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tv   Taini sledstviya-8  RUSSIA1  November 3, 2023 2:05am-3:46am MSK

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a resident from kusbas will help a boy from the lugansk people's republic, the child vitally needs a rare device prescribed for diabetes. the man learned about the problem from a story on our channel and could not remain indifferent. details of the story in the story by anton ivachev. the mother of six-year-old ruslan shows a special sensor, with its help she can measure the child ’s blood sugar level without contact; severe type 1 diabetes was discovered in december last year. and fingers kolish, and insulin kolish. these fingers are all blue, my husband and i made this decision, buy this libra. in the lpr the device cannot yet be obtained even for money. novokusnych resident viktor schastnykh saw this story from the lugansk republic in federal news. this sensor, we accumulated it thanks to the fact that we ourselves acquired all this in advance. and plus government support, we have some kind of reserve. and it was decided at our family council that we probably need to help. their stories are similar, the same diagnostician, only a granddaughter. darina
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has already forgotten about injections, what kind of sport is this? alpine skiing, and in the summer or ice skating, or at the gym. how much a day can you drive and ride like this? i think 10 times for sure. the glucose monitoring system is an opportunity to live a full life. information about your sugar status comes directly from your smartphone. and let there be 4,000 km between kusbasy and the lugansk republic. good will overcome any distance. ruslan, hi, we saw a story about you. and we have it. thank you very much, victor and dorinka, and visticus is ready to transfer these sensors to the lugansk people's republic, to the person who is very interested in them needs, thank you, already on friday by airmail, anton novachev, ivan shubnikov, news, kusbas. a yakut teenager gave a chase with a traffic police inspector on the back of a car. from the video of eyewitnesses, one might think that they were making a movie, but no, the footage is more than real in a snowy city in twenty-degree frost.
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she has a police officer on her trunk, followed by two more patrol cars, the chase ended in victory for the road patrol service, the driver was captured, he turned out to be a sixteen-year-old guy who took the car without asking parents, he did not have a license, a whole package of administrative protocols was drawn up for the young reckless driver. there was no one there, i took the car and drove to school, this is news, we are monitoring the developments. the novosibirsk region was covered with snowfall, in some places the depth of the snow cover reached 15 cm. wet snow quickly compacts and roads turn into a skating rink. snow removal equipment works in intensive mode not only in the city, but on country roads. report by elena vlasova. the road workers went into battle with the elements in reinforced composition. more than a thousand snow removal vehicles were sent to regional roads. some shoveled
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snow, others sprinkled sand on the tracks. the temperature is quite loyal, a slight minus, we use a sand-salt mixture, it seems to work for us down to -20°. it melts ice deposits, and then, with the help of brushes, they are swept away from the roadway surface. the condition of the highways is monitored in the control room of the territorial highway department. on the monitors there is a picture from video cameras installed on the highways in all areas of novosibirsk areas. they also receive signals from drivers here; everything received in the morning was promptly processed. we transfer this request to the contracting organization to take action, that is, to send the necessary equipment or a team visit, and then in real time we monitor the movement of the equipment, when our request was processed, how we left, how we reacted. the heavenly office was ready for such gifts on the eve and received a forecast: continuous monitoring of the situation on such days. it's about half past this morning,
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the amount of equipment working on the road decreased to 460 units, now it works on the roads of the region, we can see online no more than 340 units, this is approximately the standard set of equipment when everything is fine and no apocalypse has happened. strong winds, wet snow, the conditions under which road workers insist, are definitely not worth driving for motorists, so they advise novosibirsk residents to leave the steering wheel for the next few days and switch to a public one. transport. there will still be such small breaks in the snowfalls in the coming days, but they will be final. according to forecast according to weather forecasters, the snow will stop falling only on the morning of november 4th. all this time, the road workers, as they themselves say, will work in an oval mode. elena vlasova, nikita zhirnov, vesti novosibirs. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website the news is following developments . come on, let's do it with a smile, more,
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more, more. great, good, so, morning in russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing is good morning, smiles, good mood. friday is clear, time to meet with us andrey petrov, svetlana avramova, we are glad to see each of our viewers, let’s start our work, let’s start and continue to do good deeds, this can and should be done at any time. a charity festival was held in krasnodar, where tailed happiness was distributed. you could take home
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any of the 100 dogs, all of them were vaccinated, sterilized and trained. many pets have a difficult fate, years of wandering , a life of starvation, the consequences of an accident, so some will need not only... attention and love, but also rehabilitation, well, after all, you can say that a four-legged friend can be not only about a pet, but also about a robot , there are more and more such electronic devices in the world , one of them was designed and assembled by msu scientists and showed to our colleague andrey negru, a small educational robot dog, abbreviated as fruit drink, fruit drink to me, fruit drink, give me a paw. walking and overcoming simple obstacles, jumping up and pretending to be excited, this is the little that the robot dog can do, but this is for now, because it was created primarily for training programmers, they are the ones who must instill in the robot all sorts of skills, well
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as for the design, then, according to the engineers, it will withstand a lot, including complex stunts, such as somersaults and running at a speed of 65 km/h, and if something breaks, it will not be difficult to fix the dog, everything here can be easily disassembled, assembled and not no gluing, no welding, that is, a design for teaching science, there is nothing like this in the world yet, so that a robot dog has an open architecture, so we are the first to give in general, well, now our scientific community the opportunity to refine a robot, i must say, four-legged machines in the world already designed quite a lot, they are predicted to have a great future; such robots can be entrusted with a wide variety of work. here’s an example from real life: an electronic foreman monitors the progress of the construction of a structure, uses lidar to take constant measurements and transmits them to engineers, and also makes sure that workers follow safety precautions, wear helmets and vests, in front of tracked vehicles, the advantage of robotic dogs
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the fact that they are able to walk in the same place as a person, stairs and high curbs are not an obstacle for them, they can jump over something, yes, a wheeled robot cannot do this, yes, it can quickly... get around it, one thing is bad about walking machines: they are a complex device, building and maintaining them is harder and more expensive than wheeled platforms, and a person is unlikely to ever completely give up from the latter, so there are also machines here, like this six-wheeled lunar rover, which was also created for educational purposes. students can work out different algorithms there, specifically the automatic operation of robots, well, in remote mode, yes, that is, for example, we drove him to kamchatka, where we, for example, managed it from here from moscow. these shots, once here in kamchatka , where the volcanic landscape resembles the surface of selenium, were tested by all soviet planetary rovers, and now student rovers are competing here, and the task for the teams is similar to those that adult scientists and engineers face today space. and
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yet, many parents are worried; the current generation of children is not interested in anything, neither in studies, nor in sports, nor in hobbies; the children spend most of their free time in phones and only on weekdays, how to get them interested in science, reading or other useful activities, in our studio, children 's psychotherapist, doctor of medical sciences, lev perezhogin, olev olegovich, good morning, good morning, good, hello, well, uh, so to interest the child, what needs to be done, they say that you yourself need to become interested in something by your own example, in general , give the child a craving for this or that knowledge, whether this is true or not, i will probably disappoint you, but the point is that in general -most children don’t need to be interested, childhood is like that the period of a person’s life when a person develops in all possible ways, with all his senses, with all his intellect , records knowledge, and if such a terrible object as a telephone, some kind of gadget falls into the hands of a child, into which he
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immerses himself, i adhere to the position and not only me, but most of the world scientific community, that a gadget should not fall into the hands of a child, because it causes addictive behavior, that is, this story, that something useful can be seen there or read in this gadgets, this just parents' excuse, well, as a rule, yes, although not always, you understand, in order for a child to do something productively, four basic rules must be observed. the first rule is that it must be accessible to him, that is, the knowledge that the child acquires must correlate with the knowledge that already exists. the second thing that is important for a child is that efficiency is important for a child, that is, a child can maintain attention for 5 minutes, if nothing significant happens during these 5 minutes, all interest the child will be lost to what is happening. the third very important factor, which in this case should be... logic, that is, the child must understand how one process smoothly transitions into another, the fourth factor is
