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tv   News  RT  August 30, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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the, the 5 civilians are killed in thousands when did the ukrainian attack on residential building for the vehicle and the russian boarder, regence of belgrade, left the bombs or sector has been used in the attack. and pushing forward process as it's 7 key premium supply, routes in the dumbass as its troops edge toward strategically important areas. a protocol athenian peace activist is invested in pothole by british police before the video but the content she posted online. we discussed the issue with the british parliamentarian and both both cost that george galloway for time is not yet a fascist country, but is definitely on the road to extinguishing
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a freedom of speech for laying that the car to another policy and rights group release is alexa from a decent e, and is there any custody revealing the hot respite conditions behind bars and nobody's here from the hospital? these were acts as if it is applied to the law. this regarding international was he doesn't care about any of the international legitimacy and the world is watching and staying silent while still supporting the occupying state. and it's 4 against our people. the weather is, is, are the international reaching you from are the center with moscow? i a michael, what you so that we start this off with the news that 5 civilians had been killed and such a 71 day including 6 children and a cleaning an attack on the russian border region of belgrade. a 7 adult and 3 children are set to be in critical condition. of the local governor reports
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a several mess elsewhere, intercepted by some still managed to reach belgrade city hitting an apartment building several shops on the call, firefighters are on the scene at the local government says that the strike was carried out was widely condemned fox, that munitions we discussed the incident with global security analyst and evasion, expert serial the logic or you've been analyzing this thing you've been, you've been looking and watching the following, the all of this. what can justify this kind of attack on civilians? nothing except the tourist state. like they ukrainian reason is that's all at the so desperate that they are trying to target civilians deliberately. just to just hoping that russia would the announce strive batch in, in an unreasonable manner to go for something bigger as so there is nothing that
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that can qualify. what you bring indeed. but where are crimes definitely or crimes you're creating on commander of the air force was fired. immediately the report came in that the much talked about the f. 16, the dialing off the bottle that, that it was supposed to be, the game changer on the 1st commission on the assignment was brought down. what did this come to you as a surprise or that, is it really justify because it's a cns. i'm borrow some and she wouldn't boss been to the ukrainians air force was good take that i was expecting these to come quite soon, but i was not expecting this to come so. so be on f one less next. uh well, the thing is that with a new aircraft idea of 16 and young pilots and experienced on the aircraft and inexperienced in combat and these aircraft,
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even if they have big experience quite a bit experience on former soviet, across. uh, this is uh singles to get to them there. there is no other choice. i mean it's, it's too complicated for them. actually we have have an i ipad full kind of scenarios about this shooting of the aircraft. the 1st one, fig typically was the pilot the era and may be special. these orientation, whatever you want to call this in the cross into the ground, which we call the control flight in to, during actually it would be an uncontrolled find in to, during the 2nd scenario that we have is this craft was bombed on monday, after the releasing of pictures taken by a mess up book of need to mess with the mother of juice that it was giving a tour in the craft. and thanks to telegram, we were able to identify where the said across the west stations, and
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a couple of days after a 3 airports have been the really bummed in which one pilot was also reported to be killed. but we have no pictures about the distort a craft over the ground on the ground. so this is another kind of scenario. the 3rd scenario is that this aircraft has been down shut again down by friendly fire, which is most probably one of the most credible scenario. and explain briefly why is because in ukraine actually have so many kind of verity from system, with the french one with the german, one with the pets radio system memory, the united states, and the people that are behind the system. they're on the train correctly unless they are for an yours, right. and with a human pilot, an experience in that aircraft income by nation, once again is just a split 2nd. and if the operator of the by trade up system is not training enough
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and effectively that aircraft was following a brushing, besides trying to destroy it, you may have confused the aircraft with another me size and then try them down. and if the i f f was not working correctly, that's the friendly uh front on photos. items to the kitchen system, then the loan. sure. uh the guy that pulled the trigger on the pantry of the system, not to have the no just anything. so in this case he has, but maybe most probably the, the scenario if this aircraft were shut down by another rushing their craft, but also a possibility. but the distance is quite big from the russian border. so i would, the 1st of my choice would be friendly, shut down the hall as you and securing the castle, held the meeting. this friday, the russian representative on the line that even though the west drives to portray ukraine as the victim of aggression,
