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tv   Zloumishlennitsa  RUSSIA1  November 4, 2023 4:40am-8:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] bamboo, we honor you, seers, the technique in which this is done is called realism, but i myself almost fell for it at first, but i need a real one, maybe it will save me, this is also realism, this is the original, the history of a big country, on friday on ptp. you have a wonderful figure, you need to write a statement, sign it, they asked me to give it to you, what else is this, on your order , i guarded this skull for 2 hours, i was going to retire, buy this house and start a new life, but my ideas about the beginning new life were also associated with this house, remember you mentioned
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knife? there’s something wrong with this knife, the statute of limitations is on friday on rtr, no, look what a scoundrel she is, but she called me right to my face, stupid, and also unfortunate, and i was so taken aback by surprise that i didn’t even answer her nothing. and most importantly, i found out everything about her , she has three children from three different random men, but i don’t know what it ’s called, slut, she’s not a slut, what did you
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say, i said, she’s not a slut. by the way, she’s raising three children without the help of these very men, and why are you standing up for her like that? i wanted the third grief, but i you know, you’re no stranger to haremies, you forgot how you ransomed me, i didn’t forget, you seem to have forgotten how i rushed around with you, solved all the problems. dressed like a doll, just like a doll, somehow i still haven’t heard your objections, what ingratitude, maybe you ’ve decided to leave me, go to this slut of yours
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a lot? i told you, she’s not a slut, and don’t you dare call her that, i’ll decide what to call her, i, i’ll find someone else. i wish you good luck, masik, i’m not your masik, i’m a living person, you’ll pass it on to your successor,
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you’re really unhappy. and you, you’ll come back to my strip club, so whoever asked for some water, i’m already bringing it, well, we continue to play, the next one - the next one will be boris, come on, borya, okay, close your eyes, yeah, drum on the drone, and what should these two phantoms do, oh, two at once, yes, then let them dance the dance of little bears, bears, polar bears, of course, get busy
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with the bears, zhenya, give me the bear, hop, so, music to music, oops, nikolai circles, great , bravo, more, more, great, bravo, i liked your tasks, so we continue with boris, and close our eyes, yes, yes, barovan for a fraction, what should this phantom do, open the door for this phantom, great, thank you, i have no idea who is there.
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sima, hello, hi, sima, well, i left lucy, but wait, wait, wait, let me tell you, were you right? it’s not too late to start a normal life, everything can still be adjusted, but now i understand, we, we agreed, but i would really like to see misha, misha, misha, yes, of course, misha, here he is. well, hello, son, did you bring me a t-shirt
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with flags? with flags? yes, you were on tour? you, i'll deliver it to you tomorrow, you don't be afraid, i promise you. well, look at him, how much i did for him, how much effort, time, money i spent, i showed him to everyone, all these aunts, and he went to this large woman, well, how did she get him, what? gigolo?
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bastard, hotshot, left his watch, said that i’m unhappy, why am i unhappy, why am i unhappy, i have everything, i have real estate all over the world, i have my own business. i’m a serious woman, not some slut, i’ve got everything taken into account, i’ve got everything covered, i’m like 100 of them i can have 100 pieces, well, how can that be, why, he can’t just have me. ask him to leave, i want him to come back,
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he’s right, i’m so unhappy. they are sleeping, good morning, breakfast is ready, fighting. bori, this is amazing, this is incredible, you see, everyone, everyone found contact with their father, even zhenya, for whom she was most worried, sim, well then it’s time
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to think about yourself, sim, marry me. are you serious? yes, it’s just that i’ve never been married. but it’s not scary at all, but there is one problem, i can’t have children, seven, well, is this a problem, are three not enough for us? four, gosha, he is, he is
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the main pig, gosha, i will adopt, seraphim, wait, wait, hello, hello, please take it, this is for you.
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what is this? i decided that you need it more, and also, please tell mikhail that i am waiting for him at home, very much. is this a bomb? practically, i’ll take a look, yeah, just wondering, she asked me to persuade mikhail to return to her, but how can i do this, he must decide it himself, and i don’t need her
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money, leave it here, look what pretty go, it's you, show me, fly out gosha, it's beautiful, now we'll draw paws , eyes, eyes, gosh, eat, a moment of attention, and children, not only children, but also everyone present, boris and i have for you news, yes, in general, sima and i, we decided... to get married, oh, wow , well done, congratulations, that's great, congratulations, congratulations, great, congratulations, thank you, cheers, cheers, oh, sorry, congratulations, thank you, congratulations, mommy, thank you, my dear, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, wait, where is kolya, where is kolya, yes, where is kolya, kolya, well, he’s here, just now kolya. i didn’t see him, maybe in
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the kitchen somewhere, kolya, where are you? and you hid! kolya, kolya, stop hiding, come out, well, did you find it, didn’t you find it? no, nowhere, son, well, where are you, really, now is not the time, wait, it’s true, it’s not funny. did he run away, but he couldn’t run away , we got along great with him, so let’s all think together now where he could
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be, yes, yes, let’s calm down. i don’t understand where he could have gone, fight, do something, calm everything down. let's find, let's find, so, let's go and have a look there, did you find it? he’s nowhere to be found anywhere, so let’s remember everything together once again, that means this morning no one saw or heard anything, i already understood that, last night or before that there was something unusual, extraordinary, no one noticed anything, mish,
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yes, i think not, zhen, while our mother was away, mm, in my opinion, it was, it was, he always had candy, he brought it, he still had a rash, he said that the guys treated him, but somehow too much and often i took it away, now it’s warmer, then i also found a wrapper from ice cream briefcases, but i didn’t give him money, i don’t know who bought everything for him there, okay, okay, guys, we’re probably on our way , remember, remember again, zhanya scolded him, and he said that he wouldn’t go to the orphanage , that someone will take him, who will take him, mish, what happened, sim, how long has he been missing, either , or escaped, or, or was kidnapped, so... valentina, are you doing anything suspicious? don't remember? i remember some girl was hanging around for him, feeling sorry for him all the time, saying that he couldn’t go to an orphanage, i’m going to him i’ll take it for myself, val, what a girl, valentin, tense up, let’s remember the signs of this
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woman, which means she’s clearly lonely, then she said that she has everything, and that she lives in this area, somewhere nearby. the age is indefinite, but now, in principle, women have an indefinite age, yes, nothing, no name, no clues, but we somehow have to narrow down the circle of suspects, that’s right, but now every second woman is single and wants to raise a child on her own, here you go and circle, quiet, hello, valentina, hello, this is boris, when you were talking to her, well , with this woman, she was sitting reading some book, right? which one can’t you remember? workshop for vietnamese language teachers? great, they helped a lot, thank you, wow, this is a clue, the language is not so common, well, guys, we’re working, find something, please, i
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really beg you. who, listen, what ’s going on there, are you crazy? is there a waterfall flowing from the ceiling in my house? i hear you are not my neighbor, that’s right, pasha is now on a business trip, i live with him, open up, i i’ll see where you have a leak, or i’ll now call the ministry of emergency situations and the police, but open up, you’re such a little girl, don’t make noise, you’re a child sleeping , now i’ll show you where the bathtub is, wait, where are you going, don’t you dare come here, no, kolka, hi, i, i didn’t mean to, it’s her, i’m going to see my mother, don’t touch me, you know what sentence you face for kidnapping a child, you know, then don’t interfere, otherwise i’ll put you in prison for life, kolya, let’s go, let’s go, good girl,
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kolya, i don’t understand why they take so long? what time is it now? you have an hour of 15:6. kolya, kolya, kolya, kolinka, my boy, kolya, god, i’m so worried, well, what are you, my golden one, thank you, thank you, well, you give, kolyan, and because of you we’re all freaking out here, it won’t happen anymore make it sweet! not yet, okay, there won’t be any sweets, no need, well, finally, the whole family is assembled, wait, where is gosha, gosha, what gosha, gosha is missing again, he’s not in the cage, gosha, just be careful not to step on him , gosha, gosha, where did you go, gosha, where are you, who is gosha, why
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are you calling him, he doesn’t pick him up, i found him, here he is, the bandit, oh my god! now everything is definitely assembled, kolya, okay, stop, that’s it, kolya is here. hello, oksana kuvaeva is broadcasting in the studio, the main thing is to get to this now. the reasons for reunification with crimea and incredible disgusting, about attempts to provoke jewish
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pogroms, a conversation between the president and members of the public chamber. spartakiad, big dictation, as well as concerts in military hospitals and katyushas in different languages. today is national unity day in russia. the israeli army is engaged in fierce battles with hamas troops on a gaza street, hit by a rocket attack the largest. ashifa enclave hospital. a sensation in spain, the first child was born there, from two mothers at once. and the wonder of the world in st. petersburg, a grandiose light show in the peter and paul fortress. no decisions about the unification of crimea with russia would have been required if the war had not been staged in ukraine. and they treated the russians normally, but our country had to start special operations because it had already been attacked in 2014, vladimir putin
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made such statements at a meeting with members of the eighth composition of the public chamber, but the conversation went on not only the development, but also the middle east and the state of the russian economy , of course, new public initiatives. about the important statements and proposals made by the victory museum, our political observer, alexey petrov. the conversation is on the eve of national unity day and the president begins his speech on a solemn note with congratulations. first of all, i congratulate you all on this holiday, all citizens of our country. the holiday, putin notes, reminds us of the overtaking of the polish invaders, which, by historical standards, did not happen so long ago, only 400 years ago, although for the state this is an incredibly long path, full of dramatic turns, but the unity of people, language, roots, culture in everything... is the core for our country.
