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tv   News  RT  August 30, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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we still have some common ground. the the one person killed had several others. when did he know ukrainian attack on the residential buildings and the vehicle and the russian border region about garage media? reports came off, the bombs were used and pushing for the roster says if somebody t ukrainian supply routes and the dumb box has been stripped edge towards a strategically important, the area is completely unaware. with mr. dealer also visit the frogs. that's quite normal by the way, because i've never been aware of the comings and goings of nationals from all over the world. whether they have french nationality or not, and nothing to do with me. and i've, a french president, strives to distance himself from the rest of telegraph telegram go found out how
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those rules as details and match all the previous code 5 on the pro palestinian peace activist is that arrested at home by british police report at lee over content steve posted online, we discussed the issue with british parliamentarian and broadcast of george galloway. prism is not yet a fascist country, but is definitely on the road to extinguishing a freedom of speech. the weather has already international reaching. you live for my new sensor with moscow . i a my golf course here with the updates that we start this out with the some news just reaching us. one passing has been killed and several others wounded in a ukrainian attack on the russian border region of belgrade. and the local golf. that reports a several, nestle square antiseptics. some still managed to reach belgrade city hitting an
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apartment, building several shops on the car. firefight as are on the scene, a local new devin force claim that the strike was carried out with widely condemned foster munitions south k supply room, full ukrainian forces have been caught by russian troops in a dumbass on how come regions. and that's according to moscow which says that it's sold as are edging towards more strategically important areas with all the latest here is, are these martin uncle started by, of russia is making significant progress on the ground. and why is that significant? that's because russia has managed to liberate a number of key areas. why are they key? because that will really damage ukraine's ability to get more supplies, and also to get access to all the critical areas in eastern ukraine. so russia is really consolidating its efforts right now. that's what it appears. and we have,
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of course, you crate in officials who are naturally panic. and if we're talking about losses in the past week, you craigslist almost 17000 soldiers. and that's what even counting those that they lost on the russian soil. and course over the past week it was 400 soldiers. and in general, since the beginning of the christ incursion into course, they lost $8000.00 soldiers. so that's a loss. and really, a lot of people are wondering what's the point of course of that incursion was because they sent a lot of their troops over the course going bush and so leaving themselves completely exposed on the front line over there, allow in russia to make those advances and now we also heard from you cranes, top commander who apparently spends a couple of days on the eastern crust or mays friends, also known as the cross. and he said that the situation there is extremely tough and the russians are really fighting back ever since that incursion. and so course also we had a former ukrainian president petro portion coast who also visited that area just
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recently. and he said that the situation there is the i or those where his orders, the situation is dire. he also doesn't understand why they weren't better prepared . because apparently, a year ago, he offered through his fund. so build fortifications there and the local administration was offered. but apparently that idea will shut down by the president's office, so he also doesn't understand wants to live. so this plan has a, yeah, most of course, cost is very important. but i can say the fate of what cost is to be decided in about a month or a year of the enemy was supposed to be stopped. dozens of kilometers away from the crossed stopped by fortification, structures which did not exist. so that one seems to understand, keeps frontage included, and ukrainians themselves. meanwhile, you have a ukraine's foreign minister who's continuing to ask you to send them more weapons and that's the, it's really urgent that they send that right now. in particular,
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it was air defense systems. and also of course, we have the you foreign policy chief who is really urgent ukraine's allies to deliver on their promises and also to left restrictions on the use of western weapons in russia. so why does all of this tell you panicking? i losing now 6 people had been killed in dallas was wounded after a muscle struck in apartment building and the ukrainian city of hawk off. yes. i can see a huge fire here up to him. he has been put out ukrainian media and local officials say that he was the russian, the muscle that hit the building of moscow has repeatedly claimed that throughout the war, but he doesn't intentionally target civilians. other french president has claimed that the arrest last weekend of the telegram co