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the conflict would have been the over long ago if it wasn't for its own ministry support. you process the keys, squeezing month old protests for the key. every shame at least off in the file 2023 counter offensive to use. that means how many nation of weapons completely. and now it's completely dependent on western supplies. and that's still coming. all the ukraine for the west is now a sort of suitcase would that be handled by the us and it satellites are still not prepared to give out publishing. and here we come to the main conclusion without pumping weston weapons. ukraine would have stopped fighting long ago, and since the destruction of ukraine is a state was never our goal, they would put an end to the census me grind into which by the out of time ukrainian presents rise hundreds of thousands of his fellow citizens. today ran down from the we'll hear from our west and colleagues, the heck beat statements about they've determination, which is important, great as long as it needs because as they put it in a cube is fighting for it. survival and allegedly is a victim of aggression for me. but here's the problem. it, oh, that's the head of the crating. holding to made
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a fatal mistake by pushing his forces over the border into a peaceful russian region on the well sold, the pictures of the ukrainian motor is with nazi symbols, looting marauding taking hostages and firing women, children and old people. this was so far from the image of the innocent victim of aggression that the us and its satellites of soul so hard to mould from ukraine that they tried to descend zelinski schools convention as soon as possible. but the facts, stephanie, tell a different story, but it's do ladies and gentlemen are up to your is in this adventure without your help in your weapons, the ukrainian leda would not have dead to do and certainly listing when he wrote about k supply routes for ukrainian forces had been caught by russian troops in the dunbar and the hawk of regions. and that's according to moscow which says that it's sold as a edging towards more strategically important areas. with all the latest here is ortiz, mary and uncle started by, as russia is making significant progress on the ground. and why is that significant?
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that's because russia has managed to liberate a number of key areas. why are they key? because that will really damage ukraine's ability to get more supplies and also to get access to all the critical areas in eastern ukraine. so russia is really consolidating its efforts right now. that's what it appears. and we have, of course, the crate in officials who are naturally panic. and if we're talking about losses in the past week, you craigslist, almost 17000 soldiers. and that's what i've been counting those that they lost on the russian soil. and course, over the past week it was 400 soldiers. and in general, since the beginning of all the craze incursion into course, they lost $8000.00 soldiers. so that's a loss. and really, a lot of people are wondering what's the point of course of that incursion was because they sent a lot of their troops over the course going, fox, and so leaving themselves completely exposed on the front line over there, allow in russia to make those advances and now we also heard from you cranes,
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top commander who apparently spends a couple of days on the eastern cross, our maze friends, also known as the cross. and he said that the situation there is extremely tough and the russians are really fighting back ever since that incursion. and so course also we had a former ukrainian present, petro portion co who also visited that area just recently. and he said that the situation there is the i or those where his orders, the situation is dire. he also doesn't understand why they weren't better prepared . because apparently, a year ago, he offered through his fund so build forth, dissertations there. and the local administration was all 4, but apparently that idea will shut down by the $0.05 office. so he also doesn't understand, wants to like his plan is part of the course. cost is very important. but i can say the fate of what cost is to be decided in about a month or a year or the enemy was supposed to be stopped. the dozens of kilometers away from
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the croft stopped by force vacation structures, which did not exist, so that one se, so understand key of strategy including ukrainians themselves. meanwhile, you have a ukraine's foreign minister who's continuing to ask your up to send them more weapons and that's the, it's really urgent that they send that right now. in particular, it was air defense systems. and also of course, we have the you foreign policy chief who's really urgent ukraine's allies to deliver on their promises and also to left restrictions on the use of western weapons in russia. so why does all of this tell you panicking? i losing i pro palestinian peace activist has been arrested home by british authorities, a family member of side wilkins instead of the dogs in the office on the counter terrorism unit rate of how house is fees, have phones and computers now. so i work, it's in who was released on bill,