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let's remember what happened during the time of, well, alexander nevsky, because he went to the horde, bowed to the horde khan, received a commission, including, and above all, in order to effectively resist the invasion from the west. why? but because the ardinians behaved arrogantly and cruelly. but they did not affect the main thing, our language, traditions, culture, which the western conquerors claimed, this is the most important thing, because if the culture and traditions and history of the people are destroyed, then the people gradually begin to disappear as an ethnic group, dissolve like snow, later. in the spring, why we so reverence alexander nevsky as a saint is precisely for this choice. russia defends its values
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​​today, including in the donbass. i know that many members of the public chamber are under sanctions, this is a sign that the enemy is really assessing what you are doing for russia. eh, i want to thank you for this. in the west they are also trying to punish the public chamber itself, trying to exclude it from certain international structures. refused and what was the result? this year we will have two-fold growth and there will be 8 , 2,9,3%, in the leading economies of europe there is a minus, a small one, but a minus, they are suffering, we are not happy about it, well, we’re just stating the fact itself, and in military terms too . now we need to defeat russia on the battlefield, now they sing differently, they say differently, this does not
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mean that we should behave aggressively, this means that we must be sovereign and independent in every sense of the word, which is when we are now turning into a country where processing production already accounts for 43% of our economic growth structure. when we stop, as we were once told, the finger was poked at us, that we are a gas station, not an economy, you know, when all this changes, when we become self-sufficient, then there will be fewer people who want to be excluded from some organizations, and there will be more and more people wanting to apologize and to invite to joint work, the energy and enthusiasm of those gathered is not lacking, in the new composition for the first time there are representatives of new russian regions, this is also an example of gradual integration, the dpr, lpr, kherson and zaporozhye regions. in general, the composition of the chamber has been updated by about 40%. everyone in the room has their own initiatives and proposals that
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concern the future of the entire country. ukraine , after the collapse of the union, had enormous scientific and industrial potential, but a decade of abuse of power corroded society from the inside. you can believe me, i communicated closely with former leaders, the stake is on everything, on a vote in the supreme court , on a vote in the constitutional court, the stake , and when we discussed there, this is what to do, but we will decide this, this... will cost so much, this is what the first foxes of the state told me, my jaw just dropped, i say that it’s like this with you, well, yes, but with us it’s like this, now they’re saying it, and this very weapon appears there in the middle east, of course, it appears , they sell, because they also sell to the taliban, from there
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it goes, anywhere further, everything is sold bought, of course, we ourselves have enough of these problems, it’s just that... the level is completely different, there is this corruption, it is actually legalized, why are the americans trying to fight this corruption, nothing works, i think it won’t work, they now they are planning a change of elites, both economic and political, nothing, everything will be the same in the hall, representatives of different faiths, including muslims, dear vladimir vladimirovich, assalamu alaikum, in russia believers of all traditional faiths enjoy support. many guests from arab countries, for example, the president said, are surprised at the number of mosques and spiritual centers built in our country. the conversation also touched on the recent events at the makhachkala airport, it’s easy to throw a spark, very easy, but of course, against the backdrop of the horrors happening there , when you look at the suffering, bloody children, and your fists clench, tears well up in your eyes, and this seems to me to be the reaction
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of any normal a person, if there is no such... reaction, then the person does not have a heart, it is made of stone, but of course we must to perceive all these events taking place with a clear head, to understand where the root of evil is, where it comes from, i am surprised by the position of these zaakyan figures, yes, they seem to support the jews of israel, and with the help of their agents from ukraine they are trying to organize jewish pogroms in our country, well, just incredible, disgusting. for dagestan , my beloved dagestan, this is not some kind of main trend, this is an event that we must pay attention to and react properly in accordance with russian laws, we will do this. despite provocation, dagestan remains a hospitable, open region, where the traditions of good neighborliness are valued and cherished, and men
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are proud of the title of warrior. there are many of them, and they fight well, heroically. moreover, people from the caucasus are not just fighting in ordinary positions, they, believe me, i know what i ’m saying, occupy senior command positions in the russian army right in the zone of operations. many are ready to help donbass, one of those present in the hall immediately after the meeting with the president goes to the front as a volunteer, i want to be together with my people, because i think it is necessary, i just cannot say so, not participate in ensuring that evil is punished. however, experience and combat skills are extremely important, putin reminds. you need to go through the appropriate training with a watering can and a notepad; you don’t need to break into the cities. i have already completed some training. this is such a man's choice. be careful. today's discussion of the problems of donbass and the proposals of the public chamber is being carefully considered by
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the presidential administration. there is a huge state approved program. are allocated for the development of the regions, but which, well, just trillions of rubles , vladimir emphasized today that this is always a joint work, the work of federal authorities, regional, non-profit organizations, the public in the regions and each person. the discussion at the meeting turns to traffic rules, which in many ways do not correspond to today’s technologies ; even electric scooters are not taken into account in the current edition of the traffic rules. petersburg i rent out then i don’t go until this one, you can wait, because i when i was coming here to see you, i talked to him on the phone, he was in the office, now i’ll come back and ask him, he’ll call you. the ministry of internal affairs responded immediately; a meeting between the minister and the author of the initiative has already taken place. we heard you,
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especially since i was wondering about this question. if you knew how all this would happen, would you have made this decision on february 24 or not, we had no other choice, before making the decision to uncover the machine gun, we need to think about whether we can do without it, no, unfortunately, it couldn't be done. why because we've already been attacked. and russia responded to this attack with the unity of the people, the steadfastness of the fighters and commanders in the zone of the special military operation. alexey petrov, alexandra terpugova, viktor prikhodko, anton kasimovich,
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yulia shchedrova and natalya gubina. news. today is national unity day in russia. throughout the country, concerts, theatrical performances and historical reconstructions. at the checkpoint, an ethnographic dictation on knowledge was held at almost sixty sites. traditions of history and culture of different peoples living in the country. the best folk group was chosen in mlagoveshchensk. more than 150 ensembles took part in the competition, and somewhere the holiday is celebrated in a sporting way, among the regions that held competitions in traditional sports, buryatia, komi and dagestan. in the kuban, military hospitals, where soldiers and wounded are being treated, musical groups perform in their zone. united russia volunteers were sent from krasnodar to new regions. 200 tons of building materials, food, children's books. in addition, camouflage nets will be delivered to the front line, equipment and letters for military personnel. and in lugansk, more than 2,000
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sets of warm clothes were collected for the fighters, they handed over the north military district zone and postcards with congratulations on national unity day from schoolchildren. in the special operation zone, fighters from various units record a congratulatory video with the well-known katyusha performing in different languages. the apple and pear trees were blooming, the fogs were floating until dawn, the mountains were performing, creative ensembles were performing in military units, our cosmonauts congratulated the iss gathering of russians on national unity day. the history of our country is an example sincere patriotism and love for the fatherland, which inspire our citizens to work for the good of our country. we are confident that today, thanks to unity, we will cope with all difficulties, demonstrate strength of spirit
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and devotion to the ideals of our people. happy national unity day. roscosmos cosmonauts, oleg kononenko, nikolay chup and konstantin borisov. awarded for courage and heroism in performing tasks in a special military operation zone at the national defense management center. stars of heroes of russia, from the hands of the head ministry of defense sergei shaigu, high awards were received by the commander of the motorized rifle regiment ivan kleshcherev, the commander of the motorized rifle brigade romyan fedorov and the commander of the anti-tank guided missile department, yuri sherbakov. the motherland highly appreciated your military merits, awarding you the high titles of heroes of russia and the order of courage. these are truly well-deserved awards. the exploits of many of you were seen not only by the whole country, but actually by half the world, so it’s difficult to subtract or add anything here, and probably not necessary, but i
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congratulate you on these high awards, i wish you that in the future, firstly, your awards will not be the last , and secondly, you will also worthily continue to defend our fatherland, wherever you are, we receive a new report... from our correspondents about the most important news in the country and the world will be told the news. bonjo will meet the morning with urbich and there will be no problems. to find out the country. what a beauty, just taste it, and we ’ll add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just
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madness of taste, what’s next, honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes, and you know why people count proteins, fats and carbohydrates in order to happily jump through life, an unusual answer, i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health. formula of food today on rtr. how did this all happen? where did it all start? how does she sing? what is your name? these ones! tuka,
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which country was ruined, how can we live with it now? why is all this, you and i, why, how did it all happen, how did it all start, it was sunstroke, sunstroke - a film by nikita mikhalkov. on monday on rtr, this is a communal apartment, studio program hello, andrey, we are celebrating national unity day, and what unites us, of course,
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are songs, a stream, a stream. andrey malakhov's evening show today on rtr. i have to ask you to write. for what? look at the holidays. seryozha, hello, i’m a little lizen, let me call you back. it 's mostly your fault that i'm with her. svetlana smirnova martsinkevich. i promise you, i will have a new job and you and i will rent a normal apartment. evgenia dmitrieva, i would like to introduce a new employee, elizaveta alexandrovna, our director of happiness.
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okay, not out of misfortune. pavel borshak. the girl left, and i’m always waiting for her to come back, there’s no need to hold on to the past, try to let go, happiness is given to those who know what to do with it, i really like you, lisa is the love of my life, you ’ll get married to me, director of happiness, today on rtr, dear, beloved, the only one, so much energy, joy and enthusiasm. i’m listening to all of you, i just don’t have words, songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov’s show on
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sunday on rtr, ekaterina, favorites, get ready immediately, the empress does not tolerate delay, there are 2 days left until the main premiere of the year, russian units in the donetsk direction repelled six attacks in a week, defeated three mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces, in battles the enemy lost more than 1,300 militants, seven tanks and 22 armored vehicles. ukrainian troops are suffering comparable losses in the south of the dpr. from the advanced positions of our troops, report by military correspondent sergei samokha. at the moment when one drone takes off into the sky, the second is preparing to replace it. u
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this modification of orlan does not have a camera facility. in surveillance, operators guide the drone using instruments, observe the positioning picture from satellites, the flight points of the drone , where it flies, tied to an offlan card, tied to the terrain, these drones are aimed at deep behind enemy lines, the layer complex, in fact, is a flying cell tower communications, which reads all calls and messages from enemy mobile phones, military reports are a priority, usually such information is transmitted via the internet, that is... it is also necessary to suppress the internet, after which the person seems to switch to sms messages, which should be received. vostok group intelligence officers analyze all intercepted messages in real time. military reports are immediately visible. two call signs and a question, that is, where is the bull for taimen, that is, taimen, as a rule, this is the name of forest belts or some specific point where they are located, so as not to say all this openly, but with some kind of negotiation tables , that is, but lately on the monitor more and
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more often scouts are reading cries of despair, some text messages directly with feelings, even with swear words, like we’re all going to end here, here and there, why is all this, anyway? the uniqueness of the flying complex is that it can send mass messages to subscribers behind enemy lines. vyacheslav rudenko from the chernigov region calls himself forcibly mobilized. having received a message on the phone about the possibility of surrender, all units decided to go over to the russian side. they scattered all their weapons and started shouting: “men, we surrender, men, we surrender." they came up and entered our trench. and we, with our paws up, have already come out to ask for mercy. the only section of the front today where the enemy is actively working is the donetsk direction. well, geocinth is a real hunter of enemy artillery , now reconnaissance data has arrived that the ss has brought a howitzer not far from the front line, now
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the crew has only a few minutes to fire an accurate shot. shot! the ukrainian gun, after being hit by geocint , can no longer leave the front line. in just over the past 24 hours, in the donetsk direction, our crews destroyed four howitzers, nine armored personnel carriers and a tank. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, vyacheslav olinov, lead. now about the situation in the gaza strip, the israeli army thwarted an attempt by hamas troops to escape from the encircled city of gaza. the enclave's largest hospital came under missile attack. he suffered losses and fought. palestinians use underground tunnels to destroy israeli armored vehicles. about the latest events from the combat zone reported by pashkov and alexander belibov. israeli special forces and tank crews of the galani brigade are waging a fierce battle already on the streets of gaza. the largest city in palestine was virtually surrounded the day before; thousands of troops
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, hundreds of armored vehicles slowly but steadily tightened the ring throughout the past night. after the battle we move west, we fought dozens of terrorists among us. dozens of islamists and commanders of combat units of the izzadil qasama brigades. idf fighters have been operating in gaza city for the past few days. we expand our achievements by surrounding it deepening attacks on several fronts. fire contact, direct visual contact with the enemy. more than one has already died in street battles. special forces with the rank of lieutenant colonel, but the offensive is only increasing its pace; gaza city is practically cut off from the southern part of the palestinian enclave. we will continue at full strength. israel refuses to allow a temporary
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ceasefire without the release of the captured people and refuses to allow fuel supplies to the gas strip. we will do whatever it takes to achieve victory over our enemies. it is obvious that successful ground operations and an unrelenting fire canopy, the sector being shelled 24.7 from the air by land and sea, have led to a noticeable decrease in the activity of hamas rockets, the alarm sounding less and less in the central cities of israel, calmly at the bengurion international airport, where on friday in the morning, the airliner landed, the head of the american state department, anthony blinken, in less than a month, this is the third visit of the key , a few days after the attack in october, i arrived in israel, and was soon followed by president biden to make clear that as long as the united states stands, israel will never stand alone. today i
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reiterate our support for israel's right to self-defense. indeed, it is israel's responsibility to defend itself. negotiations are conducted with tightly closed doors, issues of minimizing damage are discussed. civilian population gases, the time frame within which the united states proposes that israel complete the operation in the enclave and, probably most importantly, the fate of the gas sector after the liquidation operation is completed military and administrative structures of hamas, citing informed sources, the local press is discussing the possibility of returning the sector under the control of the palestinian authority and creating two states for two peoples, or an alternative. under the control of international organizations and foundations, but even behind the closed doors of the meeting rooms it was impossible not to notice the rally organized by relatives for the general staff building in tel aviv. every evening opposite the tel aviv opera on
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one side of the general staff building, with on the other hand, relatives and friends of the hostages and missing persons are gathering, gathering in order to provide moral support to their relatives, gathering in order to force the government to solve the problem of the release of these people who are now in gas under double fire. on the table set for 240 people, shabbat candles, people come with portraits of men, women, old people, children kidnapped by terrorists, hoping to see them at home alive and well, to celebrate together, interrupted on black saturday, october 7, holiday, sergei pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. in the gaza sector, the tsakhal infantry is now storming the administrative center of the enclave, the city of gaza itself.
