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tv   Vsem po 50  RUSSIA1  November 6, 2023 12:35pm-5:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] actually, here are all her things, exactly everything, otherwise we couldn’t find an earring today, what kind of earring, the one with a heart, well the police arrived on the spot and sorted it out, if he’s a witness to something, okay, then let lena write a statement, write a statement, she what should marina tsvitaeva write, you’re a sergeant, load, about natalya romanovna? i warned you, i don’t understand how you could let the situation completely get out of control, the girl is on the verge of suicide, alyon, what a suicide, what a suicide, she’s a pure naive girl, and he’s a womanizer and a monster, i don’t i understand how you could have missed all this, i don’t know, she was all glowing with happiness, yes, father, you should have felt what you
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were offering, is it okay if you are like that? divorce, please, let's file for divorce at least tomorrow, but i ask you at least for some time, for 2 weeks, for the sake of the peace of mind of our daughter, let's keep the appearance of a full-fledged family, which means the appearance of a full-fledged family, the girl needs a mother, let's keep a feeling of home, for her to warm up, for her to come to her senses, okay, fine, only tomorrow morning let’s go write a statement to the legislative office, well, of course, why is it so delicious? your favorite kari with chicken, mommy, thank you very much, ollya, but tell me honestly, your parents returned from sochi, right? no, arsyush, i just thought, since we still can’t conceive a child, maybe this diet, it doesn’t help,
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bon appetit. i don’t even know how to thank you, no way, it’s our duty to help people, oh, your messages and the minister of internal affairs, what the hell, well, thank you, really, thank you, you really helped out, you’re really kind sensitive policeman, policeman, lena, thank the glory, thank you. oh, maybe you want some tea, but oh, no, we can’t have service , goodbye, i’ll see you off, goodbye, slavik, if you find any more decorations, come in, okay, hello, goodbye,
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slovek, goodbye , goodbye. what happened, who is it? this is a long time to explain. and the erpetie haven’t returned yet? hello, aunt val. hello, i'll give you a lift. god, i completely forgot about them because of all this. ira, hi, uh, am i with you again? oh, where are you? and there you'll spend the night. well, okay, okay, but can you call petya on the phone? oh, he's playing. oh, okay, well then tell him that dad is his. they love you, but for now, well, he says that he’ll spend the night at aunt tanya’s today, i’m the only one who thinks that your friendly family is bursting at the seams, huh? what a nice girl we got, and what
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a beauty? yes, good. pure, real, it’s because she was born in love, no , no, no, tomorrow we’re going to get a divorce zaks, copper girl, this happened to me too, three times, roman, answer, no, don’t leave, no. answer, or no, don’t, don’t answer, to hell with it, answer, yes, i’m listening, it’s me, that means, tomorrow morning alena and i are filing for divorce, do you hear, hello, yes, i hear, but you know, that i don’t care about the stamp in my passport, a month and i’m free, well, it’s just that now natasha is in such a state that, well, you understand, but alena is still a mother, and that’s why we decided that we
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should... that is, well, be together so that natasha comes to her senses, i swear, after this there will be no more alena in my life, never, do you believe me, yes, probably, okay, then until tomorrow, bye, bye, that is, if they divorce, this is a creature, alena will also be freed, i wonder how the mosevich will look at this, hello, alena, is that you? yes, it’s me, how are you, where
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are you, why are you calling me? i have already started a new life, i have another woman. yes, i congratulate you, i’m calling you with a completely different question. how is it different? tell me, do you still have connections in small aviation? well, actually , yes, i deal with spare parts for airplanes, have you forgotten? in short, i need help, okay, but what should i do? in general, you need to push through romka in absentia on all your committees and commissions in order to return him back to aviation, which means you have returned to romka, i beg you, just don’t start, what are you ready for? what are you like, what are you like, of course, i’ll help you, good
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morning, kind, why are you so, so focused. grown up, probably, but why is there mourning in the dark, or what? and today i have a business meeting, well, okay, please pour me some coffee, you drink green tea all the time, i’m getting older, i guess, hello, hello, didn’t you sleep well? you look so-so, nothing, not a bridesmaid, let’s go, but still, well, after all, he’s getting a divorce, he’s kind of a bore, let’s go, well, well, your passports
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, please, please, so, thank you, roman sergeevich, so, great, and yours, yeah, very good, just a minute, wait, excuse me, alena mikhailovna, but unfortunately your passport is expired, seriously, yes, how can it expire , where are you rushing, the passport office is changing your passport, wait, i can’t keep up with you in my heels, how could you not know that your passport is expired, i lived abroad, i didn’t use it at all, that i have a life it’s collapsing, you understand that, before you had to deal with your dads. baba, she, she, god, how i envy her, who, and your yula, how much energy, strength and fire you have, i ’ve never seen you like this before, please, alyon, let’s go, wait, let me
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enjoy it one last time with this flame, that's it, forward, yes, kohl, good morning. yes, petka is in kindergarten, aunt tanya took her away, yes, she will take everything from you, i’m sorry, i just don’t have much time, you’re waiting on the street, okay, i ’ll go down, but i literally have 3 minutes, you ’re leaving me, if they leave a woman with child, and i'm leaving you. but why? because i found the results of your dna test. and where were they? they fell behind the tv. and what was there? it says that a, you are an infantile egoist, b, a suicidal
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neurosthenic, and c, you have an oedipus complex. i was not persuaded to socialize. kolya, i won’t live with you anymore. you, me, we need to talk, call me. the year is 1774, empress catherine is in mortal danger, what is happening here? gresha, is this a coup? impostors claim her throne. bugachev princess tarakanova. to whom of european monarchs is this beneficial? fortunately, she has a faithful and loving prince potemkin. well, don’t we really have enough troops
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to cope with a gang of robbers? that’s enough, after years, his serene highness will move away from the empress to me, you’ll come up with some kind of business, as if you want to run away , what has become so bad for you, others will take his place near the throne in the heart, your highness, i will love you forever, you alone, catherine , favorites, good, our plan is working, the main thing is not to celebrate, the main premiere of the year, today on rtr, many of you are waking up first of all, they check the mail, and i, of course, am no exception, the oscars, the champagne has opened , it’s gone, the temperature is high, happiness. do you want
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to get a sea of ​​positive emotions? tours to abkhazia, i spent a week on vacation in a skirt, i could barely fit it in, you are at the right place, everyone will be in a good mood here, yasha wants to read, please read, i can’t read, but a man has to earn money, so yesterday i earned such money from my wife so that you were all on the air of the morning mail and i am its host nikolai basko. the most positive: morning mail with nikolai vaskov through sunday on rtr. it is for you? well what, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday.
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dashing. it's been a while since we've seen each other, well, you know, every cool fighter will find it even cooler, fell in love with them, who are you or your boys, don't ask stupid questions , now they love them, you're still responsible for your words, i'm always responsible for my words, heroes of their time beauty. the whole brigade, we’re just looking at the platform. you will meet the morning with urbech and there will be no problems, to get to know the country, how beautiful it is, just try
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taste it. and here. we will add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just crazy taste, what’s next, honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes, and you know why people count proteins as living carbohydrates in order to happily jump through life, an unusual answer, i make a wish , so that all our tv viewers have good health, a food formula every saturday on rtr. delicious, yes, very tasty, thank you, and please pass me the pepper, there’s not enough pepper, well, yes, i want it spicier, there’s not enough spice in life, yes, what are you talking about, i was just wondering if something suddenly happened, you’re just
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so thoughtful. problems at work? and i thought, what if it’s because alena came back, who? alena, with whom you have been in love since kindergarten and whom you wander in your sleep, the wife of your best friend, but what are you, what are you making up? am i making it up that she 's back or that you're raving about her? bunny please! stop it, bunny, i 'm not caring about anyone, uh-huh, and haven't you heard that she's in town? who? alena, no, i bet you, make sure you don’t
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go broke on the dentist, mustard, you probably think i’m frivolous, right? well, how can i tell you, it was a rhetorical question, you probably think that i returned here like that from the bay of floundering , nothing like that, it’s like with him, you know, our life is like a swing, sometimes in one direction, then into another, then we diverge , then we converge, and why, why, because we have venus and mars at one. home, which means we will never get away from each other anywhere, you understand, it’s like they say in russian, fate, but you can’t escape fate, yes here dalai showed me the way, go - says amrita, amrita - this name of mine
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in sanskrit means going forward, a very strong name, says: “amrita along the lunar road”: yellow brick, because your house is on fire, i say, like a fire, he says, i see that i see a woman setting a house on fire, and your wife and daughter are in this flame, something smells like grief, yes, you feel it, right now, now you feel it brightly like that, yes, there’s a fire, a fire , well, yes, yes, just feel it, well, i feel it directly, i didn’t set anything on fire, yes it is not this way. my dear, but this picture, she just vividly imagined, you know, i just felt, well, there’s trouble, well, i have to go, so i got up and went, and really, well, there’s a fire, well, everything is burning, well, it’s still collapsing, on her head falls,
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of course you know about my natasha, here her fate crossed paths with your daughter, because it’s impossible. you can’t ignore the stars, you see, this is no joke, this is a fiery punishment, it was intended for her, which means now with my roma, that i will explain everything to you now, i have a matrix here, you now you’ll see everything for yourself, this is very important, look , when were you born, i’m a lion in august, in august, that means, yes, yes, a lion, i just felt it, there’s a lion, look, that means romochka is here... .he has the moon in virgo, look, venus is in pisces, you see, and you, look, my dear, well, look, you have mars, venus and the sun in
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the twelfth house, all in a retrograde position, this is very bad for relationships, there are no prospects at all, you look for yourself, you see, it’s okay that i don’t have a middle name, yes, of course, yulechka, there is no way for you here, i conjure you, give the family something to reunite, keep what is it, the key to your car. and why do i need them now, well, to remind me of this unfortunate yellow car, you can throw it away, thank you for not writing
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a statement, you’re welcome, you know, my mother told me one thing, that i should let you go. well, i myself am creating this unhealthy atmosphere with all my jealousy, and in order to be happy, i need to either start trusting you, or let you go, be alone with yourself, well, with the way you are in fact, but i didn’t believe her, i was afraid, i didn’t let you go, so i got it, no, that doesn’t mean that you’re not to blame, so stop, this is my monologue today, in general, what happened couldn’t help but happen, let’s just take it for granted, it’s even good that this happened, otherwise we would have tormented each other all our lives, but now we are free and can choose for ourselves. whether we are happy or not, what i
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mean is that i’m letting you go, forgive me for the car again, and do whatever you want with the keys. hello, hello, roman sergeevich, passport expired, clearly, but another thing is 10 days, of course, the wife will live in natasha’s apartment,
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okay. it’s okay, roma, i’ll wait , well, what did i say, i said, she’ll wait, this is a woman, arsyusha, just don’t worry, ol, what happened, do you want me to give you some valerian? lord, olya, tell me, arsyusha, you won’t believe it, but we did it, we did it all, why don’t you eat anything, you have no appetite, why? well, because my soul is empty and
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i don’t want anything, i’m even empty and i don’t want anything, but what happened to you is also on my soul is empty, my mother left me, ira and the child, what? yes, she left me with a child, what child, with drink? yes, she left me and petya, well, that is, no, she left, but not me and petya, but she and petya left me, in short, she left me, where, what, where, where, she left you with a child, what difference does it make where, to aunt tanya, i am now completely alone, i have nowhere else to go. what should i do now? me, how should i continue to live, mom, i
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don’t even know, god, what should i do next and how should i continue to live, but with lena there is no one else, but at least you have us, dad, and dad has olya, and pub olya, mom, oh my god. i’m so tired of all this , i’m so tired, my mother hasn’t gotten up yet, no, kind, kind, somehow she fell asleep today, let her sleep, she’s had a hard time lately. she's had some hard days, i wonder why? is it because you brought her to the brink of your hunt for roman sergeevich, and then staged
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a real circus with my pregnancy. yes, it’s not easy to maintain peace of mind here. you can be patient to save your family. let's not i also need to save my family. if it weren’t for you, then maybe everyone would still be living quietly and peacefully. no, you definitely had to put it on your ears. you know better than anyone how it should be. but in this crisis situation, everyone finally showed themselves, showed who is worth what, you showed yourself as a real idiot, lena, what lena, please choose an expression, yeah, what else, not only have you done a lot of things in your life, although even my wife left, lena, don’t you dare, you’ve decided to reject mine, all that’s left is to see what he’ll be with his mother, lena, don’t you dare, we’re having temporary difficulties with the cheese, don’t shout, please,
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you’ll wake up your mother. well, how are you, child, how are you today, well, what is it, what happened, i dreamed about who he is, my girl, well, don’t kill yourself like that over men, mom, what else should i do if i love him, so what? what to do with this, i’ll explain to you later, but definitely don’t worry about trifles, trifles, of course , lord, the boy abandoned us, we ’ll find you 100 of them, but it’s better, mom, i don’t need it. that i need only him, andrey, no, well you're definitely a martian, let's wipe your tears and get ready, where, to save your dad, he has retrograde mercury and venus is in danger, this is just a nightmare, andrei is his mental ambassador, where to go, mom, well, mom, let's find you an honest, free and it will be very
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difficult for someone who is not prodigal, it is true, but we will try. where are you going, good morning, my love, where am i asking, and i have a business meeting, 8 am, bunny, it ’s almost nine, then my partner, oh, well, i mean, our companion, he’s a morning person. cat, just forgive me, i forgot what kind of yogurt you are do you prefer, natural or with grains, it doesn’t matter, darling, it doesn’t matter , well, because i don’t want yogurt today, i want scrambled eggs with onions and tomatoes, but what about the diet, to hell with the diet, we need to give our
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future baby everything, whatever he wants, come to me! arsyusha, i’m so happy, and it’s all thanks to the fact that i talked with yuria borisovna, she let you go, well, not in the literal sense, in the mental sense, did you talk to yulia about us, yes, she’s an amazing woman, i’m so grateful to her , i should probably call her to say thank you, well, tell me, tell me about what, that we’re having a baby, arsyusha, thank you, do you have conjunctivitis? no, what about the eyes? oh, these are just glasses, are you hiding from someone? yes,
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no, well, that’s better, i brought it. i brought, here is everything you need, the results of the medical examination with the signatures of all the doctors, permission to fly, all the necessary permits, in general, everything that is necessary, you know that i adore you, that i heard, you are my beauty, lena, why? , well , why is all this, well, why, why is this all, well, why, i’m starting a new life, again, and here you are again, well, they’ve all got it right, new life, new life, you understand what new life is, they’ll build a house, they’re shouting new life, they’d better bring another woman, not a woman, but a woman, she’s very good, by the way, like
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name is good woman? valya, valentin, i smelled baking for you, well, she cooks great, i’m very happy for you, i’ll go, wait, tell me, alyon, why did you leave me, you ’re crazy, you have venus in the twelfth house, this is not a joke at all, what does this mean, this means that you... "you can be happy, theoretically, not with me, but why? because i have a family, you know, saving her is my karmic duty, what about me, you, you said
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that you are starting a new life. hello, who is this? helen, hello, this is olya, your dad’s wife. oh, yes, hello, for some reason i can’t get through to... borisovna, but i really need to talk to her, we are happy, your dad and i will have a baby, and kolya you have a brother or sister, here i am i want to make yulia borisovna happy, you don’t know where she is, yes, yes, she should have woken up already, i’m about to i’ll look,
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but for some reason my mother isn’t there, like no, she left, damn, i overslept again, yours. your division, and hello, you're still sleeping, i hope you're alone, oh, don't start, well, nothing like that, we're all adults, hello, dad, hello, sorry for waking you up, but it's good that you woke me up, arkadych- or he’s already using obscenities, it’s okay, we’ll figure it out without you, get ready where, and this is a secret, you’ll see everything for yourself, oh , how pretty you are here with your father, and you ’re our dad, what a handsome man, but i can’t, i have work, i have arkadvich, i have pipes, i have pumps for me, i’ll wait for your pipe, tell arkadvich that you’ll take the shadba, but i ca n’t, i’m waking up for the second day in a row, they’ll kill me
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, honey, this is for your own good, natasha, tell them, dad, really, you have no idea , what is it, cut without a knife, call, tell me, is it a matter of life and death? if you want to apologize for your morning behavior, then i haven’t left yet, apologize, you won’t wait for me, in short, i have two news, one bad, the other good, which one to start with, well, i don’t know, start with the bad one, ok, mom disappeared, that is, how disappeared, why, well, i don’t know, since maybe it was you who brought her down with your persecution, but she’s nowhere to be found, her phone doesn’t answer, dad is already coming to us, and yes, by the way, about dad, this is the second news, good, we'll be here soon... brother or sister, what's dad, dad, i went to see aunt valya, dad, that's where, she 's not at home, but i called her, she says that she
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hasn't seen mom since yesterday, yes, i congratulate you on your new addition, kolya is early, okay, i’ll congratulate you later, well, where is mom, she must be somewhere, i remembered, yesterday at dinner she said a very strange phrase: i don’t know what to do and how i should continue to live, exactly, exactly, she said, but remember, she cried, but no, she laughed at first, but then she cried, dad, she was in a very nervous state, what could this mean, dad, well, what could it mean, it could mean that mom committed suicide, god, kolya, that’s it, maybe she’s with this one, sergevich’s novel, which, which from that bitch who, how do we find this? roman sergeevich, i have an irreplaceable classmate, right now, calm, kolya, volodya, hello, it’s me again, forgive me for interrupting you, disturbing you, this is a matter of life and death, really, i urgently need
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the phone number of the elder, yes, this pilot, today there is a song, your human story, we can to sympathize means life still goes on. dark-skinned woman of love to you , dear friends, in every heart, your songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov’s evening show, today on rtr. the time for hunting has not yet come, we will wait until the morning. let's see. maybe it was
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you who killed him, lina, wait, she doesn’t even know me remembers, she doesn’t remember her father’s death either, i want my life back, it will take us a month, which means that in a month the commission will confirm the full. when there is pitch black darkness all around, captain, lena has disappeared, you have fallen for her too, loser, remember, dawn will definitely come. danger of fire, i will always be with you, you hear, at dawn, on saturday at rtr, i still have pain here, here it hurts and here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually.
