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tv   News  RT  August 31, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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just phone existence was only exists the in the headlines right here with all the international. 5 civilians are killed and many more wounded in the russian border region of belgrade is key of shells, residential buildings with flushed stuff, all this confirmed by the local government. meanwhile, moscow says it's settled, key ukrainian supply root in the don't box is washington down plays rupture and strategic advance approach kind of thing. and peace activist is arrested at her home by british police report from the over content you posted online. and we discussed the issue with british parliamentary and george galloway britain is not yet a fascist country, but is definitely on the road to extinguishing a freedom of speech that's kind of ground found people do it off faced up to 10
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years in a french prison. it runs on bassett, it's a rush of slams the west, so cool, championing of freed. this contradicts weston claims. on the one hand, they argue that it's necessary to ensure the freedom of speech and freedom of citizens. and that is necessary to make sure that anyone can use messages freely. on the other hand, such a famous person is being detained for no reason they told the live out loud from moscow at 9 am locally in the entire on the international news team is go to your top stories lined up and ready to so we started rushes of belgrade region where at least 5 civilians have been killed in a ukrainian attack on friday evening. the local government reports key of used cluster munitions in the civilian area or the official out of the circle project calls were intercepted. some still managed to hit an apartment building,
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leading 46 people wounded among them. 7 children, a global security analyst, a single deal. atco says key f as resorted to attacking civilian areas because his forces continue to collapse along the front door as state like the ukrainian reason is that's all at the so desperate that they are trying to target civilians deliberately. just hoping that russia would the answer to strive, batch, and in an unreasonable manner to go for something bigger as so there is nothing then that can qualify what ukrainian did. but where are primes? definitely? where are primes? meanwhile, as i mentioned, landscape has fired ukraine's air force come on to this coming. does key of confirms losing the 1st of it's us made f 16 fighter jets. one of those are especially coach abs who says now died. and actually when you're starting highly clear what happened, but at least one, you created an m p a site. it can be f,
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16 will shut down by friendly fire. according to my information, the ukranian f. 16 was shot down by the patriot empty aircraft missile system due to discord nation between units. the reports noted the heat loss control the culture of lies and the combined ukrainian forces, as well as in all the senior military headquarters, leads to the fact that the military decision management system, watson's and even collapses, as it happens in the pop cross direction. well that back to us here with alaska, he says that a friendly fire is likely the blame for the crash as your training and troops are struggling to operate the wide range of western weapons at the disposal. i was expecting these to come quite soon, but i was not expecting this to come so, so the be on f one less next. uh well, the thing is that with
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a new aircraft idea of 16 and young pilots and experienced on the aircraft and inexperienced in combat and these aircraft. and i have had full kind of scenarios about this shooting of the aircraft. the 1st one victim lee was the height of the era and may be special. this orientation, whatever you want to call this from the crossed into the ground, which we call the control flight into during the 2nd scenario that we have. if we were able to identify where the say that crap west station, the 3rd scenario is that this aircraft has been down uh shut again down by friendly fire, which is most probably one of the most credible scenario . and explain briefly why is because in ukraine, naturally you have so many kind of verity from system with the french one with the
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german, one with the pets radio system memory, the united states. and the people that are beyond the system. they are not trained correctly unless they are for n years. all right. and with a human pilot, an experience in that aircraft income by nation. once again is just a split 2nd. and if the operator of the battery system is not trying enough, you may have confused the aircraft within the b side and then try them down. and if the i f f was not working correctly, that's the friendly uh front end for those items vacation system. then the loan, sure, uh the guy that pulled the trigger on the pantry in the system, not to have noticed anything. so in this case he has, but maybe most probably the, the scenario if this aircraft were shut down by another rushing knack draft that also a possibility. but the distance is quite big from the russian border. so with the
