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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  November 1, 2023 4:38am-5:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] surgery on the eyes of a newborn child, doctors used a laser for the first time, they treat the pathology of the retina of the eye, which is often found in premature babies, what is unique about the new device, natalya babiy found out, this baby was born premature at 26 weeks, he was recently disconnected from the artificial ventilation device lungs, at 3 months the boy learned to breathe on his own, his body weight is still extremely low 790 g . doctor... an ophthalmologist examines the fundus of a small patient, the procedure is painless, doctors say, but for sure not the most pleasant, we were diagnosed with early stage retinopathy, this disease is often detected in premature babies, it occurs due to the immaturity of the eye structures, we look once a week, and if there are indications for surgical treatment, we carry out the procedure within 72 hours. now the doctors of the regional perinatal
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center will operate on small patients with retinopathy in a new way. they now have a short-wave laser of the latest generation in their arsenal; they have to test it in practice. to get into the operating room of our filming room the group also had to put on everything sterile, since this operation uses a laser, and they also gave us special glasses to prevent the impact on our eyes. he is not yet breathing on his own, but is already lying on the operating table under anesthesia. the operation lasted about 40 minutes. a new laser coagulator has reduced the duration of procedures. according to doctors’ expectations, rehabilitation should go faster. we expect the first results in a week, that is, we are assessing whether a second stage or stopping the process is needed. in 2022 in more than 600 premature babies were born at the irkutsk regional perinatal center. eighty families were diagnosed with eye pathology. 14 children were successfully operated on. if they are not diagnosed in a timely manner and
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assistance is not provided, then in fact they can lose their sight. at a very early age , as experts say, by the age of two years of life , premature babies catch up with their peers in development and grow up healthy if they were given all the necessary help immediately after birth. natalia babi, evgeny shakhov, vesti irkutsk. all news always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website this is news we are following developments. happy birthday to maria. how your family congratulated you, how your daughters, son, andryusha congratulated you, when a little person hugs, any mother knows what warmth is transferred from a child, what trust, your angels, your daughters, today here with you is probably the most important advice that i received from my mother, to wait and believe that yours will come to you, the fate of a person with boris
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korchevnikov, on friday at 15:00, for resident of the moscow region shchyolkova natalya... her last visit to the management company literally almost became the last and ended with serious injuries, watch on social networks they are discussing a video in which an employee of the management company attacked a girl with swearing and insults just because she asked when she would turn on the heating , utility wars, how to make a careless management company work? malakhov, today at 16:30. good morning, hello, this is your morning on the russia channel. yours, lena nikolaeva, i’m vladislav zavyalov, and your november 1st, and of course, i already want to stock up on buns, sweets for the winter, gorge myself on pasta, naval style, words, i love fried potatoes so much, what kind of propaganda is this for an unhealthy lifestyle, the thing is, that you need to enjoy food, and at
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the same time. not to add a single gram, or calories, or harm to yourself, because you can watch , but you can’t try , the most healthy fast food exhibition has opened at the miami university museum, all exhibits are made of glass, please, huge burgers, hot dogs, donuts, lemonades, even ketchup are prepared by artist john miller in his workshop. the idea of ​​​​creating giant glass sculptures came to him in childhood, the poor fellow did not eat enough, no, just during the summer holidays he often dined with his parents at roadside cafes , and hardly anyone will be nostalgic for school food, parents and children again complain about its quality, instead of the hot free lunch required by law, schoolchildren receive something completely inedible, despite the fact that the budget is allocated for food more than 60 billion rubles, where the money goes - dmitry zaitsev found out.
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the food at school is not tasty, in principle, i can say that i don’t eat there, there are hairs in the food, in the tea, flies, midges, schools in the stavropol region try to have breakfast and lunch at home, the children complain, what they give in the cafeteria cannot be eaten, not there is not enough salt, there is not enough sugar, that is, in some products, if, for example, there is milk porridge, then it goes... tasteless, not sweet, the pasta is completely cold, the parents of students of this omsk school have the same complaints, complaints so much food has accumulated that the supervisory authorities came to check, some portions were found to be underweight , an expired food product was found, well, yeast directly for cooking, however, complaints about tasteless, and even small portions are recorded throughout the country, up to 40% of complaints, who come to the people's front, they come specifically on the topic of cold food, no one... in their right mind would eat cold porridge, or cold pasta stuck together. despite the fact that the state fully provides hot meals primary school in each region , the cost of one serving of breakfast or lunch
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per child is different. it all depends on many facts, on logistics, on the pricing of products, on the number of students, so we get the sum that one region receives 90 rubles for food and payment, another region there receives around 40 rubles, maybe even. .. a little less, but questions remain, how can you feed a child for the same 40 rubles, because the daily norms of proteins, fats, carbohydrates for baby food are clearly stated in the sanitary regulations according to the rules, the caloric content of the diet of a child seven-11 years old, 10 years old, is about 2,100 calories per day, for breakfast it is approximately 20-25%. for lunch - this is 30-35%, and about 15% is a midday meal , with all this, there must be meat, fish, dairy products, as well as vegetables and fruits, parliamentarians propose to diversify this menu at the expense of those children who for example , i went on sick leave, because every year, approximately 15% of the funds allocated for hot meals are returned to the budget, maybe we