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grouptor action. in the encircled north the enclaves are not decreasing, while there is still no need to talk about their selectivity, and today in the enclave there are yet more destroyed multi-storey buildings and more casualties among the civilian population. since the beginning of the escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict in the sector , according to medical services, almost 10,000 people have died, of which about 4,000 are children, and these numbers continue to grow day by day, with new terrible images coming from hospitals in the palestinian enclave. my child, why did they kill him, why doesn’t anyone stop them. even more are left orphans. this girl was brought to the largest hospital in the alshifa sector 3 days ago. her parents died. now the doctors and patients of the hospital have become family for the child. now we are all her parents, not only me, but everyone who surrounds me here, because we stand
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shoulder to shoulder and love each other, we will take care of her until she is taken away, we we hope that her relatives will be found, she is safe with us, but as it turned out, this is not the case, a few hours ago the israeli air force attacked the alshifa hospital complex, a bomb fell next to the entrance to the hospital, where ambulances usually arrive to bring wounded. hospital, the most important hospital in the gaza strip, they bombed an ambulance , they were wounded, all this is also coming soon, so they bombed madly, the removal of rubble at the sites of israeli army strikes continues around the clock, ordinary residents are also dying from shell bombs gas, doctors and journalists who are now working there, here is a correspondent of one of the arab tv channels, on live television he takes off his bulletproof vest and helmet, in memory of his deceased friend, also a reporter, and cannot, but
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soon there will simply be nowhere to lead the wounded, it’s almost half of all trigas hospitals have stopped working, fuel for electric generators has run out, in those where electricity is still running out , medicines are still running out, but now those hospitals located in the north of the sector will not be able to replenish their supplies, because the israeli army cut off this part of the enclave from the south, where any kind of humanitarian aid is received. today two planes of the russian ministry of emergency situations arrived in cairo, delivering 28 tons of humanitarian aid for residents of the gas sector. on behalf of vladimir putin , medicines, means to stop bleeding and dressings were sent to the region. the cargo was handed over to representatives of the egyptian red crescent society for further shipment to the enclave. by this time , 241 trucks with humanitarian aid had passed through the rafah checkpoint from egypt to the gas sector. but this is not for today, but in general, since the beginning of the escalation of the conflict, as
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previously stated by the egyptian ministry of foreign affairs, the authorities of the arab republic are ready to multiply the number of heavy trucks carrying water, food and medicine, but due to the obstacles of the israeli side, this has not yet been possible. almost six hundred more foreigners were allowed to leave the gas sector through the border crossing on the border with egypt on friday. the south of the sector, meanwhile, remains crowded with refugees from the north in khan yunis, people are sheltering... artificial insemination, which in spain was presented as a sensation, the first child in europe from two mothers, local media came out with such headlines, a same-sex couple from palmyrka decided to experience the joys of motherhood, but one of the partners did not want to experience the hardships of pregnancy and childbirth, then the doctors offered the clients an eco procedure in a special way , when instead of a test tube... an anonymous donor became the father, five days
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after fertilization the container was removed and the embryo was implanted into the uterus of the second participant in the procedure. so technically both were pregnant with the same child, one less than a week old, and the other is the remaining months. there is no medical sense in the embryo staying with one woman for some time, and then being transferred to another woman, there is no, even from a modern point of view, this stay, well, in the conditions... of another woman, it can be only temporary from a medical point of view, it is impossible for two women to carry a pregnancy to term. about a similar case in the usa, journalists wrote 5 years ago, western clinics convince same-sex couples that in this way both women can become the biological mother of the child, although even to a schoolchild it is clear that
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there will still be only one genetic one, about how these experiments can affect the development of the unborn baby. for some reason, neither his mothers nor their doctors think. paintings and sculptures floating in the air. the wonder of the world festival opens in st. petersburg, digital artists will present their works created using lasers and projections as a canvas, the main attraction of the city. report by ekaterina fisenko. i can no longer remember such a peter and paul fortress, a black silhouette in the dark sky, only dial windows the nights are golden, the fortress is ... an unusual introduction before the action, magic happens in the dark evenings, the wonder of the world festival is already traditional, when it’s not even in november, but they surprise you in a new way every time. the great architects worked to create extraordinary beauty, because the peter and paul fortress is a symbol of st. petersburg, having
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been armed for centuries with the ability to control it, a new miracle is obtained. the gate turns into a gate made from children's blocks, this is classic mapping, also a story that would be nice remember, in every niche of an old brick wall and works of artists created with the help of neural networks, on the contrary, there is something radically new, st. petersburg courtyards , wells are already mesmerizing, in such a design, especially since the wonder of the world in the peter and paul fortress has already set a record recorded in the guinness book , the longest light projection: almost one and a half kilometers on the walls of peter and paul fortress , this was the twentieth year at the height of the pandemic, when the pictures seemed to be broadcast outward, to the equatorium to the embankments, now it’s different concept. the festival is built with a unique route that the entrance and exit are located on different sides of the fortress, that is, people enter through the anovsky bridge, exit through
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the kronversky bridge, in this way we can create a flow of spectators and provide for it. the opportunity to visit as many people as possible, this miracle will tell about the history of st. petersburg and predict the future a little, a gift for the day of national unity for both st. petersburg residents and guests of the city, it will be possible to watch it completely free of charge for 3 days in a row. ekaterina fesenko, sergey ishchenko, dmitry mishchersky, galina orlova, lead st. petersburg. this concludes our episode, oksana kuvaeva was with you, all the news. always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website see you later. i buy happiness, mom. i buy happiness, mom, this is a hotel with history, with
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traditions, next saturday. are you okay? of course, i go into the salon, she’s sitting, and i, and you, and i, fell in love, you know that my wife will kill me, and then another buyer showed up and offered such a price that i couldn’t refuse, so where is he, and yours is different buyer, you, you, after the transaction with happiness, i will become a partner, and it is my dream that will come true, not yours, but what? when i still fight, i will save happiness, it’s hard to share happiness if it’s a hotel for two, the premiere is next saturday, on rtr, it’s full, my box
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is there, russia is great, hundreds of languages, more than 200 nationalities, there’s nothing like it anywhere on the planet earth, on earth, we live in one world, the daisies are hidden, drooping. unity is our strength, the whole country is singing. our soul is me. nanichniki, go for a walk, stoichniki. not
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forget these summer ones. you need to write a statement, sign it, they asked me to give it to you, what else is this, on your order, i guarded this skull for 2 hours, i was going to retire, buy this house and start a new life, and my ideas about the beginning are new. were also associated with this house, remember you mentioned the knife? is there something wrong with this knife? the statute of limitations is friday on rtr. this truly gigantic triumphal arch
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began to be erected in 1911 to perpetuate the arrival of king george v of great britain in the city. it was built on 13 years, the amount spent on its construction was so great that there was no longer enough money for the road. this is how this gorgeous arch stands far from the driveway. ironically, 24 years later, it was through it that the last british left their former colony. this is the gateway of india. and in india everything is like in this story, paradoxical and extremely contrasting. good morning, i'm in mumbai. mumbai is one of the largest cities in india, named after the local goddess mumba. true, in the memory of many people, this city remains bombay. and that's exactly what bore the name megapolis until 1995. in general , mumbai is the most populous city in india, and also an important business center, absolutely
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amazing in both ancient and modern architecture. this architecture, first of all, tells the traveler about the wealth of the city and its inhabitants. this is one of the most expensive hotels in india, the taj maal palace hotel. he erected it in... according to legend, he was unable to meet his european partners in one of the five-star hotels in the city, because only whites were allowed there. outraged he swore that he would build his own hotel, 10 times more luxurious, and he succeeded. and this is what the mumbai station looks like... no, this is where gold is truly expensive and rich, people come here for it from all
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over india, i’ll try to ask the price, hello, hello, what is this model most often taken, wow , listen, well, this is very delicate work, but what kind of gold is it? the frequency is more than 90%, wow, very high quality, how much does this cost, 28,000, what men usually give to women, usually pendants are taken from necklaces, but how often give for the holidays, local men don’t need a special occasion, at any time, as soon as you want to please your beloved, yeah, as they say, indian men are golden, by the way, are you married? no, there is still time, at what age does one usually get married? 26, 27, and i’m only 23, where are my 23 years old, when you’re 46,
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what’s the most precious thing you have here? it's rose and white gold, yeah, how much does that cost? 113,000 rub. wow, girl, excuse me, which one would you choose, it’s up to your taste, well, well, of course, well, of course, of course, me too i would choose this one. if i were an indian girl 100%. look how beautiful it looks, put on a sari, put this gold on top, took security calmly, armed, naturally, walked along the main street of mumbai, beauty. if we already talk about wealth, then we cannot fail to mention one of the favorite pastimes of the rich, cricket, however , now anyone can play this game, regardless of income, status, age, nationality, i hold it correctly, i hold it correctly, correctly, lower it a little lower, yeah, so distance, now watch
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ball, come on, come on, come on, come on , first blink, but i don't give up, because cricket is already in my heart, come on, higher, higher, third try! guys, guys, it was, but if you hit the ball and throw the ball, i learned the worst, but with the rules everything is much more complicated, in short, cricket is something like our rounders, only with aristocratic roots. both, both, both, both, both, both, both, both, guys, thanks,
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i was tired in 5 minutes, well... you guessed it, this sport is also a legacy of british colonization, although today cricket in india any barefoot boy plays, let's try to look at the other side of the gold medal called mumbai. in general, the official definition of the word slum in india is as follows: it is a structure, housing, built on state land illegally, but people, of course, when they hear this word, usually imagine just some kind of dirty place with a high crime rate, but this is not entirely so. and another one of the main stereotypes, by the way, is that poor people live in slums, but this is also true, not to the fullest extent, that is,
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misconception, i would say that after all, i myself... the poor people of india, those who live on the streets. the residents have some kind of house, they have electricity, they have water. how many people live in these slums? this slum is called daharavi, and it is the largest slum in asia, not by area, but by population. dharavi is 432 hectares of land and 1 million people. this means that the population density here is 20 times higher than in mumbai itself. wow, in general, dharavi is conditionally divided into two parts: that part is assigned to the locals residents, migrants live in this part, these are also indians, but not natives of mumbai, 95% of them are men, hard workers who came to mumbai to work, mainly from the poorer northern states of india, this is a very cheap labor force, they they get a maximum of 200 rupees a day, what do people
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do for a living here? they work right here in the slums, because in fact this is half the slums, in fact there is a gigantic production, there are thousands of workshops and workshops, this business is also owned by residents of mumbai, but at that time, while they themselves are sitting in luxurious houses in the city, these people are destroying themselves by working in very hazardous industries, without masks, without gloves, so their average life expectancy is 60 years, and one more figure to understand the scale, business turnover in the slums is up to 1 billion dollars. this entire business rests on three main sectors: the first sector is the production of leather goods , which, by the way, are massively exported, the second is tailoring, jeans and shorts, suits and panties, saris and scarves; it seems that literally the entire range is sewn in dharava all indian stores. by the way, check out the quality, excellent, and how much it costs, five
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hundred maximum, in the store at least a thousand. well, the third, perhaps the largest sector is plastic processing. according to deova, 80% of mumbai's plastic waste passes through daharavi workers. first, the plastic is sorted by color and quality, then crushed in a special machine , washed with detergents with bare hands, dried, processed, cut into even pieces and sent back to factories, where its life cycle begins anew. by the way, an interesting fact : no one imported a machine for processing to them, they assembled it themselves, people who at the same time can neither read nor write, stunned, this. the work is hard, the conditions are terrible, but i see, i see, of course, all this, it’s all absolute darkness. by the way, local workers, migrants, live right
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here, one might say in the workshops, business owners allow them to live here for free, because they simply cannot afford to rent housing, even in slums. renting a room approximately this size will cost these in the slums for about 500 rupees, and cheap , besides, there’s a laundry here, in general, everything you need is at hand, all life goes on here, right? yes, absolutely. hello, hello, how are you
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? maybe they receive benefits, maybe they receive some kind of pensions, nothing, for these hard workers, nothing, but local residents from the second part of slums also have insurance life and medical... insurance, everything is needed, they are the same citizens of the country, they just weren’t born in mumbai, why don’t they have the same rights, just because they were born in another region, for example, i was born in mumbai and if i go to the north of india, where they are from, i also cannot count on the same rights and privileges, but if something serious suddenly happens, migrants still have the opportunity to find a doctor in the half of the slums where the locals, that part is generally often called a five-star slum. because there are doctors, and hospitals, both private and public, and supermarkets, and a cinema, a gym, in general, it is a city within a city, a kind of border that separates these two worlds, passes along this
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canal, and it, of course , also quite eloquently talks about life in this area, just imagine, all the waste from thousands of industries, all the household garbage from two giant parts of the slums, all of this flows into one small canal, and then all of this... goes into the sea, in general -this is the main reason why the people of mumbai prefer not to swim at local beaches. the smell here must be admitted to be appropriate, especially in the heat, in general, when i’m standing here , i have only one question in my head for the government, if you know how to build a metro, you can probably fix this problem too, and now, finally, good welcome to the second part of the harai, its inhabitants live in khaarava for generations, usually in their own housing, and work in the city for large salaries, classic professions for local residents, security guards in schools, hospitals or
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cleaners. i have a feeling that here of course much cleaner, yes, somehow more comfortable, here you are from production, as if you immediately come to visit someone’s home, where they monitor the cleanliness, but as it turned out, this was only the front side of five-star drushkas, typical streets and houses, to me more... just had to be seen, now i will show you that part of the residential slums that will definitely shock you, yes, i guarantee, the main rule is - do not stop under any circumstances, because you will simply block traffic and create chaos. hi, i don’t know, my guy is letting me down eye or not, the width here is one and a half meters, no more, and almost everywhere is dark, even on a nice sunny day, to be honest, you can get lost
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here, just in a second, you turned the wrong way and hello, but you know what no household has control over inconvenience of complexity, over hospitality, oh, hi, hi, hi, hi, these are all your children, yes, all five of them. mine, where do they sleep? here? yes, do they lay it on the floor? do you only have this one room here? yes, yes, only one, by the way, as you understand, these are such small rooms, this is at the same time a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room, everyone lives door to door, but there are no conflicts, people here have a special feeling of unity, neighborhood, brotherhood, by the way, here’s something else i forgot to tell you, all women have some kind of shower in the room, so men wash on the street, i see, what do you think? the most important problem is the slums. unsanitary conditions. there are only 700 public toilets in tharawa. each has four seats for men and four for women. and this is per 1 million inhabitants.
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only 1% of local residents have their own latrines, in as a result, 27% of local residents go to the toilet just on the street, of course it’s all very sad, to be honest, very sad, the sky is visible, and it saves, listen, friends, well , to say that i’m shocked or impressed is an understatement, i to be honest, i was just stunned, but the main thing is that you can see the sky and there is some kind of hope inside, that people , as they say, well, find some grains of happiness, probably, probably, a person can get used to everything, and what seems to us impossible, for them it’s just everyday life, happy children are running around, hey? my name, vitaly, what's your name? at what age do children start working? according to indian laws?