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to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember principle 3p. by the way, this has been officially proven. proper nutrition. how to properly deal with stress? we need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat, the right medications, run to the doctor, medicine is like crutches for us, and the right habits. shouldn't we slap some kefir? and i’m not afraid of this word, na. health, about the most important thing, tomorrow on рrt, i buy happiness, mom, i buy happiness, mom, this is a hotel with history, with traditions, on saturday, everything is fine with you,
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of course, i go into the salon, she is sitting, and i , both you and i fell in love, and you know that my wife will kill, and then another buyer showed up and offered such a scene that i couldn’t refuse , so where is he, and your other buyer, you, you, after the deal with happiness, i will become a partner, and it’s my dream that will come true, not yours , oh, you know how yes, i’ll still fight , i saved... happiness, it’s hard to share happiness if it ’s a hotel for two, premiere, on saturday on rtr, what does it smell like, the air is fresh, also, oil, lubricant , warmer, warmer, like jet fuel, almost hot, well, ready, well
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ready, yes, go crazy? are you serious? yes, here is the whole package of documents, the conclusion of the medical examination and permission to fly out, what are you talking about, alena, yes, this is my gift to you, my love. alena, i told you everything will be different. alena, you’re just a sorceress, yes, i can, wait, well, i didn’t pass the medical examination , hush, don’t disgrace me in front of people, i... haven’t heard anything, hello, i wish you, hello, it’s just a fairy tale, and what can i fly, the swallow is ready, all that remains is to warm up the engine, come on pilot, burn like before, go crazy, hold on, yeah, right, hold on, hold on, well, ready, ready, that's it remember, well, your hands will remember, then go ahead,
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lord, what a handsome folder we have? yes, i agree. mouse 01:21 i authorize the launch, i authorize the launch, then let's go, unscrew, it's calling you, but no, it's, lord, who is it? yes, hello, my name is. nikolai arsenevich artamonov. go to hell,
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you damned swindlers, listen, you’re completely fed up, you don’t have any strength, don’t speak. yes, well, did you hang up?
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he answered, who are you, a woman’s voice, mom’s, no. what's wrong with dad? i don’t know, it’s strange, the plane is fine. dad, dad, dad, what, what happened, now, now, i’ll catch my breath, how are you, dear, how are you, with the plane, something, the car is fine , it’s me, me, what, what, yes, i don’t know, some kind of fear, i’m afraid to take off, for the first time this happens in life, i’ve heard about such cases, it happens that a year and a half to two years without a helm is all, counting a beaten pilot, so what? now that’s it, pension, they’ve got it, oh, go to hell, who’s there, and some kind of little machines you’re talking about, well, no, you can’t take me with your bare hands, i ’ve raised none of them to their feet, i mean, i
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mean, i brought them back you to life, doesn’t answer, this roman sergeevich, drops calls, well maybe she and mom are still together, but mom’s phone is turned off, so what does that mean, that it can? this could mean that he killed his mother, god, kolya, kolya , i’ve long wanted to ask you, when you kolya grow up, and kolya, when you finally come to your senses, dad, i’m trying, i really am, i’m doing everything possible and recent events have taught me a lot, but just now, when we lost our mother, listen, maybe she’s hiding again? exactly! okay, calmly, okay, dad, don’t worry, it’s bad for you, len, you too, hold on i’m in control, yes, i’m actually like that, don’t worry, we’ll find my mother , so that’s the plan, i’ll go to the dacha now, maybe the new tenants haven’t really moved in yet, she’s hiding there, lena, and you, and me
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i know one kind fellow who can help us, here, hello, slavik, i know you as a very kind and sympathetic young man, could you help me find my mother, yulia borisovna about hello, oh, what people, kolya, and are you missing your native land, this is the former owner, such a guy. come here join me, make yourself at home , pour a drink, no, no, thank you, i’m driving, it’s okay, you’ll spend the night here, come on, come on, come in, let’s dirty it up, no, no, i won’t be long, have you forgotten some things here, or what, no, i’m looking for my mother, my mother, yes, you know, our mother disappeared and i thought that maybe she was here out of old
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memory, this is the same one who caused a scandal then because you didn’t ask permission? my mother did not create a scandal, she is not a scandalist at all, my mother, she is just a person of fine mental organization, a person emotional type, delicate, kind, honest, sensitive person, well-mannered, smart, beautiful, she is the best mother in the world, no, it wasn’t here , sorry
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, that’s it, she wasn’t admitted to the hospital, she’s not mentioned in road accidents, she’s not in fights noticed, len, excuse me, but yulia borisovna does not abuse. moderately, clearly, there is one lost person in unconsciousness, well, unknown with amnesia, so here is the kazakova philosophical hospital 5, a woman of about fifty, blonde, mother, i have a daughter. and where is mom then, we
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will definitely find her. yulka, my god, what happened, hello, aunt anya, hello, that something happened to the children, measles, mumps, they got sick, that yes, the children are already adults, the grandson is 4 years old, oh, sorry, i forgot, what happened to the grandchildren, mumps, measles, yes with well, everything is in order, with the children, what with the children, and what with the children, everything is as always in one place, through the back. yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, now they say that this is very common in the city, yes, lena separated from her fiancé, when her wife left, yes, here i see that you, lord, have fallen off your face, and you’ve lost so much weight , but this is not for children, because of which, well, you have anorexia, worse, love, tragic, what do you have? love, your years, you know, aunt, they say that
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life after 50 years is just beginning, they lie after sixty, in general, it doesn’t matter, i don’t want to see anyone, i turned off the phone, so i ’ll bury the hay and i’ll sit there and wait, maybe somehow everything will resolve itself, yeah, but who is he? pilot, yeah, ex, will you still run with me? you will stand on my hind legs, you will still recognize me, his companion is a lark, we know these larks who leave their husbands for their best friends, yes, hello, i’m listening, what, who am i flooding, how can i flood you when i walk down the street, who are you standing next to, what are you talking about, what difference does it make where i live, do i live with my husband? registered at baryshnikov 6, so are you
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calling me from there? oh, wow, you’re a bad woman, just like your mother, your sister , my deceased, was just as bad, no, look, the woman is 50 years old, has two children, she lived to that age, but she has no experience, well what is this, i overslept one guy, the other, didn’t oversleep anything. he turned out to be married, oh my god, great news, but listen, you, now all the good men have been married for a long time, yes , only at first he said that he was not married, and then it turned out that yes, well, what about you, what could i do, lord, fight off, how his wife herself came home to me and pushed me, so to speak, out of his path in life, she said, he’s everything to me, that’s the point, she says, our relationship is always like on a swing, sometimes we separate, sometimes we converge, and you believed her, of course you believed her, but how could it be otherwise, you fool? you have to fight for your happiness, i don’t
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know, with a pitchfork, a rake, a shovel, in the end after all, i didn’t have a shovel at hand, you have to be so calm, when you had a fire , who saved your husband, little toads, i saved you, it would be better if you didn’t save him, what a fool, by god, oh-oh- oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh. oh, dear mother, oh, what are you going to do, oh-oh-oh, oh, damn, here to the left, but trouble doesn’t come, one thing, honestly, where is the plumber, make way, make way, orthodox, where, get out of here, get out please, go to the kitchen, do something quickly, okay, a lot of haste is needed when catching fleas, the sucker
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from below has already decided to qualify for swimming to pass, you see, in my youth i was the champion of the district in the leash, oh, and i’m in synchronized swimming, but you, help me, god, you scared me, i didn’t recognize you, but i recognized you right away, by your gait, that’s how you swim, mother , as before, i can’t tear myself away, i once even broke my neck because of you, fyotr ivanovich, what are you doing? oh, and you haven’t changed at all, fyodor ivanovich died a year ago, 82 years old, so i ’m not him, okay, but if so, wait, wait, my beauty, let me at least take a good look at you, you’re a joy, i just recently i remembered, my god, about whom, yes, about whom, about com, and to you, vanya! yulka, at first i didn’t believe that you had come, i thought they were joking, well,
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maybe we’ll hug on this occasion. and i see that first love does not rust, aunt anya, where is your accordion? worn out, you can later change the sink and install a combined faucet, which means combined, this is when you get up in the morning at the same time as the running water and the cleaning filter. a glass of cold water, when are you at home? lately, irregularly, you
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come periodically, i come periodically, yeah, please, better? a reward for us when the client is satisfied, in general it’s hard for me to please, but today i’m happy, let’s get it for the yuleka, for the yulka, exactly, and what are you doing without being dumb, sick, i’ll drink for him, pressure, or what? so we’ll fix it, he doesn’t leave the office, from which office, from a separate one, this is his favorite place , it stopped when his and petrovna’s old house burned down, the fire devoured the whole yard, there was nothing alive left, petrovna was right there , alive, and there’s no trace of uncle mitya, everyone is running, yelling, looking for him, and then his
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thin voice, i’m all here, where, where, and he’s like this pit. here's tsarty, because he's an asshole, here's yulka, but as far as i remember, she was always a cheerful hakhatushka, even from the city, oh, and i recently remembered how you winked at me in the club all the time, you kept your eyes shut, but why, you don’t remember , what for, did he squeeze, why, i don’t know, maybe to kiss, huh? you’re talking about this, but now i only watch about it on tv, thank you for your words, you’re welcome, and most importantly, don’t worry, we’ll definitely find yulia
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borisovna, thank you, good night, and what your name? and then your name is slavik slavik as a schoolboy, honestly? so it started from school, in fact i’m yaroslav, well, you see, it’s a completely different matter, edge, hurray! and so, don’t stop, pour it, come on, come on, come on, you’re groovy, but i said, i don’t drink after you, i don’t drink, well, i said, now he’s far away, and my mother’s homeland, here she is, come on , give yourself, where, i'm driving, natasha, oh, no, daddy, thank you, i'm already being dragged away, well, my dears, this
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was supposed to be our festive dinner, but the big one the return of our folder to aviation, well, nothing, we will send you to rehabilitation, there you will be cured and you will return to aviation again, but the most important thing i want to tell you is, forgive me, my family, everything, everything is fine, everything is fine , my girl, my beloved, how wonderful it is that we are together again, romka, you really forgive me , forgive me, forgive me, how i love you, now, hello, yes, kolya, i couldn’t get through to you, no, she’s not with me . how did you disappear? when you had golden mountains and rivers full of wine, you would have given everything for the caress
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of your eyes, so that you owned me alone, you would have given everything if only for the caressing glances, please! not with me alone, maybe we can take a walk, you say that you don’t remember why you pinned me in the corners, but now let’s take a walk, but i’m doing this just for romanticism, to remember what it’s like... it happens when you take a walk with a young lady, you but then i liked more than all the girls, it’s because i was cheerful, but no, because i refused, i lived until i was sixty , i just don’t understand you men, what you need, and if i hadn’t refused then, what would have happened? god knows, maybe i still wouldn’t love you like that i would love you, he loves you, you drink your fifth glass, but
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you talk about love. just write down somewhere that i have an appointment at 6 am, so kolya , i will find her, i will definitely find her, i promise, yes, who will you find, dad, what happened, yulia is missing, god, so what? what do you mean? well, i mean , it’s not that bad? the scary thing is that her phone is turned off and no one knows where she is, nothing, this happens to us girls, right natasha? don't you judge mom by yourself?
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nothing like that, maybe she wanted to take a break from everyone, somehow retire, be alone with her thoughts, hmm, who knows, maybe she has dementia, mom, are you serious? she is a normal, healthy, sane person, but i didn’t notice this, she is a complete owner and hysterical, this is my date. then she's a lion, you're nice to lions, no chance, what kind of lion? according to the horoscope, and how do you know that she is a leo according to the horoscope, she told me that her birthday is in august, when she told you, did you see her, well , yes, you looked into her for a little while, alena, and what are you and her talking about, about us, about us you, i talked to her, what you told her, for russia, the main premiere of the year. what's the great moment? congratulations. do you remember, i was the first to call you great. not in vain. she was admired. will i ever be
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worthy of you? she was praised. you have a motherly, kind soul. why? you will find your own word for everyone. are you saying that in order to see my mother, i need to have an appointment? they bowed to her. the russian empress is not as simple as she seems. in all your affairs. she has an exact measure, but she just wanted to be loved, it was i who was constrained by you, what will happen to us now, if you knew how difficult it is to love you, i don’t know who can cope with this nushia, yakaterina, the favorites, you’ll see, they will love you like a woman and like an empress, today on rtr.