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of the 1st of my choice would be uh, friendly shut down. well this comes as a roster has been advancing all along the front lines, cutting off key supply routes for you creating forces both in a in the don't bass on how to go for regions. and so okay, of course is sounding the alarm. i went to the outskirts of san diego and saw fortifications in front of the town. there was nothing in the town, just an ordinary civilian settlement. no one was guarding the trenches. no one was near them. the russians were already on the other side of the field, but there was no one else or the cabs of west apartments. i've been reluctant to admit that russia has a military advantage. the c, i a deputy director saying rushes front line progress though is insignificant. you know, the russians are, are making some progress there. they're making progress there. at extraordinary cost. they may take po cross, they may not, i think it, you know, it's a,
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the ukrainians are continuing to, to defend. but like at the end of the day, none of it is game changing in a strategic sense of the quarter political commentator on radio. steve gail, he says washington houses are in strategy and ukraine. and that's really what about escalating the conflict? i think the idea of the dividing heresy ministration is you're encouraging the zalinski, it'd be more and more aggressive, may be part of a political strategy. but if so, it's a bad political strategy because americans are salary over our money going to ukraine with no accountability with, with uh, no audit of, of how the money has been spent. other than just the, it's in was to be gone over there. there's nothing strategic about where you praying lots their initiative and there's nothing strategic about them holding it. at this point i had done bad stuff and that's that area. the rest is, are making huge gains very quickly. this is not going to end well for you pray. it
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is not going to in welfare is a wednesday. and if the us then western europe continue to push, this is not going to end up well for ukraine's allies in a world all of this whole cold rules based international order. many expo as an analyst decry what they call double standards when it comes to ukraine. the difference in narratives and accusations largely vary depending on exactly who's saying them. well, everything must go does is cold, bad. everything key of does seems to be okay. certainly, according to so landscape sponsor as well. let's learn more shop is on t's charlotte duke. let's talk about the double standards in particular, the double standards of the west, because when it comes to how it treats russia and ukraine, the difference is stock when russia is accused of anything. and i mean, literally anything the west and it's me to jump on the bandwagon and the good to take the same old rubbish. russia is bad. russia, russia, russia, russia,
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is russia's war, is worst, the food in security and russians war and ukraine, sparking fears of an energy crisis. castle community advocates, russia of all crimes. this information from moscow, the russian government metal in the 2016 presidential election, the russian officials who control the plant had delivered inc starts at the fires. but let's get serious. hey, because they simply is quite important right now. ukraine is committing with crimes against russian civilians. they, by day the violations keep growing, yet the western media is largely silent when it doesn't give the stories, any oxygen, the angle is specific. it's you quain, the noise, the so you crane says russia is planning full cycle preparations. yes, confirmed ukrainian war crimes are treated as russian propaganda with all see being
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accused of spreading this information. western governments which all providing weapons been used against civilians, generally keep the field we need to lead restrictions on the use of width or against of us the media 30 targets quoted with international law during the summer. i being issue statements supporting these, this is has the use of us weapons and curse violated any us policies. our policy does allow for ukraine to conduct counter fires, to defend itself from russian attacks coming over that border region. and that border region does include curse. it does include sue me and so they are defending themselves from russian attacks within that region. yet when the shoot is on the other foot, and it's russia being accused of signal attacks, the west hit side, but at the same time provides no evidence to support its claims. let's have
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a look at the bombing open news stream pipelines. when this happened in 2022, western government says that they were shocked and pointed. best thing is that russia, despite having no evidence on the idea that most schools sabotaged its own pipelines, being upset and they do called it a deliberate, reckless and irresponsible act of sabotage. any deliberate attack against allies, critical infrastructure would be met with a united and determined response. now, so it's a different story entirely in a moment. i have no clear incriminating information that it was true to ukraine, that was behind the attack. when an armed conflict is waged, it's waged not only against military targets, but also against objects of strategic nature. pipelines have strategic purpose. if the attack was aimed at cutting off costs applies to europe on monday to russia, then that would be
