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tv   News  RT  August 30, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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the, the, the human headlines right here in oxy, the french president, a manual macro and denies his involvement in the case against telegrams co founder saying it's simply legal mac. so all of a month ago says the track record of powers should be examined. the american journalist who exposed washington's of censorship of choice speaks out about the prosecution of a telegram ceo st. due to office being charged for what he has nothing to do. it's a symbolic of moments where somebody is clearly being held accountable for things that she didn't do, but that probably almost certainly is, is going on inside his platform. silly. in general, we advocate that the situation in this a harris,
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the hell region should be the subject of agreements by the african countries themselves. very, as russia is foreign minister, right, the highlighting bolts coast on solve non interference in african countries. a fast that's well denmark shots, the fits embassies, and molly and but again, a fast. so a tenant thing to put pressure on the power of nation and key. and so the defense ministry confirms losing its 1st f, 16 fighter jet during our russian miss all attack, while a ukrainian politician suggests friendly fire is actually broke. roll down the american 5 digit the, from powers to washington, berlin, and johannes bug. we're looking at a busy our live right now here. we're not into. so was it a setup? the french president has denied media reports that i'm missing had been prepared
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for him with people do it off prior to do it off. so rest and powers manual macro and crime, she had nothing to do with the telegram co founder being detect of the scheme of sims. and as far as i'm concerned, i was completely unaware of mister dorval's visit to france. that's quite normal by the way, because i've never been aware of the comings and goings of nationals from all over the world. whether they have french nationality or not. it's not true that i issued any invitation whatsoever. it's totally false. i was not supposed to see mr. du, or of either at the end of last week, or in the days to come out as uh, the french capital sees more, a more visual and pro test and support of a telegram chief people do it off now faces up to 10 years in prison. if found guilty on a slew of charges and russia is a foreign ministry. suppose women says that while my cronan claims to be a free speech defend, he has done precisely the office and manual my crew during
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his speech in belgrade said that this is not about political persecution of to or off, but about legal proceedings. i think the next question to my chrome will be, what does it like to be in the place of those whom you ground loosely accused yesterday of what you are doing today? by numerous requests, we are playing the song, try walking in my shoes by depeche mode for a manual from sunny paris. that before the front stay considered telegraph founder pub, elder of a pariah facing preliminary charges on everything from eating in a bedding drug trafficking to organized crime and propagation of child porn. because simply founding an app apparently now means that you're literally driving the getaway car for every criminal that happens to use it. you're off somehow found the time is busy crimes free to dine with french president a menu and back home. 6 years before pavel juror of land is in a french holding cell, the anti establishment, founder of the messaging that telegram was in a very different position in france. having lunch with president in the manual. i'm
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a crone at the lunch in 2018, which hasn't been previously reported, but crohn invited the russian born durrell to move telegraph to paris. people familiar with the discussion said, drove, declined at the time. the french liter even discussed granting french citizenship to him. one of the people said, it sounds like nicole, the leader of list stuff definition was all up in their arms grill, talking about making it official with a naturalization that was mysteriously fast tracked and also proposing that telegram be moved to france. when pressed about that naturalization, my call just said then something that he personally does, basically for rich guys and making effort to speak french that has been doing this with you. also, in terms of naturalization, it is indeed a decision that we made in 2018 as i recall, which was taken in a completely assumed strategy to allow men and women who are office athletes entrepreneurs to become citizens. often they make the effort to learn the french
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language. these are people who develop wealth and innovation in the world, and they are welcome to become french citizens. so i made sure that mr. du or off became one of them, just like i did with mr. spiegel, an american entrepreneur as well as i'm active and athletes. i am in the state of law where justice operates independently. so what happened here? well, let's just say that they initially really liked his branding a russian who had a spot with moscow over the app, which in their branding stands for freedom. and it was briefly banned in 2018 in russia, sparking protests around the country in favor of a free internet, complete with paper airplane prop symbolizing telegrams logo. now this is the kind of thing that can be leveraged by the state department. that's constantly trying lines of hardly any unrest, injuries in change says who an actual former state department official telegram is, is very, very powerful vehicle for the us state department to be able to mobilize protests,
