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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  November 1, 2023 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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there is no comparison between intentionally killing children in an attack, as hamas does, and involuntarily killing children in self-defense, as israel does. this difference does not mean that the death of a child on either side is more or less serious, the death of a child is always serious, but on the other hand there are intellectual and moral differences between the intention to kill or attack someone because of his origin, which is grew up so it's normal that it doesn't cause the same reaction, it does sadness, but it doesn’t evoke absolutely the same perception, and that’s normal, because it’s not the same thing, it’s incredible, it’s just that nazism is returning to europe absolutely crystal clear, in one day three more un employees died in their homes with... as a result
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attacks in gas are reported by the united nations commission. please, murat. thank you very much, if it’s possible i’ll make some insertion, i’m of course a child of the south and don’t particularly touch on the north, and the only thing i can say about alaska is that it’s a pity that it’s no longer ours, but anything can happen in life change. i can tell you where it can come from, or rather the question should be so rhetorical, the americans are talking about the fact that we have some kind of hatred. or you can find out about the hatred of the french in algeria, where there were just a million people. in fact, the skulls were destroyed, which to this day are in scientific museums in france, where this comes from, our great fighters for freedom, human rights, or about such, let’s say, the negatively known abu ghraib prison in iraq, where only according to estimates, let's say there are about 300,000 iraqis, but what do they say? were subjected to torture, and the most sophisticated was when they heated, let’s say, some container, put it on the person’s stomach, put in... a mouse or a wild
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rat, so it was heated until it seemed to gnaw everything out these, that’s where such cruelty comes from, and a lot more, i won’t tell you, i won’t surprise anyone or , on the contrary, disappoint, what is the story, as for our, let’s say, current moment about israel, sergei, of course, said, he is always very interesting voices moments but there is one point, the day before yesterday a plane took off from israel towards doha, no one understood anything, i didn’t say anything for a day, there was no official confirmation, well, today they spilled into the media, or rather last night they started writing in the media in russian in russian , about the fact that the head of massad flew there, why he flew to doha , which does not recognize israel, and where ismail khan , the head of the politburo, sits, and he flew there in order to discuss the possibilities of, let’s say, the transfer of hostages, why, because before israeli intelligence and israeli services still cannot find where they are.
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and today again netanyahu said that they fulfilled 10% of the conditions for the extermination of hamas, it is not clear how this is assessed, honestly, but they did it, and again there is talk, first they say that this is a ground operation, then no, no, this extended operation , we haven’t started yet, they report that there are already battles in the tunnels, but they don’t report what lebanese sources say and regarding hezbollah, today hezbollah announced that she eliminated representatives of the israeli army who were... annoying, from 10 to 15 people, they indicate, as if, there are already losses, and enough, as if in 3 days , this is the beginning of the active phases of a ground military operation, quite large, today about 20 people were ambushed, already in the north of the gaza sector, also few people write about this, i completely agree with comrade general that we hear only one side, yes, of course, if they also say tanyahu, that he had losses,
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then this will cause even more negativity, because even last saturday there were protests again, at which kako writes, and there were calls for netanyahu to leave, because they are already slowly beginning to understand why all this happens if hamas, despite everything , yes, and they say that we are ready to give up the hostages, but if there is a complete cessation of oppression, this is one part, the second part, as you already said about the prime minister of egypt, his today's announcement that this is not will admit why this became... so heatedly discussed, 2 days ago, most of the closed negotiations on the deal of the century, which was once prepared by the trump administration, and led by his son-in-law, jared kushner, were leaked, in my opinion, if i don’t i’m wrong, the deal of the century meant , let’s say, peace in exchange for money, and all these territories had to be transferred, let’s say, for money, what was the story, that the gas sector, all these 2.5 million, in total 2,800, should be moved to the sinai peninsula... there is a city
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called al-arish, it should become, say, the capital, so-called palestine, what all these people received in return, yes, the palestinians received the opportunity to attract investment, that is , israel's money, for some reason the gulf countries had to pay for this , the same thing saudi arabia, that is, the americans thought that the gulf countries they really want to communicate, cooperate with israel, and in exchange for this they are ready to allocate some of their own money, while no one said what america would do, it just came and said that you can do it this way, and that’s it we'll finish with you, this began to actively develop, now, let’s say, the prime minister said that we are ready to resist this, we won’t give in, he’s just putting pressure on us. a peace summit was also held there, the next one during which they discussed the need to assist. today, not far from the checkpoint, a field hospital is being built, it’s clear why, if there are no such victims, we still said 3 days ago about 8,500 people,
