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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  November 9, 2023 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] sand is a thing of the past, now concrete is made from peat, and the walls are made of branches, the roof is made of straw, i’ve already heard this somewhere, you couldn’t have heard it, we’ll tell you about new materials very soon, yeah, we ’ll invite a wolf as an expert, that’s it i’ll tell you, listen to the words, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. state-of-the-art care for many thousands of young patients. the president of russia visited the new building of nuclear medicine in the center of hematology, oncology and immunology. the fighting is already in the very center of gaza city, with almost 11,000 casualties. israel promises to continue to the end. covid started to grow, but vaccination is not needed,
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there are no complications. expected, what else do the doctors say? you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today. today, vladimir putin will pay an official visit to kazakhstan and on the agenda will be negotiations with president kasym zhamart takayev. particular attention will be paid to the development of the energy sector. the leadership of kazakhstan is considering the issue of building a nuclear power plant. the state corporation rosatom is ready to develop the project. and the day before, vladimir putin visited the new building of nuclear medicine in the national center of hematology, oncology and immunology, one of the world's leading clinics, is named after a ten-year-old boy, dima argacheva, whom the president knew personally. the constructed building was designed with the participation of rosatom. with the help of new technology , oncologists hope to improve the accuracy of early diagnosis of tumors. the clinic also houses a pediatric neuro-oncology department that has no analogue in the country. the president was shown operating laboratories, wards,
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where... the russian leader talked to the little ones i took photographs of patients and their mothers as a souvenir, what is your name? is mom happy? yes, very much. hello, what's your name? is everything okay? everything is fine. what kind of cat is this, do you have a cat like this? i won’t hug you and kiss you for the sanitary to see, everything is fine, here it is, now the clinic has a super-modern laboratory of genetic engineering technologies, it will make it possible to provide patients with unique biomedical cell products, this will make it possible to introduce personalized
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methods of therapy. later, vladimir putin held meeting with members of the government, the main topic was measures to combat cancer, the president said that domestic manufacturers need to get high-quality medical equipment, which needs to be provided to the russian market. the head of the ministry of health, mikhail murashko, made a report; he noted that now the disease is diagnosed in the first and second stages in fifty percent of cases. vladimir putin asked how this work is being carried out in new regions, what is the situation? as such , the infrastructure for the treatment of cancer diseases, it was absent, it was modern, it was equipment that was there back in the eighties, seventies, excuse me, but why, when ukraine was in charge there, nothing, nothing happened, they did nothing in this regard, to combat cancer, unfortunately, there was no modern infrastructure, and
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there were no early detection programs either; the topic was new measures to support citizens who have problems with loans and debts. on instructions from the president, a procedure was introduced several years ago extrajudicial bankruptcy. it relieves the debtor of a number of expenses, and the process of declaring bankruptcy instead of going to court takes place in the mfc. russian air defense systems shot down five enemy aircraft. the ukrainian air force lost two mig-29 fighters, one so-27 and two more 1-25 attack aircraft. in addition, russian units destroyed more than thirty drones. 11 rockets and two guided bombs made in the usa. several large ammunition depots in the zaporozhye region were liquidated; the joint command post of the tenth was hit army corps of the armed forces of ukraine. the main intelligence department of ukraine took responsibility for the terrorist attack in lugansk, which resulted in the death of deputy of the people's council of the republic mikhail filipponenko. law enforcement officials are looking for perpetrators who may still remain on the territory of the lugansk
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republic. explosive. the device went off inside the car in which filipponenko was driving to work, he died on the spot, the colonel was well known in the donbass, he headed the control and coordination center created in poruminsk, and then the origins creating a militia. tsehal struck a refugee camp in the gaza strip. at least 18 people died. the total number of victims in the gas sector is over 10,700. the foreign operation continues. 14,000 targets were hit in the gas - that's almost 500 per day. fire pressure clears the way for ground forces. tanks and infantry units break into the center of the unauthorized city of palestine gases to completely destroy hamas infrastructure, including underground tunnels. 130 missile launch silos used by militants have already been eliminated. israeli military they claim that the militants’ tactical tunnels are located, among other things, under hospitals. the roads of the enclave are blocked due to bombing, ambulances are unable to pick up
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the wounded, two dozen hospitals have stopped working altogether. also on wednesday, the israeli army struck the outskirts of nasser hospital, one of the largest in the region, destroying a mosque near the medical facility. the hospital, which is still open, is treating the injured. according to the palestinian ministry of health , more than 27 palestinians have been injured since the beginning of the escalation. still valid recommendations from the israeli military to leave the gaza city and move to the south of the enclave. people walk along the security corridor with white flags. the incidence of covid in russia is on the rise, this was reported by the chief state sanitary doctor anna popova. about 35,000 new cases are registered weekly, but since most russians have already encountered this virus, minor vaccinations are not required. in addition, the country now has a wide laboratory network, and new test systems make it possible to diagnose infection in within a few minutes. cambodia deported 25 japanese accused of
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online fraud, a special charter was organized for the removal, cybercrime has become a serious problem in asian countries, even the un human rights office has become concerned about the problem. the groups forced hundreds of thousands of people in southeast asia to participate. in illegal online scams, including false romance ploys, phony investment pitches, and illegal gambling schemes. this is the main news by this time, stay tuned russia. a new waste sorting complex was launched in glazov, udmurtia, to help people, here there is artificial intelligence. and now the republic plans to achieve it. with 100% solid waste sorting, irina kropycheva saw how everything had changed. the modernized waste sorting complex was officially put into operation. now the waste here is sorted not only manually, it is also a matter of russian- made equipment. today
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artificial intelligence helps to recognize waste. the optical sorter literally shoots compressed air that can then be recycled. it can sort plastics, it can sort paper, it can sort aluminum cans, this is a conveyor... to digest up to 5 tons of equipment , more than a hundred million rubles were invested, as a result , the efficiency increased , the raw materials suitable for processing became twice as large, and accordingly, waste removal was reduced by testing ground, shared their experience at the enterprise with guests from neighboring regions. the udmur republic, it is somewhat ahead compared to us, we are yet to creation of waste sorting facilities. the experience is very good, here you can clearly see what path the processing company has gone through, from the moment they first had simple manual sorting, now they have introduced elements of automation. raw materials are processed in kazan, ulyanovsk, zhzhevsk. city authorities expect that local entrepreneurs will join this work. we hope that those useful wastes that can be recycled will find, as
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they say, application here in the north udmurt republic, that enterprises will be created that will engage in secondary processing. over the past 5 years , the number of landfills in udmurd has been reduced by half, as noted by the regional ministry of natural resources. today, almost every one of them has it. waste sorting station. we have already generated 310,000 tons of waste on the territory of the republic, of which 67.8% has already been sorted at waste sorting stations. according to plans , it is necessary to achieve 100% waste sorting in russia by 2030. in udmurdi he will cope with the task even intentionally earlier than the deadline indicated in the national project ecology. irina kropycheva, denis chukhlantsev, vesti udmurdiya. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website stay on the
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russia channel. let's start, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more. great, good, so, morning race. don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning, hello, the week is short, well, these days we are destined to meet in the mornings, we are all for it, lena nikolaeva, vladislav zavyalov, yes, we are with glory on the broadcast day, how we got up, how run, now we’ll show you roughly what a real chase is like.
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it looks like an african ostrich was running away, all the chinese police were catching up, the long-legged bird escaped from the zoo, jen zhou, the ostrich jumped out onto a busy road and for quite a long time, successfully fled from the police, a real motorcade lined up on the road, two accompanying people were driving on the left, on the right, the rest behind, but in the end the wild bird hit the motorcycle, fell, got up, rushed further, managed to catch the ostrich only at the intersection, and the park employee became the hero, he also released, a small one, usually accidents do not happen because of ostriches , over the past year 33,570 accidents involving pedestrians were recorded in russia, and the driver is always to blame, who is obliged to pay compensation, dmitry zaitsev understood the conflicts of modern law. i understood that 100%, i would hit one of them, out of despair i pressed myself into the steering wheel, hit the brakes, and vlad returned it. home in the evening, on one of the busy streets , two girls ran out on red, the distance was too
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small, about 10 m, unfortunately, i didn’t have time to slow down to zero. despite the fact that the victim did not receive any special injuries at the time of the accident , she still went to court for moral compensation. the driver had to prove for a long time that he did not violate traffic rules, and did not file counterclaims under civil law. i thought that there was a very long chance that they would still be able to collect money from the pedestrian in my... well, in my opinion, it is very difficult. this is not the first time he has been seeking justice in the courts from irkutsk. the situation is similar: evening, busy traffic, and unexpected pedestrian on the hood. she doesn't run towards the car. the woman decided to cross the street not at a zebra crossing, and even at a red traffic light, she was sent to the hospital with bruises, and now she wants to receive more than 600,000 from elena for moral and material damage. presents receipts indicating bath bombs and kinder surprises. indeed sometimes. to the point of absurdity, despite the obvious guilt of the pedestrian himself, all responsibility falls on
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the shoulders of the driver, on the road eye to eye, it seems there is a green light, but like a devil-packer it sometimes jumps out, of course they get impudent, they walk without looking, looking at the phone, drivers, especially taxi drivers, especially this morning, without a turn signal , cut us off, the statistics are inexorable, over 3,500 pedestrians died in the country last year alone, often by their own. we have article 1079 of the civil code and it clearly states that the owner of a source of increased danger is responsible for damage caused by this source of increased danger, that is, no one here establishes whether he is guilty or not guilty, in general , maybe the pedestrian himself threw himself under the wheels of a car, it turns out , the pedestrian is always right, and even in cases where he clearly violates traffic rules, the court will still find the driver guilty, and the main motivation here is the source of increased danger, that is, the car itself? and this is a real headache for the driver, because it turns out that the presumption of innocence does not
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apply here, and you will have to persistently prove your case for a long time. lawmakers are already thinking about tightening sanctions for pedestrians. strengthen administrative responsibility, for example, for jaywalking place for crossing the road at a red light, because there quite small fines are imposed on pedestrians. it might not hurt to think about enforcement practices, since pedestrians do not have either an osaga pole or a helmet. it turns out. if something happens, you can’t ask the insurance company anything, that’s why such court cases can last for years, well, who you can’t ask, often it’s juvenile delinquents, in the urals teenagers beat a passerby to death, in the moscow region there are generally terrible cases, there we suspect burning an eleven-year-old boy changed schools, a teenager killed his half-sister near novosibirsk, such messages are increasingly appearing in news feeds, and at the same time, young children cannot bear proportionate responsibility. but in this regard, there was a proposal to lower the age of responsibility.
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human rights experts suggest that the supreme court consider this possibility. let's discuss. with us today is a professor, head of the department of criminology of criminal executive law of the moscow state law university named kutafin elena antan. now, at the age of 16, criminal liability for serious crimes begins, in some cases from 14. they are proposing to lower this bar to 12. this proposal seems appropriate for what crimes, if any, to introduce it, you know, being an active opponent of lowering the age. criminal liability, today i am in favor, because indeed those egregious crimes that minors commit, they generally do not fit into the understanding of human nature, because the cruelty that they today it’s overwhelming, but it’s off the charts, it goes beyond
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the boundaries of reason, something needs to be done about it, nevertheless, you started with the fact that being an opponent, this is a decline in peace, and why? yes, you know, i think that this is not a solution to the problem, this is not a solution to the problem of cruelty, today it’s worth talking about it, like a fire measure, yes, well, elena aleksandrovna, you’re probably leading to the fact that we need a complex approach. yes, i absolutely agree with you, and we have countries where the purpose of the lowest limit is criminal prosecution, up to 10 years, yes, they just approach it individually, evaluate it, and then what can work is, of course, resuscitation. the prevention resources we have and there is no need to reinvent the wheel today, we have a very good prevention system in laws, on paper , so to speak, in documents, but unfortunately, it works very poorly, or does not work at all, if we take one individual region, let’s say, let’s imagine, the bar is lowered,
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where will the child go, to a colony, well, probably not, then he is already doomed to turn out to be a criminal, probably some special institutions are needed, where he can be treated, and what kind of institution is this, where they could correct him, so to speak, and protect society? you know, this is a system of social rehabilitation centers where we could work with them, we have a sufficient number of regions where various such centers have been created under the same regional ministries of social development, so to evaluate the effectiveness of each of them today, having understood in general, maybe theirs it is necessary to cover up in some regions, because they are inactive at all, or those that really show us good efficiency, so take them for such advanced experience and bring them to the federal level, if you put together some kind of ideal picture, how could this in general, i don’t know, first grade or where to start counting work with a child, well, first of all, pay attention to the strange behavior
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of this child, you know, that is , a school psychologist can do this, the next link that should be connected when already some manifestations, albeit... well, not yet on the article, not quite criminogenic, but already noticeable, well, these should be the primary subject of prevention, the district police officer, who should be assigned to the school, the school cannot just report something... then i call the parents the district police officer, and the school in general is not used to washing dirty linen in public, as they say , that’s right, yes, because the effectiveness of evaluating the school’s activities is such a concept, so it needs to be reviewed, we hope that we will be heard, as always, thank you thanks a lot. about punishment for teenagers, violators, we talked with the professor, head of the department of criminology , criminal enforcement law of the moscow state law university named after kutapin elena antonyan, look at me, princess, princess herself doesn’t know what
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she wants, emilel go to the next world, so after all, it will be lost, at a pricking command, i can’t imagine how i could have mixed it up, they mixed it up and mixed it up, it doesn’t happen to anyone, but the children are the same, let’s now understand who took our children yesterday, the history of a big country, tomorrow after midnight, on the russia channel. the planet is shaking in every sense, but now scientists have proven that under the influence of global warming, ocean waves generate seismic connections , as a result, a huge variety of natural and man-made phenomena, including volcanic eruptions, meteorite impacts, landslides, etc. measurements have shown that the strengthening of the storm coincides with increased temperatures, so waves, for example, in the north atlantic have become more powerful over the past decade. one of the recent confirmations of this theory the devastating hurricane ciaran, which hit europe in november. well, modern building materials, for example, concrete
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made from peat and waste, will help save coastal areas from such storms. yes, yes, in the decade of science and technology it was developed by russian scientists, is it possible to establish industrial production? the strength is greater, the cost is lower, the recipe for such concrete resembles the classic one, with one exception: kaliningrad scientists added a special ingredient to sand, water and cement - peat. to create modern thirds concretes for which, for example, water-repellent properties are important, because peat, yes, especially low-lying peat, contains many functional groups, these are bitumens, celluloses, legnins, with them the concrete turns out to be more dense, durable and its water resistance increases, however, just add peat cannot be included in the composition; first, it is sifted, placed in special flasks, and then heated to 600°. the result is peat ash, which is what specialists need; if part of the cement is replaced with such an additive, it will become stronger than usual a quarter of concrete, and most importantly, noticeably cheaper.
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we are still doing laboratory research, it’s difficult to say how to transfer this into production, so that it can be used right away tomorrow, i think that this is still something worth working on together with enterprises, yes, in order to change the volumes. in the future, the developers say, the additive will be useful for 3d printers, which are beginning to be actively used in construction. in general , today they are searching for recipes for cheap and durable building materials throughout the country, so in belgorod they took old concrete as a basis and broken brick. construction, in principle, is not an environmentally friendly process , that is, a large amount of construction waste remains, at our department, we are trying to minimize the amount of this waste, during the production of cement a large amount of carbon dioxide is released, our scientists have found a way to make new materials. to do this, the building's debris is crushed and ground into dust, mixed with special ingredients, the chemical composition of which is kept secret,
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and judging by the tests, this is not done in vain. the results showed the maximum load, which this composition can withstand is almost 40 tons, quite high figures. it is not surprising that other countries have become interested in the russian development; in china it is used to restore dilapidated houses, in general, where there is a lot of construction waste, and buildings need to be built in a short time. well, then, there are a lot of tourists and there are not enough staff in hotels.