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have long been working at the report and human rights activists covering the crisis in gaza. and she has denounced bridges support for each role and was reported the rest of the 4 contents she posted online. i'm open of that you saying she works with has went to the british government of trampling on her rights to free speech. we hold the honestly, media, british government full responsible for the stupid act of intimidating and oppressing journalist as well as human rights activities in favor of these really occupation entity. well, that is just one recent case. what's interesting that we have to look at here is that on the very same day, the british police press charges against the co founder of the organization, published by an action. richard bonnet that he is accused of supporting a block list that you create at the group on the b u. k. a terrorist acts happening coverage in criminal activities. now, those allegations apparently stem from some speeches he made. the another example
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is joel is rich. i met off here who was detained 2 weeks ago at the london airport, also on the terrorism act, allegedly, pertaining to hays reporting on the war in gaza. that those cases of sponsor outrage among permanent rides campaign as including from a pink floyd to front the front line. roy don't want us. they arrest you for standing up for human rights campaign occasions. chad aside, england is now of fascist state. 1984 has arrived and is alive and well. now the veteran british parliamentarian and broadcast that george galloway discussed the issue with my colleague more on time. i me, a written is not yet a fascist country, but is definitely on the road to extinguishing
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a freedom of speech. in the case of mrs. wilkinson, a 61 year old lady, highly respected, both in our own community and in the wider pro palestine community, which is millions of people in brooklyn. to turn up with 12 police officers. i mean, you try calling the police in britain today. if you are the victim of an order not a crime, you'll be lucky to see one officer in 12 hours. she has 12 officers, including people in butler club, us from the counter terrorism branch of the police, are a tweet, a 6 day one year old woman, arrested by 12 officers for a week. you know, i'm going to tell you just around this time in 1940 our small
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number of our pilots. i saw him don't. i'm the few. why up in the fighting hit lars. engaging air force, the loved wafaa a defending what we believe to be insured to freedom in this land, including the freedom to speak, the freedom freely to think the freedom to, to demonstrate protests and of these freedoms on, not being butchered in plain sight. and our young men that flew often to their deaths in the battle of britain august, september 19 4th. they must be turning in their graves indeed. and the joys you'd have some, some critics of a case. but as a government of imposing a new wave of authoritarianism in the country, what are your thoughts on that? well, there's no doubt that there is,
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if you are someone speaking out against the prevailing orthodoxy, then if you do retain your liberty, you will at least suffer from. i'll go to the mix suppression of your output, strangulation of various kinds, binding the plot, forming halls being refused to you. when you want to give a speech and monitor constantly by uh, by an over we new state police force. we never used to have a state police, you know, but it is quite clear all of this that's now happening is being directed from the top from key or style immersed. labor government, so call, or they are presiding over a crack down on dissidence, all the things that i grew up being told, well things the other people that in other countries know in free countries like
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ours. and to offer to now my journey and the neighboring west african state of new jersey, i have agreed to strengthen the security cooperation in the deal side between top military officers sold a box of following off pies the tut from the follow near to in the share last year, both parties reaffirmed their commitment to resuming and strengthening collaboration with a view to ensuring regional stability and security of the cooling july last year. which of the news as president strange relations with neighboring nigeria? it also costs divisions within the west african group of nations. now. ready not the echo as the nigeria and lita in charge of the block. so i can to intervene. minutes really have a time to restore constitutional order. but the threat prompted new job. booking a fossil with molly to withdrawal from the alliance. i didn't get to the secretary
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of the add to corrupt to network, but these all you're talking is highly skeptical of the true intentions of echo as when it comes to these uh, ad who really stands to benefit the problem is that the uh, west, upper and francisco this uh, booking uh all those countries including coded back to plus i go to uh, in new jersey on behalf of the united states for prose. trying to play the good boy in those kind of those countries in the name of their pricing for democracy, which was actually not the price for democracy in the us. um i know the manufactured by nigeria. yeah. not manufactured by any west africa and countries. so if you wish to add those arms to most of pj world in new jersey, in the, in the name of prince, i've been into 3 star democracy. they wouldn't be long. the only only big reason into the economic power of the interest in washington in paris,