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there is still no updated figure, but since there is already a huge field hospital, means, something is not very good, and then today there was condemnation from various international organizations that yes, indeed , what is doing... the israeli army is quite a lot, this is no longer an equivalent answer, remember, what we discussed with you what an equivalent answer is, in all these collateral losses among the military, it is called, for some reason, these collateral losses, unfortunately, lead to the growth of anti-semitism, on the one hand, on the other hand, islamophobia , and this is quite sad, because here you are as they rightly said, we are talking about the 19th century, about civilization, about space exploration, someone is flying to mars, about artificial intelligence, but we behave as if really, well, i mean in general, humanity behaves very strangely, as if more and more we are getting closer to actually destroying ourselves with these things , because i very harshly condemn any kind of discrimination, today this is one, this is a national group, tomorrow it is another in
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the end, this is chaos all over the world, let's let's see the middle ages, which is happening right now in the middle east. when the ambulance arrived at the hospital, zein was in critical condition. now her life is not in danger, but just imagine the horror she experienced. at night, the de-energized gas sector is illuminated by flashes from exploding aircraft bombs. in this footage, a resident of the palestinian enclave mourns his family. only by dawn were his father and two children able to be pulled out from under the rubble of the building, which was hit by an airstrike by the israeli army. the man survived, but from concussion shock
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can barely stand on his feet. another example of the unjustified cruelty of the israeli army is the shooting of a civilian car during... tank raid on the outskirts of the city. the silver station wagon was moving along the salahiddin road, 3 km from the border with israel. soon the driver notices an israeli merkava 4 tank, which has taken a position between the buildings. the width of the roadway does not allow turning around in one go. the car appears in full view. at this moment, the crew of the israeli tank commits. an obvious war crime. from being hit a high-explosive fragmentation shell tore the car into pieces. according to preliminary data , the drivers and two passengers died. as the woll street journal reports, citing israeli army spokesman nir dinaar, sahal does not have information about who could
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be driving, so he has every right to open fire to kill. the extent of destruction in the gas sector is impossible to describe. but the israeli government says that as long as hamas is able to carry out such attacks. the idf offensive on the territory of the enclave will continue. israeli prime minister netanyahu justifies his scorched earth tactics with an example from the old testament. a time to love, a time to hate, a time for war, a time for peace. this is the eighth verse of the third chapter of the book of ecclesiastes. but israel chooses the path of war. just as the united states did not agree to a ceasefire after the bombing of pearl harbor, or after the terrorist attack on september 11, israel will not agree to a cessation of hostilities. with hamas after the horrific terrorist attacks of october 7th. calls for a ceasefire are calls for israel to capitulate to hamas, to capitulate to terrorism, to capitulate to barbarism, this will not happen. israel will fight; we have been at
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war since october 7. israel did not start this war and did not want it, but israel will win. this footage shows the aftermath of a strike on a residential building next to the warehouse. assistance from the palestinian red crescent. palestinians are clearing away the rubble using any available means. the shock wave caused ceilings to collapse in almost all buildings within a 200 m radius and windows to break out. according to un estimates, about 70% of those killed in the enclave were women and children, which is impossible to estimate as collateral damage. the idf press service confirms the expansion of the ground operation; the main forces are entering palestinian territory from the north, trying to take gyaza into a semi-ring. let's look at the map to better understand where exactly tsahal entered the territory of the enclave. as you can see, they started at the top right, very close to the mediterranean coast, that is. they will move from the northern direction, trying to pave the way here. the
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dutch minister of defense issues a straightforward ultimatum to hamas militants to surrender or die, he also adds, that the purpose of the ground operation in gaza is the release of hostages and the elimination of the military potential of the forces of the palestinian movement. israeli defense forces spokesman daniel hagari reported 315 military dead and 238 hostages still held by the radical palestinian movement hamas. among them are six russians. destroy hamas so this never happens again. we already survived the siege of masada and the holocaust. you can't kill jews. hamas militants happily send messages to the parents of those killed. one of them wrote that he killed 10 israelis and now uses the phone of one of them. hamas releases video of three hostages captured in israel. one of the women addresses netanya personally. accuses him of starting the war. the prime minister's office has already called this recording psychological propaganda.