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we will discuss why there is a staff shortage and how to optimize the work of the hospitality sector soon. this year marks 15 years with the cart, let everything be just like you. how many risks were there in general, the graphic artists could once have been cast in this image after the style, i hadn’t acted for 3 years and
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understood perfectly well that i didn’t want to get stuck in this role, anton shakin, i asked for an audition for verkhovensky, and after a couple of days i was approved on verkhovensky, how amazingly the demons brought you to god, we went to an obtina, a desert, and this later completely changed me, different... and one love, god sent me a nickname, courtship began, i began to slip poems under the door, and proposal, i realized that this is the one the person with whom i want to live my whole life, with whom i want to give birth and raise children, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. the time for hunting has not come yet, let's wait until the morning, look at
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the weekend, maybe you killed him, liana, wait, she doesn't even remember me , she doesn't remember my father's death either, i want my life back. we will need a month, which means that in a month the commission will confirm the complete incapacity of grape, when there is pitch black darkness all around, captain, lena has disappeared, you have a crush on her too, loser, remember, dawn will definitely come, attention, fire danger, i will always be with you, you hear, at dawn, watch
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today’s special edition of program 60. all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world, don’t miss, 60 minutes, today on rtr, i want to know , what nonsense are you up to, the main premiere of the year, full stop grigor sanovich, let’s hope your uncle didn’t let this secret into this, there are too many people, and you love my grandmother with all your heart, you said that you can’t love me... you can, but you made a mistake, what do you say, happy you? ekaterina, favorites, today on rtr, now it’s time for a big sale , no less spending and mass psychosis, more than a third of russians admitted that they at least sometimes
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shop on the so-called black friday, every third person... specially waits for it, but every tenth person deliberately ignores the time of big discounts, you must be famous, but young people buy cheaper books at the end of the day, parents are on the hunt for children's goods, men are more interested in discounts on household appliances, and women count on cheap clothes, shoes, cosmetics, household chemicals during this period, we generally count on a lot of things always and blash, in sochi they try not to miss the black sea mullet fishing season during the fisherman’s autumn fishing season. it is necessary to fill the store shelves with this seafood delicacy. let's find out what the catch is today. the silence of the surf off the coast of sochi at 5:00 in the morning is disturbed by the noise of a winch pulling nets. sochi fishermen go out to sea while it is still dark. the navigator
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helps to pave the way, the light of the lanterns attracts attention. fish and after a few minutes the first catch is already on deck, but not only commercial fish end up in the nets, but also other inhabitants of the black sea , including red book species, they are released back into the sea, small fish, those smaller than 8 cm, are also released into the wild for there are special holes in the nets through which you can easily swim out, such a catch is not particularly valuable, but the fish... will grow up, leave offspring and return next year already large and fat, the southern sun is just beginning its journey in the sky over sochi, into the sea it's already boiling work, this means that in just a few hours fresh black sea mullet will appear on sochi shelves, also fishermen have not only their own cool places, but also signs that help to find schools, for example, seagulls circling above the boat, but these are not helpers, they they just want to feast on what has already
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been caught, that is, easy prey, here are the dolphins, according to... evgeniy tselovalnikov’s artels were able to establish a special connection with people. regular colleagues probably help us somewhere. but he can drive fish into the net and, it would seem, where the fisherman cannot they’re catching, a school of dolphins came and put some fish in there, but of course you have to share it with them later. now fishermen catch hundreds of kilograms of red mullet and even have time to admire the sunrise, but in a month they will not have such an opportunity. the commercial fishing season for gourmet fish will last almost until the new year. anton shagin, you never recognized your father, in my youth i tried to find him, i found out his address and went there, but no one opened the door for me, my mother didn’t, yes, i wanted to find a second loved one, my father, probably this attempt
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the return of love, he generally knows about you, well, he obviously doesn’t suspect that i am his son, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov tomorrow at 15:00 on the russia channel, let’s start, let’s go with a smile, the morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today. today, vladimir putin will devote his official visit to kazakhstan to negotiations with president kasym zhamart takaev. particular attention will be paid to the development of the energy sector. to the leadership of kazakhstan is considering the construction of a nuclear
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power plant. the state corporation rosatom is ready to develop a project using advanced security technologies; it is planned to discuss the expansion of trade and investment between the two countries. and the day before , vladimir putin held a meeting with members of the government. the main theme was the worlds of struggle. with cancer, the president said that domestic manufacturers need to obtain high-quality medical equipment, which must be provided to the russian market. with a report head of the ministry of health mikhail murashko spoke, he noted that now the disease in 50% of cases is diagnosed in the first and second stages , vladimir putin asked how this work is being carried out in new regions, what is the situation there, what is the situation with oncological diseases, as such, the infrastructure for the treatment of oncological diseases, it was missing, namely modern, it was equipment that was there back in the eighties, seventies, excuse me, but why, when ukraine was in charge there, why
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nothing, nothing happened, they didn’t do anything did in this regard, to deal with cancer problems, unfortunately, there was no modern infrastructure, and there were no programs for early detection either; another topic was measures to support citizens who have problems with loans and debts, on behalf of. a few years ago, an out-of-court bankruptcy procedure was introduced. it relieves the debtor of a number of expenses, and the process of declaring bankruptcy instead of going to court takes place in the mfc. in other topics, idf strikes refugee camp in the gaza strip, killing at least 18 people, total casualties in the gaza strip over 10,700. the foreign operation in gas continues, hitting 14,000 targets, which is almost 500 per day. fire pressure clears the way for ground forces. tanks and infantry units. all gases are pouring into the center of palestine's largest city to completely destroy hamas infrastructure, including underground tunnels. we have eliminated 130 missile launch shafts that were used by militants. the hunt is on for
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field commanders, especially those involved in the sacristy in the southern villages of israel on october 7. the israeli military claims that the militants' firing positions and tactical tunnels are located under civilian objects, including hospitals. the army command emphasizes that one of the main goals. the roads of the enclave are blocked due to the bombing, ambulances cannot pick up the wounded, two dozen hospitals have stopped working altogether. also on wednesday, the israeli army struck the outskirts of nasser hospital, one of the largest in the region. a mosque near a medical facility was destroyed, and victims are being taken to the hospital, which is still open. according to at the beginning of the escalation, the palestinian ministry of health injured more than 27 palestinians. the israeli military's recommendation still applies. leave the gas city and move to the south of the enclave. people walk along the security corridor with white flags. the israeli army is firing into areas of southern lebanon, from which israel is firing at militants of the lebanese
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hezbollah group supporting hamas. the incidence of covid in russia is on the rise. this was announced by the chief state sanitary doctor anna popova. weekly registers about 35,000 new cases, but since most russians have already encountered this virus. the risks of complications are low, vaccination is not required. in addition, the country now has a wide laboratory network, and new test systems make it possible to diagnose an infection within a few minutes. cambodia deported 25 japanese accused of online fraud, a special charter was organized for the removal, and cybercrime has become a serious problem in asian countries. she even cared about the un human rights office. the groups have displaced hundreds of thousands of people in the southeast. investment proposals and illegal gambling schemes.
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a hot air balloon festival has started in portugal. the traditional ballooning festival valenteje has been taking place for a quarter of a century. the rally attracts enthusiasts from portugal, spain, france, the netherlands, belgium, luxembourg and other european countries. according to the organizers, the main one. the festival will increase the attractiveness of ballooning and attract tourists to the region. all news is always available on the media platform, look at app or on the website, stay on the russia channel. the situation at the checkpoints of the two border cities of blagoveshchensk and heihei remains difficult. 300 tourists from russia are stuck at the border due to weather conditions. during the freeze-up period, instead. large motor ships operate only a few small hovercraft. alexey sherbakov more details. similar images of people tired of standing in an endless line have been surfacing on social networks for several
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days now. there are dozens, or even hundreds of times more such videos than pumas, hovercrafts, plying between blagoveshchensk and hay. many, out of desperation, ask to be transported to russia via a new bridge connecting the two countries. there is an international bridge that was built on which tourists can be taken away. and tourists have been here since sunday, well, not all tourists, some are returning on a work visa, some are competing, like us, and there is no opportunity to leave, you need to rent a hotel at your own expense, but the ministry of transport emphasizes the possibilities of getting people across the international bridge simply not. there now only cargo transportation is carried out, and the customs infrastructure for the exchange of tourists is only at the construction stage. the construction of a permanent checkpoint will be completed approximately in the twenty- fourth year. the only alternative today is the construction of a pontoon bridge in the area of ​​the mixed checkpoint . work on the arrangement of the pontoon bridge is underway. we are also keeping this issue under
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control. in the meantime, people continue to be transported from shore to shore by hovercraft, according to information from the passenger port amurasso, who is responsible for transportation, only two of the total number can ply along the amur with such ice taros, four more are on the chinese side. during this week , about a thousand people crossed the border in both directions. over the past 24 hours , 184 russians were transported from hay to blagoveshchensk. 43 people went in the opposite direction, helping to deliver ours. countrymen to their homeland, including chinese pumas, this became possible thanks to an agreement between the authorities of the amur region and the province of helongzyan, however, the situation with passenger traffic remains difficult. therefore , authorities strongly recommend against traveling to china unless absolutely necessary. one of the unofficial reasons for such stagnation at the border is the abundance of tourists from neighboring regions during the november holidays. during the pandemic, people simply forgot about changing spacious ships to small pumas during the delivery period, and some tour operators
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apparently did not consider it necessary to warn clients; the regional rospotrebnadzor recommends saving all documents for drawing up claims against them due to violations of the terms of the contract regarding the quality of fulfillment of obligations. alexey sherbakov, alexander vasiliev, vesti amur region. mass production of drones will be established in the far east, deputy prime minister yuri trutnyav announced this in khabarovsk during a visit to the aerohit uav production plant. these quadcopters are already being tested in the specialization zone. what modifications did the military ask for, did anna leonova find out? news from the kherson and ovdeevsky directions fly promptly to the workshops khabarovsk developers are testing drones from the aerohit company in full swing in the special operation zone. the drone itself was designed specifically for military use, and its features include modular assembly and quick maintainability. the drone has high-precision guidance, is capable of penetrating narrow spaces, the effective distance is up to 10 km, the military
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can attach various types of explosive devices themselves; already from the svo zone the first wishes came from the soldiers, what are the advantages of a distance of 10 km, and the military wants 30, but this it is clear that this is such a very high bar. khabarovsk developers assure that all these wishes will be taken into account in the next category of drones. firstly, we need to move as quickly as possible to ensure that we manufacture it here completely, with all the components. and secondly, there is still some, let’s say, line of characteristics in which you need to compete , this is range, and transferable weight, resistance to rib, and naturally price, we analyzed all this, the indicators in the lesson are not bad, but that doesn't mean no where to go, the order of deputy prime minister yuri trutnev to replace as many components as possible in imported drones, now the filling is russian-chinese. it’s worth it, yuri petrovich
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installed it, we, for our part, believe that it would be appropriate to involve university science , our secondary vocational education, laboratories, in the production of some components, we will work on this and provide support to this enterprise. the project is supported by the state within the framework of the patriotic torus, which means everyone can use it preferences, the enterprise is already a resident of the priority development territory of khabarovsk. this mechanism, the necessary government regulations have already been adopted , is provided with funding for the 3-year budget that the funds have been pledged, now our task is to ensure that we support in this way do the best. now the enterprise’s capacity is up to 300 drones per month; volumes will increase the capabilities to up to a thousand drones. anna lenova, vesti khabarovsk. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or
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website. stay on the russia channel. come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. good morning. good morning, we couldn’t deny ourselves the pleasure of coming to meet you this morning, well, how can we come, we waltzed a little in the morning of the autumn of nikolaev, vladislav zavyalov, with you on november 9th. we are glad to see you, and waltz, let's continue in this rhythm in the international rhythm. students from twenty
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-one countries rehearse a dance for the dubai opera ball. they all study in russian peoples' friendship university. choreographer yulia gribova helps with movement development and staging. participants will perform on the same stage with world stars of opera and ballet, italian tener vittoria grigol, bolshoi theater premier denis rotkin, and saxophonist igor butman. whether it will be possible to surprise the discerning public, we will find out everything on november 18th. this experience lasts a lifetime, but many, during dancing and other physical activities, generally track body indicators with fitness bracelets, but some experts they believe that they should not be trusted. yes, there are errors. steps and heartbeats, whether fashionable gadgets were useful then, alena kashtanova found out everything. for yulian, starting a workout without an electronic assistant is like forgetting your sports shoes. for more than 10 years , the young man has been involved in fitness and boxing and is already accustomed to keeping
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both calories burned and heart rate under control. well, i started at seventy, when i entered the track, my heart rate was 70 beats per minute. while running, i discovered that my heart rate began to jump... acceptable, beyond the acceptable bar, for 150 strokes , in this case, that’s what the watch told me, i dropped the pace on the tracks, but it seems that fitness bracelets and smart watches know our body better than we ourselves, portable electronic devices monitors all physical activity throughout the day. a fitness bracelet connects to a mobile phone so that you can measure certain parameters of your body, such as heartbeat, some have the ability to check oxygen in the blood, all this happens thanks to special sensors that are located on the back of fitness bracelets. sensors measure the volume of fluid passing through the wrist at a given moment. the red color of the cut absorbs the green color of the leds. when the heart beats, blood flow to the wrist increases along with the amount of
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green light absorbed. this is how the device determines the number of heart beats per minute. every year, manufacturers add new functions to smart bracelets. today they can count steps taken, calories burned and even track sleep stages. but how much? definitely a big question. while driving in the car, the fitness bracelet counted an extra 20 steps. i went out, closed the door, another 10 extra. at this rate, i’ll complete the daily requirement by lunchtime. the fact that fitness bracelets lie is confirmed by recent studies; according to roskachestvo, during testing, the bracelets confused a step with a wave of the hand. they made mistakes in determining the distance traveled, but the most serious errors occurred when calculating the pulse. speaking of measuring the heartbeat, then... here the results were more disastrous, since almost all fitness bracelets showed large errors and only one fitness bracelet showed acceptable results. underestimated numbers by confident doctors can lead to heart overload, but if they are overestimated, someone will be prevented from getting in shape if
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they show incorrectly, physical activity will be less than it should be, if he focuses only on these pedometers, he cannot rely on them 100%... experts recommend that before purchasing you check whether the bracelet has a built-in gps tracker, and check exactly from the gadget with medical devices, for example, a tanometer , as well as a pedometer, taking into account all the nuances, the question of the advisability of wearing such an accessory remains open, the question remains open with workers in the hospitality sector, russian tailor shops are reporting a shortage of personnel, there are not enough maids, dishwashers, plumbers, representatives of engineering services, and this affects customer service, in general on the development of domestic tourism, what to do and is it possible to somehow solve the problem? well, for example, using artificial intelligence, here are american marketplaces, they decided this the problem of loaders, robots were brought in, 750,000 employees do not receive salaries, never take sick leave and do not need to complain, at the same time, such
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iron workers do an excellent job of carrying containers, perhaps new technologies could help solve personnel problems in other areas ? you raised questions right away, however, there were also answers , but not all of them, of course, we expect to learn more from the head of the national union of industry and hospitality, alexey volkov, alexey, hello, well, we want specifics, according to your estimates, how serious is the situation in the industry, how much staff is missing, the staff shortage will probably grow if we want to develop domestic tourism, yes, in fact there is a staff shortage, and it exists not only in the hospitality industry. then today we approximately expect about 30% deficit in the next 5 years, maybe up to 60% in some regions, well, we thought with glory, gave examples, when you rent an apartment, somewhere in russia in large cities, abroad , you even you don’t meet anyone, you receive some kind of code, you enter it into the door
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, the lock opens, when you leave, this code stops working, you can do this with hotels, but we are really not far off, we have such services today are in big cities and are really in demand, this still cannot be implemented on a large scale, the entire hospitality industry cannot be replaced, but this is service, people today go to people, go for service, go for attention, for a special approach, and that’s just not only five-star service, well, yes, well look, alexey, well, the same western experience in cleaning can be reduced; hotels give a discount if the client refuses daily cleaning. a maid can work outsourced, serve several hotels, and come on the appointed day. we have several hotel chains that are introducing some kind of sustainable development , environmental approaches, this is due to the environmental materials that they use, the number of cleanings, the number of washes that... are associated with the room, this
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really reduces costs and reduces v in general, the loss of our environment, but this still will not replace the number of objects, we only have 600 modular hotels that will appear next year, hotels that do not need not one person, but dozens, now hotels are opening that require a thousand, 2,000 man, understanding the importance of this problem, what proposals can you voice, as well, in general, enough. should this problem be resolved quickly? and the first is the introduction of artificial intelligence and neurotechnology, there is already the issue of electronic registration in the near future will be regulated by law, as regards personnel, personnel today, salaries are being increased and issues related to the social package , the so-called for employees, are being resolved within the national project of the tourism industry and hospitality, there is even a separate state program about personnel, and today... three centers are already operating competencies in st. petersburg, moscow and kazan, which are working on advanced training and retraining of personnel
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from other areas in order to work in the hospitality industry, we are all together now we have rushed to universities, to colleges, we are looking for people there, we train ourselves, we do practical training, we do internships, we do everything possible so that people come into the industry. thank you, the head of the national union of the hospitality industry, alexey volkov, told us about how to optimize the work of the hospitality industry. come on, all together, what a beautiful and necessary story it is, to discover such nuggets, but today you are better, it’s clear , let's all watch together, tomorrow at 21:30, modern model libraries are appearing all over russia, thanks to the national cultural project, these are not just the usual book depositories, reading rooms, unique cultural centers of the new generation, they allow both urban and rural residents to have equal opportunities to access not only books, but to any
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information and modern technologies. look how many rooms, how many premises, how much is included in everything. but the signs demanding silence have disappeared, a regular visitor to the kholmogory library, rima menshikova, is surprised: instead of stationery tables and a chair with sofas, instead of a common reading room there is a cozy secluded one. reading corners, no official walls, each newly opened model library has a unique interior, stylized with local flavor and dedicated to the most famous countrymen, in space, in zoning in the design project we see science and creativity, that is , everything that is in myself, this cartoon included such a great personality, mikhail vasilvich, was reflected here, at the same time it was cozy almost like home, but all modern technologies were available to employees librarians even had to undergo special training, but it was worth it, librarians say.
