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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  November 3, 2023 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] for this, this active expansion took place, that is, it was naturally assumed that now the infrastructure would be created for approximately 500,000 new settlers, that is, in fact, the problem is the following, the main problem will arise exactly there, there are no walls there, it will not be possible to make control there, and there is a right-wing government, which is now with radical representatives of the ministry of finance, the head of internal security, respectively, in our adoption of the ministry of internal affairs, which accordingly stands for more active, corresponding development of this territory, that is, it was previously assumed that 30% would be captured or, as it were, developed , so from this point of view, the problem is that the whole thing will end next, when the question of creating two states, respectively, begins to be raised, the question will arise: what should be done, strictly speaking , with the west bank, because if in gaza itself not a single israeli formally lives there, then quite a lot of them live there; it is expanding, moreover, they are quite seriously armed in the last time, that is, the problem is that the main part of the issues will happen there and jordan
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will also, so to speak, rest there, because therefore from this point of view, even if everything happens forcedly, judging by the fact that this is happening, even if this will take a month and a half there, give or take, like vangoval did in two, but it will still lead to very serious problems in the future, when everyone begins to sit down at the negotiating table, for example, the same international coalition that will enter there if it will go there, question who will it consist of, respectively saudi arabia, the question here is what will the position on saudi arabia change in 2 months, this is not for sure, because no un is in charge of sending un peacekeepers there, it’s generally like the un is in difficult relations right now , he does not allow un representatives into his territory, so from this point of view , this is a very big problem, and this will actually lead to the problems that were described 2 trillion - this is, for example, all the goods and services that were produced in a year italy, if you believe israel, it should be disbanded a long time ago, since it is an anti-semitic organization, it was also stated, the question is what will happen to israel after it completes its operation in gaza, of course, good, alexander ,
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i agree with konstantin there is a dead end and the question is really, what’s next? it was said about netanyahu , his situation is very difficult , internal political, they want to remove him from within the country, it seems to me that sergei pashkov underestimates this point, i looked at some insights and looked at what israeli analysts say, there is a lot of pressure on him, since the days of the judicial system, of course, you need to understand that from russia’s point of view, this is all unprofitable, it has already been voiced here more than once that he did not support sanctions, at one time he came to us - participation in the immortal regiment, that is, he is perceived in israel, oddly enough, as a pro-russian politician, and now they also blame him for this, he is a pro-israeli politician , of course, according to israeli, of course, who is his alternative, bennett, gantz, lopit , this is all absolutely pro-american politicians, now it seems to me that it is important to consider a little what will happen in the very near future, in the very near future, and this is exactly within the framework of what colleagues were talking about, full jordan,
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full jordan, it’s important here a little bit. go down in history, because what is palestine? a state called palestine never existed. palestine is the name of the region and the territory of this region has changed throughout history, that is, i don’t want to go into all this now, there was a province of judea in the roman empire, the jews rebelled, the state of israel existed, the ancient existed there, i will explain what, why i am saying all this, there was a province of judea, it was renamed, in my opinion, by emperor hadrian in 136 to judea, and after... after that there different, let's say, rulers changed, this territory was always part of different empires, there was a moment of statehood, the krestanov states, then there was statehood, after that it was always one empire, then another, eventually the british empire, for a moment british empire mandate, a territory called a region called palestine included jordan, jordan, a little bit of iraq and a little bit more of lebanon, from the point of view, i see what today’s
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palestinian leaders are saying, including that jordan is also palestine, and if we are talking about the region historically, yes, how it changed, then the last moment in the 20th century is also so, but they do not pretend, it is difficult to say, today it was announced that just because, no, of course, with a decision, but you understand that what is called palestine, unfortunately, unfortunately, both israel and not only israel, not everyone is guided by the decision of the un, and sometimes the decision of the un, as when we talk about russia, they are simply inadequate, so in palestine, in jordan, 70% of palestinian arabs live . i don’t know of a single resolution of the security council of the united nations that is inadequate, i’m not talking about the security council, although yes, this is the only body that makes decisions that are not clearly binding, here i agree with you, nevertheless un as a structure, she behaves differently, you must admit, so most likely there will be a fire in jordan now , why did they recall the israeli ambassador, they
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are trying to... this will most likely not be possible to do, this will not be possible to do, 70%, plus there are absolutely statements , such clear plus, i repeat, a whole number of leaders of the palestinian street say that they also lay claim to jordan, because the street does not lay claim to a palestinian state, the street is seeking a ceasefire, it is difficult to say why the rights to politics, that the government is in jordan is completely pro-western, and this is true , but this just does not suit the palestinian street, and the palestinian street says, and the state has the right to this, why not, everyone is talking about this, everyone is talking about this, this is legal, this is their legal right, the question what, what are the boundaries? what borders are written in the un, well, what borders are written in the un, this does not mean that the palestinians themselves will accept these borders, hamas these borders, the palestinians are ready to recognize these borders, does not
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accept these borders, so wait, we are with we remember interviews with american politicians, including carter, who spoke with representatives of hamas, and hamas were ready to admit that the moment, yes, now the rhetoric is completely different, you heard what they say, notanyahu, as carter told us, is not was ready for a compromise, carter can say, okay, but now they have a different rhetoric, a much more favorable border for hamas than what palestine has now, does not have at all, completely, but if they are fanatics, then they have it it doesn't work, we don't consider hamas, yes we do palestine, hamas - a radical movement that arose recently, but the problem is old, now hamas is conducting military operations, now a lot depends on them. israel is coming, first of all, and israel, of course, but it is also impossible to dismiss hamas as a non-participant , now there are also a lot of hamas from hamas and hamas is fighting, the israelis are fighting, and for some reason palestinian children are dying, it’s terrible that civilians are suffering, naturally, this is
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unacceptable, but i say, and any condemnation of israel’s actions is called anti-semitism, i i’m saying that this will now go to jordan, that the next point of tension will be jordan, what is happening now in rafah is also not...’ lends itself to any description, this is the only place from where local residents can leave the locked enclave, which they are throwing bombs 24/7 for the twenty-seventh day in a row, while today only 400 people have left through rafah, russians are not yet allowed through this checkpoint, what is really happening there.