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in order to look good on the beach in the summer, natalya started feeding her best friend oksana since winter, dried burdock , boiled burdock, salted burdock, acorns, everything with mayonnaise, even tea, well, i can’t deny myself this, humorina, premiere on saturday. on rtr, the most cruel aristocrat in history, i'm here power, i am power, bloody varynya and other historical series, only on the platform we watch, watch, i thought that everything is more serious here, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all, to play or not to play, yes,
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yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have as many as five of them, and this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here, everything is neglected, i really want to check, seriously, this flirting, obviously, just look. let's go, it must have been edible, i meant, of course, bear, when he said, so stinking, small, the hint is simply the most gambling team, if there is not 1000, zhenya add yours. what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is the five -on-one program, i hop, and five-on-one on saturdays on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between
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a man and a woman, i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you reef, ela, ela, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch, watch on the media platform. stand up. the first podcasts we watch, how it all happened, how it all started, how she sings,
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what’s your name? that's ethics. the country has been ruined, how can we live with it now? why is all this, you and i, why, how did it all happen, how did it all start, it was sunstroke, sunstroke - a film by nikita mikhalkov. today on rtr, this pilot, well, roman sergeevich, says that he is not with his mother, judging he’s not lying in his voice, but he promises to find her, slyke also said that they will find her, yeah, now i feel as if i’m back in the fifth
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grade and they left me at home with you. the same garbage, yes, uh-huh, cutlets on the stove, soup, compote, in the refrigerator, here, there, no, i ’m sorry it happened like this, i really wanted it as the best, i just thought that i’m now the only man and i have to head of the family, well, you see, it only turned out worse, it turned out that i had let everything down, okay, let’s go, i talked to her, she to you, that you need help, that you are completely without you will disappear, why, then, so that she gives me a chance to save you, there was no sign , we don’t need to be saved, everything was fine with us until you arrived, yes, until i arrived, your daughter, ours with you daughter, she almost died of love, mom, yes, but of love, but i also want
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to die of love, this is zayulya, she’s a dummy, you understand, she has no aura at all, her energy column is at zero, you understand that you ruined everything, oh, oh-oh-oh, what happened, downstairs, downstairs, my stomach hurts, god, why are you standing there, go start the car, well done, oh my god, why are you so early, yes, i told you yesterday that i have a reception with you, and you ’re the first one i’ve booked, oh, lord, let me at least wake up, it’s time, now is the coolest time, get ready, where, where , where, for fishing,
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i have a reception office there. well forgive me. i beg you, please don't touch me. i love it when you’re angry, your energy is so immediately sexy. your points have no effect on me at all. yes, everything will be fine with her, but her blood pressure has probably dropped or something else. well, what can i tell you? complications, of course, there is, so she will have to stay with us for a couple of weeks. but we managed to avoid the threat of miscarriage. parents, you are in your name, she is pregnant. oh, phew, i’ve never talked so much this morning, thank you, van, for listening, i’m sorry, i dumped so much on you
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, but he’ll give up, everything’s fine, but this is what i ’ll tell you, yulia, honestly, on the one hand you live there in the city, of course, it’s interesting, but on the other hand, you create problems for yourself out of nothing, you can say on empty, together, you think, i bet you, maybe maybe, listen, i told you everything about myself, and you, how you live, tell me, family, children, wife, we arrived, here is a woman, and i told you 100 times yesterday, i love you alone all my life. and i’m blonde, i need to repeat everything twice, i understand, then once you get a bite, twice
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you get a bite back, and andrei, evgenievich, andrei, dmitry andreevich, dima and i, would like to ask you to be the best man at our wedding , at your wedding, yeah, the thing is that marina sergeevna has a position, yes, of course, of course, i agree, i didn’t manage to be i'll be the groom, so i'll be the best man, duh. how are you, child? yes, okay, nothing, maybe i can bring you something? if you want, i'll make chicken with banana chutney. oh, no, mom, alen, don’t, she’s already sick, i’ll kill
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him, don’t, dad, don’t even think about it, please , he’s the same, he’s, don’t swear, i love him, dad, oh, how i i adore this, after all, my daughter is all about me, god forbid. excuse me, do you happen to know where natasha from thirty-four is, do you want natasha? yes, so i didn’t see her today, what? what he says? natasha is needed, but from the thirty-fourth? yes yes, yes, they say they took her to the hospital, as in the hospital, but what happened to her? what's with her? what , what will happen to her, yes, what will happen to her
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, she will be young and healthy, pregnant, it seems, if only, let’s quickly, i have very little time. i have a meeting soon, okay, i’ll be quick, ira, i’m a fool, i realized that i’ve been an infantile idiot for too long, that it’s time for me to grow up, and so, i asked the tenants of our apartment to move out, and what happened, did they start a fire? no, we’ll just live there ourselves now, here are the keys, but what about the loan, i’ll pay it off, ira, i’ll find a second one myself work and pay off the mortgage myself, in the end, no one canceled the taxi job , i just relaxed too much next to my mother and... and even more so now my mother has disappeared, like she disappeared, well here it is, she ran away somewhere from us and to no one didn’t say where, lord, if, why are you silent about the most important thing, well, because i’m a fool, but all the same, i love you very much,
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very much, come back to me, lord, kolya, you’re a bastard, you know that you done, you know she's pregnant, i know. and where from? grandma whispered. i love your daughter and i want to marry her, and i i'm not asking. i'm reporting. well, you impudent one.
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sorry, i'm without flowers again. it's better than lights and much better than fries. no, what an impudent man, why so impudent, maybe they are destined for each other, we need to look at his natal chart, by the way, you don’t know when his birthday is, no, well, in any case, now that natasha is pregnant, we need to be closer to each other, you agree with me, hug me and don’t touch me, what a boor you are, i’ll divorce you and go to hell, i hope i’m in you forever, i can’t wait, in
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village to my aunt. into the wilderness from saratov, for sure, ira, you really will come back, it’s true, i can pick you up from petya today, yes, yes, ira, excuse me, yes, roman sergeevich, whose aunt, and mother’s aunt, aunt anya, yes, lives in village, we even went to see her once, you think her mother is with her, damn, how could i not have guessed it myself. nothing surprising, but i have a photographic memory, of course, i remember where it is, write it down, romka, wait , it’s mercury retrograde, i have to be next to you, otherwise you’re screwed, well, you can’t even stand a plane, you know what, alena , go to buda, no, what am i doing wrong again, i haven’t eaten real homemade hodgepodge for a long time, it’s very tasty, thank you, bon appetit, i tried, you succeeded. can you imagine, some people unknowingly put olives with pits in the hodgepodge, and
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then people break their teeth. slavik, help me out, bon appetit, hello, thank you, what happened, we are talking about yulia borisovna, your mother, yes, kolya called and said that you think she is in the village with aunt anya. now, all you have to do is get there, slide, and you can you help me with this, so what should i do? there is one very cool, very risky idea. hello, since i wish you, junior sergeant malyshev, i wish you good health, i have delivered our employee, he has an urgent task, your plane is needed, here is the permission, don’t worry, roman sergeevich, an experienced pilot, will deliver the secret package right back, the plane has been refueled. full tanks, but
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how far to fly? in yurloshova? there are questions, but not at all.
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welcome, hello, and i’m very pleased to meet you, and you probably valentina, igor, told me a lot about you, mom. as soon as you arrive, immediately inform the colonel that the package has been delivered. i obey.
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are you planning to take off? i allow it. ace, eagle, according to the bearing, you see, well, let's go. come on, dear, okay, it went like clockwork, there is
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a gap, so they pulled out the carrot, pro, everything is fine. we will live, arsyusha, we are entering a new stage in life, i decided that we should prepare for it, therefore, ta-dam, tantric sex for pregnant women. i also found this kind of rubbish, a tibetan monk, i your shaulin is not scary, i have the thirty-fifth high school behind me, it’s a pity i didn’t scalp you as a souvenir, infection, who else
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did it bring? what a pleasant surprise, you are in a suit with a tie, my tie is not tidy, i can take off the tie, it sounds a lot promising, what brings you sir? there was no car wash yet, but. i grabbed my snow-white friend. oh, there are flowers here, these are for you, apparently exotic, i didn’t know that plumbers were so romantic,
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you don’t know me well, madmoses, otherwise look, come to me, my house is well furnished, farming there, chickens, that’s all. of course, i’m not some kind of professor, not a hockey player, and certainly not a pilot, but i also have my pride , and you’re laughing in vain, man, i’m mortal, i don’t take part in fights, i pay my membership fees regularly, i just don’t drink, so there’s no life with me, you brute, no fight on holidays, no heart-to-heart talk, it flies, flies, look, it’s really an airplane, such equipment never flew into our wilderness, well
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, really, it’s really an airplane? hey, i'm here, dad, did you see, there's a plane, yes , i saw, daughter, i saw, oh, girls, you have one
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on your mind, pilots. why are the traffic jams taking so long? they told you at school, go become a pilot, so i want to become a tractor driver, i want to become a tractor driver, from the tractor of my aunts, to fall lower, oh, my orphans, oh, well, let's go home! let's go, are you ready? i'm ready, where am i
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going, then let's go, away from the screw, what happened, i didn't tell you that i have aerophobia, you're with me, don't be afraid of anything. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donets, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another one began shelling, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, let’s say this is my trophy, we had a famine then, and here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she takes this kurba to the shelters and says , baby , feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in
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, i came across such people who care, support them in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, they can only ours, honor and praise to you, what you do, it's absolutely amazing, tuesday through thursday. on rtr, the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, maria sittel, hello, a powerful cyclone covered primorye, two normal levels of precipitation hit vladivostok, increased storm alert at the pacific bases. fleet. the russian ministry of defense has declassified archival documents for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of kiev from
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the nazis. large demonstration in support of the gas sector in the capital of venezuela. and in the gaza strip, israeli army fighters attacked 450 targets in one day. ruling party moldova is losing major cities in local elections. the opposition went to the elections with calls to take care of internal affairs. murmansk. the ski season has opened for six months, winter has its own microclimate, guys, well, just the day before yesterday in st. petersburg, just the day before yesterday, i got on a steam locomotive from work, slept on the hills, well, you couldn’t imagine a better place there, and the residents of the middle zone were pleased with the northern lights, a powerful magnetic boom covered the earth that night, well and today on our channel the premiere of the long-awaited fourth season of the historical film saga catherine favarite, why are you smiling so much? i
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happy to see you, your personality. so, a storm warning was announced in primorye; the southern cyclone deceived the expectations of the region’s residents and brought downpours instead of snow. in vladivostok, two monthly norms of precipitation fell, and freezing rain fell on the lesozavodsk. the city streets have turned into a testing ground for extreme sports. driving, hundreds of trees were downed and thousands of people were left without power. report by andrey kolesnikov. drivers of passenger transport, without waiting for the water to recede, look for fords; not everyone manages to get through and keep the interior dry. first he turns the starter, trying to dry the engine while the battery has enough power. this driver tried to break through the traffic at speed, but was caught by a wave. the car stalled and took on water. i see the car started moving, i followed it, the bus started moving, and we all began to stand up, i unscrewed the spark plugs, idled the engine, there was water coming out of the manifold, damn
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it, the emergency services of vladivostok were in high gear preparing for the first snowfall, but instead it hit the city powerful downpours fell, the rain continued to fall all night all morning, along with strong gusts of wind, this led to flooding and power outages in several districts , over 60 mm of precipitation fell in vladivostok in one day , the city's rainwater drainage system is clearly not coping with such volumes of water, utility workers are trying to do at least something, like this area, they disperse the water, but with varying degrees of success, so that the water leaves faster, utility workers almost everywhere removed the gratings and hatches. storm drainage, now travel, and passage on roads has become even more dangerous. the brigades have been formed, that is, all places low with flooding, as we all know, but they have worked on them in advance, opened storm drains, drivers are asked not to park near problem areas next to retaining walls with large trees, not to make sudden maneuvers, and, if possible, not
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to drive on the road at all. the weather conditions in the primorsky territory are determined by the active southern cyclone, and it brought precipitation in primorye , precipitation in different phases, in the south of the region it is mostly rain, and the further to the north, the more often precipitation is observed in mixed phases or precipitation in the form of snow , sleet and ice, as in the logging urban district 500 kilometers from vladivostok, authorities introduced an emergency situation , freezing rain fell on the territory, hundreds of trees were broken, power outages were observed in the area, seven apartment buildings and at least 100 private, rain, that is, the temperature is now -1°, the cars are all covered in ice, the cyclone is not weakening yet, rather changing by lunchtime, when in vladivostok the rains almost stopped, in several areas of primorye it was still raining with might and main wet snow, the situation on regional roads is now difficult, the regional capital will experience serious cold weather in the next 24 hours, severe ice is possible, precipitation will continue, now in the form of snowfall. andrey kolesnikov, sergey svistilnikov, dmitry
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popkov, lead the far eastern bureau. the un security council will hold closed consultations on the middle east today. the initiators were china and the united arab emirates. well, the reason is the deterioration of the situation in gas, an attack on a hospital on a refugee camp. at night , israeli aircraft again attacked territory of the palestinian enclave. according to the command, 450 objects were hit. it is reported that ground forces have captured a hamas training camp. and this news coexists in the news feed with shelling from. the head of the middle east news bureau, sergei pashkov, is now in direct contact with us. sergey, hello. hello, tell us in detail what happened at night and what is happening now in israel? hello, when does information arrive that there is a palestinian enclave over the entire territory of gaza? telephone and internet connections are cut off,
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which means the israel defense forces are preparing for a new attack. powerful strike to the next stage of an expanded ground operation, if the day before we received information that israeli troops, infantry and armored vehicles had cut the gaza strip down the middle, along the southern outskirts of gaza city and reached the coastal coastline, that gaza city, the largest city in the territory palestinian authority, surrounded by israeli troops, then last night after a powerful artillery barrage, began ground operations were carried out directly in the city itself and its center, and the battles were carried out within firing range within the enemy’s visibility, attacks were carried out on the nests of hamas militants, on launchers, a hunt was conducted for the commanders of the combat units of the brigades because of el-qassam, there was the hamas stronghold, which included a training
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camp, observation towers and underground communications, was destroyed. moreover, the israelis report that the hunt continues for those hamas militants and commanders who had directly related to the planning and execution of the terrible terrorist attack on october 7, when hamas terrorists and infiltrators into israeli territory killed more than a thousand israeli civilians. the operation continues about its details, ground details, said the representative of the israeli defense forces, rear admiral danie. infrastructure, as well as terrorist units and vehicles. the gas is taken in a ring and divided into several parts. sahal will still allow civilians to leave the northern part of the gas to head south. israel defense forces
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reports that as a result of night fighting hamas, at the same time the israeli military is suffering losses, the army reports that more than thirty tsaal fighters were killed in clashes with hamas militants in the gaza strip. the advance of israeli troops by land is accompanied by powerful shelling of the palestinian enclave from the air. the israelis continue their air strikes, and prime minister benjamin netanyahu says they are temporary. netanyahu. i want you to know there is one thing, there will be no ceasefire without a return hostages, this must be completely eliminated from our vocabulary, we say this to our friends and enemies, we will act
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until we destroy hamas. despite powerful attacks on the palestinian enclave from the air, elkasam rockets continue to shell israeli cities, although, of course, as a result. israel's operation was that these shellings now do not occur as often as before, the alarm sounded in the israeli cities bordering the gas, late in the evening and the night before the seva dom signal was heard in the central cities of israel, in azhdod, ashkilon and tel aviv are tense, the situation remains on the lebanese border, where the israel defense forces are confronting the shiite, lebanese group hezbollah. thank you, israel. the head of the middle east news bureau, sergei poshkov, was on the air. the ministry of health in gaza reports the death of another twenty civilians, including women and children, these are residents of the area where israel struck again.