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if it turns out that the employer hired a child under 15 years of age, he can go to jail, and that is, everything is strict, yes, but unfortunately, in real life, child labor is a very common problem both in mumbai and throughout india in general, well, yes, but still, it’s the children who give you hope when you’re in these places, well, for example, 95% of the local kids go to school, and some even find an opportunity then go to college. and for me this is undoubtedly good news, although i admit it is surprising. do we have public schools, private teach, private schools inside darawiya? and how much does it cost? the average monthly fee in a public school is 2-300 rupees, primary education is free, but for a private school you can pay about 10,000, what is your name? my name is miskan, do you speak english? a little bit, still well done! how old are you? 13, ninth
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grade, do you like thorawi? yes, what is your favorite lesson? english, five again, yes, yes, you have very beautiful outfit, thank you, yes, and a beautiful smile, thank you, and many children go to work right after school, after school many children do like me, and i, by the way, am also a slum child. so, i didn’t go to college, i immediately began, on my father’s advice, to look for a job that i would like in life. therefore, after finishing ten classes, i immediately learned computer repair and hardware, started working, and then also learned to be a web designer. there is another profession, well done, i understand correctly that you were born here, not specifically in daharawa. but
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in other slums in the north of mumbai, there are about 2,000 of them in the city, but since i have been working here for 8 years, local people know me, respect me, the kids are always happy to see me, in general, this is my second home, which is also why they are so loyal to the fact that i show someone local life, in general this is not very accepted, you still live there, yes , of course, but i really dream of buying my own house, giving a gift to my mom and dad, yes, i really want to leave the slums , pick up your parents and... def, i think you have every opportunity to open your own your own business and succeed in it, because you are smart, you are sociable, you have very positive energy, you love people, people, and in general you are a very kind person, i have no doubt that you will succeed, thank you, thank you very much, it seems to me that we have before us the future millionaire istrushchev, mumbai is a medal with two sides, here the shine of precious metals is mesmerizing. and it’s not the accounts of the poor quarters that amazes, here they know how
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to be content with little and at the same time have a big heart, here, contrary to popular belief, even in the slums life goes on as usual in turn, i’m taking this with me, the main premiere of the year, i heard the gossip girl, dasha dodged, katrin, well, let ’s hug, confidante, comrade-in-arms, friend, i don’t understand how this boy won your heart, but where... love , friendship ends, the guest wing is occupied, there must be a date with one of frelin , ekaterina is the favorite, you always hated my men, from monday on rtr, i think that here, more seriously, you sit and think, this is not about think, this is all here, to play or not to play, yes, yes. there can’t be two opinions, because
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we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i... am beyond competition, there are questions here, everything is so neglected, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this flirting, obviously, just to have a look, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear when i said it, such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is not 100,000, zhenya will add his own , what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five program for one, five for one, today on rtr, how did it all happen, how did it all start,
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how does she sing, what is your name? with these hands, what country they ruined, how to live with it now, why is it all , you and i, why, how did it all happen, how did it all start, it was sunny, on monday on rrt sunday dear, beloved, the only one, me i love people, and music, and mine, and i love vanera
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, and i love you, the village, the village thinks, songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov’s evening show, on sunday on rtr, i’m glad you’re here, and i’m also glad that i’m here, we look at the holidays, this is not my vantus, but this turns out to be mine, and i didn’t recognize him, i’ve gone completely wild, running after the plumbers, maria porushina, only i decided to... forever quit with love novels, like on you, on you, unexpectedly came, yaroslav boyko, forgive me, i didn’t want to, didn’t want to, well, that is, i wanted anna yakunina, from this place in more detail, dad, mom needs to be pulled out of the whirlpool, mom is having an affair, what kind novel, sergey zhugunov, i can’t
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forgive myself for losing you, and you never wanted everything to be like before, maxim, i’m sure they went, well, where , surprise, i really love surprises, everyone is 50, sunday and monday, on prt, you will find all our releases on the media platform, watch, download the application or go to the website
6:02 am! good morning, this is the formula of food program and we are in voronezh, your coffee with cream, my favorite , thank you, by the way, i heard that in fact coffee with cream is not very healthy, you know why, because the property of coffee, the property of cream is lost, yes listen, more, normal coffee, normal cream, i generally i think that the best way to figure it out is to go to the production facility, where professionals make this very cream , yes, great, especially since i have a lot of questions for them, let's start with the fact that there is cream, it tastes bitter, and there is cream, they separate, there are a lot of things with cream that i want to know, listen, come on, before you completely demonize coffee with cream, cream in the composition, let's go to production, let's go, come on, let's go, today we will learn how to choose
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quality cream, let's find out what it's about prevents their bitter taste. let's find out why cream sometimes separates in hot drinks and is it possible to drink such? and let’s figure out who benefits from drinking coffee with cream. in addition, we’ll talk about how to reduce heartburn with cream. if suddenly there are no medicines at hand, you can always find 50-100 m of cream, that’s all , and we’ll prepare a dish with cream that will help reduce the risk of developing intestinal cancer, how gentle the ether is, that ’s what the cream gives, we’ll check everything, we’ll recommend the best, we’ll begin to develop a food formula so that to find out the whole truth about cream, let's go to dairy plant, right now they are receiving fresh milk here, alexander, good morning, good morning, alexandrin, production manager. to begin with, we want to note that your milk receiving area is huge, yes, we can accommodate three machines at the same time, and we
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can download about 60 tons of milk at the same time, powerfully, three machines, and that’s every day, 60 tons, per day we receive 600 tons of milk, that’s about 30 cars of 20 tons each, wow, the scale, yes, yes, i’ll say, you probably check every batch, yes, everything is correct, yes, if the test fails, the milk... will not be downloaded, so we quickly take the milk for analysis and go to the laboratory. dasha, we brought milk, good morning, hello, daria solovyova, labaran, let's check, let's start with acidity, acidity is the most important indicator of the freshness of milk. in addition to acidity, they check the presence of antibiotics, protein content, density and much more. sometimes you know, you feel bitterness in the milk, it tastes bitter, yes, what is that? the application of milk proteins produces substances that will give the milk a bitter taste. what does this mean? this means that the milk is no longer
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suitable for use. this also applies to cream. therefore, remember, if the cream is bitter, you cannot drink it. so, the color of the milk coincided with the standard, our acidity is within normal limits, so this milk can be used for work. oh, that's good, great. from this milk. very soon they will receive cream, first with forty percent fat content, then normalized to 10 and 20%. cream is a fatty thing, which means it’s not a very healthy thing, cream, that’s it. you know, there is a paradox here, there is subcutaneous fat, there is vistoceral fat , the so-called one, which is in the internal organs , the most dangerous is not the one under the skin, the one that is inside the internal organs, the abdominal cavity, there is an amazing paradox, this one visceral fat itself is inversely correlated with fat consumption, that is, people who consume less fatty dairy products for some reason usually have more visceral fat,
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scientists associate this with the fact that it contains vitamins, microelements, necessary for the human body, when it does not receive them, it tries to get it from some other easily accessible food , but the fact remains a fact, that is , it turns out that it means that a person, in order to feel good, needs fat, but in within the daily caloric intake, we will find out how much... cream you can drink per day at the end of the program. but there is another important question: with age , many people begin to refuse to eat fatty foods, fearing an increase in cholesterol in the blood. and they don’t drink cream either. are they doing the right thing? let's let's check with a nutritionist. cream is a really fatty product, but it contains a substance such as lititin, which plays an important role in normalizing cholesterol metabolism and preventing atherosclerosis. and they should not be excluded from the diet of mature elderly people. so, we return to alexander and go to see how the cream is made.
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previously, the milk was left to settle, and when a fatty clot formed, it was drained. hence the name cream. this process is now automated. here is the installation in front of us the separator contains a bowl inside, which rotates at a speed of 10,000 revolutions per minute, separating the milk. for the fat fraction, cream for the skim fraction, skim milk, our cream is not very useful for people who have heart problems, because they are fat, cardiologists have been moving away from this position for 10 years, why? in 2013 , a study was conducted in which a total of 600,000 people participated, they checked how much the incidence of coronary heart disease depended on the fat content of consumed dairy products? in general, the result was that there is no dependence, yeah, that is, there is no correlation between the fact that a person has been eating some kind of dehydrated foods all his life,
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he has a healthy heart, and another ate heavy cream and sour cream, but he has heart disease, no correlations, so if you have heart problems, don’t be afraid, you can safely consume cream, and we go on to see what happens with the cream, this is some kind of very tricky device, i see this device is called a homogenizer. it is necessary for the cream to pass through through this installation, into a small hole under high pressure, the fat globules were crushed, as a result... we get a product that is uniform in fat and homogeneous during storage , no stratification occurs, i understand, by the way, about the stratification, there are times when i pour cream in your coffee, and these balls just happen , there can be several reasons, it’s either a violation of the technological process, or the cream has added vegetable fats, or
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maybe it’s counterfeit, yeah, what if a way to identify a natural product in front of you or... an expert from rospotrebnadzor will tell you, to identify a fake at home, pour the cream into a glass , put it in the refrigerator for about an hour, if after that a distinct layer of fat appears on the surface, the product contains vegetable oils. you and i travel all over the country, and i noticed that in different regions people eat differently, in some places they consume more dairy products, in others they eat more fruits. yes, but despite this, in all regions... the diet of russians is very precisely balanced, thanks to the healthy eating project, the national demography project, every person in our country can, with the help of food, not only preserve, but also increase their health. alexander, cream, it spoils quickly, right, not quite like that , cream that has gone through the ultra-pasteurization process, it may not spoil
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for 6 months, yeah, but there’s nothing alive left, it’s the ultra-pasteurization process that allows you to preserve the most beneficial properties milk, why due to the fact that the temperature is 140°, with on the one hand, high temperature, on the other hand, only 4 seconds, and passing through the installation next to which we are located, modern equipment allows us to provide these modes, kill pathogenic bacteria that, during storage, spoil the product, but while preserving the beneficial properties as much as possible. then the cream is cooled and poured into packaging. by the way, what should be written on the packaging of high-quality cream and what should be included in its composition,
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an expert from rospotrebnadzor will tell us. it's best if on the package the composition... indicates the only ingredient: normalized cream, stabilizers are also allowed, they prevent the cream from curdling, here is powdered milk, thickeners such as starch and carageenan are prohibited in the composition of gost cream. you can take two bottles with you, yes, of course, thank you, thank you very much, you are great, well done, you have an excellent enterprise, keep it up, thank you, we are always glad to see you, goodbye, see you again, if you are not watching our program from the very beginning and
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don’t know why the cream can separate, i remind you that all episodes can be reviewed. take a look, download the application, install it on your phone or tablet, or just go to the website listen , i’m really carried away by the topic of cream, let ’s cook, you know, let’s work up an appetite first, there’s an interesting place here, okay, let’s do it. the voronezh region is a cozy and hospitable region, come here with the whole family, a weekend and incredible experiences are guaranteed. there are many interesting routes here. and museums for guests of any age, here we are, i guess to one of the most unusual museums in russia, here all the exhibits are, yeah, real, no props, everything was created by one person , yes, yes, here he comes, by the way, oh, great, here, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh , go, hello, oops, vladimir brezhnev, creator of
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the ethnographic museum, a very funny thing, this is a funny thing. one of the pastimes was yes we rode on these carousels this is beaver beaver name name is shuri can you give him some bread or can i give him yes shurik come here hello welcome alexander, and you have them here like that, be afraid, fuck everything, and please show us your territory, it’s very interesting, well, let’s go, vladimir ivanovich irtilsky etaman, a former honored farmer, one day he decided to exchange his products for antiques, in the end they accumulated so much that enough for a whole village, you see here, it’s standing, in this cart we clamp the men, it’s like, and this is like this, we put on the clamp, let’s say, we give the bride a whip, she drives it, we harness it, i
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can show you a photo, don’t need it too much , oh, it says toilet here, but it seems to me that it’s too transparent for me, look, the toilets were low 80 cm, so that when a person was sitting, his head would stick out, there was no need to shout, so that the toilet was occupied, and so it was obviously, and it was also very comfortable. so, wow, wow, nine of us lived here, here in this house , yes in this house, here is my family, you see, i have five sisters, in
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every thing in this house, someone’s memory, i want to endlessly listen to all these stories, and better with a cup of coffee with cream, by the way, it’s time to find out whether this is really such a useless drink as they say about it, let’s ask a nutritionist about it. it is a myth that coffee with cream leaves no benefit from either the coffee or the cream. adding cream to coffee does not reduce its beneficial properties. moreover, cream softens the taste of coffee and the effect of caffeine on the body. some people's digestive systems do not tolerate black coffee well, and it can cause heartburn and pain. but coffee with cream does not cause such consequences. why is this happening to us now? let's show you guys that means, let's start, attention, march, don't you think that the situation here is uneven, everything is fine, look, it's actually
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like the esophagus, yes, we took it, swallowed the bone, the stomach begins to contract, the esophagus relaxes, so, oh, me i like it, and the gastric juice moves back, we swallow it, i don’t like it, but it goes back, we swallow it, and it goes back, cream helps here, because it reduces the production of gastric juice and normalizes the movement of the food bolus. cream is a good remedy for heartburn, in fact, if suddenly i don’t have any medicine at hand, you can always find 50 , 100 ml of cream, that’s all, you heard him, thank you, ivanovich, it was very interesting, but we have to move on, thank you, i won’t forgive you for this, seryozha, i won’t forgive you if you ’re watching our program is not from the very beginning and you don’t know whether cream can be consumed by people with heart disease, i remind you that all
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episodes can be reviewed on the online platform, watch, download the application, install on your phone or tablet, or just go to the website seryozha, what are we going to cook? from cream, because i mostly know something sweet, of course, we will not prepare dessert, but... prepare a healthy dish, by the way, it reduces the risk of developing intestinal cancer, i like it, apartment, hello programs , andrey, we are celebrating the day of national unity, and what unites us, of course, are songs, all the people, old and young,
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there are many nations in russia, but russia is one. andrey, evening show of andrey malakhov, today on rtr. i have to ask you to write a letter of resignation. for what? look at the holidays. seryozha, hi, i'm a licker, let me call you back. it's mostly your fault that i'm with her. svetlana smirnova martsinkevich. i promise you, i will have a new job and you and i will rent a normal apartment. evgenia dmitrieva, i would like to introduce a new employee, elizaveta aleksandrovna, our director of happiness. okay, not out of misfortune. pavel borzhak, my girlfriend left me. i 'm always waiting for what will come back, no need to hold on to the past, try to let go, happiness is given to those who know what to do with it, you
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i really like you, lisa is... the love of my life, will you marry me , director of happiness, today on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, it will be a problem , the name of which character from pushkin’s work everyone knows, but what is seven and eight? seven and eight? seven and eight? how many? who at work talks a lot and loudly? if you answer, then with humor. i would think, chop, no, pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, set for headache and god forbid, now beep, if
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you win, then... hurray, 100 to one, today and tomorrow, on rtr, congratulations, cinema on weekends. you know, as people say, they knock out wedges and wedges, and rightly, by the way, they say, rightly, the faster i get you sick, that is, i, i you , no one to me, you hear, no one, remember this once and for all, you still love him, how to heal a broken heart, mom, i want to marry ksyusha, i love her, did you think that people would say, at first one, he was just friends with her, now another one is going to marry, where to find cures for loneliness? daughter
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, who came to see you there? it didn’t work out with the eldest, so we’ll marry the younger one, a recipe for love, premiere, today on rtr, andrey, good morning, good morning, hello, andrey matveev, restaurateur, today with chicken liver, yeah, not everyone likes it, cream plays a key role here role, because there is such a pattern that the more cream you add, the less there will be this specific liver taste, which some people actually have and don’t like, we will need today half a kilogram of chicken liver, in fact, pre-soaked in milk so that it does not taste bitter, cream, onions, carrots, sea salt, spices, black pepper, nutmeg, butter, olive oil, who
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does what, give orders, who likes what more , onion, i'll take the onion, we will need to cut the onion, from the chicken liver, cut out the glands, now we need to fry the vegetables in a frying pan, heat the frying pan well, the oil should be well heated, fry the onion with carrots, add water, simmer. then fry the liver, time to add spices, sea salt, black pepper, nutmeg, then add cream and simmer the liver with vegetables before adding to the mixer. and i’ll ask a question about cream and children, is it very useful or just useful? very helpful. build it up? as the child grows, his nervous system also grows; for the construction of our nerve cells, we need fatty acids, which also contain. in cream, as
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the child grows, his need for these fatty acids is very high, therefore consumption of dairy products in general from cream, in particular, for children is very important, but why is cream healthier than milk , for example, in that getting a child to drink, for example, a liter of milk can be a problem, but a glass of cream is no longer there, cream is essentially like if only there was a more concentrated version of milk, not all children can be forced to drink a glass of cream, nevertheless, this is a fact, but there are good... options, for example, you can add milk to milk porridge instead of milk, for example, i would do that too, by the way , and this is just on the one hand, a child who already accustomed to eating milk porridge, he won’t notice this addition, but we will get the desired result, dear parents , take note, so, our oven has been stewed perfectly in cream, it’s time to transfer it to a blender and we will add butter and punch, pate from chicken liver with cream, chop carrots and onions, fry with olives.