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running away from your home and saying goodbye to your family, if you can call it luck what was forced , which was left behind under the bombing. on the twenty-sixth day of the palestinian-israeli conflict , holders of foreign passports began to pass through the rafah checkpoint on the border of the gaza strip and egypt. about 500 people left the constantly shelled enclave for egypt by car. 81 wounded were taken out to the world media, they publish videos of the moments when the checkpoint gates finally opened, people felt
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safe. the russian ambassador to israel said that about 600 of ours remain in the gas there are almost 10 times more compatriots and americans in the enclave, the state department reports. social networks are already comparing the upcoming evacuation of thousands of american citizens through the rafah checkpoint with footage of the shameful flight from kabul and writing that biden’s theory of diplomacy is chaos, the us president himself, on the contrary, boasts that the opening of the checkpoint on the borders of gaza and egypt is the merit of washington, so far he told his supporters on a farm in northfield, minnesota; more than a thousand people marched through the streets of the largest city in the state, minneapolis. protesters with palestinian flags, people
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demanded to stop sponsoring the military. american citizens may leave today as part of the first group, which is likely to exceed 100 people. a jewish voice for peace, a woman demands a ceasefire in the middle east, then is escorted out by security. israeli air forces again attacked the jabaliya refugee camp in gaza, allegedly targeting hamas militants. the ministry of health of gaza reports that in 2 days of airstrikes on jabali , about 200 people were killed, wounded and missing, about a thousand people they are looking for relatives under the rubble. one of them
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compiled a list of family members he had lost. i lost my entire family, 15 people, they were not guilty of anything, they just stayed in the camp, what did they do, they are innocent, kind people, this is literally mass murder, complete destruction. from space, the first photo is before the impacts, the second is after. the scale of destruction is monstrous , the un office said that even if israel’s target was hamas infrastructure, the attack was disproportionate and could be a war crime, the state department said that it was not they are assessing whether tel aviv's actions constitute war crimes, but they have admitted that washington is discussing the future of the gaza strip with its allies. we have made it very clear.
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use it as a springboard for their terrorist attacks against israel. secondly, gas cannot be occupied by israel. bloomberg has learned about discussions between washington and tel aviv that three scenarios are being prepared for the gas sector: temporary control over the enclave of regional countries with the support of us troops and allies, the deployment of peacekeeping forces there, or the creation of provisional government under the auspices of the un. the information that the entry of many national forces into the enclave is being discussed in washington is confirmed by politics. the publication refers to two american senators, the german propagandist bilt roebka reports that the idf forces have advanced another 3 km and are already at the western entrance to gaza city. we received an important task - to go and get rid of hamas, now we are in the midst of this battle, the forces of the division have advanced deeply into the gas sector and
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are now at the entrance to the city. to the shoulder, they understand their mission very well, they are ready, we have also lost some of our dear friends these days, they are the heroes of israel, the words of brigadier general idf cohen are intended to be confirmed by a series of videos published by the israel defense forces, in which the attack of the israeli military and their strike in response publishes the following footage: a drone drops an explosive device on unsuspecting people ; a soldier does not stop hamas missile attacks. one of the rockets fell on the beach in tel aviv, the rising smoke was filmed by eyewitnesses, the insane us senator graham without hesitation he says that in order to protect the jews, the entire civilian population
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of gaza can be exterminated. speaking about the death of civilians, if there is some kind of mark for you and for the us leadership, after which you say, well, let’s stop, no, no, it’s like if we were asked after the second world war, shouldn’t you have taken a break while japan and germany were taking over the world, should israel have taken a break in the fight against those who are trying to exterminate the jews, the answer is no, there is no limit, according to yugul... yemen movement ansarala air defense intercepts almost all missiles and drones, but the houthis continue to threaten tel aviv with unprecedented attacks. they turned to the united states: stop the genocide in the gas sector before your troops drown. a similar threat is accompanied by an image of an american warship, towards which missiles and an iranian bpp-136 are flying. tehran itself warns of the risk of the conflict expanding. the region is very close to the moment when
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a hugely important decisive decision can be made; undoubtedly, if the war is not stopped immediately, then the united states of america, the artificial israeli regime and supporters of continuing the war will be directly responsible for the fact that the situation in the region is beyond the control of all parties for the expansion of the scale of the war. the iranian foreign minister made this statement at a meeting with his turkish counterpart fidan. also called for a ceasefire in the middle east and warned about the risk of new players entering the conflict. the new york times, citing sources in the lebanese government, write that hezbollah will not fight with tel aviv until since then. until hamas finds itself in a critical situation. against this background, us secretary of state blinken is again sent to israel from tel aviv, he will go to jordan, and then make an asian tour. the state department reported that in addition to the situation in the middle east, blinken will discuss the ukrainian conflict with foreign colleagues.
