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tv   News  RT  August 31, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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on existence was on the line. so again, my prolong, who is marching orders is the french left wing all position long to the beach. the president was the rightful in cools on, payables and things to the face in i'm think governmental demonstration, 5 the veterans and i'll tell them many more wounded in the russian border region of belt was shells a residential buildings with across the board. this confirms by them include the black box that says here on the internet into the region that has turned into a lot of the, the cleaning and folders and unable to reach any of the goals. it's that, meanwhile, the russian is following the drivers are very, i did the fact that we didn't as sight words. lensky
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has said, sometimes he makes confessions, destroyed in slips. he said that we would need it for future exchanges. he will capture prisoners and see square kilometers. that's quite simple minded. we didn't all discuss out said to the was anyone as an old conduct, negotiations about odd sanitary. again, create the pounder of sciences up to 10 years and upfront of prison. there all the facets of life and criticizes the west. simple, simple for free speech. this contradicts weston claims. on the one hand, they argue that is necessary to ensure freedom of speech and freedom of citizens. and that is necessary to make sure that anyone can use messages freely. on the other hand, such a famous person is being detained for no reason to told the
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case, just go on a p. m here in the russian capital world to wherever catching the news from today. this is all to enough is enough. according to the financial position was emanuel mack longed to link the presidential plank. the data of the left wing coalition. his lawyers been to impinge him as trying to get the necessary signatures and things to make that happen. we are right on the beach front. the motion for the motion to initiate the procedure for as we impeachment of the president of the republic. in accordance with the article, 68 of the constitution was sent to date the parliament or as foreclosed signatures . my cousin refuses to submit to the people's fault, so we must dismiss him. by let's get, let's say all this from, uh, c contributes a room show mazda, who joins us from paris. so, right, you, just, how, what a should maximum be by this, i mean, could it, to tennessee toppling,
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or is it own? just a storm and a teacup, a lovely anti establishment left wing of the french parliament is just fed up now with mackerel and dragging his feet on something that's really just conventional. it really is just a boring custom and not rocket science for the french president after legislative elections, to just name a prime minister from the party that won the most seats. and sometimes that happens to be a party that you don't necessarily like, but hey, that's democracy. it's called co habitation in that case. and it's happened several times. i can think of a couple of really obvious examples of what the president pulse, why me down on president jacques, you know, i can you just put on your big boy pants and deal with the fact the might have to handle a situation that so little dec delicate, in order to get things done for democracy for the next little while. now in this
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particular case, it would be the left wing, anti establishment, new popular front coalition that my coal would have to deal with. so how exactly does they end up winning? that also is very unconventional because what happened is that my car was so freaked out that nothing depends anti establishment, right? national rally party would when that his party made an arrangement with the left wing to have this strategy whereby in every district where the national riley with risk winning a c mac house party. and the left wing coalition with block that from happening by throwing their collective support behind just one candidate between the 2 of them. and while the strategy works a team, the pen won the popular vote, but it was the left wing. they ended up with the most seats of all the parties, but now back home doesn't want anything to do with the left wing. now that they've actually one thinks that their program would be a disaster for business and investment. in fact,
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the business community is even echoed that. so he's now citing institutional stability as the reason why he's refused to name a candidate from that part a as prime minister, even one with a similar elite educational background like the national administration school that he went to were talking and you see tests that she's a senior civil servants whose name was put forward by the left when coalition and he turned his nose up at that. and the left wing leaders know exactly what's up could be a big one, that because the country needs a government to make decisions, prepare a budget to make the decisions for the country. and therefore, obviously until mid august, we must be focused on the games. and then from there dependent on the progress of these discussions, fully my responsibility to a point, a prime minister, and to entrust the task of forming a government and having to wide is gathering data, allows it to act and have stability to know. all right, so mac hold there. he's saying that hey look, this is something we we need to handle right now and i'm going to keep you can down
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the road because we have other things to do with. so that's too bad. so now the left wing is saying, look, you have to go back to basically 2nd world war to find a period where france has been without the government for nearly 50 days. now my call has just left his own team in charge as a placeholder until he can figure out how to get around all of this. and the last one you're saying, look, you've failed to fulfill your basic box taking responsibilities as a president. so now we're going to set in motion of process to balance your walk link, but right out of here. and really they only need 110th of parliament to get on and get the ball rolling with signatures and the left wing. to do that, just with the folks they have now are part of it. but there will be a real challenge in getting the 2 thirds of both the parliament and the senate to actually vote in favor of mac homes, destitution or impeachment also working. and macros favor is the fact that there's
