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tv   News  RT  August 31, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the trying to give it, model ma, call his marching orders. the french left wing opposition launches a bit to impeach the president while the right wing. busy of people to take to the streets and an anti governmental demonstration. the 5 civilians are killed and many more wounded in the russian border. read it. the belgrade has residential buildings come on. the ukraine in moscow says keeps on going in cousin into the coast region, has turned into a large box with a russian foreign minister, branding the very idea of attacking the regions as need against woods. lensky has said, sometimes he makes confessions,
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destroyed in slips. he said that we would need it for the future exchanges, that he will capture prisoners and see square kilometres. that's quite simple minded needs. we didn't all discuss solid said to the with anyone as an old conduct negotiation. so both thoughts headed to the what could you do you have coverage of the latest trends, shaping the world right now. this is our an international i a michael question about crowd a gathering in the french capital calling for the impeachment of reminder, my call now protest as a west shouting freedom that demanding french fits, calling for their country to leave a european union and need to know that you and your flag was also turned up in front of the crowd. now be while the friends opposition warranty monument point to walk the presidential have track of the leader of the left wing coordination has
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low as the bed to impeach him. head is trying to get the mattress re signatures of a piece to make that happen. that we are right on the beach front. the motion for the motion to initiate the procedure for impeachment of the president of the public . in accordance with the article, 68th of the constitution was sent to date the parliament or is foreclose signatures calling refuses to submit to the people's fault so we must dismissed him. the scottish left wing of the french parliament is just fed up with mack hole and dragging his feet on something that's really just conventional. it's not like this is rocket science or anything. it's just really boring. custom for the french president after legislative elections, to name a prime minister from the party that won the most seats. and sometimes that ends up being a guy from a party. they don't particularly like a different party from yours. and that's just life here in france. that's called co habitation. like you're living with a roommate, you don't particularly get along with presidents zach sheet. i tend to also let me
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tell them both had to deal with that. they put on their big point pants and they go on with it. now in this particular case of mac hole, that would be the anti establishment last new, popular fun coalition, that one of the most seats. and how exactly did they win? because of back home was so freaked out that nothing depends anti establishment, right? national rally party would wind that this party made an arrangement with the left wing to have the strategy where in every district where the national rally risk winning a seat. and that caused party and the left. when coalition would block that from happening by trolling their collective support behind just one candidate between the 2 of them and it worked maybe a little bit too well. team the pin one, the popular. busy but it was the left wing that ended up with the most seats of all the parties, but now mccain doesn't want anything to do with the left wing. now that they've actually one thinks that their program would be a disaster for business and investment, as we've heard echos as well from business communities. so now we citing
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institutional stability as a reason why has refused to name a candidate from that party. even one of the similar elite educational background as his you see, test stacks, a senior civil servants who also went to seals pool and the national administration school and left between leaders know exactly what's up to my goodness leaders. would you tell me, is there a government of the suggested without on the front and some nice minister who would implement a new bullet from program? if they on to know their refusal to see rebels and government is only a pretext to deny the results of the elections. so now the last, when you're saying, look, you have to go back to basically the 2nd world war to find a period where france has been without the government for nearly 50 days. now, my call is just left his own team in charge as a placeholder conveniently. and so he can figure out how to get around all of this, and who knows how long that may take maybe all the time in the world,
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maybe 10 years, maybe till the end of his term, who really knows. i'm the luck where you're saying, hey, lucky failed because fill your basic box taking responsibilities as president. so now we're gonna set in motion to process to balance your walk clean. but right out of there, they only need 110th of parliament to sign on to get the ball rolling and the left . we could do that just with the folks that they have now in parliament. but there wouldn't be a bit more of a challenge and getting the 2 thirds of both the parliament and the senate to actually vote in favor of destitution or impeachment. also working and maxwell's favor is the fact that there's nothing actually written anywhere in the french constitution. that says how fast the president has to actually appointed prime minister. what the luck to saying is that seems like such a no brainer that he'd want to get to that sooner rather than later that it just probably didn't really occurred in the architects of the french constitution. then
