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tv   Morozova  RUSSIA1  November 9, 2023 2:55am-3:46am MSK

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but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you should consult a specialist. doctor myasnikov, every saturday on rtr. the time for hunting has not yet come, let's wait until the morning, watch the weekend, maybe you killed him? laana, wait, she doesn’t even remember me, she doesn’t remember her father’s death either.
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i want my life back, it will take us a month, which means that in a month the commission will confirm the complete incapacity of grape, when there is pitch black darkness all around, captain, lena has disappeared, you have a crush on her too, losers, remember, dawn is sure there will come, attention, fire danger, i will always be with you, do you hear? at dawn on saturday on rtr. are you used to watching videos online? stopped working? we install, open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. we look, look in the application or on the website.
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the legendary napoleon bicorne will go under the hammer, the auction will take place in fontainebleau. the auction house expects to fetch at least $850,000 for the hat, the symbol of emperor bonoparte. corners or horns in a felt head there are two pieces of clothing, but the cockade is tricolor, as expected, white-blue-red, the famous carsican attached it... in 1815, immediately after returning from the first exile on the island of elba, as they say, iscardo and cartus, yes, napoleonic hats, rarities from rarities, during the 15 years in power the emperor demolished approximately 190 hats, only 19 have survived to this day, their authenticity has been confirmed by experts, almost all of them have already been sold, strange, such a fate, who needs it at home or rarity, these days let's go back to the year teacher mentor, your on his eighty-fifth birthday, one of
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the most famous coaches, nikolai karpol, answers, he trained 15 olympic champions and continues to train him, and a two-part film is dedicated to him, which can be appreciated on the platform. this bearish roar is known not only to volleyball fans, but to everyone who is not indifferent to the successes of domestic sports. for 50 years now, vladimir karpol has been coaching the most successful team in russia, uralochka himself holds the title of the title itself. the new volleyball coach of the world. i really wanted to be a teacher. i still think that i'm not coach, and i'm a teacher. karpol 85 is a classic documentary about an outstanding personality. nothing in it distracts from the main character, who gave an exclusive interview with the creator without leaving the volleyball net. while his players from the past and present demonstrate on the screen the highest and unique style of play from karpol. kuralochka begins preparation earlier than all tactical settings and the game system is different here. not all teams, so to speak, are comfortable
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playing with us. within a few minutes after watching it, it becomes clear why nikolai vasilyevich is an excellent coach, just as he has led his team for many years, led the national team, so now he himself leads the author of the film, delicately avoids discussing the triumphs that the chronicle will show for him, well , meetings, well, usually a meeting, how good, of course , but is happy to talk about the revolutionary system of team formation that he developed in the urals, to educate reserves on the basis of the flagship club, and for those who know karpole only as the famous growling russian bear who brought the country has 41 medals in various championships, including olympic ones. disagreeing with the judge’s decision, he protested harshly, shook his finger and shouted a mysterious, but thank you. and every time the girls and i, despite the serious situation, could barely contain our laughter. in this film, he reveals himself as the smartest strategist and caring father, because like many parents, he did everything to make sure his children were happy at home, and he himself never left this house. this is the feeling of one team.
