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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  November 7, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] some kind of surrealism, katya is attacked, katya is terrorized, and katya is left alone, and katya is to blame for everything, that is, what began in the english language, victim blaming begins, this is blaming the victim, that is, the victim becomes toxic, kickbacks turn away, and according to the list, all her friends and so on, because something terrible is happening to her, no one wants to have anything to do with it, and there is absolutely no protection from this terror, thank you, thank you, by the way, a bill on persecution has been introduced into the state duma oh we'll talk a little later, i want to ask, konstantin, why do you think he is so attached to katya, given his appearance, talents, especially many women, he can attach himself to any adult and after 3 months have her again, and why do you think he is like this, i think that we are simply talking about a hurt ego, and naturally, the social issue played a very strong role here, that the woman is successful,
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ruble, and i am here, he is not secretly dating him, that he is making repairs, but is trying to socialize him, show him to society, arrange he is somewhere, well, that is, in reality, and this is a pure sociopath, so he is very really dangerous, because from such people, and you can expect anything you want, it’s another matter that, well, honestly katya, well, you’re an adult smart woman, well, where were your eyes looking, but didn’t you really understand who you were dealing with and so on and so forth, you know, this really happened to me, this was the first time, and for some reason i think, well, to this day since then, i think that if people are together, they should help each other, yes, but when all these things began to happen - actions from his hand, i contacted the police, i kicked him out, i did, andrei repeated the question twice, and a very correct question, when i found photographs, when i found photographs
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of other women, i kicked him out... once again, he understood, that this is already for sure and he has no time to do anything, and he just became absolutely lawless, burned down half my house , put the house out of commission, on the eve of the child’s birthday, let’s, let’s see what your parents say, show what happened to the house, attention. we are located on rublevopenskoe highway, in one from the oldest nomenclat settlements, this is my dacha, there used to be a festive atmosphere in this house, children’s laughter , guests with children, friends came to us, this is a video from my child’s birthday, it was made just about 2 months ago, then,
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when i started having a conflict with my partner timur rashidovich baraev, just... on the eve of my child’s birthday, he came here in the evening to pick up things, began to tear out all these lanterns, everything was prepared here for the birthday celebration, there was a lot of street furniture , because there there were 20 children, parents, he just burned it all, you can see how big the fire was , at least from this pine tree, the fire was several meters long, i was forced to simply run away abroad with the child. when my daughter was away, katya asked us to come here and see the condition of the dacha, when we arrived, we just fell asleep, because the door here was all broken, but we came here, the light bulbs were taken out, this door was also boarded up, they even screwed here, when i opened it
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there was a plank here, all the windows, including all the windows the frames are screwed in with self-tapping screws, screwed in with self-tapping screws yes... when we got them, of course, there was a self-tapping screw so that it couldn’t be opened , they called me, again my friends, whom i asked to come into the house and look after the house, said that it was creepy in the basement there was a flood, maybe it poured for two days, everything was flooded with water, the water was standing somewhere, probably like this , because he unscrewed the plugs on the water supply, there was a short circuit, it was just a miracle that the house didn’t burn down, and in general we could have been in this house because he... doesn't knew that i had left, that is, he penetrates, sweeps up traces, motivates by the fact that he is the grandson of some security officer and knows how to do it, with enviable regularity he climbed , for example, through that dormer window when the house was closed , or he could have crawled through, for example, through the window, i want him to come back, of course, i think so, despite all these nasty things they do to make me very scared, terrible things happen, well, this is terrorism in its purest form, to me
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i'm terribly scared for the child, first of all... for me i’m scared for the child, and he knows that i’m very scared for the child, and nothing stops him, your parents, yuri ivanovich, elena vladimirovna, joined us, and you remember your first impression of this man, when katya introduced you. the first impression was quite favorable, i immediately said that the question was very interesting, there was a big age difference. this means different interests, obviously, yes, different relationships, different friends. so, i was very alarmed that at the first meeting he began to say: “i want to get married.” started calling we are mom and dad, i want to get married, and katya introduced him as her boyfriend or as her son’s hockey coach, she introduced him as a boyfriend, of course, as the man with whom i live, with whom she