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nothing actually written anywhere in the french constitution that says how fast the president has to actually appoint a prime minister. what the left is saying is that it seems like um, such a no brainer, that it didn't occur to the architects of the french constitution that they'd have to actually set a deadline for that. because the french president would be off horsing around on a boat. if this guy powers all summer or using the olympics as an excuse, they really didn't even have to be a national election. by the way. it was only when mac coast party got hammered by the right wing into european elections that he reacted with a double or nothing that with the french electorate and lost again. well because he doesn't like the result of his own meddling. that ends up backfiring and well, the left is now reading him the riot act. to max on these leaders, would you'd sense government of the see guess that without
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a live 5 minutes to who to implement the end of the program. if they answered no, their refusal to see rebels and government is only a pretext to deny the results of the elections. right. so not really doesn't know what to do because all the options that the likes with so far repeatedly, just involve finding some sort of establishment have to he figures probably the, he can control, they all go against the democratic will of the french voters who made it clear that they're just sick and tired of the establishment altogether. so those 2 things are totally incompatible. the danger for mac home is that the law for all of this drugs on the more members of permit could also end up feeling the same way. yeah, the very to mazda in the find q for the update. thanks again. find russian pharmacy so, so the movie is i, robot hasn't choose the so can domain, he won't climbs again. so there's no miles off. the plane shows the city of
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belgrade with cluster munitions. it does a lot of skis neo nazi. john does not stop it's tara against civilians in russia. no doubt that this was a pre planned and carefully prepared terrorist act of intimidation. the so called civilized and enlightened west is in fact supporting the nazis turning a blind eye to their bloody atrocities and supplying the cynical killers it has nurtured with the deadly weapons. the special military operation will continue until all its schools are achieved, including the denot suffocation and d military ization of ukraine. k as of friday and cycling listed in cuba. 5, a says it is $46.00 people will was including 7 children. some of the injured remained in critical condition, global security out of civil, the less says inquiry and it has resulted into attacking us of in areas of these
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forces continue to collapse along the front line. the 3rd state, like the ukrainian reason is that's all at the so desperate that they are trying to target civilians deliberately. just hoping that russia would the answer to strive batch in, in an unreasonable manner to goals for something bigger as so there is nothing then that can qualify what the premium did. but where are primes definitely or primes they love otherwise, as he has slacks and planes, air force come on. this comes as p. m confirms losing the for us of is you estimate of 16 flights of depths a well one of those, especially to into a basis has now died in that i is not entirely clear what happened. but i missing one. you could and b is saying the f 16 was shut down my friendly far
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according to my information, the ukrainian f. 16 was shot down by the patriot empty aircraft missile system due to dis coordination between units. the reports noted that he lost control the culture of lies in the combined ukrainian forces, as well as in all the senior military headquarters leads to the fact that the military decision management system was since and even collapses, as it happens in the pop cross direction. the old thing go report is that the us to withhold specialist service f. 165 to get some other west some equipment due to security concerns in new plane aviation. next, what the civil and the last again says a friendly 5 is like the the blame for the class is inc. waiting to struggle to operate the wide range of western weapons and the disposal. i was expecting these to come quite soon, but i was not expecting this to come so, so
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a be an f one less next? uh well, the thing is that with a new aircraft idea of 16 and young pilots, an experienced on the aircraft and inexperienced in combat and these aircraft. and i had a kind of scenarios about this shooting of the aircraft. the 1st one that effectively was the height of the era and may be special. these orientation, whatever you want to call this in the crossed into the ground, which we call the control flight in to, during most, probably one of the most credible scenario. which is that this aircraft has been down shut again down by friendly fire just because the new cry, naturally you have so many kind over there, a different system with the french, one with the german, one with the pets radio system memory, the united states. and the people that are behind the system, they're on the train correctly unless they are for in years. right. and with
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a human pilot, an experience in that aircraft income by nation, once again is just a split 2nd. and if the operator of the bedframe system is not trying enough, you may have confused the aircraft with another me size and then try them down. and if the i f, f was not working correctly, that's the friendly uh front and photos. items technician system, then the loan. sure. uh the guy that pulled the trigger on the pantry in the system . not to have noticed anything. so in this case he has that might be um, most probably the, the scenario if this aircraft were shut down by another rushing their craft, but also a possibility. but the distance is quite big from the russian border. so uh, with the of the 1st of my choice would be uh, friendly shut down. and this call is a rough is being involved, say on the front lines, cut the of c supply route,
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see thing and forces, and then done by 5 particles regions. the see says it has safe and control the settlement of a cut over me long a t f official is i'm in the law. i'm a she says you put in sold is i'm losing that position without a fight. i went to the outskirts of san diego and saw fortifications in front of the town. there was nothing in the town, just an ordinary civilian settlement. no one was guarding the trenches. no one was near them. the russians were already on the other side of the field, but there was no one else. oh, yeah. west certain pablo been running low to mid russia has a minutes in bondage with the c i a deputy director saying rush, the front line progress is insignificant. you know, the russians are, are making some progress there. they're making progress there. at extraordinary