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a russian victory in ukraine would threaten the security and economy of all of europe, our largest trading partner and strategic ally since the second. usa and the risk of war for us, and of course, victory russia will be strengthened by putinan's growing alliance with authoritarian regimes in iran and china. consider this an axis of evil, china, russia and iran, so this is not just a test for ukraine, it is a test for the united states and for the entire free world. urgent. israeli media reported that a rocket from lebanon hit a restaurant in the city of kiryachmona, and a fire started on the spot. previously, the israeli army stated that over the past hour several launches were recorded from lebanon, in response to which the idf was firing at hezbollah targets, but the united states should stop carding
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for ukraine to deal with real problems. israel and china. this was stated by the presidential candidate. kyiv in 2 years. from washington 125 billion dollars, and israel - 158 billion, but for 75 years, the republican politician is indignant, so it is necessary to draw a line regarding the money spent on supporting zelsky, an even sadder prospect for kiev is brought by the victory of another republican candidate, vivi karamaswamy promises, that if he becomes president, he will recognize crimea and four new regions as russian. if you win the election in 2024, i will make a deal that will end the war in ukraine. what kind of deal? trump is also talking about a deal, but i will tell you the details. will you give putin what he took? i won’t give him anything, the deal will be like this. what kind of deal? listen, he is leaving the military alliance with shizenpin, he will be leaving
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the sino-russian military alliance, this is the main threat to the united states. what about ukrainian territory? in return he will receive a firm promise. that ukraine will not join nato. so what about the territory he captured? yes, that's the most important part, nato. is of paramount importance for putin. there are other points in this deal, i can talk about them, but these are the two most important elements: russia leaves the military alliance with china, and we make a firm promise that nato will not accept ukraine. we violated our obligations that we assumed in 1990 . james baker broke his promise to gorbachev. and we will freeze the front line, that we will freeze the line of contact, that is, you will give putin everything that he stole? yes, i won’t give him anything, i’ll freeze the front line, what this means? today the russian-speaking regions are occupied, so in essence you will give putin what he stole? no, you say the opposite, these are the conditions, what did you call putin? he is an evil dictator, like xiding ping,
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like many others, that is, will you give the evil dictator the land that he stole by killing people? piers, i won’t give him anything, i’ll make a deal with him. deal, american gestapa, as you called putin, please , now that we see footage of how the israeli army entered gaza, but i want to ask this question, and this is the same land operation, about the beginning, which israel spoke about or not, or is this the third part, the expansion of something else, that is, rhetoric matters here, simply because, for example, hezbollah is now another ultimatum, as they write... issued to me, that before the beginning of friday, the americans, more precisely, excuse the freudian slip, the israeli army must stop the war in the gas sector, but, strictly speaking, here we probably need to give an explanation why such attention and why such a complex decision-making process
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hezbollah, because sheikh nasrullah, must make some important statement on friday by 15:00 local time, hence the ultimatum... by friday morning. so, the hamas organization, which today is at war with israel, during the events in syria, was against bashar al-assad, and therefore against russia. there was on the other side of the barricades. and the hezbollah organization, which at one time fought with israel and is now conducting firefights with it, fought for bashar al-assad in the syrian conflict, and that means no. side of russia, that is, the hamas movement and the hezbollah movement were essentially on opposite sides of the barricades. it is clear that their relationship is very difficult and now hezbollah must make a decision. enter into a conflict where hamas, which has a difficult relationship, and which was on the other side of the barricades, is at war with israel, that is
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, the two antagonists are united by their rejection of israel, and here the solution is quite complex, according to the principle of the enemy of my enemy is my friend, or it can be done with the help of one try to weaken or eliminate another enemy? that is , the situation in the middle east is very difficult, it is necessary for our dear viewers, analysts definitely took it into account, so the decision will be announced, we will find out tomorrow, and for my part, i would like to say this, the american political publication writes that netanyahu, his political career, well, is actually coming to an end the end, if you believe these journalists, they refer to the fact that 20 years are already coming to an end, the career, now seems to have completely, as they say, come to an end, begins to look for a successor, what biden advises, it seems to me that this is an element of pushing
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the israeli leadership to more stringent actions, well, that is, a way out is shown, if you don’t do this, a political career is definitely much tougher, tougher - it’s like, and tougher - it’s every day, always in a refugee camp, definitely in a hospital, no doubt, just go for the break, i get the impression that it is pushing, as the press secretary of israeli prime minister netanyahu said, that we choose exclusively civilian targets for our surgical strikes, exclusively, oh, i wanted to say not civilians, on the contrary, show me, it’s funny, i can tell you that we are not we choose as a target in gas no one other than civilians, and hamas cynically, oh, of course, terrorists. i made a slip, well, it’s difficult to comment on this, yes, i just need to show it, and well, this is to talk about the fact that there are doubts, as if
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there were no more doubts a long time ago, or as bennett says, my barrel of compassion is unfortunately empty, well you know, it seems to me that the provocateurs of this military conflict, and i think that we see that on both sides they are trying to add fuel to the fire, they believe that there is not enough fuel in this middle east conflict it will be constantly adding, adding, adding, in this - it’s also interesting the publication of such a globalist mouthpiece by magazines , the headline is loud, it means the economist writes that hamas is to blame for the victims of children in the gas sector, the headline, well, it ’s understandable, but here’s the most interesting thing in detail, this is what a normal, ordinary person would think when they see such a headline, but they will probably think that it is about hamas attacking israel, and thereby... causing a new avalanche of conflict that we