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a legitimate purpose. but i do not have that information. the legal experts outlined in 2022. how this was an active aggression climate, scientists and other experts called for those responsible to be prosecuted for more crimes. so what do they have to say now the german investigators have accused ukrainians of being behind the attack? not a lot that same climate. scientists would asked whether he stood by his statement 2 years ago now that ukraine was in the dark, responded as follows. on the climate, scientists with no knowledge or expertise for with a zalinski knew about this. i prefer to comment on something more environmental like why me thing concentrations rose foster in the last 5 years than ever before. and then there was, i think he is the mainstream media has been for speeding it. so we didn't say is this idea that russia is spreading its tentacles across the continent to spread this information about the west to be clear. russia sees applicant nations as
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partners rather than how the west has treated them as countries to plunder. but for the west, the idea that another power could want to develop working relations is a threat to its head. to many is a hell we are not long got that piece of russia who for staking our pledge. and this is something quite inconvenient and see what's happening know that parts of africa. i knew we would have to be the 2 big worried when i came to, to brussels and leave the other way. i, french and italian not all the times in accordance. it not all the time working together, but they were today. they don't, no longer, you will be in geneva. yeah. only church and russians. and then they lived in cost that is uh, chevrolet. there's a ring of navy pages not to be in a few pages, but search, rushing and basis, which is not the exact,
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the way we imagined how they may need to read. and nadia has to be managed, not the mediterranean order, we envisioned it's colonialism $2.00. and as you crane metals in africa, supporting rebels in the saw how killing military troops from ali for the west, it's easier to look the other way and say nothing. alright, over to the u. k. now, where a pro palestinian peace activist has been arrested at her home, one of our family members that a dozen officers from a counter terrorism unit re, did her house seizing personal electronic devices. now sarah wilkinson basically released on b. busy l now though, she's long to be working as a human rights activist, basically covering the crisis in gaza. she did out london the support for israel and what's originally arrested for the content she posted online and organization. and she was with us that she was the british government of trampling on her right
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to free speech. we hold onto the media, british government full, responsible for the stupid act of intimidating and oppressing journalist as well as human rights activities in favor of these really occupation entity. yeah, so this is just one recent case, but i guess you wouldn't be surprised to hear. there are more on the very same day . the british police press charges against the co founder of the organization, palestine action. richard bonnet is accused of supporting a blacklisted group under the u. k. terrorism act those obligations apparently stepping from some speeches. he made another example of that man, right? that john was richard mad host who was detained 2 weeks ago with a london apple. also under the terrors of mac and luxury pertaining to his reporting on the war and goss. so he's also an arctic contributor probably the way . and all these cases have rightfully sparked outrage among human rights campaign is including no surprise, pink floyd, co founder of roger waters. to say a rest to for standing up for human rights. campaigning occasions. chad aside,
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england is now off fascist state. 1984 has arrived and he is alive and well. yeah. strong comments are, are there for mr voters, but he's not alone for my british. i'm paying for all costs at george galloway says free speech is on the thread and the you okay. written is not yet a fascist country, but is definitely on the road to extinguishing a freedom of speech. in the case of mrs. wilkinson, a 61 year old lady, highly respected, both in our own community and in the wide uh, pool palestine community, which is millions of people in brooklyn. to turn up with 12 police officers. i mean, you try calling the police in britain today. if you all the victim of an order not
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a crime, you'll be lucky to see one officer. if you are someone speaking out against the prevailing orthodoxy, then if you do retain your liberty, you will at least suffer from i will go to the mix suppression of your output, strangulation of various kinds, binding the plot forming. all of this that's now happening is being directed from the top from key or style, most labor, government so called they are presiding over a correct dollar on dissidence. all the things that i grew up being told, well things the other people that in other countries know in free countries like ours. and that's the u. k brace, it's a further crackdowns from find itself in the midst of a media hail storm over the rest of the telegram co founder people do it off and
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other by the way. thank john, seem to be concerned that basically fleeting for their own safety. now what does this, i'll do it all face is 10 years in prison if found guilty of multiple alleged crime is committed on his own line platform, including failing to stop the distribution of child pornography, as well as refusing to provide with our he's, with the user information he's been released on a 5000000 euro bail and costly fronts as long as the case is open. and back to george galloway one more time. he says 10, the grab is no more dangerous than other popular platforms that are right now. not being targeted. and if the charges against him have any validity, then the owner resolve every single platform from instagram, through facebook, through twitter, and all the others are all guilty of the same thing. and it's very hard to believe that the action taken by mackerel was not coordinated with washington, which is of course,