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it manifests itself very strongly, yes, just in the desire to get from the youth team to the first, but the most important thing is the final impression that the history of both russian volleyball and vladimir korpol personally continues to be written right now, this film is a tribute to the great coach, a gift to all viewers, and then an article on major repairs, how the cost of repairs is calculated at home, who has benefits, and what will happen if you don’t pay contributions, we will tell you about everything after the news. state-of-the-art care for many thousands of young patients, visited the new nuclear medicine building in the ge center president of russia. the fighting is already in the very center of the gaza city, with almost 11,000 casualties. israel promises to continue to the end. covid has started to grow, but vaccination is not needed, complications are not expected, what else do doctors say. you are watching
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the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you. hello, let's talk about the main thing today. today, vladimir putin will make an official visit to kazakhstan on the agenda for negotiations. with president kasym dzhamart takaev. particular attention will be paid to the development of the energy sector. the leadership of kazakhstan is considering the issue of construction nuclear power plant. the state corporation rosatom is ready to develop a project using advanced technologies and safety standards. and the day before, vladimir putin visited the new nuclear medicine building at the national center for hematology, oncology and immunology. one of the world's leading clinics is named after a ten-year-old boy, dimo ​​ragachev, whom the president knew personally. the built building was designed by the sacraments. rosatom. with the help of new technology, oncologists hope to improve the accuracy of early diagnosis of tumors. the clinic also houses non- having an analogous department of pediatric neuro-oncology in the country. the president was shown the operating laboratories of the ward, where the russian leader talked with young
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patients, with their mothers, and took photographs for memory. hello. is mom happy? yes, very much. everything is fine, everything is fine, what kind of cat is this, do you have a cat like this? i wrote a heart, well done, i won’t hug or kiss you for sanitary reasons , look at the gifts, everything is fine. now the clinic has an ultra-modern laboratory of genetic engineering technologies, it will make it possible to provide patients with unique biomedical cell products, this will make it possible to introduce personalized methods of therapy. russian assets or
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five enemy aircraft of the ukrainian air force lost two mig-29 fighters, one 127 and two more co-25 attack aircraft. in addition , russian units destroyed more than thirty drones and captured 11 rockets and two us-made guided bombs. several large ammunition depots in the zaporozhye region were liquidated and the united command post of the tenth army corps of the ukrainian armed forces. the main intelligence department of ukraine took responsibility for the terrorist attack in lugansk, which resulted in the death of deputy of the people's council of the republic mikhail filipponenko. law enforcement is looking for perpetrators who may still remain on the territory of the lugansk republic. an explosive device went off in the car in which filipponenko was driving to work, he died on the spot, the colonel was well known in the donbass, he headed the control and coordination center created in the poruminsky agreements, and then stood at the origins of the creation of the militia. tsehal hit a refugee camp in the gaza strip, killing at least 18 people,
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totaling more than 10,700 casualties in the gaza strip. the foreign operation in gas continues, 14,000 targets are hit, that’s almost 500 per day. fire pressure clears. for ground forces, tanks, infantry units break into the center of the largest city in palestine, gases for the complete destruction of hamas infrastructure, including underground tunnels. 130 silos for missile launches have already been eliminated, which used by militants. the israeli military claims that the militants' tactical tunnels are located, including under hospitals. the roads of the enclave are blocked due to the bombing, ambulances cannot pick up the wounded, two dozen hospitals. they stopped working altogether, and on wednesday the israeli army struck the outskirts of nasser hospital, one of the largest in the region, a mosque near a medical facility was destroyed, and victims were being taken to the hospital, which is still open. according to the palestinian ministry of health, since the beginning of the escalation more than 27,000 palestinians were injured.
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the israeli military's recommendation to leave gaza city and move to the south of the enclave is still in effect. people walk along the security corridor with white flags. the incidence of covid in russia is on the rise, this was reported by the chief state sanitary doctor of russia, anna popova. about 35,000 new cases are registered weekly, but since most russians have already encountered this virus, the risks of complications are small, vaccination is not required. in addition, the country now has a wide laboratory network, an automated system for analyzing the epidemic situation has been launched at the borders, and a new test system allows diagnosing the infection within a few minutes. licensing of activities. from vladivostok to st. petersburg by taxi. driver farukh abdurrahmanov delivered passengers in 12 days, thus setting a record for the length and cost of the order. and at the same time he became the author of the film he is directing. two moscow bloggers, more details maria izhevskaya. vladivostok,
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st. petersburg, and a trip across the country, taxi driver farokh abdurrahmanov did not tell his family not to worry. this was the first time i accepted such an application. it took a couple of hours to prepare the car and then hit the road. i took two bloggers to the northern capital farukh. along the way, they filmed a film and reported on the unusual trip on social networks. and this trip was, if not the longest. then definitely the most expensive, the total bill was more than half a million rubles, the bloggers’ subscribers were arguing whether the taxi driver would stay in st. petersburg and what would he spend the winnings on? after all consumption, well, about, well, 400, so yeah, i’ve already allocated this money to the family, but then we’ll decide where we’ll spend this money, faruk only rested for a day and again carries passengers around vladivostok, because the city of mostov and sopok is recognized.
