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tv   News  RT  August 30, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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and because it is this idea that everybody is deserve and then suggests that virtue absorbing here the less the gains more ground in don't boss on its way to the city just mean voted to scroll hold of crossed paths. those keys, courtesy, goods and files are still not involved. despite initial intention, it was completely unaware of mister durham visits frogs. that's quite normal by the way, because i've never been aware of the comings and goings of nationals from all over the world. whether they have french nationality or not, from the presence of michael on twice and their system is him. so from the rest of the turnaround profile, no problem. the details in the field is the close side of privacy in writing group. a release is a letter from one of its members describing abhorrent conditions is ray. the cost of these are these beings with the husband, an exclusive israel acts as if it is
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a bob. the last piece regarding international was and he doesn't care about any of the international legitimacy and the world is watching and staying silent while sealed support and they occupied state. and it's for, again, our people must gain things loads of attendance via authorities in moldova, to crack down on ulta. the clergyman moves also similar incidents in nuclear. the very, very well welcome to you from the color of the international news to come to live from us. go to say, go to the top. so is this out? as well as, as well as, as tate more so typically in fulton area is on the front cutting off supply routes . fully put an emergency in don't boss on the heart. of course we know that so going to most of the defense ministry as get more details from i'm calling sort of
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now a re and a cost of that, but she's doing this live marina. what else can tell us about this situation, please? to yes, well russia continues to make progress and advances on the ground and the don't boss liberates in a number of key areas in the last few days alone in the don't boss. and also we know that these areas also teach of importance. now what does that mean? that means that it makes it harder for you crate in terms of supply routes, as well as gaining for their acts as deeper into the eastern ukraine where there are more strategic areas and the losses are really staggering. over the last week you crane lost almost 17000 soldiers and that's not even counting the soldiers last on russian soil, which i'll get to in the 2nd. we're talking about course of course, the disaster that that was and still is. now we have ukranian politicians who are of course, concern to say they're li, the lease. they're really urging very european partners to speed up. the delivery
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is all weapons that they need in particular air defense systems. and also we've heard from the cranes top commander who apparently spent a few days on the eastern pro croft front. and he said that the situation there is exceptionally tough and the russians are really throwing everything they have there since the course concurs. and that was really, that seems to have been their downfall because ukraine sent a lot of the soldiers from the front line over the course, leaving them exposed in the don't boss and allowing russia to make advances, which is something that no one of the sun borders the stress, what was the strategy behind that? because over the past 24 hours, for example, in course, the last 400 soldiers. and since the incursion began, ukraine lost $8000.00 soldiers in the course. again, leaving money to wonder what was the point if it didn't get them anywhere or gave them anything. and now of course we have you create and politicians panic and asking your p and official. send the weapons urgently. we need more and also we
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have the you foreign policy chief who's urge and increase allies to left the restrictions on the west from west end so that they can use them inside russia. so if that's not a sign of panic and the losing team, then i don't know what is interesting. indeed, marina costs are about funding for the thanks its cave lays west of apollo's a have been claim, and the absence the, the going to be didn't change anything in corporate, but now the 1st $1.00 is gone down in flames into 5 minutes. he announced multi roll slice and get quote, crashed in an ad defense mission, while taking on a salvo incoming. my fitness of supply that was killed in the isn't however, it's not entirely clear exactly what happened while key. and key of said, pilot error was not for the photos of the class. the quinn and b says the f. 16 was cool down life for the flap with america's weapons.