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clarity, that is, the child should, preferably, not just see, but also touch, not a single super video that a child watches on youtube will satisfy all four criteria at once , i think it will be interesting and useful if you found it together, watched it together, sorted it out together and somehow applied it to life, you they said, you’ll find it there, look there, there’s something useful for you, that’s all, this is the way to nowhere, it’s best for the parent to look, and then at home try to reproduce, at what age, parents need not to miss this moment nevertheless, activate your parental qualities , take away this very tablet and take care of the child , that’s when he is most receptive to new things, a child is always receptive to new things, and the younger the child is, the more receptive he is to everything. that is, if you and i look on how a child develops, imagine what
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colossal steps a child takes in the first year of life, this is a completely helpless lump, by the end of the year he already walks, he already speaks, he already has teeth, he eats with a spoon, he sits on potty, this is all for the first year of life, 90% of the information that we actually receive, but nevertheless, we need to clarify that information that will be... the cornerstone on which everything will be built, still, if it is not clear what the child i like it most the child, one way or another, voluntarily or involuntarily, shows us what he is interested in, we are walking with the child along the street, past this display case, the child passed, did not pay attention, and past this display case he stopped looking with all his eyes, you continue to walk with as a child, he tells you something, he doesn’t tell you everything, he tells you what caught his attention. give yourself one more tick, okay, we understand you, thanks for the tips, our question was answered by a child
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psychotherapist, doctor of medical sciences, leo perezhogin, thank you very much, i have a wonderful way to lose weight, a glass of water in 3 days, so are you, everyone is strange, i’m the only one, normal, mine, in this form, it’s best to hunt vampires on a moonless night, yes, you far from the mummy, that's enough, izmailovsky park, it hit the top ten, premiere, tomorrow at 14:50 on the russia channel, morning of russia, don't oversleep, the main thing is the legendary beatles group, more alive than anyone else alive, the liverpool four are releasing a new song, exactly the four , it was possible to bring the betles together with the help of art. years of the last century, when
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the voices of harrison and lenin were cleared of noise, two living members of the collective and ringo star added their musical parts, and for the first time the world heard a new h called now and then. sounds, sounds catchy, maybe it will become a hit, a grandiose musical gift awaits all viewers of the popular show, come on, all together, and this will be this evening, for the first time in the history of a music television competition, the jury will have to evaluate and select the best ensembles and groups, let's go to the show from all over the country dreams of only one thing: to conquer all one hundred television viewers with his performance, and
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of course, to win 5 million rubles. where do they sing better in kazan, taganrog, or maybe in pushkin near moscow? today's special episode of the nuka tv project will all together open a new stage of the musical competition. for the first time, only groups, trio-quartets, choirs and large ensembles will perform on the stage of the show; eight contestants will sing in unison, and, as always, exactly 100 experts will evaluate them. led by leader sergei lazarev, this is some kind of separate refereeing, a separate story, because this is ensemble singing, it has a lot of voices, i think it will be interesting, at least this way: in all the seasons it has never happened, these masters of choral singing are subject to all genres, jazz, pop and even classics, tchaikovsky had never sounded on this stage, and even in such a performance. unique performance, incredible voices and timbres, the task of the contestants is not
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just to sing, but to conquer the judges and television viewers with grandiose numbers, the motto of this moscow group is checkers. goal forward for victory, the guys will demonstrate - the ability to plank and the art of wielding a saber are very real, just the same, the tension in this episode will be not only on the stage, but in the ranks of the star experts, because assessing groups is always more difficult than solo artists, this time everyone is talking about something unreal this is something unreal, but the fact that there will be choirs, of course, it’s amazing, it always really touches everyone when... they sing in different voices, it’s, well, right away there’s this polyphony, it penetrates, it seems to me that from the top of my head it penetrates like this to my toes, well and in order to avoid mistakes in choosing two candidates for reaching the semi-finals, hundreds of help from an artist who knows a lot about ensemble singing, this time the place of the star expert will be taken by the queen of russian song, a regular viewer of the main vocal show, nadezhda
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babkina. for me it’s all together, the project is a national project, and what’s more, i watch it and i really like it. live energy, i really like the excitement of the participants, i like it when the whole wall shoots up, all 100 are standing, let's see how many experts the participants will raise in the final qualifying stage of the vocal competition, come on , all together, special episode, today at 21:30, and sing along with the people's hundred, nikolai baskov, sergei lazarev and others. you can have a superstar show on november 21 at the moscow crocus city hall, it will be a grandiose hola concert of the participants, all together, and the main hits of the tv project will be performed, tickets for the show are already available on for russia. the main premiere of the year. what a great
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moment, congratulations. do you remember, i was the first to call myself great, not in vain. she was admired. will i be able to when? to be worthy of you, they extolled her, you have a motherly soul, kind, thoughtful, you will find a word for everyone, you want to say, in order to see my little mother, i need to have a record, they bowed before her, the russian empress is not as simple as it seems in all matters she has an exact measure of her own, but she just wanted to be loved, i yearned for you, so what now? it will be, if you knew how difficult it is to love you, i don’t know who will cope with this nushia. catherine, the favorites, you'll see, will love you like a woman and like an empress, from monday on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board
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, we will cope, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character is from... who speaks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer, then with humor, i would cut oak, not pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for... headaches, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, i have to
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ask you to write a letter of resignation, for what? the fact that i'm with her is mostly your fault. svetlana smirnova martsinkevich. i promise you, i will have a new job and you and i will rent a normal apartment. evgenia dmitrieva, i would like to introduce a new employee, elizaveta aleksandrovna, our director of happiness. okay, not out of misfortune. pavel borshak, my girlfriend left me, and i keep waiting for her to come back. no need to hold on. for the past, try to let go, happiness is given to those who know what to do with it, i really like you, lisa is the love of my life, with me director of happiness on saturday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because
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they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty, and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, dear mother, simply incredible beauty. you already understand what the vietnamese have for... a favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, eat the pum. this world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say it's right a made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr.
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there is still a lot of time before the new year holidays, but analysts are already predicting an increase in housing rentals for the holidays. this year it will cost more than last year, at least 10%. first of all, prices rise for booking hotels and cottages. in popular holiday destinations, there is the estate of santa claus, so that the child can plunge into this new year's fairy tale, that's why we will go there, plunge into the new year's fairy tale, yuri volkov with his daughter decided to go to the most popular new year's holiday destination in russia in the homeland of father frost in veliky ostyug, they plan to go by car, so transport tickets are not needed, they are still deciding where to stay, we will first look through various sites that offer from and will suit the price for two for 4 days of accommodation in a suburban hotel in veliky ustyug will have to pay about 12,000 rubles within the city up to 30,000, while
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you will already have to look for free places - experts warn and advise you to also pay attention to other popular destinations where adults and children will find it interesting to spend the new year holidays. among the most popular cities for new year's holidays are sochi, moscow, st. petersburg, kazan, and of course there are many. options in other cities, for example, a gold ring, the cost of regular dates is 30-40% higher. for example, a three-star hotel in st. petersburg for 4 nights will cost approximately 15,000 rubles. then, as on regular dates, with the same conditions, from five, in other top russian cities, bookings for january holidays will be even higher, in moscow and kazan, accommodation in december and january will cost from 20,000 rubles. staying in krasnaya polyana costs at least twice as much, but if you book a hotel flight right now, there is a chance to reduce it. costs by about 10%. hotels with packages of services will cost a little less than the daily rent of regular housing. important point. apartments are suitable for a small company, and usually for students, as this is the most
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budget option. and the concept of home may not include such conditions as a toilet room in the house, constant electricity or heating. it is better to discuss such nuances in advance to avoid additional expenses. prices for new year's eve in a capital apartment start from 5,000 rubles. the same number is in st. petersburg. in kazan it’s a little cheaper, from 3,500. rubles per night, the cost of a cottage in the moscow region on holidays starts from 50,000 rubles per day, in st. petersburg at least 40,000, in kazan from 18,000 rubles. at the same time, according to experts, closer to december 31, the holiday rate triples, and do not forget that a security deposit will have to be added to the rental, usually in the amount of the cost one day of reservation, which is not refundable in case of damage to the owner’s property, plus the cost of a banquet in hotels per person on average is requested from 10,000. if you choose to relax in a private house, then you can get by with the new year’s table, but you will have to cook the herring under a fur coat yourself.