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the native of samarkand became like family to him, when 200 km remained for a long time, i almost started to cry , to be honest, when there were already 50 km left, i was already screaming, opened the window, as if i had such emotions, maria izhevskaya, andrey tolstikhin, conduct primorye. this is the main news, by this hour, stay on the russia channel. new a waste sorting complex was launched in woodmurtie in glazov, to help people, there is artificial intelligence, and now the republic plans to achieve one hundred percent sorting of solid waste. irina kropacheva saw how everything changed. the modernized waste sorting complex was officially put into operation. now the waste here is sorted not only manually, it is also a matter of russian- made equipment. waste, today artificial intelligence helps here, the optical sorter literally shoots out compressed
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air that can then be recycled, it can sort plastics, it can sort paper, maybe an aluminum can, such a conveyor can digest up to 5 hours, more than a hundred million rubles were invested in the equipment, as a result, efficiency increased, the raw materials suitable for processing became two times more, respectively, the removal of waste to the landfill was reduced; they shared their experience at the enterprise with guests from neighboring... regions. the udmur republic, it is somewhat ahead compared to us, we just have to create waste sorting facilities. the experience is very good, here you can clearly see what path the processing company has gone through, from the moment they first had simple manual sorting, now they have introduced elements of automation. the raw materials are processed in kazan, ulyanovsk, izhevsk. city authorities expect that local entrepreneurs will join this work. we hope that those useful wastes that can be recycled will find... will find use, as they say, here in the north udmurt republic, that enterprises will be created that will engage in
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secondary processing. over the past 5 years in udmurtia, the number of landfills has been reduced by half, the regional ministry of natural resources notes. today, almost all of them have waste sorting stations. we have already generated 310,000 tons of waste on the territory of the republic, of which 67.8% have already been sorted at waste sorting stations. according to plans to finish. since 100% waste sorting in russia is necessary by 2030, woodmurti will cope with the task intentional even earlier than the deadline indicated in the national project ecology. irina kropacheva, denis chukhlantsev, vesti udmurtiya. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website stay on the russia channel. let's start.
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so come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. good morning, good morning. november 9th, you can’t tell, well, you can’t say, well , in general, it’s a short week, the bezunchiki planned their vacation in advance, went somewhere to rest, we understand them, but the question is, where to go in the off-season, around the country, around the country, around ours, how to feel the immense scale of our country, to visit everywhere, from the japanese sea to the black sea, here is a muscovite on a birth, almost a birth, in 5 months
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she rode a bicycle from vladivostok to sochi, 1100 km. she covers moscow in a week, anna started on may 10 from the dekarevsky lighthouse in vladivostok and further 60, 100 km a day. she traveled during the day and spent the night in a tent, in the steppes, mountains, and on the coast. at first , the muscles hurt due to the stress, but then the body adapted. most of all extreme i was afraid of meeting predators, but i was lucky. there were only deer, foxes and even camels. overcoming all fears and obstacles. the traveler finished at the olympic park in sochi, it’s so symbolic, there are so many climatic zones and adventures, yet according to the actual weather or followed the forecasts of our weather forecaster, when the internet was available, the leading specialist of the phobos weather center vadim zavodchenkov also knows how to cover all our the country with a professional look, and by the way, this week, the whole country knows
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we will get more information, because we make forecasts for one day, yes, of course, yes, of course, especially since our weather is so wonderful and requires additional words. well, let me tell you everything in order now. yes, confirm with weather maps. an active balkan cyclone will break through to the south of russia, due to this whirlwind there will be rain in the region, and thunderstorms are possible in some places. due to denser clouds, the influx of solar heat to the earth's surface will decrease, resulting in a smaller warm anomaly. in... and the caucasus during the day +15:20, in the crimea, the lower reaches of the volga and don until +12:17. the frontal cloud fields of the vortex will make their way to the middle volga. there will also be some rain here, and the temperature will be significantly warmer than expected according to the climate. during the daytime +5-10. the weather
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in the northwestern district will be affected by the influence of another cyclone, which has laid its trajectory along the arctic coast. russia, there will be light precipitation, turning into snow in the north. daytime temperatures in the southern part of the region are +3 +8, in the polar regions up to -3-8. central russia will be left out from the trajectory of cyclones attacking the russian plain. therefore, light rain is possible only in places. temperatures in the region are about a month behind the calendar. during the daytime - +5 +10. the weather in the urals will be affected by the influence of the atmospheric front, under its influence the clouds will thicken and there will be light precipitation in places, this will reduce the influx of solar heat and the daytime temperature will drop to +1, +6, but southern siberia will still remain under the control of a stationary and powerful anticyclone, in the western