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to be able to galvanized political support, the national endowment for democracy was actually paying the main administrators of the telegram channels, who were orchestrating those rights. those protests, not employees of telegram, but people in general, administrators, the people are using it or organizing others to use right? us and french, shared military intelligence and diplomatic and economic interest in, in arresting problem. and finally, getting the leverage they have craved for so long to be able to both control, con, kilograms, content, migration practice. but also, you know, the ability to get this backend access to it for, you know, to just read every russian text message, effectively tell them apparently featured so prominently as an activist tool in the ronnie and protests in january 2018 as the most popular messaging app in that country that ends up being permanently banned just a few months later under the pretext of national security. so it's around this time that your off is being wined and dined by mac home. according to the french press,
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with black hole, really not seeming to mind what was brewing behind telegrams, cloak of encryption, as long as it was causing problems for others. now around that time, back home was also like, hey, why don't you get your little ass over here? and he was pretty much pressuring drugs to relocate the app to friends. meanwhile, telegram went on to help back to this communicate with each other during the western backed protest in hong kong, again, spacing, which of course were framed by the western process. totally organic and leader this because the us of course, has absolutely no interest in using hong kong or taiwan against china as we seen over and over again. but more of recently the office been linked to this summer's and time myron unrest in britain and has started to come under fire from western governments like spain, norway, in germany, as it presented freights across the globe. it's really not hard to see how the same
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western governments that apply to its role as a facilitator of democracy in other countries may not appreciate doing the same at home to the point where it suddenly becomes convenient to point out that it's not just freedom. finding activists who are cruising down telegrams, encrypted information, highway, but also an assortment of sex, pass terrorists and money lovers. and just as conveniently, any roadblocks that they're able to set up through lothair against or off or otherwise would just happen to allow them to peer right. into everyone's car window, just a bit out of your head from a talk show host, a gall and mix, and he says it's unlikely to do it off will receive a fed trial list. the west is apparently so obsessed with this process. you should, i don't have any confidence that, um, even if uh, the go to court that the owner of telegram could possibly get a fair trial based on the kind of things that have happened in the west recently. i
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mean, if you look at what happened with julian assigns, if you look at recently what's been happening with the cracked down, but whether it's uh, richard met her, scott ritter on various people who say things that are controversial regarding the government narrative is what's called the rules based or basically in that is that the united states and its allies, or in this instance it's colonies in europe, can do anything they want to. they have, as long as they have the permission of the united states, of course the united states will try to use, you know, clause will deniability. this is to me i, i firmly believe that us intelligence is a part of this. and that basically, they're going effectively what, what was called in the past by the c, i a, it's extraordinary rendition. and what they would do in the past is if they wanted someone tortured rather than bring them here, what would be a legal they would have a, one of their uh, you know, a host country kidnapped the person and they would, they would torture them somewhere else. they would farm out their dirty work. personally, i believe that us intelligence is farming out their dirty work to france,
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so that france can do it. and i think they're really upset and not because of the, the, the actions that were taken. whether it's, you know, child abuse, etc, child for advocating. i think they're really upset because they don't have a back door so that they can utilize telegram for their intelligence activities around the world. quote, a power dine shifting moment, and that's how an investigative journalist not tie you, be his brand of the french prosecution of pop. i'll do it off with the type a who's known for exposing twitter. his previous collusion with the us government says the rest of the tunnel ground founder is a new logo for media censorship. so for now, here's a taste of mats interview with ashton, or tennessee on govern underground. it's airing old a south of a here on things worse now than when you were documenting the censorship in the twitter files. yeah. as of to yeah, no, this moment in time, especially the, the arrest and the attention of durham is
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a paradigm shifting moment. and i think the history is kind of free expression in the west. uh, you know that there been rumors and threats and there been, there's been a lot of saber rattling in the direction of people like you on musk ever since the passage of the digital services act in europe to the effect of you must comply or else there will be crippling penalties, but the detention aspect of it is something that's completely new coupled with threats by former national security executives like alexander vin. here in the states is this the united states behind the scenes of acting to attract the juror of a head of a us election in november. and how would we find that out? you'd be very difficult to find out. i've heard so many theories about what actually happened and you know, in the last 3 or 4 days, there are a lot of people who believe that it's specifically connected to the war and ukraine