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israeli president herzok confirmed the death of twenty-two-year-old german student shani luk, who was kidnapped by hamas militants during the festival massacre on the first day of the conflict. according to the german welt, the girl was beheaded. only now we have received message that the murder of shani luk has been confirmed. they found her skull, which means these. this is a huge tragedy and i send my deepest condolences to her family, she was a beautiful twenty year old girl who went to a music festival. according to nbc, negotiations for the release of the hostages have reached a dead end. the palestinian movement is demanding that tel aviv allow fuel supplies to the gas sector, while refusing to guarantee the release of more prisoners with foreign citizenship. here's the new york times asserts that hamas has accumulated huge reserves of food and fuel, which allow it
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to hold its defense for several months. hamas fighters believe they can fight. gershon vaskkin is an israeli negotiator who has already dealt with hamas fighters. even if hamas can be defeated as a group, can their ideology be defeated? no, the only way to replace the reality of the terrible life that people in gaza and palestine have lived for the past 75 years is to create. new reality. according to netanyahu, the israeli defense forces are starting the third stage of the operation, a measured, powerful and continuous ground offensive. during the next shelling, this girl’s face was cut by shrapnel and she would no longer be able to see. according to the un middle east agency, 10 united nations employees have been killed in the gas sector over the past 72 hours. first, the conflict in the middle east escalated 63 un employees. admiral kirby, answering a question from a magazine. to rescue
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the hostages, but this does not mean that there were no casualties among the civilian population, unfortunately, they there were a lot of them, thousands of them, but unlike putin in ukraine, unlike what hamas did on october 7, killing civilians is not a military goal of the israel defense forces. their military goal is to go after hamas terrorists, terrorists who use innocent palestinians as human targets. the white house has rejected repeated calls for a ceasefire in the gaza strip, saying it would only benefit hamas militants. this is probably why at least 53 military flights were registered over the past 24 hours c-17 transport workers flying from the continental united states towards the middle east. action evaluation. president putin gave washington, emphasizing that the palestinian-israeli
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conflict was unleashed by the colonial appetite of the united states and its satellites , when you look at bloodied children, dead children, how women and old people suffer, how doctors die, of course, your fists clench, tears well up in my eyes. there is no other way to say it, for the tragedy of the palestinians, for the massacres in the middle east in general, for the conflict in ukraine, for many other conflicts. in the world, in afghanistan , iraq, syria and so on and so forth, there are the ruling elites of the united states and their satellites, this is already obvious to everyone, you need to know to understand where the root of evil is, where is this very spider that is trying to entangle with its web, the entire planet and the whole world and wants to achieve
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our strategic defeat on the battlefield, uses... people fooled by him for decades on the territory of today's ukraine, fighting precisely this enemy, as part of a special military operation, we are still since i want to emphasize, we are strengthening the positions of all those who are fighting for their independence and sovereignty. pro -palestinian activists tried to thwart biden's request for additional funds for military support for ukraine and israel in the senate. secretary of state blenkey for putin hopes that the hamas attack on israel will distract washington from ukraine and the us will reduce its support. after these words, a dozen people burst into the hall with anti-war posters. they started shouting slogans and demanded to stop funding israel, to obtain a ceasefire from it, to stop the killing of palestinians. blinken had to interrupt
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his performance. look. putin is trying his best to take advantage of hamas' attack on israel. he hopes that this will distract us from ukraine, that this will lead to the us backing down, reducing its support, but we have invested in our most important foreign asset - our network of allies and partners, which is becoming larger, becoming stronger, becoming more united and has more potential than ever before was, we will not retreat from our interests and values, neither in the face of russian aggression against ukraine, nor in the face of growing rivalries in the indo-pacific region and around the world.
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there, then austin also said terrible things about the fact that the united states will have to fight with russia , we will show it a little later, vitali tevich, well, if we sum up what is happening, since every day we discuss this in different audiences and television viewers see all this, and as for ukraine , then i would say so, ukraine, ukrainian contourattack yok,
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zelensky bar, well, anyone who knows the tatar language, and it would be nice to know it while living in russia, will understand what we mean and we can assume that this military-political theater of military operations will be minimized, the only thing we don’t know is when russia will start and to what extent its general offensive is a separate topic , i remember i already said, perhaps here, that now blinken said that we are investing in ours, again the main asset around the world is growing, it is not growing, that is the problem of the united states of america, what number partners and allies are not growing, but decreasing, they understand this very well and accordingly, in my opinion, are carrying out a global counter-offensive on
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countries resisting american dictatorship. which are not even united particularly well yet, in fact, a single organization, well, like nato, these forces do not have such a scale, nevertheless, the americans feel this danger, but they, in general, spent the entire 19th century, the first half of the twentieth, one might say , economically they formed their empire after the second world war, military-political. they occupied half the globe, the other half belonged to the soviet union, it collapsed, russia weakened, but we know all this, victory was close, but no, well... they can be understood, they just don’t think differently, that’s another matter , that this is their understanding, but ours is different
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, and here i would like to draw attention to the fact that recently, the israelis, their officials, and the americans have actively begun to refer to the bible, in general, be afraid when you can trace it through history, it’s one thing when clergy or ordinary believers they refer to... books that they consider sacred, the old testament is in fashion now , in the west, it’s another matter when politicians are doing this, well, netanyahu, in my opinion, almost every day, every other day he talks about it that there is a time of war, peace, there is a time of war, you can find many such quotes in the bible in other places, you can, that the history of the world is the history of wars, this was not discovered by netanyahu, and before the creation of the bible, most likely it was also, alas yes, but in this case he