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will initially put in plus 10% to that same amount cost, but to those 90 rubles we will add , roughly speaking, another nine, and then the cost of one breakfast will be more, but that means we have... something else to give the child. however, it would be nice to improve the mechanisms of control over the same schools. perhaps it is worth thinking about developing a special one-stop online service, when a complaint from parents who are annoyed with school meals is immediately seen by the prosecutor’s office, rospotrebnadzor, and other competent authorities. yes, but who will check the daily norms at home? proteins, fats, carbohydrates for baby food and in general, what a child eats, the answer is obvious parents, but regularly in the news we see headlines: it was the parents who starved the child to death in yekaterinburg, in sochi, the parents of the sun-eaters brought their month-old baby to starvation, people deliberately go to refusal of breastfeeding, ready for formula, and so in russia they propose
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to prohibit vegetarianism for children at the legislative level. the national parent committee and experts sent a corresponding appeal to the state duma emphasized that vegetarian children are more likely to experience a deficiency of protein, iron, calcium, zinc, iodine, and this... in turn causes anemia, neurasthenia and even developmental delays. we will discuss the initiative of this ban on vegetarianism for children with the main non-staff children's specialist in preventive medicine, healthy russia, lel namazova baranova. good morning. hello, livevra simonovna, what does science say? refusal of animal proteins, fats, amino acids is guaranteed to lead to a delay in the development of the child, to problems with lean systems. the children's body, in order not to simply increase. in size, that is, to grow , but also to develop, that is, so that the brain moves forward accordingly, and protein is absolutely needed, moreover, it is needed not only in early childhood, although of course these are the most critical years, it is
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needed , for example, in school childhood, again, we recently conducted a very large population study and proved that, including cognitive performance or cognitive function, as doctors say the child depends on how full-fledged he is. his diet, for example, how much protein he gets, but how to track all this, that is, yes, an initiative has appeared, let ’s somehow monitor the nutrition of children, our own , of course, but also strangers, no, come on, the only question is how , what mechanisms are there for this, at least at the appointment, the pediatrician at each visit of the child should assess his physical development, in our country everything is very clearly interconnected, if a child, for example, is lagging behind in growth and development, this is already evidence that - it's not... well or, as they say about small children, he lost the skills he already had. the pediatrician may insist on a mandatory test, well, blood, maybe the pediatrician should naturally conduct an additional examination to
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identify the cause of this condition, if the cause is sudden, for example, lunch, well, relatively speaking, in terms of protein, let’s assume he suspects this situation , then naturally, the next step will be to more thoroughly find out what’s wrong with the child’s diet? okay, there is such a mechanism, if a child comes to the pediatrician or kindergarten with bruises, then the teacher or doctor is obliged to report it somewhere, here. it may be that if this initiative is accepted and further promoted, then the pediatrician or kindergarten employee will simply notify special authorities, a special commission, that there is something wrong with the child. i think you are absolutely right , because any manifestations, both in one direction, that is, when the child is not given enough nutrition, are actually all over the world in the other direction, when the child is overfed, there are cases of violence against the child, someone monitors such children, because they may not go to kindergarten and come to school in a very
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backward state, as you say, our clinics have two functions, these are precisely such a supervisory part, when , for example, a sick child comes there, and the child receives help, and a preventive part , when parents come for visits with healthy children, in the first year once a month, in the second year less often, on the third even less often and so on, but you are right... this control should be strengthened, well, yes , if a child is not seen in a medical institution, then this is already a flag and some measures must be taken, thank you for the conversation, about children vegetarianism, we talked with the main non-staff children's specialist in preventive medicine, the ministry of health of russia, leilya namazova baranova, all the best to you, emelya wants to ride on the stove in her free time, but i can spit it out, well done, guy, according to the pike's command, statistics
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have appeared, they don't very, accident rate on russian roads has increased and the reason here has also increased, as the traffic police reports, in 9 months of this year, 5% more accidents happened on the country’s roads than in the same period last year, the main reasons are still the same, speeding, drunk driving, but added to them is the critical wear and tear of the cars themselves, they are expensive, they began to repair and update them less often, they save on tires, especially in... and how to check if everything is in order with the electrics of the car, the main thing is how to prevent problems, here everything will tell you ivan zinkevich. autumn, high humidity and temperature changes can affect the operation of many vehicle components, and one of the most vulnerable systems in this regard is the electrical system. let's figure out which components suffer first and what can be done for prevention. so, in a modern car it’s something like
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our nervous system; almost all components today are powered and controlled by wires. the electrical system of a modern car consists of main components, such as a battery, starter, generator, various control units of vehicle systems, connected to each other by electrical wiring. at the same time, there are more than enough harmful factors. in addition to dampness and temperature changes, there is also road dirt and salt. alarming symptoms are very easy to notice, for example, if the engine does not start the first time, running intermittently and jerking. in this case, we go to inspect the high-voltage wires; of course, if the design of the car allows, check if there are any cracks, abrasions or other damage on them. found signs of wear, you need to change it immediately, and not wait until something closes and the engine won't start. another reason to be wary is the unstable operation of all electric drives, mirrors, the tailgate, the operation of the wipers or failures in the multimedia system. what could be