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are seeing today, one might think, what is this publication, he probably writes that, well, in fact, they killed civilians in the most brutal way on october 7, and this pushed israel, gave it a reason to carry out today’s operation, no, if someone thought that, he was mistaken, it turns out that the mouthpiece of the globalists writes , that hamas’s fault for what is happening is that hamas, which controls the gaza strip, all the time... that ’s hamas’s fault, there are just a lot of children there, writes the british publication, and since there are a lot of children, they shoot there accordingly , bombed and killed children, and how a terrorist organization can stimulate births, something i don’t really understand, maternity capital was distributed in economic non-economic ways, providing assistance, there, but it doesn’t matter, the approach itself is important here, and when we remember that with icons, that is, wherever you hit a child, it’s their own fault, that is, they even remove the blame from hamas for what is , well, probably not a fault, but an achievement,
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if many children are born, that’s good, let’s remember that that’s all- still the mouthpiece of the globalists, remember, when the world was calmer, we are on every new year, and this is when, well, we don’t remember exactly, but it happened, it happened and we figured it out, then someone thought that since the end of the great patriotic war the planet had not been at war yes, 6 days, well, we solved, tried to unravel those puzzles that the globalists provided us with through the cover of the economist, so let’s not forget who this publication is, whose thoughts it voices, so i get the impression that for the globalists, the ideal is such a cemetery , therefore the increase in fertility in the gaza strip, they write down hamas as the main guilt, and not what hamas did on israeli territory. not an attack on israel or anything else, just the birth rate. well, politics about netanyahu’s career, which
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is about to end. joe biden and his top aides discussed the possibility that benjamin netanyahu's political days are numbered after the president conveyed that sentiment to the israeli prime minister in a recent call. according to two senior administration officials, the topic of netanyahu's short political term was raised at recent meetings at the white house involving biden. this included discussions that took place after biden's trip to israel, where he met with netanyahu. biden went so far as to suggest that without thinking about the lessons he would share with his eventual successor, two administration officials added, the biden administration believes netanyahu has limited time left in office. one of the officials said it was expected domestically that israel's prime minister would likely will last for several months, or only until the end of the initial phase of hostilities of the israeli military company in the gaza strip. don't
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go anywhere, we'll be back. the main premiere of the year, what a great moment, congratulations, and remember, i was the first to call you great , not in vain, they admired her, can i ever be worthy of you, they extolled her, you have a motherly soul, kind, quick-witted, to every word you will find, you want to say that in order to see my mother, i need to have a record? they bowed before her, the russian empress is not as simple as it seems, in all her affairs she has an exact measure, but she wanted to be simply loved, i yearned for you, what would happen to us now, if you knew how difficult it is to love you, i don’t know who will cope with this nushia, catherine’s favorites, you’ll see, will love you like a woman and like
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an empress. from monday on ptp, for whom i keep spouses in leadership positions, and not just anyone, so that there are no disagreements , fedorov, we will be fired if they find out that we are divorced, you and i can do it for a couple of days to portray a strong, loving family, anna nevskaya, anton khabarov, i specially thought of my... i came up with the idea to personally congratulate you on 20 years of marriage, bitter, bitter, alexander mokhov, elena biryakova, excuse me, who are you, and i’m the mother-in-law, very nice , you raise a child, you raise it, and then some good girl takes it and devours it piece by piece, vampire, galina petrova, vladimir
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sterzhakov, are you married, no, back, i thought you were after me, i’m after me, after the divorce everything is just it starts, i like it, maybe there’s so much adrenaline, exes, today on prt, god, you will meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing to find out. country, what a beauty, just taste it, and we will add kiwi there, and enthusiasm, it’s just a madness of taste , what’s next, honey in norinski, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes, and you know why people consider blokizhi and carbohydrates to happily jump through
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life, an unusual answer, i wish... so that all our tv viewers have good health. formula food every saturday on rtr. i'm glad you're here, and i'm also glad that i here, we look at the holidays. this is not my vantus, but it turns out to be mine, and i didn’t recognize him. she's gone completely wild, running after the plumbers. maria porushina. only i decided forever. start a romance with love, like on you, they accidentally came upon you, yaroslav boyko, forgive me, i didn’t want, didn’t want, well, that is, i wanted anna yakunina, from this place in more detail, dad, mom need to be pulled out of the whirlpool, mom is having an affair, what a novel, sergei zhugunov, i can’t forgive myself for losing you, and you never wanted everything
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it was the same as before, maksimovey. surprise, i really love surprises, everyone is 50, sunday and monday, russia, hundreds of languages, more than 200 nationalities, there is nothing like this anywhere on planet earth, we live in one world, the daisies
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are hidden, ponynikism, idf fighters are operating in the city of gyaza, for several days surrounds him from different sides, said the chief of staff of the israeli army, he acts in a violent manner, in these footage, for example, the israeli military shot in cold blood a man who would have thrown a stone to the side, the massacre was filmed on the western bank of the river jordan, at the beginning of the conflict there, 130 palestinians died, another 8,000,720 people became victims of indiscriminate attacks by the idf in the gyaza sector itself. almost 3/4 of the killed were women , children, and old people, the palestinian ministry of health reports;
