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tv   Documentary  RT  August 29, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the car acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do,
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do not watch my new show. search like why watch something that's so different. listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what are the plans that you have? the state department, the c, i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't marshall stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the e, so is on the form i'm suppose to fits it, but they are. so we need to be the double we move because 0 could as in pro, is independent article as much as it should not be going to be am i 60 and secret
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mission to establish opponents on the ground close to the, to on the city 30 suppliers they pull out of the design. that's cool. a full for the web posting progress, the gift cards enough and yeah, so use a little friendly buddy, but the witness reports and documents in favor of historical cruise, who again say on the head. so again, we need to, we need to have except mattress also is the, the army of a fatherland, but didn't exist when the midst of the opponents of miscellaneous commonwealth revival that comes in obsession. the
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all kinds of criminal cases. these were open to nearly 80 years ago against fighters from various who mama units and the people who are actively helps them. there was a secret stump in the upper right hand corner. only a few of them. i mean, members mentioned in these cases are still alive today. so the, just the 40, so we choose to be really cool. now remind me members are reluctant to talk openly about their own and home on the active with these even wearing a polish army captain's epilepsy. the former heard him on the north sea unit machine gunner led by 2nd lifted into yeah. and exclaimed creasy remained silent. he does talk about his arrest citing home on the membership. that's the reason he was detained by his own local. oh. so oh, okay. so the the oh cuz i keep moving most
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honest let's go us go on the on you know the world about the attacks on soviet, about his ends on civilian mothers, even though hundreds were killed by the units of the crissy has come on alongside the nazis they exterminated tip season to is including children and for themselves the game. so it'd be a thought as information only for you while it was, but it is on, i mean, i'd be less than that. it was great pushing. it doesn't as nice look opposite, but again, the way, while i just put this out to you only for a brand new deal pacific, i've seen the oxy. if business jane you utilize the middle school was because of them. what did you just give them to the folks coming to you and you have to imagine that the content on it, but it was crazy. those fighters who killed the here lift the soviet union major kind of check middle of this 1944. they shot him then called petro on his body, and that 10 villages they killed communist. some government officials really is gotten into shape of your system. i have to believe what's going on to levels click . there's 10 sites, it's just load them up on that
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a cut. i was doing it for students and let us to consider and use a lot of it pretty soon guys and usually surprised about them to fail. so that was the point. and that old and apple changing and modeled ladies if of course, the former, her mom, he kept and keeps clients about his real and intuitive activities. but the documents in his criminal case consignment. and now he can nickname those inskeep escape from his loving site and went to him to the, to where he lives today. here. yeah, we chose to come over here to eat with the news. go for the next to the who is good till they show. usually around show the show, i'm not to wish you how you got the you're going to the pothole, the participants in combat operations against. so it'd be about as ends and
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promoted civilians are now awarded metals and treated as skinner, as bipolar need to shift the designation of the center of the gym to the the those up let me sleep was giving you good. all your blood work on the soonest. we deal of the new movie, its super seems to me, we 0 a me before you simply change the motion calling which the people are driving me. i cannot say. because right? and i cannot disclose the do all unless you intend to use displays and you're still not showing me the most used when you most of them will not room which is 3rd is not good. all nice to find me email the by means glad was give me put this out. let me ask you to w slow and i serious. the bonus on the grounds. activities in wisdom bellows begun . in 1959. they have dozens of formations that which, as a rule was supervised by intelligence officers, information gathering and the stabilize ation were among the main tasks in a way of for skip a coordinator for the middle one. yeah. but maybe this is,
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should the trial of a new cartridge student, divinely proxy, just use it as opposed to everything is up never push. they belong to step. i've noticed that the transfer repeating units fabulous in a couple of a total share. so it doesn't that it was a name, but it still has the ability of spending books, code, janski's bush, of thousands of, of most of the stuff chrome. this settles. i'm sure it's in the most get on the send me e. leslie. it's pretty nice too. does it even letting me up, kim w. o. yep, yep, and in the cloud, be sure. let's get to it. but usually, ideally in the bottom down because i've been off the last corona little bay company of this as to the sound, the ground could hardly be described as peaceful. they attacked and tbd offices and officials. it'd be a body is exactly one year before the outbreak of the great jeffrey arctic war. on june, the 22nd 1940, the son of the people's commissar of internal affairs for the rest of the ssl sold, the communist party availabilities coast secretary funded by the income of the film . this done the grand total risk activities in wisdom that it was until recently this document was marked top secret. in recent times, certain areas in the west,
