing to provide information requested by official bodies. my colleague, you to know know, discuss the details with charlotte events can he has been charged with a series of very serious climes including complicity to distribute child pornography via organized groups, fraud, drug trafficking,
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and also this refusal to provide information to authoritative bodies when requested of course he is not accused of doing this himself. he's do accused the base in terms of complicity because he's the owner and co founder of the telecom at himself . he is facing up to 10 years in jail, is convicted of this, but he was released over night on a bale of 5000000 euros in his lawyer says, all of the charges against him, all spurious, it is still through the upsets the thing that it had on the social network could be involved in criminal ads that could be committed on the messaging service telegram complies in all the specs with european rules concerning digital technology. will durrell has to remain in false until this goes to trial. and this could take several years to get to that stage, and until then he will also have to report twice
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a week to the authorities that they know he's still on the front. so, and there was a lot of talk on social media that this is a form of censorship and won't be authorities in process of trying to do is to gain access to postal information on telecom. it's encrypted and, and that's one of the reasons it's become so popular. almost a 1000000000 use is world wide. is it secure yet people say, well, i can say what i like. this isn't going to be passed on to the authorities. and this is obviously not on the question and we have a platform loan is like a loan mosque. we've heard from a former, we're still blo, edward snowden, but this is about since the ship, this is about a crack down on the freedom of speech and even in front of us, we put some opposition. politicians that they all outrage but a few or is that back country is the one that is a rest if possible to well, let's just have a listen to what one of them is, how to say like the bible door of do a big interview to talk about my crohn to demolish him, then let him run away. let him leave him
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a chronus don and defend freedom of expression outside friends. here's the concern . if say telecom hands in for the information about one encrypted chat, what does that end not poses a huge issue for the future of people feeling the conversations of privacy and that they can speak freely in previously. so huge slippery slope pad and there are also many saying this is a political movement because dual pops wouldn't move, telegrams headquarters back to fronts a few years ago when he was given the french citizenship present, like on the phone. so said this has got nothing to do with any political involvement at all. this is all happening in paris, some how the legs that france may not be acting on its own initiative here. take us through all the who else could perhaps done to gain from the jailing of the telegram funding. well, we know that telecom is being looked into by germany and also the you in general, it's looking to see with
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a ton of i'm should come into the reading it if it's digital services that this has passed back in 2022. and this is about combining illegal content and also this information we know that telecomm already banned all see in the repeating even as a result of requests and by authorities. but they wouldn't bring whether it should come and so that scrutiny and therefore should be moderated and also potentially have to give access to these encrypted chance. i'm but you know, they are saying that telecom doesn't know me. i'm so questions very much. doesn't provide much information or sometimes doesn't cooperate the tools investigations. so reading some big questions about what kind of pressure powell do of could come and to by the french authorities, and possibly to fax to by the you and the us to provide information. just to give you an example, in russia, telecom is a widely used application, and they're all, some that fee is that by accessing perhaps information from use is here in russia. that, that information can be used by nato, a to spy on russia,
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and towards the end. when can any question? well, the you might not be the only acts are interested in charging a possible do or of speaking on tucker carlson, dot com like buttons a phone with us state department deputy safe. i t suggested been washed into the assistive paris with the arrest as it wants to gain control over the social media platform. a telegram is very, very powerful vehicle for the us state department to be able to mobilize protests, to be able to galvanized political support. the national endowment for democracy was actually paying the main administrators of the telegram channels, who were orchestrating those rights. those protests, not employees of telegram, but people in general, administrators, the people are using it or organizing others to use right? us and french, shared military intelligence and diplomatic and economic interest in or in arresting problem. and finally, getting the leverage they have craved for so long to be able to both control,
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con telegrams, content, migration, practice. but also the, you know, the ability to get this backend access to it for, you know, to just read every russian text message effectively. we're supposed to new a base lawyer on media. alice line will about the wida ramifications off this case of what we're used to. and a lot of people are used to. there's heavy government to use social media platforms as proxies to, to sensor individuals. a step trying to state something here. the government is going after the platform, not, not the, not as a proxy, but the platform itself. so on the very basic level, i'm thinking, if i can be, if i'm the head of a social media company and somebody does something criminal on the platform. and i need to blame where, where does that end? you know, you, you just have no kind of an a point to that and it just spirals and spirals. if i
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buy a mercedes, i knock somebody done the people who, who, who sold me that in the showcase are they, you know, at fault as well for this, you know, the questions, the legal questions on this are, are, are endless. but can i put a direct point to the president mcfall? and he's gone on the defensive saying mr. drops. the rest is not political out of all or courts are absolutely independent and do by fully into that. what is the instrument that most people utilize? telegram on and i and i would say it's a, it's, it's a mobile phone or it's an apple phone. are we going to now sees apple pride. 6 looks as facilitating this. i mean, let's face it. telegraph is nothing unless you have an instrument that allows you to, to access it. so the question is a new, you touched on it? what is, what is telegraph? is it independently of a form of a crime? a print is it, is it a crime, a chrome criminal act or,
