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tv   News  RT  August 29, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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the defendants on the united states and europe, the rumors and threats and urban affairs get a lot of saber rattling in the direction of people like the one musk, with the detention aspect of it is something that's completely new. the american journalists to expose washington's censorship of twitter speaks out to about the unprecedented prosecution of telegrams to even pop older off my parents. the critics say puts free speech under fire. the crane confirmed was losing its 1st f. 16 fighter jet during a russian missile attack on the country's military side of the pen. $23.00 says the western trade pilot has died and has shown a lot though there's such a huge role dash 15, launching that the ex insides of russia territory. and the top diplomat showers pm,
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so offensive interest has purse the region with praise. ukraine's voltage progress and factory losses received no mention the from our headquarters in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. you are watching r t international paradigm shifting moment. that's how we're now and investigative journalist, and that's how you'd be, has branded the french prosecution of hobble derived the tra, tell you the who's known for exposing twitters of previous collision with the us. government says the rest of the telegram founder is a new low. busy for media, censorship is a taste of match interview with option latan. see i'm going underground airing in full on saturday here on our t things worse now than when you would documenting the censorship in the twitter files. yeah. as of to yeah, no, this moment in time,
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especially the, the arrest and the attention of durham is a paradigm shifting moment. and i think the history of the kind of free expression in the west. uh, you know that there been rumors and threats and there been, there's been a lot of saber rattling in the direction and people like you on musk ever since the passage of the digital services act in europe to the effect of you must comply or else there will be crippling penalties, but the detention aspect of it is something that's completely new coupled with threats by former national security executives like alexander vin. here in the states is this the united states behind the scenes of acting to attract the juror of heading for us to election in november. and how would we find out? it would be very difficult to find out. i've heard so many theories about what actually
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happened and you know, in the last 3 or 4 days, there are a lot of people who believe that it's specifically connected to the war and ukraine . that there are issues that the united states military or middle has with communications on telegram. but in the bigger picture it, it really doesn't matter. there's a perception issue here, which is that whether he was, you know, arrested because of local french violations, which is what the french government claims. whether it was for following a file, the dsa, as some european officials hinted at before his arrest or whether it was something else. all the exec tech executives have been generally on notice for a while now that they are going to be held accountable in one way or another for the behavior of their own customers. and this is just the, it's a symbolic moment where somebody is clearly being held accountable for
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things that she didn't do. but that almost certainly is, is going on inside his platform. pablo there are faces up to 10 years in prison, is found guilty of multiple alleged crimes committed by a telegram. the list of charges includes the complicity in the distribution of child pornography, drug trafficking fraud as part of an organized group, as well as refusing to provide information requested by french authorities. mister drew rob locked out of court in paris on wednesday after pain of 5000000 ero bail, but has been banned from leaving the country until the investigation is over. the french president has denied media reports that he was for trying to host pub older . off for secret talks ahead of his detention in paris and manual. my kron also claims he had nothing to do with the telegram. telegram honors arrest all the others in the city. also it was not simple submit. me so address with you a see,
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but neither at the end of last week. no. in the coming days, the whole, i was not aware that he was coming to trust that he definitely because i'm in a states a flaw with just is 53 independently cortez, the m and well pub, older off has been accused of crimes committed via his platform for some other social media bosses, it's business as usual without any threat of prosecution despite their networks being used to break the law in very serious ways. ortiz, marina cost re about, has been looking further into that. how many times have we heard that space for core instagram should do more to avoid child pornography and terrorism, or the western brands that are regularly accused of child labor practices. facebook and instagram, new mexico's attorney general is accusing the social media giant, and it's ceo, mark zuckerberg of enabling child sex abuse and trafficking on its sides. middle platforms on to instagram, is connecting and promoting
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a network of accounts dedicated to under age sex content. i know you don't mean it to be so, but you have blood on your hands has suddenly been arrested. know when it comes to tell grab, they waited for the juggler right away. the double standards here are sold left, right. and is that people starting to speak out on line points and now the all vs in light of the rest of the problem do, or of what stops fronts to a rest. toyota c o. terrorists, use that cause for transportation. holding telegrams ceo pablo door off criminally liable for harm done by his ap is like holding toyota c. e o accountable for terrorist using their vehicle. it's up sure. but they don't see it. no suggested either of the door brothers were directly involved in any of the legal activities identified by the investigation. well, if francis so serious about this and wants to hold tech companies accountable for the concepts under platforms. so all up why only do or all the rest and