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part of the region will receive quite warm air masses, and here in the afternoon from -1 to + the next yellow sea cyclone will break through to the south of the far east, the weather will deteriorate sharply, it will rain in the primorye region, turning into snow in the north and amur region, the daytime temperature in the south of primorye will be +3-8, at banks of the amur from -1 to -6. vadim, thank you, you have relieved yourself of personal questions by giving a forecast for only one day, we will ask them to your colleague masha borisova tomorrow, vadim zavodchenkov told us about wait for today, thank you. brightest always in your heart, only now what do you order to do with colonel lonsky, you choose, mother, leave one or the other? ekaterina, favorites, premiere , today at 21:30, come on, everyone together, the semi-finals of our show are unpredictable, but that’s why we
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love them, we’ll watch them all together, tomorrow at 21:30. the treasure can be found these days, some are lucky, for example, the new owner of an apartment in an old pre-revolutionary building in st. petersburg. during the process of dismantling in the bathroom wall , they discovered a secret window and household items from tsarist times, a leather shoe, a bottle from under french ink, a bottle of toilet vinegar with the thoughts of alexander ii, cooling cream. miraculously, the safe has not been opened for 120 years, all the rarities are perfectly preserved, the finds are planned. in the museum, a window into history, despite the fact that according to the documents it does not exist, they are not going to put it in, but with or without a window you have to pay for major repairs, the option is mandatory. and there are exceptions here, as christina sorokina found out. for the entire time that i have lived here, since the seventieth year, a major renovation of the facade
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has begun for the first time. and also in the house where he lives pensioner tamara pavlova, they will change the water supply system, sewerage system, and put the basements in order, and for this all residents must regularly pay contributions to the capital repair fund. i’m looking at my neighbor’s half-length, her apartment area is smaller, it ’s 358 rubles, my apartment area is more than 56 km, mine is 453 rubles. the amount in receipts is calculated simply: we multiply the rate in rubles by the square footage of the property. so, the owner of an apartment, for example, 40 square meters located in the novosibirsk region, needs to pay a little more than 500 rubles per month. residents of the sverdlovsk region will already pay about 600 rubles. and the highest contribution for a similar square footage will cost owners of metropolitan apartments, almost 1,000 rubles per month. annual rates. are removed by about 10-15%, experts say, and there is a justification for this. inflation, because building materials have become very expensive in our country, so
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rates are of course rising. however, entire categories of citizens have the benefit of fifty percent compensation : pensioners over 70 years of age, disabled people, veterans the great patriotic war, families with disabled children, heroes of the country and single pensioners over 80 years old are returned 100% of the amount, and any region can... establish additional benefits. in addition, the law provides an exception for apartment buildings that are not included in the overhaul program, firstly, those recognized as unsafe or for which a decision has been made to demolish them, and also if the land plot on which the residential building stands has been seized by the authorities , in other cases you need to pay. this a duty provided for by law, and we, as law-abiding citizens, must take this into account for ourselves. if, let’s say, you have, let’s say, a desire not to pay, well, for some ideological reasons, then... you transfer these risks to yourself, and if you do not want to give the money directly to the regional capital repair fund , a general meeting of residents can open a special target bank account for the house, major repairs must still
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be carried out within the prescribed period, so you will have to pay, otherwise there will be sanctions. if you don’t pay, there are penalties, accordingly, after which this amount will be collected from you in court. after 2 months of late payment, the capital repair fund will begin to charge a penalty, which is 0.25% of its debt for each day, and after six months it has the right to go to court, after which the bailiff can seize the accounts of the defaulter’s property or restrict his travel abroad. 400,000 parts weighing almost one and a half tons. david gustavson from sweden assembled a full-fledged business class station wagon body from a construction kit. the set that is for this it took a twenty-year-old guy who won during the competition to take away the prize. needed a truck. a special storage place to allow all the details to enter, an enterprising engineer decided to assemble a full-size car, this took 3 years and a lot of additional investments,
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finally, a new plastic vehicle leaves the garage, how far will it go with such a car in winter, of course, it’s not a travel car, they have it in sweden too, and an ordinary car is susceptible to changes in temperature and humidity, it’s better to prepare here, ivan zinkevich will tell you how difficult the season is for all elements and components of a car, especially not a young one, but it is the body that first encounters dirt, reagents and temperature changes, so it’s time to prepare it for the cold, and the first thing you need do, wash the car thoroughly and inspect the paintwork for minor damage, otherwise moisture and reagents will quickly aggravate the problem. if you find a chip or scratch on the car body, i advise you to fix it immediately... by tinting, sanding, if this is not done in a timely manner, corrosion will appear, repairs will become more expensive and no protective layers will help. but even if everything is in order,