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the number of victims of the attack on the el magazi refugee camp is also growing, with more than fifty dead there. the israel defense forces say that virtually isolated gaza city on three sides. the situation in the region according to stanislav bernwald. army. israel is doing everything in order not to notice such appeals and not to react to them in any way. the israeli military leadership speaks openly that it does not intend to stop its offensive in the gaza strip, despite the thousands of casualties that have to be recorded at the moment. meanwhile, a new blow to the gas sector was caught on video and was published on social networks, as can be seen from the video published by our colleagues from... the strike hit a building next to the square, where there were a lot of people , well, it is stated that israel is using prohibited ammunition with
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white phosphorus in the palestinian sector, that's how it all happens, the israeli defense forces stated that they have completely divided the sector gas to the northern and southern parts, has reached... the sea, while, as they claim, the humanitarian corridor for the movement of palestinians to the south continues to function, and at the same time the israeli military leadership strongly recommends people should move to the southern part , and where it is supposedly safe, although we have been observing for several weeks now that in the south, too, israeli aviation is using all the power it can and dozens, hundreds of people have died because of... the turkish agency reports this, between however, the humanitarian situation is truly critical, the russian ministry of emergency situations sent
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another batch of humanitarian aid to egypt, but when it directly reaches the gas sector, it is extremely, extremely difficult to assume, due to the shelling, the delivery of humanitarian aid really, really. difficult, in this seemingly hopeless darkness there is a place for very human stories, a woman who fled from khanyunis, who is constantly under fire, reached the south and decided to return, because at home she left her, attention, parrots, she returned for him, when the airstrikes started, we ran to the hospital, i walked halfway and i didn't worry about myself, i was afraid that the birds would die, so i came back to take them with me, now they live with me sleep where
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i am sleeping, and i managed to get them food, even when israel struck khan yunis near the old municipality, i was looking for food for the birds and did not return home until i found it. the jordanian air force parachuted medical supplies to a jordanian hospital. gas, this is indeed a very important event and one of the ways to somehow reverse the humanitarian situation in the sector. stanislav bernalt andrey potap, broadcast from beirut, lebanon. amid the escalation of the conflict, the united states does not miss opportunities to demonstrate its strength. american ohio arrived in the middle east. underwater the ship is part of washington's strategic forces. it is equipped with ballistic missiles. the aircraft carrier dwight e. hower with carrier-based aircraft, a missile cruiser and several aircraft are already in the region. another 300 troops are also expected to be sent. the grozno-american signals are clearly addressed not to the hamas group, but to its more powerful one.
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iran, and the director of the cia also arrived in israel today for a visit. the one-sided approach that the united states demonstrates in the middle east causes corresponding relations. us secretary of state blinken, who commits the middle eastern tour on turkish soil was accepted without special dignity and without status. blinken was met at the plane's steps only by the us ambassador and the deputy governor of ankara. meanwhile, pro-palestinian protests continue unabated around the world. this is how activists in washington brought a checkered arafat shirt to the monument to one of the founding fathers of the united states, benjamin franklin. more than a hundred thousand people at the white house demanded an end to military aid to israel. a large march in support of the gas sector took place in the capital of venezuela, taracas. participants call on the un intervene and stop the genocide of the palestinian
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people who are defending their own. we always remember the land, it is impossible to forget, under these headings, on the website of the russian ministry of defense, a section dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of kiev from the nazi invaders was opened, an archival document of one of the largest battles of the great patriotic war was declassified. the kiev offensive operation under the command of general vatutin in november 1943 became a strategic success for the soviet troops and significantly brought closer by the historical chronicle of those events by ilya filippov. vladimir konstantinovichko, a participant in the kiev offensive operation in those days, an artilleryman of a 120mm gun. this is a shrine, this is a museum, which means not a single shell was fired into the city. kiev fell from the most important outpost on the german defense line. hold
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the right bank of the dnieper for them. fields , which, as the furor believed, we would not overcome, about 4 million people took part in the battle for the dnieper, the largest battle in history lasted 4 months, in the kiev direction, the soviet the troops, having overcome the cold waters of the dnieper, entrenched themselves on the right bank of kiev, on the bukrinsky bridgehead, in the north on lyutizhsky. by the way, please note that the 900 m standard potton crossing was completed in one hour. by this time, the voronezh front of general vatutin had been renamed the first ukrainian front. it was not possible to get through to kiev from the south, the area was too open, tanks could not get through, the german defenses were well fortified. losing the momentum of the offensive could lead to its failure. some kind of non-standard and quick solution was required. and rate and stalin personally made the decision here
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to transfer. as stalin said, castling, a gigantic logistical, as we would say now, operation, and it must be hidden, an unexpected and main blow was planned to be delivered by all tank formations, 40,000 people, the third tank army of general rybalka, moved at night with podlyutizh equipment, this is a transfer at 200 km there is a repeated crossing of the dnieper, this is how the combination was described in the rate directive. make the transfer of fishing so that it goes unnoticed for the enemy, using ... mock-ups of tanks and indeed deception, it happened that the tanks, mock-ups of tanks were left on the bukrinsky platform. on november 3, at 3:00 in the morning, the densest artillery fire of the entire war thundered, about 400 barrels per kilometer of front, the earth thundered, everything immediately began to tremble, this
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cannon lasted exactly 40 minutes. tanks thundered past us and went on the offensive. on november 5, soviet units cut the kiev-zhytomyr highway, depriving the germans of an escape route. general field marshal mainstein, knocked out from under vatutin in 1941 leningrad, cut off in 1942 in atutino, in the steppes near stalingrad from the army of paullus, understood well that here in kiev the soviet general, as he said, the grandmaster, could checkmate him. and the nazis fled from the city. early in the morning of november 6, it was reported to headquarters that kiev had been captured. the city was burning. the germans, retreating in order to complicate the actions of our troops, they set fire to virtually all the remaining houses, the germans pursued a policy of brutal occupation of the genocide of the soviet people directly in kiev itself, even before babyn yar they they were shooting people in the streets, headquarters representative marshal zhukov, walking along khreshchatyk, pointed out to the kievans the commander of the first ukrainian: thank vatutin, vatutin pointed to ordinary soldiers, thank them. great honor and glory to the liberators of the city of kiev, kiev. half and divisions. he will die in
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april 1944 from bandera’s bullet, and after the victory , a monument by the sculptor vochetich will be erected on his grave in the mariinsky park in kiev. until the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of kiev. this monument lacked some 8 months. last winter the monument to nikolai vatutin was demolished by order of the city authorities. commemorative events dedicated to the key events of the battle of the dnieper are taking place today in moscow, at the victory museum on poklonnaya hill. exhibition. ilya filippovya podobedov. alexander dvornikov, vladimir overin. news. and these are the topics next in our issue. the ruling party of moldova is losing in local elections. let's find out what interesting things are happening today at the russia exhibition-room. dnh, well , let's look at the beginning of the ski season in kibiny, all the details in just a couple minutes. for russia. the main premiere of the year. what a great moment, congratulations. do you remember,
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i was the first to call myself great, not in vain. she was admired. will i ever be worthy of you, she was extolled. you have a motherly soul, kind, sympathetic, everyone has their own word. are you coming, you want to say that in order to see my mother, i need to have an appointment? they bowed before her, the russian empress is not as simple as she seems, in all her affairs she has an exact measure, but she wanted to be simply loved, she yearned for you, what will happen to us now, if you knew how difficult it is to love you, i don’t know who can cope with this nushia, catherine’s favorites, so... you’ll see, they will be like a woman and like
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an empress, today on prt. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday. dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, heavy, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you , your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved , you you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, the heroes of mine. time, beauty, rapping, the whole team, only on the platform, look, there are places that fascinate , because they are part of the cultural code,
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because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear , simply incredible beauty, you already understand how... this is the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes run wild, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, mind you, this world is worth in order to see him, a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real run for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, i buy happiness, mom, i buy happiness, mom, this is a hotel with
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history, with traditions, on saturday, everything is fine with you, of course, i walk into the salon, she ’s sitting, me and you? and i fell in love, you know that my wife will kill me, and then another buyer came around and offered such a price that i couldn’t refuse, so where is he, huh? your other buyer, you, you, after the transaction with happiness, i will become a partner, and this is my dream, it will come true, not yours, but you boast, how yes, i will still fight, i will save happiness, it is difficult to share happiness if it is a hotel for two, premiere
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on saturday on rtr. you watch the news and we continue the release. russian troops successfully repulse attacks by ukrainian assault groups on all sectors of the front. attention, shot. in donetsk, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces unit per day amounted to more than 200 military personnel. area, the enemy lost a hangar with ammunition and a large number of combat vehicles. in the kherson direction, russian missiles are hitting the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. rocket artillery destroys military warehouses, camouflaged structures and control posts. and here is footage of the work of russian loitering ammunition. one of them destroyed a ukrainian communications station, the second - western armored vehicles. the main goal is to stop the shelling of peaceful cities and towns in donbass. last sunday , as a result of a missile strike by the ukrainian armed forces on dokuchaevsk , a married couple was killed and a child was injured.
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report by pavel prokapenok. a five-story residential building in dakuchaevsk, broken windows, a fragment of fallen ceilings, a shell entered the roof, went through the attic, the main damage was in this apartment, on the fifth floor. an elderly couple died; the relatives only now managed to get into the apartment; it took a long time to clear out the rubble. broken windows, warped doors, this is an apartment on the floor below, a strong bang, flying in, smoke, nothing is clear, like in a horror movie, we are walking, and behind us it all collapses, well, thank god, it didn’t bother me at all, in just a day vsu militants fired almost a hundred shells at the republic, as a result of this shelling , a ten-year-old girl was wounded, presumably the shelling was carried out using rss hammers, a total of five missiles were fired. 333 enemies
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are pushed away from peaceful cities by large-caliber artillery - this is footage from a drone of stavropol guards paratroopers. the klen battalion hits the enemy with all its guns. the ukrainian armed forces militants dug kilometers of trenches and were planning to build another fortified area. after a jewelry hit by one of our self-propelled guns, there is simply no one to hide in it. artillery with our own. advances the infantry with fire, the soldiers of the operational-tactical formation cascade, work on the front line, clear the very fortifications that the artillery managed to dismantle, mark the target, we go out and work, showed the landing, there is, well, the enemy, we were told to mow down the entire landing, we we left, worked a couple of times from different points, because from one point it won’t work, that’s it, we returned to the place of deployment, the next volunteer convoy is sent to the front, which will help, among other things, more effectively
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hunt down the enemy. the most valuable thing, of course, is quadcopters; such birds in the sky will tell you where the enemy is hiding and fly to reconnaissance behind the front line. drones, these are our eyes, i picked up the bird, looked, yeah, it’s worth going there, it’s not worth going there. drones are consumables and require constant replenishment, as is the case with other equipment. having finished one gathering, katya and valya immediately announced a new one. everyone is already our dear guys everywhere, we’re just bringing our victory closer together with the guys, they are in the trenches, and we , the valuable cargo is already on the front line, used for its intended purpose, it brings victory closer. pavel prokopenko, oleg makarov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, donetsk people's republic. ukrainian president zelsky asks washington to borrow money. he did this in an interview with nbc. according to zelsky, if the us congress prevents america from helping. and not for free, then washington could issue a loan to kiev, which it would repay
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after the war. zelsky does not believe that kiev has a stalemate on the battlefield, although even the ukrainian military is talking about this and zelensky hopes that money from washington will save the situation. the ruling party of moldova is losing in local elections; its candidates lost the seat of mayor in thirty out of thirty-six cities. well, according to preliminary data , it will not receive a majority in any district council, although i would like to remind you that the authorities put unprecedented pressure on the opposition, closed television channels, prohibited the participation of competitors in the elections, and threatened those regions where undesirable politicians would win. as local media write, the election results show that the residents of the republic are against the government’s policy towards european integration, which has caused energy prices to rise and the inflation rate over the past year to exceed 30%. presentation of the world's largest
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carbohydrate production project, intellectual duels, meetings with idols and mega-interesting lectures. the forum exhibition program at vdnkh today is very busy; visitors will be able to see famous russian politicians, famous athletes, military officers, take part in tastings, drawings and a marathon of knowledge. we will find out all the details from our correspondent, marina gromova, marina live, hello, what surprises visitors to the exhibition, well, right now maria, good morning, you know, not only visitors to the exhibition are surprised, we are also surprised, here in my hands, you you won't believe it. that this is oil, i never thought that it could be touched in this format, we are at the stand of the komi republic , which is famous for its deposits, and of course, the beauty of its nature, look at the forests, people just come to sit, look, be silent admire beautiful nature, but in general there is some kind of activity at each stand, you can touch something, play something, look at something, right now
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there are archaeological excavations going on at the st. petersburg stand, you can’t even go there directly, but they are looking... okay, they are looking for some artifacts , the exhibition has been running for the third day and we do not stop discovering something new for ourselves , today a new format of open dialogue is being launched, and this is a format in which you can communicate with different speakers, listen to information, find out from them, but for example, today, on the contrary, the marathon of knowledge is completing its work, lectures, of course, will be held, but not in this format, not with so many speakers, the final day is shocking , there are a lot of lectures, all very interesting, denis manturov, sergei polunin, iger kinfeev, roman are speaking today kostomarov, as you understand, the topics are very different areas, also very different, victoria abramchenko has already spoken, but even before the start of the lecture we managed to talk with the deputy prime minister, by the way, the topic of ecology is very widely represented at the exhibition. at the russia exhibition, two are open
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unique pavilions, one is the prirodograd pavilion, which answers all questions. related to the environmental agenda for our country. the second pavilion is not even a pavilion, but a whole real village that appeared in the center of moscow, this is the village of novoprostokvashino, and this is the pavilion of the ministry of agriculture, which immerses city residents in rural life, where you can get acquainted with farm animals, that is, there is such a small zoo. it is, frankly, a very interesting space indeed, and there come not only for children, but for adults, i apologize, the new format today is a science guru, it takes place in a forum of intellectual duels, and an open dialogue, it has been running all day, and you can ask questions to interesting speakers, journalists, representatives of charitable organization, vladimiroyda has already answered the host’s questions, he shared with us his impressions of the exhibition,
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what pleases me most about the exhibition, the forum and the work of the knowledge society is that this is work with meaning, and this is today most importantly, with the right meanings and the right values. value is what we strive for, yes, the gospel says where your treasure is, there your heart will be, so i would like to talk about the fact that value is not equal to price and cost, this is what i would like to talk about talk to the guys, and of course we go, we walk together with everyone , we reached the stand of the nenets autonomous okrug , look at what a magnificent tent, you can go into it, see what’s inside, so that it’s easier for guests to navigate, at the information stand they hand out these maps, on which all the pavilions are marked, all the information is on the official website of the exhibition, and of course , the volunteers who accompany the guests with their relatives and direct them to different stands and pavilions are very helpful, colleagues, thank you, marina gromova is monitoring the work exhibition of the russian forum at vdnkh. residents of several russian
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regions at once observed a unique atmospheric phenomenon - the red northern lights, due to abnormal solar activity it reached the south of our country, the natural show was visible in the crimea, the donbass republics , the caucasus, in the voronezh, rosov, sverdlovsk and tyumen regions, as scientists explain, the cause was powerful solar flares, which provoked a strong magnetic storm. the ski season has opened in the mormon region. snow is already on the roads in the khibiny mountain range. the resorts located there are becoming increasingly popular among active recreation enthusiasts. this is not surprising. in the arctic, the season begins earlier than others and ends in june. to oleg's report benefit. before the season officially opens, we jump into the cockpit. to get to the top by cable car, there is a little fog on the street, but along the way an excellent view awaits us, we get out at the intermediate height of mount
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aykunuar, height 850 m above sea level, thousands of active recreation lovers were waiting for this day, after the launch of the ski lift guests, ski resort, a big voodoo climbs up the slope, gets out of the cabin , secures equipment, skis, snowboards, someone begins to warm up, but the majority, well, this is generally some kind of just aerobatics, guys, well, it turned out that literally the day before yesterday in st. petersburg in st. petersburg i got off a steam locomotive from work, slept on a hill, well, you couldn’t imagine a better weekend, we opened the season, it’s very cool, we haven’t skied for 5 months or whatever, somewhere, yes, where - five, we like it very cool, these slopes for skiers are the first to open in the country, the khibiny are located beyond the arctic circle... snow falls here early, and the surface is refined with the help of special artificial snow generators and heavy equipment. trails for beginners beginners of the green level of difficulty,
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the so-called, and black expert, that is , in principle, anyone skiing will find a ski slope here according to their capabilities and skills. the khibiny mountains amaze with the temperature difference at their altitudes; this year alone the number of skiers here has increased by a third. hotels in kirovsk have created excellent conditions for such a holiday. spa pools are almost within walking distance of the airport. this is the highest restaurant in the north-west of the country. you can enjoy the incredible view by six working two more lifts are being built here. together, they will be able to transport more than 10,000 people to the peaks per hour. local businesses have invested almost one and a half billion rubles in the resort this year alone, investing more than six in total. the resort gets better and better every year. the lowering system is opening, and new lifts are preparing to open. new hotels are opening, so guests of kirovsk were greeted in the evening, fiery dances, grandiose fireworks, only a small part of what was prepared for the opening of the season, it’s very easy to get to kirovsk
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to get there, from the center of russia, it takes 2 hours to fly here from moscow, and one and a half hours from st. petersburg. the ski season here not only starts earlier, but ends later than everyone else. there is almost always snow on the peaks of the arctic in june. oleg posobin, anton klimovsky, dmitry kvasnyuk, news, murmansk region. tonight on our channel the premiere of the long-awaited fourth season of the popular film saga about the fate of the great empress catherine ii. the serial film ekaterina favorites is a fascinating story about the reign and personal the drama of the most powerful and independent woman on the russian throne. watch the first episode immediately after the evening news. polina ermalaeva in the new chapter of the grandiose cycle is a love story, the history of russia. you don’t love me anymore, if you knew how difficult it is to love you, the year is 1779, the war between
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austria and prussia continues , the austrian prussian emperor immediately asks catherine for help, but she herself needs support, she can no longer count on potemkin, his serene highness doesn’t want to be around, you can probably answer so clearly what he’s like was the prince of darkness or the brightest prince, for me after all... decide for me every day, so i will think that we are still together, don’t get too carried away with your black one, the last 17 years of catherine’s reign lie ahead, a series of not only political victories , but successive favorites, that you smile so much, i am happy to see you, your majesty, if she was looking for so much, then she probably strived for ideal happiness, therefore, it is quite possible that i am in the right place here, this is my
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palace, by right, he didn’t get it from his father, she has usurped him, the confrontation with her son is only intensifying, pavel petrovich is locked in a gacha, which does not prevent him from entering into a fight for the throne, catherine intends to transfer the crown to her grandson alexander, pavel becomes more nervous, more prickly, he goes for some more radical things to get what he wants. lies by right, i must sit on this throne, or at least stand now next to my mother, and not among the palace retinue, i ask you, control yourself. and so , contrary to the court ceremony, pavel petrovich defiantly leaves the throne room hall, his role in the film was played by the catherine hall of the tsaritsin estate. filmed in moscow, st. petersburg, moscow and leningrad regions, the moscow region acted as a platform for court chess fun. the queen always wins. 500 costumes were made for the film, the artists tried not to assemble them in detail.