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oil, add the liver cut into medium pieces and fry for another couple of minutes, pour in the cream, add salt, pepper, nutmeg, simmer everything together for 8-10. put everything in blender, add butter, beat until smooth, the pate is ready, and the smell, the smell, what the smell will be, and what the taste will be, so come on , this is magnificent, what a delicate texture, this is what the cream gives, yes, yes, but what is ours anyway? the dish is useful for the prevention of intestinal cancer, there is such a fatty acid, it is called conjugated linoleic acid , it is found in... cream in butter, scientists have found that it significantly reduces the risk of developing intestinal cancer, and there is also liver, which contains b vitamins , deficiency of which increases the risk of developing intestinal cancer, studio food formula 30-40 ml of cream per day will reduce the likelihood of developing intestinal cancer, protect internal organs from
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obesity, help get rid of heartburn. thank you, andrey, i’m very glad that you liked it, banopetilizami. well, what do you think about cream now? if the cream is bitter, i won’t drink it, if the cream is spoiled , i won’t drink it, cream with coffee is very good, you’re a real cream expert, it was a food formula program on the russian tv channel , other cities and other products await us, until new meetings. good morning, you are watching the russia tv channel,
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my name is alexey vershinin and that means there are five against one on the show. this is a generous program where we give money to our viewers, and this process is interfered with by these people. evgeny rybov, and alexandrna, good, good, good, good morning, good morning, he’s just with you, great, so the youth part of ours, i see, the young people are the old people who haven’t gone to bed yet, yes. yes, after friday evening i see sasha is just cheerful and absolutely just full of energy, because such applause, such a studio, hurray, yes, let's see what it will be like at the end of the program, yes, sash, first of all i’m telling you, thanks to these, well, four,
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at least, and larisa rubalskaya, they were there last saturday, us in the bank, this time not the minimum possible amount, as often happens, this will not happen again, there will be no more. 100,000 rub. we’re only going to gain. wait, wait, wait, can i tell you more, sash, but we answered about two out of five questions without any prompts at all, that is, i now, he he just won’t talk about it, so, but i’ll say, okay, but i, on the other hand, you know what i can say, evgeniy, by the way, played brilliantly in the final last saturday, you have a fever, no, when they’re great, then they’re great, i, i’m saying, you know, i, i’m very glad to be here, i hope that together we won’t let everything down somehow, in short, everyone, practically all the versions and larisa alekseevna rubalskaya, all that remains is to name the correct answer, well, let's see what happens in this final, we expect to bring it to 200, that is, this
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you place a bet of 200,000 rubles today it will be well 180-200 plus or minus something like that, a little bit and the georgian temperament has kicked in , okay, good, it’s five against one, the first round, right now, let’s go, in short, the rule of the first round is the computer chooses the viewer, he asks you a question with my help, 2000 rubles will be at stake and you will actually have 4 minutes, three hints to try to find the correct answer, you ask any leading questions, i answer yes or no. well, pay attention to the screen, let's choose a tv viewer who will fight with you today first. alla varechkina is 56 years old, the city of moscow is playing against you, alla has an unusual hobby, galvanoplasty, wow, i don’t even know , does anyone know what galvanoplasty is
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, no, well, plastic is like something like sculpting, right? golvano, it's an electric shock, it's some kind of italian thing, he's making something out of batteries, i don't know. no, because she simply shocks someone through the action of the current, naturally the form changes, it becomes better, better, plastic surgery maybe. that is, we are not sure what the question is, we cannot guess what it is engaged in, profession, yes, the question will just be from this area , obviously, let's play this program quickly so that everyone can go look on the internet what golevanoplasty is, okay, and the winnings, by the way, alla will spend on charity, very good, attention on the screen that in 1770 the british parliament banned time, and this is connected with food, there is something, no, it is connected with the fire of london, and no, no, no, but, something financial, with fock you have, no,
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no, no, financial, fireworks launch, here something like that, no, not starting, the british parliament banned the british parliament, interesting, it dissolved itself, no, no , let's kiss on the street, kiss on the street, no, this is due to the work of the parliament itself, and no, this is due to building, no, connected with the queen, maybe with the king, well, no, that is, it is connected with england or great britain globally. that is, this is a law, this is a law, a parliament that is still working, i think that, of course, it has either already been abolished, or even if it is still formally working, it is connected with horse-drawn transport, god, no more of that, no , not connected with clothes connected, not connected with clothes, also connected with the thames , not connected with the thames sir, not bad, no, look what? that the glasses, glass, glasses, glass, the letters are different, the letters are related to
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the clue, the glasses are related, to drink during a parliamentary meeting, to drink during a meeting, beautiful, what version, it’s a pity, nothing beautiful, it’s terrible that three, three glasses , not related to alcohol, you can drink no more than three glasses, but no, no, not like that, but this is related to pubs, pubs, no, no, no, not connected, no, although it would seem logical. yes, well, consumption with consumption consumption of alcohol no consumption search somewhere here and this is not some kind of horoscope this is not a horoscope no it’s connected with glass look this is some kind of public catering it ’s not connected with glass that’s what the question is with liquid connected with wine no no let's connect with the container no is it connected with the game with the container okay okay connected with the game the word is the eye and the eye is the glasses? no, not there,
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blow a kiss, so here it is, after hot, let's all get together and, they forbade kissing, they forbade kissing on the street, there was such a version, by the way, they were allowed to kiss on the street, no, but wait, there you said that i know, i know, i know, i know, they forbade kissing after drinking wine, well, yes, something is somehow connected with infection, with the spread of various diseases and infections by airborne droplets, but no, but this is connected with fumes, no, the english parliament, no, no, not the russian parliament , and english, and wait, and this, wait, and this you can contact the system, systems of units, pounds, meters, no, it’s not connected with this , with the relations between the sexes, it’s connected, yes, yes, well, yes, the relations between the sexes, yes, but straight, straight not quite straight.
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pussy, pussy, no, you can’t pass it on, no, toffee, toffee, they forbade saying goodbye for longer than some time at train stations, so that no, no, well, let’s also suck up candy for our comrades, the law is straight, you can’t suck up candy, question, this is connected with a kiss or not, yes, yes, yes, with a kiss, associated with a kiss, duration of a kiss, no, not duration by you can’t kiss on the lips already there, no, no, not like that, hussars, let’s do more, more , look, the law, only opposite-sex kisses, listen, no, i’m afraid to say it out loud, no, let’s do it in the last seconds , don’t say it, it’s not her , it’s the lips, i don’t understand, no, no, that you can’t kiss hands, no, that’s forbidden, and we congratulate the scarlet girl, 20,000 rubles, what? sent to a lover of galvanoplasty, look,
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this is already connected with a kiss and with time, with a kiss with time - maybe they are swearing, maybe they are kissing some the book of the bible, which means that this is lipstick, namely fondant, i and the third hint is fondant, i said to paint your lips, by the way, fondant, i said to paint your lips between, which is forbidden. but no, no, putting on lipstick, well, they banned lipstick, they banned lipstick, show me the answer to who used it, the parliament of lipstick, what was the story, half the parliament used lipstick, of course. in 1770, the british parliament banned lipstick, claiming that it had the power to attract men. marriage, i agree, which was regarded as witchcraft, i agree, prohibit it, and here there are three glasses left, only a trace
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of lipstick remains on the glasses, of course, now let’s give our transparent elementary tips. fairy tales, which this time were very simple, indeed, these are three glasses, the imprint of lips, lipstick remains on the glass, and then it is impossible to finish the drink after a friend, as if the glass was spoiled, and the second tip is behind a friend, and, evgeniy said, notice, so the second hint is for a friend, well here is an air kiss, uh, like a kiss , by the way, an air kiss does not leave lipstick marks, by the way, but leaves an imprint on the heart, here. oh my god, tripe, leave tripe, georgians at the gaming table, yes, it’s there, just the third hint , fudge, fudge, i’m almost a pussy-cat, not a toffee, wait, but there is fudge with a nut, of course, here it is, here it is
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, here you go, here it is, here it is, fudge, this is this one, what’s his name, zhenya, what’s his name, the one with nuts, with nuts, no, no, with nuts, right? i'm talking to nuts praise, praise, praise, in general these are friends, well, after the first round, the amount in the bank has not changed, i liked the good round, and there is still 100,000 rubles. we, of course, didn’t guess the question, but this does not save us from the opportunity to type it into a search engine, golva on plastic, golva on plastic, form of formation, from a non-ferrous metal by depositing it from a solution under the influence of an electric current onto a matrix, this is a hobby , oh my god , well, that is, she draws pictures using electrolytic dissociation, she she apparently applies some, but i know she takes some part, closes it and leaves this one, once she turned on the blue current there and then pulled out
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the blue closed cathode here, yes, that’s all , now we would definitely guess, let’s do it again. eh, my friends, well, let's have a laugh, yes, then without losing this, this fuse, this pace, the second round right away, let's go, the second round, the rules are the same as in the first, one question worth 20,000 rub, 4 minutes, three tips, there is one feature, in the second round, these are photo questions, that's right, this is a round of photo questions, but first, let's see a photo of a tv viewer, ksenia dikareva has been playing against you for 37 years, the city of bakhchiysaray. ksenia likes to dance, and she wants to spend her winnings on buying a laptop. as it would seem, these two facts are probably not connected in any way.
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so, pay attention to the screen, a question from ksenia right now, a simple question. who is this? looks like a mop? no, is it connected with stoves, is it not a mop, fire is connected with fire, is it metal, is it a metal raking bar, no, a raking machine, well, some kind of thing what kind of poker is this? it's a screen to prevent coals from spilling out of the fireplace. no, not like that, no , but how, well, it’s connected with the fireplace and the stove, it’s connected, we found out, somehow it’s all connected with the fire, well, put it there. now this is a lighter, it’s not a lighter, you heat it up and also a brand, a brand, beautiful, beautiful, but no, well, let’s do it again, in the middle of this kind of napkin holder they put something there, yes, yes, obviously, and put it there, put a straw there with straw, ignition, the can is
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a lighter, we keep going in circles, with the greats writers to destroy, too transparent a hint, right? oh, yes, yes, show the answer on the screen, this is called, this is not a hint, this is a toaster , yes, well, such an ancient toaster, let's call it, well, not so ancient, but i like to burn manuscripts, all at once, but i i liked the stamp, the stamp is perfect. such a sadistic story, here is the manuscript , dostoevsky gogol, bulgato, gogol gogol, gogol would straighten up and burn his works, gogol is like that, well, what are you going to burn, you know,
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i don’t have something to burn, i can’t yet afford it, so leave it, let’s leave it, let it be, these are the kind of toasters that were used before the invention of electricity, in principle, now you can use them, if you have a fireplace, then theoretically all this is possible, well, we had three tips and the first one was too transparent, apparently, she is consonant, yes, apparently, it was necessary to either put it at the end, or without it at all, well, here is a still from the film prisoner of the caucasus, and of course toasts, what a toast, what a toast without wine, like a wedding without a bride, so is the second a hint, this is where we should have started, yes, what is this, what is this, what is this, what is breakfast called a painting, the breakfast of a young man or an aristocrat, well , yes, this is what is called the breakfast of an aristocrat.