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it is better to play it safe and protect the body from seasonal negative factors. there are several options: the easiest and cheapest option is to wax the body, but the downside of saving is not longevity. the wax coating can withstand a maximum of a couple of washes. those who want something more reliable should prefer the so-called one. liquid glass is a polymer coating with dirt and water-repellent effect, it lasts much better than wax for up to six months or more, but it is more expensive, plus it is already difficult to apply it yourself, since for this you first need to polish the body, so you will have to visit a detailing center, the price is approximately 15,000 rubles. another method is a ceramic coating, it can already protect against minor damage and, under favorable conditions, will last a couple of years, but such a service costs even more, on average from 20 to 60,000 rubles. there is a more reliable one option. also popular protective equipment is armored film. apply to
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the front. car, the upper part of the roof, have good protective properties, but it is better to glue it to a new car or a freshly painted part, since in a used car chips and scratches under the film can become even more noticeable, such a coating lasts from 3 to 5 years, gluing the face will cost 30,000 rub. but the body is not only the hood and wings. on the eve of winter, it’s worth a look and the cold weather in this part will be the worst. alas, even many new ones cars now... need additional anti-corrosion treatment, and if you haven’t done it for a long time, it wouldn’t hurt to update it. another thing, if you don’t have standard fender liners and mudguards, be sure to install them, so the fenders and doors will retain their original appearance much longer. i buy happiness, mom, i buy happiness, mom, this is a hotel with history, with traditions, on saturday,
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everything is fine with you. yes , of course, i walk into the salon, she’s sitting, and i, and you, and i, fell in love, you know that my wife will kill me, and then another buyer showed up and offered one a price that i couldn’t refuse, so where is he, and your other buyer, you, you, after the deal with happiness, i will become a partner, and it’s my dream that will come true, not yours. and what do you mean, yes? i will still fight, i will save happiness. it's hard to share happiness if it's a hotel for two, the premiere is on saturday, on rtr. the floor is precious, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with new renovations. with a slight
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movement of the hand, we create three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without any glamor. ideas are overflowing. we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work. before our eyes, plans turn into projects. i love plants, i'm actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after dismantling, there will be a lot of me. and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on ptp, good evening, good, what’s your name?
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anna yakoevna, anna, you bow before your beauty, it’s unpleasant for me when a stranger writes such a note to my wife, i don’t need a house or a car, i want you and i had a child, it’s so easy to be happy, you realized that i love you from the moment we first met, as soon as i saw you, it’s so confusing. i don’t know who i love anymore, i don’t know, i don’t like all this, the price of crazy passions is too high, i won’t give you to anyone, love that never happened, on sunday on rtr, you watch 100 to one, what kind of love do we have? the task is all on the board.
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we can handle it, if you ask, then with a podbokh, the surname of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is 7 and how much there will be someone at work, he speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i chop oak, don’t pluck, problems with... i don’t know what else geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, headache kit, don’t let me god now, if you win, then, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, the learned king is here
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, literally in 5 days, that’s exactly how much it took emmy jane for the pastry chef, or confectioner, as they say these days from birmingham, to make cake in the shape of the former british prince charles, not the king charles ii, the dessert monarch presented in full growth is so realistic that it frightens some visitors to the local exhibition crown, crown and culinary skills too, made from rice cereals, marshmallows, chocolate, edible sugar crystals, well, how can you not taste the royal treat, you don’t have to bite the king , just one cup of black tea a day, naturally, without sweets, fame is capable. reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, say scientists from australia and china. tatyana matve found out if this is true? we we try to minimize sweets, buns, and pastries. shahin aliyev is 25, recently stopped playing sports, began to gain weight sharply,
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sedentary work, poor diet, heredity, an extra 15 kilos on the scale. my father is quite obese and likes to consume quite a lot of sweets a day, so i thought it was time to do something about it before it’s too late, with this set of factors there is a high risk of getting type 2 diabetes: a disease when our body stops feeling its own the hormone insulin, without therapy this leads to high blood sugar levels, the cause of the failure is genetics and a lifestyle that leads to obesity. the hormone insulin is a provider, its task is to feed us so that all the cells in our body receive energy. if this energy in the form of food comes in excess, its task is to hide the excess for a rainy day. currants in the form of adipose tissue, the more adipose tissue, the worse the sensitivity to insulin, so lovers of sweets and starchy foods with excess body weight risk getting type 2 diabetes, no, a bun or chocolate alone will not cause the disease, but these simple carbohydrates are a godsend for