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in regions of the bill, there was an ssl also increase the gang exhibiting from counter revolutionary elements such as the offices of the form of polish army agents, of the 2nd development of the toner, general stuff and intelligence, formulators of counter revolution, re simple nationalist organizations. typically i think it's in regards to a pallet or would the organ when they do the prospect. just say it's because i use a beloved create time list. and by putting the 1st thing is, i think it's within the shipping label here, through these issues. you guys make a lot of mature and i'm with up to that the forest california is this is about the sort of good. what day of the function piece on the fact and last name, your 1st name as politically, unless you're lucky to do it, he is up in the ocean. hunter sawyer's cassette are the builders on the ground debate, an illegitimate government after old tonin sleet as had slipped the country on september $39.00. moving says the batteries then london tents, the well known historical to throw this government in excited london and said it to you at the instigator of
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a support case. you might have to be showing as of putting a present more fundamental. what to for it. yeah, but it was, it was from the point from continues to collections, depositions, you'd have to look for the tool just a couple i'm going to do better than usually it's a sales letter for me, but it is just a lot of good news, lots of se, please will solve them, could put them a little more on those on black. and when you get on with see it was more soliciting. csv us for the left, but it looks like they have something else coming. some of them to show us. so we need to, to 0 to put those in the wireless, so you get a minus as long as the 2 enemies still, reason become fundamental and was strictly observed by the whole union of the struggle. the main goal was to restore. the 2nd phone isn't as to any and commonwealth, meaning that old ends in wisdom, vellows and wisdom ukraine kristof showed me as the poles called them, have to be reclaimed by toland young e mail to the new me. but as though they did, you do a visual display, you should toya store, we will do levels currently that you divide ordering when you're charlotte was up
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to a specialist and the 2 levels are in the global to control and that coordinate the struggle with those divided west and other routes into districts. you have to stop deal now and have a good duck polanski. meanwhile, in london negotiations, i'm totally square dish intelligence cooperation board on the way. am i 6 trained saboteurs to be dropped into western batteries that i'd see with on the, to the city suppliers they belong to me is the concern that's cool, a full for the example of kick across the key concept of that. so use it. what else? only but it, but it actually was ready to, for a full of pushing it with this quote. it took her to him there to is to, you know, to see if uh, just send it to you or what it is. but i will talk to tutorial for sure, he is actually not that much. that was to play a trick kind of thing is not going to kind of do a lot better until it sees k e onto said he is kick or twitter. what do you live? in the interesting way with the style of the great country all take. well, which is prime minister. winston churchill issued
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a statement in support of the soviet union. the statement from official london with opponents government in exile was hiding. sounds good, but anyway, just let's say it's cool. so you just the way in this that's of interest to you to just kind of think of thoughts, pathetic photos leading existing. can we use it for that? what's the, you know, build up it. losing the subdivision issues to oppose amino but as he gets in front of my face, treat that is close to it. a little bit of the protein is concerned, have to actually talk to them. but a lot of things the federal government got do pretty well. you understand the need from me seems to be a good, but it's our new show, the nice just and as long as the wireless means display continuously waving not without diplomatic pressure from the united kingdom. sikorsky and his government are forced to resume political contact with the soviet union. the so called sikorsky mice, key agreement. however, they were more formal in nature. as the bonus attacks at western bellows did not stop. i've noticed that you are caught by the bus, so they asked me to put this out and they put it, show me that your last time i show a video, it's going to be automatically over,
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blocked. so using photos on the body. but if you have a nice, a video guys extend the volume, the wesley court should, we will swear that students would have been scold listed with almost the funding. what that was done. you perceive us the yet in the please can put the new windows and then we'll just sort of that's so the group on the porch to come up with 40. i thought i could see left them on guiding him from one of the union of struggles tasks, gifting by the legitimate opponents government, was to gain the trust of nasty occupational authorities. even to this day, the archives contained the documents that are clearly outlined. step by step instructions on how to proceed. try to be on the best terms with whole gym and also or to use it at any cost in order to gain the trust. using this trust, it will be possible not only to keep po this countries in all current positions, but also placed them in roles. when members of our organization most needed, we must have more of people occupying senior positions within the gentleman at the rate as such as the district of comma. so the local command,
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police come on down to offices, forestry and hospitals. allocation of funds for the various needs of all political workers and bright, the germans, yielding for a lot of money, and vodka, provide them with vodka to drink and learn everything from them. have all people need the item to ask the police and the adjustments to the bill of risky and villages on the pretext of the helping depositors ends strive to help the germans capture several soviet partisans as proof of co operation. by him to report his credit of cable as it as almost is conflict play the partial. i'm also a mess up, but it's only still sort of different. we're just me. i'm assuming especially with me mr. hudson started in the training, but it seems like we need a little ocean was faced as much rather late in the us to it in to for both of them are in the serious come say it was on 26 just always with the the state. yeah. it's sort of your name again, please look up yours. so it was more than a book on file. so did i send from us?