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lives, yeah, when everything has already happened , she discovered photographs and realized that besides her, there are many other women in his life. have you tried to talk to him like a man and somehow dial him, even just on the phone? no, i didn’t try to talk to him, after... he climbed over my fence and climbed into my dacha, i once again she ran away from him with the child, just like that, so i tried to really talk to him, it’s clear how she stopped me, stopped me, i said that it was six months after she introduced me, i immediately said katya, this is a natural alphonse, leave this guy, she’s offended by me... for some reason, she was offended, but because when he appeared, i liked him, there was such love in my daughter’s eyes, i so wanted that everything was fine, for everyone parents want everything to be fine with their children, and then
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what has it turned into, now, you know, it’s scary, it’s just scary , she walks, she looks out the window, and something seems to her that he’s going there, i just found out that the firefighters took her out before her grandson’s birthday. he burned all the furniture there, everything was done for the holiday, locked her in the house, locked her up, she called the ministry of emergency situations, they took out my little girl through the window, who will protect us from this, how can it be that love, i have this feeling, that you all live in some kind of desert island in which there are no law enforcement authorities, investigative committee, prosecutor's office, local police. please explain to me, judging by your story, a person has repeatedly entered someone else’s home, the 18th person has kidnapped and damaged, burned your
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personal property, the person is threatening you, oh well, this is an article that, unfortunately, rarely works for the police, we have discussed many times in your programs andrey the phrase that he didn’t kill. many times, okay , let’s put this aside, but there are several crimes committed, why doesn’t he sit in prison, plus he sends them to his parents, acquaintances and friends intimate photographs, and this forms a separate element of a criminal offense, he is engaged in blackmail with the help of these photographs, like... come live with me, or i will send these photographs, the fact that we live in a rule of law state should have been a long time ago under investigation, you filed an application to initiate a criminal case, of course, you were officially denied,
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there is nothing for me, there is nothing, so you need to demand that a procedural decision be made when law enforcement agencies see your persistence, and i hope after the program andrey this will happen, then that’s it. yes, but timur has his own truth, he says that he wants to get an answer from katya , why she cheated on him, because he allegedly found photographs of her cheating, attention, he constantly, now the next thing is happening, she writes to me, she meets with me, who demands a reaction from me, 12 messages are written to the police officers, she
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, she, she speaks to me, living for a year, with another man under the name bot, the bot boat renamed what he wants from me this man, explain to me, look, she says, i’m a passionate woman, that’s all her passion, living with me, just leave me alone, don’t you dare come close to me, your personal life doesn’t interest me, i just don’t want to i just don’t want to live with you, especially since i just don’t want to, and you have to return all my things, what you stole from me and what, that is, for censorship reasons, we closed all the photos were stolen from me and well, of course i don’t have to make excuses but i can just say that we have to make excuses which of you has completely cheated on whom? your personal affairs, everything, you broke up, you broke up , he has no right to persecute you and demand any answers from you, you don’t want to give these answers, period , there are other people in these photographs. i naturally dated men before timur and there are men
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with whom i met and this is his personal life , your personal also which he puts on display to all my friends , these photos were sent out there, huge and where did he get it, did he hide your phone or did he steal it from me phone and laptop svetlana sarapkina katya’s close friend is also on the program today, let’s talk to her. svetlana, you also suffered from timur barayev, partly, yes, there was an episode when we all, together with our families, were vacationing in turkey with katya, we went there with the children, katya and timur just had some kind of conversation in our presence, oh i don’t remember exactly what it was, but suddenly a large glass table sharply overturns, and which falls on the stone floor, breaks into tiny pieces, fragments from the leg, then for a long time. and what provoked it? just
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a conversation, some conversation about something, about what? what are we talking about? i can’t say, it was some kind of ordinary, something just an ordinary discussion, i don’t remember either and this is not the first, well, listen, anything can make him angry, as i understand it, because look, an ordinary conversation , he is a coach in the locker room before the match, attention, when i come to work with you , you, you, you, you, you, you, everyone, i will listen to you, everyone will listen, we need to win this match, i will bye you if we won't win this match, okay it’s clear to you, it’s clear to all of you, it’s clear, your leather ones are ready to put on the puck today, but they’re ready, and you talked to the trap, damn it, so that they
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catch it, i’ll hunt you down, i know, i know. if you don’t want to be bullied, from women to enemies, show your masculine character, show your anger , what the score will be on the ice, on the scoreboard, but i need this desire, this desire, be men with great letter, be aggressive for these 2 hours, for these three periods, aggression, sports anger should be, do not give in, do not lose, fight, tired, changed. be angry, don’t be shy, don’t be afraid, this is how he behaves with grown men, and how he behaves with women, i don’t quite understand why grown men are sitting with water in their mouths, many, much older than him, sports commentator coach evgeniy lovchev is in our studio today, maybe he can explain why grown men don’t react to... such behavior, what