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directly justifies military actions based on the bible, these are political logic, the need to protect your people, your country from terrorism, these are reasonable arguments, you can evaluate their persuasiveness. case, but they are reasonable, and when they start referring to sacred texts, it is extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous, especially since i don’t know how true this is, but i read today that the speaker of the us house of representatives, so beloved by many, also referred to he said that in general the bible says that israel is right, that it needs to be protected, if it really is. he said that, then he said it, said, yes, in fairness, vasily nebenzya said that
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the chaos in the world now is of biblical proportions, in biblical, in the sense of babylonian moshins, but the apocalypse is also written in the bible, so these pistorius, these american generals, they are apparently the final parts. they prefer to read the bible, not the united nations, so in this case, what am i talking about, but i have a question, if an american politician quotes the bible, it is obvious that the old testament, precisely that part, which is by no means a book for reading to infants, or there preparatory students classes, then the question to him is, well, let’s say israel is in the right covenant, but for the usa nothing is written there at all. sletno, can we assume that this country should not exist in principle, even though it is not mentioned in the bible, let's listen to johnson, who you mentioned, my first action
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as speaker is to pass a resolution officially, formally recognizing our support for israel against the barbarity of hamas and all its accomplices, it is no coincidence that the first decree was about israel and that my first action was simply to be... with you, i want you all to know that we support you, as christians, we believe that the bible very clearly teaches that we should be on the side of israel, but that we should be on the side of the united states, it does not teach, because the usa is not mentioned there, any christian can question the necessity of the existence of this country today, by the way, it is also not mentioned there, so, but by the way, if you turn israel towards
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the palestinians, they have another sacred book, the koran, and if they will now rely on the koran, referring to all kinds of suras that are written there regarding how to conduct politics, including against one’s enemies. i, but the fact that americans are talking nonsense, not western politicians, is already obvious , in my opinion everyone knows, but the point is not that they are talking nonsense, this is a sign of this uncertainty, confusion, the inability to explain even to themselves the logic of their , their actions, and here i return to israel, by the way, about lgbt, in my opinion israel supports the lgbt movement, about the developed democracy there in the bible, i’m not i’m being ironic now in the bible, it ’s also clearly stated on this subject in the old testament and in the new
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, so israel. i have already said that you can understand the logic of his actions, his goals, even based on how he understands the danger, but the consequences of these actions, as they are now being carried out, are also openly admitted, that the plan is to evict 2 million to hell, which means destroy hamas, how to separate one from the other there, let's say, let's say, this is a solvable military task, let's say, although it is clear that this is... not very solvable, evict 2 million, but this is not the 19th century, not xi, not 15, firstly, where will they evict , who will they force to accept them, what will be happy about this, how will the arab world react to this, how will the islamic world react to this, and how will they react to this, how not cool, you can explain in different ways the popularity of support for palestine all decades, in fact, since
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the creation of the state... israel, and from the left, from different sides, but the fact that anti-semitism is political, they are now raising all over the world, it is obvious how they will continue to live with this, they will solve the problem for 3 years mass terrorism called hamas, and that all this will continue to disappear, plus this means that they will occupy another part of the palestinian lands. that is, they will confirm - what they have been accused of all these years, that they do not allow the creation of a palestinian state, including by occupying its lands, the lands that were allocated to it by the decision of him, who is the official position of the united nations organization , the lands of palestine are occupied by israel, even pro-american figures in the un, well, they can’t to get out of this trap, out of this dead end, they are forced to rely on these
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documents, firstly they are too... well known, secondly they are too clearly spelled out, well, plus, including american ones, yes, yes, well plus this gigantic sympathy for the palestinian people, for the palestinian resistance, including popular in the west, because these arafatkas, these scarves, their scarves, well, in europe , young people used to constantly wear these in the winter, when it was colder, it was such popular type of clothing, progressive, revolutionary, so they are confused, they are confused, and we must give credit here, despite many, in my opinion, still some tactical failures, that russia acts strategically very thoughtfully, you can really blame it for waiting for the enemy to make a mistake, sometimes waits too long, but he still does it,
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sooner or later, this is... further and further forward, here we are conducting a political counter-offensive much more actively than the contour of the offensive on the line of this defense in novorossiya. we'll be back, for now all you have to do is go to the city and bring the boy, this boy is my husband’s son. the fact is that he was taken somewhere in a car, so he could be anywhere, we need to find him urgently, ivan gushchin, why tell him, he’s really a persecuted guy, you know, ivan, where are you, what happened, where is yegor? where you need it, you bring a million, you get a boy, a mirror of lies, today on rtr, i think that here, you sit
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and think, there’s no need to think, here it’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, two there can be no opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairytale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, i had in mind, of course, a bear when i said something like that stinky little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, that’s what many people use , the strongest love for the game, this is a five- on-one program, i’m oops, and five on one, on saturdays on rtr. i'm glad you're here. and i’m also
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glad that i’m here, look at the holidays, this is not my vantus, but this turns out to be mine, and i didn’t recognize him, she’s gone completely wild after the plumbers, running around, maria porushina, only i decided to forever have an affair with love , like i accidentally looked at you, yaroslav boyko, forgive me , i didn’t want, they didn’t want, well, that is, i wanted anna yakunina, from this place in more detail, dad, mom need to be pulled out of the uguda, mom is having an affair, what an affair, sergei zhugunov, i can’t forgive myself for losing you, but you i never wanted everything to be... as before, maxim overen, let's go, but where, y it’s a surprise for me, and i really like surprises, everyone is 50, sunday and monday, on rtr, oh,