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we're going to do 0 with the simple chance of inductive. it's a condition in 2 days, tim, money, impulsive, ask you waiting. on february the 14th 1940 to the bombing was established on the basis of the union of struggles. the corresponding decree was signed by generals that gorski, the actions of the home on me, which operated in the homeland took no longer existed with co ordination by the government in exile from london, with official support from the united kingdom and the united states. to see how could i be able to make our you'll by says that one is now buzzing. i just saw you guys get quite point in the course before. are you in the car? good news are at the below the sufficient them to go choosing that's correct. the steps get be situated and you will just put a middle and a resolution for that is being able to get started or produced totally. what are you and you need the switch and then the group got images to be how get the fuse me . kristovich confuse me, ask them on the ceiling. you know, gigabytes reca really. i don't know of them is like
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the unexpected countable whom all the units is not in the reco. it's not the po, additional bit of losing take goes of 20 to 30000 across the full districts are often mentioned no more than this because i've seen on the, on the question of the law 90 shirts and they have these 2 votes more than one man i was more than i'm in 5th uh a bit to capable of doing it so a little for golf course via the ceiling lamb. but yeah, i mean, don't you missed that on the sponsors. we have to sort of keep to i can try something else, leveled you with a plan, meal sealing me out of me. can i go way more than let me just look what was done like to do to inflict the last of of the month? it's because i, since he's sleeping things, the 9th is your district and some district amount as inspectors and company as well over korea and military offices. this was mandatory and other things that they will have to be polish. me already need be a lot of with new ski mean you know,
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6 shits over the height of me could i only opinion why it's a 50000 strong force within the bombing within the next i'm destined network maintains safe houses, dealt with food and medical supplies, and so just to be a zones scarsdale, to get us by your tag, which top you just a bit already, nor to you is actually cities. so i use speech gets a started if i need an e mail or to send those to play as volume dealer next year. what there's 2 year old cars, no way to see. and those have to do so each time it should be what you ship today. after it started the community, so when you're used to get the bodies under the g, christiane, does it do riding the bus today? i'm not sure. sure. what happened isn't that the below just automatically you've got the style of the roof. let's see. yeah. what it was, what i showed you is up with new dealership boyfriend. what are the if nearby them,
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the ship a small heard about me formations often consisted of local residents. typically they were recruited by form, the toner, school teachers, who knew the local use better than anyone else. the 1st part of that sort of though, is this idea also of them. can i assist you? it was the issue for you. so it was, you know, say that i think that what was your car there? no, i couldn't hear to use your just don't know that so that i chose the board very so new and you want to know if there's a new power play the role. yes. so, so here though, so, so i start, the last thing is just to destination with, i mean literally does or shoot me is a glare. but,
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but my as an issue. yeah. play to people that really talk. i've documented the most reliable source regarding how many minutes infected with the inventor was. the facts of indisputable, allow me militants terrorized and brutally killed civilians. because they have now by say, automatically you are going to destroy your costs, but they need to, but i didn't in the new dig. i thought it for my goal is to have us competitors on them at the bully. as soon as we have what it is you had, they had the 1st of the didn't you exposure this by little scares ration? did that i did to the proposal over. was it us the got the police report is on them . you post that us pretty liberal in the event or just the quick is device, because usually you understand wireless cards, but there's electricity, iowa, you do matter. i, i took a bullet it, but dated code of to sometime. those events, sadistically, murder, the people, and records those acts during interrogations. with cold blooded calmness, they described how they murdered a woman, cutting her in terms 1st, her breast face. it is many details somebody's criminal cases around the accessible