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founder pabo durham had nothing to do with him. my call also rejected media reports key to raise the beating with the tech ball. go ahead of his detention. i don't ask him questions or need as far as i'm concerned, i was completely unaware of mister dorval's visit to france. that's quite normal by the way, because i've never been aware of the comings and goings of nationals from all over the world. whether they have french nationality or not, it's not true that i issued any invitation whatsoever. it's totally false. why was not supposed to see mr. du or off either at the end of last week, or in the days to come? now free the gruff, he had begun appearing in the french capital that russian born on the printer has been banned from leaving fronds and has been charged with a whole host of crimes which could entail a lengthy spell behind bars with hard take on the story. here's our t contribute to it rate to match that back before the front state. consider
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telegram calendar path. i'll draw a pariah facing preliminary charges on everything from eating and imbedding drug trafficking to organized crime and propagation of child porn. because simply founding an app apparently. now means that you're literally driving the getaway car for every criminal that happens to use it. there are somehow found the time is busy crimes free to dine with friends present a menu and back home. 6 years before pavel juror of land is in a french holding cell, the anti establishment, founder of the messaging that telegram was in a very different position in france. having lunch with president in the manual. i'm a crone at the lunch in 2018, which hasn't been previously reported, but crohn invited the russian born durrell to move telegraph to paris. people familiar with the discussion said, drove, declined at the time. the french liter even discussed granting french citizenship to him. one of the people said, it sounds like nicole, the leader of list stuff definition was all up in their arms grill,
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talking about making it official with a naturalization that was mysteriously fast tracked and also proposing that telegram be moved to france. when pressed about that naturalization, my call just said then something that he personally does, basically for rich guys and making effort to speak french that have been doing this with you. also, in terms of naturalization, it is indeed a decision that we made in 2018 as i recall, which was taken in a completely assumed strategy to allow men and women who are office athletes entrepreneurs to become citizens. often they make the effort to learn the french language. these are people who develop wealth and innovation in the world, and they are welcome to become french citizens. so i made sure that mr. du or off became one of them, just like i did with mr. spiegel, an american entrepreneur as well as the mac doesn't athletes. i am in the state of law where justice operates independently. so what happened here?
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well, let's just say that they initially really liked his branding a russian who had a spot with moscow over the app, which in their branding stands for freedom. and it was briefly banned in 2018 in russia, sparking protests around the country in favor of a free internet, complete with paper airplane prop symbolizing telegrams logo. now this is what kind of thing it can be leveraged by the state department that's constantly trying and partly any unrest, injuries in change says who an actual former state department official telegram is, is very, very powerful vehicle for the us state department to be able to mobilize protests to be able to galvanized political support. the national endowment for democracy was actually paying the main administrators of the telegram channels, who were orchestrating those rights. those protests, not employees of telegram, but people invited into general administrators. the people are using it or
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organizing others to use, right? us and french, shared military intelligence and diplomatic and economic interest in or in arresting problem. and finally, getting the leverage they have craved for so long to be able to both control, con, kilograms, content, migration practice. but also the, you know, the ability to get this backend access to it for, you know, to just read every russian text message, effectively tell them apparently featured so prominently as an active as to. busy in the ronnie and protests in january 2018 as the most popular messaging app in that country that ends up being permanently banned just a few months later under the pretext of national security. so it's around this time that you're off is being wined and dined by not home. according to the french press with mack who really not seeming to mind what was brewing behind telegrams, cloak of encryption, as long as it was causing problems for others. now around that time, back home was also like, hey, why don't you get your little app over here?