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cost. they may take po cross, they may not, i think it, you know, it's a, the ukrainians are continuing to, to defend. but like at the end of the day, none of it is game changing in a strategic sense of care to the full back in the dunbar. soon craze a trying to close, getting guys in is also slowing down the post, the key of loss up to full 100 people into the russian defense ministry. is that somebody does that mean clint info's is have loss over 85. busy and, and so does in the region as well as an alternative ad finds it gets, repel the invasion bids because all the incursion into the close region has turned into a blood off without she be any of it. so that's cool into rushes phone minutes. so suddenly that room has been speaking about the current situation as well as any potential piece tools in the future. the reason this, cuz i just,
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as you recently said, zalinski would never dare to invade the course regions without to come on from the us. say this is what the west is trying to achieve with such actions as well as by pumping ukraine with new weapons and those scenarios. they also report in depressed about a possible replacement for the landscape. if this happens, will there be negotiations with key if not shipped to the whole regarding the goal of those to organize the publication in the coast region. the invasion of nazi units with a large number of most and that he's on the contracts. soldiers there was already quoted for in speech. it's hard for me to judge, well intentioned, was in this situation because our west and colleagues have very convoluted minds and they sometimes specific things in their own way. everything gets twisted, but what political scientists are discussing now and even what do lensky has said? sometimes he makes confessions. as freud in slips, he said that we would need it for future exchanges, and he will capture prisoners and sees quick yeomans this. that's quite simple
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minded, naive. we didn't all discuss, i'll tell it to the with anyone and then all conduct negotiations about it's added to the president put instead a year and a half ago when discussing the possibility of negotiations that we another pulse to them. it was a long time ago about 6 months after the start of the special needs they authoration, you said that we are not against negotiations, but those who are must understand that the longer they drug it out, the how to it will be to negotiate. is symbol less than a month after the start of our special meal jell peroration. it was very easy to come to an agreement compared to what we see now. they didn't want that because they haven't completely, as they thought, achieve their goal to completely exhaust russia. so i'm show that there's really nothing to say about the coast region, but it has been put in spoke about everything else on june 14th, while addressing the minister of foreign affairs, we are ready to settle the situation based the only realities,
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realities on the ground realities in the russian constitution, where it is clearly stated that we now have, in addition to cry me a phone you subjects to the federation. the nearest can look guns for people's republics. is that bottles you and have a song regions. and of course, with all this, there can be no soak of the green joining, they to displace everything. so under these conditions, other town to the topic of negotiations is possible. in principle, we're not talking about any negotiations right now, but there's input and has repeatedly stated that those to make sudden statements implying that the russia is somewhat pushing away from the negotiations while he great is ready for them. he said many times, at least still, that's yours, lensky. when he's in the same mind. if it ever happens, sell him to repeal his own decree, binding negotiations to the okay. that were a problem policy. and he said, so this has been arrested at home, one of the family, them to say that does it in the offices of accounts that services are unit rate is
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a house i'm sees personal electronic devices, sir wilkinson, who was released all of the l. a. has roam, being working as a human life active is covering the crisis and gaza. she didn't know so london's support is that land was and legend the rest of the content she posted online. and oh, that says who was with, have accused the bread and government of trumpeting on her right to free speech. we hold onto the media, british government, full, responsible for the stupid act of intimidating and oppressing journalist as well as human rights activities in favor of the is really occupation entity. this is just one reason case. would you be surprised to hear that a moment on the very same day, the british police press charges against a co founder of the organization pop, assign action rich and bonded he is a he is so full of him,
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blacklist his group under the u. k. as a matter of those allegations of power, the stem from some speeches he made. another example is just richard meadows, who was detained in 2 weeks ago. and i loved an apple also on the terrorism max allegedly, pertaining to his group policy on the war in gaza. now those cases of sloth, outrage among pro minute human rights campaign is including pin fluid co founder row. do this, they arrest you for standing out for human rights. campaigning occasions. chad aside, england is now of fascist state. 1984 has arrived and is alive and well for the pre approval of the doors. galloway's a free suite in the u. k. is on the threats written is not yet
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a fascist country, but it is definitely on the road to extinguishing a freedom of speech. in the case of mrs. wilkinson, a 61 year old lady, highly respected, both in our own community and in the wider pro palestine community, which is millions of people in brooklyn. to turn up with 12 police officers. i mean, you try calling the police in britain today. if you all the victim of an order not a crime, you'll be lucky to see one officer. if you are someone speaking out against the prevailing orthodoxy, then if you do retain your live birthday, you will at least suffer from i'll go to the mix suppression of your output, strangulation of various kinds, binding the plot forming. all of this that's now happening is being directed from