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they'd have to actually set a deadline for it, because the french president, in this case, would be off horsing around on a boat with di pals all summer, or using the olympics as an excuse, be a big one that we found them because the country needs the government to make decisions prepared budget to make the decisions for the country and therefore obviously until mid august must be focused on the games. and then from there dependent on the progress of these discussions. and this will be my responsibility to appointed prime minister and to entrust the task of forming a government and having the wide is gathering data, allows it to act and have stability there. didn't even have to be a national election by the way. it was only when that calls party got hammered by the right wing and the european elections that he reacted with a double or nothing back with a french electorate and lost again because he didn't like the results of his own meddling. that ended up backfiring. so now he doesn't really know what to do because all the options that these legs, which so far reported the just involved finding some sort of establishment,
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half lackey, he's in control, go against the democratic will. of the french voters made it clear that they're just sick and tired of the establishment altogether on the right and the left. so the danger for mac home is that the longer this drags on parallel to any impeachment process. the more members of parliament should end up feeling the same way as friendship voters. but let's discuss it. who if february model for mine, have friends research a lecture, an expert in jewel politics? joining us from brussels. the other is good to have you join me now. now how, why right? shouldn't the problem be by this could get with 10 should be properly more. this is just the storm in a teacup, but i'll send you all entering in a town of crisis in france because you have a senior regime crisis. so is not gonna end up soon. and from my point of
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view, these crises can only be served. if mccomb will resign the incentive for presidency, but the so far doesn't want to do much because off to but you are beyond addictions for nation, other party. i'm addictions, even last and you listen to you must you to continue under a contribute to to with money predictions or medic, tory, to avoid the nation out in front of potty to the to be the we know a visa elections. an in india, n very is a big deadlock to leading to risk regime crisis, which is step daughter in thought that contradiction or we for what? so is it, and i do go to lunch sheets for friends and these institutions i stay for under relationship is government. so we've a government dominated by her president, but the according to her or share are resorts. oh, the nation. not
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a part i meant antics and nothing money to nations of different collections. we just doesn't respond to these who doesn't share nothing in common, but just wants to avoid nation our front to we are you addiction. so if it wasn't money, pollution in the 1st place under is not gonna end up soon. right? now the left and the rights opposition. political force is generally stand a post to each other and the policies as well as views. is it possible that they're going to unite this time against my call? what do you know versus a lot of the when salt onto the web, these going to happen is difficult to go bear. we've a boss because we are a new situation. but versus situation for the type of friends and the 4 digit kind of policies are deeply entrenched, different visions of, for us do you from vision so from policy or war and is quite likely the big gun
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unite you to decide for come on, party sees on a come on approach, because francis frank, monkey, the nation is deeply fragmented. unzip, very dangerous situation. because if for the more we wage, the mo bay will be for the demonstrations, invest streets and varies tauriel price or menu, or crises where uh, you know, a reserve to so went away. it's also for the bite on the resolution. we from violent demonstrations industries, right? now, if we have to look at this critically, what is the reason behind microns decision not to form a government for over a month now, because you're actually the, each of the parties will participate the recent or national upon them and actions,
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or if deeply and training should the views of friends of a lot of very, very different and are they, they don't want to go on. so we each of, or we don't want to from collections. and are they your, each name is sort of victories of toby elections for like more or less tween, for example, or, or recreate you to be a logical operation. so we verse or shot of spotty green. so the left wing, but the off top of you end of the addictions, they usually disagree again, know the strategy vendor and measuring muscle bought t under e. e. beards with these left wing under central parties, is sort of very large cooperation. to avoid the nation are from 2, we reviewed actions, but 3, in the end v, your, which is a re on, on everything left when claim of victory or vote they, they, they will,
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they will give you an extra, you know, by you, by this last questions but you guys know are religious, you must see because the say a very different views under and it was just to, to, to when we had extra, somebody not to weave any sound to come on program but enough not from actually claims to be. but we know be very are we know because the pieces are bigger, spotty in for us on revolt. any of collaboration which is the biggest policy under a menu aramark home claims about the spotty as not last about much on the job. her a, a collection in the center and really for the re to writing. so we are into the drugs because nobody wants to to form a question. this is not change the spirit of a friend. sure. cause it to sure, let me see smudging, but funny sion of french but it takes 2 from courtney since all right,