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this includes an electronic book, this is sensory equipment , which is not available in libraries, only in model libraries, this is also the acquisition of such scanners that allow you to make digital collections, some magazines, newspapers that are already many years old and which you simply can’t even touch, these are virtual glasses, you can not only relax, but also study successfully, each one is necessarily equipped with multimedia equipment of the last generation, so the younger generation, employees say, now literally runs to the library , children use it with pleasure, come after school, draw, count, write equations, while, as practice shows, interest in traditional paper books does not suffer at all, on the contrary, because the bookshelves are also before your eyes, you can touch everything, look at it, ask questions. there was a lot of desire to come here and read different books, and then right within the walls of the updated library
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to also demonstrate the knowledge gained, the model library is also a convenient platform for extracurricular activities. native language, literature, history and art, and tips and testing materials are around at arm's length, this is a great opportunity to test yourself, compete with other schoolchildren, i read a lot, i read fairy tales, short stories, thanks to model libraries and their super equipment, the opportunity the same words can be said by special people... not spoiled by the available book variety. we have purchased a certain quantity specialized literature on braille, this is specially made for people who are visually impaired with limited vision. develop your horizons and gain new knowledge about the world, all this regardless of age, education or even diagnosis. perhaps this is why the opening of model libraries is one of the most dynamically developing areas
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of the national project. as part of the national project culture in russia, it was possible to open more than a thousand model libraries. this year 230, in 2024 another 149 will be opened, so by the end of next year there will be more than 1,200 municipal libraries have been modernized, you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task , all the boards are from? we can handle it, if you ask, then with a podbokh, the name of which character from pushkin’s works, everyone knows how much it is 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work,
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speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i’m an oak, chop, no, pinch, problems with... i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, headache kit, god forbid now, if you win, then 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr . it is for you, well, got some sleep, gentlemen, a moment of attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, cheap, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one,
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we fell in love with them, who cares? good, your wife or boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved , you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look, those who want to be in the know, watching the week's news, program for advanced. news of the week from dmitry kiselyov on sunday on rtr, you have a wonderful figure, you need to write a statement, sign it, they asked me to give it to you,
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what else is this? on your orders, i guarded this skull for 2 hours. i was going to retire, buy this house and start a new life, and my ideas about starting a new life were also connected with this house, remember, you mentioned a knife, there’s something wrong with this knife, the statute of limitations, on friday rtr, napoleon's non-genre bicorne hat will go under the hammer, the auction will take place in fontainebleau, the auction house expects to get a symbol for the hat emperor bonoparte at least 850,000 dollars. there are two corners or horns in the felt headdress, but the cockade is tricolor, as expected, white-blue-red, which the famous
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carsican attached in 1815, immediately after returning from his first exile on the island of elba. as they say escocardo and cartus, right? napoleonic hats, rarities of rarities, during the 15 years in power of the emperor, approximately 190 hats were demolished , only 19 have survived to this day, their authenticity... confirmed by experts, almost all of them have already been sold out, strange, such a fate, who needs it, at home or somewhere in reality these days, let's return to the year of the mentor teacher, one of the most famous coaches nikolai karpol is celebrating his eighty-fifth birthday, he trained 15 olympic champions, and continues to train, a two-part film is dedicated to him, which can be appreciated on the platform, watch, this bearish the roar is known not only by volleyball fans, but by everyone who is not indifferent to the successes of domestic sports, for 50 years now, vladimir korpol has been coaching the most successful team in russia, uralochka himself
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holds the title of the most titled volleyball coach of the world. i wanted to be a teacher so much, i still believe that i am not a coach, but a teacher. karpol 85 is a classic documentary about an outstanding personality, nothing in it distracts from the main character, who gave an exclusive interview to the creators without leaving the volleyball net, while his ward from... the past of the present demonstrates on the screen the highest and unique style of play from karpolya. kuralochka begins preparation earlier than all tactical settings and the game system is different here, not all teams, so to speak, are comfortable playing with us. within a few minutes after watching, it becomes clear why nikolai vasilyevich is an excellent coach, just as he has been leading his team for many years, leading the national team, now he himself is leading the author of the film, delicately avoiding discussing the triumphs that the chronicle will show for him. well , usually a meeting, how good, of course, but with pleasure talks about the revolutionary system of team formation that he developed in the urals, to educate reserves for base of the flagship club, and for those who know
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korpol only as the famous growling russian bear, who brought the country 41 medals in various championships, including olympic ones. disagreeing with the judge’s decision, he protested harshly, shook his finger and shouted a mysterious, but thank you, and every time the girls and i, despite serious situations, barely he in this film reveals himself as the smartest strategist and a caring father, because like many parents, he he did everything to make his children feel good at home, and he himself never left this house. this the feeling of one team, it is very strongly manifested, yes, precisely in the desire to get from the youth team to the first one. but the most important thing is the final impression that the history of both russian volleyball and vladimir korpol personally continues to be written right now, and this film is a tribute to the great coach and a gift to all viewers. november, you and i don’t forget about the brightest premiere of the year in the film feel the wiggle, we talked about
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it today and the interpretation of the fairy tale from the creators of the little humpbacked horse is already in cinemas. i'm sure it's good that you reminded me, you need to provide a ticket for the weekend in advance. this is my duty, well, we will come here tomorrow and do our morning duty again. see you later. hello, this is news from alexander efremov’s studio. briefly about the main topics of our issue. the latest technologies are collected in the only open nuclear medicine building. vladimir putin was shown how the most difficult patients are treated. at the dima rogachev children's oncology center. the humanitarian situation has deteriorated sharply in the gas sector, there is no food and medicines. the israeli military is actively fighting in residential areas. hamas
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responds with anti-tank missiles . the assassination attempt was organized by ukrainian militants; a car containing one of the founders of the lpr militia was blown up. mikhail filipponenko died. kiev special services have already admitted to a war crime. drive. st. petersburg for the five hundred thousandth visitor, gifts from the organizers of the russia exhibition, families come to the all-russian exhibition center. only the open building of nuclear medicine was examined by vladimir putin during a visit to the children's oncology center named after dima rogachev. the new department will make it possible to save hundreds of children's lives every year, since it has everything necessary for diagnosing cancer at an early stage and synthesizing therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. the president talked with the guys who, thanks to unique technologies, had
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a chance to cope with the disease. report by our correspondent olga armyakova. as if drawn with colored pencils, the rygachev children's medical center looks least like a hospital. they never call him that. for children with cancer diseases is a home where they give hope for recovery. and this is where guests are welcomed today. this new building, what the president shows, the nuclear medicine center, it opened just a week ago, they are already accepting patients, hello, hello , hello, hello, what's your name? yes, is mom happy? yes, very much, hello, what about you, everything is fine, everything is fine, the rogachev center is the largest in europe, one of the largest in the world, where the most complex childhood diseases and severe diagnoses are defeated, saving thousands of lives, for 13 years now, we have managed
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, with the help of modern technologies of experience... endoscopic chest, through small incisions in the neck, to remove the tumor from the sascid process to the pericardium, identify all the vessels, all the nerves, here is the child 7 days later here in the ward, the operation was successful, and dilya is recovering; at the end of the week, the doctors promise to let her and her mother go home. what kind of cat is this? do you have a cat like this? i won’t hug you, kiss you for the sanitary from the president for two little patients , souvenir gifts can be quickly for children with
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take a picture of you. yeah, thank you very much, happy. every year, children in russia receive 30,000 cancer diagnoses. the center named after dima rogachev uses not only their own methods, but the experience of the world's leading clinics, returning children to a full life. five-year-old vadim, seeing the television cameras, shyly hides under the blanket. of course, he did not expect such guests in his room. hello, he's just shy, it's okay, what's your name, tell me, from under the blanket, what's your name? 2 days, okay, let him play. to moscow, together with my mother, vadim came from orenburg at the beginning of summer, when he was diagnosed
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with malignant esthesioneuroblastoma. now vadim dreams of returning home soon, where he is very welcome, you are already on the mend, vadim, when to go home, i don’t know, but i already want to, there’s a little bit left, a little bit, the center of the name. this is not just a clinic where the lives of thousands of young patients are saved, it is also a world-class scientific center. the efforts of doctors are confirmed by statistics: 80% of children forget about the disease forever; modern equipment is still only partially domestic production for making an accurate diagnosis , high-tech, operating rooms, but more importantly , in the center of nuclear medicine, now doctors themselves will synthesize radiopharmaceuticals, many of which previously
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had to be purchased abroad. we had it. the opportunity to buy, but it is not enough for us, with the opening of the center we will have the opportunity to synthesize new radiopharmaceutical drugs, so that this opportunity appears, rosatom specialists, with whose participation they built a new building, in a separate a cyclotron was designed in a super-protected bunker. of course, you can’t get into the bunker now as an object with special access, but it actually starts here, the production building of the radiopharmacy with its laboratories, where stable isotopes... are converted into radioactive ones using a cyclotron, they will be synthesized in the laboratory into radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis and treatment of rare tumors, so that 100% of children have a chance of salvation. olga armikova, ilya novikov, sergey minin, anna kolki, yulia shchedrova, vesti. about visit center named after dima rogachev, vladimir putin spoke at a meeting with members of the government, discussing measures to combat cancer that
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the state is taking. one more topic of conversation remained new ways to support everyone who plays sports and those who have problems with loans and debts. report by evgeny rishetnev. the president begins a meeting with members of the government with measures to support those who find themselves in a difficult situation due to debts and cannot pay off the banks. on instructions from the president, several years ago, an out-of-court bankruptcy procedure was introduced. in short, it removes a number of expenses from the debtor, and the process of declaring bankruptcy takes place instead of going to court. that all these actions are aimed at protecting the interests of citizens. our new rules came into effect on november 3 this year. what has changed? firstly, the procedure can now be used by pensioners and families with children from whom debts have been collected for more than
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a year, as well as all citizens who have been unable to pay off debts for more than 7 years. second point, we lowered the lower one and raised the upper one citizen's duty bar. this procedure is now available. with a debt from 25,000 rubles to 1 million rubles. the third point is that we have reduced the period during which it is possible to go through the extrajudicial bankruptcy procedure again. previously it was 10 years, now it is 5 years. in this regard, the head of the central bank announced the expansion of the rules regarding credit holidays, which citizens can take advantage of, without this deteriorating their credit history. on january 1, twenty -four, if the borrower finds himself in a difficult... situation, which is also associated with decrease in income, then the mechanism of credit holidays will begin to work for citizens on an ongoing basis, not only for mortgages, but for consumer loans; borrowers
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will have the opportunity to take such holidays for up to 6 months. the main topic of the meeting was the fight against cancer; just today putin visited the dima rogachev center for hematology, oncology and immunology, where a new building for the nuclear medicine center opened. success in defeating cancer depends on the stage at which the disease is detected, now in more this happens in more than 50% of cases in russia; oncology is diagnosed at the first and second stages. the head of the ministry of industry and trade reports on the situation in the domestic pharmaceutical industry; the share of russian oncology drugs, according to the minister , in government procurement is 70%. the president asks how things are going with our medical equipment. heavy equipment, after all, is domestic, something. it’s not visible in our medical centers. as for x-ray equipment, we cover almost 100% of the need, only for the items defined there and
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work is still underway. as for ct, we are switching to the production of our own tubes. and in fact, they will also provide consumables for other equipment that is currently in use. they need to achieve quality and they need to provide a market. russia has adopted a large program to combat cancer, especially closely, the president is monitoring how this work is carried out in new regions, what is the situation with cancer there? as such , the infrastructure for the treatment of oncological diseases was absent, namely modern, it was equipment that was there back in the eighties, seventies, excuse me, but what about when they did nothing in this regard to combat cancer? unfortunately, there was no modern infrastructure and no early detection programs . mortality from cancer in our country has decreased by almost 5%.
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the government announced such data this summer, and yet oncology is one of the most common diseases not only in russia, but in the world. prevalence of new malignant tumors... compared with increased in the nineteenth year, that is, this simply means that they began to detect more, the mortality rate fell immediately from malignant formations, which is the best indicator, in general the work is going on, our plans in this area are being fulfilled, i would really like for us not to reduce the pace of this work. mikhail murashko noted that the situation in oncology has changed dramatically in recent years, and the availability and effectiveness of treatment have increased. the number of
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united nations employees killed in the gas sector. the data was confirmed by the head un human rights division. during a visit to the rafah checkpoint, he strongly condemned the conflict. recalling that war crimes are committed by both sides. evgeny poddubny. in the very center of gaza city, among the ruins and concrete crumbling, the fire is carried out in conditions of visibility of the enemy and the israelis report dozens of hamas militants killed. the army demonstrated the discovered tactical tunnels of the militants and showed the moment of liquidation of the launchers. aimed at israeli cities, powerful, armored bulldozers fall asleep huge concrete underground mines of the islamists. base ever built
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by man, this whole city is one big terrorist base, there are kilometers of tunnels underground, they connect to hospitals and schools, we intend to put an end to this. an air strike destroys a house in the gas, a video surveillance device records a powerful detonation, an ammunition depot is hit, and moshen abuzina, responsible for the development of hamas weapons, is killed. prime minister, benjamin netanyahu again. was in the zone of military operation, he visited a military base in the south of the country, where he observed special forces training in a pretend palestinian city. there are problems, that's true, they have drones , explosive devices, there are very painful losses, but overall the success is phenomenal, because we go there and hit the enemy, we do not intend to stop and we are going to continue moving until the end. netanyahu rejects any prolonged ceasefire until the hostages are fully handed over. probably the bet is on the forceful release of
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hamas prisoners, and there are now 242 of them, and this is the scenario the development of events worries the captive relatives. rallies in their support have become a constant background of israeli everyday life. marking the month that has passed since black saturday, october 7, relatives and friends of the hostages gathered in the squares of all major cities in israel in order to remind the government of the fate of their loved ones. above all. funeral rallies in the evening were interrupted by warning signals of rocket attacks from gas in the south and hisbalah in the north, from where almost the entire local population had been evacuated 2 weeks ago. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk anastasia demyanets, lead israel. an israeli strike on the yard of one of the schools in the palestinian enclave. the school became a place of refuge for hundreds of people who
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fled. the israeli army continues to carry out indiscriminate attacks on civilian infrastructure. data on fatalities do not reflect the real situation, since a large number of dead and wounded remain under the rubble. more than 70% of the victims are children, women and old people. the flow of wounded is such that doctors give up. provide qualified assistance to all victims healthcare workers cannot. there are not enough medicines, dressings, operating rooms, or simple hospital beds, and the flow of wounded is only increasing. residents of the enclave settlement are doing everything possible to escape as far as possible to the egyptian border. but the road to the south is already called the road of death, although tel aviv claims that the humanitarian corridor is functioning and is safe. but the south is also unsafe. the israeli army continues to strike targets near rafah, and the more strikes, the more difficult
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the humanitarian situation begins in the enclave hunger, even now there is not enough bread, and the geography of military clashes on earth is expanding, tel aviv is experiencing difficulties with the advancement of gas in urban areas, the city is blocked, but the underground communications of the islamic resistance movement continue to operate, hamas is suffering losses as a result of airstrikes, an idf unit during attacks by palestinian troops from the hamas group daily disable or destroy israeli vehicles, and most often they video record the destruction of targets. the israeli army is carrying its highest ever decade, the loss of main battle tanks, and not only in the gas sector. here, near the lebanon-israeli border, fighters of the lebanese
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hizbalah, according to the movement, have already destroyed or disabled about 100 merkavs. with such losses, tel aviv will soon have to introduce the old modification of vehicles into combat. this is despite the fact that the intensity of hostilities will only increase in the near future. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov, news from lebanon, beirut. about 3,000 migrants from central america, venezuela, cuba and haiti were blocked traffic on one of mexico's main southern highways require transit or exit visas to reach the us border. the caravan began its movement on october 30 from the city of tapachula, in the south of the country, near guatemala. i note that the us border is having difficulty coping with the growing number of migrants from south america. five hundred thousandth visitor. russia at the airborne forces won a special
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prize - a trip to st. petersburg. luck smiled on matvey from rostov-on-don. he came to moscow with. more about key events of the day at the russia forum exhibition in a report by alexey petrov. so bright and original , they brought the breath of the north to moscow, to the rosneft pavilion at vdnkh. these are the traditions of the peoples of the north. heira ensemble. it was founded back in 1969 and is the first folk amateur ensemble of taimyr. this is where the evenki songs set the rhythm. tagakon ensemble, round dance, this is what we just showed, where is the bargan, mora, we are singing about organi about our
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musical instrument, that it is all over the tundra spreads and emits, so to speak, the music of the tundra, we head to the seventy-fifth pavilion, where the stands of the regions are presented, the way there lies through these airy arches, a delegation from burkina fasso, representatives of various ministries have already arrived there. we are interested in cooperation in the military sphere, security problems are now all over the world, we think russia could help us, in addition , we are interested in the energy sector. delegations talk about russian regions, at the ugra stand, guests take pictures with a white bear difficulties in translating schtursky. in the far east there is a river called the amur, at the st. petersburg stand, the five hundred thousandth visitor to the exhibition receives a special prize, a trip with his family to the northern capital. we actually planned and wanted to visit st. petersburg either in winter or next summer, and now our dream
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has come true. and in the atom pavilion you can see paintings by contemporary russian artists. art and science have much more in common than we do. this is a tireless search, openness to new things, a desire to respond to the question in its own way, and here the artists and scientists are actually very close, 12 canvases and no dispute between physicists and lyricists, alexey petrov, magomed atsaev, news, news are following developments in russia and abroad, stay with us. i still have pain here, here it hurts, here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the principle of 3p. by the way, this officially proves that proper nutrition, how to properly deal with stress,
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we need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat, the right medications, run to the doctor, medicine for us as crutches. and the right habits, and won’t they slap us on some kefir, and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, about the most important thing, is on rt today. the time for hunting has not yet come, let's wait until the morning and watch the weekend. maybe you killed him? leana, wait, she doesn’t even remember me, the death of her father, she doesn’t remember either, i want
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my life back, it will take us a month, which means that in a month the commission will confirm the full incapacity. when there is pitch black darkness all around, captain, lena has disappeared, you have a crush on her too, loser, remember, dawn will definitely come, attention, fire danger, i will always be with you, you hear, at dawn on saturday on rtr. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power , beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready, explore nature, dear mother, simply
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incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, here 10 million moped drivers. try it on the taste, oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says: mind blowing, this world is worth it... to see, spell casters and smiys are the most ancient profession in india, they say that a bukhara knife is made correctly, it became real a talisman for its owner. in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. i buy happiness, mom, i buy happiness, mom. this is a hotel with history, with traditions, on saturday, everything is fine with you
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, yes, of course, i go into the salon, she is sitting, and i, and you, and i, have fallen in love, you know that the wife will kill me, and then another buyer showed up and offered such a price that i couldn’t refuse, so where is he, and your other buyer? you, you, after the deal with happiness, i will become a partner, and it is my dream that will come true, not yours. oh, you know how it is? i will still fight, i will save happiness. it's hard to share happiness if it's a hotel for two, premiere on saturday, on rtr. we're on the air, we're continuing the show. the kiev regime
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once again showed its terrorist nature by bombing a car in lugansk with a deputy of the people's council of the lpr, mikhail filipponenko. it was he who stood at the origins of the creation of the militia. kiev almost immediately took responsibility for the crime. report by nikolai dolgochev. the bomb under the car went off at 9:00 am. the car is destroyed by an explosion. mikhail filiponenko drove only a few meters and died near the house. passing drivers tried to help the wounded man, but as a result of the terrorist attack, mikhail filipponenko received injuries incompatible with life. mikhail yuevich is an iconic figure for donbass. here are archival footage. filipponenkoy in the first day of the liberation of svetlodarsk. the residents of svetlodar did not spoil our expectations, that is, on the contrary, they supported our expectations, of course, this is very pleasant. and people are determined. positively and no one looked at khosa, on the contrary, everyone is happy, he stood at the origins of the creation of the militia, then the people's militia
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of the lpr, which he headed, was the head of the central committee, the structure that recorded the shelling of peaceful cities, dangerous but brave work, this year he was elected to the people's council , wanted to work on establishing a peaceful life in the region. the attack on mikhail filiponenko is an outright war crime by the current ukrainian regime. the main intelligence directorate of ukraine is open. admitted to preparing and carrying out this terrorist attack against a civilian, the deceased no longer served in the army, the enemy threatens to continue the criminal practice. there was already an attempt on filipponenko’s life; last winter, a few days before the start of the special operation, 10 kg of tnt was also planted in the car. mikhail yuryevich was wounded, but then survived. today the criminals attacked again. the investigative committee opened a criminal case on three counts, including a terrorist attack by a law enforcement officer. authorities are looking for perpetrators who can still remain on the territory of the lugansk republic , these are not some crooks who were paid for the explosion,
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they are trained fighters who purposefully planted an explosive device, this is not the first time ukrainian militants have used terrorist tactics, the enemy is now bearing daily huge losses. terrorist attacks are criminal revenge for the successes of our military. nikolay dolgachev, vitali bryksin, azat atagonov, nikolay pyrkh, andrey ostashev, lead. lugansk. the kamchatka village of klyuchi, which has risen from volcanic ash, is again under the threat of ashfall. the institute of volcanology of the russian academy of sciences recorded a plume stretching 40 km from shiveluch, which interferes with air traffic and continues to move towards populated areas. the good news for the peninsula is the decline in activity of the highest active volcano in eurasia, klyuchevsky. after the climactic eruption with gas emissions, ash. and lava, the main hill of kamchatka took pause. alexandra ostrikova, about how long ? after several days of the explosive
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eruption of the klyuchevskaya sopka volcano, the activity of the giant began to decline. today the weather has finally cleared up and even from the village you can see the dymid volcano. in the first days, the length of the ash columns reached 13 km. gradually their intensity and power changed. since spring , three giants have been taking turns showing activity: the nameless shveluch klyuchevskaya sobka. village of klyuchi. we are a nearby settlement, but for local residents, volcanic activity is everything that comes with it connected, so ordinary that they are perceived as natural phenomena, heavy rain or snowfall, when a strong wind carries ashes throughout the village, discomfort... they experience breathing problems, especially people with chronic diseases, there were children who were admitted with allergic reactions, well there it is was already against the background of an existing allergy, that is , it is not possible to prove that this is directly related to the ashfall; the state of emergency is still in effect in the area on november 1, when the giant threw lava from the crater a kilometer up, the red-hot lava flow rushed down , mixed with snow and ice, turning into
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a huge mud-stone mudflow, which destroyed everything in its path, including a coniferous forest , stopping only on the road, immediately cutting off several villages from the mainland. here he is going to wash, the road has washed out very much. later it became known that, having passed through the river and the forest, the mudflow changed the course of the studenka river, and another large lava flow lying on the opakhonchi trench continued to drown the glacier. dig, dig, dig, do, it turns out, then press it to this side so that during heavy rainfall or melting snow, the river again... does not cut off the villages, the flow must be returned to its previous channel, until the only possible solution is to deliver heavy equipment to the site by cargo helicopter, calculate a possible development scenario in the prospect of the coming winter, including the flood period, spring, one of the proposals of the specialists who were on site was the need to attract heavy helicopters like mivadtsat in
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order to relocate equipment to the site from... the eruption of the klyuchevskaya hill again caused an increase in the flow of travelers, the main task is to photograph the beauty of klyuchevskaya, the eruption has stopped, but approaching the giant is still dangerous , experts still predict the rise of ash up to 7 km, so the yellow code of aviation danger remains, samples water and air in the area remain within normal limits, alexander ostrikova, anton bogomololov, ivan kulakov, vesti kamchatka, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments. see you. i want to know what nonsense you're up to.