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be kind, both this and that, please, as you have in nizhny tagil, and usually , by the way, by the way, the capital of toasters, the industrial intelligentsia, you know, in nizhny tagil they only had breakfast like this, dumplings and wow, so the third hint, well, this... it was just possible, yes, the first one, we already realized what it was so the stoves, well, yes, well, here yes, to shove into the stove, well, after the second round, the amount in the bank finally changed, and there are 120,000 rubles, the first one was lost, the second one was won suspiciously quickly, that’s how you really are play, everything will be decided, i think in the third, but everything was decided in the last game, how we really play, well, how you play today, everything will be decided in the third round, what do we have ahead? the third round and that means only one of you will play, we’ll find out who exactly is very soon, don’t switch,
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the advertising will go by quickly, for russia, home premiere of the year, what a great moment , congratulations, do you remember, i was the first to call myself great, not in vain, she was admired, can i ever be worthy of you, was she extolled? you have a motherly soul, kind, sympathetic, you will find a word for everyone, you want to say, in order to see my mother, i need to have a record, they bowed before her, the russian empress is not as simple as she seems, in all her affairs she has an exact measure, but she just wanted to be loved, she yearned for you, what will happen to us now if you knew how it’s difficult for you... i don’t know who can cope with this problem. ekaterina, favorites. you'll see, they will love you like a woman and like an empress.
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from monday on rtr. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us? yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they... laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, let’s say this is my trophy, we had hunger , and here comes grandma, she’s hungry, but she’s carrying this bag in the shelter and says, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand , olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people who care , support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would didn’t survive, only ours can, honor and praise to you
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, what you do is simply amazing, from tuesday to thursday, on rtr, this is for you, well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, dersskie, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter there will be an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, are you responsible for your words? i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my time, beauty, repin, the whole
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team, only on the platform. we don’t look at how it all happened, how it all started, how she sings, what’s your name? here's the story, what country was ruined, how to live with it now, why is it all, you and i, why, how did it all happen, how did it all start, it was
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sunstroke. sunstroke - a film by nikita mikhalkov, on monday, on rtr, it's five on one, we're back right now for the third round, in the third round only one of you will play, who exactly will find out very soon, first, let's look at the screen and get to know the tv viewer . is playing against one of you, now roman naryadchikov will play, 42 years old, city of zelinograd, and roman in our studio, roman, hello, hello, well, roman, tell me how you ended up here in the first place, well, i’m a fan your program, here we are with mine half of the time we watch almost every episode, so i know all
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sorts of tactics, strategies, so you don’t have much of a chance, but i hope you win, i believe in it, i believe in it, but probably not, okay, so what do you spend it on? 20,000, already discussed with my wife, but yes, we want to go to some country hotel in the forest for the weekend, where there are no phones , nothing, nothing, nothing, only water, forest and does not show your program, and we will definitely look at the recording , okay, good, so, well, since you’ve been watching for a long time and know everyone’s tactics, strategy, i have a favorite player, uh, i like the whole star... five, including newcomers, whom i am also very interested in watching, so, accordingly, i know who i will fight with today, and this is, of course, alexander, so he felt all the charm, and what kind of alexander, well, of course, the newest of the alexanders, here’s the fee for a new one, yes, 40 seconds, not a single hint, everyone else doesn’t give a hint either, attention to the screen, let’s go, what an unusual street they created in
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dubai, for tourist time? something to do with clothes, no, cars, no, jewelry, no, yes, something connected with people , work profession, well, no, well, no, no, no, no, no, not like that, okay, beauty, fashion industry, but , what else is there in dubai, sand, sand, sand entertainment, no, some kind of entertainment, well, this is entertainment in a sense, but i wouldn’t say that, in general, but an unusual street, well, an unusual street made of glass, or what? what can be created there, here it is a street, but it is unusual, a round street, looped, no, no, we congratulate, we congratulations to our tv viewers, roman, you know, even, even in this case , i’m pleased, so to speak, the team will forgive me, because well, the guys definitely need it, yes the team,
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look, look at these faces, but oh, yes, what, what, what did he say, a street with rain, it always rains there, yes, yes, yes, show the answer on the screen, a street where it always rains, that’s what they created there, look, special nozzles constantly spray water over the street, simulating rain, and with different strengths, uh, that is, there is such a thing drizzling, downpour, hurricane there, well, depending on some time , all this different stuff turns on, but we. you won’t be surprised, in russia they built a whole city in which it always rains, andrey knows, yes, saratov, well, seriously, i, to be honest, this summer in st. petersburg i burned to hell , there’s not enough rain, and if it rains, it’s at night , i don’t see it at all, global warming, now it has come, here it is in our
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northern capital too, my friends, round the amount in the bank has not changed, there is still 120,000 rubles. all because we are twenty they gave it to roman, okay, my friends. in the fourth round, you have the opportunity for everyone, the whole team , to rehabilitate themselves, each individually and all together, and i’m announcing the fourth round right now, let’s hurry up, the fourth round again 4 minutes, three tips, 20,000 rubles, there’s one on the eve special feature in the fourth round, the viewer himself asks you his question. first, let's look at the screen and select this viewer. playing against you is elena antonenko, 54 years old, moscow, there are a lot of muscovites lately. elena gets carried away traveling, reading and watching movies, and she will spend the winnings on
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traveling with her family. ready? yes, yes, yes, let's all come together, again, yes, a single, united star team, now everything will be done. attention, on the screen, elena herself asks her question. what inspired you in 1970? athletics coach belaban to create the first sneakers time what inspired bill bowerman to create sneakers and the paws are not bad, there are also versions that are not so idiotic, well, let's go from afar, some other shoes, no, wait, you want to say that before that there were no sneakers, there were no sneakers, until 1970 . there weren’t any sneakers of this design, let’s do this, and the design is connected with reinforcement, yes, these ones, which have a traffic light strip, no, no, i can lacing matters, lacing doesn’t matter, but the sole has the sole, that is, it’s something soft, it
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’s something shock-absorbing, it’s not that inspired by wheels no soft wait soft something rug at the house rug which rug at the house no answer given yes you got the first hint no so let's why three why terry towels lie like those same three stripes, which now if you put them on your butt, they will create the logo of that very company, please don’t get attached to this company at all, they didn’t pay us, it’s not tied to food, maybe it’s some kind of sandwich -then, this is not a sandwich, but a multi-layer burger, no, a sandwich, no, jelly, no, soft , ice cream, no, this is something soft, glebe or something, no, well, edible, i’m just soft edible, this a bun like this, which is brioche,
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no, well, this is a hot dog, this is a hot dog, no, not a hot dog, no, well then something edible, but remotely, it’s not a cake, it’s porous, cheese? no, wait, this is look, look, wait, apparently some kind of italy is there, porous , edible, porous, edible, yes, quite a croisson, croisson, croissant, but baking, baking, this is baking, yes, this baked goods, porous, edible, i don’t know, maybe it’s a sponge, right, no, maybe it’s a porous food, what kind of a porous food baba is it, it’s not chocolate, matzo, no, but a porous food, baked goods, that is, it’s this in adar, in migrelian, this is a napoleon cake, no, let's also say that it's a milfie, a sweet pastry, no, well, it's like that, well, like that, for breakfast they serve, well, a butter bun, no, well,
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not a butter bun, no, well, it's something damn, porous, edible, a waffle wa waffles, yes, yes. no, here are the waffles themselves, but well, it’s clear, well, i’ll accept yes as an answer, because well, it would already be in the steps, well, it’s impossible to eat it, this waffle iron, and you, and you say that i’ll push you, that i understood it, that if we go to the waffle maker now, then you will be there for a very long time, and then there will be complaints to us that we are not correct, i have several questions, i am a fan of sneakers, i have a huge collection, this is probably the only thing i collect - sneakers. there are more than 100 pairs of sneakers and i know almost everything about them, i have models of sneakers, well, replicas, of course, which were already made there in 1950 in some year, and there are
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already waffles, no, valnitsy, everything, and this is his exactly, yes, the first couple of con perfected it, yes, well, show the answer on the screen, waffle iron, waffles, okay, yes, well, the answer is waffles, i also accept, in short, he there, he realized that this is how it is possible. baking rubber is conditional, no, i think that the shape, this, while having breakfast with waffles with his wife in 1975, he came up with... the idea of ​​​​using this texture of waffles on the soles of sneakers, this is actually this and the drawing is exactly yes like a protector like this one, if someone tried waffles, these are american waffles, or viennese waffles, they are very porous and compressible, so he actually made a sole from this, well, that is, not from this, but with approximately the same properties, and i would straight from this made a shoe with a waffle sole that debuted at the us olympic track and field trials in 1972, that is, 2 years after he had breakfast with his wife in eugene, oregon,
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they gained popularity almost immediately because they were very comfortable and could be worn after a race. eat, after that, but on the other hand i must say that the question of waffles, that is, the answer is more correct than the waffle iron, because exactly, well, yes, it was waffles that inspired him, andreilovich, that’s why he accepted, accepted this answer is from you, and three clues, three small ones like that, i would say, this is a waffle towel. but there are also terry towels here, and wafers, i wonder what inspired the creators of the waffle towel to create a waffle towel, sneakers , maybe waffles, so the second hint , well, now it’s clear, now it’s clear, vienna, and the famous viennese waffles , what about wiener schnitzel, viennese coffee, viennese waffles, just
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three. i say three culinary victories and the third clue, in my opinion, you didn’t get to it, yes but here it seems to me that this is practically a waffle marking, motorists just call it a waffle, as a rule, well , my friends, after the fourth round in our bank , show the size of the jackpot of 140,000 rubles. ahead. the fifth round, the last round, in which you can still put some money in the bank, and this means that evgeniy’s prediction has no longer come true, you definitely won’t get 2000, nor 180 for this game, let’s see if it will be 160, fifth round right now, let's go, in the fifth round someone from your friends or colleagues, this is a round of questions
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from the star, attention to the screen. anton komolov has been playing against you for a long time, by the way, we haven’t had anton here for a long time, anton, we miss you, come, he will spend the money from his winnings on the center of therapeutic pedagogy, a special childhood, attention to the screen, in 2002 he was made an honorary member of the royal scientific societies of chemists accepted an unusual person , say his name, this is some character from a movie, yes, no, well, it’s connected with the movie, he was a chemist, obviously, well, yes, and this one is from the current series this one, come on, without, no, no, no, wait, yes, yes, good, good, yes, maybe, yes, this is him, when there are no professors, he forgot in english, in russian, in all seriousness, in all seriousness, that no, eisenberg, no, no, oh well, no, a brilliant chemist, yes, a character from everything to the royal scientific society, yes, we must
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take it right away, they accepted the actor of this, who no, well, the character is fictional, fictional, absolutely right, alexander pushnoy gives the correct answer, andrey, it says an unusual person, but not a character, it could have been there, but it doesn’t matter, yes, well, after the character, the english kingdom was already sure that, well, but you, of course, just, no, well, the logic is ironclad, in fact, which is very good, such, i would say, in -firstly, he’s an american, and what, well, what, it’s not written there that they, the british, invited someone, yes, okay, show the answer on the screen, honorable, as it were, yes, this is sherlock holmes, indeed, in october 2002, an event occurred that caused a wide response among chemists
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around the world; an extraordinary honorable the literary character sherlock holmes became a member of the royal society of chemistry, for the first time this happened, a special one was knocked out in honor of holmes, by the way, he presented it with a silver medal, tied a ribbon with a medal around the neck of the holmes sculpture, not just anyone, but the real dr. watson, a full member of the royal chemical society , doctor of chemistry and sincere admirer of holmes, john watson, an amazing coincidence, my friends, clues, clues, look, we had three things, oh, look, the first thing, ah i’m an iduga, a baskeri dog, well, it’s so far away, why did he not play shertag as you look, here’s the second clue now oops, this is dr. watson, of course, but this is vitali, who, this is dr. vason, who was still serving in india, yes, where he actually
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got wounded, and he worked for our intelligence, but he worked for us, it was such a joke, right? so is the third clue, and it’s clear, the crocodile gene’s voice, the voice of the wonderful vasil ivanov, yes, yes, who played sherlock holmes in a simply wonderful series, soviet also sherlock holmes, so everything, everything, everything, everything, it seemed, almost everything , five rounds played, let's see how much money you were able to save in five rounds, 160. normal, normal, normal, of course, very soon we will find out, this money will remain in the bank, or one of our viewers will take it, this is five for one , do not switch, the jackpot is very soon, provocation is treacherous behavior,
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there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my the cat is the most intelligent creature in our family. look at the holidays, hi, let me call you back. it 's mostly your fault that i'm with her. svetlana smirnova martsinkevich. i promise you, i will have a new job and you and i will rent a normal apartment. evgenia dmitrieva, i would like to introduce a new employee, elizaveta aleksandrovna, our director of happiness. okay, not out of misfortune. pavel borshak, my
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girlfriend left me, and i keep waiting for her to come back. there is no need to hold on to the past. try to let go. happiness is given to those who know what. what to do with it? you are very important to me. lisa is love of my life, will you marry me? director of happiness. today on rtr. i have a great way to eat: a glass of water 3 days in advance, tueta. everyone is strange, everyone, i’m the only one, normal, mine, in this form, best on a moonless night. hunts vampires. yes, you are far from a mummy. enough. izmailovsky park. he hit the mark exactly.