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the body, they can quickly be turned into dangerous fats, but there is good news, you can still reduce the risk of the disease with food, well or the right drinks, such as black tea, scientists from china and australia stated. accurate. the mechanism still remains under study, there are studies that have shown that sensitivity to insulin increases, liver cells, muscle cells, they they begin to actively absorb glucose, and this is the task of removing excess glucose from the bloodstream. this effect, according to scientists and doctors, can be produced by catechins, components of a polyphenolic nature, but during the fermentation process, and it is strongest in black tea... on the contrary, they decrease in tea, so most likely the effect is provided by other substances, but for now scientists are finding out this moment, we just have to accept the very fact of the benefits of black tea, well, learn how to brew it correctly, drink it a second time, well, well, throughout the day, no, no, no, i
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i lived next to china, they have their own kind of tea ceremonies, so we are kind of accustomed to brewing tea correctly , of course we can emulate china, they really know a lot about tea and recommend drinking only freshly brewed tea, they say it tastes better and has more in it , that when tea is brewed for the first time, more than half, even 70% of the beneficial substances go into the drink itself; during subsequent brewings , especially during the third brewing, the harmful substances are separated from the leaf, from the leaf and also pass into the drink, so if so talking about the benefits, it is better to make do with the first brew for 3-5 minutes , during which time cotechine, tannins, caffeine and vitamins will have time to leave the tea, probably the very substances that will save you from diabetes, and then: construction innovation when you are building a house reliability, first of all, then innovation, he's naf-nav, look how he lays it, it's a feast for the eyes, i look, and you know what his mortar is made of, cement sand, oh cement sand, this is the last century, now concrete is made from peat, but
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walls made of branches, a roof made of straw, somewhere i already heard this, you couldn’t hear it, about new we’ll tell you about the materials very soon, yeah, we’ll invite a wolf as an expert, and even the wind, i’ll tell you everything. morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing is that you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolayk is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today, today vladimir putin will pay an official visit to kazakhstan, negotiations with president kasymomt takayev are on the agenda, attention will be paid to the development of the energy sector, leadership kazakhstan is considering the construction of a nuclear power plant, to develop a project using advanced technologies and safety standards, the state corporation rosatom is ready for. and the day before, vladimir putin visited the new nuclear medicine building at
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the national center for hematology, oncology and immunology. one of the world's leading clinics is named after a ten-year-old boy, dima rogachev, whom the president knew personally. the constructed building was designed with the participation of rosatom, using new technology. oncologists hope to improve the accuracy of early tumor diagnosis. the clinic also houses a pediatric neuro-oncology department that has no analogue in the country. to the president showed the operating laboratories of the ward, where... the leader talked with little patients and their mothers, took a photo for memory, what is your name, how are you, yes, and your mother is happy, yes, very much, hello, how are you, everything is fine, everything is fine, what is this cat like that, do you have a cat like that, who do you have? i won’t hug you or kiss you for
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sanitary reasons. now the clinic has a state-of-the-art laboratory of genetic engineering technologies, it will make it possible to provide patients with unique biomedical cell products, this will make it possible to introduce personalized therapy methods. later, vladimir putin held a meeting with members of the government. the main topic was measures to combat cancer . the president said that it is necessary to obtain high-quality medical equipment from domestic manufacturers, which must be provided to the russian market. the head of the ministry of health, mikhail murashko, made a report. he noted that the situation in oncology is changing, and the availability and effectiveness of treatment have increased. and now the disease in fifty percent of cases is diagnosed on first second stages. vladimir putin asked. how is this work carried out in new regions? what is the situation with
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cancer cases there? as such , there was no infrastructure for the treatment of oncological diseases, namely modern, it was equipment that was there back in the eighties and seventies. excuse me, but why, when ukraine was in charge there, why nothing, nothing happened, nothing was done in this regard, to combat cancer? unfortunately, there was no modern infrastructure... there were no early detection programs either was, therefore, we immediately, in fact, picked up the directions in order to ensure the availability of routing , this was crimea, and rostov, including the federal center, and moscow and st. petersburg clinics, immediately began to deal with issues of both early diagnosis and isolation financing for equipment, training of doctors, medical
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staff, also don’t forget, please, there is, accepted, another new world of support for those citizens who have problems with loans and debts was introduced on behalf of the president several years ago an extrajudicial bankruptcy procedure, it removes a number of expenses from the debtor, and the process of declaring bankruptcy instead of the court takes place in the mfc. in other topics, the idf hit a refugee camp in the gaza strip, killing at least 18 people, bringing the total number of casualties in the gaza strip to over 10,700. the foreign operation in gas continues, hitting 1,400 targets , which is almost 500 per day. fire pressure clears the way for ground forces. tanks and infantry units break into the center of palestine's largest city, gaza, to completely destroy hamas infrastructure, including underground tunnels. 130 missile launch silos used by militants have already been eliminated. the hunt is on for warlords, especially those involved in the october 7 massacre in southern israeli villages. israeli. the military claims that