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in the process of destroying the tick tock platform for the same reason in a way, not because those anything bad on tick tock. there is lots bad on all these platforms, but because picked up was owned by the chinese. that's the real reason they are. they are in sitting already to the color duration of dick talk. and it's the same reason in protest. they're going off to do it all because these russia eat alone. musk is coming late, threatened by the very same european union rumble has been run out of france, literally banned from france and musk a prime. although he's fully on side with the west on policy and gaza, he's not entirely on side with the western policy and the ukraine. and you know, you get a benefit and how to this is not allowed in uh,
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in today's western world. if you're not with us, you're against us. oh, speak to out to the iranian and boston, it's a russia has condemned the west approach to free speech on human rights saying it's criticism is directly linked to its interest. the tunnel was. busy started this contradicts weston claims. on the one hand, they argue that is necessary to ensure the freedom of speech and freedom of citizens. and that is necessary to make sure that anyone can use messages freely. on the other hand, such a famous person is being detained for no reason that's old. i think this is actually contradictory position to the west. and there are many examples of that in terms of human rights. the one, for example, on the one hand, a kill helped to kill folded re citizens in the gulf of strip on the issue of terrorism. they sometimes even fuel terrorist groups, the way everything is in the interest, they believe that it is murder. they do not call it terrorists,
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but simply an event and way it's not in their interest. they say that this is terrorism. so it's all based on their interests that they need. the initial inductive, these ready regime has proved in practice. they do not support negotiations. they do not support dialogue and in fact, based as a mistake in some countries that believe that they can have a dialogue with israel and resolve this issue. so they killed as male honey through a terrorist attack. steve was and negotiate. he didn't pick up a gun, but they killed him. it was perfectly clear at that moment that he is ready prime. it is the 1st choice between killing and putting his opponents in j o. there is no 3rd option. he does not support dialogue. he does not support the solution of the issue. i saw the whole open on the high side. does that mean the? yeah, the liberties must defend the territories natural. if
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a person decides to defend his homeland, everyone supports him. but we understand the be as ready leader has gone crazy. they want to shake up the whole region and provoke a big a war around has blind, the axis of resistance. we owe wants to ability and we want to defend all homeland and safety as radius decides, it takes them all aggressive steps, violating territory, the integrity of course, any country has the right to defend it. no more. it's out of it is of all the to we actually they know the norms and standards to which we're committed to within the framework of international agreements that were really carried out. numerous inspections, but didn't find anything. we have to follow these rules and we will but international obligations and not unilateral. on the one hand, of course we have set and obligations, but only of it also gives us certain rights. so if a wrong complies with all the obligations, then it has rice and should exercise these to meet somebody corner
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funded by the well in fact all supreme leader has not said such a thing so far. at least i didn't hear it. i think they interpret to speeches to their advantage around has an unchanged position. naturally, we never retreat from negotiations from dialogue spice. we believe that dialogue should be based on mutual interests and rights. and that of a strikes to neo colonialism, but again a fast. so it was a national life tube. it's gold mines, a goal, the nation's leader had previously promised to achieve how those mines were earlier being cashed in on by a british. that's a learn more about this, i'll correspond, that is not available. the nationalization of natural resources is always been a margie area for any nation's economy, can political. what's his spots and the game changing move, looking to fossil has done. it's nationalizing 2 major gold mines that was the
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subject of a long legal disputes between the fitness company and the u. s. registered applicants. the decision gives the government to 15 to fossil control over valuable mining assets. but it also puts a target on the back of the government into possible already struggles to obtain military equipment from countries of mine. many was the waste african nation. and now subtractive beings isolated and scrutinized only because it has decided to stand up for itself and take charge of its $7710.00 to sounds from sudden, powers have refused to sell. this equipment have brought the equipments we have bought from certain countries because they have licenses for certain components. and it's how it explodes minerals and but keen a fast. so i say it is loud and clear and solemnly. this will stop. we're going to withdraw the mining licenses you cannot exploit results is we will not accept your refusal to sell this equipment or to block our equipment. we're going to get our