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the main premiere of the year. period, you have. let's hope my uncle didn't reveal this secret, there are too many people. do you love my grandmother? with all my heart. you said it was impossible to love me, but you were wrong. what do you say? are you happy? ekaterina, favorites. today on rtr. this year marks 15 years with selyagi. let everything be the way you want. how many risks were there in general, the sygraph could have happened once. get dirty in this image, after the style i don’t i was filming for 3 years and understood perfectly well that i didn’t want to get stuck in this role , anton shakin, i asked for an audition for verkhovensky, and a couple of days later i was approved for verkhovensky, how amazingly the demons led you to god, we went to optina pustyn , and this later completely changed me,
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different roles and one love, god sent me a nickname. the courtship began, i began to slip under the door, slip it into the poems, and the proposal, i realized that this is the person with whom i want to live my whole life, with whom i want to give birth raising children, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. good evening, good. what is your name? anna yacolena. anya, i bow to your beauty. i hate it when a stranger writes a note like this to my wife. i don’t need a house or a car, i want you and me to have a child, it’s so easy to be happy.
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you understood that i love you from the moment of our first meeting, as soon as i saw you, it’s so easy to get confused, i don’t know who i love anymore, i don’t know, i don’t like all this, price crazy passion is too high, i won’t give you to anyone, love that never happened, on sunday on rtr, you watch so much. what is our task to open the whole board, can we cope? if you ask, then with a trick, the name of which character from pushkin’s works, everyone knows how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, and whoever is at work
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speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor , i oaks, chop, no , pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, headache kit, god forbid now. if win that, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, look, love is when you look in one direction , look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, attentively. and look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time, for 1, 2, 3, sign and look, look, maybe
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we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie. i have always been, first and foremost, the daughter of nina drobusheva, i was obsessed with my mother, i even decided to become an actress in order to be closer to her, elena drobosheva once admitted , whom audiences have also long loved for her bright roles in films such as another life, the witch, anna karenina, the old piano, what hatched, the shah, some kind of nightmare, where did they come to us from? from the example, probably, why from the example, mom, well, most likely his wife worked at the port , talked to the grochik like that, sha, the great actress nina drobysheva passed away on july 27 of this year, she
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was 84 years old, but in the hearts of millions of viewers , she will forever remain young sasha from the cult film clear sky. now you will go into pain with a light heart, and when... you return, i will come out to meet you and become your fighting friend forever. the heroine of nina drobysheva devoted her entire life to her beloved man, but the fate of the actress herself turned out differently. the death of her mother was a terrible blow for elena drobysheva, and 2 months later her father, actor vitaly konyaev, also passed away. how did she survive all this, what did she understand about her mother, have i been seeking her attention for years, and what did i manage to tell her? before
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death, this is life, the fate of nina drobosheva, through the eyes of her daughter and grandson, good morning, we met with you, how many four years have passed in this studio, i remember how much we talked about your life, although almost the entire conversation was about mom, it was clear that for you this is the whole world, the whole life, mom, mom didn't. this summer, forgive me, how are you all now, so many months without her, my mother was my strong person, and it seems to me that she passed on this strength to us, to her children, we to our grandchildren, so this strength is now moving us, i think because mom would really like it so that we don't lost in this life, but moved forward, with their heads held high, doing what they loved
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, since my mother had been doing this favorite thing all her life, because her favorite work was acting and theater - it was her love, she never in her life she never uttered the word theater somehow to or in passing, she said: i serve in the theater , the actors say, we serve in the theater, we don’t work, we don’t play, they serve, and indeed this word contains the deepest truth, because great actors, and my mother was a great actress, they serve art, serve the theater from the moment they start doing it, and yes i think. even forever, because wonderful works remain, and there remain people who watch these works, viewers who re-watch
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films, well, let's remember, put on a clear sky, a small piece of a film that not only made her destiny, and you would not exist without this film, you wouldn’t have appeared in the world, because mom and dad met in this picture, put it on, well, i was thinking about you all the time, don’t, well, yegorka, let’s get acquainted, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, no, no, no, no, sasha, honey, he died , no, this will never come back, sasha, can you hear me, okay, so be it, i’ll wait,
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but sasha, understand, the child needs it. thank you, don’t be angry, no, i’m sorry, they both play strongly here, but how mom, dad, how they remembered this was their beginning, this is how it all began for them, they immediately fell in love with each other on these sets, i think right away, yes , i think it was love at first sight, otherwise how would i have appeared, can i say, my grandmother, she had an eye for
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beauty, and my grandfather konyaev really was him was a very handsome man, she, i think, went for this, for her in general beauty, the search for beauty, this was in some way all her life, this is some kind of truth that she was looking for in people, in her roles, in those things , which she uses, in the way her hands move, in the way she smokes a cigarette, in the way she looks, therefore... her whole life , in my opinion, can be brought to precisely this, to a very deep search for beauty on a very high note, and that's what other people admired about her, that's what admired about her me as her grandson, and at the same time it’s also a cross, beauty is often a companion to suffering, worry, mom... with dad,
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you see, you were 5 years old, they broke up, yes, it’s generally amazing, they’ve been together for a long time weren’t together, but dad also left pretty soon for mom, it’s generally amazing , such a connection, but why, why did they break up sometime in sixty, that means in the fifth or sixth year, i don’t know, you don’t know, you never this question, well, they weren’t such naive simpletons, i would say: daughter, we broke up because of this, because of this, no, of course, they didn’t tell me this, neither when i was 5 years old, nor later, and it was useless for me to ask them these questions, she was still happy, with your father , actor vitaly vaitenko, she was a happy person, ah, yes, i dare to think that she was a happy person, firstly, because she had... 'we, her children, two
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sisters, me and my sister christina, three grandchildren whom she loved endlessly, these are philip, antosha and taenka taisya, like a woman, she was happy, grandmother, what do you think, philip, i i think the woman was happy in a down-to-earth sense, she was of little interest, in fact, she lived by art, she lived, uh, by her roles, she was happy. at the moment when she went on stage, everything else, in my opinion, faded a little into the background, she really served, served art, served people, and this is much larger, this is more powerful than just a family, and on this scale was her happiness,
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most likely, usually when something like this... they say that those parents who serve art entirely, very often children suffer because of this, because that they lack parents who devoted themselves entirely to the stage, the theater. and so on, so, you had enough of your mother, of course not, of course, that’s true, uh , i’ll even say more, i think so, but somehow analyzing some things, that i became an actress in order to find i have a common language with her, with my dad too, and because i really wanted to speak the same language with them , well, i remember how i was waiting for her, i remember at the dacha, now, uh, you asked me this question, i really - like - a flash now appeared before my eyes when i was small, lying on a folding bed, i really loved, well, i was reading on a folding bed in the garden, and i was reading, i was lying a book, suddenly behind me, uh, my mother seemed to grow up in a yellow coat, she
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came from some tour, came back, and apparently arrived then at the dacha, she was absolutely beautiful, she didn’t have this radiant smile, she looked as if at me, as if upside down, yes, i saw her, that’s it, but at that moment i was the happiest person, because , because i saw my mother, whom i had not seen, that time, while she was on tour or at the time when she was producing plays or doing theater, it is clear why philip said that earthly material happiness did not worry her so much, but... she completely lost herself in something intangible, and at the same time what - the connection with your dad, with vitaly konyaev, remained amazingly, just the very departure of your dad, the fact that he passed away 2 months after your mother, despite the fact that they
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were not together almost their entire lives, this says so much, and how do you explain it yourself, why this is so, and lord, my god, when he died, dad was at the dacha, but on that day, you know, something amazing happened to me, because when we sat next to each other on the sofa, dad suddenly looked at me, he took my head and put it on his shoulder, everything, i didn’t tell him anything, why he did that, i don’t know, and there was this... or not, i don’t know, you then had to achieve your mother’s recognition as an actress, and there was a moment when you understood , that yes, recognition took place, of course, i
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think that everyone goes through this exam children of actors, to one degree or another, but in general it’s a tough thing, because all the time it seems that no, you, you’re not worthy, you can’t do the same, and... when you can’t do the same, then why bother? do something, and yes, one day my mother told me, you did a very good job, it was a good role, you ’re great, that is, this recognition happened, put it, let’s remember nina ivanovna, what she told her daughter about you, put it , well... lenochka is my support today, really a support, everything is in her, she and a wonderful daughter, she is a wonderful mother who gives
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everything to philip, so she somehow manages, so i’m just surprised, she’s a wonderful actress, somehow it all came together in her, but not in me, and sometimes she tells me, here.. ... you didn’t kiss me in childhood, you have to swallow such things precisely, because apparently in childhood i didn’t get something, or rather she didn’t get it, in your case it wasn’t like that, your grandmother always had enough, these were high-quality meetings, there was a time when i, even before she became completely, well, chained to the bed, she i was still walking. i lived with her for a month and a half, looked after her, and it was so soul to soul, i remember our evenings, long evenings, where we
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dreamed of nietsch and mayakovsky with cognac, in the kitchen, with cigarettes, these were incredible moments and it has always been like this event, any interaction with my grandmother is... do you remember the very last conversation with your mother, what was it about? oh, yes, we talked about him, she told me, i love him very much, philip, i love him very much, philip, and you remember the last meeting with your grandmother, probably one of the most vivid memories, yes, when she was still, so to speak, in combat mode, plus or minus we were together, but we read, i’m still studying theater now, and i was already in my fourth year at the very beginning, she helped me with roles there according to sartre, we rehearsed together, i always dreamed
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that she would come and see something, she, unfortunately, did not have time, after all, one way or another, our last meeting with her, it was on the day when we were buried, and i did everything to make this happen, and it was so beautiful and pure light, that... many people came up and said that it was the brightest funeral they had been to, and even, even, forgive me, i will say, but it’s really amazing, i took the music speaker, when it was covered with earth, i turned on the pav, and even in this there was something very terribly beautiful, put, since she has so much connected with this french singer, a small fragment of words, which, by the way, today sound like nina ivanovna’s will... put, my life was terrible, terrible ,
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at the same time, amazing, hunger and homeless childhood, loss and disappointment, death , loss of friends, then car accidents, surgeries and illnesses, but each time i picked myself up again. from the bottom again went on stage, and if they had asked me then whether i regretted living my life like this, i would have answered with the words of one of my very last songs, no, i don’t regret anything,
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no, i don’t i regret, nothing, no, nothing, i don’t regret anything, no joy, no grief, no, i don’t regret, nothing. when a person goes to heaven, the connection is not broken, you probably continue to talk with your mother, but what about say, i write to her with meanings, about various issues, about some, maybe sometimes creative, sometimes everyday, so i know for sure that messages are coming to your heart, delivered, or maybe.