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the militants' firing positions and tactical tunnels are located under civilian objects, including hospitals. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, stay on the russia channel. the situation at points about two border cities blagoveshchensk and heihei remain difficult. 300 tourists from russia are stuck at the border due to weather conditions. during the freeze-up period, instead of large motor ships, only a few small-sized hovercraft sail. alexey shcherbakov more details. similar images of people tired of standing in an endless line have been surfacing on social networks for several days now. there are dozens, or even hundreds of times more such videos than puma hovercraft plying between blagoveshchensk and hay. many are desperate. asking to be transported to russia on a new bridge connecting the two
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countries. there is an international bridge that was built, on which you can take tourists away, and tourists have been standing here since sunday , well, not all tourists, some are returning on a work visa, some are in competitions, like us, and there is no opportunity to leave, at our own expense you need to rent a hotel, but the regional ministry of transport emphasizes that there is simply no possibility of bringing people across the international bridge, now only cargo transportation is carried out there, and the customs infrastructure for the exchange of tourists is only at the stage construction, the construction of a permanent checkpoint will be completed approximately in the twenty-fourth year, the only alternative today is the construction of a pontoon bridge in the area of ​​the mixed checkpoint. work on the arrangement of the pontoon bridge is underway, and we are also keeping this issue under control. in the meantime, people continue to be transported from shore to shore by hovercraft, according to information from the amurasso passenger port, which is responsible for transportation, only two out of the total can
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ply the amur during such ice conditions hummocks, four more on the chinese side. during this week , about a thousand people crossed the border in both directions. day, 184 russians were delivered from hey to blagoveshchensk, 43 people went in the opposite direction, they are helping to deliver our fellow countrymen to their homeland, including chinese pumas, this became possible thanks to an agreement between the authorities of the amur region and the province of helongzyan, however, the situation with passenger traffic remains difficult. therefore, the authorities strongly recommend against traveling to china. without urgent need, one of the unofficial reasons for such stagnation at the border about tourists from neighboring regions during the november holidays, during the pandemic, people simply forgot about changing spacious ships to small pumas during the freeze-up period, and some tour operators apparently did not consider it necessary to warn clients. regional rospotrebnadzor recommends saving all documents for filing claims against them due to violations of the terms of the contract in terms of
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the quality of fulfillment of obligations. alexey sherbakov, alexander vasiliev, amurskaya news region. mass production of drones will be established in the far east, about this. in khabarovsk during a visit to the aerohit uav production plant. these quadcopters are already being tested in the special operation zone. anna leonova found out what modifications the military asked for. news from the kherson and ovdeevsky directions fly quickly to the workshops of khabarovsk developers. in the special operation zone , drones from the aerohit company are being tested in full swing. the drone was actually designed specifically for military use. this is one of the features. the drone has high-precision guidance, is capable of penetrating narrow spaces, the effective distance is up to 10 km, the military can attach various types of explosive devices themselves, already from the svo zone the first wishes came from the soldiers, what are the advantages of a distance of 10 km, and the military wants 30, but this is
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understandable, that this is such a very high bank. khabarovsk developers assure that all these wishes will be taken into account in the next category of drones. firstly, we need to move as quickly as possible to ensure that we manufacture them here, uh, completely with all components, and secondly, there is still some kind of, let’s say, line of characteristics in which you need to compete , this is range, and transferable weight, resistance to damage, and naturally the price, we analyzed all this, china’s indicators not bad, but this does not mean that there is no room for improvement. as many components as possible , now the filling is russian-chinese , there is a localization task, yuri petrovich set it, we, for our part, believe that it would be appropriate to involve university science in our secondary vocational education,
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laboratory, in the production of some components, we will work on this to provide support to this enterprise, the project is supported by the state as part of the khabarovsk development tour. this mechanism, the necessary government regulations have already been adopted, the funds allocated for the three-year budget have been secured, now our task is to ensure that, by supporting in this way, we do better. now the enterprise’s capacity is up to 300 drones per month, the volume will increase the capabilities to a thousand drones, and nastya. khabarovsk, all news is always available on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website, stay on the russia channel
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, come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, excellent, good, so... morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning , hello, the week is short, well, these days we are destined to meet in the mornings, we are only for lena nikolaev, vladislav zavyalov, yes, we are with glory on the air. how they got up, how they ran, now i’ll show you approximately what a real chase is like, this is what it looks like, and the african ostrich ran away, the whole chinese caught up police, the long-legged bird has escaped. jumped out onto a busy road and successfully ran away from the police for quite some time.