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according to my information, the ukrainian f 16 was shot down by the patriot empty aircraft missile system due to discord nation between units. the reports noted that he lost control. war is war, such episodes all possible, but the culture of lies in the come on ukrainian forces, as well as in all the senior military headquarters leads to the fact that the military decision management system does not improve on the basis of truthful, consistently collected analytics in fact it was since and even collapses, as it happens in the pop cross direction. none of the generals have been punished. well, definitely inquiry is paying for the system. it was provided soon came by watson could have been behind the clash depending on if they did the question. i cannot confirm the incident. i'd refer you to the craniums to speak to their own
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operations. we as the united states are tracking the f sixteens that we appreciate the question, but i'm just not going to get into any more specifics about the answer that to or it won't st. john orville. it says the f sixteens provided to keep up button ruble to the russian and defenses as the premium pilots rack experience with them. many of those guys also not being use in decades that we have a full month end to the security policy. as michael moved, he said the crash happened either due to from the fire full pilots era. the the base where the where that was being defended was too far west to, to be dealing with any uh, russian anti anti missiles or anti uh, or air defense systems. and at the same time, you had a, you had a garage of income in the u, a v, russian, you avi's coming in and, and drones that he was that this pilot was up trying to shoot down. now this the,
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and at the same time you had ground to air missiles going up around the base air defense systems that were attacking the drones. and in addition to this pilot, now what i, what i believe is, is, has happened here. it was probably done either by friendly fire or heat, the pilot himself miscalculated and ran into one of the drones. he was shooting down and that has occurred. in other occasions, the vice president has denied media roubles that a me see had been footpad for him. bypass altura prior to his arrest empowers manual comp time. he had nothing to do with the telegram co founder being detained at no cost capable sealants. and as far as i'm concerned, i was completely unaware of mister dorval's visit to france. that's quite normal by the way, because i've never been aware of the comings and goings of nationals from all over the world. whether they have french nationality or not. it's not true that i issued
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any invitation whatsoever. it's totally false. i was not supposed to see mr. du or of either at the end of last week, or in the days to come to as 5 outdoor all space is up to 10 years in prison. if found guilty on the move charges, the french capital is feed was pulled for him and sees onto the rental laws and dives into how dare of ton from the western darling and to escape good. back before the front stay considered telegram founder pep out there off a pariah facing preliminary charges on everything from eating and imbedding drug trafficking to organized crime and propagation of child porn. because simply founding an app apparently now means that you're literally driving the getaway car for every criminal that happens to use it. they're all somehow found the time is busy crimes free to dine with friends present a menu and back home. 6 years before pavel juror of land is in
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a french holding cell, the anti establishment, founder of the messaging that telegram was in a very different position in france. having lunch with president in the manual. i'm a crone at the lunch in 2018, which hasn't been previously reported, but crohn invited the russian born durrell to move telegram to paris. people familiar with the discussion said, drove, declined at the time. the french liter even discussed granting french citizenship to him. one of the people said, it sounds like nicole, the leader of list stuff definition was all up in their arms grill, talking about making it official with a naturalization that was mysteriously fast tracked and also proposing that telegram be moved to france. when pressed about that naturalization, my call just said then something that he personally does, basically for rich guys in making effort to speak french that has been doing this with you. also, in terms of naturalization, it is indeed
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a decision that we made in 2018 as i recall, which was taken in a completely assumed strategy to allow men and women who are office athletes entrepreneurs to become citizens. often they make the effort to learn the french language. these are people who develop wealth and innovation in the world, and they are welcome to become french citizens. so i made sure that mr. du or off became one of them, just like i did with mr. spiegel, an american entrepreneur as well as the mac doesn't athletes. i'm in the state of little with justice, operates independently. so what happened here? well, let's just say that they initially really liked his branding a russian who had a spot with moscow over the app, which in their branding stands for freedom. and it was briefly banned in 2018 in russia, sparking protests around the country in favor of a free internet, complete with paper airplane prop symbolizing telegrams logo. now this is what kind of thing it can be leveraged by the state department that's constantly trying and
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partly any unrest, interesting change says who an actual former state department official telegram is very, very powerful vehicle for the us state department to be able to mobilize protests, to be able to galvanized political support, the national endowment for democracy was actually paying the main administrators of the telegram channels, who were orchestrating those rights. those protests, not employees of telegram, but people invited into general administrators. the people are using it or organizing others to use, right? us and french, shared military intelligence and diplomatic and economic interest in or in arresting problem. and finally, getting the leverage they have craved for so long to be able to both control, con, kilograms, content, moderation practice. but also the, you know, the ability to get this backend access to it for, you know, to just read every russian text message, effectively tell them apparently featured so prominently as an activist tool in the ronnie and protests in january 2018 as the most popular messaging app in that