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even the answer, yes, the kingdom of heaven, nini ivanovna, this is life and destiny, nina droboshevo, through the eyes of her grandson’s daughter, thank you, i think that here everything is more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think here, here this is that's it, to play or not to play, yes. yes, that's it, there can't be two opinions, because we have them as many as five, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, this must be obvious it was, i had in mind, of course, a bear when i said, such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most passionate team, if there are not 1000, zhenya
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will add his own, something that many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five- on-one program, i'm oops, five-on-one saturdays on rtr. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, no ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words,
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heroes of my time, beauty, rapping. the whole brigade, just looking at the platform, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donets, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet
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is still there... only ours can , honor and praise to you, what you are doing is simply amazing, from tuesday to thursday, on rtr, who is he, and how did he end up here, these remains are 25-30 years old, in general we did not have a statement about the disappearance of people, is he grouse? 100% past is a valuable witness. this gravity is enough to lower a person to the bottom, which means it is not was an accident. you just need to be able to ask questions. where did you find him? there under the bridge, i found something else there. information about
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the owner of the badge can still be found in the archive. ekaterina rednikova and you and i have news on ours. statute of limitations, you will interfere in this matter, freely, on friday on rtr, posters on the tv channel culture theater: music, fine arts november 9. in the small hall of the state kremlin palace, the melody ensemble of georgy garanyan with a program of all this jazz in the ussr, music will be played dunaevsky, gershwin, zatsepin, babajanyan and other composers. the stanislavsky and nimirovich danchenko musical theater presents vincenza belini's opera norma in the premiere production of adolfar. musical
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director and conductor christian knap. the main role is played by khibla gerzmava. the moscow theater... on malaya ardynka presents the premiere of a musical performance based on the story of alexander bilyaev , the amphibian man. directed by gleb cherepanov. composer andrey simyonov. in the pavilion with the work of kolkhoznitsa at vdnkh you can see exhibition of the nineteenth century changing fashion from empire to modern. the three floors of the exhibition housed more than 400 items: dresses, shoes, underwear, accessories, prints, many of which were presented to the general public for the first time. yaroslavl drama theater named after volkov presents the premiere: alexander. staged the play running with the wolves based on the play by maria ogneva, based on the book by psychoanalyst clarice pinkola estes about female archetypes. this performance is created as a female version of ulysses. the viewer will see an ordinary day in the life of a modern a woman who, as always, must take her child to school, solve problems at the service, make peace with her husband, and cook dinner. and so
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, in order to unwind, the main character turns on a podcast on self-development. and on this podcast, a practicing psychotherapist dissects and analyzes women's myths and fairy tales collected from all over the world and presented in the book running with the wolves, suddenly these fairy tales begin to happen and play out around the main character, suddenly the main character herself finds herself inside a fairy tale, for what? in order to find the answer to a very simple difficult question: what is it to be a woman today? the yekaterinburg opera and ballet theater ural opera and ballet presents one-piece ballets to the music of leonid. theater as part of the golden mask festival, musical director of the production alexey. sick. the rumyantsev mansion in st. petersburg is hosting an exhibition dedicated to the theme of the mirror in fine art and cinema, interior design and fashion, literature and mysticism. the exhibition includes
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more than 100 objects of decorative and applied art and painting from the collections of the museum of the history of st. petersburg. solo concert alexandra kantarova will take place at the paris philharmonic in the program music of rachmaninov, stravinsky, bach and forré. and daniil trifonov and the strasbourg philharmonic orchestra perform works by rachmaninoff and tchaikovsky. at the palace of music and congresses, conductor aziz shokhakimov. the berlin state ballet begins showings of the ballet sleeping beauty. directed by marcia haida based on choreography by marius peitep to music by pyotr ilvich tchaikovsky. the metropolitan museum of art is hosting a large-scale retrospective of manet degas, dedicated to creative dialogue between two outstanding masters of french impressionism. more than 200 paintings, pastels, drawings and engravings immerse viewers in the world of parisian bohemia of the late nineteenth and early years. centuries, demonstrating how, with different stylistic devices and techniques, both masters wrote a new page in the history
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of world art. i was thinking, sergei nikolaevich, if the liver doesn’t hurt, how can you tell if problems have started? monitor your general well-being, including when you start to suffer from insomnia, let's go, good morning, hello, today we decided to conduct an experiment, do ultrasound examinations for our viewers who complained about problems with sleep. liver ultrasound. what is the connection between the liver and sleep? we have to find out. andrey evgenievich, how is the patient doing? this patient is generally
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doing well, with moderate diffuse changes like fatty infiltration. that is, it turns out that it’s still not in very good condition. yes, but when compared with our entire studio, unfortunately, most patients have similar changes to varying degrees. diffuse changes. does anyone have anything worse? i would single out three, there are even. signs of hepatomaly, that is, enlargement of the liver. thank you, continue, mikhail, let's call these citizens vadim manuchkin, svetlana berezhnaya and elena sedneva. raise your hands please. so, come and see us, well, let’s get acquainted, svetlana, something hurts, it’s bothering you , not lately, but a year ago there were such pains in the area, well, yes, just pain, just pain, but what about sleep? i don’t sleep well, good morning,
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good morning, vadim, what do you have, tell me, 4 a month ago i had an operation to remove the gall bladder, well, about the first month, the second a little bit here, i turned to a gastroenterologist, he said, well , there are still adhesions after the operation, but now, lately i have nothing doesn’t bother, doesn’t bother anything, doesn’t hurt, well, here, i don’t even know what to tell you , because you basically look like a ballerina , what do you do, physical education, physical education, i understand what kind, yoga, so, it’s clear that you don’t drink alcohol, that ’s obvious, yes, you don’t smoke, you probably don’t drink, no, and it doesn’t seem like they were abusing high-calorie foods, like this, suddenly your liver is behaving, and you knew anything about it before, i had early complaints about... itchy skin, yes, then there were manifestations, there was a rash, which was established that this was precisely due to a malfunction of the liver, how do you sleep, i sleep very
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poorly, i would even say that i practically do not sleep, my friends, do you even know what it is fatty liver hepatosis, no, no, paradox, statistics according to various sources give us a figure from 30 to 40% of adults. suffers from of this disease, every third, it turns out, yes, the disease, it is actually extremely serious, and what happens to the liver, and between the cells these microdroplets of fat begin to be deposited, then they accordingly begin to increase in size, there are more and more of them there , and over time this is fraught with a complete disruption of all functions, of which it must be said, the liver has more than 500 , the liver is aging, i would say aging rapidly, let’s now let our expert come out on this issue and set the record straight and. pavel olegovich bogomololov,
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hepatologist, gastroenterologist, chief: freelance specialist, hepatologist, ministry of health of the moscow region, candidate of medical sciences. good morning, good morning, look, pavel olegovich, also, people don’t know anything, and today they went to our program in a good mood and found out that they have fatty hepatosis, indeed, fatty liver disease is the most common disease , which hepatologists encounter, and this disease is just like all others. liver disease can lead to the formation of fibrosis, cirrhosis and even liver cancer; timely information can radically improve the life prognosis of our patients. let's talk about risk factors in general, i suggest you go and look there, just get it, i 'll start right away, so come on, look for mikhail, look for it, well, let's start, let's start from our side,
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slow-moving images. excess calorie consumption, but a sedentary lifestyle, it is clear that all this excess color is deposited in us in the form of fat, where first queue, in the liver, if you don’t mind, let’s ask, vadim, how are you with physical activity , i think it’s normal, my day begins, i get up for 6 hours, so i go outside to douse myself with cold water, douse myself with cold water, then a cup of coffee , so then i go do exercises, exercises, how long, well, somewhere around 40 minutes, oh, you, i don’t move much, a mostly sedentary lifestyle, so, well, that means it’s not suitable for you, in general it’s fine for you, moving on, high calorie diet, downside, very related events, a high-calorie diet with a sedentary lifestyle is a factor in the development of fatty liver disease, and now a high-calorie diet is the most common diet, now by the way , an increase in taxes on fruit-containing
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drinks... drinks with a high sugar content is just an attempt to influence this factor of fast food producers is now being discussed about the introduction of additional taxes for these establishments, it seems like it is planned to introduce this, you eat a lot, well, a lot, well, average, average, fat excluded fried, exclude well then no you are high-calorie yes unfortunately elena i eat regularly and also like sweets , based on just appearance, it is clear that this is not the case, if there is fatty liver disease, it is secondary, uh-huh, let's move on , diabetes mellitus, mainly, as i understand it, of the second type, definitely, only of the second type, this is impaired fasting glycemia , impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes mellitus, that is, everything that is associated with the classic manifestation of insulin resistance, the main factor, cofactor for the development of fatty liver disease, how
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are you with sugar since the thirteenth? i've had diabetes since i was thirteen years old, so they explained it to you, but the question is closed, everything is clear, you, no, i don't have diabetes, but my sugar level is 3.8, wow, that is, there's some kind of stage there there is - above the norm, but this is below the norm, yes, this means that with a high degree of probability there is no disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, what kind of sugar do you have, and to be honest, i don’t know for sure, but in the latest tests it was 5.5 glitch, okay. let's move on, sudden weight loss, yes, indeed, if people lose weight very quickly, either as a result of surgical treatment, or as a result of a very strict diet, then they develop that same secondary fatty liver disease, even steatacrosis, that is, this the situation turns out that the body breaks down fats under the skin, yes, these fats need to be put somewhere, but everything falls on the poor liver, that’s how it is,
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rapid weight loss is almost always accompanied by the development of fatty liver disease, interesting, and covid- 19 why so unusual, it seems, yes, it’s everywhere, but studies show that changes in elastography have actually recently begun to be recorded after suffering from covid. during the pandemic, we noticed a sharp increase in the frequency of compensation for liver disease against the background of a new coronavirus infection. is it related? with drug therapy with but nevertheless we also see in these patients a really higher incidence of liver disease, knowing that patients with fatty liver disease are much more likely to develop heart attacks, strokes, cancer, we understand that this is not safe, and of course, we are already trying to formulate strategies for dispensary monitoring of such patients, it turns out that we have practically, at least surprisingly, but
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each of the factors ... played, by the way, you got sick with covid, yes at the very beginning, within a week, and i got sick in 21, elena, and i was sick too, yes, everyone got sick, yes, but how is this related to insomnia, this is one of... clear signs of hepatic encephalopathy, the situation when which the liver function decreases, these are the very toxins that should be neutralized in the blood in the liver, in greater and greater quantities, they cause such a peculiar dysfunction of the brain, one of the manifestations of this reversible condition is insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day, not only ultrasound liver examination, but also liver elastometry, a non -invasive test that allows you to assess the stage of the disease and identify emerging
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liver cirrhosis in the early stages, when still in the tests, everything is basically fine. what happens to the liver during fatty hepatosis, a new discovery and modern treatment of diseases. i want to know what nonsense. the main premiere of the year, full stop grigor sanovich, let’s hope my uncle didn’t reveal this secret, there are too many people, and you love my grandmother with all your heart, you said that it was impossible to love me, but you were wrong, what do you say, happy you, ekaterina, are the favorites, today on rtr, watching movies and tv series. watching opera, watching ballet, watching theater, watching concerts and festivals, we watch competitions and master classes, we watch
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films about history and art, we watch educational lectures, we watch science programs, we watch interviews and talk shows, we watch news, we watch documentaries! russia culture on the platform let's watch. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. in the new season, with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we create three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without any glamor. ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally
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a plant maniac , real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, and look, let... into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, good evening, good, what ’s your name, anna yakorenna, anya, i bow to your beauty, it’s unpleasant for me when a stranger. writes this note to my wife, i don’t need a house or a car, i want you and me to have a child, to be happy so simply, you understood that i love you, from the moment of our first meeting
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, as soon as i saw you, it’s so easy to get confused, i don’t know who i love anymore, i don’t know, i don’t like all this, the price of crazy passion too high. i won’t give you to anyone, love that never happened, on sunday on rtr, a disaster of national scale , this is how the largest attack of telephone scammers in history is characterized , every day, scammers drive into multimillion-dollar debts, take away the last home, kidnap and lead to... suicide citizens of russia, if they do not pay 5 million and send my body parts, we will continue our investigation into where they are hiding, but most importantly, who is helping them physically on the territory of our country. malakhov, today on
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rtr. pavel olegovich, well, here’s the situation, yes, three completely different people, completely different reasons, but nevertheless , ultrasound now shows the same type of changes, what should people do when they detect it, if you look at the clinical recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of fatty liver disease, one of the most advanced, probably still is the american guideline... the association for the study of liver disease, together with american endocrinologists, they developed the principles of diagnosis and therapy. the most important recommendation we all give to our patients is to follow dietary recommendations that lead to weight loss and increased physical activity. let's talk about the most preferred eating style, yes, because here i can't even dare
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to talk about some kind of diet recently. research, they have shown that there is a style of nutrition that gives, probably the best, such a quick start for people who want to change their diet for fatty liver disease, and this is not just what is called the mediterranean diet, now there is a modification of it that is called the green mediterranean diet, that is, where the proportion of leafy vegetables and non- leafy green vegetables is significantly higher than in the usual one. so she showed about 20% greater results in terms of weight loss and fatty deposits in the liver than even the usual mediterranean, everything that leads to a decrease in color, an increase in prebiotics, for example, probiotics, an increase in polyunsaturated fatty acids, yes, we understand perfectly well that this is useful, but it may not be enough, this is where we actually go there, everyone is in harmony , let's talk about medicine. first, none of the clinical recommendations in the world contain such
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a class of drugs called hepatoprotectors, therefore, so that it can now be discussed for the treatment of the largest cohort of patients, patients with diabetes or obesity or atherosclerosis and fatty liver disease, so, of course, this is the correct treatment of the underlying disease, if we are talking about type 2 diabetes, then now there are practically no alternatives... the class of drugs is type 2 sodium glucose transporter inhibitors. when we have glucose in our blood and there is a lot of it, more than 10 mm, the kidneys begin to excrete it in the urine. and this class of drugs that pavel alegich is talking about, it lowers this threshold, then glucose - with is excreted in urine even in significantly smaller quantities , there is a response threshold somewhere around 4.5 mm l, and what this means is that provided... that a person eats even the same way as he ate, he still has a minus
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where - approximately 100 glucose leaks every day, our patients on this class of drug, on gliflazines, by themselves lose two, 2 and a half kilograms in six months, so it’s important to explain gliflazines here, well, the second class is absolutely revolutionary now they are legends glucagon-like peptide type 1, no stories, i’m telling you, we have a substance secreted in our intestines called glucagon-like peptide, well, a protein that is similar to the hormone glucagon, and it accordingly causes a reaction after eating, well, including a satiety reaction, that is, when a person feels , that he was full, and he regulates the release of insulin in response to the supply of glucose, accordingly, they carried out these drugs and produced such a boom, in endocrinology, why, because these drugs, in my opinion, are the first drug in for the last 30 years, which has been recognized as
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a drug for effective weight loss. they say that in about 8-10 years, insulin therapy for type 2 diabetes will disappear; for us hepatologists, this means that we have a real tool for treating primary fatty liver disease at the stages of pre-cirosis, that is, we will not allow patients to develop cirrhosis with fatty liver disease. already two russian companies... have produced and registered analogues of this wonderful drug and we are waiting for the price to be registered, i am absolutely sure, maybe be already at the end of this year, next year 100%, this will again be the content of our arsenal, please give brief recommendations to our viewers so that they do not stand so scared, on the contrary, that they are motivated to take some kind of action, first for patients with
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signs of fatty liver disease according to ultrasound data, of course, you need to do elastometry with steatametry of the liver , this is a special device, but it can be a separate device, maybe in an expert ultrasound device, well, in general it’s not it’s difficult, we immediately understand the stage of liver fibrosis, if the stage is conditionally second and higher, we need to make an appointment with a hepatologist or gastroenterologist. in any case, you follow the same recommendations that we have already mentioned, intense physical activity, reducing consumption, especially easily digestible ones. carbohydrates, reducing food consumption. from the point of view of treating diabetes, of course, you should see a word ending with gliflozin in your list of medications. i recommend that you discuss with an endocrinologist everything related to the decrease weight and, accordingly, drug therapy, yeah, for you, of course, this should
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be a targeted consultation with a gastroenterologist, an examination for all possible causes of liver disease, which also manifest themselves: in the form of fatty degeneration, you can see all the recommendations again in our issues on on the online platform, look at the application on the website thank you very much pavel olegovich. my friends, take a seat, well, right now we are turning the floor over to our gerontological scientists, to whom the married couple turned to for help. let's find out the details. good morning, hello, we all want our beloved men to be healthy and full of strength. today we have an unusual issue dedicated specifically to our beloved men. we will call various couples in our country to talk about men's
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health issues. good morning, please tell us what is bothering you. uh, hello, good morning, we are the vorobyov family from the city of kursk. um, my name is inna, i'm 50 years old, i'm alexander, i'm 51 years old, my husband sleeps very poorly, this manifests itself as tossing and turning at night, uh, waking up, often, getting up, inconvenience for both me and him, because the night is very difficult, in the morning we are sleep-deprived, tired, this is the problem we have, which worries me very much, i am very worried and i’m worried about the condition, well, now let’s get acquainted with the problems of the next couple, we welcome you, good morning, good morning , my name is elena, i’m from moscow, i’m 47 years old, my husband has this problem, this never
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happened before, but now he has somehow his memory became or there is no memory, or some kind of scattered attention, or some kind of scattered memory , because sometimes i say, nail something or do something, i noticed him, he starts doing it, he’ll put it, for example, he ’ll heal something, i don’t know, somehow he will mark it on his own, and he will put a hammer there or a picture there, i like to nail it, once, no, sitting, igor, well, i told you, nail it, oh, yes, i’m starting, good morning , i’m igor, 50 years old, from the city of moscow, well, it happens to me, yes, let’s say i go out by car and forget the documents for... the car or the keys, before i’ve never had anything like this, but now i’ve somehow become distracted and somehow i don’t even know, maybe i should take some pills or what to do, let’s find out what’s bothering our third couple, good morning, good morning everyone,
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my name is svetlana, we are 53 years old, we have the same problem, my husband wakes up at night, very often, i also sleep poorly because of this, he has mood swings. usually after a concert, when you give all your best and there is such a peak of emotions and, as it were, up, that is, cumulative emotions and after that, like a pendulum, it swings back side and the tick of emotion goes down, everything affects him, you don’t look at him wrong, you don’t give him something wrong, that is, the mood spoils instantly, well, this is also and all this is superimposed on insomnia, i would like to ask what’s wrong do this because the problem is really very serious. please advise, it would seem that our guests have absolutely, well, different problems and different complaints, but they all have one thing in common, first of all, this is a decrease in testosterone levels in their beloved men, in general
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testosterone manifests itself in very many ways, there are a lot of symptoms, and although the basis is precisely a decrease in testosterone levels. normally, a healthy young man has a testosterone level of approximately 6 to 25 units, on average it is 14-15, but if it is below ten, closer to six, not to mention even lower, there are three or four, this is already very bad, so first of all what needs to be done in this case is that analysis, well, these are the signs, such complaints as mood swings, and which can lead to... depression, this also indicates a decrease in the level testosterone, disturbance as a result of sleep, of course, if you are in a bad mood, if you are depressed, of course, sleep will be disrupted. and of course, such a complaint as decreased cognitive function, or absent
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-mindedness. by the way, endocrinologists have such a very important sign that if a man has a waist, that is, a body mass index above 100 cm, then this 100% indicates that his testosterone level is low, that is, there were... studies in twenty, when they compared body mass index testosterone levels, it turned out that the higher the level body mass index, the lower testosterone, in 59% of men, so of course there are huge problems for men, especially related to bad habits, and why is testosterone so important for the male body, well, first of all... testosterone not only supports the function of the reproductive system, but of all organs, mainly even the heart muscle
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, the frequency of heart attacks occurs in people with lower testosterone levels, this is described in numerous publications, there have been many studies, so testosterone is a marker of an unfavorable situation in the body, but there is a way out, even if testosterone goes down, then by changing a little... his lifestyle , we can improve the quality of his health, well , first of all, this is giving up any bad habits, let's do this little game, yes, we will note testosterone level and let's see what happens to it if a man gives up bad habits, and what do we get? and we will see that testosterone levels will increase. also , regular physical activity, you will see how much