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a lush, beautiful, colorful era, people, color combinations were such that... they don’t always work out, the sovereign and not the empress will change 30 outfits and four nightgowns in the frame, yet there are enough sensual scenes in the film, i can love you forever, for the filming of the final episodes, the plastic makeup of marina alexandrova took several hours, the beautiful actress was turned into a decrepit queen, even drawing the blue veins on her hands. you must be ready to fight at any second, without this no emperor will rule. catherine is a favorite, the finale of the historical saga, the three previous parts have been translated into 20 languages, successfully shown in 100 countries, and viewers of the russia tv channel have been following the fate of the empress for 9 years now, this is of course a fascinating story about the transformation of the prussian princess sophia august and friederike of angelzerbskaya, catherine the great, who ruled wisely, lived passionately, remained alone in history with russia, i myself understand
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what i have. a stronger rival than many, the russian state, and even you cannot defeat this rival in my heart, polina ermalaeva, evelina kornaeva, arina bogoroditskaya and anna mitrokhina. vesti continues to monitor the development of major events in russia abroad, stay with us. shops, restaurants, country villages and even clinics with incomprehensible and unreadable names, signs in english in russian cities rarely look harmonious , and more often funny, now the state duma has decided to fight the practice of using anglicisms, a corresponding bill is being prepared in parliament, foreign inscriptions on moscow streets have been studied by grigory vdovin. in the center of moscow there has been a rather mysterious cube for a long time,
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a lot has been written on it. but not a word in russian, the work is called a monument to an unknown reviewer, apparently so that the thought of an unintended review does not arise when it’s not at all like magata, there’s even a mirror so that such thoughts don’t come to mind, if all this is taken as a sign, then no traces of the state language are noticed on it. why do we drive through the streets not understand what country we are in, why i don’t understand where these residential complexes and cottage villages with the name are located. attempts to fight and somehow regulate the presence of foreign words in the surrounding reality, and literally surrounding reality, have been made by legislators for a long time, because the more central the street, the more everything on it more foreign, here’s a discussion on big dmitrovka, don’t look at the window , i don’t know what it is, well, try to read at least the suiteplay, like the first time i read it, i
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showed it, something connected with games. with what, with games, because from the very beginning, what is there play, although they sell clothes here , but i know, well, from the sign, you can assume that they may be selling some kind of chairs, what is happening behind this door, you can only understand coming close and reading the property, i read the seager, well, guess what might be there, i don’t know, absolutely, i’m not interested in what’s there, most likely some kind of nonsense, but what if it was written in russian. in russian it was clear to paw, here to paw, that means there are some kind of bast shoes, probably russian cuisine, that means food, but i don’t know what they sell here, agents, some kind, well, i just know what they sell, but from this sign is not from a sign, by the way, i very much support our moscow leadership, that all english signs, english-language signs should be replaced with russian ones, and what should be
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written here, lingerie store, army at the same time, designers are preparing for a massive evolution, we have these guys running more than ten points in moscow, we have 80 of them, they have a variation of both the french bakery and the french bakery, and then this option works better in terms of revenue, here it’s even better from a business point of view at the moment, what is not in russian is more expensive to develop for us, it doesn’t matter, as if we speak both english and russian, but at the end it adds value to the brand, one way or another, that is, the client gets a more expensive product for the same money, in fact, yes, at the exit, there is no question not about any extremes, not about any absurdity, not about any bans everywhere on any borrowed words, because in this way we will lose half of the russian language, we simply will have nothing to speak with, jackets are very fashionable, if you imagine this already
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famous interview as a sign, that’s from the same time, the committee on culture is also a phrase borrowed completely, but it will remain so... if anything, linguists from russian language institutes will resolve all doubts, so to speak, there are words assimilated by the language, and there are words completely alien and to be an ing ending in a foreign language, it seems to me that this is simply humiliating for the russian people, for the russian nation, i agree that it is very easy to fall into absurdity, of course, no one is talking about banning the use of borrowings altogether, this impossible, it is necessary to prepare some reference books, dictionaries , maybe yes, that would help native speakers of the russian language, well, this problem is to be solved, what is possible and what is not, will be determined by specially authorized experts from
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philology, in anna karenina, when she is driving already in disheveled feelings, what prompts her to go to the station, she remembers that everything ended very badly, she is passing in the carriages, suddenly she sees it written there , kuafer tyutkin, she begins to think how it all went , how terrible everything is, her thoughts turn to ronsky, when... we read kuafer chutin, this is bad. we can only guess how the plot would have developed further if the heroine had not noticed the sign from the carriage. anna karenina. film adaptation of the year thirty-five, then forty the eighth, after that the sixty-seventh year, then the eighty-fifth, 9-7, 2009 and 2012, the captain tyutkin, as some significant factor , does not appear anywhere, perhaps in vain. i think that kufer tyutkin is precisely to blame for the death, nakorenina. no, he was the last straw. yes, it was some kind of vulgarity. the space around us shapes the reality around us, so space and reality must be treated carefully. the bill has only just begun its movement through all the legislative nooks and crannies, in what form will it be adopted and when, to say now
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it’s difficult, but as its initiators say, the fact that a public discussion has begun, the problem has been identified and a search is underway for ways to solve it, this in itself is already a quite significant result. grigory, alexander chukanov and alexey. news. residents of one of the cottage villages in the moscow region cannot get to their own homes. suddenly it became clear that the road and the gate fence had become private property. the owner is now demanding money for travel, is there a legal basis for this? our correspondent denis looked into it vaskovsky. almost all the residents of the cottage village of novoe dukhanino gathered on the road to watch how the bulldozer compacted the sand. now we are forced to somehow improve our passage so that we can get to our houses and take our children to schools, where there is no sand yet, it is crooked, winding and bumpy in places, in fact
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it’s not even a road, a rut rolled through grass, bushes and puddles . here everything is rolled out, today is a more or less dry day, it looks like you can drive through, a normal entrance covered with good-quality crushed stone there is, but it is locked around the clock. and it all started 3 years ago, very well, the developer sold prefabricated houses on the prestigious istra land on very favorable terms, they said that we would manage the village ourselves, that there would be no management companies above us, they believed us, we paid 100,000 per yard for the infrastructure, for road improvements, landscaping, fences and playgrounds. they even promised to build a school in a gated community with 50 plots, but instead people calling themselves managers, alexey goncharov and dmitry. the first thing venetsky did was build a gate at the entrance to the office building, put a barn lock on it and announced that everyone who wants to get a key should chip in again for an entrance gate with a lock, with a lock with a key for
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110,000. when the owners of the plots refused to pay, one of the so-called managing ganchers said that the security room is now a residential building, and the common entrance is actually a private gate, who are you, and who are you, who are you, show your documents, we can look at your passport, what? what residents are meticulous we collected all the documents for the land, this is the entrance to our village and contacted the administration, but they confirmed that the land leased from the municipality had recently been transferred into ownership, suddenly, for no apparent reason, the administration gave up our site with a visiting team, this site was demarcated by two, he lost the obligation to provide access , at the same time goncharov and pervinetsky stopped calling themselves managers of the village, and declared that the village actually does not exist and never existed, please, i don’t know you, please introduce yourself, unlike alexey goncharov, who is spewing insults, another former manager, dmitry pervenetsky, is emphatically polite, but he also refuses to open the gate for passage, what should we do
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? we don’t have roads in this situation, we have to fly, let me come when we talk , and when you arrive, apparently tired of lying , pervenetsky turns off the phone, people who paid a lot of money for housing... the infrastructure in general is treated like illegal immigrants, we have a trial, no, wait a minute, who and what? in response to our request, the administration of the istra city district sent a written response, in which officials once again confirmed that the territory with the entrance to the village actually belongs to a private individual, and there is no mention in the documents that this is actually the central entrance . as a result of the division of the land plot, for some reason , information about encumbrances was not included in the unified state register information for the formed land plots. recognition is half the correction, but residents, in any case, so far it doesn't make it any easier. a temporary sand road is not the solution. if it snows or rains, we may not be able to get through, that is, we will not be able to get to the medical center. one thing is obvious: if
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you do not intervene in the situation that is heating up every day, the confrontation between the parties is unlikely to end peacefully. denis voskovsky, maxim gavrilets, pavel letnikov, news. the sea fishing port of vladivostok is undergoing large-scale modernization. new cranes with increased lifting capacity have already appeared there. their commissioning will allow port workers to significantly increase the volume of cargo transshipment. report by maxim kolennik. there are only five of them, brand new giant screens. kozlovs and two boom portals were delivered by ocean route to golden rock bay from the capitals of asian mechanical engineering qingdau and juhai, this is a special order from vladmo report, the tiger group of companies invested almost 2 billion rubles in this. the containers are purchased as part of the port’s development strategy; they make it possible to increase the capacity of container processing, acceptance into warehouses and delivery to transport. the lifting capacity of gantry cranes is 45, they capable of collecting containers. stacks are nine wide and six high, and boom and
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portal stacks lift even more than 60 tons. the maximum boom reach is 45 m. this makes it possible to work with modern high-capacity container ships. each crane has reliable electronic control, which allows for safe loading. now, with the help of chinese manufacturing colleagues, the new giants are being configured; two more cranes will arrive in december. this will double the transshipment of containers. tiger group of companies plans to invest in the development of vladmort more than 8 billion rubles. maxim kolinnik, vesti primorye. work on the construction of the largest children's hospital complex in komsomolskaya on amur has reached the final stage; an entire medical town with modern diagnostic departments and specialized hospitals for children in all northern regions of the region began to be built back in 2017, but due to design miscalculations and construction violations, work stopped. the military construction facility is being completed. with details, lyudmila smirova.
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one of the largest in the khabarovsk territory and definitely the most modern hospital is preparing to welcome patients. the hospital is unique for the khabarovsk territory, not only in functionality, but in scope - it is an entire medical district; children from all the northern regions of the region will be able to undergo diagnostics and treatment here. that is why today this construction project is of strategic importance for the region. that's why. the russian government commissioned military builders to complete the facility; almost 400 specialists from different regions are working on the flanks, with a track record of construction across the country and beyond. i'm with bashkartastan, the city of serlitamak 100 km from ufa, this is my tenth object , before that the objects of volgograd, voronezh were built , we built a station for antarctica gatchina , i don’t have photos for my daughters, i don’t send them, they can... say they are happy, well
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they are proud of me, probably soon the doctors will also have something to be proud of, from rough, but most labor-intensive work, military builders are paving the way for sanitary cleanliness, as it should be in a clinic, all efforts are now concentrated on it, three floors designed for 500 visits per shift , the first offices are already equipped as if the doctor is about to start an appointment. our task this year is to complete the entire construction and installation work, after that we will begin equipping it with equipment, next year the start will be... equipment, and construction readiness, this is how this office will be at the end of december this year. and this, in turn , makes it possible to put the children’s clinic into operation while the medical building is still being completed. work is in full swing inside and outside. we are completing the landscaping work, our completion date is november, we are now completing the tie-in work water supply, at the end of this week, at the beginning of next week we will lay asphalt, in principle , only the vertical layout will remain and planting trees. help for the little ones or emergency assistance from a helicopter directly to the operating room,
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all this will be taken care of by the new center, medical building, its own oxygen-gasification station, a warm garage for special vehicles and an inter-district advisory department. work on these facilities will begin soon, while the previous developer eliminates the problem, a new, current list of equipment is being formed for the hospital. by the hospital complex designers have compiled a list of replacement equipment. one that currently cannot be bought on the market in our russian federation, it is under the approval of the customer, as soon as we receive it, that is , the designers will work out its arrangement on site, after which the project is issued, we will be able to start... they can start at any time , the entire complex is already connected to heating and nothing will interfere with work in the winter months, so that, in a military manner, and definitely with victory, we can complete the very important construction project that began back in 2017 for the region, lyudmila smirnova, alexander garelov, vesti
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khabarovsk. i ask you to sign one of the most important documents in your life. the mortgage agreement with the taraski family has been signed. please, a book of complaints, here you go, you will know how to not report napkins later, he doesn’t work, take him back, that’s why we fired him, because he didn’t work at all, and now get your books on anger management, the serenity of banbok , we read, you see, the technique in which this is done is called realism. yes, myself i almost led at first, but it’s already real , maybe someone will ask, this is also realism, this is the original, the history of a big country, on friday
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on rtr, how did it all happen, how did it all start? how does she sing, what is your name? here's the ethyl, what country was ruined, how to live with it now, why is it all, you and i, why? how did this all happen? how did it all start? it was sunstroke. sunstroke - film by nikita mikhalkov. today on rtr,
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your favorite songs are played in our studio. let's go, birthday. favorite music never getting old. real feelings know no boundaries , i’m sitting here and barely holding back tears, beauty, soul, this is a layer of culture, this is the golden fund of the soviet and russian line, hello andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show, on saturdays on
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rtr. time spent with family is priceless, you can do sports or creativity together, or you can all take part in a competition together, it’s a family thing for us. and win great prizes, details on this topic. rf. your favorite folk show is broadcasting songs from the bottom of your heart. unique voices, destinies and melodies that changed the lives of our heroes. and our evening opens with a folk group from the kursk region. life goes on with the song oh this is a mill, the author of
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the song is elena gulyaeva. ah, the sorceress, she closed it after lenka. i fell in love, i guess, i got dizzy , dizzy, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy, and geta menetsa, yes, spin around, you will come back blue, you love where you are. marry me you will marry my dear a'. and the sorceress covered everyone’s eyes,
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washed them in the morning, the silver race washed them, washed, silvery dew, she washed the morning, silvery dew, departing the month before. oh, you’ll fall in love, where will you go, you’ll marry me, my dear, and you’re youthful, young, overflowing
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with happiness, i remember these nights, and my heart dreams, i remember, and my heart dreams of may, these nights i remember, and my heart dreams of may, and it's dead, it's dead, it's dead. blue, you love this one, where will you go, you'll marry me, my healthy, yes velti, yes rudely welti blue, this you will love, where will you go, you'll marry me, my dear, this is a minute of domru.