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or does it really provide the platform for which everybody can use it in a variety of different ways? and how do you, how do you sever that information? that information which, which is good and beneficial, but political or artistic. how do you pull that out? as well as having to do often is being accused of crimes committed via his platform for some other social media. both is business as usual, without any so active prosecution, despite the networks being used to break below in very serious ways, all say is moving in a cause or if it has been looking further into that. how many times have we heard that facebook or instagram should do more to avoid child pornography and terrorism, or the western brands that i regularly accused of child labor practices? new disturbing lawsuit against meta, the parent company has facebook and instagram new mexico's attorney general is accusing the social media giant, and it's ceo,
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mark zuckerberg of enabling child sex abuse and trafficking on its sides. destination by the wall street journal. and the university research are saying that middle platforms own to instagram is connecting and promoting a network of accounts dedicated to under age sex content. i know you don't mean it to be so, but you have blood on your hands have suddenly been arrested. nope. but when it comes to telegraph, they waited for the juggler right away. the double standards here are sold glare, and the people starting to speak out online points. and now the, all this in light of the arrest of pablo do it off. what stops fronts to arrest toyota. c. o. terrorists, use that cause for transportation. holding telegrams ceo pablo door off criminally . liable for harm done by his ap is like holding toyota c. e. o. accountable for terrorist using their vehicle. it's a service, but they don't see it. they are adamant that do or all that. and his brother are complicit and possessing distribution,
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offering or making available pornographic images of miners in an organized group. and the fact that telegram to incorporate some of those sorts these seems to have sealed juror of spades, that despite the fact that there is quote no suggested either of the door of brothers were directly involved in any of the legal activities identified by the investigation. well, if francis so serious about this and wants to hold tech companies accountable for the concepts on their platforms, the all up why only do are off the rest in platform executives because of their legit failures to sufficiently moderate content. even content as the stub and, and humble as content that tom's children starts us down to dundas road that threatens free expression and gives too much power to the government to suppress speech of the day. if you are that concerned about terrorism and child pornography,
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then started down and problem solve. it's that easy. remember when ross at the josh slap? what is all these concerns? individuals have to say that we told them representatives of the you in the council of europe, the o. s. c, the european union, the united states, and now the concern governments to scrutinize and publicly challenge russia's actions in order to uphold the fundamental rights to freedom of expression and privacy. both online and offline, stipulated in binding international agreements to which rusher is a party. oh, best for the couple of years and now france not only seems to understand the dangerous bob wants to take it further by looking up the developer all v f. and it's incredible how quickly americans stand up and say, well, we would never do that. that chilling effect is why the united states has constitutional and statutory protections that ensure platforms can host a wide range of ideas without facing crippling legal consequences. so internally in
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the phones will disagree with that statement. it's pretty obvious the rules change depending on the goal at hand. and the goal here is very murky. instagram has a massive child exploitation problem, but no arrest as luck, as he senses free speech and gives governments back to access to use the data. it appears that it all comes down to the same. all do are either with us or against us . and if it was the was in this case, france, then you need to give them a walk. they want the keys, the name is the passwords. the info they demand, you either give them a full access or they'll take feel freedom. that's friends who live or take for you . we spoke to, ron knew not invested on founder of the crypto bounce or pod cost and he's a is of the west may trying to make door of the freedom of speech, scape goat the think the charges are ludicrous and the charges are pretty much as expected he would not allow for the censorship
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or the required censorship and failure to hand over information as requested. so it kind of feels like, you know, it feels like fronds and maybe even the you is um, is, is afraid of freedom of speech and afraid of applications or mason, jazz, which they contact the monitor. what's the answer? and i think he's been very vocal again. it's not allowing any government's backdoors into telegram motor lines, the censorship, instead of having basically making telegram, i have an app where people can converse reading, but i think he's got to prepare himself to be escape good because again, i don't think bronze would have picked a fight unless they knew for sure that they were going to win divide. one is i thought they probably people very, very high. i think the french and, and actually the e. u has been doing some really crazy things. i don't know if you're a cold but the night or the day of the debate and the discussion between the president trump and he learned to mask the your basic do a so one member of the you sent
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a letter to you on left saying that that they need to be needs to be sensitive. um, i mean, been there before, was it was even published. yeah, i mean, i think it's, it's, it's, it's, it just shows that these people aren't really committed to free speech. and then you can, you call you, you can treat certain things and if you do it on social media, if you do treat certain things to say certain things, then you can be, you can be arrested in the united states. anyone who spoke up against coverage, whether they were ranked or they were wrong, as to the chance of their, their entire life work on youtube being banned. when i was younger and i was, and i grew up, i grew up in the waste and it's been a wasting education with a waste of time, and it cetera. and i was always told that, that russia and china are bad. and the reason why restaurant china about is because restaurant china, sense of things and russia and china don't give people freedom of speech. yeah, we, uh, a couple of years couple of years later, and i mean, i see the west doing exactly all the things that they educated us when we were