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your testosterone level will increase, just like in life. the fact is that a study was published back in the twelfth year, they showed that after losing 60 kg of weight, testosterone levels significantly increased. follow the recommendations of gerontological scientists to stay young and healthy. i wish you health and longevity. and the program about the most important things continues and we pass the floor to our colleagues. and mikhail the policeman. what nutrition do muscles need, how to avoid catching a cold and how to relieve an attack of pancreatitis, answers dr. agabkin. who is he, and how did he end up here? this remains is 25-30 years old. in general, we did not have a statement about disappearance of people. yes, wood grouse, this is 100%. the past is a valuable witness. this gravity
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is enough to lower a person to the bottom, which means it was not an accident. you just need to be able to ask questions. where did you find it? there under the bridge, i found something else there. information about the owner of the badge can still be found in the archives. ekaterina rednikova. and you and i have news about our stranger. statute of limitations, you will interfere in this matter, freely, on friday on rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donets, you and us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began
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, they me... hunger, and here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this kurba to the parish and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand , olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such people who were not indifferent, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, then, what are you doing, it’s just amazing, from tuesday to thursday, on rtr, this is for you, well, got some sleep, a moment of attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, it’s been a while since we
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’ve seen each other. bela, well, you know, for every cool fighter there will be an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i always answer for their words, heroes of their time, beauty, rapping, the whole team, only on the platform: look, time spent with family is priceless, you can play sports or creativity together, or you can all take part in competition, this is our family and you can win great prizes, details on this family.rf, anton shagin, you didn’t
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recognize your father, in my youth i tried to find him... and i found out his address and went there, but no one opened it for me the door, my mother didn’t, yes, i wanted to find a second loved one, my father, this is probably an attempt to return love, he generally knows about you, well, he obviously doesn’t suspect that i am his son, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr , we also thank the gyrantologists. useful tips. our viewers continue to ask us questions every day, questions about their health, and we continue to answer them in the studio and the first question right now. my name is andrey dobroy, i am from the city of simferopol, i am 35 years old, and the question is the following: sports nutrition, obviously, when you start working out in the gym, it is immediately offered and naturally arises, but the question is whether it is useful or harmful,
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it really helps is it for the muscles and how much does the body suffer... that is, does it suffer from it or, on the contrary, is it useful and there is a whole complex of vitamins, tell me please see more details. yes, indeed, at the moment, it is believed that in the field of sports nutrition there are about 700 different substances, drugs that are positioned as improving sports performance, at the same time, studies show that about 10-15 types of supplements are really effective, only however, additional protein supplements have a good effect, there are drugs that have been proven to increase the effectiveness of sports training, but by the way, the most familiar, familiar to everyone is caffeine, that is, so far all studies show that it really improves sports performance, for example, when given the task of running on a treadmill until worn out, on average people after
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a cup of strong coffee run 10-15 % more, these are... supplements based on creatine hydrate, that is, essentially this is a substance that is found in meat, yes, but just in order to get the required number of people, we have a kilo and two of beef, so many people buy these here are supplements to increase athletic performance in strength sports, powerlifting, bodybuilding, and so on. thank you very much, next question, hello, my name is irina, i’m from the city, region, i’m 51 years old, i’m worried about belar pancreatitis, attacks of pain in the solar plexus generally don’t go anywhere else, the pain bothers me if i’m nervous, well, if of course, it’s not like i’ll eat something, if i overload myself, the pain is very strong, sometimes i even go to the emergency room myself to have it done drips, drips, relieved the attack, when i am
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very nervous, the attack can occur very... how to stop this as quickly as possible? to begin with, i would still recommend doing a gastroscopy in order to make sure that we are not talking about gastritis, an inflammatory disease, or a serious disease of the stomach of the duodenum, which means that if it turns out that the mucous membrane is not damaged, there are no organic disorders, yes we in this case, we can say that these may be functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, functional dyspepsia, it really has this option and it usually occurs as a result of a disorder. motility of the gastrointestinal tract, a gastroenterologist can in such cases prescribe drugs from the group of prokinetics , that is, drugs that normalize contractile activity, as practice shows, ordinary peppermint has approximately the same effect and, accordingly, it can be brewed to drink like tea, just instead tea, here are stretching exercises, which also give
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a fairly good effect and diaphragmatic breath, thank you very much, the next question is next: my name is vera nikolaevna, i’m from the city of magnitogorsk, i’m 64 years old, now, well, sometimes my blood pressure jumps, yes, that’s when i get nervous, i get very nervous. such a job, i am a primary school teacher, i try to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, i would, of course, like to be able to do without all the medications, please tell me what are the three rules, and they will help me to live smoothly, correctly and not to get sick, such a rhetorical question, in fact, here it is with all the rhetoric, perhaps i can even... answer this question: first, make it a rule, even said an immutable law, to sleep at least 8 hours a day, now if they say that people with sleep deficiency are more likely
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to suffer from heart disease vascular diseases, more often suffer from nervous diseases, more often suffer from metabolic diseases, the second is nutrition, you need to understand what number of calories, and this number of calories, limit one way or another, at the moment, again, studies say that various ways to limit calories ... it's simple counting calories and deducting 15-30% of existing ones, intermittent fasting, that is, when a person does not eat for 12-16 hours, that is , the night period, plus he did not have dinner, plus he did not have breakfast, periodic fasting, for example, once a week suits himself fasting day, yes, a diet simulating fasting, when a person eats a diet limited in color, that is, somewhere around 300-500 kilocalories for 3-5 days, all this, as research shows, has a positive effect on metabolism and insulin resistance for other things, and your favorite small one physical activity, physical activity, in this case, based on what i saw, i would suggest, as an ideal
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option, this is a visit to water aerobics two to three times a week, and i was in magnitogorsk and there is a swimming pool there, oh and even a water park, thank you, well, maybe someone from the studio audience wants to ask their question, please, hello, doctor, my name is... elena, i used to get sick twice a year maximum, and last spring for 3 three times a month, at least 2 weeks each, then bronchitis, then otitis media as a result, i gave her an antiviral, but still, as soon as one disease ends, another begins, now i’m even afraid to go outside, lest i catch something, tell me, doctor, how can i recover without getting sick again? one of the reasons for frequent diseases of orp is disruptions in the functioning of the immune system, it has been proven that in 90% of long-term, frequently ill people, their own production of the beneficial interferon protein is impaired, as a result, the body
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does not have enough strength to adequately fight the virus, and complications may arise repeated long-term illnesses. by the way, with repeated diseases, complications occur more often. you correctly noted that conventional antiviral drugs can fight common diseases. cannot, they work well against a specific virus, but do not increase immunity in general, but you can use drugs that simultaneously fight the virus and strengthen the immune system; drugs with interferons have these two properties, they are well studied and have been used in medicine for a long time treatment of various viral infections. medicines with interferons are included in the standard treatment of influenza, as well as coronavirus infection. a large-scale study was recently completed , which showed that the use of suppositories containing interferon alpha and antioxidants can reduce the incidence of subsequent diseases by 2 and a half times.
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also, such treatment can significantly reduce the likelihood of complications such as otitis media, sinusitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia. that is, it turns out that it gives interferon to a weakened body more protective forces, so it is not only easier for him to cope with. disease, but it’s also easier to protect yourself from viruses in the future , that’s exactly it, thank you, we give the floor to the cardiologist, academician belenkov , he will tell you about the dangerous symptoms that indicate heart disease, look, good morning, all of us, we people are sick in different ways , including both men and women, a married couple, svetlana and igor, approached me. let's listen to their story. hello, my name is svetlana, i am 50 years old, and this is my
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husband, igor, he is 56 years old. we are this september we have already celebrated 20 years of marriage. we increasingly began to think about our health, about how we could protect and preserve it. the fact is that our parents, my husband and i, had a history of many heart problems. lately i’ve begun to worry that, firstly, igor , when he goes up the stairs, let’s say, home, and we live on the fifth floor, he comes, he’s already noticeable shortness of breath, why are you filming me? it’s better that he’s nearby, come on, explain to her, no, i have enough at work, i’m trying to take care of my health, nutrition of our husband and ourselves , we have a question for the doctor, what should we do to prevent cardiovascular diseases, how can we maintain the health of our heart for many, many years to come? please advise, we are worried about what to do, we are afraid that everything will be passed on to us by inheritance, well, svetlana igor, please come in, good
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morning, well, there were some very sad people there, they were completely lost, it’s all over, there is nowhere to go to inheritance , i’m worried, svetlana, then you come here, and i’m in command, on command he will turn over the first thing, yes, yes, yes, you too, yes, yes, yes , both heredity is there, but it is a little different, for example, if you inherited from your mom and dad to some extent from so say, from my grandparents. cholesterol, it is quite high for you, 6 and a half , then you svetlana, as a rule, inherit hypertension, here there is more coronary heart disease, here there is more hypertension, the second we turn over, in men coronary heart disease begins much earlier, the latest recommendations say that a man should come to visit a cardiologist at the age of 35, especially if there are such cases in the family, a woman... you are protected by your
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hormonal status, so, of course, they should come to visit me, especially if a family of hypertensive patients, when a woman is about to become a mother, because during pregnancy , especially childbirth, sometimes the pressure rises seriously, then a trace reaction remains in hypertensive families, but nevertheless, if we are talking about coronary heart disease, of course, this is much later than 50-52 years, the next one is twisted, the vessels are affected differently, in men, as a rule, these are large vessels, in women they are either small coronary vessels, or, as we say, microcirculation, that is, it’s like this here is microvascular angina, the next one is twisted: in men more often there are lung diseases, concomitant pathology, in women, of course , it’s arterial hypertension, well, let’s twist the latter to the age when coronary heart disease occurs in women, of course,
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a whole... set of endocrine diseases , this and the pancreas, this is the thyroid gland, these are the parathyroid glands, this is, after all, a violation of the drainage of bile in the gallbladder, that is, a whole bunch of diseases, in men, as a rule, this is, especially if a person smokes, this is still a disease of the lower blood vessels extremities, that is, in men more often, as we say, multifocal atherosclerosis, which affects the coronary arteries, carotid arteries, leg arteries, and so on, this is a feature of the course of male and female coronary heart disease, what should we do? with this charming couple. so, fet: 50 years old, very good cholesterol, 4.89, you still have 3-4 years left, let’s say, uh, with normal cholesterol, blood pressure 124x82, brilliant. you have a slightly dilated vein of the lower extremities, so the first thing
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you write is compression stockings. prepare compression hosiery for a long time, compression hosiery on a flight, compression hosiery on a train for a long time, what is your specialty, accountant, oh, sedentary work, the next thing, your recommendations will be very simple, check every 6 months cholesterol, and blood pressure once a week in the morning and evening, and then free behavior, no diets, good nutrition, light physical exercise. now you can close igor, now you are aware of the light, yes cholesterol is high, blood pressure is high , and unfortunately, occluded deep vein thrombosis, atherosclerosis of the lower extremity, atherosclerosis is in progress, so the first recommendation is to take cholesterol-lowering drugs, your cholesterol is 6.5, target level 4.7, you will keep this cholesterol, you will not limp, you will keep it high
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there will be cholesterol. in two years, next, pressure, target blood pressure level, 120-125 to 80, 85 , if in a month the pressure is normal, everything is fine, i’ll forgive you, if not, then he will take drugs that lower blood pressure, because the combination is elevated blood pressure and high cholesterol are not good, now about: occlusive deep vein thrombosis. i need to see how much and where, but nevertheless, as a rule, apparently you will have to take drugs that prevent blood clot formation. traumatic therapy, so write, by the way, buy him some compression stockings as a gift, too, yes, because he has deep vein thrombosis. what is your specialty? driver, driver? it’s clear, i got it, yes, of course, just soon, here she is for her birthday
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and will give you knitwear, that is, if you please, use this, write a warm-up, this is the conversation, after the start of anti-traumatic therapy, in two or three months we need to repeat . ultrasound of the vessels of the lower limb, you can take this into these pictures, hang up the wall and mark achievements or non-achievement with crosses, take it or put it on the refrigerator instead of food, as long as you can see, anywhere, everything, happy, don’t get sick, see you, bye, good health everyone, colleagues continue to answer your questions, see you. why does vision deteriorate and what vitamins do the eyes need in the cold season, i want to know what nonsense you are up to, the main premiere of the year, daughter, you have grigor sanovich, let ’s hope your uncle didn’t let this secret into this,
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there are too many people, and you love mine grandma, with all your heart, you said that it is impossible to love me, but you were wrong, what do you say? happy are you, ekaterina, favorites, today on rtr, i ask you to sign one of the most important documents of your life: the mortgage agreement with the taraski family has been signed, please, a book of complaints, here you are, you will know how not to report napkins later, he does not works, take him to... so that 's why we fired him, because he didn't work at all, and now get your anger management books, serenity bandbook, we appreciate, you see, the technique in which this is done is called realism, but i
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almost led the way at first, but we need a real one, maybe it will save us, this is also realism, is it nearby? history of a big country on friday on rtr, i buy happiness, mom, i buy happiness , mom, this is a hotel with history, with traditions, on saturday, everything is fine with you, yes, of course, i go into the salon, she is sitting. and i, and you, i , fell in love, you know that my wife will kill me, and then another buyer showed up and offered such a price that i couldn’t refuse, so where?
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he, and your other buyer, you, you, after the deal with happiness, i will become a partner, and this is my dream that will come true, sanya, yours, oh, you know, how yes, i will still fight, i will save happiness, it is difficult to share happiness. if this is a hotel for two, a premiere on saturday on rtr, an evening of surprises for alexander morozov, who celebrated his 75th birthday this year, alexander sergeevich, he writes songs for all his relatives. andrey malakhov's evening show on saturday on rtr. the time for hunting has not yet come,
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we will wait until the morning. let's look at the weekend, maybe you killed him? leana, she doesn't even know me remembers, she doesn’t remember her father’s death either, i want my life back, it will take us a month, which means that in a month the commission will confirm the complete incapacity of grape, when there is pitch black darkness all around, captain, lena has disappeared, you have a crush on her too, loser, remember. dawn will definitely come, attention, fire danger, i will always be with you, you hear, at dawn. on
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saturday on rtr, good morning, with the onset of cold weather, we not only experience runny nose, orv, fatigue, headaches, but our vision deteriorates, and often we see problems with vision that progresses. unfortunately, it progresses precisely in the cold season, why is this, why precisely with the onset of cold weather, well, the answer is quite simple: we experience a lack and deficiency of vitamins, and this deficiency is what causes the deterioration of our vision, among other things. but the question of what vitamins, what deficiency, how many vitamins we need to get, we will discuss today together with an expert. marina sergegeevna makishi, nutritionist, member of the national association
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of dieticians and nutritionists of russia. marina sergeevna, good morning, good morning, it’s very nice to see you again, you noticed, now it’s autumn, it’s already deep autumn, the weather, of course, is not like spring, here we are already at the beginning of winter, the vitamin d deficiency sign has come on. last year in moscow there were only 122. there is not enough ultraviolet radiation and there is a decrease in the production of vitamin d, and as studies again show, a huge number of people suffer from vitamin d deficiency, about 50-70% of our population, especially during this period of time, experience this deficiency, and also a deficiency of those antioxidants and vitamins that we usually get from seasonal vegetables and fruits, just in the fall and winter... when the consumption of these products decreases, everyone switches to pasta, cereals, and
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forgets about vegetables, we also get vision problems , marina sergeevna, yes, everything you say is correct, but you know that vitamin d, the lack of vitamin d, can be a trigger for the occurrence of macular degeneration of the retina, or so-called age-related macular degeneration. our eye works like a camera, two lenses in the eye, cornea and lens, on the fundus of the eye there is a film of our camera called the retina, the center of this film is a small zone of 25 microns, here it is drawn, its diameter, but this zone, the concentration of pixels of the film of our camera, the image , which we receive, it falls precisely into this macula, if the mucular zone suffers, then the person begins to go blind, this is the norm. and now we have a layout. what is age-related mocular degeneration, marina sergeevna?
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this is a disease that is unfortunately becoming more and more common. approximately 25% of the population over 65 years of age in the world, including in our country, suffer from this disease. our photoreceptors, yes, photoreceptor structures that are located in the macula. the photoreceptor is exactly the pixel that should receive. image and transmit it to the brain, these drusen are disturbed, begin to suffer, blood circulation is disrupted, this is a disease that does not lead to complete blindness, but a person sees a dark spot in front of himself, he cannot read, write, drive a car, he continues to see the periphery, but there is no central vision, fortunately we have learned today to treat him in the early phase, but in order for this early phase to be as much as possible... then proper nutrition is necessary, and prevention, of course, we always
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say that prevention is better than cure. marina sergeevna, what can you recommend to us in order to delay the process of formation of macular degeneration. we have already talked about vitamin d, so let us remind you of the products that can be found in almost any store, and which are a good source of vitamin d. for example, cod liver is sufficient. teaspoon a day, in order to basically get the daily requirement of vitamin d. every day, every day. fatty fish such as herring, mackerel, and atlantic salmon, which contain vitamin d and omega-3. omega-3s are also very important for vision. 300 g of fatty fish per week is enough to get the norm for vitamin d and omega-3. here we have a special focus on this product group, which we have bright, green, red, orange. it is these products that contain the largest amount of lutuin, and lutuin is the most
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important protector of our eyes from free radicals. and the record holders for lithium content are just... spinach, arugula, pumpkin, carrots, this is arugula or spinach, yes, we have spinach, this is our mix, such, yes, oranges, oranges, persimmons, tangerines - this also good sources of lutein, and green peas, well, we also have brussels sprouts here, that is, we have vitamin c as an antioxidant, also of course, we talked about the fact that it is necessary to maintain the vessels in good condition, and vitamin c is necessary for the vessels, because then there will be good nutrition just for the retina of the eye, and if sclerosis of the vessels begins, then our organs no longer receive normal nutrition, and of course, in this totality and antioxidants and vitamins (c), including group b vitamins, which will be present in these products, all this will saturate our eyes with those antioxidants that are needed to preserve vision longer, i think it was very informative and interesting, thank
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you very much, eat right, and also, dear friends, take care of your eyesight, your eyesight is priceless, you know, and i pass the word on to my colleagues. we thank dmitry demetyev. right now, dr. agabkin will charge us with energy for the whole day and show us useful exercises. that's right. what will we train today? we will increase the mobility of the spine. it is very important. who's with us? please come out. look what we are doing, for starters we sit on a felt shirt, in principle, this is already exercise, yes, in itself, by the way, it’s a good exercise, including for training the muscle behind the bottom, as it turned out , we put our feet a little forward, oh, this is a terrible exercise, and we move, no, there’s really nothing complicated,
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we simply move to a squatting position, hold the fitball, now look, from here we lie down on the fitball and move our hands as far as possible, inhale, as we exhale, raise our arms and come back, move again, yes, sit down, mikhail, sit down straight, sit down, bend harder , no, no, not enough we sat down deeply, we roll again, oh, this is very nice, we bent over, inhale, oh, and raised our arms, exhale, do this 10 times, inhale, and exhale, then we lie down, straighten our knees, arms to the sides. move back, arms forward, inhale again, straighten your chest, straighten your legs, oh, how nice it is, exhale, come back, round your back , get up, will, feel a pleasant feeling
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of stretching, i want to take a deep breath, thank you very much, thank you for being spent this morning with us. we wish you a nice day and good health. see you on the tv channel russia. hello, this is news. in the studio alexander efremov. briefly about the main topics of our issue. israeli troops break into the center of gaza city to destroy hamas infrastructure in a strip with almost 11,000 dead. biden distances himself from israeli actions. have you asked netanyahu about the three-day pause? heat pumps? the united states is hiding the amount of military aid it
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sends to the middle east. they find supercams and destroy them. the accounts of the latest russian drones transmit the coordinates of targets to the artillery and new data on the progress of the special operation. the road is blocked by migrants, thousands of residents of central america, cuba and haiti are demanding that mexican authorities let them through to the american border. vladimir putin arrived on an official visit to kazakhstan, the russian president's plane landed in. astana, where he will hold negotiations with the head of state kassym-jamart takayev and take part in the plenary meeting of the forum for interregional cooperation between russia and kazakhstan. the leaders of the two states plan to discuss key issues regarding the further development of russian-kazakh relations, prospects for interaction in the eurasian space, as well as current regional and international problems.