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let's start, let's go with a smile, more, more, more, excellent, good, so, morning of russia, do n't forgive me, the main thing is to lead the morning, we will talk about the main thing in russia and abroad, in the studio karina elina, hello bilateral cooperation, works breakfast, discussion of prospects for vladimir putin's negotiations with
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the economic community of central african states. russia continues to work on the african continent in continuation and development of the agreements that were reached during the russia africa summit. we know you well, as our reliable friend, you have visited our country several times. at the last meeting with. russia-africa summit, your country was represented at a high level. mr. president, we have a good prospect, we have something to do, i hope today, in a broad format , we will discuss various areas of our interaction with our government colleagues on both sides. i am very glad to see you, mr. president, welcome, we maintain friendly relations with russia, today i would like to discuss with you the topics of bilateral
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relations, all issues on the international agenda, the militants tried to disrupt the planned rotation of observers of the magate mission at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. at the moment when the specialists were leaving the nuclear power plant, a massive raid by kamikaza drones was carried out on the energy dar. in the defense ministry reported that the drones were intercepted by air defense systems. in addition, in the donetsk direction, our military eliminated eight american bradley infantry fighting vehicles. the defense department noted that to donetsk. the attacks of assault groups were repelled in the kupinsky directions, and russian artillerymen also thwarted the offensive in the ssu in the rabotina and verbovo areas in the zaporozhye direction. mortars fired shells at militant bases, knocking out dozens of pieces of equipment. the footage shows the destruction of another german leopard-2 tank. about the weather there is a cyclone with stormy
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winds and sticky precipitation in sakhalin and primorye. wet snow, an emergency warning has been issued. in the sverdlovsk region, several highways were closed due to ice. the novosirsk region was covered by heavy snowfall, which will only stop tomorrow. there is snow, ice and traffic jams on the roads. cars move along the streets at a minimum speed, and those who do not comply with the speed limit are carried away into an uncontrollable drift. on one of the highways , low-flying tires and summer tires caused a massive accident involving fifteen cars. in the real winter has come to the amur region, in some areas the temperatures will drop to -27, in blagoveshchensk a high alert regime has been declared for a snow cyclone, what difficulties this has already created for residents of the regional capital, alexey sherbakov will tell. no matter how the weather forecasters warn, for many amur residents, winter always comes the same way every year, unexpectedly, on the roads of the regional center from the very morning there is a real collapse, traffic jams, snowfall and, as a result
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, a lot. for incomplete daylight hours on the territory of blagoveshchensk at the entrances to it only 34 accidents were officially registered in which three people were injured, the figure has already exceeded the daily average, the increase in road accidents has increased the load on the traffic police departments, which only manage to register traffic accidents. the state traffic inspectorate recommends that all motorists, in the absence of injuries in an accident or controversial situations, can file an accident according to the european protocol, the damage is insignificant, and the state traffic inspectorate of the amur region also recommends refraining from long trips, from moving around the city, and of course however, driving only on winter tires, as annual practice shows, not all motorists prepare for the first snowfall in advance; due to bad weather at blagoveshchensk airport on that day , the flight from tynda changed its route, the plane went to an alternate airfield in khabarovsk, the rest were air ships set off or landed on
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schedule. to fight the neighbors. in the regional center, three dozen workers and nine special vehicles came out from the very morning, streets, roads, bus stops and pedestrian crossings are cleared of snow, services will remain on high alert until the weekend. alexey sherbakov, denis lugov and ilioned kosavan, conduct the amur region. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, this is news we monitor developments. the head of the dpr presented a small resident of mariupol with a gift from the president: a mops dog. the boy had long wanted a puppy, but due to the lack of a kennel for dogs of this breed in the city, the child’s dream was shelved. what emotions did the family experience and what else did they give? vladimir putin, learned daniil zaredsky. now the royals have a new family member, a pug breed dog. the pet's name on the passport
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symbolically intersects with the surname. for the youngest and approached his mother with this initiative, the woman, without thinking twice, agreed to ask vladimir putin for a gift for her son. at first i was a little doubtful, i said, okay, come on, what the hell is not joking, let’s write, well, they sat down in yours, they wrote to give nazarchik such a surprise, so we didn’t even think that they would answer us, how- then with will contact us, it’s very cool, so exciting, really, these are dreams, children’s dreams should come true, they do. started after watching the very first funny video with this breed. every day nazar approached his mother and asked to buy him a puppy, but such an opportunity did not arise. there was no kennel with dogs of this breed in the city. the guy and his mother even managed to come up with a name for pug. yes, my mother and i thought,
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cupcake, marshmallow, well, many names. however , after nazar found out the puppy’s real name, he didn’t wanted to change it. sokol of the russian empire, son. it’s a beautiful name, yes, yes, let’s have a svosiysk empire. in addition to the new family member, the head of the republic presented his mother with a bouquet of lush flowers and his eldest son with a new laptop. ilya, well, you too, thank you, i think it will also be useful for studying. thank you very much. during a pleasant conversation between the head of the republic and the royal family, denis pushilin gave small instructions on caring for a pet and noted that children's dreams must come true. daniil zaretsky, vesti donetsk. the first library collection restoration center beyond the urals opened in krasnoyarsk, where specialists manually restore rare books and ancient manuscripts with almost pinpoint precision. stanislav makarov visited the workshops and saw how unique
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literature is given a second life. we will start, probably, with the most difficult area, which is very important with the restoration of library collections. and first of all, pages of high-profile falliants are waiting. water procedures: distilled water helps to wash away the traces of time, but even this can be detrimental to too old documents, then they will have to be cleaned on a vacuum table. steam is supplied to the vacuum table, and the document is moistened, gently, and then, when we turn on the vacuum pump, the pump takes away the excess moisture along with the moisture and cleans it, the dried restored sheets fall into the hands of the bookbinders, in this office hundreds of individual pages again turn into books, work. .. slow , long, but worth it, now it’s easier to just read a book in an electronic version, yes, but paper books are already some kind of value, not so much informational, but
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this is the feeling of old books in your hands, no, well, there are modern books, of course, but there is generally such a reverent attitude towards the old , today the regional library stores 4 million publications, 30,000 of them are especially rare and valuable, a large number of books... monuments, for example, the gospel of 1672, even if we take not modern books , there are various reference books that were published literally 15 years ago, 15-20, yes, they were read to the gills, this publication is in demand, but there is no other such publication, and now you can’t buy it anywhere. the krasnoyarsk book restoration center is the first and only one outside the urals. in general, according to plans to open 40 such centers by the year 1930, i hope that we will implement them. so far , four are planned to open this year. in the near future, conservation and restoration centers will appear in the republic of udmurtia, kirov and voronezh regions. stanislav makarov, alexander madeichenko, vesti krasnoyarsk. all news is always available on
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the media platform in the application or on the website this is news, we are monitoring developments. only after the mysterious death of a beloved grandson and brother. i found out that on the eve of the tragedy he secretly got married, the entire multimillion-dollar inheritance was received by his legal wife from ukraine and fled to germany. a grief-stricken family is begging to find at least the grave where their beloved relative, who died so suddenly after a secret wedding, rests. do you think he was poisoned? i don't think so, i'm sure of that. live today at 16:30. it's time and honor to know, i'm leaving. i can’t find you, and i’m on a business trip, but here you go, your wedding ring, i didn’t go there,
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this is very strong magic, and that the jacket costs as much as my car, it’s not my fault that you have an old muscovite, the history of a large country is premiering, today at 23:55, come on, let’s smile, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. good morning, good morning, join our broadcast andrey petrov svetlana abramova, here for you, if it’s gray and wet outside, we’ll try to be those rays of warm light that are so lacking in bad weather, or those radiators that will warm you, well in general, today is friday on the calendar and if... you arrange everything cunningly, then you can, well, if you’re lucky, not even leave the house
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, including going to the store, the popularity of marketplaces is growing rapidly, alas , scammers are also paying attention to this, that’s what attackers have learned to do , duplicate product cards, in the description it indicates that to receive a discount you need to call the seller via messenger, a pseudo-consultant answers the phone, accepts payment, but of course does not send the product, another type of deception is fake marketplace sites. after registering a bank account cards, money disappears on such pages, so be careful, in order to detect the catch, just read the address bar of your browser, where the marketplace site should be indicated and nothing more. well , offline trade, it hasn’t gone away either, they want to label goods in stores with warning information, so that the text takes up half of the product packaging. for now, all this is at the level of discussion, and therefore we talked about the ideal label for the industry by buyers, my eyesight
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is minus two or so, it’s hard for me sometimes read the fine print, muscovite stanisla martyr gave up sugar and all dairy substitutes due to the risks of diabetes and allergies, now she carefully studies the composition and contraindications of products, i would like this information to be somehow more highlighted, or even taken out maybe it’s somehow a separate piece of something in the composition , instead it’s a solid text in small letters, try to figure it out, she’s not the only one who faces this problem, because there are more and more people with selective ideas due to health conditions every year, but far away not all products have warning labels about contraindications, or they are printed in such a way that they are difficult to read, of course it’s hard if it’s written in small print, i can’t read it, well , i only read small print at home, i take a magnifying glass, put on glasses, so we’re armed using a ruler to measure the font that indicates the composition and contraindications, on this box of chocolates the height of the letters... is exactly 1 mm. according to the standard, which is prescribed in the technical regulations
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of the customs union, the minimum font size for non-essential information, and this is not strange to think about it, it should be at least 0.8 mm. it turns out that there are no violations, but it is extremely difficult to read. letters with a height of 2 mm or more are easier to read, but this size is set only for basic information, for example, the name. and this is completely wrong, because the same warning labels are often more important than the name of the product itself. there is information that requires more. close attention in terms of font sizes, but here you can use either contrasting application or marking on the front side, now warning phrases appear in bold only on energy drinks and then on the reverse side. you can go the same way for other products; perhaps, in order for them to fit, you will have to sacrifice some of the information. love will live in your home, this is wonderful, but you can do without this phrase. numerous addresses indeed eat up