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premiere today on rtr. congratulations. cinema on weekends. you know, as people say, they make mistakes with wedges. and rightly so, by the way. they say correctly, the faster i get you i forgot, that is, i, i you, no one to me, you hear, no one, remember this once and for all, you still love him, how to heal a broken heart, mom, i want to marry ksyusha, i love her, yes you thought that people will say, at first one of the gates was friends with her, now the other one is going to get married, where are these cures for loneliness, daughter, they came to you, who? it didn’t work out with the eldest , so we’ll match the younger one, a recipe for love, premiere, today on rtr, it’s five for one, we ’re back right now jackpot, we’ll play all
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the money in the bank, we’ll just play 160,000 rubles, let's get acquainted with that tv viewer who can become richer today by this very 160,000, pay attention to the screen, and alexandra kolupaila, 27 years old, omsk, is playing against you in the final. alexandra has two hobbies - intellectual and board games. the winnings will be spent on good causes, that’s what she wrote to us. briefly the rule. round right now, i’ll remind you, zhenya, starting with you for 15 seconds, first zhenya, sasha, then you, then andrey lvovich, then zhenya, then sasha again, the correct answer is still i don’t hear, we all discuss it together for another 15 seconds, then: red light , you don’t answer, we congratulate alexandra and leave, so the electric razor will be
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as he says, lesh, as they said, a question from alexandra right now, attention to the screen, let’s go, come on, come on, finish the phrase of the french novelist, playwright and screenwriter of the century andre birobeau, love begins with a sigh, ends, no, with an exhalation, and ends with a kiss, no, it ’s a tear, it’s connected with food, no, no, with, emotions, sash , some word, probably an emotion, no, i understand, i mean that it ends, emotions have already been said, emotions end, no, no, i understand, it ends, with some thought or something , no, the marriage ends, no, it ends in disappointment, no, it ends, but so, yes,
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it ends in death, no , there are such cases, but in this case, but it ends in death, no, it has to do with air, that is , a breath ends with an exhalation, actually, well, no, there was such a version, the last, with the last exhalation, the last, the last exhalation, no, there , i don’t know, but it could be, such humor, love begins with a sigh, and ends with the word, no. and that what word is said, you immediately begin to say, until from everything that you said, i suggest , andrei was moving somewhere in that direction, marriage is connected with marriage, well, one might say, something ends with a sigh, with regret, with regret, no, no, no, no, we congratulate you, 50,000 rubles are sent to the city, i know, i know, but you know what, compassion, or
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what? compassion, no, look , it ends in disappointment, yes, well, as if in meaning, well, that is, it starts with death, yes, but ends with a groan, not a groan, but well it’s just that there’s disappointment and so on, it ends in tears, not tears , it’s already all already... everything is already boring, he’s already tired of it and she’s already tired of everything, i don’t know tiredness fatigue routineness disappointment all this all this air should be yes, all this comes out, the air in my wife was shown at the very beginning, yana showed no, it doesn’t come out, a good version is correct, and it ends at 19:30. it’s good if, i think, we need to rewrite this great quote, love
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begins with a sigh, and ends at 19:30, on the russia channel, well wait, that’s him novelist, playwright, yes, there must be something like that, that’s all connected, it’s all a little rhymed, semantically rhymed with a sigh, sigh, well, just like that, tired, disappointed, take a breath now for what, well, yes, again , yawn, with a yawn, of course, show the answer, well, according to the meaning, it ends with a yawn, mind you, that’s what i said, in the end everything was like that, andrei beroboy, a famous french writer, author of plays, scripts for films, some of his sayings became famous aphorisms, this aphorism of his in france, almost everyone knows, you’re disappointed, i mean, let’s just make sense of what zhenya said in principle, well, well, i mean, at the very beginning , this is because again there’s no girl at the table and every time you’re taken away somewhere
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, well this is some kind of nonsense, why what and what and what is this just a famous phrase of his , yes, a famous phrase, yes, a breath, and an enthusiastic yawn - this is already, well, everything is boring, everything is ordinary , well, they have proven this a long time ago that a yawn is actually - this is not a sign that he was boring, he knew everything about physiology, don’t cling, i’m just upset i can't let go. missed, but the dead is not transferred, alivota, so, we will start our next program with the minimum possible amount, show me, 20,000 rubles. today the show has come to an end, i remind you that you can find all episodes of the program on the internet platform: watch it, but if you want to do more than just watch. with the star five, but also play with them, then you can ask your question on the page, perhaps you will become the next winner, like today’s
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tv viewer, but today they played with us, evgeny papanishvili, alexander astashonok, andrey urgan, evgeny rybov and alexander pushnoy and alexey virfin, it was the funniest of the intellectual and the most intellectual of the funny shows on russian television. see you in a week, bye, don't yawn, well, i was upset, but it was beautiful,
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yes it was beautiful, yes, but no, but beautiful. good morning, good morning, our dear tv viewers, i welcome our viewers to the studio, on air 100 to one, fun quiz, today we have two visiting teams, team yar and team nettle, here they are so beautiful, please come to the studio, here. they are so beautiful, well, in general, well, absolutely beautiful, hello, victor, hello, please tell me where you are so beautiful from, with great pleasure, we are from moscow, from our capital, we know this one, you know, yes, yes, i know, the capital russian folk songs, you know, well, from our costumes, you see that we are probably engaged
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in folk art, yes, good, professional, we studied for this, and we do it well, so we sing, where are you in this line? at the russian academy of music named after gnessins, all as one, you see, so, it seems to me, it’s written on their faces, well, okay , can you imagine your team, i imagine, my pride, they are all, let’s start with misha, misha, hello, after all, misha, hello, misha, misha, a performer, a executioner, you know, a virtuoso, there will be a solo today, now it’s a must. everything forward, come on, misha, what do we need, literally, oops, for now everything is more complicated, this is the beginning, no, no, no, no, this is the beginning of the program, so, okay, we’ll see next, this is helicopter, i wanted to say, that he is still a brave man, he
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recently proposed to his girlfriend, oh, you you see, the whole country had courage, after that i went on television, after that on television, i love you, just like that, let everyone know this nikolai leads our orchestral group, you understand that the first violin and balalaika is misha, and the first accordion is kolya, kolya is responsible for everything , he is a hereditary martial artist in general , therefore, he is the best musician in the world, that’s it, well, well done, valyusha, valyusha, despite the fact that he’s small , you see, that’s all. our valya is small, but with a big voice, today she will show something, we will hear it today, and of course endira, endira is my support, in general, my love, my wife, so she is our mind, honor and conscience of the team, not only is she
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a magnificent artistic singer, she also solves all issues simply at once. victor, i see that everything is very well organized for you, you’re great, it’s just, well, someone should tell me, i’ll probably introduce our artistic director, victor artemyev, please, applause, applause, he is the face of our team, our headliner, he is also is a composer and creator of the famous folk hit. oh maslenitsa, beauty, just like that, thank you, and of course, not a single arrangement , not a single concert, victor, we have the most important person, if you have any questions, it’s always to our victor, well, part-time, my husband, of course , and my love, part-time, the russian folk headliner victor, victor, well, i welcome you to
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our studio program 100 to one, girls, hello, hello, we are burning, we are burning, we are russian beauties, like you already... each talented, each such a star, here is daria galitsa, this girl speaks several languages, thanks to her we sing in different languages, even in chinese , you can even use chinese, you are moving in the right direction, takerina anandova is the harmester of our group, she is responsible for the parts for learning these parts, so that we sound so delicate, it all happens thanks to katya. katya, the most serious thing is immediately obvious, the most serious thing,
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yulia korstileva is the playful sopran of our team, yes, our little fox, she is such a southern girl, she also warms us up with his temperamental and piercing sopran. yuli, applause. anastasia, anastasia iermalaeva, this is the queen of the gusli, she plays the gusli, she complements our team with such a wonderful musical design , instrumental, applause, and katerina korelina, the creator and leader of the kropiva full group and her real soul of the team, yeah, well, quickly. let's sing something like that, so then you're a mess, parranya, why do you love ivan, that's why i love ivan, because his little head
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is curly, but i love ivan, what a little head curly curly curly, bravo, ensemble yar, ensemble nettle, in the studio, 100 to one we have a fun quiz, we all have a good mood in this game, we are starting, we have a simple single game, so we are in the studio istok one, we today there are two wonderful folk groups, but it is clear that today there will be a lot of music in our program, but for now we are getting down to the game itself, and i invite... the first numbers to the table, that is , the team captains, the nettle ensemble, and the yar ensemble, pay attention to what holiday
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a person is willing to spend a lot of money on, well we're probably checking the new year, yes, we're checking the new year, only in third place, they say that the new year is the main holiday, yes, yes, interesting, victor, birthday, birthday, checking, birthday, second, back , back to what this guy is doing, yes, the yar team has an answer of 24 people, birthday, anniversary, new year 20, so you continue, mikhail, guys, my answer is a wedding, it seems to me that this will be in first place, we had the most wedding, it seems that the wedding is your answer to all the questions, so, we all chip in for
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the wedding, check what’s on the board. wedding on the first line 28, nothing surprising, of course, a big holiday, nicholas, christmas , aka international women's day, here it is, but on the sixth line, not immediately, not immediately, valentine's day, we also spend a lot of money, there is one is it a holiday for us? well, in general, this is not our holiday, everyone celebrates, so i ’m valentine, i’m celebrating valentine, and this is serious
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, well, let’s think collectively, let’s start from september, september 1, you need to buy flowers teachers, the fifth of october and the day of knowledge will have to be. okay, we are still looking for st. valentine's day, we are mistaken, no, we have march 8th, march 8th, okay, let's go by analogy, defender's day , we have st. valentine's day, it is on the eighth line, eighth, well, that is, it we haven’t forgotten, but this is not the most important thing, february 23, let’s think about our dear men, today is the majority, yes, it’s a men’s holiday, someone
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spends a lot of money, here it is, well, okay, well, three, three chances, no, that’s it , there is still an option, there is still an option, another try, another try i propose a new house, because we are currently doing renovations, these are very expensive events, just announce it directly on tv, we are having a new house, guys , please, this will be the most expensive holiday, holiday, holiday, not renovation is not a holiday, renovation is not a holiday , housewarming holiday, let's have a housewarming party, do everything, forgive me, i've already spent a lot of money on renovations, so for me it will be the most expensive holiday - it will be a housewarming party, come on, i understand you perfectly, millions of
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people understand you perfectly, so what? , we check the housewarming, we check the housewarming, and it’s a hit, my wife has excellent intuition, which means there’s only one line left to guess, victory is in your pocket, be stunned or not guess one line and what we didn’t name didn’t name after all, christmas called christmas maslenitsa the first clue i read out again the question for you: on what holiday is a person ready to spend a lot of money, this was an intonation hint, spend, so , spend money, not just a holiday, but a holiday on which people spend money, apparently on a gift, the second hint is gifts,
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the person who was close to the answer, valentina, christmas, three, two, christmas, one, wait, she was also talking about the nativity of christ, here you go , just don’t tell me now, if you remember what valentina was talking about, then well done, so i interview everyone, each one gives a version, then katerina gives a general answer for everyone , anastasia, please, probably there will be 1st teacher's day on september 2, september 3, fourth day of knowledge, day of knowledge, well, well, yes, we were very attentive, just listened to our colleagues, so after all, yes, well, i said that this is the answer nearby, but not the answer itself, we want to try the day of knowledge 1 of this knowledge you want
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to try, the day of knowledge, let’s check, what is this? but you won, look, that means you were very close to the answer, you are valentina, and you , now we will open the fourth line, you will understand what the 100 people we surveyed are willing to spend on, money, you are nearby, but we open the fourth line and there, by the way, graduation, graduation, there is a dress, there are gifts and so on, graduation, apparently it costs people more, after all, than september 1, that's why they remembered him earlier, and with the score 81:00, so far the yar team is leading, it was a single game, you're looking at 100 to one,
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we have a double game ahead. the main premiere of the year, russia, you don’t need someone else’s good, she rules a great country, any little thing can be used against you, but she has no power over her heart, i’m so unlucky in love, is it really only for money that power can love me, ekaterina , favorites, you are playing with people's lives, you are not a woman, you are an empress, from monday. this is a colunal colunal apartment, programs hello andrey, we are celebrating the day of national unity, and what unites
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us, of course, is the whole people, celebrating freedom, this holiday is very important for us, there are many nations in russia, but russia is alone, hello andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show, today on rtr , how did this all happen? where did it all
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start? how does she sing? what is your name? here's the story, which country was ruined? how to live with this now? why is all this, you and i, why, how did it all happen, how did it all start, it was a gift of sunshine, sunstroke, a film nikita mikhalkova, on monday, on rtr. 100 to one on the air, we have a double play, and i
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ask here for the second numbers of the teams, group, and group nettle, so, attention, question, the climber climbed the mountain. i saw an eagle’s nest, there is no question yet, the question is the following: what was in it, mikhail, i think that my answer will be eggs, eggs, if you want to applaud, applaud already, eggs, yes, so, well, let’s check the eggs, eagle, eagle eggs, okay, let's check, this is the main answer, we come back, we come back, bask in
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the glory, we come back, nikolai, we continue fantasize, strain our knowledge, wait, i think there might be a victim there, food maybe, food is meat, there’s some kind of prey there, but it doesn’t jump there anymore, doesn’t run, some kind of worms, well, something, yes , okay, prey, some kind of food, yes, great, on the fifth line the answer is either bones or leftovers , chicks, embryos along with food there, of course, kids are called there, here are the eggs , birds, eaglets, what are you doing, something , what are they for, what do they collect to build, building material for
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a house, i am very good at this, we understand you have all the answers will be about building material for the house, housewarming, that’s right, well, we’re looking for some branches, yes there, here’s some kind of branches, hay, we’re looking for something like that, no, there’s nothing like that, so fine. so, well, let's reason, an eagle flew in, what does he see there, a climber climbed, he climbed, he saw, he saw a nest, he nested, on a tree, on a mountain, he saw snow there, give me stones, snow, maybe, of course, if the climber, right, is an eagle, maybe not, the eagle itself could be sitting there or not, well, of course it could, on any. eagle eagle's tale, i don't know what the eagle does when it sits in the nest, it's about a climber, the climber is overweight, maybe the eagle is there, and not the eagle, well, dad or mom, parents, maybe, wait, well, it doesn't matter. owner of the house, wait, there is an eagle, there can’t be any snow there anymore, the snow has melted, yes, no, well
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, it might be lying on the edge of the nest, let me see there were eggs, but someone has to warm the eggs, someone has to carry them , the female herself, the eagle itself , the eagle, the eagle itself, the eagle, the bird, the mistress, we check, okay, we saw the eagle, man, well we are eagles, just everything, eagle, michael, worms, what kind of snow, okay, prey, let 's snow, guys, it's snow, let's check what else could be, i think that there should still be there, the bird is sitting, and there are a lot of feathers.