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a real motorcade lined up on the road, two accompanying people rode left and right, the rest behind, but in the end the wild bird hit the motorcycle, fell, immediately got up, rushed on, they managed to catch the ostrich only at an intersection, and the zoo employee became the hero, he also released a small , usually road accidents do not happen because of the ostriches, over the past year... 33,570 accidents involving pedestrians, and it’s always the fault the driver who is obliged to pay compensation, dmitry zaitsev understood the conflicts of modern law. i understood that 100%, i would knock down one of them. out of despair, i pressed myself into the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes. vlad was returning home in the evening when two girls ran out onto a red street on one of the busy streets. the distance was too small, about 10 m. and unfortunately, i didn’t have time to slow down to zero. despite the fact that the victim did not receive any special injuries at the time of the accident , she still went to court for moral compensation. the driver had a long time
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prove that he did not violate traffic rules, and did not file counterclaims under civil law. i thought that this would take a very long time, there was a chance that the pedestrians would still be able to recover money in my favor, well, in my opinion, this is very difficult. elena from irkutsk has also been seeking justice in the courts for several years now. the situation is similar. evening, a busy stream and an unexpected pedestrian on the hood, she runs towards my car, the woman decided to cross the street not at the zebra crossing, and even at a red traffic light, with bruises she was sent to the hospital, now she wants to receive more than 600,000 from elena for moral and material damage, presents receipts in which she points out bath bombs, kinder surprise, sometimes it really reaches the point of absurdity, despite the obvious guilt of the pedestrian himself, all responsibility falls on the shoulders of the driver, on the road there is an eye... there seems to be a green eye, what the hell, the packers sometimes jump out, the carriers of course get impudent, walk without looking, look at the phone,
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drivers, especially taxi drivers, especially this morning, without a turn signal, they cut us off right away the statistics are inexorable, just last year more than 3,500 pedestrians died in the country, often to their own lives, we have article 1079 of the civil code and it is clearly stated there that the owner of a source of increased danger... is responsible for the damage caused to these sources of increased danger, then there is no one here establishing whether he is guilty or not, in general, maybe the pedestrian himself threw himself under the wheels of the car, it turns out that the pedestrian is always right, and even in those cases when he clearly violates the rules of the road movement, the court will still find the driver guilty , and the main motivation here is the source of increased danger, that is, the car itself, and this is a real headache for the driver, because it turns out that the presumption of innocence does not apply here, and you will have to persistently prove for a long time... that you are right , legislators are already thinking about tightening sanctions for pedestrians. strengthen administrative responsibility, for example, for crossing the road in the wrong place, for
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crossing the road at a red light, because there are quite small fines for pedestrians, are imposed. perhaps it would not hurt to think about law enforcement practice, because pedestrians do not have either an osaga pole or a helmet , it turns out that there are cases where you cannot ask anything from the insurance company, which is why such court cases can last for years, well... whoever you ask, often , so this is with juvenile delinquents, in the urals teenagers beat a passerby to death, in the moscow region, generally terrible cases, there a suspect in the burning of an eleven-year-old boy changed schools, near novosibirsk a teenager killed his half-sister, such messages are increasingly appearing in news feeds, and at the same time, minors cannot bear proportionate responsibility, but in connection with this, a proposal has appeared to lower the age of responsibility, human rights experts suggest that the supreme court consider this possibility, let's discuss, with us today is the professor, head department of criminology, criminal,


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