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platform executives because of their legit failures to sufficiently moderate content, even content as the stub in and humble as content that tom's children starts us down to dundas road that threatens free expression and gives too much power to the government to suppress speech the end of the day if you are that concerned about terrorism and child pornography, you then started down on problems. so it's that easy. remember, when russia did just laugh, what does all these concerned individuals have to say? then? we call them representatives of the un, the council of europe, the o. s. c, the european union, the united states and other concerned governments to scrutinize and publicly challenge russia's actions in order to uphold the fundamental rights to freedom of expression and privacy. both online and offline, as stipulated in binding international agreements to which rusher is a party. well, best for the couple of years. and now france not only seems to understand the
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dangerous, but wants to take it further by looking up that developer all v f. and it's incredible how quickly americans stand up and say, well, we would never do that. that chilling effect is why the united states has constitutional and statutory protections that ensure platforms can host a wide range of ideas without facing crippling legal consequences. so internally in the phones would disagree with that statement. it's pretty obvious the rules change depending on the goal at hand, it appears that it all comes down to the same old you're either with us or against us. and if you're with the was in this case france, then you need to give them a walk. they want the keys, the name is the passwords, the info they demand. you either give them a full access or they'll take feel freedom. that's friends who live or take for you . a talk show host garland nixon joins me now from washington. d. c. garlands good to have you on the program with us. what are your thoughts on the charges that have
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been leveled against the telegram ceo? do you think that these will stick at all? well, you know, i don't have any confidence that, um, even if uh, the go to court that the owner of tell graham could possibly get a fair trial based on the kind of things that have happened in the west recently. i mean, if you look at what happened with julian assigns, if you look at recently what's been happening with the crack down. but whether it's uh, richard met her through scott ritter on various people who say things that are controversial regarding the government narrative. so um i don't think the, the, the, the dependability of the trial has anything to do with the charges. i think it's a matter of whether or not the whoever is behind it, not necessarily. france wants mr. under off to be uh, you know, to be held for, for as long as they need them help. garland france was among those who are quick to condemn russian legal actions against telegram just a few years ago. why do you think the tables have turned it so dramatically now
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that we're seeing public there of prostituted in the very west that previously defended him as well? this is what's called the rules based or basically in that is that the united states and its allies, or in this instance it's colonies in europe, can do anything they want to. they have as long as they have the permission of the united states. of course, the united states will try to use, you know, plausible deniability. this is to me i, i firmly believe that us intelligence is a part of this. and that basically, they're doing effectively what, what was called in the past by the c, i a extraordinary rendition. and what they would do in the past is if they wanted somebody tortured, rather than bring them here, but the illegals, they would have a, one of their, you know, a host country kidnapped the person and they would, and they reported, and somewhere else they would farm out their dirty work personally, i believe that us intelligence is farming out their dirty work to france, so that france can do it. and i think they're really upset, not because of the, of the actions that were taken. whether it's, you know, child abuse, etc,
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child for advocating. i think they're really upset because they don't have a back door so that they can utilize telegram for their intelligence activities around the world. and i know my crohn says that this arrest is not political, but do you think that paul drive is paying the price for refusing to take sides? in particular, when it comes to global information, the global information war over the conflict? any crane? oh, absolutely. i think so because i mean, if it were really about child track, that meeting, if the issue of child trafficking was really concerned about concerning was france of the united states or any other countries in the west. there was a guy by the name of jeffrey jeffrey epstein, who was arrested his accomplice because lane maxwell will excuse me, will see the c t died on the history circumstances is accomplished. explain. maxwell was ultimately convicted in this somewhere. there was a list of people who was involved, very powerful people and we have yet to see that list. and they have yet to be held accountable. i don't hear from