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useful space, although they are undeniable and important, for example, at the time of defending interests in the event of a dispute between the same buyer and the manufacturer, but this information is quite could be located not at all where it is now, of course, you can leave all sorts of numerous addresses in the accompanying documents , there are inserts, let’s say, let’s say, i don’t know, medicines have an insert, everything is written there, products can also have these like inserts, the space can be completely used for the same warning data, if a legislative decision is made to make such warning signs in large letters, then business entities will act in the right way, so all that remains is to move from reasoning to real action, at least as an experiment on some products, to see how it works in practice, how the new document concerning domestic goods works in practice, we also probably do. we'll see. a bill obliging eritel
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to sell russian products has been sent to the government for approval. a preliminary quota should be allocated for perfumes, cosmetics, hygiene products and household chemicals. there is a discussion and creation of a russian shelf on marketplaces, according to the proposal, such products should be placed in the first fifty lines of the search engine. this, according to the initiators, will help support domestic producers, but the business community is in no hurry to support the initiative. we’ll talk about this with sergei ivanovich, first deputy chairman of the state duma committee on regional policy and local self-government. hello, thank you for coming, please help me figure it out, because nothing is clear. tried it on this way, and tried it on that way, but how will it actually work out? look, i still don’t understand, because well, it’s difficult to put forward simply domestically produced goods, and that everyone will immediately run to buy them, i must admit, and this is a fact that we do not have domestic patriotism, from the point of view of domestic goods,
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consumer patriotism, i would say so, if you told us that everything would start with quality, then there would be patriotism, because it would be strange to say that you would not put up yes... of course, then, we have with you have an even better story success, literally a few years ago, when we had a problem, well, for example, with cheese, how would we live without italian cheese, without everything, we then decided and supported our commodity producer, producing , if they don’t change me, somewhere in the range of 340,000 tons, today we produce more than 600,000 tons. chic, they went exactly the same way as they were going now, allocated support measures to domestic producers, gave them the opportunity to improve their quality, increase their production volumes of goods, and then, so to speak, they partitioned the shelf for them, here we want to do the same in relation to non-food products, we can make sure that high-quality goods from the best russian
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manufacturers appear on these shelves, how will they be selected so that this whole initiative does not end in the disappointment of customers, okay, not a single product will arrive, according to this bill, it will be put on the shelf and will not be considered a priority product without the appropriate examination of the chamber of commerce and industry, then what responsibility will those same marketplaces have? stores that will not provide these shelves? there the amount of the fine will be within 30,000 rubles. well, it’s a ridiculous amount, in fact, for a turnover of 2 billion, we’re talking about we’re talking about one name of product, but it happens that, so to speak, there are a lot of them there , after all, we don’t set ourselves the goal of making money for the budget additional funding through fines, no, it is extremely important for us that, so to speak, there are significantly more manufacturers, business tells us that what if we don’t have there will be manufacturers of domestic goods, and you will force us, we immediately say that if we do not have domestic manufacturers, there will be no quota for installation,
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there will be no russian products, but on marketplaces, it seems to me, it ’s a little... more complicated there, because there we see products with a good rating first, this rating system will not work , the rating system will work, this is the quality, this is the price, it will be decisive, but in any case, you and i understand that what not only 50 positions, it happens that there are five positions, so to speak, depending on the martiplace, so to speak, what kind of place it is, what size it is, uh, that means, we’ll pass a law, we’ll give 180 days for the trade to be restructured, restructured, in parallel , the ministry of industry and trade and the government are preparing the relevant regulations, including prescribing this name of goods, quotas for which will be mandatory for this period of time, it turns out there are twenty-fifth to twenty-sixth year, accordingly, it turns out that in a year we will be ready to support this project and support our producers. we understand you, we
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spoke with the first deputy chairman of the state duma committee on regional policy and local government, sergei morozov. thank you. the golden collection from azerçay is a breath of luxury in every cup. start your morning with different flavors of fine black tea. morning is time to brew azerchay. step aside! in his free time, emelya wants to ride ovens. yes, i should spit it out. well done, guy. morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, in russia a network of specialized educational research centers is being created on the basis of leading universities, they accept schoolchildren from the eighth grade who have shown outstanding abilities, thanks to the national
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university science project, education and accommodation in such centers are free. this is a spoon that stabilizes hand shaking in people with three arms. this is not daniil’s first development designed to help people with disabilities. for 4 years within the walls engineering lyceum, he created an exoskeleton of the hand, a device for determining distances. it is worn on the head, and it can recognize the distance to this object from various angles and , using vibration, indicate to a visually impaired person how far away the object is. whatever . students will come up with an idea, they can create an environment with a printer and other machines in the workshop, then the gadgets are sent for testing, like these drones. liliya shageeva's drone became the best at the professional competition, a result the girl achieved in just 2 years. at the beginning of eight class, i started practicing almost every evening, assembled my first drone, my first
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flight lasted only 3 seconds, but i really liked it, i started training. and the most prestigious project of the engineering lyceum students was a real research satellite. last year we launched into orbit a satellite that was developed with the participation of our children. today the satellite is in orbit and has fully worked out. and now every schoolchild from the first to the eighth grade can test their potential as a scientist. online olympics science around us. this is the olympics. tasks are of increased complexity, naturally, but they do not require additional knowledge beyond what students learn at school. to complete all tasks, you need to apply a little logic, a creative approach, and try to apply some non-standard solutions. in the first week alone , more than half a million tested their knowledge. the olympics will last until november 13. my bed is on the second tier, i love to sleep on it, unfortunately, i haven’t been sleeping on it much lately, because
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that i study a lot. living on campus is convenient - yaroslava admits, it saves time needed for classes, besides, you can always turn to classmates for help, teachers immediately prepare assignments with the expectation that they will be solved collectively. such cooperation is also part of study, because modern science is always collective creativity. they learn support, learn to see each other's strengths, rely not only on their individuality, on their knowledge, but interact with each other. entire life children are structured in such a way that they are aimed at deep scientific education. education, accommodation, food, all campus amenities are free for students, by the way, comfort for living and opportunities for study will soon increase. two new buildings of the physics and mathematics school, laboratory and leisure, are already being completed. in total , 10 specialized educational institutions have been created in russia thanks to the national project science and universities. centers based on the country's leading universities, where schoolchildren in grades eight through eleven who have demonstrated outstanding academic abilities can enroll,
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science of creativity. congratulations, cinema on weekends, you know what people say: they kick you out and rightly, by the way, they say, rightly, the sooner i forget you, that is, i, i you, you are no one, hear me, no one, remember this once and for all, you are everything do you still love him, how to heal a broken heart, mom, i want to marry ksyusha , i love her, but you thought that people would say, at first one of the gates was friends with her, now another wife has gathered, where to find cures for loneliness, daughter there to you? let's go, it didn't work out with the older one, here's the younger one
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we'll make a match, a recipe for love, premiere, on saturday on rtr, only after the mysterious death of his beloved grandson and brother, the family learned that on the eve of the tragedy he secretly got married, the entire multimillion-dollar inheritance was received by his legal wife from ukraine, fled to germany, gurem's family is begging to find although the grave where their beloved relative rests, who died so suddenly after a secret wedding, do you think he was poisoned? i don’t think so, i’m confident in this, live broadcast today on rtp, love is when you look in one direction, look. look, look, want
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look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time one, two, three, sign, and look, look, maybe we'll go to me, let’s just watch a movie, i thought that everything was serious here, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, this is all here, to play or not to play? yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must have been edible, i meant, of course, a bear when i said, like this stinky little one, hint straight. in general, the most passionate team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the
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strongest love for the game is program five. five for one on saturdays on rtt. well, autumn is the time to boast about the harvest, it ’s difficult for this vegetable grower to oppose anything. canadian i grew a zucchini for all the zucchini, it resembles a cutting from a shovel, and the whole thing, well, it just won’t fit in any frying pan. in pans too, well, if it were italy , we would call it zucchini, but in the end this zucchini was 2 m 60 cm deep in clay and control measurements confirmed this, so the king of zucchini is expected to end up in the guinness book as the longest in the entire vegetable garden history , the owner , by the way, says he didn’t use any special agricultural technologies and wasn’t interested in selection, but simply laid out a bed in a new place, the squash definitely liked it,
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i need to look with the lights off, maybe it’s a heater where there’s something radioactive, something? maybe it glows in the dark, in sochi they are now harvesting persimmons at a record pace, and the large, bright orange berries are also ripening, just at the end of autumn, today they collected 10 boxes of 100 kg, this year there are a lot of persimmons, noted in the private farm of semyon uchadzy , although there was no hope for this in the summer, at first the gardens were flooded with rain, then the heat came, envy fell from the trees, but despite all this, in the fall there were large, sweet persimmons. a couple more weeks ago, most of the fruits were this size, now they are one and a half times larger. the rapid ripening was influenced by the climate, the coolness came, which was just needed during this period, and the rains, they nourished the fruit. fertilizers helped. in this garden they use only organic materials and the trees are not sprayed with anything. gardeners plan to collect at least 2.5 tons of persimmon, and three varieties at once.