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now we see the many here appear lead as a now facing tough passes from the bow desk fronds and the job that we saw that recently in britain were the parties of lost trust among the vote does not. what is a reason for such an attitude from european citizens towards the need of this time? or because there are need all see every west. some countries cannot facebook. china industries kind of defends the interest over our paper and the people are more, more angry about the situation. the beach on the into, on their situation visit must see the migration waiver, no limits and the 2 which is more difficult to manage. the restrictions and budgets are re issue. we some of the hosp to us on socially shore or vote. there's a lot huge amounts of mode, a given to you quinn. good to show if a foreign country, the name he read war against russia. and the more i'm overly for our mother
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open so side to mother, which is a western mother in paul teach from the united states actually doesn't work anymore . and this is why all of these countries facing mo, mo, regime crises on deep, deep crises of societies. and because of the, i don't know, gee, for forming the b r a v i did, or did you which way or the making the site to you running is out of service. now, this recent results now the election results could have become a wake up call for all the european leaders and make them change their approach. generally, i think it's likely because the visa leaders are coming from the, the new already been around it on a truck just networks. oh,
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they know about 2 more mobile people. these are we, we for you. we're been, you and your body sees we've or, or need to policies we open so site to mother which distort nations must be the migrations. busy mobile, the product, she's ations and the destruction of those, so shut your pants. so shut mother. and these leaders know, but they, they cannot reform because we want to keep a system going on. they, they want to be similarly broader nearly abroad. i do know g to continue and the, this is why they enter and it'd be consultation. we've a deep the nation. we are, we are facing more more struggle or between the girl bodies to any government. so the networks of paul and for deep nations in different west on the countries refuse be smarter. so the situation come, the only aggravates from my front of you. all right,
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we have to leave you here. now, peer a monitor of full mind have friends research, a natural and s, but enjoy politics. thank you so much for your insight. now, moving to all the issues. now the, the russian foreign ministry has created that the west turns a blind eye to key of the tax against divisions. and that's south of the city of belgrade was headed by ukrainian forces. this is a lens keys neo nazi. john does not stop it's terror against civilians and russia. no doubt that this was a pre planned and carefully prepared terrorist act of intimidation. the so called civilized and enlightened west is in fact supporting the nazis turning a blind eye to their bloody atrocities and supplying the cynical killers it is nurtured with deadly weapons. the special military operation will continue until all its schools are achieved, including the knots, if occasion, and de military is ation of ukraine. now 5 people were killed in the 5 days
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attacks while a dozen, so a wounded, including children, a number of them remain in the critical condition. level security analysts is serial the launch. i believe the decrease grade is changing tactics to make up for the front line failures. the 3rd state, like the ukrainian region is that's all there are so desperate that that trying to target civilians deliberately just hoping that russia with the add ons strive backs in, in an unreasonable manner to goals for something bigger as so there is nothing then that can qualify what ukrainian did, but where are crimes definitely or crimes about this comments as russia as being advancing on the front lines causing of key supply routes for ukrainian forces of the russian defense,
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ministry savvy has taken control of the supplement of get of i mean, while a key of officially sounding the alarm. i went to the outskirts of san diego and saw fortifications in front of the town. there was nothing in the town, just an ordinary civilian settlement. no one was guarding the trenches. no one was near them. the russians were already on the other side of the field, but there was no one else to this by law says creeping advances of a c i is deputy director dismissed the progress as insignificant you know, the russians are, are making some progress there. they're making progress there at extraordinary cost . they may take po cross, they may not, i think it, you know, it's a, the ukrainians are continuing to, to defend. but like at the end of the day, none of it is game changing in a strategic sense. but while moscow says keeps on going and crush it need to. ready
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the coolest reader and is continuing to come by the high prize it estimates ukrainian forces of last more than 8000 soldiers in the region as russian, the tillery and fighter jets attempt to repel the troops of the cost in cash. and that was a key focus of one of the latest interviews by ross. as for administer, saved elaborate of said he has turned into a blog box with key of only making the possibility of peaceful honda. the diplomatic also touched upon the topic of he's ready aggression in the middle east, which he sees another example of a failure to achieve a peaceful solution by sticking listen, what's left keeping with the montgomery on top of facilitating lebanon and the establishment to be stated, we actively assisted international efforts to end the civil war in the late 19 sixties and early 19 seventies. we strongly advocated for an end to the belligerent actions that is relative during the 2006 war and the move to address the problems