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there must still be eggs there if she is hatching, you know, there are still family squabbles, and what remains after the family squabbles, we check the feathers, well, you’re doing great, rejoice early, rejoice early, rejoice early, come on, because yes there is a sixth line , look what people could, what people could, how to look, wait, the eagles are always stealing something, some kind of human belongings , maybe jewelry, maybe there’s a treasure there in general, 100%, that valentina, let’s go, some kind of personal, one, what’s there, dowry, dowry?
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the whole person could have been stolen, for example, well, there was something human that the eagle stole and took to the sebenist, he doesn’t give up, there’s no such thing, well, it’s okay, for now, you rest , let’s rest, rest, girls, come on, gain strength, come on, you should perform now, prepare your tools, so, well, the climber climbed onto... saw an eagle's nest, what was in it, anastasia, if there were options about precipitation, maybe there was ice, ice, yulia, yes, probably ice, or snow or something like rain, some kind of precipitation, such precipitation, droppings, i also joined this version, litter, cute option, they separated for me, daria and yes, i say, i joined, but maybe
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he didn’t see anything there, maybe he didn’t see anything there, he’s already seen so much and now let’s not see something , will not see anything that we will answer, nothing, nothing, that is, let’s take it straight away, we will answer, nothing, well, we’ll try, if they asked me, i would say nothing, well, since you said nothing, let’s check, well, everyone was happy, felt relieved, well , once again, we have this kind of game, we interview people, yes, they give different options , but five people decided that it just might be there, what, these five people, this is a wonderful ensemble of nettles. and the wonderful ensemble yar will now sing something for you, for all of us, they will sing, dear
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tv viewers, i’ll go out into the street, the sun is silent, the young children have driven me crazy, i’ll go out on the street and look at village, the girls are walking and i’m having fun, i’ll go out into the street , look at the village, the girls are walking and i’m having fun, mother smooth, give me some water, it’s cold , my heart is feeling hot, i used to walk in the green garden, i was thinking about going up the street
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i won’t go, before i... was walking in the green garden, i thought i won’t go outside, i’ll go out into the street, there’s no sun, the young children have driven me crazy, i’ll go out into the street, look at the village, the girls are walking and i... the village , i’ll go outside, look at the village, the kids are walking and i
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’m having fun, you go out, the kids are walking and i’m having fun, so we have a triple game, and i invite you here, so attention to the question, why did the driver greatly reduce the speed and drive part of the way very slowly, ekaterina, or a sign, or saw a road sign, ekaterina, okay, that’s it, i’ll give in , masa, answer as a sign, a sign, i saw a sign, i saw a sign, i saw a sign, we open, yes, yes , this is the best answer, we return to the commands, we return to the commands, yulia, what are
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the options, maybe why he slowed down, he saw the animal. man-pedestrian crossing, man-pedestrian crossing, yes, that’s the kind of person, yes, yes, yes, exactly that, straight, like a pedestrian, straight, on these straight stripes, well, pedestrian, pedestrian crossing, maybe we’ll try the weather, pedestrians, it seems to me that this is a slip road, weather conditions road, weather conditions, or maybe some- then there is interference, what is the surface? obstacle, obstacle, that is, and a speed bump, by the way, a speed bump, exactly, a speed bump, i'm checking, a speed bump, can you imagine, this obvious option, we don't even have it on the list, animals, weather conditions snow, well
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it could also be that there is road repair, road repair, and there are some yankees there, right? some excavators, some scary rollers standing there, maybe, maybe , we are checking the road repairs, there is such an answer, an accident, so we need to consult, sign 18 people, road repairs 11, children, pedestrians nine, and three more options, definitely a traffic light, yes, yes, well, let's try the option with an accident, here is an accident, that there is some kind of incident on the road, okay, let's check, accident, incident, accident, there is such a thing, this is the last line, two more to go victory, it can’t be, in this competition, or what, what other options, and if, and if it’s a traffic cop, and if it’s a traffic cop, that’s by the way, well, like a traffic cop, it’s a traffic police, traffic police, so we answer like this, yes
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traffic police, it could be employee, maybe a camera, wait, what about a camera, by the way, yes, a camera. ok, camera, cameras, cameras, check the cameras, speeds, the same thing, it turned out that they are the same thing, it also turns out, now here’s the weather, weather conditions, yes, let’s try, weather conditions, fog, let’s try, weather conditions conditions, let's try, come on, what else is left for us, we try, weather conditions, fog, something like that, well, well, well, well done, 355, 81
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after three competitions, bald, sing, a musical number from you. hunger flew, blueberry flew, sholud flew. well done, and with a red maiden, a handsome fellow, and with a red maiden, that not a little darling, a good fellow goes, that is not a blue-gray dove, a red-haired soul, that is not a blue-gray one. the dove is a red maiden soul and the dove went home,
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fly your head home, fly your head home, and your little dove, fly your head home, yes to his little darling, the little dove squawked, kissed the darling, darling squawked, darling.
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caught, the darling turned away, kissed the darling, a dove flew, a gray bird flew, mom, they sent us a doctor from the regional center, a movie on the weekends, we could somehow get to know each other better, what’s the work? in addition to what you are doing, if you touch me again, i don’t know what i will do , that’s what it means, a report from the hoof, that you are extorting money from the population, this is an order for your dismissal from the profession, there is no prescription love, premiere, today on rtr, first notes, beauty, repetition, with the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place
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, you swim shallowly, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, belov, or something, we’ve been together since first grade , for everything we do, we are also responsible together, and in all this crap, i cover you, i’m the team, brake out of the car, run, the whole team, only on the platform, look, every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i came in into my house, sat down in the hallway on the floor and said, i’ll stay here, the military had to be informed, that animals simply die there, very much. donetsk, but we decided to be at the wedding out of spite, the main thing is that we are together
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, ours, ours don’t abandon ours, from tuesday to thursday, on rtr, mayuro, you have a wonderful figure, you need to write, sign a statement, they asked me to give it to you , what else is this, i am on your order, you are this skull for 2 hours. guarded, i was going to retire, buy this house, start a new life, but my ideas about starting a new life were also connected with this house, remember you mentioned knife, there is something wrong with this knife, the statute of limitations is friday on rtr. oh, it’s full, my box is there, russia is great, hundreds of languages, more than 200 nationalities, there is nothing
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like this anywhere on planet earth, we live in one world, the daisies are hidden, unity, our
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strength. the whole country is singing. the nettle ensemble, who have already demonstrated their skills, but now we have a hundred to one, a fun quiz, now we have a competition that we know as a game, on the contrary, the question concerns jazz, jazz, the most famous jazz musician, interrogative sign, 20 seconds, russian foreign without, difference? well, naturally, we are talking about musicians who are known by everyone, or almost everyone, so the first person
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to answer should be yar, and we. we are the first, guys, you are the first, answer, yes, we think it’s leonid utesov, we think it’s utesov , answer accepted, girls, who is it, we think it’s a foreign performer, fiderald, fiderald, elochka , yes, this is our christmas tree, yes, fidgeral. answer accepted, check, check, who do you think is on the very first line? louis armstrong louis armstrong, armstrong, armstrong, open the first line, yes, on the second line, attention, open, these are modern jazz
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musicians, so open the fourth line olstrem, open the fifth line, well , practically, it’s the same thing, well, what can i say, you’ll have to open sixth. because no one guessed it, there is a foreign musician and even a composer, there is gershwin, well , on the third line, someone’s answer, either fitzgerald or
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utesov, we open, but unfortunately, these 60 points can no longer help, and the overall result of our games - 355141, team nettle, in in this case, the team is no longer an ensemble, wins this game, 100 to one , bravo, watch our big game for the winners, for you, daria and ekaterina, big game, take turns, you need to answer five questions, someone remains in the studio, someone goes into a dark, damp, dungeon, in short, where you can’t hear anything and can’t see who it will be, well, dasha, dasha, let’s send, brave dasha, goes to our
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dungeon, i ask you five questions , if you don’t think too much, then in 15 seconds you’ll definitely get it done, let’s go, let’s go, let's go, what kind of artisans lived in the medieval city, forges, blacksmiths, what hisses, column, what is the most famous type of tea, green, ice, what is it? wet, well, that's it , we've done four questions, let's check what kind of artisans lived in the medieval city, did you say blacksmiths? and just like you answered, 29 people, an excellent result, what sizzles, you said, a column, and just like you answered, one person, yes there was, well,
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yes, the most famous type of tea, you said green, and 15 people also answered , not bad, ice, what is he, you said that he wet. well, in general, he’s wet, who else thinks so? oops, i have something non-standard, some strange people, strange people who don’t know that the ice is wet, but nevertheless, you have already scored 45 points, all your hope, all your hope is in dasha, let dasha out, dasha, you have 20 seconds for five questions, if suddenly you accidentally answer the same way as katerina answered, a pleasant musical timbre will sound, this amazing one,
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which means that you should immediately, without hesitation, give a different answer, we are ready, yes, what kind of artisans lived in a medieval city, tailors, what hisses, a snake, a famous type of tea, poer, ice, it is so cold that it can be residual, residual, trace, trace, no, no, well, they brushed it aside, beautiful, but nevertheless , checks, the first question was, what kind of artisans lived in the medieval city, a blacksmith? said katerina, this is the most popular answer, 29 people answered this way, the second most popular answer was potters, 23 people, and you said, and tailors and
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18 people gave the same answer, it’s not bad that the column sizzles, said the musician katerina, which is generally quite natural. snake, you said, daria, just like you, 15 people answered, this is not a small number, but 20 people answered oil and 24 said, soda hisses, then the most famous type of tea, here i would be confused myself, to be honest, you said pur, this is a rather rare chinese story, how many of them also answered six people, a little green tea, this was the answer that 15 people gave, but 17 said indian, and another 27
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said just black, black, black tea, just understandable, so ice , what is he like, well here opinions just varied, wet - said katerina, you said: cold, cold, and this, oddly enough, is the most popular answer, 30 people answered this way, and another 22 people said that the ice is transparent, and that there is residual, of course, the question, to put it mildly, is not trivial, there is residual tension, and 19 people answered that there is residual knowledge. residual trace, so they answered, yes, well, you are considered one of the best players in the program one hundred to one, we are waiting for you again,
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thank you, thank you, hug, you were watching program 100 to one, see you again on air. i’m glad that you’re here, and i’m also glad that i’m here, look at the holidays, this is not my vandrus, but this turns out to be mine, and i didn’t recognize him, just like maria porushina, only i decided to give up love forever novels , like on you, on you, i accidentally looked at you, yaroslav boyka, forgive me, i didn’t want to, didn’t want to, well, that is, i wanted to? anna yakunina, from this point in more detail, dad, mom need to
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be pulled out of their depression, mom is having an affair, what an affair, sergei zhugunov, i can’t forgive to myself that i lost you, and you never wanted everything to be the same as before , maximover, let's go, well, where, i have a surprise, i really like surprises, everyone is 50, sunday and monday on rtr, this is a communal, communal, apartment , program studios hello, andrey, we are celebrating the day of national unity, and what unites us
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, of course, is the song, the stream, this holiday is very important for us, there are many nations in russia, but russia is one. hello, andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show, today on rtr, i buy happiness, mom, i buy happiness, mom, this is a hotel with history. with traditions, next saturday, everything is fine with you, yes, of course, i go into the salon, she is sitting, and i, and you, and i, are in prison, you know that my wife will kill me, and then another buyer showed up and offered such a scene that i couldn’t refuse, so where is he, and your other buyer, you? you, after the deal with happiness,
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i will become a partner, and it is my dream that will come true, not yours. when will i still fight, will i save happiness, it’s hard to share happiness if it’s a hotel for two, premiere, next saturday on prt. hello, we're on air, studio oksana kubaeva, the main thing for this hour. attempts to sow xenophobia among russians are doomed to failure, conversation between the president and members of the public chamber. israel thwarted hamas' attempt to escape from the surrounded city of gaza.


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