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country that ends up being permanently banned just a few months later under the pretext of national security. so it's around this time that you're off as being wined and dined by not home, according to the french press, with not cool, really, not seeming to mind what was brewing behind telegrams, cloak of encryption, as long as it was causing problems for others. now around that time, back home was also like, hey, why don't you get your little app over here? and he was pretty much pressuring drugs to relocate the app to friends. meanwhile, telegram went on to hell back to this communicate with each other during the western back protests in hong kong. again, space yang, which of course were framed by the western process totally organic and leader this because the us of course, has absolutely no interest in using hong kong or taiwan against china. as we've seen over and over again. but more,
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we recently the office been linked to this summer's, and time myron unrest in britain and has started to come under fire from western governments like spain, norway, in germany as it proliferates across the globe. it's really not hard to see how the same western governments that apply to its role as a facilitator of democracy in other countries may not appreciate doing the same at home to the point where it suddenly becomes convenient to point out that it's not just freedom. finding activists who are cruising down telegrams, encrypted information, highway, but also an assortment of sex pass terrorists and money monitors. and just as conveniently, any roadblocks that they're able to set up through lothair against or off or otherwise would just happen to allow them to peer right. into everyone's car window . right. as far as the smells of and says that while my twan claimed to be a free speech defend so far,
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he's done exactly the opposite. emmanuel, i'm a chrome during his speech in belgrade. so this is not about political persecution of due of but about legal proceedings. i think the next question to my chrome will be, what is it like to be in the place of those whom you belong to slick used yesterday of what you're doing today? by numerous requests, we're playing the song, try walking in my shoes by depression mode for manual from sunny berries, early head for a talk show host garland nixon. it says that it's likely that due to a will receive a fax for all of the west is to interested in his most location. i don't have any confidence that um, even if uh, the go to court that the owner of telegram could possibly get a fair trial based on the kind of things that have happened in the west recently. i mean, if you look at what happened with julian assigns, if you look at recently what's been happening with the correct down, whether it's uh, richard met her through scott ritter on various people who say things that are
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controversial regarding the government narrative is what's called the rules based or basically in that is that the united states and its allies, or in this instance it's colonies in europe, can do anything they want to. they have, as long as they have the permission of the united states, of course the united states will try to use, you know, clause will deniability. this is to me i, i firmly believe that us intelligence is a part of this. and that basically, they're doing effectively what, what was called in the past by the c, i a extraordinary rendition. and what they would do in the past is if they wanted someone tortured rather than bring them here, what would be a legal they would have a, one of their uh, you know, a host country kidnapped the person and they would, they would torture them somewhere else. they would farm out their dirty work. personally, i believe that us intelligence is farming out their dirty work to france, so that france can do it. and i think they're really upset and not because of the, the, the actions that were taken. whether it's, you know, child abuse, etc,
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child for advocating. i think they're really upset because they don't have a back door. so they can utilize telegraph for their intelligence activities around the world. a power and zion shifting the child investigative jim is meant to abs branded. the french prosecution of pop out of me says is known for exposing twitches, previous collision with the us. government says the rest of the time about found a is a new low media. censorship, here's a taste of my sense of it was often or times the ongoing, underground air being in full on saturday. yeah. on all things worse now than when you would documenting the censorship in the twitter files. yeah. as of today. yeah. know this moment in time, especially the, the arrest and the attention of durham is a paradigm shifting moment. and i think the history of kind of free expression in
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the west. uh, you know that there been rumors and threats and there been, there's been a lot of saber rattling in the direction of people like you on musk ever since the passage of the digital services act in europe to the effect of you must comply or else there will be crippling penalties, but the detention aspect of it is something that's completely new coupled with threats by former national security executives like alexander vin. here in the states is this the united states behind the scenes of acting to attract the juror of a head of a us election in november. and how would we find that out? it would be very difficult to find out. i've heard so many theories about what actually happened and you know, in the last 3 or 4 days, there are a lot of people who believe that it's specifically connected to the war and ukraine . that there are issues that the united states military or middle has with