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. that there are issues that the united states military or middle has with communications on telegram. but in the bigger picture, it really doesn't matter. there's a perception issue here, which is that whether he was, you know, arrested because of local french violations, which is what the french government claims. whether it was for following a foul, the dsa, as some european officials hinted at before his arrest. or whether it was something else, all the exec tech executives have been generally on notice for a while now that they are going to be held accountable in one way or another for the behavior of their own customers. and this is just the, it's a symbolic moment where somebody is clearly being held accountable for things that she didn't do. but that probably almost certainly is,
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is going on inside his platform. yet another attack, all those that are not towing the west and narratives. while speaking of the campaign, riley and dressed and a man approached the stage, attempted to douse job and left during populate sorrow box, and connect with red panes. at the 50 or all, the silence was quickly tackled the coffin. taken away his motives as if you had hung clear, but ms. voss and connected eventually resumed her speech, saying that quote, some people clearly does one customer. a sort of self titled, a lions body was full ability of this year, advocating for me, ending military aid to ukraine. a russian relations with center goal as well as other african countries are based on mutual respect for political independence and moscow in the system that africa should deal with its affairs independently. old. that's according to rushes of
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foreign affairs minister who spoke of the press conference with his son, the gullies count on us. so we have the same or similar approaches to most of the key issues of world politics. russia in senegal are committed to the basic principles of international law, including the sovereign equality of states, non interference in their internal affairs. and of course, respect for the right of peoples to independently determine the ways of their political and socio economic development. in general, we advocate that the situation in this a harris, that held region should be the subject of agreements by the african countries themselves. senior. meanwhile, denmark, because of else the closure, always embassies, and that's a hell nation's of molly. and, but again, a fast. so it was part of what is new africa strategy? it has started a series of military coups and this a hell region over the past few years. well, how does report over to all these known as well come get him job back. the answer to them as a castillo upon it takes us a whole reason, as it moves to as
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a focal point of sifting alliances once again, modeling is in, but can a fossil erstwhile stalwarts of the t 5. so how light is not only serve a ties with a few, but they have turned towards the width is adversary's man to the pivot has now begun to show the impact of some of those long standing relationships. denmark, one has become the latest wisdom, come see, to close the embassies in marty, and picking a fossil following the likes stuff, little we sweeten, and frost have a listen to this. we have a clear interest in the african countries looking towards us in europe as they chopped the costs for the future. we must demonstrate that we offer an attractive alternative to the increasing chinese and russian influence on the continent. ok, so the close embassies. deadlocks has to open new in this is incentive go to these . yeah. and or one to these location, seemingly bit to surfing its strategic interest and enhancing relationships within regions. 8 to deems more stable and promising it's been mock had asked to receive
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no qualms that have been embassies in countries ruled by western fact, i'm dictators for decades. and so on. the states who said, we all seen such an agent, one could easily see that the waste is doing to this the how, what it's been doing to rush to for us to for magically isolate to the countries. because of the inconvenience, independent foreign policies. and the recent patches of ties with ukraine by marty nbc also not to mention things any easier, as you know, that choosing moscow over 2 of his bond to land in the country to the blacklist off the west. and while they tried to paint the picture of a will to knighthood again, swash reality shows that there is a more complex picture in the one is one of the prominent regional giants taking a new wants to approach to the ukranian conflict. refusing to be told who it can and can be friends with despite washington, especially, i've been glad to see again the strength of the international alliances come
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together to, to support you. printer is in its efforts to defend itself. and so i think that's the important the piece here is to try to protect and preserve the international order we understand. india is a long relationship with russia. and india has to make it sound determinations about where it's wants to be on, on the scale. the balanced approach to the conflict is a bit as solve the global south imaging as a strategic force. and it's reveals that in many countries, no longer wants to be exclusively tied to a us needs blocking voltages. this is, of course, in contrast to denmark and is in line with washington's blue book. i have, i'm distance themselves from money and picking a bustle while keeping a close eye on which african countries will be most useful in the future. terms of natural resources in 2051,