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a number of important joint documents are expected to be signed, including commercial contracts. the idf fired rockets at a refugee camp in the gaza strip. at least 18 people were killed. the total number of victims in the enclave is already over 10,700. foreign continues. that's almost 500 a day. fire pressure clears the way for ground forces. tanks and infantry units push into the center of the gas to completely destroy hamas infrastructure, including underground tunnels. 130 missile launch silos used by militants have already been eliminated. the hunt is on for warlords, especially those involved in the october 7 massacre in southern israeli villages. the israeli military claims that... militant positions and tactical tunnels are located under civilian objects, including hospitals. voon spoke about the death of 92 employees in the palestinian-israeli
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conflict zone, and the special rapporteur of the world organization said that the destruction of houses in gas can be classified as crime against humanity. the roads of the enclave are blocked, because of the bombing , ambulances cannot pick up the wounded, two dozen hospitals have stopped working altogether. also on wednesday, the russian army struck the outskirts of nasser hospital, one of the largest in the region, a mosque near a medical facility was destroyed, the hospitals that are still open are delivering victims, the data on the dead does not reflect the real state of affairs, since a large number of killed and wounded remain under the rubble, more than 70% of the dead are children, women and the elderly, every day, as they emphasize in tel aviv, gas refugees have the opportunity to escape from the battle zone to the south... the guarded corridor operates from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., but tens of thousands of civilians still remain in the city. to prevent military supplies from the united states from being associated with
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numerous casualties in the enclave, washington deliberately hides detailed information about what kind of weapons israel is receiving. investigators from the intercept publication came to these conclusions. yes, in general, journalists are complaining more and more often, the white house is in no hurry to share specifics, but... agreements with tel aviv. details from dmitry melnikov, who begins work in washington as our new in-house correspondent. whatever behind-the-scenes negotiations the united states and israel conduct , every day of fighting in the middle east results in the death of hundreds of people. journalists again have to extract an answer from the us president to the question: did biden turn to israeli prime minister netanyahu with a demand for a humanitarian, or as they now say, a tactical pause in hostilities, the answer to the question was the same vague as the public position of the united states. have you asked netanyahu about the three-day
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pause? heat pumps? have you asked the israeli prime minister about the three-day pause? i couldn’t talk to him today, but i asked him in the past, yesterday, and i’m still waiting for an answer. it is known that the proposal that is currently being discussed between the united states, israel and qatar implies that hamas should... release 10 to 15 hostages, as well as compile a complete list of israelis being held, but no matter how events on earth develop, more and more politicians in the west are inclined to believe that israel’s ground operation will ultimately not achieve its goal; without a peaceful gas strategy , there is no chance of defeating the hamas ideology. from a purely military perspective, israel's response appears to be simply retaliation, a show of force without regard for the long term, supporting israel as we rightly do in its darkest hours does not mean standing by and watching the unwise use of force, and we must find in have the courage
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to say so. and now, let it be for now and anonymously, opinions are beginning to be heard in the ruling circles of the united states about the possibility of a full-scale truce. sources in washington believe it will be several more weeks before biden starts talking about a truce, but rest assured he will take such a step. in the united states with harsh criticism from the strongest pro-israel lobby, presidential candidate, republican asa hutchinson believes that the biden administration cannot follow the lead of either the arab world or its own street, where anti-israeli protests continue. with your requests biden is trying to weaken israel's position, and this is the wrong approach. and the white house. continues to call airstrikes on hospitals and refugee camps in palestine an adequate response that in no way violates international law, while deliberately concealing information about the types and
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quantities of weapons being transferred to israel so as not to link their use with numerous civilian casualties . your question assumes that israel has violated the laws of war, but this is not the case. we won't react for each. and we want to make sure that he has the tools to do that. increasingly , state department employees also come to answer uncomfortable questions at briefings, reminding them how many unsubstantiated accusations have been rained down on moscow in the last 2 years. israel killed more civilians in a month than died in ukraine in 2 years, how do you explain this contradiction? making such comparisons is incredibly inappropriate. on the other side of the globe in japan they also talk about the middle east. the g7 foreign ministers
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again discussed sanctions, now against the hamas movement, and even when discussing the situation in the middle east, they do not forget about the routine accusations against russia. we intend to continue to work closely with the european union and g7 allies to resolve the situation between israel and palestine, as well as the situation with russian aggression. at the same time , the seven recognize that resolving the conflict in the middle east is only possible through a two- state approach for two peoples. but against the backdrop of radical statements by politicians, the situation both in the usa and in europe, it is becoming increasingly tense. the deputy prime minister of belgium, for example, is already proposing to ban entry into the country not only of israeli politicians and military personnel guilty of war crimes, but also of ordinary israelis. the time has come for sanctions against israel, the rain of bombs is dehumanizing. it is obvious that israel does not care about international demands for a ceasefire. and in new york, the owner of a jewish cafe, aaron dahan , was left without staff one night after
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employees “quit because of his active pro-israeli position, there is a line on the street in front of the establishment, someone is waiting for their coffee in bewilderment, others are expressing support, the situation is indicative for the entire west, even in the state department, no matter how hard they tried, they could not hide the scandal with criticism by employees of the department of the us president for his refusal publicly condemn the israeli bombings, the bill adopted the day before to allocate $14 billion to israel without assistance to ukraine was blocked the day before by the us senate, so financial injections into the israeli war against hamas while we were hanging here on the capital hill. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. the kiev regime has once again blatantly violated international humanitarian law by shelling densely populated areas of donetsk. this was stated by russia's permanent representative to the un vasily nebendya at a meeting of the security council. moscow requested an urgent meeting after the air force strike on donetsk, which resulted in
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deaths. six people, and several dozen more were injured, colleagues who found strength for themselves. kyiv regime three times during the day attacks civilian targets in the city center by firing missiles from the hymers and uragan missiles. in addition to residential buildings, the buildings of the department of labor and social protection of the population and minibuses were hit. here are some photographs we received from donbass from the crime scene. i pay special attention to the time of implementation, so at 16:25 on a working day, when there are traditionally many visitors to the department of labor and social protection, they know full well that emergency response personnel, doctors, police, will soon arrive at the scene of the fire strike, as well as journalists. the asu
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strikes again during their work, preventing the evacuation of the wounded and dead. yesterday's attacks killed six people and injured 55, including three children. unfortunately, the ambulance doctor and felcher who arrived to save people , as well as a traffic police officer, died. 23 rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations were injured. such a blow of despair on the part of the kiev regime, which has no military meaning, cannot be explained otherwise than by impotence against the backdrop of failures on the battlefield and a person of a hateful nature. kyiv regime, who does not consider his former fellow citizens in donbass as people. now to the news from the special operation zone, over the past day the russian army repelled five attacks in the ssu on the kupinsky and zaporozhye fronts. but in other directions, the militants of the kiev regime are not even trying to attack. for their very presence in the front line, they are systematically punished by russian artillerymen. the ministry of defense showed footage of the joint combat work of crews of supercam unmanned aerial vehicles and
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a self-propelled gun on gaub. geotsient in krasnolimansky direction. having received the command to take off, the supercam crew takes the drone to the designated aerial reconnaissance square, surveying the area for enemy positions. as soon as a target is detected, its coordinates are transmitted to the artillery. the crews of our howbes immediately inflict fire on the exposed enemy position. in the artyomovsk direction , militants who are trying to increase their reserves are covered with hail. the artillerymen inflict fire damage both day and night, leaving the enemy not the slightest chance to survival and rotations. with fire, one such installation covers a huge area of ​​up to 14 hectares. grad crews use the tactics of the so-called nomadic weapon, that is , they strike from different firing positions, which allows them to disorient
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the enemy as much as possible. far behind the line of combat contact there is a battalion of, as professionals say, deep reconnaissance; combat groups have to not only correct the actions of artillery and tankers, but also set up ambushes to take prisoners on a combat mission behind the front line the fighters were escorted by the military correspondent of the news, alexey baranov. outskirts of serebryansky forestry. it is here that today there are several closed firing positions of tank crews of the central military district. combat work goes on continuously. the vehicles are not in line -of-sight with the enemy; they do not operate with direct fire, but according to previously received coordinates of targets,” the commander tells us. the crew and we work like artillery at a distance of 5 km and beyond, and our spotters, reconnaissance officers correct us, give us target designations, points, and also give us adjustments
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based on shots, we are working with high-explosive fragmentation shells, enemy dugouts, this is equipment, we also knocked out a tank, we are achieving our goals , the enemy is terrified, and these are the very same scouts who cross the line of combat contact in battle, go deep into the rear of the ukrainian military personnel and identify areas where enemy personnel and armored vehicles are concentrated. it is this reconnaissance battalion of the central military district that operates today at the torsky ledge in the krasnoliman direction. the reconnaissance group moves to the place of work early in the morning. the task is specific of this unit - action behind enemy lines behind the lines. with the most modern equipment and weapons, these reconnaissance groups go behind the front line, sometimes for several days, so they carry with them not only a supply of food, additional ammunition, but everything
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they need in case of possible injury. we are right in the camp from where the scouts are leaving towards the line of combat contact. the deputy commander with the call sign sova, just before leaving , tells us about the work of the group and performs such tasks as a raid, organizing an ambush with the purpose of taking prisoners, there are foreigners, quite a lot in our direction, mostly poles, there are americans from great britain, the main backbone is behind enemy lines, in order to complete the task you often have to engage in close combat. but the work of spotters in the group goes on continuously, communication with artillery and tank units via a closed radio channel. tankers hit targets detected by reconnaissance groups continuously, and adjustments take
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a matter of minutes. this battalion is equipped with modern t-80s. the car is practically trouble-free - a tanker with the call sign shmel tells us. the tank performs very well in battle. there are more of us. let us down, we work every day, it shoots accurately, drives excellently, the eighty is a fast car and unpretentious in maintenance, which is why the t-80s of the central military district have been working here in the krasnolimansky direction since the first days of the special military operation. alexey baranov, andrey yurchuk elizaveta berezkina. maintain a line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic. bryanskoe forestry. about 3,000 migrants from central america, venezuela, cuba and haiti blocked traffic on one of mexico's main southern highways. require transit or exit visas to reach the us border. the caravan began its movement
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on october 30 from the city of tapachula, in the south of the country, near guatemala. i note that the us border is having difficulty coping with the growing number of migrants from south america. you are watching the news, stay with us on the channel. watch today's 60 minutes special for all the latest news on the situation on ukraine in the world, don’t miss it, 60 minutes,
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today on rtr. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is a door scratched by dogs,
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he could become a... or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups as a taster, i like to eat a lot always, or a lifeguard. but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, doctor of butchers, every saturday on rtr, good evening, good. what is your name? anna
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yakorenna. anya, i bow to you beauty. i hate it when a stranger writes a note like this to my wife. i don’t need a house or cars, i want you and me to have a child, it ’s so easy to be happy. you understood that i love you from the moment of our first meeting, as soon as i... saw you, it’s so easy to get confused, i don’t know who i love anymore, i don’t know, i don’t like all this, the price of crazy passion is too much high, i won’t give you to anyone, love that never happened, on sunday on rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donets, are you with
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us? yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, let’s say this is my trophy, we had a famine, but here grandmother comes, she is hungry, but she brings this food to the house and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys. myself, i came across such people who care, support me with a word, hello, dear soldier, and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from
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tuesday to thursday, on rtr. you have a beautiful figure, you need to write a statement, sign it, they asked me to give it to you, what else is this, on your order , i guarded this skull for 2 hours, i was going to retire, buy this house, start a new life, but my ideas about the beginning of a new life were also connected with this house, remember you... mentioned the knife? is there something wrong with this knife? the statute of limitations is friday on rtr. on the air, we continue the broadcast: bridge builders carried out a technically complex operation over the tuloma river in the murmansk region, where they installed the last span of a railway bridge of an important link on the way
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to the port of lavna, the anchor element of the murmon transport hub. our correspondent, oleg posobin, observed the jewelry operation. the length of the bridge span is 111 m, and the weight is 8 hundred tons. all employees on the site are extremely focused; mistakes when lifting such a colossus can be very expensive. well now we have come as close as possible to this span, to get further, we need special access, the structure is raised quite slowly, 4 m per hour, measuring each millimeter. there is such precision in everything here. the bridge builders' flying camera captured the equipment. not for this lift, in the frame there are jack cylinders and tension rope benders, which are located on a special support, weighing more than 150 tons. the ascent takes place between two such columns, slowly, almost imperceptibly, now in just a few seconds we can see the entire six-hour journey up
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of this span, from a bird's eye view, it seems that the bridge over tuloma is almost ready , the final installation of the structure will take another week, and then the finishing line is the creation of the last... jumper, we are now installing the span m8-m9 in the canopy, quite difficult work, it is being carried out in the murmansk region, bridges were built this way before, well, bridges were not built in this way, now about 40% of the installation has already been completed, well , the work should be completed by the end of november, this bridge is part of a strategic project that is connected with the global transport system, around the murmansk ice-free port , the capacity of railways is increased to... a new bridge on rails will connect the western part of the peninsula with the mainland. through the bridge , the railway will go here to the ice-free sea port of lavno, here there is heavy equipment everywhere, work is in full swing, structures are being installed. this place is very important for the northern sea route for the arctic; cargo from here will go by rail to
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the mainland, to the south, through all of russia, and coal and other cargo will be transported back, which will be delivered along the northern sea route to asia. new port plus murmansk. will become an important part of the international north-south transport corridor, which includes more than ten countries, including india and iran. such transit from southern asia through the middle east to the north-west of our country can hardly be overestimated, because the northern sea route begins in murmansk, which, thanks to our nuclear icebreakers, leads back through the pacific ocean to the indian ocean. at the beginning of the 20th century, murmonsk was founded, a railway was built, and thus the most important strategic port became operational; we are laying a railway opposite murmansk and this makes it possible to essentially double the turnover of the deep-water ice- free port in the north of the country. the first freight trains on the bridge over tuloma should go in december, and next year
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the new capacities of the ice-free port will start operating. olek posobin, anton klimovsky, dmitry kvasnyuk, conduct the mormon region. a cleaning campaign is in full swing in primorye. harvesters work in the corn fields. this year, due to heavy rains, the harvest was not very large; water stopped the growth of plants. and here farmers who grow rice are satisfied with the preliminary results. our rice farmers harvest their crops together with chinese partners. report by andrey kolesnikov. the contents of the eight-ton bunker of a powerful combine are poured into the back of a loader at primorye. the harvest time is noisy, having dropped another batch of golden grain, the equipment again enters the dry corn thickets. this season, corn began to be harvested earlier, due to a series of summer typhoons that led to waterlogging of the soil, the crop ripened faster, water stopped plant growth earlier
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term, the grain has ceased to gain strength. the ear formed normally, but in the end, due to early drying, we have a rather puny one. but in this field now the yield is about 75 cents per hectare, if the development had gone as it should, we would have moderated here by about 9, maybe 10 tons. losses are promised to compensate all the documentation collected by the regional government on losses after the floods was sent to the federal ministry of agriculture, and while farmers are harvesting the existing crop at an accelerated pace, feed corn is waiting for livestock farms enterprises have already threshed 140,000 tons, having processed about 30 corn fields in the region, it will be harvested before the beginning of winter. even in conditions of capricious coastal weather, local agricultural producers have long learned to work with the crop as efficiently as possible; almost all models of combines are equipped with all-wheel drive systems. such cars will definitely not get stuck on washed-out soil. 50 km from here there are rice fields, in local fields or
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checks, coastal rice farmers work together with chinese partners. rice in heaven cultivated not. years, and the coastal reclamation systems built back in the soviet years make it possible to grow truly high-quality and environmentally friendly grain. the entire harvest goes to the russian market; the neighboring country enjoys good food. primorsky round grain is vitrisa, the main crop that is cultivated in primorye, the season is said to have been successful, these days the last batches of grain are being taken out of the fields. unlike their colleagues working in the corn industry, primorye growers have no complaints about the weather. there are also losses, but insignificant in some areas the yield was even higher than expected. the total figure for primorye is over 20,000 tons of rice, an excellent result for farmers and consumers. andrey kolesnikov, olga. dmitry popkov. vesti, far eastern bureau. vesti monitors developments in russia and
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abroad. stay with us. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty, and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, a means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it. oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, just like mine mom says this world is worth seeing. snake charmers are the most ancient.