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it’s full, my box is, russia is great, hundreds of languages, more than 200 nationalities, no. she’s the gnedanichniki, these summer songs of the russian
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world on the day of national unity on rtr, we watch them before everyone else. veronika pavlovna, you are still part-time with the dog handlers, are you even with us? of course, i'm always with you, let's subscribe and watch. our strength is in truth, our job is to serve russia, which means we are on the air again. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. russia will win the conflict in ukraine. if the united states stops providing support to the kiev regime, pentagon chief loy dostin said this at hearings of the senate appropriations committee. the head of the defense department is confident that russia can challenge nato in the future. in ukraine, putin
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thinks he can wear us down. this assumption underlies his strategy. he thinks that the west will get tired of supporting ukraine, everything will go the way he wants. therefore, if we do not support ukraine. putin will win if we don't to devote our resources to ukraine, will this increase the likelihood that at some point we will have to send young americans to the european theater of operations. i am sure of this, as we said earlier, if putin succeeds in ukraine, he will not stop there, and the baltic states literally think we are next, so i believe that sooner or later he will challenge nato and we will find ourselves on battlefield. we regard this as a threat, let’s move to the island of manhattan, the boss of our dmitry, gobita first, i’m not the boss, yeah, in my opinion, there is bronze there, if i’m not mistaken, oh well, in short, the point is as follows
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, and first, the vote for dividing the package will be on november 2, thursday, in 3 days, then, well, in two you can count it, that’s accordingly, strictly speaking, the main movement is taking place about this, because everyone wants to maintain this funding in full, the interest lies in the fact that maybe even a part of the democrats can support the republicans, because they seem to be in favor of a providing assistance to israel, if the republicans hadn’t pushed it inside, didn’t insert the part that concerns that the money would be transferred with the tax component, now if they refuse this, most likely it would be like this, well, it ’s possible for the negotiation process, then it’s quite possible that the position could support both the lower house of parliament and the upper house of parliament, the fact is that in the upper house of parliament this is a feature of some americans, it is necessary to shine a little light there ; 60 support senators are needed, that is, plus nine republicans, respectively, and in order for the bill to pass below, which accordingly now proposes division, division only to vote for israel, all that is required is a large, ordinary majority, a simple majority, that is, roughly speaking, translating into russian, 200,218 people, that is,
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in fact, like accordingly, even with the support of all republicans , it will be enough to pass this bill accordingly, and the senate will not be able to roll out its own, in short, this is all to say that in this way, with a high degree of probability, accordingly, it will be possible to say that funding will be provided, especially since in fact it is provided in fact, because weapons are already being transferred for the dome, it’s just money for compensation for defense, in fact, for both kupar and david’s sling , as you know, that’s why, that is , it will finance israel separately, this will be discussed on tuesday, most likely the lower parliament will roll out a separate bill, which has already been precisely said, accordingly, only with importance the fact that there will not be 61 billion dollars there, according to the ukrainian component, so it will most likely be voted on already , that everyone is afraid that it will be voted on after the 17th, november 17th, which is why, accordingly, it is unlikely to be adopted there in those volumes, that is, even those who support the bills accordingly demand a reduction in their funding, that’s why the point of view, of course, the question seems to be around funding, the second very
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important point, which concerns what is directly happening, plus or minus it is clear the general component of what will roughly happen, this famous square will be broken out, respectively, there will be two roads in the gas sector , respectively, one goes along the coast, respectively the other, respectively, it will pierce right through, respectively, there will be an attempt to break through to two roads, accordingly, its separation is just in the area of ​​​​large gas, something is passing , then there is still one road, it goes straight into the sea, it goes straight to the gas sector up, so they will make their way to it, this the front part, which is closest, respectively, to the east, it will simply be cut off, because benhanon is already being bombed, that is, how quickly it will most likely be completely cut off in this square, in the upper rectangle, the entire military operation will take place gradually narrowing from two sides, it is progressing successfully, ah, what is known about this at all, because israel says that only the wounded, on the contrary, palestinian sources talk about dozens already killed? various information is received promptly
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data, but objective control data show that a difficult situation arises there, accordingly with the entry points , that is, apparently israel is moving quite well, as if on the brink of the coast, this part, which, accordingly , the northwestern component was drawn, but arose difficulties in approaching from the north and east, respectively, because at least they reached the road once, now they are going across it for the second time, that is, it means that most likely it was as if the first cut had just passed there the idf announced for the first time, by the way, that two israeli soldiers of the anti-tank lebanese war, and in fact they are in weapons, frankly speaking, portable, accordingly, there are a lot of them left ; in principle, a lot was initially prepared, that is, they are actively used, in our understanding, these are vturs, anti-tank guided missiles, well , actually, dzhevelin, a classic example of this type of weapons, respectively, that’s why from this point of view , the main movement there now will go this way, according to it will be natural for everything to carry out bombing strikes, respectively, with penetration, as if then to move a little bit at a time, this will be the basic ones, respectively, the main part will