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it’s spinning cool, yes it’s cool spinning, the blue ball, uh, you love, where are you going, you’ll marry me, my dear, uh, you’re in love, where are you going, you’re going to marry me, my dear, what’s going on and tatyana goina is 80 years old, come on
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81 81 excuse me, let's show you, i've worked more years, i've worked more mail, the postman brought me mail, oh, as a child, i would have dreamed of such hands , of course, you actually have real hands, i look at all the things i'm doing, well done, and god bless you , i've put together such a round table, you can say a round table, yes let's all go for let's sit him down. so look, let me help you, help you here, i just spied everything that she has, oh-oh-oh, andryusha, in the villages where we live, we have 1,200 people, the village is called a new one. this is a boy who serves in the church, he is 11 years old, he embroiders icons himself, the name, well, he doesn’t say
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what to call him, he also gives you an icon from our novara androsov church, thank you, semester, thank you very much, we wish you good health, thank you, yes, well, this is my husband catching a fish, this is a pike, yeah, so a rudd, look at this basket, you what do you think it’s made of, woven, from wicker, no, if you look closely, it’s some kind of newspaper, yes, it’s newspapers , can you imagine, lyudmila mavrina gave you this one, it’s herself, she makes all sorts of things with handles, and pies?
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loves such pies, so i do for andryushechka too, if you think that the girls are just for this reason, now i’ll just interrupt your story, tell me, they have nordic walking, they walk, they move every day, mommies, you can feel it, you can feel it, it spins cool, it spins cool, the ball is blue, everything is under song, look at how they’re immersing themselves, there’s such adrenaline right away, so now let’s go back to sports. every day, and not only me, but my neighbors also come out, they shudder, at first, they showed some like this , and then it seemed like they also became like me, and the fonts, what a holy holy font you have there or something, or it’s just done, yes, in mikhailovka there is a holy font and a big church there, i myself have been marching for more than 35 years,
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i walk in the snow before going to bed every day in a nightgown, and so let’s sit down, because you brought so much stuff here that it’s just like that, take it all, come on, let me take it, i’ll take it, i also need to stock up on vitamins, come on, come on, why is it called a collective, life goes on, we just gathered, those who love the song, because. we can’t stop singing, that’s why our life continues, wherever we go, we sing everywhere, the main thing they told me is that you don’t even have a cultural center, you gather at each other’s houses, in houses, in the streets, not can you show me how you live? in our kursk region, pay attention, since we live in a village, it means we know how to do everything, fierce in our three-flight, we’ll go out and sing on
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the cart, merrily, merrily, merrily. we have been together for 11 years, as you can see, we live in villages, we eat clean ecological products, now we don’t cut with knives , i have a shredder, i cut the cabbage into shredders, i’ll cut the head of cabbage like this and with a cop i put the bucket into the shredder, i put the carrots in a bucket add some bitter salt, mix everything, then put it in jars. it’s impossible to live in a village without a russian stove, bread, potatoes, pies. we can be proud of our grandmothers who know how to do everything, even if we are not at rehearsal, we sing every day , we have sorrow, misfortune, and joy, we have everything
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together, and not a single holiday, of course, we do without a feast, then i don’t need anything in the world, just to see you, my dear, and this is noodles with milk or what do you have, this is milk lopsa, i remember when you come to my grandmother in the village, this is the most important dish in general, i go every day, well, twice a week go there for milk, and there’s probably a steam room, there’s a machine standing right there, i’m digging it up, but we’re moving, we’re moving, move, move, move, to the village, let's play pockets and
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sing, let's sing, little sisters, or sing, we're
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all ready. but i didn’t mikhail drokov is with us today, just from japan. arrived, how do you like it, like an instrument, in japan they don’t sing anyway, that’s for sure, it’s a wonderful instrument , you sing, you play, it’s amazing, life energy is in full swing, why, because life goes on, and you have a modern repertoire, gentle may , you know, so of course, gray night, come on, yes, come on,
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what can i tell you, i can’t find at least a couple words, not a long evening, not a long evening. soon it will become night in the dark spring, they are eternal debts, they are eternal debts will become night. and again , going to the night, i trust only her, as the holy night knows. all my secrets, you can’t help, your darkness can’t help me, i’m completely, completely
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useless on my own, egor, how are you, super, in general, meet girls, egor matveevsky, he came to us from the city of chiboksa. hello everyone, also with yours, come on, show how you can light up your 36,
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today is friday, it doesn’t matter to us, even if it’s tuesday or wednesday, we’re dancing, yes, yes, yes, we dance until the morning, we all drink these main words together, have a good rest, oops, pa, move your body and soul, opa, pa, drink until the morning, opa, pa-pa, find the main words, opa, pa, rest well, opa ,pa, move your body and soul, opa, pa, let's drink until the morning, opa, pa, these are the main words , the evening is moving forward, gaining momentum,
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girls in high heels fashion, chiki-chok, chiki-chok, beach, yuli, dima, ollie, vova, dani, sasha, kolya, everyone dances, rocks, sings, i play, today is friday, we don’t care. even if it’s tuesday or wednesday, we’re dancing, yes, yes, yes, we dance until the morning, we drink beer and all together, these are the main words , we have a good rest, yes, move your body and soul, oops, oh , we drink until the morning, oops, oh, these are the main words,
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oops , opa, opa, let's have a good rest, oops, pa, move your body and soul, opa, pa, let's get drunk until the morning, opa, opa-pa, these are the main words, oops, let's have a good rest, op-paupaupa, move your body and soul, pow - paupa, we drink until the morning, op-paopa
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, these are the main ones... not only life goes on, everything is just beginning, but you told me that you got your love for music from your grandfather, as well as your name, yes, there is such a thing, my grandfather played the harmonica, but since i am a sunny chuvash, he mostly played chuvash compositions, pleso, by the way, i can play it for you, you ’ll just fall out of your chairs, come on, it’s so rocking. then i’ll sing right away, good, excellent, in principle, you can say any words, you still won’t understand, tashi, salagaek, tashi, tashi, tashi, salagaek , tashi, salagaek, tashi, tashi, their salaga ta, mala,
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nigamada, fog, small, crazy! yegor can, i told you what you’re doing, we’ll lose biklenka, he fell from his chair, there it’s still far away, well, tell me, they told me that you started singing not so long ago, that is, it’s clear that you’ve been with the boy since childhood, you’re all right at the same age, and you’ve been singing for as long as i studied in music , this is a school, a music school, at first school, then our chuvash state university, then i reached the stage when i need to start singing, i probably got bored, so you can say that i ’m just learning to sing, i was told by my wife, you also met, yes we met my wife uh, then we performed in a restaurant,
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that is, a pretty girl, but that’s me i sang for a reason, as i understand it, i sang for a reason, that’s for sure, well, let’s look at your parents, they say hello, attention, hello, sunny toad, hello, this is our house, come visit, this is ours yard, now we’re going to the vegetable garden, i’ll show you my garden, this year, here i dug up the beds, i decided to plant garlic here , my wife and i planted garlic, we covered a little cabbage with leaves on top so that the garlic would be warmer in winter, and if the place warms up, there will be rain here, we grow a small garden here, currants, cherries, raspberries, we picked these again recently, my wife and i went, we also pickled them, most of the cellar, well,
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it’s just now in the refrigerator. so that this one can treat you, andrey, ours is singing here, and we’re singing here now, let’s sing, oh , viburnum, oh, raspberry, there’s melt water in the river, tell me, viburnum, how it got here, so well mom and dad sang, and what will unite our table, let’s say what today, well, i ’ll put it together, i’ll sing, in general, you’ll see, yes, one
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summer at dawn, i stopped by. i'm not embarrassed in front of you, green acle and maple horseradish. razkul, razkulryavy, green zvizoy, i am in love, embarrassed vetovoy, green. the year is 1774, empress catherine is in mortal danger, what is happening here? gresha, this is a coup, impostors are claiming her throne. bugachev, princess
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tarakanova, no chain, which of the european monarchs benefits from this? happiness is that she has a faithful, loving prince potemkin. well, don’t we really have enough troops to deal with the gang? robber, that's enough, after years his serene highness will move away from the empress, you're angry with me, you'll come up with some kind of thing, as if you want to run away, what has become so bad for you, others will take his place near the throne in the heart, your majesty, i will love you forever, you alone, catherine, favorites, well, our plan is working, the main thing is not to celebrate, the era of the year is today rtr, in order to look good on the beach in the summer, natalia began
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fattening her best friend oksana in the winter. dried burdock, boiled burdock, salted burdock. everything with mayonnaise, even tea, but i can’t help myself. premiere on saturday on rtr, the most cruel aristocrat in history, i here is power, i am power, bloody. barenya and other historical series, only on the platform we watch, we watch, many of you, the first thing you wake up, check your mail, and
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i, of course, am no exception, i opened the champagne, tours to abkhazia for a week i rested in a skirt that i can barely fit in, your address here will cheer you up wants read, please , read, he can’t read, but a man has to earn money , yesterday i earned such money from my wife, the morning mail is on the air and i, its presenter, nikolai baskov himself. positive: morning mail from nikolai vaskov on sundays on rtr. i buy happiness, mom, i buy happiness,
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mom. this is a hotel with history, with traditions, on saturday. are you alright. i go into the salon , she’s sitting, and i, and you, and i, fell in love, you know that my wife will kill me, and then another buyer showed up and offered such a price that i couldn’t refuse, so where is he, and yours another buyer, you, you, after the transaction with happiness, i will become a partner, and it is my dream that will come true, not yours, oh, that means, like yes, i will still fight. i will save happiness. difficult share happiness if it's a hotel for two, premiere on saturday on rtr. now, if you
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come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs. he could have become a zoologist. or an athlete, we took the gto norm for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups, a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a lifeguard, but... a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist,
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doctor myasnikov: every saturday on rtr, good evening again everyone, your favorite folk show is on the air, a song from the bottom of your heart, and continues our program, alexander savelelyev with the song chernookaya. there are scatterings of bright stars in the sky, like sparks from a fire, the breeze plays with the roses, hiding in the grass until the morning, honey flowers are still sleeping , on unmown ones... the troubles burn like fire,
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kisses on the lips, the water in the river is deep, and the wave is running high , a cruel, black-eyed fate is waiting for you, the water in the river is deep, and a high wave is running... a cruel fate is waiting for you, black-eyed, hiding the bushes of a young woman, two lovers by the river, has been keeping peace for many years, i will melt in their love , only
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the sun will rise clear. from your foot, having baptized the father, the heart of the girl's unfortunate, with an unloved wedding , in the river the water is deep, and the wave is running high, a cruel, black-eyed fate is waiting for you, in the river the water is deep and the wave is running high, a cruel,
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black -eyed fate is waiting for you , the girl is prophesying, hiding in the branches does not sing, to know by fate is so ordained, happiness will be taken away by the whirlpool, a white cloud will hide the month , the dawn slides on the waves, and sways over the whirlpool, meadow flowers, the water in the river is deep, a high wave will come, and a rocket stands wet, lonely, and in the river the water is deep, a high wave will come, and a wet rocket
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stands, alone but lonely andrey, this song was written by vladimir pankov, but what do you say, we ended up, from the cosmodrome, on the stage, oh, well, i come from the soviet union, in the soviet union, they still know that here, alexander matrosov, yuri gogogarin, and i graduated from the military space academy, served at the plesetsk cosmodrome, and they also told me that you play hockey well, what kind of hockey are you in? this is my hobby, i started
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doing it for 45 years, well, really, here it’s 84. at 45 years old you know how it started, it means that until the age of 45 i basically didn’t have a single injury, and after 45 i had a broken leg, arm, and ligaments, but the love for hockey, it remains, remains, yes, yes, my team, wonderful physical training trainers, i already understood, the beginning is such that you can already go for pies, but alexander can invite you girls to your place in kalyupanovo, tula region, especially since there is also a unique source and
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an interesting story about how you build a house , to ours, to the original russian, here with us kitchen, russian stove, i also have a russian one, i already have a grip, we will cook daily cabbage soup, but why was this all done , here i have this view, the holy kazan convent, this monastery was founded according to the prediction of the holy elder euphrosyne , kolyupanovskaya, princess vyazimskaya, it was here, she prayed at this place, in her youth, she was a graduate of the institute of noble maidens in st. petersburg, she was a maid of honor ekaterina , she was very educated, a princess, she knew seven languages, nevertheless she gave up everything and went to god and carried the highest
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spiritual feat for 80 years. the holy elder blessed euphrasinia walked barefoot in light clothes in winter and summer, very sloppily and like a boy , in winter she did not heat the stove at home, but in summer she did the opposite, and in her house there were animals, dogs, cats, cows, they were in the house in the very they were warmer , and she lived in the blue, one might say, in a stable, on the contrary, she ate with them from the same bowl, when her relatives found her they said: “mother, how can you live in such a stench?” and she said that for me this is the best perfume, by far better than those i... came across at one time in the palace, for me it’s like life, i knew that she was different here, special, but then i felt her to the fullest, so we came to the
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source, which is the blessed elder ifrosini i dug it out with my own hands, i begged, these are her words, take water from my... some water from the holy spring of euphrasia, people come , here is evidence, the blind are seeing, the girl hasn’t walked for 18 years, she came here in a wheelchair, disabled, but left with her own feet , this is only a small part of what i know, saint euphrasinia, she is a very revered local saint, here she is, of course, the mistress, she controls everything here, she is even called the quick-to-hear, that is, people ask, she answers immediately, i am grateful to god for what is in my heart, this is a holy place where holy
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water of the family, sleepless people there. i also knew, i know that i would approach you, that you are a churchgoer. i just specially collected this water for you, the rector of the st. kazan church there, also on the territory of the monastery, father andrey, by the way, your mother-in-law, handed over this icon of the holy euphrasinia and father andrey bow to you, guests are waiting, guests are waiting, definitely, definitely, thank you, well, what song will we sing
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today, and you know, the girls set such enthusiasm. on the contrary, of course, you probably know this song, will i comb my head, i don’t know, i don’t know, okay, then you’ll find out, come on, come on. rush your head, comb your curly head, oh you wild head , take a walk in the little head
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, i'll walk like a charm, you wild little head, take a walk in the little head, as soon as i walk past the windows, i, where my good girl lives, oh you wild little head, take a walk around the will, thank you, mikhail, please, lucky, always, do you know yulia, who is sitting, have you already met, met, i know that she, excuse me, has a sharply continental climate, she says: i’m in sochi now, but i was in yakutia, that’s right, yulia sherbakova, a young singer
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of romances, will now perform for us a romance to the poems of evgeniy yuryev in the moonlight, in the moonlight, the snow is streaked along the road, the day is rushing by. ding-ding-ding,
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the bell is ringing, this ringing, this sound, says a lot to me, day, day-ding, ding-ding-ding, the bell rings, this ringing, this sound says a lot to me, in the rising light, in early spring, we remembered the meetings, my friend with you, your bell, your voice rang, this sound, this ringing of love sang sweetly, like a bell your cozy voice
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rang this sound, this ringing of love sang sweetly, i remembered the hall with your noisy face , my dear friend, with you. dding , ding, ding, day, the clink of glasses is ringing, with a young wife, my beloved is standing, ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding, clinking of a glass, in a ring with the young, my god,
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my beloved is standing, ding-ding-ding, day-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding. the main thing is that you don’t have any musical education, that’s what , friends, you can imagine, i have a specialized secondary school, this is a music school, i went when i was in the main piano class, i grew up in and was born in a small village in yakutia , the village is called sangar, uh
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, it is translated from yakut, yes, from yaku it is translated from yakut as a singing mountain, but as you can see, not only the mountains sing there, they are born there are talented singers there, it was very modest now, of course, it was good , right, right, nothing, but the mountain sings, because there are a lot of diamonds there, because yulia, and yulia herself is a diamond, i understand, a yakut diamond with a diamond voice, tell me right away , what are you doing, because you know, this voice, ding-ding-ding romances, and yulia is responsible in sochi for. wastewater treatment, friends , it’s a dangerous job, but it’s very fragrant, in general, i graduated from an engineering degree, i’m a process engineer, i patent technologies in a scientific research center
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we are developing new technologies that we will implement, but the main thing is that you have been married for 2 years, so don’t immediately open unnecessary letters to the editor, yes, okay, tell me which of the soviet singers or in such meters you look up to, i already i know, i already know, you can immediately hear it from your voice, well , speak, speak, i’m sorry, i always really liked the work of lyudmila senchina, anna german, anna german, yes, yes, but they told me that your grandmother’s favorite song, and by stone , yes, yes, come on. yes, for my grandmother, a fan of lyudmila senshchina. river fast, rocky, leaks in our area. and sorceresses, kind people, call this river, if you doubt something,
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or insult. if you get caught, you go to the river, hurry up, tell her everything, and by pebbles, and by pebbles, and by pebbles, the river runs, far away to the blue sea, let it lie like a vetch, but bye, bye, bye, snake, and bye, bye, bye, already, all around. say it with a friend's pebble. after the commercial, friends, even more soulful songs, stay with us. member of the union of artists and wealthy muscovite ekaterina bolotova started a passionate affair with hockey player
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timur baraev. when ekaterina. discovered that in parallel with her he was dating dozens of rich women, baraev turned her life into at. now katya is forced to hide from the aggressive alphonse and even hired private security to protect her day and night. all participants have love stories in our program. malakhov on tuesday on rtr. it's not hunting time yet. it came, let's wait until the morning, we'll look at the weekend, maybe you killed him? laana, wait, she doesn't even remember me, her father's death, she doesn't either remembers, i want my life back, we
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will need it. a month, which means in a month, the commission will confirm the complete incapacity of grape, when there is pitch black darkness all around, captain, lena has disappeared, you have a crush on her too, loser, remember, dawn will definitely come, attention, danger of fire, i will always be with you, you hear , at dawn, on saturday on rtr. it still hurts here, it hurts here, it hurts here, this. the disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, to be healthy, the most important thing to remember is the principle threep.