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i'm in you and things of that nature. and i think we have them being asked at the end of the day. that's precedent for the next t mobile and the echo s need uh for doubtful fax it to us on, on swords for decision on the children have been. i'll go with west tough week i because it is comfortable, i'm used to be live india. and so i wish i present country are, you know, this power i that's, i mean democracy, democracy. you're wondering to mind. i didn't die. yes. west africa is disability lies in the name of protecting. she was in the game until the mid least. now the brutal reality of live and he's run the custody has been vividly reviewed after the popular front for the liberation of palestine release the elective impression that a cali to jar outlining be hoss condition that she's forced to our lot to ensure to endure or die every day, the cell is like
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a small closed box where no air enters. there's only a toilet in the cell with a small window above it, which was lighter, sealed, just one day after my transfer. they left me no space to breathe, and even the people on the cell door was sealed. there's only a small opening where i sit most of the time to breeze. i'm suffocating in myself, waiting for the hours to pass, hoping to find some oxygen particles to breathe and stay alive. is run you forward . he is arrested kelly, the job for my low make head senior member of the popular font for the liberation, the pilot signed in december. after reading ha home near the westbank city of ramallah. no reason for ha, detention has been given. it's the 5th time she has been arrested. thousands of palestinians are currently being held and these really presents according to the ramallah base rights group that jobs has been again, spoke about how these ready authorities keep the present as isolated
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a witness minnesota standing. there is no contract between the detainees and their families, no visits, no phone calls. the only way to get news about them is through whatever business by lawyers are allowed, which are already heavily restricted or through annual release. the person who was in the prison cell with kalita, or any other detainee. therefore, even the simplest ride, stipulated by international law regarding communication between the detainee and their families, do not exist at all, especially after october. the 7th. there is no entity that can be approached for assistance except for the institutions to deal with prisoner affairs. and these have a limited influence. and after october, the 7th, their influence is non existent. there is no chance for assistance piece, of course is the responsibility of international communities, international and international institutions. because israel acts as if it is above the law. this regarding all international was international humanitarian law. and
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the geneva conventions. he doesn't care about any of the international legitimacy and the world is watching and staying silent while still supporting the occupying state. and it's war against our people and staying. it is all the government there has stated the one leave the philadelphia car, the 14 kilometer long border between the guys a strip and egypt that the demand was initiated by banded minutes in yahoo and back by his is due to cabinet. i will see it in part of a potential hostage deal with him us, and that's this 5. these really put me a facing fee is printers in from the families of beans ready, hostages for constantly. jo put dies in the safe return. nothing. yeah. who also claims that the lack of control of the card of contributed to the all being of her mouth. and therefore that to the 7th of october times, how about how much has categorically rejected the presence of any idea of soldiers
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and the car to a spot of any deal of this cotton. this news comes in the wake of the idea of supported me illumination of a mazda ralph, a brigade in the area, and the destruction of 80 percent of its tunnels. along the philadelphia, colorado that we spoke to have mazda executive, a member of the organizations international office, by some 9, about the claims to love, to have a crush on the floor in the front of me. if i sent a to or can tell them i need a commission reported this before or the closer to the way you can come up. but the main deposit is nothing about the new or does it again or if there's about this stuff or the present. so that could be some of the lead on for since the, the, the new motor on that for the frequently resistance for the is the,
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with the activities. and also because of the police have to pay a fair amount of time for allowing people to attend to their houses and on the new one year of the 4th quarter quarter. so unfortunately, the neighborhood on the other side, the. ready hold on to the right to the right when the new or dreaming. go to bang the simple 350 and we're moving to north of the 7 or custom. but the other thing we were outside of it doesn't come up. there's nothing about the fact that, but these are both of the, you know, people who have the right to exist on the, on the will have that i still have an individual to submit any fees for the life of things that didn't go to them. and so silver and the so think working is also good