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be contained around them, because now of the approximately 600,000 that are represented there , respectively, more than half is located in social institutions, that is , they respectively found refuge there, these are either hospitals or schools, or accordingly, well , usually everything is according to the patronage of the un, in fact, these are the layouts, how long will the world tolerate this pbc he just reports that several dozen died as a result of an israeli strike on a refugee camp in gaza, this is the southern part, for them too because well, firstly, accordingly, as it were, as i understand it, they want to block already the road, this approach, yes, that is, if the departure route is blocked, then you will no longer be able to go there, as a matter of fact, that is, everyone who remains inside will, as it were, remain inside or some corridors will be opened separately, but the problem seems to be the fact that there are also strikes here, therefore, in principle, the problem is that egypt, strictly speaking, for its part in sinai, can’t read much, but clarifies right now 400 wounded died as a result of the attack on the refugee camp there, in fact, i’m still not in the gas,
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it is possible, in gas, but the question, in the sense, is not in the city of gas, in the northern part, in any case , accordingly, it is now intensifying, that is, now the number of victims will grow very seriously, apparently, because the entry , what does this actually affect? in fact, what will this whole thing lead to together, and well, i don’t even know what to take on, because , as it were, the events of vago, well, let’s say, respectively, we take the most distant ones, which have nothing to do with this, it would seem, japan, japan has no place in the middle east , accordingly, the yen exchange rate is not the highest there today , the yen exchange rate to the dollar has been low since 1987, accordingly, all efforts are being made to stop the fall, 151 since the eighty- seventh year for modern political history of japan, by the way, with a basic component, that’s why, because the dollar exchange rate is strengthening , as if japan is suffering accordingly, what does it have to do with the middle east, it would seem, nothing at all, it’s just suffering, by the way, this indicates that , that it simply has the same east, only distant , well, very distant i would say, the same thing for example, but it seems to be gradually starting to uproot, in fact, entire economic layers, today too,
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accordingly nvidia was read, it has lost, may lose 40%, respectively, of its revenue, all of its revenue because of china , because of the sanctions that were introduced 40, 37, to be precise, 5 billion out of 13.5, this is just like that, just on some, respectively sanctions on one decision that has just been carried out, accordingly, well, because they did not share with taiwan , respectively, the same germany , which, accordingly, is now coming in, as it were , with a bass report that is happening, they will reduce their jobs, they will never return never at all, that is, this reduction is fundamental, that is, accordingly, this is a withdrawal from work places to the external perimeter, this is not just a drop, this is a fundamental change in the economy. plus , capital investments are being reduced by the same amount, what does this mean? means that you won’t build anything, you simply cut your investment programs, and accordingly the entire economy goes with them. the same applies, for example, to italy, by the way, in our country, i quote verbatim, the world is, well, literally from the translation, the world is accordingly in a state of great
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before the global recession, you know who says, the minister of economy of italy, today, and you know why, because they have zero gdp growth, zero. but they promised negative growth, we specially in our country came up with such a term so that it would not be offensive, there is zero and something, probably the question is in which direction, but the question is different, like zeros, that is, in fact, i’m fanging , recession is a technical recession in the european union, apparently, that is, according to operational data, there will be filings, which have arrived now, will be at the end of this year, because the second and third quarters are negative, the fourth quarter too, or rather , they are fine, but god forbid, we have money, the economy is clear, so that grain. if tomorrow or the day after tomorrow a recession begins, our oil price will fall, if our oil price falls, our price will fall accordingly, because our pensions depend on this price, for example, how much does gobitovich think about money? as a result of all this, what is happening now is that the taken politicians are stubborn, this is can lead to colossal problems for everyone who has nothing to do with this at all,
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4350 children killed in 2-3 weeks, this is simply incredible, i remember again. century, people fly into space, starlinks are everywhere with us, teslas drive there, well, they don’t drive there, you know , but here they simply exterminate women and children en masse, muslims from the us democratic party issued an ultimatum to biden if he does not achieve a ceasefire in the sector gas until tonight, they will work against collecting donations and votes for it re-election in '24, reuters reports, right? this is actually official information, biden was given until 17:00 washington time, that’s 10 hours moscow time, and we’ll be back, the main premiere of the year, i, the king, pavel petrovich,
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beloved son, and your table looks like a statesman’s table , the main rival in the struggle for the imperial throne, is me, the only legitimate heir to the russian crown. ekaterina, favorites. if you want to rule, you will, only in due time, after your death, which you are so looking forward to, my son, from 6 november on rtr. the ox is precious, they are shaking from the wall, big changes have come. to the new one. season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones out of this completely faceless room; ideas are overflowing; we want to turn the radiator into an
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art object; there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work; our heroes will soon blossom into real stone ones. after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you see, let me into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, i have to ask you to write a statement about how we’re leaving, what we’re looking for on holidays, seryozha, hello, i... lizanka, let me call you back, what i’m with it's mostly your fault. svetlana smirnova martsinkevich. i promise you, i will have a new job and you and i will rent a normal apartment. evgenia dmitrieva, i would like to introduce a new employee. elizaveta alexandrovna, our director of happiness. okay, not out of misfortune. pavel borshak, from
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my girlfriend left me, and i keep waiting for her to come back. there is no need to hold on to the past, try to let go. happiness. given to someone who knows what to do with it, i really like you, lisa is the love of my life , you will marry me, director of happiness, on saturday on rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls . we are going to donets, are you with us? yes, when my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in it, let’s say so, my trophy, we were hungry then, and here comes grandma, she’s hungry herself, but she’s bringing this kurba to the crowd, they say, baby, feed
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the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the kids in with us, i came across such people, caring, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, that’s just ours, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday, on rtr, time spent with family is priceless, you can play sports together or creativity, or you can all take part in the competition together, this is our family and win great prizes, details on etosem.rf.