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and every 4 people in the world. we live in africa one and every field the once you will be african, given these developments that you must for its efforts to be the prefer bought now the african countries and ensure that it is able to deliver it what is needed. they continue to space the need to adopt a proactive approach to content chinese and russian influence on the african continent advocating for a more comprehensive strategy. when in reality, the factual for resources, the will say foreign policy in years to come, even as african states themselves are clear about how they see the future and making it quite clear that despite the end of new who many wisdom power has continued to exploit the continents of sources and people in many ways that to perpetuate safe, to modern day slavery and that leads to stop. so isn't video these, those imperialists consider that we belong to them and a wealth also belongs to them. they think that they're the ones who must continue
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to tell us what is good for our states, africa, our continent that suffered so much because of the impair, always. this arrow is gone forever. our resources will remain for us in our populations. it seems that did mock is only missing go of money in picking a fuss? so because like many waste and businesses, it's telling us is awesome and changing a foothold and the region looks quite slim. but positioning itself closer to the states does not $65.00, a major change, and it's fine policy. on the 2nd continental log off the top of a new applicant strategy, simply means new looks like the same old to. meanwhile, the u. s. has a failed to impose this agenda on china. that is the summary of america's national security adviser. the trip to beijing, off the china refused to put t as interests 1st in ukraine conference. we have the opportunity to exchange views on the war against ukraine over the course the last 3 days. we didn't reach any
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particular plan with respect to diplomacy in large part because united states very rigorously adheres to the simple maxim of nothing about ukraine without ukraine. so ultimately will be up to ukraine to decide how it wants to proceed with diplomacy and negotiations while a while in badging sullivan. and that's where those aging thing also the nation's foreign minister, on the treatment of the chinese central military commission. it is the 5th time he's master of china is top diplomats over the course of the last year and a half. it's also the 1st official trip to china by the us national security advisers since 2016 and off the hinge visit. the white house announced president biden and g are expected to hold a phone call. sometime in the near future is also on topic of the issue of bilateral ties, which includes us military support of tie one tensions of the south china sea. and of course trade disputes as american levies tower ups on a range of chinese exports. however, they were reportedly no agreements reached on the masses. and we spoke to professor
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and geostrategic on the list of joseph mahoney who says, washington is just not willing to solve issues in a meaningful way. have a listen to what do you have to say? you know, given the mess and now you create and cause a and the significant shift in policies will likely seats, if truck wins the election, the white house has a compelling reason to try to consolidate its positions. and make them uh, what some have described is truck proof now. well, china can't weigh the constructive role of helping to resolve the concept in both places. i think it's been rather clear to badging thus far, that neither bite and nor sullivan are ready to do so. in meaningful ways. now perhaps, given the recent developments around pers, so in hopes of the ground hit some well shifted invasion, but that wouldn't be misguided rather of binding. and sullivan are running out of time. and this is probably search page in just fine key of and this was the bottom
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is helping claiming the f. 16 is going to be a game changer in the ukraine conflict. but now the 1st one has gone down in flames . training defense ministry analysing the single engine, multi role fi to jed quote, crashed in at defense mission while taking on a solve of incoming russian miss styles and the pilot was killed in the incident, however, there's not seen a clear picture of how it all unfolded. well, key a said a pilot arrow was not the cause of the crash or ukrainian m p. 's says the f. 16 was actually brought down by friendly fire with us made with him. according to my information, the ukrainian f. 16 was shot down by the patriot empty aircraft missile system due to discord nation between units. the reports noted, but he lost control wars war, such episodes,
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all possible. but the culture of lies in the combined ukrainian forces, as well as in all the senior military headquarters, leads to the fact that the military decision management system does not improve on the basis of truthful, consistently collected analytics. in fact, it was sins and even collapses, as it happens in the pop cross direction. none of the generals have been punished while the when ask a few cranes patriot system, which of course has provided a key of bi washington. a could have been behind the crash at the f. 16 dependent going ultimately, if a to the question i cannot confirm the incident, i'd refer you to the craniums to speak to their own operations. we as the united states are tracking the f sixteens that we appreciate the question, but i'm just not going to get into any more specifics about the answer that i will show you on a report says that the f sixteens provided zekia of, of honorable to russian at defense is adding you create in pilots also like
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experience that that's in addition to many of the aging jets having been in use for decades already. retired us air force, lieutenant colonel tarrant acquits cowski. she says, western military equipment simply cannot turn the tide for you. okay. have well actually thought it might have come a week or 2 before this but, but it's kind of inevitable. the, the small numbers that they have a means that they can't use them the way we might use them in, in the way they were designed to be used. so they're very, they're highly vulnerable in just so many ways. logistically, operationally, technically they're just highly vulnerable. so this is a sign of, of what's, what's the at the con? i think at this late stage, i don't think that they can make much difference except to further make the ukrainians feel bad about, about their war effort. so it's a, it had every f 16 that they wanted with as many trained ukrainian pilots as they