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a crone or anyone else in europe saying we're very concerned that these people who are clearly based on evidentiary basis what are involved in child trafficking. so i find it hard to believe that their morals do not extend to jeffrey epstein and his network, but somehow they, they only, it's been to people who are rushing and yes i do. i think it has to do. but with both conflicts, the one in gaza and the one it is real at this time where the us feels that they could get further information if they had access to us and it's western allies to get further information if they had access to telegrams. um, you know, inside code and, you know, and garland, we've seen a wave of protests in many western countries that were allegedly coordinated via telegrams. so this comes as some western govern government and seen themselves actually weekend by the rise of nationalist forces there. do you think this is an adverb it by governments to further control the media, to try to get a grip on the situation in their countries? yeah, absolutely. i mean,
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if you look at the numbers tell all you need to know right now on the, on over whelming, a percentage of americans according to the polls are, are ready for some kind of negotiated settlement, both in ukraine and a ceasefire in gaza. and they can get neither i could go uh, recently a poll came out that i believe either $58.00 or i think it was 58 percent of the germans are in favor of a negotiated settlement in god. the soap of the people, one piece, the government won't give this to them. so they're only alternative is to try to track down on the information that works and keep their people in the dark. what we find is, the more that the citizens find out about the history of these conflicts and what's going on in the conflicts, the more they are motivated to, to want to see them resolved any diplomatic matter. and the governments don't want that. and now i think this is part of the information struggle that, that were saying earlier this year, france became the 1st you country to band tick tock. and it's overseas territory of
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new caledonia when we saw mass protests at the archipelago. so we have that president from paris. i'm wondering why we're not seeing paris track down on telegram in the same way, blocking it rather than arresting the ceo. the yes, well, because i think the to block, it doesn't give them. i think it doesn't give them what they want. you know, tell, graham is useful for them. they, you know, as the, as you probably know, it's nothing unusual for us and british intelligence to organize color revolutions to organize a protest industry using twitter using tell a brand using the various social media on the application. so i'm sure that they make good use of it. in fact, right now there's a so called tick tock, band bill that's been passed in the united states, and both candidates utilize tick tock for their, for their campaigns. so they use these things. they're of value to them, so they don't want it to go away. they don't want to block it. they just want to control it and they're upset because if you look at it,
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other than telegram and tick tock, most of the social media programs, social media applications, are controlled straight out of the united states. the europe doesn't even have any . so i think the us is concerned about those 2 particularly that they don't control them and they want to get control of all of the social media platforms a platform. so we can have what has been called a tech no futile list, a dynamic online. mm hm. excellent point there. all right, we're gonna leave it there for now. talk to host darling nixon. joining us from washington darling, thank you. thank you for the russian defense ministry report to print in forces have sustained the hundreds of casualties in the cursed region. over the last 20 for hours. dozens of armored vehicles were also destroyed. russian, the artillery and air forces try it out. several strikes on your credit and positions in the course, the region as well as on warehouses on neighboring new printing and soil cabins. estimated 12 by 7450, the print in soldiers or some of the tanks. and for him,
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ours rocket launching systems during the incursion. but the use top diplomat is openly appraising new cranes for the city. ukraine has shown a lot of this to sizes those actually launching attacks and insides of russia territory. these are but ation goods. as built a role to for things never dave about these, we need to leave restrictions on the use of width or against the russia meeting, $38.00 each quarter, the life of hello during the summer, i being issue statements supporting these. this is the wip, literally that we are providing to the claim has to have full use and did restrictions has severely, you know, the granular,
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able to target for places where across here is that otherwise you cranes, top military commander has admitted that kids invasion of rushes curse region was supposed to slow down moscow's advance, and don bass. he says that plan has so far failed to materialize. the confession comes as the situation on the front line looks increasingly dire for ukraine. a moscow pen firms, it's taking control of several strategic settlements in the don't ask for public with the village of nikolai, of among the latest, the russian military is also steadily approaching the town of holcroft crucial logistics hub in the area. that does the printing law make our claims our country's troops have abandoned some fortified positions without putting up a fight. on this day nights the russians answered silly dive a week ago, i went to the outskirts of slater, but in the direction of nev. good. all the sky and soulful to the cations in front