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look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look , look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, understands, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time, on one two, three, subscribe , look, look. maybe we can go to my place and just watch a movie. for natalia savelova, a resident of shchelkovo near moscow, the last visit to management company literally almost became the last one to end with serious injuries. look, social networks are discussing a video in which an employee of a management company attacked a girl with abusive insults just because she asked when she would turn on the heating. communal wars, how to make a careless management company work? malakhov today on rtr. maria
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zakharova appreciated the costumes of the children of the us secretary of state at the halloween party in the white house. blinkin dressed his daughter in a costume of the ukrainian flag, and dressed his son in khaki, that he would look like zelsky. meade's official representative wrote: apparently the united states wanted to emphasize the significance of this day, when, according to anglo-saxon tradition, the spirits of the dead meet the living. the american president of the united states, joe biden holds a gala reception in honor of halloween, the president, the first lady and the white house staff receive public school students and military children, they line up to receive their portion of candy books, and now a message from joe biden in honor of halloween. good evening america. halloween
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it's almost here. no, i'm not short of breath, i'm just excited. because halloween is the greatest holiday in the world. okay, long story short, the world is a pretty scary place. well, now in manhattan, valentin bogdanov, the head of our american bureau on direct line, here funny news came, danilov, this is the national security and defense council of ukraine, called for an investigation to find those around zelsky who do not believe in the victory of ukraine, and this, judging by. the main article in time magazine, everything, yes, is there in the headline, no one except zelsky believes in
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the fate of ukraine, what are the new priorities usa, valentin, good evening, evgeny, i just want to say that whoever has been to the white house is not afraid of halloween, well, really , no one believes. well, who believes? blinken believes, who just had a halloween party a couple of hours ago in the senate, and he probably doesn’t find it funny either, because activists appeared with their hands painted red, symbolizing blood, this matter concerned israel, but we understand that this is, well, just installation, it’s kind of anti-diplomatic, it’s completely contrary the very idea of ​​diplomacy as such, that is, a constant... mantra that you cannot cease fire, you cannot cease fire in ukraine , you cannot cease fire in israel, let there be more casualties,
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well, that’s what this leads to, and sooner or later, it’s logical in this way, there should have been such a wonderful american definition of chaos and total mass disorder, that is, when everything is completely mixed into some kind of already bloody mess from which it is unclear how to get out and it is unclear how to investigate it, so the republicans, yes, yes, massacre, well, massacre is murder, this is exactly the month, that is, such a mess , yes, they don’t understand what to grab onto, that’s absolutely right, the pro-muslim wing in the democratic party raised its voice, already hit the table with its fist, said “enough,” by the way, speaking, for understanding , yes, not everyone knows what the muslim community is - in the united states, it’s not only people from the middle east, a huge number of african americans, by the way, even here, in harlim there are mosques and people who consider themselves
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devout muslims. please, yes, that is, there are a huge number of such people in the united states, and how will you deal with them, this is your basic indigenous electorate, yes, that is, flirting with blm, at one time, they opened pandora’s box, they warned about this, that concerns ukraine, well, a basic contradiction, it turned out that the republicans are far from homogeneous , there are at least two types of republicans, this is already the state of fathers and sons, there are absolutely repulsed hawks in the senate - these are people sewing there from the cold war, and skorokhodovsky, and there are people of a different level, but this is a new call, these are the people who came with biden, time chose them, this is a new time , these are the children of this new time, yes, they are isolationists, but why isolationists, because to deal with so many
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conflicts , in which america in, well, let’s say, 20 years, is no longer possible for anyone , especially the president who is now in power, but they just need different cognitive settings, yes, different, different ram, different hard drive, they can’t cope, it's just that the current administration is not copes with so many conflicts and challenges, trump talks about this, all the presidential candidates from the republican party talk about this, what they are doing, in general interpretations of world reality, well, think about it, dividing the world into good bad guys, that is, into this bag of hamas can be labeled as bad guys , russia can be labeled as bad guys, china can also be labeled as bad guys, what they are doing was especially striking, well, an article published in a political publication, where they
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blame us for the colonialist. centuries, yes, when there, i remember this story, by the way, 2020 the year when they dismantled the merchant baranov’s manifesto in alaska, well, blm won everything, ukrainization of both domestic and international us policy is on the march, thank you very much, the best americanist in russia, our own correspondent in the usa, valentin bogdanov, we’ll be back. congratulations, cinema on weekends, you know, as people say, they embroider like a wedge, and rightly , by the way, they say, rightly, and the sooner i love you, that is, i, i am for you , no one to me, you hear, no one, remember