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more than half a thousand israelis died during the conflict. bloodshed in the middle east ultimately causes outbreaks of violence throughout the planet, muslims are afraid of islamophobia, jews are obviously afraid of anti-semitism. access writes that palestine comes first. conflict in new york, the number of hate crimes against arabs or jews has increased almost 3 and a half times in los angeles by 175%. against this background, frightened jewish americans are buying up weapons. let him go between the sounds of gunfire and continue when you're ready. and enthusiastic sighs from the result obtained. i almost got it. hamas' anti-semitic threats followed on october 7, and some members of the jewish community here in south florida began to arm themselves. in our area , inscriptions appeared: there are calls for freedom in gaza,
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death by a jew, i am jewish, i have two kids, and i just want to be able to protect myself. this woman is one of many jewish mothers we met after being infiltrated on their street. they decided to learn how to handle firearms. another mom, michelle worries about her kids walking home from school. who is not upset about everything that is happening, and any innocent life that is destroyed is terrible, but to call for murder, to wish me death because i am jewish, but no. it's one of those things you don't want to have or not have. how many of you have never thought that will ever personally own or use a gun? there are people in the class you wouldn't expect to meet - a granny with a gun, not the most obvious pairing. it's like i 'm having an out-of-body experience being here. but as israel's gas operation becomes more
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lethal, so too does fear of a backlash. every country, every city, everywhere there are demonstrations against our people, this is monstrous. so it's going to be loud. the instructor says that he used to conduct one or two classes a week, now one or two a day. after hamas invasion have you noticed an immediate change in your business? yes, of course, there has definitely been a surge in the desire of american jews to learn how to protect themselves and their families. many new shooters feel uncomfortable at the shooting range. scary, very scary. but the rest simply have no other choice. heap. tour please. and today is a historical date, and by the way, here i am looking. the way they train, the people of israel in tire, 106 years with the balfour declaration, i wonder what 106 years, why, because
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106 years ago the territory of palestine was territory of the ottoman empire, but even then, even before the first world war, the british were dividing the territory of the ottoman empire, even then they decided that a jewish national home should be created in palestine, by that time, migration to this ... region of jews from europe and the british empire was about 3,000 people per year, and after the first world war, about 2,000 per month, yes, this happened in the twenty -second year, receives a mandate, and in fact, this problem, it begins long before 1947, which we are here too we often remember in the context of the un why i am now talking about the un, and the western press is replete with various versions of leaks that supposedly negotiations are underway about who and how will control the gas sector after israel’s current operation of iron swords ends , and give different options. history has, in fact
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, already demonstrated these options to us. after the 1948 war, well, the war of independence, as they call it in israel, or as the palestinians call it nagbotolis, that is, a catastrophe. by 1967, the gas sector was controlled by egypt, after the war, the june war of sixty-seven, the six-day war , the so-called until 2005, the gas sector was controlled by israel, in 200... fifth year ariel sharon, who defeated the egyptians in seventy-three during war, we eat kippur or doomsday, left gaza because it was impossible to control it, they just made a decision one day, took all their settlers out of there, all their military installations, surrounded gaza with a wall and said that’s it, we won’t set foot here again , from they left sinai, they left sinai, but there were agreements with egypt, under specific conditions, which were even included in the egyptian constitution,
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which is why egypt is now reacting very sharply to what is happening, because on the one hand it does not may not respond to what is happening, on the other hand, he cannot respond the way he would like to answer, on the third hand, he hasn’t done this for a very long time and does not understand what this can lead to, and that is, once already from israel received, uh, not even what israel received, in the early 1990s , forces came to power in egypt that personified the muslim brothers, these were democratic elections, president muhammad murse, who was removed by the current president abdal fattah assia , and abdal fattah assisi, his team, are afraid of the internal upheavals that may now occur, this also applies to the jordanian king abdul i, who is now on a visit, visiting his colleagues and brothers in
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the persian gulf, why did he go there? i i think that this is an attempt by jordan to understand what guarantees it now has, in the event of destabilization of the situation, who can be counted on, i’ll immediately make a reservation that no one there hopes to count on the americans, everyone remembers the story of how the americans first allowed saddam hussein to enter kuwait, and then they declared war on him, with how quickly this happened over the course of five or six days, husni mubarak, who was their ally in the region for almost 40 years, the main ally, practically, yes, the main ally in the region, so now there are no illusions in this regard, the other two states do not have these illusions, where in 27 days, these are the two richest arab states, not counting qatar in saudi arabia and in the united arab emirates, in 27 days, according to according to the israeli foreign ministry, which also calculates the so-called anti-semitism index. in the world, and during this
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time there has not been a single march meeting against what is happening in the gas strip in palestine against israel, relatively speaking, and now the minister of defense of saudi arabia is in the united states, precisely because the situation , which was also provoked by the united states, led to the emergence of a new regional actor, if at first it was a headache for saudi arabia and the countries that are with it entered yemen as a coalition, now it is truly a regional actor, i am now talking about the ansaral or houthi movements, we are already seeing three movements in the middle east, which are greater power and have greater influence than the states in which they are located, this is hezbollah, this is hamas, and this is the ansar allah movement, the ansar allah movement, by the way, at one time was created not without the help... hezbollah,