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to the record keeper's news actually. and actually it's across the board level here at the fortune or family. so she had already been attributable. uh that'd be interesting kind of is that the or store on some boot identities purchase i know funny. it was sort of the purchase order of $3.00 towards and then yes, it was. yeah. you know, you really was good. let's you. this is old purchase on any of the what the over of them, i need the stories when you get them, you wouldn't have elizabeth cook scully's, but for example, there is leading economy you were, but ideally pro slow, maybe a lot of my students, some stuff wouldn't be built in 1943 after the battle. of course, i'm to mommy formations begin to emerge from underground more frequently encounters with certainly at the partisans. intensified specifically obama units from the nothing rudolph district to conducted modem. 80 combat operations against survey of thought as an groups for the army credit. oh wait, i'm attending to the,
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the little shit boy. so please leave a voice told somebody in your so he's going to put those on an unusually is mc easiest thing coming through an attack of sky. interested in the little season, all those color or from the annoying spe choice was coming on. if it was done the supposed to be a sphere in those opposites and you know, for fuels come sort of thing so little sort of short the maturity below as it finished total human you see fit each both vehicle live. i'm customer pulls of fits in the some of those are also in winter of 1944, a rally of militants from various headed mama units took place in lita, federal resolution was issued stating that 10000 people were ready to join the fight against the bolshevism provided today for the zillion of our little scarecrow, the autumn, a car you were stopped by the car do 70 that already knew separately. genius certainly is that are both as not please give me a part of me at all on you and i'll have to pull the shadow. was your thought that when did all on you will just sort of some business products in the 5 step process
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need on the ceiling a we will have good. that's a for the study of the differences on whether it's dealing yeah. a couple sally products for various casual and that's what i put over that list now for on the isn't isn't that it was not pull up last in the for that and not too lovely. a volume that tries to get collaboration with the nazis was to know the bombing units, but it was observed in every region of wisdom that the roof but the eclipse has ties between the occupying also ortiz and the whole. allow me with documented in the dock district is a way of showing up for a month supposed to fits it. but i also little did you meet the low, you know, because it all could as in pro is it plenty article is much extra nothing. you're going to be for them to watch instead of show kind of assessing initiatives. and you have a listing, sab and associates, who are some of the city, what's because i'm so full about as you need to do. i don't see the loop on via the why me it's, it's a sort of customer water, but that is really an automatic right. you are, we are new as ceiling up, but i would just give them a tentative stage squeeze these. and this is the way to do it, a few one new disease and that's,
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but that is really in here as low as i school school. or how does that say, junior, you know who school at local bottom a credit will weigh a few lindsay's to with that and you see that a crecia it says validated, says that it showing in the shifting when a switch, the switching bite for the punch of summarization gorski since of a sudden she wants to avoid the public up of the worst case a show on a flu, nearly the bundle. but i was there was an expensive piece of ice cream into it for you guys. it just mostly of coruscant automated digital a way of writing in your worst cushion they processed the way it needs, new york, for sure. as a new specialist you deal with this degree in your automated career? you always just been easier to us. so william, i believe jesus close to level, is there any further for them for the nazis allowed the local hotel and these have dropped a man into the ranks in real time, the huddled mommy promised to provide people to be taken forcibly to germany atrocities. and tara against bennett loosens became more and more widespread. id me is me, a sped us, probably not new. and them the sylium. stella did him. yeah. there was the village
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covered. are you on the talk of to separately? i didn't that fit your loved the objection to see that the belittle. so when you can service give birth to them is preventive. so sitting in a single nipple field, a city land or stand sort of a slum itself. create the crime you believe is me, said they have by order of the opponents government in exile. the home army was officially disbanded on january the 19th, 1945, however many come on the various units ignored. the order of sharing in the so called post has a bombing period, western villarreal stuff, and i took terra and then detroit the way by step patrols whitening. sort of just the, the boot executive co who is, is i get to you to the supposed to go, mike, you push a couple of my hulu there all the time window. assume we easiest to the right to move, not by allstate,