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younger, where they said these are the bad things that the bad people are doing is uh that is the the way seems to be doing exactly those bad things that they told us that russia and china were actually bad for but you went well for the program has whole to that song, save it to you across garza, off to you or united nations vehicle was targeted by the i d. s. is where the soldiers shot multiple rounds that they call despise it. being clearly marked clearly marked you when you buy the tier and vehicle part of a convoy that had been fully coordinated with the idea of what struck 10 times by a d f gun fire. including with bullets of targeting from windows. the 2 staff members in the vehicle were, thankfully on to harmed that logo is probably one of those recognizable logos in the world. we have no way to assess the mindset of those or shooting at us. we do know that the movement of this particular kind of work was coordinated with the is
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really with this really, authorities, whether the information wasn't passed down, whether it was deliberate, whether there was another reason those or explanations we would like to get well, the idea is announced that the incident is under review. that's las vegas. rain military moves forward with this operation in gaza, pulling its times from the city of dia on by law, leaving little bit rubble behind these images show the off the math and the idea. so preparation is central gone, so as a full with the palestinians were reported killed that since monday on the strikes, hundreds more have the homes destroy, it is well actions of the city, many un angel probations. what would that 2 were forced to be put on hold? meanwhile, the world's largest crypto currency exchange is facing accusations of saving the assets of old palestinian use is to comply with as well as request. the ceo of bind
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. honest, however, say is only a small portion of accounts for band only a limited number of user accounts linked to elicit funds were blocked from transacting. there have been some incorrect statements about this. as a global crypto exchange, we comply with internationally accepted anti money laundering legislation. just like any other financial institution. it barely goes and the soft is raining. government documents were posted online, suggesting binding paula city and crypto currency exchange uses on seizing best funds. as well as loan trying to freeze palestinian links accounts as positive, a broad initiative to disrupt financial networks electrically supporting him. us reports have caused and got along the crypto community, particularly due to the finances history of compliance with his wayland or enforcements. we spoke to political commentators smith and its law way. chapman of the not for profit jerusalem development fund. he says there's no mechanism to
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determine for sure. is crypto funds are being used for terrorism? i'm really really sensitive, but it's my thoughts. but as an individual, as well, i'm the i'm of those who have these accounts on the web care and they applied for a procedure to defend, to try to justify or they need to defend themselves. so you cannot just remote in postings onto people and leave them something we need to be sure that you know, these people are not just simply with us and in businesses will have invested in capital. so i mean the system is not sensitive. the system is not fed the system as well, but there is this system is loaded onto posting it and then the don't care if collective dummy of a being the chain is the huge percentage of the goods.
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although the times do stuff to the country, the overall judge which operates under the most of the patriarch as far as the following ukraine's example, that was according to the one of the countries parliament members, an answer like that we will resolve this issue soon. as of like ukraine, we will renounce the open orthodox church, which is de facto russian. but i think the issue will be closed this fall. others, however, know davis routing policy have dismissed reports of an imminent ban, claiming that the countries and pay was expressing a personal opinion, bounces russian foreign ministry spokesman marie, is the higher of us, said the t, as has highlighted as dependence on west and wins by prohibiting the ukranian orthodox church because that same critical part of the creation of a legislative framework for the probably bishan and liquidation of the cleaning orthodontics charge or is proof of the further degradation of human rights in ukraine. the ukrainian orthodox church has millions of pollution us. in fact,
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the key fishing has admitted and to human nature and complete dependence on the whims of its west and must us at the same time, the landscaping made an hour drive blasphemy, publicly justifying the adoption of the end to charge a little claim. and he is, as he says, taking a step towards the duration from the quote must go devils and the session was fully recent. leave law. that means the landscape signed the little prohibits in any religious groups linked to russia. millions of ukrainian christians may face little serious if they maintain ties with the countries historical orthodoxy. since 2022 k of is carried out numerous reigns on the church as priest sounds still the major religious sides process express task for justice and nothing new but and i think that no church should be touched and i didn't automatically lose you as well. thinking about the recently adopted lower in ukraine, i see it for the freedom of those who pray. because those who truly pray,
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always pray for everyone to a person does not commit evil because of practice. so let those who want to pray be allowed to pray and what they consider that church on for me, please let no christian church be abolished directly or indirectly medical churches . i'm not to be touched, but he got the keys of the ukrainian orthodox church has been persecuted in ukraine and pope francis is against this. he says one important thing for the prayer is a good thing and good things can't hurt anyone. and that's the important message. he makes it clear that prayer is a human right to be able to pray and to pray the way you want to is a fundamental right? whose purpose, when one religion denomination or faith is subjected to pressure. and if your, when it is prohibited, when it goes against human rights against the rights, the god gives us, the band does not bring any thing i called positive in my opinion, right? because when you go against human rights,
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there can be anything positive of this. however, the local churches and christians who stick together should be united if we should pray with them. as the pope says, well, they must be very united and they must confess what they believe in without fear or not cause that to evaluate there's always a pleasure to have here with us here on asi international up next page, documentary time on some on these make sure to join me again in the the
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additive too much high school diploma who handles license is the brother through he was cited to helping afresh alone, drones into the church almost star fireside system. so now i never looked at searches as being the same. well, you can see the slide is cost so.


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