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japanese persimmon grows on the site, smaller, almost non-knitting, wren, it is also... called chocolate berry, and the largest variety - bull's heart, each species has its own territory, if you make two or three varieties nearby, pollination occurs, it can go into the variety, like with grapes, there are grapes on each site, behind each mountain there is a separate variety, as soon as two or three are nearby varieties, you don’t know what variety of grapes anymore, and there are also figs growing on the plot, the latest berries are ripening, there are also lemons, they are already... turning yellow, but on the plot of the uchadzy family, citrus fruits are collected not once, but twice a year, we collect gradually, gradually, when necessary , we collect, and the rest blooms, begins bloom, after january, and persimmons will be eaten for a long time, now hard fruits are being collected in the early days, they can be preserved at least until the new year, it is important not to freeze or overheat, only in this case the bright orange berry will be soft, sweet and
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juicy, well, it’s important here not to... freeze, remember, as they used to say, the tea is not mine in the yard, but vasya, but tell him, let him climb in, but i can’t, it’s cold, i’ll get sick, but hey, just is the cold to blame for our colds, find out the specialists after the news, and at the same time we’ll find out what the weather is like this holiday awaits us, today, i can’t thin out, i’m bark. cooperation with central african countries at a new level. vladimir putin held talks with the president of equatorial guinea. sahal broke through the first line of hamas defense, already killing 9,000. israel used white phosphorus in its gas strikes on targets in lebanon. the situation in the middle east. you just need
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to give a rare device for severe diabetes. details of the story on our broadcast. a new day on the russia channel, the news begins, the main ones news, in the studio of karina ilyina. hello. negotiations between vladimir putin and the president of equatorial guinea took place in novoogorev. the leaders discussed world problems, prospects for bilateral cooperation, as well as issues of developing russia’s relations with the countries of the entire central african region, taking into account equatorial guinea’s chairmanship in the economic community of central african states. president, that as we are now, we have something to work on, first of all, of course, we need to focus on development of trade and economic relations, the interest of russian companies in working in africa in general and in your country are serious, potential investment opportunities , large, first of all, of course, the potential
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associated with the extraction of mineral resources, so we talked about security issues, as i already i said, regarding relations with the countries of the region, i thank mr. president, my friend, for the opportunity to visit... the state of russia. i am making my visit at a time when the world is facing difficulties. it's obvious that russia is our traditional and strategic partner, both of equatorial guinea and the african continent. i would like to note that your country made a great contribution to the fight against colonialism and fought for the liberation of african states. previously, the leaders held negotiations behind closed doors. vladimir putin believes that the two countries have good prospects for cooperation. in turn, the president of equatorial guinea thanked the russian. russia withdraws ratification of the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty, the corresponding law was signed by vladimir putin. the treaty adopted
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by the un general assembly in 1996 was in fact not in effect; the united states never ratified it. in moscow, in this regard, they note that the withdrawal of ratification eliminates inequality in the field of nuclear testing and will serve the interests of ensuring the country’s security. the state duma and the federation council approved the document. unanimously. the idf published footage of the interception of a ballistic missile launched by the houthis from yemen over the red sea. she was shot down by an israeli pru. sirians air raid warnings sounded in northern israel. attempts to launch missiles were recorded from lebanese territory. the idf attacked hezbollah installations. meanwhile, the idf continues its offensive in the gaza strip, destroying hamas defensive lines and trying to cut off the north of the enclave. gas hospitals ran out of fuel, threatening the lives of seriously
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ill and premature children. all hope is that israel will help replenish supplies, but the jewish state has conditions; fuel will be supplied only if it is not will fall into the hands of hamas. according to the un and vos, 14 hospitals from thirty-six are no longer functioning in the enclave, in the remaining ones some operations are performed without light and anesthesia, the medicines received with humanitarian aid are barely enough for 5,000 wounded, 9,000 have already died, as the palestinian red crescent said, on thursday the attack was hit the alkuts hospital in the gas sector. the human rights organization amnesty international, in turn, stated that it has evidence of the use of over-gas projectiles containing white phosphorus. his hands give birth. great music, great art, an outstanding representative of the russian conducting school, this is how colleagues speak of yuri temerkanov, who passed away the day before. the future artistic director of the st. petersburg academic philharmonic
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was born in nalchik, moved to leningrad at the age of 13, and graduated from the conservatory in viola and symphonic conducting classes. in sixty-six he won the all-union conducting competition and toured europe and the usa with the moscow philharmonic orchestra. protemircan. it was said that he knows how to see the music he conducts; during his career he has performed with leading orchestras in europe, including the berlin vienna and london philharmonic, as well as the teatro lascala. on december 10, the conductor would have celebrated his eighty-fifth birthday. a resident from kuzbass will help a boy from the lugansk people's republic, the child vitally needs a rare device prescribed for diabetes. the man learned about the problem from a story on ours. channel and did not remain indifferent. details of the story in the story by anton ivachev. mom of a six year old ruslana shows a special sensor that can be used to measure the child’s blood sugar level without contact. severe type 1 diabetes
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was diagnosed in december last year. and the kolish fingers, and the insulin kolish, these fingers are all blue, my husband and i made the decision to buy this libra. in the lpr the device cannot yet be obtained even for money. this story is from the lugansk republic, novokusnichanin viktor schastnykh. this is a sensor, we have accumulated it, thanks to the fact that we ourselves acquired all this in advance, plus also the state support, we had some kind of supply, and it was decided at our family council that we probably need to help, their stories are similar, the same diagnosis, only darina’s granddaughter has already forgotten about the injections, what kind of sport is this, alpine skiing, and in the summer either on skates or in the gym, how much a day can you travel, ride, i think, 10 times for sure, a glucose monitoring system is an opportunity to live a full life, information about your sugar status comes directly from your smartphone, and let between kuzbass and lugansk republic 4,000 km, good will cover any
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distance. ruslan, hello, we saw a story about you, and we have supplies, thank you very much, thank you very much, victor, and kusbas is ready to transfer these sensors to the lugansk people's republic, to the person who really needs them. thank you, already on friday by airmail. anton ovachev ivan shubnikov, hosted by kusbas. this is news, we are monitoring developments. the novosibirsk region was covered with snowfall, in some places the depth of the snow cover reached 15 cm. wet snow quickly compacts and the roads turn into a skating rink. snow removal equipment works in intensive mode not only in the city, but on country roads. report by elena vlasova. the road workers went into battle with the elements in reinforced formations. more than a thousand were sent to regional roads. snowplows, some shoveled
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snow, others sprinkled sand on the tracks. the temperature seems to be quite loyal, a slight minus, we use a sand-salt mixture, it seems to work for us down to -20°. it melts deposits, subsequently, with using brushes they are swept from the roadway surface. the condition of the roads is monitored in the control room of the territorial highway department. on the monitors there is a picture from video cameras installed on the highways in all areas. they also receive signals from drivers here; everything received in the morning was promptly processed. we transfer this request to the contracting organization to take action, that is, to send the necessary equipment, or the team’s departure, then in real time we monitor the movement of the equipment, when our request was processed, how we left, how reacted, the heavenly office was ready for such gifts, the day before they received a forecast, monitoring the situation on such days is continuous.