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and he was pretty much pressuring drugs to relocate the app to friends. meanwhile, telegram went on to hell back to this communicate with each other during the western back protests in hong kong, again, spacing, which of course were framed by the western process totally organic and leader this because the us of course, has absolutely no interest in using hong kong or taiwan against china. as we seen over and over again. but more we recently the office been linked to this summer's anti migrant unrest in britain and has started to come under fire from western governments like spain, norway, in germany as it proliferates across the globe. it's really not hard to see how the same western governments that apply to its role as a facilitator of democracy in other countries may not appreciate doing the same at home to the point where it suddenly becomes convenient to point out that it's not just freedom. finding activists who are cruising down telegrams,
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encrypted information, highway, but also an assortment of sex. pass terrorist and money lovers. and just as conveniently, any roadblocks that they're able to set up through lothair against or off or otherwise would just happen to allow them to peer right. into everyone's car window . not process for a ministry question. the president my who wants claims to be a free speech, defend emmanuel. i'm a chrome during his speech in belgrade. so this is not about political persecution, of durham, but about legal proceedings. i think the next question to my chrome will be, what is it like to be in the place of those whom you groaned this week you used yesterday of what you're doing today by numerous requests. we're playing the song, try walking in my shoes by depression mode for manual from sunny berries. i talked to host got on legs, and it's not convinced that a tech type who will receive
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a fair trial. i don't have any confidence that um, even if uh, the go to court that the owner of telegram could possibly get a fair trial based on the kind of things that have happened in the west recently. i mean, if you look at what happened with julian assigns, if you look at recently what's been happening with the correct down, whether it's uh, richard met her, scott ritter on various people who say things that are controversial regarding the government narrative is what's called the rules based or basically in that, is that, uh, the united states and its allies, or in this instance it's colonies in europe, can do anything they want to. they have, as long as they have the permission of the united states, of course the united states will try to use, you know, clause will deniability this as to me i, i firmly believe that us intelligence is a part of this. and that basically, they're going effectively what, what was called in the past by the c, i a, it's extraordinary rendition. and what they would do in the past is if they wanted someone tortured rather than bring them here, what would be a legal they would have a, one of their uh, you know, a host country kidnapped the person and they would,
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they would torture them somewhere else. they would farm out their dirty work. personally, i believe that us intelligence is farming out their dirty work to france, so that france can do it. and i think they are really upset and not because of the, of the actions that were taken. whether it's, you know, child abuse, etc, child for advocating. i think they're really upset because they don't have a back door so that they can utilize telegram for their intelligence activities around a policy and peace activist has been arrested home by british authorities, a family member of cider, wilkins instead of the dogs and offices from the camp of terrorism unit rated how home and states have phones and computers. now sir wilkinson, who was released on bill, has long been working as a reporter and human rights activist covering the crisis in gaza. she has denounced bitter support for each row, and let's report to be arrested for content she posted online. i'm organization and
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she works with have accused the british government of trump leading on her ride. this free speech we hold onto the media, british government, full, responsible for the stupid act of intimidating and oppressing journalist as well as human rights activities in favor of is really occupation entity. what that is just one recent case. what's interesting is that as we can see one the very same day that the british please press charges against the co founder rockville organization, pablo style action, richard bonnet. he has a keys of supporting a block listed group out of the u. k. terrorism act and encouraging criminal activity, that those allegations apparently stem from some speeches, it made some time. the another example is johnna lives, reach out to mad horst who was detained 2 weeks ago as alonda. the airport also on the tire was in my act. no, i meant at least pertaining to haste,
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the reporting on war in the own guys that's not those cases have sparked outrage among the prominence rights competing is including the form of pink floyd font 9 raj, a want as they arrest you for standing up for human rights campaign, a occasions? chad aside, england is now f, fascist state. 1984 has arrived and is alive and well. now the veteran british parliamentarian and broadcast that george galloway discussed this issue with my colleague more on time on me. a written is not yet a fascist country, but it is definitely on the road to extinguishing a freedom of speech. in the case of mrs. wilkinson, a 61 year old lady, highly respected, both in our own community and in the wider pro palestine community,