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that identified 11 and as the threats to israel through the post. this has continued ever said this, i think, decade off the decade, we've seen that these issues cannot be resolved by force. they have to be addressed through the recognition of the legitimate rights of the peoples of the region, including the palestinian people to a states of that road. to us, however, is route, has occasionally taken action against lebanon, and syria, including the illegitimate use of acro to bomb the territories of sovereign states . under the pretext of combating terrorism. and such behavior is still a major irritant. we need to negotiate, we need to deliver what the united nations has decided that is to establish a palestinian state along the 1967 borders. this is the only way to achieve long term sustainable peace and long time security for israel. and we have a very strong interest in that these issues cannot be solved by false prime minister. netanyahu is public and he said he does not care about the establishment
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of the palestinian state. what he cares about is israel security. this is essentially a declaration of the refusal to implement the un decision. this is very sad and almost particularly side is that washington conducts any decisions taken by israel to the you and the security council, washington bronx, any agreements which would lead to a comprehensive, permanent c spots. washington keeps sending weapons to israel with these weapons. he used to continue acts of violence against the people of palestine when over at 40000 civilians have died during the 10 months of the operation for a vote. tobar the 72023. this is a horizon this vega and the methods used to collectively punish the public stadium folded terrorist attack of october, the 7th, which was can message by how mass and which we denounced no less criminal in accordance with international humanitarian law. is that or the middle east has been able to maintain a precarious balance until now. and then what is the probability of the current situation and the ongoing escalations, especially in bid, the goals and negotiations, jenny raising into a major role between iran,
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israel and neighboring countries, i think is role is the only policies that would welcome this development. the current hotline government to be 0 is not really making a secret all based. they would probably like to use this moment to try to sold all the problems with her math as well on pro, a reading groups in syria and iraq. and as you say, just now, with the rom itself, once and for all around, is extremely reluctant to rise to the base. i would like to stay away from any large scale ministry action, but it's being provided by the assassination of his male and the, the political lead off. how mass i'm the president related over agents. there meetings around is most certainly a publication, the assassination of israel, honey f, the political leader of how mass at the presidential nova ration ceremony. it's around is my sub to the publication. when we're on the stated that it resolves the right to respond, the americans study, persuading them that may be, it's not necessary for macro on and other figures from the european union began saying that we called on
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a wrong so they've turned everything upside down. it's no longer israel, that needs to be calm down to stop committing political assassination. but of wrong these, this one of this and be ready to more situations when it will be pushed towards follow the steps and it must absolve a without saying a word. the county trying to push some substitute on assign like any place which it closed and controlled by israel alone. the external board is on short and nothing good will come out of this really doesn't ask us address president. you recently said that the landscape would never dare to invade the course of regions without to come on from the us. say, this is what the west is trying to achieve with such actions as well as by pumping ukraine with the weapons. and those scenarios do also reports in the press about a possible replacement for the landscape. if this happens, well, there'd be negotiations with key if i'm not sure that the okay, it says below regarding the goal of those who organize the provocation in the course region. the invasion of nazi units with a large number of most raisal may be contracts sold just by say,
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already recorded for and speech. it's hard for me to judge what the intention was that the situation because uh, westland colleagues have been very convoluted in their minds and they sometimes saves things in their right way. everything gets twisted and then nothing comes of it. what was the idea behind the invasion of afghanistan? destroyed terrace. how did it end with a failure and a disgrace with escape? what was the plan for the invasion of a wrong destroy weapons of mass destruction when he turns out the ones that are, by the way, the rocky leadership and the rocky parliament have been asking the americans for several years now to withdrawal their remaining military contingency. while the u. s. as a country, the respect sovereignty respects independent countries, the members of the un doesn't want to leave them, but in the end, they will still be off to leave the liberty of which they destroyed the state. there was probably the most prosperous in the region in socio economic tubs. home is free gasoline free education including abroad and look what state libya is in now, but on the table it is very difficult for me to judge what goal they said and what