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by the way, this has been officially proven, proper nutrition, how to properly eat away stress, you need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat, the right medications, run to the doctor, medications are like a crutch for us, and the right habits, they slap... for us, kefir , and i’m not afraid of this word, our health. about the most important thing, tomorrow, on rtt. who is he, and how did he end up here? these remains are 25-30 years old; in general, we did not have a statement about the disappearance of people. yes, capercaillie, this is 100%. the past, a valuable witness. this gravity is enough to lower the person to the bottom, which means it was not an accident. you just need to be able
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to ask questions. where did you find him? there under the bridge, i found something else there. information about the owner of the badge can still be found in the archive. ekaterina rednikova. and you and i have news. according to our stranger, the statute of limitations, you will interfere in this matter, freely, on friday on rtr, the goal is treasured , the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are out of this room in an absolutely faceless place.. .we make three different ones functional areas. ideas are overflowing. we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work. plans are turning into projects before our eyes. i
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love plants. i'm actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after dismantling, much will become clear. and dreams become reality. look, let us into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, once again, good evening, the song is on air from the bottom of my heart, and our broadcast continues, our guest from tver with the song nadezhda, will now perform his song, now turning to you, i know that you are looking at me from above and see everything that is happening to me,
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i really ask you, please, if you can, forgive me for all the pain that i caused you . free wind over the earth, brother for the soul, convey my words to the faithful old lady, tell me how much i love, i miss with my soul, i dedicate the song that i sing to her, i don’t live,
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i’m a mother without you, i don’t live, unfortunately, you are to me. .. i gave life, at your feet, with a prayer, i ask you to forgive me that your son did not live up to your... your hopes,
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your hopes, before you. there are no boundaries, you have freedom, you hear my request, always breed, i will be grateful to you with my soul, you hear me old man, father of nature, i don’t live, i can’t live without you, mom, unfortunately, you gave me
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life, i’ll fall at my feet i beg your forgiveness that your son did not live up to your hopes. that your son did not live up to your hopes, your hopes,
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thank you, thank you! thank you, well, here many people burst into tears, now the song is dedicated to your mother, right? yes, my late mother, who passed away in the thirteenth year, and that happened, you couldn’t ask her for forgiveness personally, you couldn’t, insofar as i was in prison, let ’s look at your story, attention, i didn’t live up to your hopes, your hopes, i was 17 years old, the first time i pleased to a children's colony, i spent half my life in places of deprivation of liberty, i felt that i was alone, just alone among strangers, i really wanted my mother to be nearby, for me my mother was, this is my god, well, how could i... she consoled me, simply
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supported me, for her, of course, it was very it’s hard, i cried very often, it’s very painful when the son you love madly, just leaves you for half your life, my mother never waited for me, she passed away in 2013, tell me how much i love you, i miss you with my soul, this song i dedicate what i sing to her, but when i found out about it, it was as if the earth swam out from under my feet at that moment when i just wanted to rewind my time back, not make such a mistake, the only thing i’m talking about, what i’m talking about i regret that he asked his mother for forgiveness. then
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music became my outlet; music gave me not only calm, but helped me find love, and met my future wife, arthur proposed to me very simply, in prison with this key ring, he got down on his knee and asked: someone give me the ring, so the employee took this ring off the key ring and i gave it to him, and now arthur and i have been together for almost 4 years, for me family is everything, but happiness, now i live by this and enjoy every minute, since i haven’t experienced this for a very long time, i personally started my life from scratch sheet, i won’t give you away, i won’t give it to anyone, s i am happy with you, and i write poetry only for you, for you i write my soul. but how did her parents
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react to the fact that this was a story at all, her mother reacted well to it, well, how would she, as a woman, understand it, most likely? his daughter, the father generally remained silent, but the brother was categorically against the fact that she wants to throw in her lot with a man who is serving a sentence in prison, especially with a man who has already served 17 and a half years, my brother and i met, talked, began to treat with respect to each other, as it should be in a family, everything is fine, everything is wonderful, my one-year-old son timur goes to kindergarten and my daughter was born a month and a half ago, as they named yaroslav’s daughter, well, let’s sing our word today, well,
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let me sing the old one romance, probably everyone knows it, they should, autumn dew, yellowing on the leaves. the first spring is far away, but i love you, i love you more than before, and just like then i feel dizzy, my head, and no matter how much you and i have not aged, only
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their heads turned a little white, they were dizzy. you will sing, in your body, there will be again, again there will be the ringing of the mine, dynastic, with you we shared, divided in half, both joy and... sadness, and even the grayness, we shared with you, but why sit there, let it shine, don’t be sorry, and we
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didn’t stand for a long time, just not a lot of head. povienie otuzhata i’m lagging behind my own, it will be again, again, it will be, words here, surround me, i will take it back, in my blizzard, it will be again
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, there will be a call again, thank you, put on the guitar , put on, well, now our evening will continue with another song about love alena videnina , friends, with the song love me like this, a flock of white cranes was returning home. i allowed myself to be a little different , love me like this, love me like this, love me
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as i am, love me like this, love me like this, love me as i am. it seemed to me that you were somewhere next to me. love me as i am, love me as i am, love me as i am, love me as i am, love me as i am, love me
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as i am, and i looked after them and waved my hand, and after a long winter the song flows. some, in in the reflection above the water, i sing to myself , love me as i am, in the double reflection, i sing to myself, love me as i am, love me as i am.
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love me the way i am, love me the way i am, love me the way i am, yeah , love me the way i am, love me the way i am, love me the way i am, love me the way i am. oh what i am, thank you very much, thank you, yes it was dangerous to stand there with you, but we can’t survive the energy, the arrows were flying right now, thank you very much, and well, listen, you such, thank you very much, thank you, bright, spectacular, that there is probably
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someone who loves you for who you are, of course, i hope that this is so, and most importantly, i wish for every person, absolutely everyone, that you too love , and they loved you, but the main thing is that you in general, you graduated from customs, when, yes , yes, i graduated from the financial and legal academy, in the faculty of customs affairs, but it turned out that somewhere probably in the second year of the institute purely by chance i ended up working in a restaurant, we came to celebrate a new year, everything was decorously noble, exactly until the moment when the singer reached a very good condition, and even here i’m sitting, i understand, well, we need to somehow save the situation, in general, we need to do something, so so they invited me at first, well, as a replacement, but customs gave the go-ahead? yes, there are even some options
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not to give, so let’s sing today, huh? it’s not grief, but joy for me, i’m celebrating the new thing. and the lights of the suna are burning, flying away, the gypsies are singing with me, all together, on ayai ayra, for a couple of dreams, ayra, the soul is sad, airaley, fate, my child, you won’t i'll shoulder it.
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and i live beautifully, the way i want, we live beautifully the way we want, for russia, viva , the main premiere of the year, what a great moment, congratulations, and remember, i was the first to call myself great, not in vain, they admired her, can i someday to be worthy of you, her... you have a motherly soul, kind, sympathetic, you will find a word for everyone, you want to say, in order to see my little mother, i need to have a record, they bowed before her. the russian empress is not as simple as she seems. in all her affairs she has an exact measure, but she wanted just to be loved. i yearned for you, what would happen to us now, if you knew how difficult it is to love you, i don’t know who can cope with this pain. catherine, the favorites, you will see, will love you like a woman and like
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an empress. today. on рrt. this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, it ’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other. bela, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, we fell in love with them, but who’s good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words,
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heroes of their time, beauty, rapping, the whole team, just... we look on the platform, there are places that fascinate, because they are part cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore nature, dear mother, simply incredible beauty, you already... understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try taste, oh, my eyes widen how delicious everything is, as my mother says, fuck off your godfather, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india,
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they say a properly made bukhara knife is a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. i buy happiness, mom. i buy happiness, mom. this is a hotel with history and traditions. on saturday. you're fine, of course. i go into the salon, she is sitting. and i. both you and i fell in love, you know that my wife will kill me, and then another buyer showed up and offered such a price that i couldn’t refuse, so where is he, and your other buyer, you, you, after the deal with happiness, i will become a partner, and it’s my dream that will come true, not yours, but who cares when, i
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i’ll fight, i’ll save happiness, it’s hard to share happiness if it’s... hotel for two premieres, on saturday on rtr, once again, good evening, in this studio there are the most incendiary folk hits, folk performers from all over the country, the program includes songs from the bottom of my heart , and our evening continues with our guest from scabordino balkaria, azamatz in kilov with the song orevoir. i hate myself for tears on your eyelashes. because of the letter that you... write, at night, when i can’t sleep, i hate myself, but i don’t love you, i’m leaving, i
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’m running away, from the illusion of love, you make me hate with my phone. you consider yourself smart, dazzlingly beautiful, yes, i agree, it’s true, you’re beautiful, smart , but you don’t need me, it’s all your game, and mine is beautiful, chow-chow, unloved, grow it forever, and my star, remaining, unloved , don’t look for me anymore, i died for
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you, i’m surprised at your strange, light- hearted desire, looking for all my refusal, you funny excuses, even angry ones, from invented love, better you find someone else and push your loved one, my beautiful, chow-chow , unloved, goodbye forever, my star, audista is unbearable, rude, unloved, you don’t look for me anymore, i
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am obligated! forever my star, free yourself, cover me, unloved one, don’t look for me anymore, my star!
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unloved, goodbye, unbearable, don’t look for me anymore, they’ll convince themselves , but i don’t... i know what was cooler, catherine zeta jones on the screen or you dancing with azamat, well then tell all the women who stuck to the screens, is your heart free , you know, or do you need to tell them right away orevbuar, my beautiful one, she’s already 8 years old, no, i have a son, he’s 7 years old. so farewell my orrevoir, well, let’s move to you in kabbardino balkaria, let’s see how you live
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in your native village, attention, my native village, urukh, where i was born, it’s been 36 years since i ’ve been here, the village is for me - these are the parents, here is mom, dad. no matter where i am, i still return to my father’s house. my parents are involved in farming, i like it, it’s nice to pick raspberries with my father or do other chores around the house, a man should do the housework, a man, all household chores are done by a woman, we’ve been growing raspberries for a long time. every year we roll over a thousand cans. raspberry jam helps with colds, so my mother treats herself, the whole
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family, and, of course, the entire village. this unusual device is called a homemade twister, to make it easier for mom to twist the jars, i used to suffer, i twisted them with this twister, of course, oh, it takes a whole day to do this, but now it’s quick, reliable and it’s beautiful, and agurs, tomatoes, and otzhiku, and leche, whatever we do, it’s all through this, it’s our men who care so much about us that they can do it for us. such an attentive son, i can’t say anything, caring, well, the fact that he chose such a job, we were against it at first, we didn’t want him to sing, but it’s his choice, we already support it, because that’s what he lives for, and don’t wait for me, i beg you, may heaven punish me, it’s not customary for us to praise children, but i... sometimes i don’t
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freshen up, my voice, well, isn’t bad, it seems, parents, for me this is everything , i respect them, love them, appreciate them, i was raised according to caucasian customs, here is one of them, i have no right to sit at the table where my father, the eldest, sits, without his permission, in rare cases the father allows, it’s at moments like these, we sing drinking songs together, tell me, tell colina, how did you get here, and tell me, how did it come to your mind to make such a unit, it needs to be registered urgently, and it’s just a matter of july in sochi there for a reason, well, i didn’t do the twisting, of course, but
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the neighbors helped, but they came up with an idea, that’s how we help mom, tell me what we’ll sing at the table today, what song, let me sing songs from the war years, i love them very much, i sing, you’re waiting for the covenant, i think everyone knows, let’s sing , you are waiting for lizaveta, from a friend, greetings, dawn, so that you will think about me, having won a victory, i will come to you on a hot battle koga, and where is the victory, now i will come on a hot memory of horses,
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and i’m riding with an oar, the gate? i am with you, you are with me, unsound forever, anxiety, let it be on the threshold, i will return when the dreams, fatherly worries melt away, don’t stand on the threshold, looking at my relatives, i want to say that the azamat never looked at her, do you understand? now i’ll see if, with your permission, i sing a song about happiness in kabardian, a slow lyrical song, a little
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bit, a little bit, a little bit. well, there was a song, it seems to me that she understood, i also called zhau-baur, i understood everything , i understood everything, i had already moved somewhere, yes, thank you, especially since rural concerns are not alien to her, i want to tell you , and twists, she knows how to give goats, they told me, you know, so the bride, where did she learn to give kos, well, somehow it happened, i always went to my grandmother in the village, you finish it right away, i immediately take it from here and drink, and well, oh, of course yes.