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morning period of time, this is about half past 7 am, the number of equipment working on the road has decreased to 460 units , now it is working on the roads of the region, we can look online, no more than 340 units, this is approximately the standard set of equipment operation, when already everything is fine and no apocalypse happened. strong wind, wet snow, conditions under which insist road workers, it’s definitely not worth driving for motorists, so they advise novosibirsk residents to leave the steering wheel for the next few days and switch to public transport. there will still be such small breaks in snowfall in the coming days, but according to weather forecasters, the final snow will stop falling only on the morning of november 4th. all this time, road workers, as they themselves say, will work in emergency mode. elena vlasova, nikita zhirnov, vesti novosibirs. all news is always available on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website, follow the development events. come on, come on with a smile, more,
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more, more, great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. good morning, good morning, andrey petrov, svetlana abramova, your company, this morning friday has arrived and it’s great, you can go for a weekend in nature, that’s what kind of vacation you prefer, i also prefer, by the way, in nature, despite the fact that autumn, not autumn, not winter, has no power over us, russians not only andrei, but everyone else. drawn to
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nature, this year vacation packages with the eco prefix is ​​booked twice as readily as in the past, karelia, baikal and khibiny are in demand, the cost of a three-day trip, for example for two to the murmon region will cost an average of 106,000 rubles. a 4-day trip to the land of lakes and trouts will cost about 60,000, but the most expensive thing is to see the cleanest fresh lake in the world, 5 days on baikal 133,000 rubles. but of course, the main thing is that the weather doesn’t let you down, let’s listen to the forecast for the weekend from the leading specialist of the phobos weather center vadim zavochenko, vadim, good morning, good, well, no amount of money can buy the weather, that’s a fact, well, money can buy everything, but i would honestly say, i would honestly say that the murmansk region, and karelia, and baikal, after all, they cannot boast of weather in the coming days, unlike the black sea region, it is almost a beach season. let me go tell you.
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almost beach weather is returning to the south of russia, during the day in the crimea in the kuban up to +20-25, in the lower reaches of the volga and don up to +15-20 only today rain is expected in the region, it will be 5-6° cooler. on the middle volga there will also be rain on friday and +7:12. but over the weekend , the precipitation will stop and the weather will get colder. it's freezing at night, and +3 during the day. the northwestern district remains in a zone of weather contrasts. in the north of the region, the probability of precipitation is low and it is cold, -2, -7. in the southern part. the probability of precipitation is increased on weekends, daytime temperatures are +2-7, and on weekends the temperature rises to +5-10. in central russia there will be mostly no precipitation on friday, but by the weekend it will begin to rain. daytime temperature +4.9, with warming up to
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+11:16. record high temperatures are possible in places over the weekend. in the urals today there will be light rain and +6. but by the weekend , under the influence of the anticyclone, precipitation will stop, severe frosts will strike at night, and the daytime temperature will only be -2 -3. in southern siberia , the cloudy fields of the atmospheric front will shift, mostly snow will fall in the region, the daytime temperature will be 0.5, only on saturday, thaws up to +4° are possible in some places. winter, which has already captured the north of the far east, will begin to make its way to... already this weekend it will seize its power and amur region, here the daytime temperature is -2 -7, autumn will remain only in the primorye region, from time to time there is light rain, and the daytime temperature is +2-7, vladim, thank you very much for
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this forecast, but before you went to the map, you started talking about that the weather can be bought for money, i wonder what kind of weather can be bought for money, well, it’s sunny, andrey, have you forgotten how the clouds disperse over moscow, it’s absolutely. and iodine with silver, or, if cheaper, with cement, due to the introduction of these reagents, drops consisting of of which the cloud consists, they enlarge and fall out as rain, that is, there is still an easier way to buy a ticket to the south, and after a number of hours you will be in the summer , by the way, in just a few literally days, the season ends on krasnaya polyana, rosahutor everyone there will apparently already be there prepare for all sorts of ski stories, well, according to preliminary forecasts, in the south november will be 2-3° warmer than normal, so you probably shouldn’t count on a speedy opening of the ski season, oh well, we’ll meet again, definitely
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we’ll talk more about this a little later, the forecast for the weekend, the leading specialist of the weather center phobus vadim zavodchenov, as the pokrovsky gate said about autumn to the heroine of the film, the most influenza time, but in russia, according to consumer surveillance data, the incidence of influenza and respiratory infections is decreasing, but despite such good news , it’s too early to relax. with the onset of cold weather, there are more and more sneezing and coughing people around; it is the low temperatures that many compatriots blame for their poor health, but oksana sirova figured out whether this is so. several layers of clothing, warm hat, scarf, down jacket. with the onset of cold weather , elena approaches every exit into the street with all seriousness. a muscovite has long noticed that if she gets even a little cold, hello to the cold. as soon as it gets colder, you already go out, you feel, you are freezing, if you freeze, then you immediately get sick, a runny nose begins , your throat is red, there are conctivitis, otitis, and so on, to prevent this from happening, you just need to dress warmly, many agree with this, it is precisely because of bad weather, frost, slush and
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rain that we catch colds - russians believe, because the wind is cold, if i’m poorly dressed, then my entire warmed body suddenly freezes, i get sick, a direct connection, it’s hypothermic. the connection between hypothermia and body disease really seems at first glance undeniable, how else can one explain that with the onset of the autumn-winter season, everyone around begins to cough, sneeze and suffer from a runny nose, but in reality everything is not so obvious - doctors say cold is not the cause , but rather a trigger, that is, a trigger for a surge of influenza and op. when a person comes into contact with cold air, his local immune defense factors decrease, for example, the effect of protective factors in the area of ​​the nasopharynx, tonsils, and back walls of the pharynx is weakened. thus, very good conditions are created for foreign viruses for their penetration into the mucous membrane, that is, the cold essentially opens the gates for the virus into our body; due to low temperatures, vasospasm occurs and blood circulation is disrupted. blood cells
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that protect us from pathogenic microorganisms do not enter the mucous membrane in sufficient quantities, so viruses and bacteria thrive there and multiply. in addition, bad weather often forces you to... hide in warm rooms, and there are risks there. dry air also dries out the mucous membrane, its clearance and self-cleaning are disrupted, and this contributes to the disruption of this local protective barrier, the mucous membrane. we know that viruses are transmitted by airborne droplets, in the form of microaroles, microparticles, which are also much easier with closer contact transmitted than in the warm season, when more often than not, people prefer to be on the streets, so the cold is not directly to blame for all our colds, but indirectly, which means that sitting in warm rooms and wrapping yourself up before going outside is not an option, you still need to help the body from the inside - experts : firstly, of course, this is vaccination against viral and bacterial infections, secondly, lifestyle correction
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, nutritious and varied nutrition, sleep for at least 8 hours, giving up bad habits, thirdly, humidification of indoor air. if all these conditions are met, our the body must have enough resources to withstand viruses and bacteria, which means there will be no problem with the cold. i have a great way to lose weight. a glass of water in 3 days, duets. all countries. that’s it, i’m the only one, normal, mine, in this form, it’s best to hunt vampires on a moonless night, yes , you’re far from a mummy, that’s enough, izmailovsky park, it hit the mark, premiere, tomorrow at 14:50 on the russia channel , now we’ll tell you like a fairy tale, you remember how ilya muromets, 33 years, 3 months, 3 days, lay on the stove, just like that, in warmer... the moskvich 2141 car stood for 33 years, well, now it has been sold, the meter shows
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almost the factory 163 km, and the seat packages. light, this car was driven a couple of times, and then only to get license plates , the sills and bottom have been treated from corrosion, preserved according to the auto fashion of the nineties, there are mirrors, caps on the wheels, a full set of standard tools, and they sold it very cheaply, it seems to us, for half a million rubles i think you will also say that led screens are very cheap there, well, the machine that is being tested today our auto expert ivan zinkevich, believe me, it costs much more, it’s made of wood, it’s already over 80 years old and is still running, many people think that electric cars are the most advanced technologies, but they were invented back in the 19th century, they were created in the mid-twenties just space projects, for example, like the pier for electro , we will get acquainted with it today, the model appeared in paris in 1940, times were difficult, the front needed fuel, and people wanted to travel, so
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they remembered electric cars, aircraft designer louis brighe came up with this car , one of creators of the first helicopter , it is immediately clear that the pier for was built on the principle of an airplane, it was even blown through in a wind tunnel , there is a spinal frame on the bottom, a frame made of wood on top, covered with aircraft-grade plywood, there is no glass, instead there is plexiglass. which was produced for airplanes. the turn signals are flag, we struggled with the weight with all our might, so the wheels are very small. under the hood are batteries with a total capacity of 100 amperes. voltage 72 v. the headlights are hidden right there. at the rear of the machine there is an electric motor mounted on a spinal beam. charge it it was recommended from a simple outlet. but most importantly, the electric, unlike other electric vehicles, was already equipped with a charger. during lunch , it was possible to replenish the range by 8 km in an hour.