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for the in house of our individual to see what is this and to europe now said be as president as once again reiterated, but he's proud as country trends its own of foreign policy pos and doesn't follow the lead of others become, is, as the french president is on the visit to the nation, that made reports of his trying to present bad grade to distance itself from moscow . western journalists, so we say we suspect so bad that they want to do something together with the russians. i'm not going to apologize for this. i am proud to serve as policy and the fact that we have always respected the until to which could not be said about many western countries, especially when it comes to the tutorial integrity of sylvia. i know that the chrome would like us to impose sanctions against russia, but we did not do this and we are not ashamed of our decisions. and i do not want to justify myself to you for this. i explained my political steps to my people,
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the exempt of which he added that he is under no illusion that the you use about to throw its membership doors open to its country any time soon. he said the bell grades policy is i am not bringing benefits to the sub young people. i mean, while they, slovak, from minnesota, has cooled out the mindset of european need to say, they need to stop thinking their opinions are the only ones that matter. are you never such an a, let's be honest and say that we, your opinions are not perfect either. it's interesting, but we are opinions, have a special quality. we always have a feeling and we regularly fall into this trap that we have the right to decide for others and to decide what is right and what is wrong, that we have the right to tell others. this is how you should conduct your affairs, that we have the right to say that you cannot write, this cannot say this, or you cannot go and participate in the olympic games. these are dangerous things
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because we live in an illusion. we think the world cannot survive without the solution around it. if someone has a sovereign or independent opinion, it is immediately suppressed. if we think that with sections we will solve the problem of the whole world. okay? now while i'm on my call and he's on his travels the seems trouble is brewing back home, is still not name the prime minister from the less the wing coordination, which one the most fundamentally seats. and this not less than last month about his decision has prompted fury from the left wing, the lions with some lawmakers calling for him to be impeached. a strategy in communications consultants gals, casanova of questions if time is running out on the macro on presidency. loophole room, one moved allergic to a menu of microns friends have said there was a new hitler against whom everyone last few nights. now they've song this song about a new style and against whom everyone must unite. and that is showing the mailing
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show on the so under the circumstances, there is no other way to clear up this situation. the resignation of the president of the republic box, he doesn't want to lay next week. he doesn't the points of guilt months. he makes decisions a load, for example, he's broken upfront and out, jerry and with no government able to step in and influence that decision from instead law who no coalition is currently able to cross the majority special phone in the eyes of the french. this situation looks extremely negative. 2 out of 3 french people, split the manual macro and is completely responsible for the surface, but in time it is within a manual macro on psychology, not his political orientation, will find the reasons for his action. he probably dissolves parliament on the evening of the european elections and then he no longer wants to respond to a request to appointed prime minister off to the election of all the behaves like a capricious child in a speech. he said he would like the big games to go on forever. no, he doesn't want a government. he doesn't like. he doesn't want anything. he doesn't like just like
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a child. and the difficulty is that the institutions of these with republic give the present and numerous power. so you get the impression that a child is playing with these institutions. and that's very dangerous. i your, what about the update this out and you can get details of all the stories will following on r t dot com. thanks for watching at bye now the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle, outgoing nato general secretary stilton bird claims,
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a russian victory in the ukraine. conflict is the biggest risk to the u. s. lead military blocks. this is all the more reason russia will achieve its goals. in this proxy war, the crossing nato, i'm joined by my guess, ray mcgovern in raleigh. he is a former c i a analyst in washington. we have wilmer liam. he is a political scientist, author and radio talk show host and in salt lake city we cross the david pine is deputy director of national operations for the task force on national and homeland security. all right, gentlemen, across stock rules and the fact that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate re let me quote the outgoing general general sex, right of nature, south america, you said a russian victory and ukraine would change the global system. well, i actually agree with him and i think it wouldn't be a bad idea. go ahead. right. well, yeah,


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