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the top from key or style, most labor, government, so call. they are presiding over a correct dollar on this. it does all the things that i grew up being told, well things the other people that in other countries know in free countries like ours. and as we use a braces, so the crack bells fall and finds itself in a minute. and so let me the a hail storm over the rest of the telegram co found. the problem to of and other tech guys is like running low a feeling for the safety or the faces tell me is in prison is found guilty. most of the crimes committed on his online platform including failing to stop the distribution of child pornography, as well as refusing to provide authorities use the information. it was released on a 5000000 euro bell. i'm calling the phones as long as the case is open,
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full and the georgia data again says what am is no more dangerous than of pumping up platform and the not being targeted. if the charges against him have any validity, then the owner resolve every single platform of from instagram through facebook, through twitter and all the others are all guilty of the same thing. and it's very hard to believe that the action taken by mackerel was not coordinated with washington, which is of course, in the process of destroying the tick tock platform for the same reason in a way, not because those anything bad on tick tock. there is lots bad on all these platforms, but because picked up was owned by the chinese. that's the real reason they are. they are in center it to the color duration of dick talk and is the same reason in
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palace. they're going off to do it all because these russia eat alon. musk is coming late, threatened by the very same european union. rambo has been around our offerings, literally banned from drugs and mosques, a prime, although he's fully on side with the western policy and gaza. he's not entirely on side with western policy in the ukraine, and you know, you benefit and how to this is not allowed in uh, in today's western world. if you're not with us, you're against us. see. and so i see the right. yeah, mass of the to i has condemned the west of products. the human rights say is criticism is directly linked to its interests. i
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really didn't, that tunnel was about i started this contradicts weston claims. on the one hand, they argue that it's necessary to ensure the freedom of speech and freedom of citizens, and that is necessary to make sure that anyone can use messages freely. on the other hand, such a famous person is being detained for no reason it's old. i think this is actually contradictory position of the west, and there are many examples of that in terms of human rights. the one, for example, on the one hand, a kill helped to kill folded re citizens. and the goal is to strip on the issue of terrorism. they sometimes even fuel terrorist groups, the way everything is in the interest, they believe that it is murder. they do not call it terrorists, but simply an event where it's not in their interest. they say that this is terrorism, so it's all based on their interests. funding. visited the international inductive, these ready regime has proved in practice. they do not support negotiations. they
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do not support dialogue. and in fact, this is a mistake in some countries that believe that they can have a dialogue with israel and resolve this issue. so they killed as male honey through a terrorist attack. he was a negotiator, he didn't pick up a gun, but they killed him. it was perfectly clear at that moment that he is ready. prime is the 1st choice between killing and putting his opponents in j o. there is no 3rd option. he does not support dialogue. he does not support the solution of the issue . i saw you looking on the high side. i mean the the liberties must defend the territories natural. if a person decides to defend his homeland, everyone supports him but we understand they be as ready. lita has gone crazy. they want to shake up the whole region and provoke, a big a wall. iran has rely on the axis of resistance. we all want us to bill it to you and we want to defend our homeland. bunch of these ladies decide to take some more aggressive steps, violating territory, the integrity of course,
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any country has the right to defend it. no more. it's out of it is of all the to we actually they, nobody knows the stand as to which we're committed to within the framework of international agreements that already carried out numerous inspections, but didn't find anything. we have to follow these rules and we will but international obligations and not unilateral. on the one hand, of course we have set and obligations, but on the other, it also gives a certain rights. so if iran complies with all the obligations then it has rice and should exercise these to find out what other off by the flow in fact all supreme lita has no said such a thing. so i saw at least i didn't hear it. i think they interpret to speeches to their advantage. rome has an unchanged position. naturally, we never retreat from negotiations from dialogue spice. we believe that dialogue
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should be based on mutual interest and rights. the father of this and he is uh, as always the company with us here on odyssey. and uh, so new technology dot com will be here again, about the 28th then so, so we'll see you then the what the, this thing of the continental box house and we, and, etc. with the rest of the world. we're going to relate to the wind in terms of donations on, in terms of trade, africa must define what she wants political after months define are soft cultures, africa. i'm not define ourselves critically. the cause of your guys,
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no choice, but to move forward forward. she will the
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wrong the to the in 1990 the same location in today's confrontation between ukraine and russia. so back to us between petros troops and the red army, the country was divided again that year as a nation is controlled key even right. thank ukraine. white on the naples that the bank bolsheviks proclaimed the creation of. so it'd be a new crane. and the so called independent done, its crew boy wrote republic like today, nationalist receive financial support, weapons and troops from poland. homebuyer. we're just a little confused. those paper filled out the body shop with you over the phone a little bit, the papers, the stuff on the other boys have to use that as a new people stimulus from them. so just if.


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