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which is millions of people in brooklyn. to turn up with 12 police officers. i mean, you try calling the police in britain today. if you are the victim of an order, not a crime, you'll be lucky to see one officer in 12 hours. she had 12 officers, including people in butler club, us from the counter terrorism branch of the police. here a tweak, a 6 day one year old woman, arrested by 12 officers for a week. you know, i'm going to tell you just around this time. in 1940 are a small number of our pilots. i saw him the i'm the few why up in the fighting. his lars invading air force of the loved wafaa
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a defending what we believed to be insurance. freedom in this land, including the freedom to speak, the freedom freely to think the freedom to, uh, to demonstrate, brought to us and of these freedoms on, not being butchered in plain sight. and our young men that flew often to their deaths in the battle of britain august, september 19 4th. they must be turning in their graves. indeed indeed to us. you know, some, some critics of a case of the government of imposing a new wave of authoritarianism in the country. what are your thoughts on as well, there's no doubt that there is, if you are someone speaking out against the prevailing orthodoxy, then if you do retain your liberty, you will at least suffer from. i'll go to the mix suppression of your output,
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strangulation of various kinds, binding d platforming halls being refused to you. when you want to give a speech and monitor constantly by uh, by an over we new state police force. we never used to have a state police, you know, but it is quite clear all of this that's now happening is being directed from the top from kia style, most labor government, so call, or they are presiding over a correct dollar on this, it does all the things that i grew up being told, well things the other people that in other countries know in free countries like ours and to africa. now nigeria and the neighboring west african state of new jersey have agreed to strengthen the security cooperation in the deal side
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between pop minutes we offer shoals. it marks the following off by the ton from the following it to in the last year. both parties reaffirmed their commitment to resuming and strengthening collaboration with a view to ensuring regional stability and security of a cooling july last year, which austin needs you as president strange relations with neighboring nigeria. it also costs division within the west african group of nations. now. ready and that's the echo us of the nigeria and leda was in charge of that block striking to intervene many truly at the time to restore constitutional order, while the threads prompt and the job booking of fossil and molly to withdraw from the lions. now the executive secretary, how the add to corruption network, ebony is all your tracking is highly, is kept. recall all the true intentions of echo as when it comes to these and who really stands to benefit is that the west upper can francisco, this book,
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you know, all those countries including goat zebra, to prostate, go to war in new jersey on behalf of the united states army prose, trying to play the good boy in those kind of to those countries and the name of the pricing for democracy, which was actually not the price for democracy. of the us. i'm a manufactured by an idea not manufactured by any of west africa countries. so if you wish to induce armstrong prosecute world in new jersey in the name of prince ben into re installed democracy, they would be prolonged the only only be grisly into the economic power of the interest in washington. in paris, i'm in euro and things of that nature and i think we have them be nice at the end of the day. that's president ball. i'm next
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t mobile and the echo s need uh for the alpha, for fax it to us on, on start for decision on the children have been i'll go with west tough, pretty sad because it is comfortable. i used to be live in the and so i wish i present country are you know, this power? that's, i mean democracy, democracy. you wouldn't mind. i didn't die. yes. west africa is disability lies in the name of which i speaking with me. just about egypt has delivered its 1st military age to somalia had more than 4 decades as soon as this have confirmed to r t. but the move could be put in tensions between the 2 countries in the field. but according to confirmed force, as egypt has dispatched alms and medical units to somalia and the follows d u l. the of this year for land locked this, you'll be a to recognize the silver and t of some of the land which has proclaimed independence from somalia, invalid. busy full access to
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a port on the gulf of aidan in response to malia side, the ministry cooperation impact with egypt this month. i feel be on egypt are also at loggerheads over the construction of a giant hydropower, down on the blue nile river in ethiopia. all right, let's get some more perspective on this now and cross live to major general. well, how about the belie? i'll so how we, for my chief of staff of the cabinet called wall effect in egypt around this time. we have lots of stigma from that. but secondly, we'll, we'll set, we'll bring it back again to hear his perspective on the issue between the egypt, somalia and the 2 of you moving to other issues. now savvy as president has once again read to rated that he's proud his country tribes its own foreign policy pos and doesn't follow the lead of all of us. i comes as the french president is on the visit to the nation. i made report say he's tried to push