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licenses back and we're going to explore them ourselves. you may be asking yourself who is in, do you have a mind? well, and you have a mind is one of the goals, leading goal producers and the largest in west africa. it is a u. k based company that has mine, s as in ivory coast cynical and monte valued and billions of dollars behind the prospective through me and reinstalled belt across with africa. natural resources waltz. he's going straight into the pockets of the british and other wisdom economies. it's because of this money, but that aside reports also tells us that india has not only been exploiting, picking a fossil, but also cynical with cheap 90 percent of the profits from its significant these operations. there's also a producing scandal surrounding the company last months to contaminate to vote from his gold mine in ivory coast at least in terms of causing hop and poisoning, a $185.00 people which it has denied endeavour mining categorically rejects the allegations of massive pollution of the kamali river and endangerment of local
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populations. the findings made by the authorities have not revealed any critical pollution situation, threatening the lives of the populations, the ongoing exploits of relationship between countries and the global majority. and the former colonized has continues to vote. the foundations of the liberty and also see if this doesn't need to go on. in fact, it doesn't mean such boxes, especially with the all i've been for the new for what we have palm, it is agreed to set as equipment and who have even offered to be able to deliver strategic equipment to us and to us, to be able to pay in time, we thank them for these gestures. and again, we say thank you to the people who have understood the meaning of the fight, that we have to fight old colonial habits. die on the convenience of the west. only seems to take precedence over africa. but one would be nice to think that the west has a legitimate concern about africa, peoples, or even about the development. however,
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it seems like african countries are found if you live upon. the president explained that the government's decision was dictated by the need to fill the budget and build up the countries gold and currency reserves in the context of the anti terrorist operation. he also promised to ask experts in the field of mining about the possibility of providing preferences for russians. the page of pray, that same wisdom, paul, was planned to re minimal resources of the hall now seems to be turning once in full. the story of india of a mine is between the falsities over it is the start of many ways back to the so how is taking bath? what is once lost and rightful owns? meanwhile, nigeria and the neighboring west african state of need have agreed to strength and security cooperation, and it'd be assigned between that top for us. it does smock a soaring of ties a ton for us, the following a qu with need your last you. both parties reaffirmed their commitment to resuming and strengthening collaboration with a view to ensuring regional stability and security. last year is july to which
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ousted the new gerry and president had relations with nigeria. those are quote divisions within the west african, a group of nation was known as eco, was now the nigerian leda in charge of the blog when so far as to dress a need to with military intervention to restore the constitutional order is prompted me jad but again, a fast so and molly, to withdrawal from the alliance of the executive secretary of nigeria is anti corruption network. ebony is all you have talk and he believes he questions. roger say, who actually stands to benefit from tensions in that mineral rich resource part of the world? is that the uh, west san francisco, this booking uh, all those countries, including goat zebra, to protect go to law in new jersey on behalf of the united states army prose. trying to pay the good boy in those kind of to those countries and the name of their pricing for democracy, which was actually not a price for democracy in the us. um i know the manufactured by nigeria.
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yeah. not manufactured by any west african countries. so if you wish to add those arms to most like tubes, well, in new jersey, in, in the name of prince, i've been into re installed democracy. then why don't we be prolonged the only only be grisly into the economic power of the interest in washington. in paris, i'm in you and things of that nature. i think i the with the, the bill at the end of the day. that's president ball. i'm next level. and the echo s need a more doubtful back to us on, on swords for decision on the children have been i'll go with or west operate that because it just comfortable. i'm used to be live india. and so i wish i present country are you know, this power of that? i mean democracy, democracy. you wouldn't mind. i didn't die. yes. west africa is disability lies in
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the name of protecting she was in the game. well, that's definitely seems a new job, molly and, but kind of fast. so we're looking to start on their own 2 feet these days and stop the exploitation of every soul since already they've kicked out the french, the americans, the germans, and even the danes meantime. but again, it fast, it was time to rush for help in providing security in their beach. make sure your question was this is awesome. international the the
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