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timur did now, as far as i understand, it was he who set up the team, and so too, and so do top coaches leagues, understand me right, okay, maybe we really don’t know the whole hockey game and we can agree that this way the team will be better tuned to the game, but what can you say about his behavior, the same thing happened, he behaved the same way with me and my re it’s the same no one forced you to get close to him, that’s when i saw this squabble of yours, yes, i suddenly thought that i was in some kind of shit, to be honest, you see, i keep pointing out that this is just a squabble when he shoots, it's just a skirmish, me, give me
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say, but you have hands, they are exposed. yes, i’m not against katerina, you attacked me now, why didn’t i attack her, i’m talking about one thing, one thing, you probably also looked at who timur is, it turns out that he would already have a trail coming from there, from ufa, what is he there, what did he write to the coach, that he demanded money from him, that he stole something, more? now it’s just one step from love to hate, should she get rid of him now? get rid of? the realization came that she fell in love with the wrong person, she wants to forget about him, he doesn’t gives this opportunity, i’m turning to you, here is a lawyer, a great lawyer, take him, ask him, and he did everything, i want to ask, firstly, the investigative committee,
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mr. bastrykin, first of all, so that he intervenes, somehow the structures intervene in this whole story, because i’m just scared to live, please, they took the guard, i took the guard, yes, who now lives with me, i took the guard, because my life looks like hell, and what do the viewers say, and how is this story responds, andrey, you will we are very surprised, but most of our spectators, who have now literally inundated us with messages on the side of the young hockey player, you can’t imagine how many messages are coming in support of timur, so i ’ll read some, but how did the young athlete splurge on money, in general , you know the salary of hockey players, this he supported her, she is now taking revenge that he found herself, she boasted to her friends about a young guy, and now that’s it, there’s nothing more to brag about, she’s not at all sorry, but what she wanted, she ’s used to buying love for herself, even if now is paying, and you know, there are a lot of such messages, i think that the spectators have already
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fallen in love with this vlad stashevsky , you know, well, what do you want, professional alphonse, well, that’s right, he can have it at his disposal, yes, well, these girls are just not yet we saw how timur baraev can ram cars, we will show how he brazenly crashes into the car of our film crew, after the advertisement, all the details, as well as the bill that is now being discussed in the state duma, why you love me, i love you, and everything is entirely you i love, the main prime minister... of the year, you threw me into the darkness, forcing me to become confident in who i am, but i conducted my own investigation, it seems to me that your fire can be directed in the other direction, you need to change your favorite, the belly has taken such liberty for herself that she
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arranges amorous dates for herself right in the palace , ekaterina favorites, today on rtr, many of you wake up in the first place. no exception, you opened the champagne, do you want to get a sea of ​​positive emotions? tours to abkhazia, i spent a week on vacation in a skirt, i could barely fit it in, you’re at the right place. everyone's spirits will be lifted here, kesha wants to read, please read, kesha can’t read , but a man has to earn money, yesterday i earned such money from my wife, on the air of the morning mail and i’m its host, nikolai baskov. the most
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positive thing, morning mail with nikolai baskov through sunday on rtr. good evening, good fellow, what is your name? anna yacolena, anya, i bow to your beauty, it’s unpleasant for me when a stranger writes such a note to my wife, i don’t need a house or a car, i want you and me to have a child, it’s so easy to be happy, you did you understand that i love you? from the moment of our first meeting, as soon as i saw you, it’s so easy to get confused, i no longer know who i love, i don’t know, i don’t like all this, the price of crazy passion is too high, i won’t give you to anyone, a love that doesn’t was on
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sunday on rtr. our strength is the truth, our job is to serve russia, which means we are on the air again, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, watch, love is when you look in one direction, look, look. look, want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time. for one, two, three, subscribe, look, look, maybe we’ll go to my
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place, just watch a movie, again, good afternoon, alphonse’s revenge, the focus is on the story of ekaterina bolotova from the ruble, a young lover, turned her life, the life of a former wealthy pasty to real hell, all his ardor and declarations of love were only for the sake of big money and expensive ones. gifts now when ekaterina discovered in his phone that he was simultaneously dating dozens of women, and also worked part-time at a strip club, she began to hide from the aggressive alphonse and even hired private security, who was forced to protect her day and night. before leaving for advertising, we promised to show you how timur leaves the hockey club on the ruble, where our correspondents
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came with him . timur, timur, we will finish the game, why is this? happens, you drive into our car, why? we want to talk to timur, why don’t you want to comment?