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of the town. there was nothing in the town, just an ordinary civilian settlement. i went into the trenches, but no one was guarding them. no one was near them. i went on the ground and came out into a field. the russians were ready on the other side of the field, but there was no one else. mounting ukrainian loss is on the ground come despite some $75000000000.00 worth of funding and support from the us since 2022, including him. our has multiple rocket launchers, many of them have been destroyed by the russian military, along with other pieces of ukraine's, that western and supplied equipment. so this comes as the ukrainian defense ministry confirmed was one of his f. 16 fighter jets crashed during an air defense mission against the russian missiles. is the 1st of the long awaited us plains to be lost in repelling them. we saw a tack from russia on the church of your green f, 16 fighter jazz from the armed forces to be green,
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or used together with air defense units. during the operation connection with one of the planes was lost. as it turned out later, the plane had crashed, the firewood died, special defense ministry commission is working at a cross side to determine the cause of the accident. on monday, russell launched a series of airstrikes on ukrainian military and critical infrastructure energy facilities throughout the country were head. a number of missiles also struck deviation warehouses in western new frame, the side for possible f. 16 storage locations has been trying to hide the expensive american made jets from russia. i'm retired us air force, lieutenant colonel, turn to tell us. he says the war plants to not turn the tide and new kinds of saber . well, actually thought it might have come a week or 2 before this, but it's kind of inevitable. the, the small numbers that they have a means that they can't use them the way we might use them in, in the way they were designed to be used. so they're very, they're highly vulnerable and, and just so many ways, logistically, operationally,
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technically they're just highly vulnerable. so this is a sign of, of what's, what's the at the con? i think at this late stage i don't think that they can make much difference except to further making ukrainians feel bad about about their war effort. so, you know, it's a, it had every f, 16 that they wanted was as many trained ukrainian pilots as they needed 2 and a half years ago. that's a different story. but right now, with the way the country has been decimated, the loss of territory, the destruction of some of the infrastructure, inability to logistically supply and support these airplanes and the rest of their military operation. it's just, it's just uh, in a sense too little too late. german left when the party later saw around wagner act has been attacked to or speaking out a campaign. raleigh in dresden and unidentified man threw paint at her but was
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quickly detained and taken away by security staff are not immediately kimberly or logging next to carried on with her speech. after a brief pause, she noted that quote, some people certainly don't want us here. for self titled alliance party was formed earlier this year on a platform of the left leaning at the nomics conservatives immigration control, as well as a russia friendly staff. the leader of bangladesh has form a ruling party, has been found dead in india, just one and a half kilometers away from the border with bangladesh. reports suggest he is likely to have died from cardiac arrest, but conflicting information points to a shooting incident with bangladesh and border guards. his party was picked out of office in early august. i to correspondent runs in china, brings us more details since the keel started in bond, the beach even before a shade casino left isn't concerned about the illegal influx of people from across
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the border. and that is something that hasn't been happening more since the sister full this since she casino fled the country. now, a lot of people who crossing the border and a lot of people who are facing with falsities involved with these are either from the obama leave, which is shape is enough, but a different body would or some minorities that's essentially hindus. and that's something that he does also been very concerned about. of course, when the weakest section of the society gets targeted in any con, fee or any region, then it naturally also includes the last chunk of minorities. and that's also what has happened in a bunker. the something that india has been very concerned about prime, minnesota of india, and there is a more the has also spoken about it. once you have a transpired in bangladesh makes as concerned as a neighboring country. i hope a situation that normalizes soon. 1.4000000000 indians feel concerned, and one of the safety of hindus and minorities to be insured. everyone should bring
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their opinions to the table so that the lowest that differentiates on the basis of religions and the discriminate tree in nature. do not have a place in modern society. in fact, of the shape because you know, flat on the 1st of august and after the government was formed. and when eunice to put himself in the very for speech, spoke about how long beach needs to protect minorities and how that's absolutely important. so in this is acknowledging what was happening in the country, but who was not acknowledged that was the other mean mom about it is western trust . in fact, consistency, we've seen that the western presses down lead the atrocities against minorities in involved with these. the fact reports that have suggested that the stories around still the minorities being the back temples being targeted in bung with dish of falls spice. on the contrary, on the ground,