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a bell grade to dispense itself from moscow. the western journalists always say, we suspect so bad that they want to do something together with the russians. i'm not going to apologize for this. i am proud to serve as policy and the fact that we have always respect to do and child to which could not be said about many western countries, especially when it comes to the tutorial integrity of sylvia. i know that the macro and would like us to impose sanctions against russia, but we did not do this and we are not ashamed of our decisions. and i do not want to justify myself to you for this. i explained my political steps to my people. all right, let's get back to a story now where we were having general abdulla, i'll show how we a former chief of staff, all the chemical warfare department of egypt on the 4th is general. i'm happy to have you join me right now. i am happy you own so and it is such an older
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beverage and god bless you all to be with you in this program. thank you. now, to share with us some of the more details about this deal between the egypt and the somalia and speak to us. why is he to, you know, being involved in this view at this critical time to aggravate a 1.10. sorry. i know that the joining the defense agreements are between so money it may be on, on products, on through europe, military and security. cool. but a shock victorian that go on board, punted confidence. and is that 8 pants in this area? and does this condition send me the ease and do own? so if i have $310.00, so forth, it will be i tools to money, i land and then thought of fear in age and does not appear. i think that one of the most important thing to signing this agreement to between egypt,
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uninstalled money. i know that so money a has a doctor's, you would be the you find it. you need to come the and the vision and based on both ontario and very to photograph today is on so many. but those are not on the inside of notion on the support and the paul or too long. there's no rene r o n. so, maria, what does that mean as on egypt, that agent know any sort of fear or somebody and to show money, a ton of troops, and there's a will need to come and the, and the mainly tactical operations between egypt and the soul manya may, in the hands of the build uh may know 30 and so what is the. 3 information to you of so mario automate prostate, what does that good? he's doing. egypt to day send a to aircraft towards may $38.00. and if that's
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a good beginning under this agreement, or does your uh, join the defense agreement, it may be in the hands to uh, mandatory, and ship the order to uh, pull up an insurance between the actual uh, don't con, can enjoy knowing that if you'll be entitled for a year, when i make a contract story, so money land this, but a couple, a really jones and so manya and long pistol pick have that all, you know, take no way. nickel means the ones that see of just throw money at land and build uh, and mainly 30 navy ports and visit asian n n thought appear. and that so money internal knows up to about 3 is on a ship site. and so we're so malia base agreement, we know that was called about, we've been on it. there are many of common interest in signing the julian defense
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agreement to be pointed to malia and the edge up the part of may not a is on the let me say that finished or the pedestal you're going to want to find it. so it would depend, i say that so for entity and this, that medicaid, awful lot to go about it so much of the madea photos activities on egypt to have the bed to rebuild its ultimate photo says how many days on final exam so far at the shop at most me and the 2nd one will face the coding from the impact fee it on. so off, if you won't be until the end of the signing a contract with america where you're going so far, additional money. and then the 2nd data is on, and that is your belief or invest set are to you, but he's on. so all of the hard ap, rec, i'm reason to underneath the standard is on and also not allow using a, b, c,
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j because that it's, you won't be a monopoly and then thought of fear. and that sort of thing that there are so many uh, a page. cnn is that 2nd is malia a poor thing. that memorandum of understanding is assigned to beta field yet. where is that? uh, but it's the way there is going to also money a month is almost on both ends. the reasons of that signing there's showing their parents agreement between install malia and egypt and walk on the phone about what is your object that has phones if you will be on a lot of storage and getting a mentor, a title, phone, a lot or phone about there's other ones to offer names that in this sense that we know that if you don't get a laugh guns they left tends to egypt before bending a lot to call about this,
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these damn that talk about confident about with the blue ones that little, uh, no uh no you. oh, all right. oh oh, sorry, yeah. oh yeah. come to the clear now, soon as you have mentioned that egypt will not into fab between issues that is, that are going on between the somalia and, and if you will. yeah. but the deal that has been signed with somalia right now, how do you think is going to impact the relations between these things? it will be as somebody a knowing that there are efforts towards mediation that is ongoing right now. you know that there are, if you don't be i that and thought fear is that internal notes have another set of periods of sol, madea o, o, o. but eating, what is the core use of the so called additional money and then and to the.


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