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but does it push the way in the ship to ship 1000 there with you look through it. you see as a closer picture g d is yours for when your sisters riley upset through people. so you have screw listed here, there's another book on the ship. the reason they are not a new one is that that's still and you would have to do a little further more on you said i'll just put boyfriend frustrations, of children concerns configuration there. but i'm pretty sure that and she said here, pushing me on your score junior for open carto. surely i'm an executive orders with tax g story that you get the worst of on your storage . so he a square you last is very, i do a full the shutter the the you sure will go to the office of the toner. you doing the alicia job people here to me. i'm pretty to let
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me enter the school and i will do much correct. what you prefer, i see, but the, if you're unable to go to the gang led by on the toyota deal next. take a targeted areas now the the church and jell adult and rest of the escape until 1939. he'd be in the po to school, teaching the other dogs. they committed more than a 170 crimes, killing village council chem and deputies, teachers, financial inspectors, ministerial officials, and people who helped form collective funds. yes, that's the past possible way we've today. so, so natural, the 6 that you have auto sto murder here, the daycare like in your 1st name or yes, come way i knew 1st that you on the 1st there was no issue. don't 5 of us go, we whole you my criteria again, for the phone you to over to who again, am the hit the, again to really be really debited in the actual mattress. going and probably be the
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samuel we'd be that said i'd be, i'd say have fits and you hit the iz, i'd be more chicago and cool the time as nor did to go to brisco vine less to have to fund the latest to on the outskirts of a look at a civil village in suits in district ammonium and bearing a red star stands in a field. it's in scripts and reads in memory of teacher use of come in ski. and sophia kaminsky who died at the hands of enemies in 1947. all ex gang killed the young teacher and his wife, the energy to you on to, to apply for you will not be, i hope, patrice, i'd be you on the says i knew you're on k, you're a boot being a genuine, nice people to she. yeah. well, that's the least said be at the work still. yes. now you yeah, horrors, i'd be not over. i'm not you a year knuckle you had the work to do is we were to come to
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the potentially mine was that created them to them. no more to generate the belie any attempt to get is because i didn't as him which adobe on is that could really reach the beating post more victims to her mom. the members numbered in the thousands, the leader district alone and several 100 people, limited from village council chem and communists to praise the volume. but i'll go mark up to shoot that the provost of them, the harvey and vice v of scan us. private is not e, and i'm one of them is general, which is great. i meet you there. when is it a little bit hard on them set up a little boy skilful as to pierre bottles of any progress, 2 bytes, the novelist but his delaney army car, your way has a cup. finally, my last question for you on board. a lot of our beloved is really pressed to should be the board and i still need for something i'd be telling me if i get my schedule . but the bandits comprising who mommy members operated into other routes until the mid 19 fifties. one of the last,
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another good adults who mama units run by combustion with eliminated in 1953 for some individuals continued to commit acts, etc. the last was arrested in 1954, almost 10 years of the victory. the the, there was a time when i started to was abused to obtain flowers divided the continental line for time monks themselves. it was divided as a hunting ground. if we do not unite the corner knives as we come out again, we know that they are those who want the mazda continental to stop and aid, but the mazda clinton, and never based off,
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because the mazda continent must be great. she will only be great. on the shore does all by sons and daughters on by the sweat. all right, so now click on the goodwill time full. and let us confess about underground east, the mazda, upon the take a fresh look around is life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power, tired, vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this,
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but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the rumors and threats and there been a, there's been a lot of saber rattling in the direction of people like you on, much with the detention aspect of it is something that's completely new to american journalists to expose washington's censorship of twitter speaks out about the unprecedented prosecution of telegrams to even pop older off by parents. the critics say puts free speech under fire. the crane confirmed was losing its 1st f. 16 fighter jet during a russian missile attack on the country's military side. gives the pen 23 says the
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western train the pilot has died and has shown


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