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always red, do you still love him? how to heal broken heart? mom, i want to marry ksyusha, i love her, but did you think that people would say, at first one brother was friends, now the other one is going to get married, where are these medicines for loneliness, your daughter came to you, who didn’t work out with the eldest, that’s it we'll marry the youngest, a recipe for love, prime minister. on saturday on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready , explore, nature, dear mother, simply
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incredible beauty, you already understand which one. .. the vietnamese have a favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try the taste, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is. so my mother says: eat away your mind, this world is worth seeing, cast a spell - this is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. from the first note , beauty, repetitious, with the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better
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than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, face, profile, back of the head, belov, or what? we’ve been together since first grade, we’re also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the team, slow down from the car, run, the whole team, just on the platform, look. tea manenkanka yes, how do you need to love a person in order to take him and come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question is certainly interesting, based on love, what beautiful
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girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, this is what a person lives for, it should have a continuation, what is a good conversation based on? trust, i am so contradictory, wisdom has turned on, i also have cunning, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed, when everyone is at home, on sunday, on rtr, in the south of kamchatka, in a giant stone bowl, the deepest reservoir in russia is located after baikal kuril lake. the dormant ilyinsky volcano rises above its shores. many
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thousands of years ago there was a volcanic desert here, but now life is in full swing. five species of salmon come here to spawn from june to february. live as a brown bear. south kamchatka nature reserve lucky, season fishing lasts almost 8 months; on a fish diet, tagi owners gain weight so quickly that they have time for games and water treatments; it is unlikely that anywhere else on our planet you can see so many playing bears. i’m glad that you’re here, and i’m also glad that i’m here, look
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at the holidays, this is not my vantus, but it turns out to be mine, and i didn’t recognize him, she’s completely gone wild, she’s running after the plumbers, maria porushina, just me i decided to forever start having affairs with love, like you, accidentally looking at you, yaroslav boyko, forgive me, i didn’t want to, they didn’t want to, well, that is, i wanted to? i can’t forgive myself for losing you, and you never wanted everything to be the same as before, maximin, let’s go , well, where, it’s a surprise for me, i really love surprises, everyone is 50, sunday and monday on rtr, wherever
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the hand of american politicians is reaching out, there is destruction, there is death, there is horror, in principle, we look at what they are doing, but this is some kind of madness, they were talking about dividing the world into good and bad, but it is not divided like that, it seems like on the one hand they are in the good camp, but canadian prime minister trudeau is now criticizing israel, and hungary is in the bad camp, but orban , on the contrary, is for israel, it doesn’t work like that at all. when we look at biden’s policies , well, it feels like he, due to some things related to age , he feels, he builds himself up to be such an alpha guy, in fact omeshka, he can’t do anything, no matter what he does wherever he went he was a failure, in his own country the economy was a complete failure, with all these national minorities in america a complete failure, they are in complete discord, the blms have really been brought to some kind of... crazy this
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idea with lgbt themes, well, what is going on there , well, it helps israel 54 i want, i want to note that in israel itself there is a huge split on the topic , for example, attitudes towards lgbt people, in jerusalem they absolutely hate this, this means the propaganda of this story, this is not acceptable, because from the point of view of orthodox judaism, there is an obvious problem, an obvious problem, and this is considered unacceptable, now the americans are putting pressure on egypt regarding the reception of palestinians, well, palestinian arabs from the gaza strip, in principle, if egypt accepted these arabs, this could become some kind of humanitarian decision, but egypt will not agree to this, why, because they understand everything perfectly well, hamas - this is a derivative of the muslim brothers, an organization banned in russia , this is the organization that caused problems for egypt, alsisi, the current president, well , he fought with them, what are you talking about, that is, they do not understand elementary. israel strike
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the houthis, although in principle, it is clear that the houthis will carry out some attacks on israel, but this is absolutely an exchange of pleasantries in quotes, the houthis cannot directly fight with israel, but they are pushing that let’s hit the houthis, why, why, israel now , as i see it, is simply being set up and used, and blindly, and i want to believe that after all this will come to some kind of sensible, logical conclusion and there will be no casualties. but this will not happen without sacrifices, already huge sacrifices, some in numbers are impossible, news right now, watch it, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye, thank you very much, for natalia savelova, a resident of shchyolkovo near moscow, the last visit to the management company literally almost became the last one ended with serious injuries, look, they are discussing the video on social networks, on where the manager's employee.
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communal wars, how to make a dysfunctional management company work. malakhov, today on rtr. on the russia channel, evgeniy roshkov hosts in the studio. hello, the main thing is for this hour. ukraine shelled donetsk with cluster shells for several hours. our fellow journalists suffered. and then they threw in hammers. the poltava and cherkasy regions are being attacked by attack drones. latest news svo.


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