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here we were talking about why hezbollah is cautious and does not immediately take the saber to the head, relatively speaking, does not rush into battle. i believe that hezbollah, its primary importance, in principle, in this region, for iran, is a doomsday weapon. iran does not yet have nuclear weapons, but iran should have a guaranteed response if attacks on him. and this guaranteed answer will be hezbollah, which, at the cost of its existence, and perhaps at the cost of the existence of lebanon, will have to cause irreparable damage to israel, now exchange hezbollah for the salvation of hamas, hamas is not yet on the verge of destruction, as a military organization, not in tehran , not strictly speaking, hasan nashrala does not plan, although the head of ksir kani, this is his third time, but what will he say tomorrow at 15 o’clock, there is such preparation, we have
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personnel, let’s see, incredible the number of chairs, fenced chairs, if possible with sound, there really is darkness overshadowing the people, blocked off... just what will he say, if not what everyone is waiting for, they gave a deadline until 15:00 on november 3, it should be noted that every time, when hassan nasral spoke during regional complications, it was very rare, but every time he announced an operation against israel, everyone naturally expects, taking into account the fact that ikani, now ksir, the leader of kir is in lebanon, everyone expects that today he must receive... the green light from tehran tomorrow he will announce any operations, we do n’t know what operations they will be, but i want to emphasize that this will be the first, if it takes place, and most likely it will take place, we have already we are waiting for the third week from the first day, and the logic of things is exactly what it says, this will be the first clash
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between hezbollah and israel or israel with the new hezbollah, in terms of introducing combat operations in real time using the latest weapons from the enemy, why i mean it this way. i emphasize and emphasize this, because since the syrian civil war, a huge amount of weapons have fallen into the hands of hezbollah, which were also dropped by the allies to fight isis, which is also banned in our country by daesh, and which fell into the hands of not only the kurdish resistance forces, but and pro-losing movements, including hezbollah itself and the syrian arab army and the rebels, so it’s just trivial that they don’t... know what to expect from hezbollah now, that hezbollah has been incapacitating everything for 3 weeks in a row observation points one after another, more than 15 observation points, high-tech, these are unmanned observation points, like on the border of the gas sector, by the way, there were, where there is no operator, the operator is sitting somewhere in the headquarters monitoring this
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from the screens, so these are these are the eyes and ears, relatively speaking, and the israeli army is methodically along the lebanese perimeter of the israeli border, now hezbollah is putting it out of action, and well... i should probably say about the regional context that is now emerging before our eyes, we are observing now this is an aggravation, it will end up in the history books as another change in the status quo in the region, israel is trying to move away from the principle of sixty-seven, no matter what the cost, even if it is not possible, to kick out, let’s say, all palestinians from gas sector, change the status quo in such a way that there is no return to 181,242,338 in the sixty-seventh year and other options for resolving the conflict are proposed by mediators, what other options no one knows, on the other hand, we know that turkey and iran have been for a very long time were opponents for influence in the arab world, and now we are seeing that ankara and
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tehran have practically synchronized their actions in this region and how tel aviv and washington will react to this in a new context, we don’t know yet, we’ll see everything very very soon, we’ll come back, next, what are the tasks, i ’ll tell you this separately, when the cameras are turned off, where to go and what to do? they just recommended that you never read american newspapers, go to war with russia and china right away, nonsense, of course, how much time do you devote to the process special military operation, all this begins the day and ends with this, the first thing they told me is, we have a lot of them, they don’t run on helicopter board number one, we will be the first to know about it, alexander grigorievich, again, hello, let him in, there are no those forces who could have held him, you are probably the first here to show, pasha , you are filming this, hello, hello, partisans,
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did you learn from this pasha, i’m sorry, in the first person, you just tell me what is happening and where, in 3:30 am, of course i am there must always be a connection. moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see again, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on
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sunday to rtr. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, pressure, we haven’t seen each other, children. bela, you know, for every tough fighter. will find it even cooler, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you,
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your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for your own words, heroes of your time, beauty, rapping, the whole team, just watching on the platform. maybe it’s better to be alone, it’s better for me to be alone, that i ended up with someone, maria poroshina accepts congratulations, in your student days, just like you were congratulated on your birthday, we had a wonderful course, and we still... congratulations, natasha antonova we have someone responsible for congratulations, our only friend who knows everything about me, whom i can
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trust, she will always be happy for me, you have had many difficult periods in your life, like don’t lose yourself, there is some rule of yours, don’t betray anyone, no matter what happens , never repay evil with evil, the main surprise from the main man of her life, i ’ll tell you a secret, no one knows about this, but i want to say, now exactly on his birthday... the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov today on rtr, how did it all happen, how did it all begin, how does she sing, what is your name?