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there has been several instances. there have been several narrative that have been several sound bites, old minorities wheels coming out, which suggest otherwise. it's interesting because western media time and again tries to both see themselves as a champion over human rights. the end of the day, they do that only when it suits the narrative. i see that because there's a lot of talk around the us context in what has happened in both of these. the u. s . has been named even as a reason why the prime minister wrong with the shape because he not the former prime minister bung of these have to leave. in fact, in one of florida, one of his statements, which was legal school denied by a son. she mentioned that the us wanted this free d chick st. martin's island. they wanted to create a, based on that, a check with ina denied that if she wouldn't have denied that she, the student would have been in power. in fact, uh,
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she casino has also very openly spoken about this in the fall, and that's the us once the regime change in longer the still a school. now we've seen us. the west, in fact, has been completely silent on the atrocities against not only the minorities, but again, still a political bodies such as that along me, which you see because he knows that as often as the us presidential election approaches to key battleground states, michigan and wisconsin have refused to remove independent candidate robert f. kennedy junior from the ballad. here's how state election officials explained to the move. a minor party candidates cannot withdraw, so his name will remain on the ballad. in the november election, the natural law party held their convention to select electors for kennedy. they cannot meet at this point to select new electors since it's past the primary statute literally says any person who files nomination papers and qualifies to
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appear on the ballot may not decline nomination. the name of that person shall appear upon the ballard to accept in case of death of the pass, and we don't want people being arbitrary or willy nilly withdrawing at that point. so this comes out for kennedy chose to suspend campaigning in several states to push the voters, support for donald from independent candidates name would remain on non competitive balance. well, let's take a closer look at the remaining 5 us states that are expected to play a crucial role in the upcoming presidential elections in arizona, nevada, and pennsylvania. our f. k. junior was allowed to withdraw his candidacy in georgia or recent court ruling determines that kennedy was not qualified to raise. his status remains unclear in north carolina. at the moment. a recent election, polls and swing states show cumberland harris and the donald trump running neck and neck in wisconsin and michigan. the difference is minor. in north carolina,
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appoint 4 percent of gap divides. the democratic and republican candidates is unclear of either of the major parties candidates will pull ahead before election night. my colleague, nicky aaron discussed the power swing states hold with our to contributor tar read to match the thing about the election integrity and a lot of questions that's been around that make you about just how you know that that works. that a smaller population can have such an can override a popular vote. it's been very confusing for the american people as well, but short of election reform. this is the past that they have right now. what do you think is behind this decision to prevent the amount of kinds of it, like kennedy from dropping out of the race? is it just many a question of the policy? well, i think there's a little bit of politics in play, like, for instance, in michigan you have a democratic governor. and so the election commission is ruled by that same thing with the other states that wouldn't allow him to come off the ballad on technicalities. so yeah, you have a little bit of political manipulation happening behind the scenes. it's
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interesting to me that r f k chose to wait so long before he pulled out because of some of those states, he's literally was too late to come off the ballad. so i thought that was an interesting choice on his part. so how do you think he's gonna go with north carolina? yeah, which is yet to decide whether or not it will keep kennedy on the ballot. how do you see it guy? i think what i've been hearing and you hear different things on different days, but it sounds like they're going to try to keep him on the ballot and we'll see what happens. hopefully his legal team can get him pulled off. and then what advantage which kind of these withdrawal drawings, donald trump, could this seriously affect the election result? well, actually in some of those states, it really does make a difference because some of the voters were voting for r, f k robinson. trump, i don't know about the north carolina numbers, but certainly in wisconsin. wisconsin was very significant. for instance, in the last election, wisconsin played such a vital role. and it is again in the selection and it has for the last 2. and
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everyone remembers what, how important florida was at one point. well, now that's shifted to wisconsin. some of the rest states like minnesota, ohio, pennsylvania, and even out west to arizona and nevada is going to be very close race. i mean, as you point it out, it's a one point race right now, and i'm sure it's going to be remain very close. and again, this takes us back. thank you to the questions about election integrity on texas. just basically said that 1100000 voters were not supposed to be voting in the last election. that's a significant amount and that was a significant state in the last election at play. so all of these things really do matter. the swing states can make or break the difference of the electoral college . and electoral college decides who's president. all right, well that's a look at the news for now. as always, be sure to visit our website ortiz. com for the very latest breaking news and updates the
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ongoing nasal general secretary stilton bird claim.


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