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in india, they say, a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, i buy happiness, mom, i buy happiness, mom, this is a hotel with history, with traditions, on saturday, from you're all right, yes, of course, i go into the salon, she's sitting, and i, and you, and i, in prison, you know that my wife will kill me, and then another buyer showed up and offered such a price that he couldn't i refuse, well, where is he, and your other buyer, you, you, after the deal with happiness, i will become a partner, and it’s my dream that will come true, not yours, but whoa means when? i’ll still fight, i’ll save happiness, it’s hard to share
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happiness if it’s a hotel for two, premiere on saturday on prt. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen. comrades, hello, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things. so, the battle for power began again in ukraine. apparently, the west gave the go-ahead, zelsky between two evils, or elections, on which he risks losing or stopping military aid. the american media call zaluzhny's key rival. it is also possible that
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the head of the gur of ukraine, budanov, who, in his opinion, may enter the struggle for power in ukraine. experts may lead a military coup against zelsky; zaluzhny’s adjutant, who was accidentally blown up by a grenade, has already become a victim of this showdown. the verkhovna rada has so far sided with zelsky and extended the martial law of general mobilization for 90 days. deputy chairman of centrcom dubovik regime stated that elections are not held during martial law. and zelensky will remain in his place until the newly elected one takes office. president. in other words, zelsky was officially proclaimed dictator. zelensky intends to wait until the start of the election campaign in the united states, during which biden allegedly will not be able to allow defeat in ukraine and will be forced to support the nazi regime at any cost. as for the terrorist attack near kiev, the case of a grenade explosion in the house of adviser zaluzhny is now also investigating under the article the theft,
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appropriation, extortion of weapons, military explosive supplies, as well as acquisition by fraud under martial law. it seems that it is under this article that investigative actions will take place against other people from the entourage of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. in any case, in the west they openly talk about this. the head of zelsky’s office assures that there is no split between ze and zaluzhny. probably, as in memeno, it’s just personal animosity. ukraine vladimir zelensky said, that it is irresponsible to hold elections during war, he said during his monday night address. presidential elections in ukraine are held every 5 years. the elections have now been postponed due to martial law in the country, which was declared after the russian invasion. zelsky led the country in may 2019. based on this, he could stand for re-election this coming spring, but due to the ongoing war, zelsky insists
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that now is not the right time for elections. i i think that this is a certain quote of the day, i think that now is not the time for elections, this phrase was said by the president of ukraine vladimir zelsky, answering a question about preserving the elections that were planned in the ukrainian election calendar before the war. parliamentary elections were due to take place in october, and presidential elections were scheduled for march 2024. in opposing their retention, president zelensky refers to the risk of splitting public opinion inherent in the election campaign and organizational problems in a country that is in in a state of war, partially occupied, many of whose residents have become refugees abroad, while exactly a month ago zelsky said the following: i am ready for elections, rather we are ready, if necessary, first of all for our people, not for anyone
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else, it is for our people, of course, then let's do it... then the debate will begin for the people who say elections, say the campaign, say polling stations, say how soldiers are forced to vote in territories occupied by the russians, this is a really difficult question, if elections take place, they will be terribly difficult to organize, and if they don’t take place, it will be politically difficult for zelsky, who some criticize, i will not quote the mayor of kiev, but some say, we live in an authoritarian state that controls everything, we cannot nothing to do. democracy in ukraine is in danger. there is martial law, and usually martial law prevents presidential elections. but apparently they are still thinking about holding these elections. i think they need to do these elections. if ukraine wants to join the nato eu, it must hold elections to show that it is a democracy and cut off the legs of the opposition that would like to say
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that it is not ready for democracy or is not democratic enough. so i think it is imperative to hold elections. presidential elections were planned for next year in ukraine, can you tell us anything about this? we are a democratic country, we have gone through many trials, but sometimes it seems to us that some of our friends are trying to turn ukraine into a global laboratory for democratic testing, but i think that we have no other way, considering the possibilities of holding elections against the backdrop of such a large-scale invasion. you see, we are not turning over this page, the page with the presidential elections in ukraine, we are thinking about it, weighing all the pros and cons, but it is wrong to assume that zelsky does not want elections, just holding elections. in the current conditions will require unprecedented efforts and solutions to complex problems. statement by vladimir zelensky that now is not the time for the fact that elections were held in ukraine did not come as a surprise to anyone, firstly,
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because the country is under martial law, which means that the elections, according to the constitution, are automatically postponed in any case. there was talk about changing the constitution in order to hold elections, but it seems to me that ukrainian society understands that there are enormous difficulties and probable costs that the country will face. cannot afford how to organize elections when soldiers are serving on the front line, a fifth of the country is captured, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of voters are still abroad, so zelsky's statement did not come as a surprise, but it should be considered in the context of the difficult period that ukraine is currently going through. at the moment , holding elections is prohibited by martial law in ukraine, however, the president is considering introducing a special one. zelsky has stated that he is interested in being re-elected if elections are held. some foreign
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politicians, in particular american senator linzi graham, are also calling for elections. the president said that now is not the time to hold elections, because there is a war in the country and martial law is in force. what can you say about this? it is important to remember that ukraine finds itself in this position because russia continues its full-scale illegal war against ukraine. we have also made it clear to our ukrainian partners that we will not only assist ukraine in its struggles, but we also advocate a careful constitutional approach to maintaining its democracy. it's a strange thing, the commander-in-chief of the whole army made a gloomy statement about the failure of the ukrainian contour offensive, and zaluzhny is again under fire because one of his main advisers died under the strange ones. yes, his advisor's name was gennady chastyakov. he was 39 years old and had four children. he was one of the key advisers to valery zaluzhny. so, the official version is that six of these grenades were given to him for
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his colleague’s birthday. yes, a birthday present . when he returned home, he let his thirteen-year-old son take them, and one of them exploded. here's a photo the remains of the trap. cave hushes this up, but chastyakov’s wife and the general have it. it was a gift trap that exploded as soon as chastyakov opened it, this is a version of murder, who benefits from talking about peace negotiations between the united states and europe with russia? the russian propaganda machine, it works, it works not only in ukraine, it works all over the world. nato in exchange for territory, is this position on the table of the authorities? there will be no minsk 3, is there a split between zelensky and zaluzhny? i don't see any indication that the manual military-political today there were some other positions. we have a united position to win this war. we have the same position - to overcome this war, will there be
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elections in ukraine? the russian army attacked the vsso military airfield in mirgorod. it is there that ukrainian su-24 bombers are based, which are used as carriers of british storm shadow missiles. in addition, the flight deck was attacked. the infrastructure of the kiev regime under krivoy rog, it is reported that an underground point was hit at the dolgntsevo military airfield management, another blow was struck at the building of the old terminal of the krivoy rog international airport, where ukrainian militants were located. in these frames, the cancellation of russian defense, the assault on the armed forces stronghold in the vicinity of the village of berkhovka - this is the artyomovskaya direction, this is what russian superiority in the sky looks like. our attack aircraft, a pair of 25, destroyed camouflaged armored cars of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction with the help of unguided missiles. the shells were fired in pairs from extremely low altitudes, after which the attack aircraft avoided the retaliatory
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attacks using heat traps, but also returned safely to their home airfield. in addition, fear, horror, and the mood of the nazis are, of course, instilled by russian missiles, after a couple of iskanders destroyed a gathering of the very same militants the day before. the german tagi spiegel delivered a compelling headline. it turns out that, despite all kinds of western sanctions, russia has only increased the production of cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, and also increased the production of attack uavs. the armed forces of ukraine sum up the summer campaign in french france2 tv channel, first a counterattack.
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the ukrainians, it turns out, failed to take practically nothing from russia, prepare, i don’t know, it takes us less time for this installation has a significantly shorter reload time, that is, during this time we can fire up to 15 missiles, like this, i take this from the bucket, if not, today we had a sad mission, today we had a sad mission, our two hundredths are all... they talk about avdeevka, but in marinka, unfortunately, it’s no better. these guys just died this morning. brother, brother, alive, alive. brother, brother, we don't have in general, which is very bad, motivational propaganda. i repeat, i do not always think that propaganda is bad, especially when the country is at war. we do not have
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motivational videos for joining the army. azov, which he deserves, and also give them to those brigades that showed themselves in battle first of all, when there is a distribution of armored vehicles, i think that the effect will be better, in the middle of winter, russia and ukraine are trying to consolidate their positions in the course of development small local attacks, counter-offensive operations of the ukrainian armed forces in the east countries and the south of the country have not brought the desired result, and ukraine has at least made some progress in the rabotin area, but there is growing fear that the war has reached a dead end. the counter-offensive in the ssu did not live up to expectations either in the west or in ukraine. the russians have made enormous progress in the use of drones and electronic warfare. in my opinion, the situation is stalemate. in 2022, both russia and ukraine conducted successful offensive operations using armored formations, which brought great successes to both sides. then the russians dug in, and the ukrainian army was unable to return what was lost. so with the onset
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of a new winter we are unlikely to see any progress at the front. the secret talks reportedly began amid concerns among us and european officials. everyone believes that the war has reached a stalemate, and the united states is approaching the point where it can no longer continue to provide assistance to ukraine. military experts assure that now... the following: people will be told that this is not a defeat in the ssu, but just a dead end, and then nato will come out of it renewed, or that everything is to blame ukraine itself or zelensky, blah blah blah, but the point is that nato has defined an extremely clear goal - to push the russians back to the lines that preceded the invasion, and as anthony blinken said, this failed in the ssu, despite unprecedented efforts. all this means that the west is weaker than everyone thought, that is, they could not collectively defeat
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russia. the ukrainian general staff has just reported powerful explosions at ukrainian armed forces facilities in the slavyansk area. a missile strike was carried out on the western side of the city. after the arrivals there began a strong fire, detonation, apparently, ammunition depots were hit. the minister of energy with the culinary surname galushka said that in recent weeks alone the russian army has attacked facilities with energy equipment 60 times. and the state special communications service of ukraine stated that from september to october russia used almost 800 strikes. drones, which is several times more than during the entire autumn-winter period of last year. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine , kuleba, also began to sing sad songs about the hardest winter in the history of independence, saying that his father spent all retired, bought a truck of firewood. kuleba himself ran for a handful of wax candles. right now, according to him, absolutely all ukrainians do this. at the same time, while complaining about the difficult fate and evil russians, kuleba did not forget to ask scholz for wings. and
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air defense to protect power plants. the ukrainian diplomat said all this right before the meeting of the heads of foreign affairs of the g7 countries in japan, where, as berbak said, it is planned, among other things, to discuss air defense problems in ukraine. in an interview, velt kuleba added that kiev cannot afford to depend only from us support. this, as you understand, is not about self-reliance, but pleas to european countries. expensive. already, but europe doesn’t have much money, and air defense is needed in case of war with russia. polish military analyst marek meisner, author of a book about a hypothetical russian invasion of poland, time lost, spoke about the state of western air defense. the war in ukraine showed how far behind the west is in air defense capabilities. everyone thought that the americans should provide air defense with aviation, but it turned out that they did not have that at all. a lot of
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similar means, they are mostly medium -long range. as a result, all that nato can give ukraine are old withers, immortal stingers and some polish developments. at the same time, ft writes that right now kiev is preparing for new massive attacks on military infrastructure, is the ukrainian energy sector ready for a new winter and new blackouts? in order to find out, we went to one of the ukrainian stations, which survived several missile strikes, filming is not easy, we do not remove equipment or anything that could give away location. the power unit is out of order. it was in this place that there was a missile attack on tets, then one power unit was taken out of service, now restoration work is actively underway here so that the power unit can work again. practice again at full
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strength. station workers who survived missile hits say that their eyes are afraid, but their hands are doing their job, so the station has been restored, although there is still a lot of work to do. you think it’s not scary , you think it’s not scary, scary, very scary when everything falls apart, everyone got used to it, everyone got up, everyone got up and restored it, they cleaned it up because there was a lot of garbage, construction debris, swept away, well, plus , a lot of equipment was damaged, but the biggest problem is restoring such autotransformers, they cost tens of millions of hryvnias, there are only a few manufacturers in the world who can make such example, here... this autotransformer, which was destroyed by rocket fire, weighs more than 360 tons, and there is practically no point in repairing it, it’s easier to buy a new one, but new ones are very expensive and are produced abroad, there is a long queue for them, you can wait for them for years, so this is the part of the ukrainian energy sector that will be very problematic to restore,
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at least in the near term, in the short term, it is the issue of restoration that has become the main one for energy workers in 2023, in general almost the entire network has already been restored across the country, but the main thing now is how to secure what has been repaired. the test where we are is already moving from restorative to strengthening work, which should improve protection of the power plant, in the meantime, quite thick formwork is being prepared here, that is, here there will be a thick ball of concrete, a solid concrete slab, which will make it impossible to cause damage in the event of a second arrival, and the station itself will be surrounded, and the station itself will be surrounded another wall of these giant bags, these bags are called: tons of sand in each , they are in rows like this, quite dense, they stand for cleaning under the tets station, they reliably protect from debris, but they need hundreds and thousands, but hundreds and thousands of them are needed, according to minister golushchenko, such simple means of protection are very effective,
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passive protection systems play an important role, concrete walls, big bags, gobions, and there is also active protection, this is certainly an air defense system, air defense really the best solution. in the meantime, the power engineers continue their work in preparation for new attacks by the aggressor. and whoever will do all this, don’t be afraid, but you need to work. ukrainian. ukrainian power engineers are doing everything to provide ukrainians with a safe and warm winter. everything else will depend on ukrainian air defense. ukrainian ppo. at the same time, a real excellent toad gatyuking is when a toad quarrels with a viper, knows how to arrange not only in ukraine, but in america, the democrats in the senate. took and blocked the allocation of money to israel in the amount of 14 billion in a package separate from ukraine. in kiev , a celebration immediately began in this regard, but there was no sensation. republicans, led by the new speaker of congress johnson, immediately called
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democrats will come to their senses to help their old ally israel as quickly as possible without red tape. in addition , there are less than two weeks left before the new shutdown in the united states, but that is a day. less and less and ukraine is definitely not the number one problem. in addition, the head of the us treasury elin, the head of the pentagon ostan, the head of the state department blinkin, the head of the grant dump, the so-called usa international development agency, samantha paura, have already sent a letter to congress calling on them to provide at least reduced aid to ukraine, a little less than $12 billion for direct budget support. at the same time, according to the calculations of the national bank of ukraine, kiev needs at least 14 and a half, and this is without money for weapons, that is, simply so as not to die of hunger. according to a recent new york times poll, biden, partly because of his strange foreign policy , is already behind trump in five key states, which will ultimately determine the winner. biden loses to donald
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by 3 to 10 percent points in arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada and pennsylvania and come only to wisconsin at 2%. point: 59% of us residents have already said that they trust trump more than biden, that is, the average american, on economic issues. of course, i want him to get better with his money, and so that his country is not drawn into a direct conflict with russia, and ukraine is just some point on the map that not every us citizen will find without a hint, zelensky, at the same time, i’ll just remind you , asked for money from the united states, but if not for free, then at least on credit, although the only scheme which zelsky can really offer to biden sounds like this, taras is enough for me... but for some reason this scheme also
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fails. the senate house is divided on the $14.5 billion aid package for israel. the senate doesn't support it because the house-passed package uses irs funding and doesn't provide money to ukraine. democrats say that if you stop. help ukraine, then american troops may be embroiled in a larger european conflict. our president has requested a major aid package that addresses pressing national security and domestic issues. we need to invest in child care, we need to fund emergency response and disaster response. but i cannot help but note the importance of urgent investment in the defense of ukraine, in ensuring the security of our border. humanitarian assistance around the world to assist
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israel. an attempt was made in the senate to send aid only to israel, and a dozen of us opposed this move because aid to ukraine is important and urgent. winter is coming. the president's supplemental request also includes $13.6 billion for border security over one year, which would be the largest investment in border security and will not be rejected outright, but will be treated as a serious proposal. the very idea that what is happening in russia and ukraine has nothing to do with what is happening in israel is not only obvious, it is basic common sense. meaning. and my colleagues want to combine two separate aid packages. biden in ukraine.
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we don't tell the american people the truth because we know that if we told them the truth, they wouldn't support an unlimited flow of money into ukraine. what are we doing, ladies and gentlemen, how long can this go on, how much money should we spend, what is the strategic goal, what are we trying to do, are we aware of the fact that we have spent almost 200 billion. if the additional package is still accepted by one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and we can can we be sure that all this money goes exactly to the needs for which it was allocated? of course, the answer is no, we are talking about whether kiev next year will be a ukrainian city or a russian one, that’s how serious the decisions we make about our support are. holding ukraine's funding hostage in exchange for hard-line
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right-wing border policies makes it much more difficult for us to help ukraine in their fight against putin. every day the republicans delay is another victory for putin. we must be united to demonstrate our support and not simply put forward policy proposals that will only further endanger ukraine. and many of those suggestions. since the biden administration took office, they have completely ignored the issues we have been working on, such as securing the u.s. southern border, and the results speak for themselves, we are now facing the worst, literally the worst crisis on our southern border. that we have ever seen. i would like to hope that the administration and democrats here in the senate, and especially in congress, will finally take into account the proposal of our negotiators. republicans will finally start doing something to make sure we're doing everything we can to secure the southern
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border. ukraine, israel, borders, taiwan, they lumped everything into one big pile and are trying to push it through one bill. senators mcconnell and schumer are doing this, they want a huge package, over $100 billion, they are insisting that it not be paid for. i think it will go like this bill. aid to israel will be paid for separately. but this will set a precedent, from this point on, if someone wants to allocate more money for ukraine, they will have to take these amounts of their money to the tax department. this is the compromise. in general, the democrats, on the eve of the presidential election, managed to turn the entire pro-israeli lobby of the united states against themselves, but biden seems to have come up with a new way to keep ukraine afloat, this is a banal stop, money for the war with russia, joe decided to take it from our pocket . congressmen approved the day before transfer of frozen russian assets in
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ukraine. biden has the last word, but not everything is so happy for zelsky’s team, out of the hands of the ukrainian pseudo-government, into a special american fund for supporting ukraine, from which, in theory, secretary of state blinken will redirect dollars to kiev for the purchase of american equipment and ammunition, that is, under the pretext of assistance americans simply leave money to ukraine, it is important to understand that russian employees, workers, doctors, teachers, themselves, are not left out and european swindlers, as a result of the meeting, the g7, in general , decided to steal assets from russia until moscow pays compensation to ukraine. well, russia has something to answer. as the minister of finance, siluanov, said, russia also has
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western assets worth significant amounts. and


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