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the cause of the problem? the main problems are insufficient contact, poor contact, oxidation of contacts, and also breakage and rotting of electrical wiring in weak spots. pay special attention to twisting the wires, especially in budget cars, where simple electrical tape or heat shrink is used for this. another autumn problem is related to the battery, old without waiting for cold weather, it’s better to replace it, and if the battery discharges quickly, this may indicate a problem with the generator , the diagnosis will be confirmed by dimmed headlights , whistling of the drive belt, just like with the battery, don’t wait for problems, contact a service center, well, as a preventive measure, you can clean it and treat it with a special lubricate the battery terminals, check the headlight seals so that moisture does not get inside, be sure to check the functionality of all lighting fixtures, not only
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turn signals, parking lights, brake lights and even license plate lights, it gets darker earlier and earlier, which means we should be visible better, you can see the secrets of wild nature these days in the halls of the new tretik street in moscow, an exhibition of unique photographs of the golden turtle has opened there, we will also visit there in a couple of minutes, russia, vague... famine, foreign invasion. patriarch ignatius placed the royal crown on the daughter of the polish governor. on the throne, one after another, impostors, according to various sources, the initial strength of the liberation army was small from 3 to 500 people, in order to survive, to revive state, the entire russian
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people united, the path of testing the struggle day after day in the documentary project of alexei denisov, russian troubles from... a medical history, on saturday on rtr. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen,
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just a moment, please. today we have. you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words. heroes of their time , beauty, rapping, the whole team, only watch on the platform, watch today a special edition of the 60 minutes program, all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world, don’t miss it, 60 minutes, today on rtr, the main premiere of the year, i want to introduce you to alexander dmitrovich lonsky, the guards
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officer is ready for the most violent attacks, always at your service, your personality, but he surrendered without a fight, i am in my life. thought the women were more majestic, more beautiful, kinder, ekaterina, favorites, sashenka, sashenka, my god, from november 6 on rtr, the meeting place cannot be changed, in october all the gentlemen in tails, mogelans and penguins are rushing to patagonia on... the island from the point tombs to show themselves, to see others, these important birds begin mating season, they start affairs, quarrel, make up, fall in love, in the end they find a mate for life, in patagonia the birds will do all this until spring to raise their chicks, but then
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set off along the coast of argentina, chile, to sail again in the fall on vacation in penguin paradise, travel around the world and see the most incredible... animals without leaving moscow, for example, or by arriving in it. the largest international wildlife festival, the golden turtle, started in the halls of the new tretovka. festival wildlife like a voyage around the world, inaccessible corners of the planet, rare animals, an incredible close-up macro world, these photographs transport you to amazing places, revealing the beauty and secrets of wild nature. when a person sees a beautiful photograph, his consciousness changes in his head, he understands, damn, how beautiful it is, not alone. a person will no longer raise a carbine there at a passing cat or bear, to draw attention to the problem of protecting endangered species and preserving nature through art, the main task of the golden turtle, the authors show how fragile this powerful beauty can be, among the unique photographs is a shot of a lemur, which
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is on the verge of extinction. unfortunately, we will soon no longer be able to see many animals live, the black-and-white ruffed lemur is just one of those species, these lemurs are the noisiest, the most aggressive, well, within their group, photo hunters are ready to sit in ambush for days to watch their models, to capture the real emotion of animals, mikhail korostelev became the first photographer who managed to photograph hippos underwater, on he had only 20 seconds to create a photo of the winners, the hippopotamus is one of the five most dangerous animals for humans, mikhail went to one lake for several years, first filmed these hippopotamuses with underwater drones, then, when he already realized that the animals were safe, that they got used to his presence, he dived under water for the first time; to film a masterpiece, you don’t have to rush to the other side of the world or go down the world, just take a closer look. i took this photo literally in the 20th month
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, ottusias lives in moscow and in general it’s possible meet about 250 species of birds during the year, including a huge number of those listed in the red book. modern technologies help you immerse yourself in the multifaceted world of wild nature. lightboxes with photographs create an immersive effect, giving viewers the opportunity to rise above the birds and witness the incredible northern lights. your shooting technique. several years, in order to convey that beauty, this northern magic, in order to take this shot, you would have to go into the river itself, i have high boots, brodni, just like that i went through this process, i’m standing in the water with a camera, a golden turtle is an exciting project for the whole family, the program includes showing eco -blockbusters, master classes and lectures, one day on november 4th will be dedicated to protected russia, everyone will learn how they can help preserve nature. in his free time, emelya wants to ride on the stove, but i
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can spit it out, well done, according to the pike’s command, we are all together, fear me, what is it to be afraid of you, we all watch it together, on friday at 21:30. morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, a record level of anti-semitism in the world, in paris metro police opened fire on a passenger wearing a jacket in the united states, university students are receiving death threats. supplements to pensions, preferential mortgages, simplified bankruptcy, what other innovations await
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russians from november 1?


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