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needed 2 and a half years ago. that's a different story. but right now, with the way the country has been decimated, the loss of territory, the destruction of some of the infrastructure, inability to logistically supply and support these airplanes and the rest of their military operation. it's just, it's just uh, in a sense too little too late. or i should think it turned out to you before we joined a runjun and shot him a the leader of bangladesh. his former ruling party has been found dead in india just about one and a half kilometers away from the border with banquet dash, a report suggest is like 2 of them had to have dyson cardiac arrest. conflicting information points to a shooting incident with bangladesh. he bought a guns. now his party was kicked out of office back in early august. we'll have this over now, as i said, to potential since the keel started in bond, the dish even before is shaken. seen. i left a dozen concerned about the illegal influx of people from across the border. and
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that is something that hasn't been happening more since the fist. the focus since jake casino fled the country. now, a lot of people who crossing the border all have a lot of people who are facing with cross the t's involved with these are either from the obama need, which is share because you know, it's but a different body would or some minorities that's essentially hindus and that's something that he knows also been very concerned about. of course, when the weakest section of the society gets targeted in any con, fee or any reason, then if naturally also includes the last chunk of minorities. and that's also what has happened in a bunker. the something that india has been very concerned about, the prime minister of india, and there is a movie, has also spoken about it once ever transpired in bangladesh makes as concerned as a neighboring country. i hope a situation that normalizes soon. 1.4000000000 indians feel concerned, and one of the safety of hindus and minorities to be insured. everyone should bring
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their opinions to the table so that the lowest that differentiates on the basis of religions and the discriminate tree in nature. do not have a place in modern society. in fact, also sheet because you know, flat on the 1st of august and after the government was formed and when use to quote himself in the very for speech spoke about how long beach needs to protect minorities and how that's absolutely important. so in a sense, acknowledging what was happening in the country, but who was not acknowledged, that was the means mom about it is western press. in fact, consistency. we've seen that the western presses down played the atrocities against minorities in, in bunker. these the fact reports that are suggested that the, the stories around still the minorities being the back samples being targeted, involved with dish of falls 5. on the contrary, on the ground,
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there has been several instances that have been several narrative that have been several sound bites, old minorities wheels coming out, which suggest otherwise. it's interesting because west and media time and again twice to both free themselves as the champion of human rights. but the end of the day, they do that only when it suits the narrative. i see that that goes as a lot of talk around the us context in what has happened in both of these. the us has been named even as a reason why, of the prime minister of bung of the shape. because he not the former prime minister among the these have to leave. in fact, in one of florida, one of his statements, which was least of close, denied by a son. she mentioned that the us wanted this free paycheck st. martin's island. they wanted to create a base on that check with tina denied that if she wouldn't have denied that she
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still would have been in bower. in fact, uh, she casino has also very openly spoken about this in the fall. and that's the us once the regime change in biology. so of course, now we've seen that us the western press has been to be silent on the atrocities against not only the minorities but against the political parties, such as the allowing me, which is great because he now split as often we were talking with the former head of india is territory, allow me a major general, a case to what she says. western silence regarding the oppression of into minorities and bangladesh is alarming, but not entirely surprised a country like us, which can see that it says the tim been off demo, tennessee, and also about the human rights. they are totally white in the situation. what they didn't button right this off the 5th uh, that's basically when uh who when they,
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when they said that they can place on minorities. and indeed that bugs have been destroyed into but the property has been looted. but the us, these don't require doing that. and not only yours, most of the you would have been guntee or white and they're not saying you went to what and this is a very allow me that does for the was it is concern. they have never be named the. so in that agreement we say, cuz you know, gone me and then be all of it. and the, the sake i see no government didn't like days of the us. he's the one with the did not one, but not this to get to the domain. 1971 interim government, which he did of dr. muhammed us, it's considered to be pulled us and he possibly did, but or the game would be brought here. and this what that would have been happening, but not the the see. i had a lot of room to play and therefore that is what i thought the.


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