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the interior resembles a cozy wooden house, the panel spans the entire width of the cabin, there are two seats in front, and space for luggage in the back. so, let's start the engine. there are two programs here. according to the manufacturer, the first one is for a smooth start. such a smooth start. in first gear you need to accelerate to 15 km/h. there is also reverse gear and... just a move, not gear, maximum speed 40 km/h, but this is on a flat road with a tailwind. uphill, the speed drops, and if the steepness of the climb is more than 10°, you can burn out the engine. the weight of the car is 550 kg, fully charged batteries were enough for 80 km. it is not known exactly how many of these models were produced. according to some sources, a couple of dozen, according to others, more than a hundred. in 1946, the updated pierre for was again presented at paris. auto show, but electric cars no longer aroused much interest. and today every electric canopy
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is gold and it’s especially nice that thanks to restorers, some copies are still on the move. and then book your holiday. we’ll find out in a few minutes where it’s better to go for the new year and what it will cost. the main premiere of the year, i am king pavel petrovich, beloved. son, your table is like the table of a statesman, the main rival in the struggle for the imperial throne is me, the only legitimate heir to the russian crown. ekaterina is the favorite. if you want to rule, you will, only in your own time, after your death, which you are so looking forward to, my son, from monday on rtr. about, it's full, my box is full and there are nets. and languages, more than 200 nationalities, there is nothing like this anywhere on planet earth, i plant on
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the earth, we live in one world, we hid the daisies. songs of the russian world on national unity day on rtr, for whom i keep
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spouses in leadership positions, and not just anyone, so that there are no disagreements, fedorov will fire us if he finds out that we are divorced. for a couple of days, you and i can pretend to be a strong, loving family. anna nevskaya, anton khabarov, i specially planned my arrival so that you personally congratulate 20 years of marriage, bitter, bitter, alexander mokhov, elena biryakova, excuse me, who are you? blood, it’s very nice, you raise a child, you raise it, and then some sweet girl takes it and devours it piece by piece, vampire , galina petrova, vladimir sterzhakov, you are married, more than once, well, i thought you were after me, i’m after her, after the divorce, everything is just beginning, i even like these
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so much adrenaline, exes, today on rtr. maybe it’s better to be alone, it’s better for me to be, i want to be with whoever i’m in, maria poroshina accepts congratulations on your time as a student, as you were congratulated on your birthday, we had a wonderful course, and we still congratulate each other, natasha antonova is responsible for congratulations, masha is the only friend who knows everything about me, who... trust, she will always be happy for me, you have had a lot of difficult periods in your life, somehow lose yourself , there is some rule of yours, do not betray anyone, no matter what happens, never repay evil for evil, the main surprise is from the main men of her life, i’ll tell you a secret about no one knows this, but i want to say, now it’s masha’s birthday, the fate
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of a person with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr, we watch it before everyone else, four children, ex-husband, at work, endless stress, vasnetsova, why is it always alone from you problems, we subscribe, we look, old books are again in price, sales of used literature are growing rapidly, according to popular marketplaces, generally buy books... russians have become 30% more likely to buy second-hand books, and this segment has increased sales by 43%. there are several reasons for such a wide distribution of books. firstly, if you purchase priority publications, this is an investment, then they can be resold at a higher price, and secondly, if you buy the literature of our century, then this is a savings, because new books from stores have become significantly more expensive, and from home
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collections they are often given away for 100 rubles, well , or in general it can be for nothing, but still it’s nice to be a discoverer, to open a new book, for example, what publishing innovations are worth paying attention to, will yegor sirov tell you? in the words of columbus, good morning, i want to tell you not just about books, about ten volumes at once, these volumes look like this, this is their size, huge volumes are called thousands of books that need to be read, what kind of authors are there, a thousand books, what’s in them? in them, first there is an introductory article about the author, about his life, about his work, and then a fragment or a short work, or his poems, and these books , a thousand, this is how they look, a magnificent publication, i recommend it, a very interesting book,
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its author tatyana galatonova, become an engineer, a book on technical creativity for children adults. for example, you can make a pantograph, here it is called a dragon pantograph, but this is apparently to make it more interesting for the child, so the dragon was added, in fact, the pantograph is just a miracle of some kind from... a small picture can be made into a large one, from big small, magic, but at the same time it develops fine motor skills, at the same time and of course, some kind of family activity, and this of course only strengthens the family, it is clear that it is impossible to become an engineer without brain skills, and this book will allow you check whether the child has a predisposition to this or not, and if there is no predisposition, it will still be useful, because everyone needs to think, tatyana golatonova, become an engineer, a very good book, they asked a little man, tell
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us at least a word, man said, yeah, that's all i can do, an amazing book, it's called a big book of poems, fairy tales and stories, barto berestov, pero, the brothers grim, andersen and others, but it is important that all the illustrations in this book... were made by erik bulatov and oleg vasiliev. why suddenly she did this book appear? because bulatov turns 90 this year. and look at the illustrations. it’s amazingly simple, it’s a miracle, i can’t say it any other way. this is not a big book, it is a huge and magnificent book. this is what she looks like. and with this i say goodbye to you. all the best to you, read and be happy. it’s time and honor to know, i’m leaving, for some reason i can’t find you, and i’m on a business trip, but here you go, your
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wedding ring, that dad didn’t go, this is very strong magic, and that the jacket costs the same as my car, i it's not your fault that you have old muscovite, history of a big country premiere, today at 23:55, morning of russia , don’t oversleep, the main thing is to lead the morning, we will talk about the main thing in russia and abroad, in the studio karina elina, hello, bilateral cooperation, working breakfast, discussion of prospects , at vladimir's. discuss the state and prospects of bilateral
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cooperation in various fields, as well as issues of developing relations between russia and the countries of the entire central african region , taking into account the chairmanship of equatorial guinea in the economic community of states central africa. russia continues to work on the african continent in continuation of the development of the agreements that were reached during. russia-africa summit , we know you well, as our reliable friend, you have visited our country many times, at the last meeting of the russia-africa summit, your country was represented at a high level. mr. president, we have a good prospect, we have something to do, i hope today in a broad format we will discuss various areas of our interaction with our colleagues. i am very glad to see you, mr. president, welcome, we maintain friendly relations with russia, today i would like to discuss with you the topics of bilateral relations and all issues
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on the international agenda. in the next 3 years, the government will allocate 30 billion rubles for the preferential car loan program, mikhail mishusti announced this at a meeting of the cabinet of ministers. in addition, people with disabilities can now take advantage of the offer . also, the head of the cabinet is mini. signed a resolution to extend the m12 highway to tyumen and rename it in m12 east. the authorities expect that the implementation of the project will give an additional impetus to the development of economies in the moscow, vladimir, nizhny novgorod, sverdlovsk and tyumen regions and will contribute to the expansion of trade with asian countries. the arctic storm chiarian has hit the northwestern part of europe; there are already dead and dozens injured in the netherlands and france. already in eastern europe they are broadcasting information about the coming bad weather. in slavia, weather forecasters predict winds of up to 25 m per second with gusts of up to 35. in france, over
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1,300,000 people were left without electricity. flights have been cancelled, trains are not running. the waves off the coast of fenister reached the height of a six-story building. in brest, the wind exceeded a speed of 39 m per second. the streets are littered with trees, the streets of italian cities are flooded. cars are floating. in recent days , up to 20 events have occurred in the country, including hailstorms and hurricanes. earlier, kieran hit ireland from the coast. the city was under water. fortifications are built in various ways. real winter has arrived in the amur region; in some areas the temperatures will drop to -27 c in blagoveshchensk, due to a snow cyclone , a high alert regime has been declared ; aleksey sherbakov will tell you what difficulties this has already created for residents of the regional capital. no matter how the weather forecasters warn, for many amur residents, winter always comes the same way, unexpectedly, every year. on the roads of the regional center since the very morning, there has been a real collapse, traffic jams,
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snowfall and, as a result... a lot of accidents. during the incomplete daylight hours on the territory of blagoveshchensk , 34 accidents were officially registered at the entrances to it. which injured three people. the figure has already exceeded the daily average. the increase in road accidents has increased the load on the traffic police departments, which only manage to register traffic incidents. the state traffic inspectorate recommends that all motorists, in the absence of injuries, in an accident, or controversial situations, they can file an accident according to the euro... protocol, if the damage is insignificant, the state traffic inspectorate of the amur region also recommends refraining from long trips, from moving around the city, and of course , drive only on winter tires, as annual practice shows, not all motorists prepare for the first snowfall in advance; due to bad weather at blagoveshchensk airport on that day , the flight from tynda changed its route, the plane went to an alternate airfield in khabarovsk, the rest of the aircraft set off or