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communications on telegram. but in the bigger picture, it really doesn't matter. there's a perception issue here, which is that whether he was, you know, arrested because of local french violations, which is what the french government claims. whether it was for following a foul, the dsa, as some european officials hinted at before his arrest. or whether it was something else, all the exec tech executives have been generally on notice for a while now that they are going to be held accountable in one way or another for the behavior of their own customers. and this is just the, it's a symbolic moment where somebody is clearly being held accountable for things that she didn't do. but that almost certainly is, is going on inside his platform. the front for the
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liberation of palestine is released from prison. a fairly that is a who is in, is very custody. c. describe a stream we have conditions in the facility. i die every day. the cell is like a small closed box where no air enters. there's only a toilet in the cell with a small window above it, which was lighter, sealed, just one day after my transfer. they left me no space to breathe, and even the people on the cell door was sealed. there's only a small opening where i sit, most of the time to breeze. i'm suffocating in myself, waiting for the hours to pass, hoping to find some oxygen particles to breathe and stay alive. i was a site who is how data is as how's, when he said harass i'm not of many of the past is prove is as long pass in the side of the thing, descent and destroying lives. 19 model,
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then this is the 5th time kelly that has been arrested. the 1st time was in 1989. it wasn't that long. it lasted for a month. the 2nd was in 2015, so did 2017. the 4th in 2019. and the feast was in 2020 prince. these are the time she has been arrested. as for what this means, the continuation of the rest without charges for with fabricated charges is nothing but a continuation of occupations. policy, silence and voices. any sports of the for rushes attack on our people. they don't want a person like salita who has no relation to while it's, she's an influential figure in society. they don't want these kinds of people. that's why they want to keep her away from her people. and once we enforce their understanding of a policy of silencing voices, yes, my wife is a 9015 pounds teen is. what can be said about singular cases. pitch any case in any home in all of palestine incited, you will find a sad and touching story. all the cases of our people, including my wife,
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are no different from any other prisoner. all the cases of our detained people are unjust and conducted by the occupiers. my wife is no more than any other present, or is there any thought he's arrested carlita? shut out a former little mike. i've seen a member of the puppet of fun for the duration of palestine in december, also writing hum nitty near the west bank city of ramallah. the reason for the saying that it was never specified, it was the 5th time she was arrested. files of the policy is all currently being held in is a person's according to the remodel based white slip for the husband. again spoke about how the is really a thought and he's isolate that prison is as a restrict the contact with the outside will of a municipal as well. then there is no contract between the detainees and their families. no visits, no phone calls. the only way to get news about them is through whatever business by
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lawyers are allowed, which are already heavily restricted or through annual release the person who was in the prison cell with kalita or any other detainee. therefore, even the simplest ride, stipulated by international law regarding communication between the detainee and their families, do not exist at all, especially after october the 7th. there is no entity that can be approached for assistance except for the institutions. the deal with prisoner affairs and bees have a limited influence, and after october, the 7th, their influence is non existent. there is no chance for assistance piece, of course, is the responsibility of international communities, international law and international institutions. because israel acts as if it is above the law. this regarding all international was international humanitarian law . and the geneva conventions. he doesn't care about any of the international legitimacy. and the world is watching and staying silent while still supporting the occupying state in its war against our people. as israel faces escalated thing
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criticism over the civilian desktop bod, isn't bother garza. the adf is appointed a military in general to oversee a quote. few mand, parent and civilian efforts. in the total region, the local media has said the position for sees long term is what it is in full over the does a fit for years to come? general a lot in good. i'm is heading of the purpose, which is also connected with crime is really the governance of a policy intended trees is to be in charge of daily logistical issues such as humanitarian aid deliveries, retail stocks in, of destroyed if there's something to 70 in the evacuations. i'm well, nation with international aid alizay's, and at least with most of our, by the, with the lead to of the past. the national image to be said is really problem is missing. you know, there's no incentive for the idea to ever leave does a, is a,
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has just decided in the cabinet that they will maintain those that are the presence in philadelphia buses. and with or without i deal with the palestinians. that means the maintaining go. first of what that means they're not accepting ceasefire because they know that the police to be on the sides will never accept that. and the, the go implementing is an early military, okay, base 10 of that. so at the same time as so many are statements have been issued by different visitor and you go to court in for the maintaining because that early occupation of guys are for 5 years to come. so this appointment of a lot of good and then all of these get deceived as an appointment of our military goals. let them know, because that shows what we have wound against from the very 1st week of this war, nathaniel. and if i had entered some police guys or nothing, yeah, wants to keep for the military occupation of guys a he has friends, of course, in chief into the mangold. and which is ethnic cleansing before ballistics goes to