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somewhere near st. petersburg in the leningrad region - this is mom and me and the kids, and your grandmother sings in a veteran’s choir, and your grandmother is already... grandma, forgive me if i forgot how many years you have been singing there, definitely more twenty, i know, but yes, they perform in the veterans’ choir in the leningrad region, in st. petersburg, that is , a very musical family, from childhood, parents always they wanted me to do something so creative, but my mother is a multi-instrumentalist , that is, she plays absolutely any instrument you give her, and even the harp, and even the harp, so let’s sing a song today, grandma’s beloved, when i was weeding the beds, although it’s very... i always imagined myself that i was in a movie in some kind of field in front of me, and i thought that maybe
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the reeds were rustling, we’ll sing, maestro, we’re melting the trees they turned, and the night was dark, hell of a beloved couple, all night long they walked until morning, patvadruy.
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didn’t get up, remember, i really liked the way you weeded, you showed somehow how you are watered in your own way, everyone is watered in your own way, yes, i’ll now introduce you to this elegant gentleman from shimov , yablonka stepanovna will now appear on this stage singing acts. oh, you roadside apple tree, pear pear,
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dawning blossom, you are my careful love, my infused amulet, you have spun. khmelino has been crushed, i will draw a fly, like a birch tree, i love you, not for the past, but for this midday in the spring, i have swirled the khmelino, i have powdered it, delete it. zaperz my, i love you, not for
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the past, but for this paluden from mine. lalalai, bark, la, bark, the roadside garden will stop making noise from the blossoms, the cobwebs will get wet, the rains are gone, in a distant church, aseni navat, you don’t care about me, wait, wait, and don’t rush and open the window, with a secret sign, let me know, what are you waiting for, collecting our honey, a swarm of bees, where
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is this, tell me, you will find it, don’t rush, wait, and open the window, give a sign, give a sign. so he’s waiting, taking our meth, tell me where the swarm is, we’ll find it.
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75 years and you wrote this very song, yes, it is everything is mine, a long time ago, a song a long time ago, well, about three years ago, yes, that is, you, i was still young , an officer, a retired officer-lieutenant colonel, you write songs, yes, how many songs do you end up writing, for hundreds and a half, probably, bravo, yes, at the same time, let's look at your physical form, tell me, how many times do you do 75 pull-ups? but i can do it 30 times, but in a way that doesn’t force me, 22 times , at least now, and now pay attention, well done, well done, well done, come on, 75 years old, and 75, that’s
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another romp, one. 5 km plus the seventh floor in the summer, my grandfather and i we spend time in the garden, we tend to the garden there , we have to feed our grandchildren a lot, we sing for them, we live for them, we love them, this is the happiness that everyone should strive for, i started to spin. choked with a black-haired, dreamy one, i love you, not for the past, but for this in the spring, seven grandchildren, and they told me they call you grandfather the lyricist, well , because we’ll sing at the table today, and you know? somewhere in my youth i was still young, i
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like the song lada, from the iron ringing of buckshot, to the iron ringing of buckshot to me the wheels of yaroslavl in the hour of separation, of yaroslavl hour of separation. the prince probably said, there’s no need to frown, okay, there’s no need to frown, for me there’s a reward, okay, even if you become a grandmother, you’ll still be okay, for me you’ll be okay, okay, how did it all
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happen, how did it all start? how does she sing, what is your name? under these hands, which country was destroyed? how to live with this now? why is all this, you and i, why, how did it all happen , how did it all start, it was sunstroke, sunstroke, a film by nikita mikhalkov,
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today on rtr, your favorite song is playing... real feelings know no boundaries, i’m sitting here and barely holding back my tears. this is a layer of culture, this is the golden fund of soviet and russian culture. hello, andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturdays on rtr. good evening, good fellow, what is your name?
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anna, anya. in front of your beauty, i hate it when a stranger writes a note like this to my wife, i don’t need a house or a car, i want you and me to have a child, it’s so easy to be happy, you understand that i love you , from the moment we first met, as soon as i saw you, it’s so easy to get confused, i don’t know who i love anymore, i don’t know, i don’t like all this. the price of crazy passion is too high, i will not give you to anyone, love that never happened, on sunday on rtr, i ask you to sign
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one of the most important documents of your life. mortgage agreement with the taraski family. signed, please, a book of complaints, here you go, you will know how later , don’t report napkins, he doesn’t work, take him back, that’s why we fired him, because he didn’t work at all, and now get yours books on anger management, the serenity of a bandbook, we read it, we saw the technique in which it was done, this is the original , the history of a big country, on friday on rtr,
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who is he and how did he end up here, these installations are 25-30 years old, we don’t have them at all it was, the past is a valuable witness, this gravity is enough to lower a person to the bottom, which means it was not an accident, you just need to be able to ask questions, where did you find him, there under the bridge, i found something else there, information about the owner the icon can still be found in the archive, ekaterina rednikova. for you and me there is news about our stranger sonari ki, the statute of limitations, you will interfere in this matter, freely, on friday on rtr, once again, good
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evening, songs from the bottom of my heart on the air, songs that heal the soul, i hope you and your whole family are watching the tv screens and our program continues, our guest from the tver region, valentina ovchinnikova, with an original song at sunset. at sunset i will sit on a horse, on a horse with a wavy mushroom, you are my horse, mount,
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heal my soul, help me become happy again, my horse carried me, and there is fire in me, i... towards the unknown ahead of the dawn, it means everything is not in vain, it means there will be something interesting, and you carry me, carry me, i want to breathe in, love is a tray, and life will be again , maybe you can give me happiness, you already helped once, you tried. for me as best he could, but
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then i met a king with the wrong mask for me. having played a role with him, i experienced combat, but i didn’t remember about it. well, if i want , i’ll fly to the sky and get a star for myself, i don’t have enough of one star to melt the dinka in my heart, you jump, my friend can’t behind the mountain, my soulmate is coming, and you don’t take me, bring me into the stream, i want to breathe in, a sip of love, and life can be again, maybe you can give me happiness, you already helped once, you
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tried your best for me, but then i met a king, not the one for me. and you carry me, carry me into the stream, i want to breathe in, love is a tray, life can be again, maybe give me. happiness, you already helped once, tried for me as best you could, but
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then i met a king who was not the right one for me. the main thing is that you worked for 40 years, tell me, i worked for 40 years in a kindergarten, musical director, so can you imagine how many holidays, matinees and new year's parties? let me say, my dear, my beloved, kindergarten employees, who remembers me, who sees me, who knows me, a huge hello to everyone, thank you very much, but i want to show how do you live in the tver region, what a luxurious hat you have, what kind of fur is this, tell me, the fur is
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a mink, a mink, very beautiful, attention, this is the town of ozerny, i lived here for exactly half a century, all my life i was the wife of a military man, that’s why i wear the title of combatant with pride. friends, this is my apartment, all my creativity is born, my friend, a veteran , probably one year old, my accordion, we carried this accordion from village to village and had holidays there, we danced to the accordion and i realized that i couldn’t live without an accordion, i would play it now with pleasure, but its sounds are not the same, it is already old , i can’t raise it, let it be with me until the end of my days, for me music is the canopy of my soul, because without my creativity i i don’t know if i would still be alive, this is my favorite photo, it’s already many years old, this is where
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my husband and i are, young, beautiful, happy, my sweetheart, he loved me very much, even people told me, friends told me, valya , how volodya loves you, we were jealous, we lived for 40 years, raised wonderful sons, live and rejoice, and in the eighth year he became ill, they put him in the hospital, diagnosed him with oncology, when the doctor told me he was living out his last months with you, for me it was, it was a shot in the heart, i don’t remember how i got out doctor’s office, he passed away in front of my eyes , then i only realized how much i
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loved him. i was just orphaned, hello my vovochka, hello my darling, i miss you, i always remember you with love , i left early, at 62 he passed away, he left, and i was left alone, i was between life and too. it seemed to me that i could no longer survive, except for pills and a glass, i had nothing, but i began to be drawn into vomot, music saved me, original songs just pulled me out, instead of putting out the fire, write poetry, music, it will help, i’m like a phoenix bird, i came out into the world, after the death of my husband,
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my second happy life began. i'm a really strong woman. and i didn’t recognize it, but i learned to love crazy life, look, to the point of tears, the truth, this is the truth , it seems to me, you know, this is not only a song, but this is such a life affirmation inside, you know, such a desire to create, to share warmth and here you know, that’s how the winter cherry is like that, with such a reserve of love for life, for others, for, such inner strength, such filling, it’s very cool, and the accordion, you played, you studied
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, somehow you know the accordion from me, i think i learned to speak, walk and sing at the same time, gorgeous photo, i just look, my soul has unfolded, unfolded, you you know, it’s not just me, the neighbor boy had an harmonica, and i’m on this, i say, lazy, let me play, he’s on one side, i’m on the other side, they played the harmonica, that’s it, that’s it, well , maybe , let's connect, let's sing, something, let's sing, you know, i want to sing, i am because now i am one and many , and i want to wish that every woman would be someone’s joy, my joy lives, my
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joy lives, in a tall tree, i know a beauty has tans, a gift is well done, no one is far away. way to the good fellow, i’m dear and i’m asking for just one night after another, it would have been only one night and one night darker
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, well, now it’s good that you didn’t fall and kept yourself under control, but by the way, volodya plays the drums very well, they told me , and volodya are my favorite artists, just like that, i adore him, i admit it, now i know where he is search, i experience complete, complete empathy, i’m sorry that there is empathy in the russian language, we have such a soul , it seems to us to worry, there is no word for joy, but i directly rejoice with you, and your mother, also an actress, natalya feklenko , played with andrei mironov, yes, yes, yes, yes, it’s true, yes, that means my mother, natalya vladimirovna, honored artist, actress of the satire theater, our mother is called that, the queen mother, they said, of course, about the legendary, unique , inimitable artist of the sotira theater andrei alexandrovich mironov, and when i was at school and got some b’s there, my mother always
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told me this is andryusha. if he got a b, he went to the teacher and said: “let me retake” he was a very nervous person, she... demanded this from me, but i didn’t understand, well, let’s sing, island of bad luck, both, oh, this is an application , all covered with greenery, absolutely all, an island of unseeing in the ocean, yes, an island of unseeing in the ocean. yes, all covered with greenery, absolutely all, unhappy people live there, savages, terrible on the face, kind inside, terrible on the face, kind inside, unhappy savage people
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live there, they don’t do anything, their mother gave birth on monday, vita their mother gave birth on monday, what they don’t do, they don’t go saw, the crocodile is chalk for not growing. they cry to god , they pray without sparing their tears, they cry to god they pray without sparing their tears, the crocodile doesn’t pray, don’t grow a coconut, it seems they are not slackers and could live, they should take mondays and cancel them, they should take mondays and not cancel them, it seems the slackers could live like crazy, if the adults are
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wasted, the rubbery adults are wasted, tatyana grigorievna swept you away, our main thing is the dance, meet our guests from the arkhanel region, from the city of kargopol , svetlana nedosekin, alexander bukreev, good evening to everyone, almost fellow countrymen, of course, yes, yeah, how are you doing there? oh, we are doing well, we live wonderfully, it is beautiful, probably the most, i myself , i love this city so much, it is naga older than moscow, 1.146 years old, the fact is that girls, i am so
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lucky in life, i met one of the greatest people, probably on earth, yes no, not on earth, that this is my husband, alexander, he, listen, now i know, like a wife. should represent me, the most beautiful, the most, uh, elegant and so on, but the fact is that he always played peter the great with us, well, especially since he is the right height, yes, 2.04 turns out, 2:02, sasha is a little shorter, but if you wear pebbles, let's show how you live, attention, we're coming to visit you, and you and you, as always, are with us, the youngest people, pasha, pasha, look at what you and i are wearing in heels, oh, how beautiful yours is, look, the table, now there’s still a samovar, what beautiful pirogues you made, yes, yes, that’s what we would do without our mothers, let
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’s go swimming, let’s go swimming, let’s spin around, are we really going to come back to mazurika, andrey, i completely forgot that i also really love paint pictures, autumn city? gargapol, this is the coast of the white sea, my painting there has not yet been completed , i am in the process, this is my stepfather, vasily vasilyevich , fishing, the onega river is called, i learned to play quite recently, to perform folk melodies, as men say, with hacksaws . so you play on spoons, i was told, on ratchets, the fact is that i also brought
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kargopol toys, guys, imagine, imagine, look, look, this toy is called polkan, polkan the slavic god - that’s it, andryush, this is for you, thank you, this is the fastest, most enduring man, a horse, you understand, yes, and of course , a new year tree, this kargopol new year tree, i... i just can’t help but give it to you, too, but if so , i can’t boast that i’m a populist, but i have a husband, he, of course, sings more romances, romances for voice with choir, i will be the voice, you are the choir, remember how dear... with you, we
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walked over the blue river, over cold transparent water, i touched a light hand , oh, and my head was spinning drunk, my heart was beating loudly in my chest, oh my beloved fenya , i believed everything was ahead of us, choir lalalai, beloved thea, i’m all ahead of us, well, svetlana nedosekina, alexander bukreev, the nightingale!
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lilacs are blooming in my garden, the dawn is reflected to me, and the nightingale is flying in my garden, when the nightingale meets spring, and the nightingale flies into my garden, when the nightingale meets spring , say the nightingale, the nightingale, is the nightingale fat, ringing little head , the moon is shining in the window, it smiles at me in the night, but it sings again, my nightingale, it sings in the garden, does not calm down, but my nightingale sings again, in the garden,
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she sings. toils, little nightingale, golden little head, salali little nightingale, ringing little head, i will go out into the garden, breathe in the spring, the song merges with the soul, fly my dear little nightingale to the lands where the light of love is born, fly my dear nightingale to the lands where the light of love is born, tsalavelovka, little head of a woman, sala fox trap, i call before the trap,
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salted saltwort. ringing little head, salari nightingale, ringing little head, friends, thank you very much for being with us, have a good evening everyone, goodbye, we have gathered, the first group, about ten people, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes , when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, let’s say this is my trophy, someone was hungry, and here comes a grandmother , hungry herself, but she brings this kurpa to the orphanage and they say, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, we and... and
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decided that we need to take the guys with us , i came across such people, who care, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you , what you do is simply amazing, from tuesday to thursday , on rtr. it goes on air on a russian tv channel. news, i greet you, i, maria sittel, hello, israeli army hit 450 targets hamas demands the evacuation of hospitals in gaza for new attacks. the delivery of humanitarian supplies to


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