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landed on schedule . three dozen workers and nine special vehicles went out to combat precipitation in the regional center from the very morning. streets, roads, bus stops and pedestrian crossings are cleared of snow. services will remain on high alert untill weekend. alexey sherbakov, denis lugov and ilioned kosavan, conduct the omur region. all news is always available on the media platform, look at the application or website this is news, we are monitoring developments. the head of the dpr presented the little resident of mariupol with a gift from the president. mops dog. the boy had long wanted a puppy, but due to the lack of a dog kennel of this breed in the city, the child’s dream was shelved . what emotions did the family experience and what else did vladimir putin give, daniil found out zaretsky. now the royals have a new family member: a pug dog. the name of the pet on
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the passport symbolically overlaps. new owners. the puppy's name is clear falcon of the russian empire. so here is the royal nazar with his friend. the idea to write a letter to the president came from nazar’s older brother ilya. the guy saw the younger boy’s burning eyes and approached his mother with this initiative. without thinking twice, the woman agreed to ask vladimir putin for a gift for her son. at first i was a little doubtful, and i said, okay, come on, what the hell, let’s write. well in sat down and wrote yours to give nazarchik a surprise? like this, we didn’t even think that they would answer us, somehow contact us, this is very cool, so exciting , really, these are dreams, children’s dreams should come true, they do come true, the boy started dreaming about mopsy after watching the very first funny video with this breed, every day nazar approached his mother and asked to buy him a puppy, but such an opportunity did not arise, there was no kennel with dogs of this breed in the city, the guy and his mother had already even managed to come up with
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a name for a pug, yes, my mother and i... came up with cupcake, marshmallow, well, a lot of names, but after nazar found out the puppy’s real name, he didn’t want to change it, or falcon of the russian empire, son, what a beautiful name, yes, yes, come on sokol russian empire, in addition to the new family member, the head of the republic handed his mother a bouquet of lush flowers, and his eldest son a new laptop, well, you too, thank you, i think it will also be useful for studying, thank you very much. during a pleasant conversation between the head of the republic and the royal family denis pushilin gave small instructions on caring for a pet and noted that children's dreams must come true. daniil zaretsky, vesti donetsk, mariupol. the first center for restoration of library collections beyond the urals opened in krasnoyarsk. there, specialists manually restore rare books and ancient manuscripts with almost jewelry precision. stanislav makarov visited the workshops and saw how
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unique literature was produced. second life, we will begin, probably from the most difficult area , a very responsible one with the restoration of library collections. and first of all, the pages rare folios are subject to water procedures: distilled water helps to wash away traces of time, but even this can be destructive for documents that are too dilapidated, in which case they will need to be cleaned on a vacuum table. steam is supplied to the vacuum table, and the document is moistened, gently. and then, when we turn it on. pump, the pump takes away excess moisture along with the moisture , cleanses it, the dried and restored sheets fall into the hands of bookbinders; in this office , hundreds of individual pages turn into books again: the work is painstaking, long, but it’s worth it, now it’s just easier to read a book in an electronic version , yes, but paper books have some kind of value, not so much informational, but this feeling of old books in your hands, no, well, there are
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modern books, of course, but to the old ones in general, such a reverent attitude, today the regional library holds 4 million publications, 30,000 of them are especially rare and valuable, a large number of the gospel of 1672. even if we take modern books, there are various reference books that were published literally 15 years ago, 15-20, yes, they were counted to capacity , this publication is in demand, but there is no other such publication, and now you can’t buy it anywhere. the krasnoyarsk book restoration center is the first and only one outside the urals. in general, according to plans to open 40 such centers by the year 1930, i hope that we will implement them. so far there are plans to open four this year. in the near future , conservation and restoration centers will appear in the republic of udmurtia, kirov and voronezh regions. stanislav makarov, alexander madeichenko, vesti krasnoyarsk. all news
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always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website this is news, we are monitoring developments. only after the mysterious death of his beloved grandson and brother. the family learned that on the eve of the tragedy he secretly got married, the entire multimillion-dollar inheritance was received by his legal wife from ukraine and fled to germany. a grief-stricken family is begging to find at least the grave where their beloved relative, who died so suddenly after a secret wedding, rests. do you think he was poisoned? i don't think so, i'm sure of that. live broadcast today at 16:30. it's time and honor know, i'm leaving. for some reason i can’t find you, and i’m on a business trip, but here you go, your wedding ring, which dad didn’t want, it ’s very powerful magic, and that jacket costs as much as
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my car, it’s not my fault that you have an old muscovite, history of a big country premiere, today at 23:55, come on, come on with a smile, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, most importantly , good morning, smiles, great mood, because friday, of course, is the time to meet us. anrova svetlana abramova, every viewer is welcome, let's start our let's start and continue to do good deeds. this is possible and necessary at any time. a charity festival was held in krasnodar, where tailed happiness was distributed. you could take home any of the 100 dogs,
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all of them were vaccinated, sterilized and trained. many pets have a difficult fate, years of wandering, life lost, the consequences of an accident, so some will need not only attention and love, but also rehabilitation. well , you can say a four-legged friend not only about a pet, but also about a robot; there are more and more such electronic devices in the world, one msu scientists designed and assembled them and showed them to our colleague andrey negru. small educational robot dog, abbreviated as morse. morse, come to me! morse, give me your paw, walk and overcome simple obstacles. feign excitement, this is the little thing that the robot dog can do, but this is for now, because it was created primarily for training programmers, they are the ones who must instill in the robot all kinds of skills, as for the design, then, according to the engineers, it will withstand a lot up to complex tricks,
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such as somersaults and running at a speed of 65 km/h, and if something breaks, it won’t be difficult to fix the dog, everything here can be easily disassembled, assembled and, if necessary, even completed, there are no... gluing, no welding, that is, a design for teaching science, there is nothing like this in the world for a robot dogs open architecture, we are the first to give it in general, well, now our scientific community has the opportunity to refine the robot , i must say, quite a few four-legged machines have already been designed in the world, they are predicted to have a great future, such robots can be entrusted with a wide variety of work, here is an example from life: an electronic protocol monitors how the construction of a structure is progressing, uses lidar to take constant measurements and transmits them to engineers, and also makes sure that workers follow safety precautions, wear helmets and vests, over... equipment and the advantage of robops in
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the fact that they are able to walk in the same place as a person, stairs and high curbs are not an obstacle for them, he can jump over something, yes, a wheeled robot cannot do this, yes, he can get around it quickly, he is bad at walking machines are one, complex device, build and maintain them heavier and more expensive than wheeled platforms , and a person is unlikely to ever completely abandon the latter, so there are also machines here, like this six-wheeled... hike was also created for educational purposes. students can work out different algorithms there, namely the automatic operation of robots, well, in remote mode, yes, that is , for example, we took it to kamchatka, there, for example, we controlled it from here from moscow. here are these shots, once upon a time here in kamchatka, where the volcanic landscape resembles the surface of selenium was tested by all soviet planetary rovers. and now student rover competitions are taking place here, and the task for the teams is similar to those that adults face today. scientists and engineers from space.
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and yet, many parents are worried, the current generation of children is not interested in anything, neither in studies, nor in sports, nor in hobbies, the children spend most of their free time on their phones, and this is only on weekdays, how to get them interested in science, reading or other useful things ? class in our studio child psychotherapist, doctor of medical sciences, lev perezhogin. lev olegovich, good morning, good morning, good, hello, well, uh, to interest a child, what should you do? they say that you yourself need to become interested in something and set an example - in general, a child has a craving for this or that knowledge, is this true or not? i will probably disappoint you, but the fact is that, in general, most children do not need to be interested, childhood is a period of a person’s life when a person develops in all possible ways, with all senses, with all his intellect, records knowledge, but what if such a terrible object as a telephone falls into the hands of a child? some kind of gadget in which he immerses himself, i adhere to
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the position, and not only me, but most of the world’s science.


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