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here's the story, what country was ruined, how to live with it now, why is it all, my slams, why, how did it all happen, where did it all start, it was a sunny gift, sunny, impact - a film by nikita mikhalkov, on monday on rtr. only after the mysterious death of their beloved grandson and brother, the family learned that on the eve of the tragedy he had secretly married, the entire multimillion-dollar inheritance was received by his legal wife from ukraine and fled to germany. a grief-stricken family is begging to find at least the grave where their beloved relative, who died so suddenly after a secret wedding, rests. that he was poisoned? i don’t think so, i’m confident, live broadcast today
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on rtr, right now we’re moving to the sector gas, the city of rafah, it is in this city that the famous rafah checkpoint is located, which connects the gas sector and egypt, tarek kalyan is in direct contact, my colleague, tarek, hello. hello, is there any understanding, clarified, perhaps official data on how many people were able to leave the gas sector today, how many russians are waiting in line, whether the russians were able to leave, russian citizens, i understand, there was a list today, almost 400 people who...
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the list was updated at night, about four people went today at the kbpr, with reliable entry into the gas sector, but unfortunately, everyone... didn’t leave , because they were on the list, it happened that the husband finds, is on the list, but the wife is not, and or the children are on the list, the parents are not , and so on, so maybe half the people left the gaza strip, the rest, they are waiting for an update, a list so that they can leave with their families, in addition to this, another 60 wounded could leave the gaza strip today for treatment in egypt. information appears that fuel for israeli hospitals has been allowed to be imported from the gas sector, were there today crossing the border with humanitarian convoys? no, there was no fuel, there wasn’t, we were in the media, we read that the israelis want guarantees that these fuels, which are supposedly going to be
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released into the gas sector, will go into the hands of hamas, they are the ones demanding guarantees, i think that there will be agreements with un representatives in the gas sector and then this flood will come in, well , nothing has happened so far. torek, well , today the israelis struck another blow at a new refugee camp, according to their official point of view, there is somewhere on territories of refugee camps, terrorists are hiding, is it possible to take this version seriously and how many wounded are the dead? as a result of the attack, well, their propaganda says that it happens, militants in refugee camps, in the gas sector or in other houses, they will hit anyone, today there was a strike on a refugee camp, elburred in the micro in
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the fourth microdistrict, this is for me a special place, i was born there and i lived there for 25 years, in my life i know every street, every alley, every person, and i don’t know, here’s the preliminary information, 22 people died, dozens more were wounded, i don’t know, maybe tomorrow i’ll listen on the news about one of my neighbors or one of my friends or who died in this place, well, this is sad news, of course, is the number of people increasing? in rafah, in accordance with the fact that the israeli army has already entered the gaza city itself, well, people, of course, not very well, these are the people who left the gaza strip at the beginning of the first week, they left, now there are very few people who leave their places in the northern parts
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of the gas sector, but there are people, a flow of people very, very slowly and not much, but about 4000 more people remain in the northern part of the enclave, and in the cities there is a gradual accumulation of people who want to leave, they come closer to the kbb in the city of rafah, thank you, taryk kalyan is with us in direct communication from the sector gas from the city of rafah, we will return. the main premiere of the year, i am king pavel petrovich, my beloved son, the table is similar to the table of a statesman, the main rival in the struggle for the imperial throne, it is me, the only legitimate heir to the russian crown, catherine, favorites, you want
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you will rule in your own time, after your death, which you are so looking forward to, my son. from monday on rtr, i think that everything is more serious here, you sit and think, there’s nothing to think about here, here it’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we there are five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i am unrivaled. there are questions here, everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must have been edible, i meant it, of course, the bear, when he said, such a stinking little one, the hint is simply the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what
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many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five-on-one program, yahoo. oops, it ’s five against one on saturdays on rtr. i have to ask you to write a letter of resignation. for what? look at the holidays. seryozha, hi, i, licker, let me call you back. it's mostly your fault that i'm with her. svetlana smirnova martsinkevich. i promise you, i will have a new job and we will you and her a normal apartment. evgenia dmitrieva, i would like to introduce a new employee, elizaveta aleksandrovna, our director of happiness. okay, not out of misfortune. pavel borshak, my girlfriend left me, and i keep waiting for her to come back. you need to hold on to the past, try to let go, happiness is given to those who know what to do with it, i don’t really like it, lisa is the love of my