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unfold. the police did not give the report, they threw out the documents of our driver, they left, they didn’t have time to write it down, they turned me right in the face, 1125 there was an accident, a traffic police squad arrived, what is the essence of the question, the essence of the issue is that the request to be included in the witness report, they threw away my documents on the asphalt and didn’t hand me the protocol, they took him away and quickly disappeared from the place, this is how everyone behaves under the camera, you know, it’s very strange, it ’s very strange, especially it’s strange in relation to russian journalists, for me
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it’s nonsense, and i think we have a communications master sports hockey player maxim rybin, maxim, hello, hello, andrei, hello, studio, what do you think of the story of ekaterina and timur, well, this shouldn’t be persecution at all, it’s even unacceptable, the same goes especially for intimidation of children or something else, if this is a fact, i’ll say it a little bit, and i’ll say it a little bit, i’ll say it honestly, i didn’t like the behavior of the coach , this kind of behavior in the modern world, in a modern locker room, this doesn’t happen, then what might suit someone, i’ll say it honestly, that is it’s real when they scream and beat their own wards, you understand, andrey, you can probably talk on emotions , you can talk loudly, get your point across, of course it’s possible, it’s probably necessary, but relatively speaking, as in the modern world this doesn’t
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happen, this person is a sociopath, and there have already been cases when people like that with an unbalanced psyche , with suppressed pride, then they came in and beat their girlfriends to death, who abandoned them, so i ’m afraid that just for now this story seems to have, well, not come out. sorry, she has already gone beyond the red line, while he is still fortunately, fortunately, he didn’t kill anyone, katya, he didn’t kill only because i don’t care about your houses, the main thing for me is the safety of you and your child, and not your houses and cars, yes, but i ’m there, don’t tell me about
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about houses, these are weapons, you can say, this is not it at all, i don’t know, let’s, let’s see , probably the only joy left in life, i don’t know, to come to some crowded place where there are normal people, i ordered myself coffee, i sat down at the table and simply saw that he was there too, drilling into me with a look, that is, i was sitting in a cafe , and he... stood there 15 meters from me near these display cases with desserts and just looked at me, this look i know very well , crazy, such a bloodless face, these black goloznits, crazy absolutely he just glared at me, naturally i was very scared once again, my hands
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just started shaking, my soul just sank into my heels, and so: he stood there for about 15 minutes, i probably didn’t look in his direction, i urgently started calling to the police, explain to them the situation, that this is all extremely dangerous, they accepted this challenge and began to work with him somehow, they arrived, i’m afraid for my life, for the life of a child, to throw acid, to scare him, he can actually kill there, it seems to me, on this planet. .. there is not a single place where i can just hide from him, he will get me everywhere, find me everywhere, it’s very scary, from complete impunity, from the absence of any, there is no help, from nowhere, but he is huge, strong, healthy, hockey player,
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athlete, i’m very afraid, this is just not life, but what, some kind of hellish hell, katya, you have connections in order to get him into sirius, you don’t have anyone to stop him, to stop him, but let’s do it like this , you’re telling me, you’re not interested in houses, but i’m interested, because all i have is this is my life, my way of life, this is what i earned for myself , for 20 years, you see, you didn’t even hear, that’s why people are against you, i’m telling you about life when my child was born out of town in order for him to feel comfortable and grow up outside the city, i do everything for the child, that’s all, but then timur appeared, it started he didn’t appear, you appeared, well, okay, i
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’ll let him go global. a bill on stalking has now been submitted to the state duma ; now the court can prohibit a person from sending electronic letters or calling his victim, but no one can prohibit him from approaching, as in the story of timur and katya. the initiator of this bill, deputy chairman of the state duma, vladislav davankov, is our guest today, let's invite him to a conversation, you heard the whole story today, tell us at what reading. and when katya and her can girls like this start sleeping peacefully? well, first of all, i would like to say that this is not an isolated story , there are more tragic cases when a person calls the police, the next day, unfortunately, the person is killed, we relied on our experience, and the court case of 2017,
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when the court actually prohibited sending text messages, letters, giving some gifts, and there are different kinds of gifts, this... maybe there is a dead fish, for example, yes, but as i hear ekaterina, her main request is this is that he i just didn’t approach her, if this is so, this is what the bill is actually dedicated to, that now, having gone to court, you cannot prohibit a person from approaching, here is our law, it solves this problem when such a ban is imposed, in on average, the court prohibits 50-100 meters from a person, if the person, well, actually , the violator violates this requirement, then there is every reason to contact law enforcement agencies, then the court makes a decision, there is either a fine or about correctional work, or in general about criminal prosecution, how this law will work if, for example, timur does not think of ramming a car, now katya, we see how easily he rams


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