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their intention was. but what political front is discussing now. and even what zalinski has said, sometimes he makes confessions as a freudian slip, so he said that we would need it for future exchanges that we will capture prison isn't safe square kilometers. that's quite simple minded, naive. but if we do not discuss salt territory with anyone else, i do not conduct negotiations about all territory and every time you craniums prove that complete inability to negotiate. and each time the west proves that they only need ukraine to hook russia to irritate russia to fight against russia and nothing more. and they assemble less than the month of to the stopped him all special ministry operations. it was very easy to come. some agreements compared to what we see now, they didn't want that because they haven't completely spaced thoughts achieve that goal to culturally exhaust russia. so i'm sure that there's really nothing to say about the cost region to we are ready to settle the situation based on realities, realities on the ground realities,
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and the russian constitution rates clearly stated that we now have, in addition to crime, is for new subjects to the federation, and it's the d p, all the l. p. all separation and keeps on regions. and of course, with all this that could be no joke. ukraine joining ne tech. so this isn't just a red line. this is not an option. i know so trying to impose such conclusions, saying, let's leave ukraine, whatever it has now, and accept these remnants into nighttime and everything will be fine. but as always, people, the dream is and provoking to share. therefore, all position is clear, but it would be a specific thing. so under these conditions, other town to the topic of negotiations is possible in principle. and you were not talking about any negotiations right now, but for the present fruits and has repeatedly stated that those who make certain statements implying that russia is somewhat pushing away from the negotiations. all ukraine is ready for them. he said many times at least tell that to yours and wednesday, when he's in sight in mind. if it ever happened,
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tells him to repeal his own decree, planning negotiations, or sight the lights of speech by burrell. during the recent ministerial meeting of the european union, he said again that there is no other alternative for negotiations except for the landscape formula. i feel they at least somewhat educated. so they have at least some understanding of how to conduct opponents expire on reality. it's quite a that burrell probably wants to go down in history now as the number one, rooster 5 and the europe. so he is stepping down from his position. eva, it's m a tourism. oh, it's just madness that has replaced the reason of diplomats and politicians in the west and heading to the united states. now just to weeks out to donald trump now they've missed and assassins, bullet twilight on the campaign trail. the u. s. secret service has had the request approved for additional military support the cause of the upcoming election. but how about no exempt details had been given of what best support actually entails? the secretary of defense approved the request and directed the commander of us
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northern command to plan and provide and execute increased support to the united states secret service of various locations across united states during the 2024 election campaigns. now as part of this efforts, the department of defense will give additional assistance including logistics, transportation, and communications. other support will be provided by national guard units. i think this of us boats bus and said that the additional measures had already been implemented in the wake of the trump shooting of the service itself admitted to being shamed. following the incident with its chief stepping down soon after the co director of the need western mazda institute for max is to do a re and political and on analysis. kno uh, collection of 8 sides of the front of it could help is coming in more military lot, middle of the rise form is deeply cold setting is less a calling for help. a more,
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a sign that tension in this country is getting to a breaking point. i mean, there are all kinds of conspiracy series and what not going around about the shooting. but the one thing that's a very clear is that the public will never get the full answer. and because of that, the public is even more tact, right? when an ex president gets shot at, we want to know what happened in the secret service. who are, you know, renowned for going and sort of scouting out these locations and bands, making sure spots on roots like that are on the able to be approached by anyone during the time of the event. that's all standard protocol for the secret service. yet somehow didn't happen in this, but i think that's what's troubling whether it's a quote for help or not. that help is coming in in
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a form that is more middle it trucks. and that's what so terrifying about what i say update. now we'll see you again with most to reset top of the out by now the the, i'm out sooner, tennessee, and welcome back to a brand new season of going underground broadcast to go around the world from the u . a 276 years ago. this week the french painted naveed was born. his depiction of the royalist honey drop is as a nation of a john, let's jump on the raj would make him immortal this week. a front thank you.


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