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life, you will marry me, director of happiness, on saturday on rtr. for whom i keep spouses in leadership positions, and not just anyone, so that there is no disagreement. fedorov, he will fire us if he finds out that we are divorced, but you and i can pretend to be a strong, loving family for a couple of days, anna nevskaya, anton khabarov, i specially planned my visit to congratulate you personally, 20 years of marriage, bitter, bitter, alexander mokhov, elena biryakova, excuse me, but who are you, and i’m the mother-in-law, it’s very nice, you raise a child,
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you raise him, and then some good girl takes him and eats him piece by piece, vampire, galina petrova, vladimir sterzhakov, are you married? repeatedly, well, i thought you were after me, i and i whip, after the divorce everything is just beginning, even. so much adrenaline, ex, today on prt, it’s time and honor to know, i’m leaving, for some reason i can’t find you, and i’m on a business trip, but here you go, your wedding ring, what did he do to me, it’s very strong magic, but what is the jacket worth it? only my car, it’s not my fault that you have an old muscovite, stories of a big
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country, today on rtr, congratulations, cinema on weekends , you know, as people say, they make mistakes, wedge-wedge, and rightly, by the way they say, right the faster i forget you, that is i, i you, me no one? no one always remember in red, you still love him, how to heal a broken heart, mom, i want to marry ksyusha, i love her, but did you think that people would say, at first one gate was friends with her, now another wife got together, where on these medicines for loneliness, your daughter came to you there, who didn’t work out with the eldest, so
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we’ll marry the younger one? on saturday on rtr, us secretary of state blinkon during his visit to israel on november 3, that is, tomorrow he will call on the israeli cabinet of ministers to organize humanitarian a pause, a truce in order to release civilians... in any case, the new york times reports, which you and i still don’t believe, please, as for the combined arms operation in the gas sector, it will certainly continue, but personally i don’t i don’t expect any humanitarian pauses ; it will continue methodically, hour after hour, day after day, meter by meter, until the hamas movement in the gaza strip is completely destroyed, as far as the political fate of the mine is concerned. which has been talked about quite a lot lately, and, to my mind it seems that this information is not based on any serious sources, but to paraphrase comrade stalin
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, i can say something like this: if the combined arms operation in the gas sector is successful, there will be benjamin netanyahu, if there is no success, there will be no benjamin netanyahu, this is how we should probably evaluate, well, you must admit, he definitely won’t be on benjamin’s pause , i agree, i agree, as for the statements of general valery zaluzhny, after all, he said quite a lot, yes, and he even owns such beautiful expressions as for example, again, i apologize for the taftolog deep and beautiful breakthrough, and he said that supposedly there won’t be any, this is something from the assortment of a sex shop, it seems to me, and not from the general staff, well, everyone has their own associations , of course , well, such comparisons are also quite acceptable, but here’s what i can say in this regard, again, he repeatedly turned to the experience of the first world war, to the positional dead ends that arose during this confrontation, but again, there is
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a commander, there is a deep , beautiful... 1916, alexey brusilov, deep, beautiful breakthrough, again, the same german army, 1918, although the year itself ended badly for them, but four bursts of allied defense, they still organized what’s in the textbook of the peaceful year of forty -one, you know, the non-working red army, the non-working peasant red army, somehow did not classify such a theorist as outstanding, after all, all of our theories and practices were based on triandofilov’s book on deep operations. yes, there are some provisions about breaking up defensive lines, well, just count it i wouldn’t do this for some kind of catechism. that is, there is no such thing: if he reads it, he will win, he will become wiser right away. no, well, that’s not the point, so it’s him again, there are more important things here. he talked a lot about how we need to invent some kind of gunpowder, this gunpowder will allow us to achieve success, but with regard to gunpowder, i
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can only... i can say, that’s not what you’re thinking about, touch general, firstly, you cannot invent it, since there is no industrial basis for this in ukraine, the ukrainian military-industrial complex is not considered in its in the current state, some positions, but having a global one, maybe biden will invent , share, theoretically it is possible, he can invent to share, but first he needs to launch the minute without error, well, somehow all the latest events indicate that he doesn’t really intend to share advanced weapons with ukraine, so in this situation, it seems to me, the ukrainians need to think about something else, so he wrote it, mikhail mikhailovich, we literally have 30 seconds, meaning this work comes down to only one, if you remove me , things won’t get better at the fronts, as for this literature, we mean the manuscript of major general smirnov, the book is
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dated 1941, the military surrender of the soviet union. the book is written in russian, that is, the very reading of this book in ukraine is already a crime, and also why they didn’t burn it if everything else was burned, in general, a lot of questions for zaluzhny, it was a 60-minute program, bye, bye, bye. on the russia channel, evgeniy roshkov hosts in the studio. hello, the main thing is for this hour. the israeli army surrounded gaza. hamas are hiding in underground tunnels and launching surprise attacks. let's find out the latest news from our correspondents. give money to israel, and
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ukraine will wait. or the us decided to help


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