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all of those guys that he has failed in. but he is he imposed in tell them an eviction of the people. and then the nick lands, english, 2000000 people have been evicted sometimes. so what we are talking to you about is that, is it, or is going to solve the problem of your patient by and not in the isn't or in the military condition to include all of the guns. but so the news now also are these in, i'm on the, i've been cracking down. ok, including the man, the following, similar incidents in nearby. you claim that that's quoting too. and it also goes to the representative who spoke about police being persecuted. but having visited russia on a pilgrimage, a little dove is authorities or making another attempt to undermine the very idea of religious freedom. by trying to persecute clergy members of the mold of an orthodox church who visit the russian church on pilgrimages. it is good that in
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moldova, there are also sensible voices in support of those clergy, members from the authorities want to put into some kind of ghetto because of the current political situation. in moldova, there are very wild threats from lawmakers who want to do to the mold of an orthodox church with their colleagues in ukraine are doing to the ukranian orthodox church. among the wooden part of the recent, he said the country would bind the tradition of the church, which has historically maintained close ties with most of them. and finally got it . we will resolve this issue soon and this is like ukraine. we will renounce the more dove and orthodox church, which is de facto russian. but i think the issue will be closed this fall. others was rooting part of this, this the report of an eminent bottom time when the m. p was expressing only a personal opinion last year brought until the remaining over the judge cold for believe is in will the to go to the judge instead of the one with close ties to russia. that is why the mole do until he's complaining about 70 percent of the
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country is both of those christians where as the romanian touch was just around 20 percent. so in american just levels. yeah. my says the rest of it get ahold of about binding of the to what was the same playbook but you, clean used. this is probably going to be one to the change in mesquite. ukrainian gambidge was which was the americans are, in this case, the americans, who will, who control the ecumenical patriot case in constantinople for a stumble. rather, this pushed through, make ukraine into anti russia. inevitably had to at some point, reached the orthodox church and make it and this is you clean the nationalist government. inevitably, what would come after the church and try to set up an orthodox church and crane, which is what they did. orthodox clutch in ukraine are being persecuted and they're being told could either go to jail and you know,
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one person forever or join the official ukrainian state church. that's the choice that they've been given ever since the confiscation of the matter model. sure of the case and yeah. meanwhile you grad a. m p. i seem to be to approve because as far as kids decision to buy them the old little so it has fled the country, kids a has put him on a wanted this accusing him of attacking a police officer they took, had criticized as an excuse, rule against the charge while giving me a speech impediments. ordinary portions was a big issue today that ukrainian parliament has made a fatal mistake by voting in favor of banning the ukrainian orthodox church. and this mistake, without any doubts, will cause tragic consequences for the entire ukrainian people. there's no laws can prevent us from frame visiting temples defending our faith. there are no obstacles to this, just as there were none for the lord. on the bottom as,
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as the sign the law prohibiting any religious groups linked to russia, millions of including christians may face legal addison if they maintain ties with the countries historical orthodoxy. since it's only the 22 yeah, of has conducted in numerous ways on the judge on his please. i'm still main generally, just sides. just to hopefully find these. i am is them in to reveal some of the necessary areas in a working. i'll design lensky raising orders. why don't i just go for just you can see that as much as you want. you can steal food directly from the plates of soldiers wants to humanitarian they steal from the budget to steal from children's hospital. so you just need to share a little while. so in glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. meanwhile, you're packing suitcases and buying a house in spain. but if you're just defending the interest of ordinary citizens, it's not in the script does not according to the script that exists, the united states to put it mildly, sylvester never jeremiah k again,
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told us that mister diminutive decision to flee from the country exposes the heavy hand of oppression is anyone brave enough to criticize key is building wishing i find it interesting that invoice it was a piece of band on the church is getting the message to for supposedly she said that was the straw that broke the camel's back in this in this case because the current ukrainian government and we just asked your post, mind that bridge. i shouldn't have done some 40 on youtube of things over the years and it seems like the vast majority is printing fine with it until it touched them . personal. as we've seen with all of the draft dodgers, desperately trying to escape anywhere part of the crate of boy it's, it's shocking to me that of that you know, a deputy of the parliament being infringed upon his face. and he decided to get a not be really easy.


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