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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  November 9, 2023 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] this document is called the report of the party servant of the people, which are submitted according to the law, as in russia, you have to report on your work, finances and so on, this report was signed by razumkov, at that time the leader of the party, servant of the people, here is his signature and so on, here razumkov signed, and what does this mean, which means that zelensky is not a president through self-propulsion, but from the congress... to the servant of the people, and here are all the people who are literate and know, the congress is the delegates, and the delegates are the party organization, here i am showing you a page of their report, not a single regional one organization, not a single one, when kornienko, the next leader of the party after razumkov, was asked how many party members you have, he says, somewhere around 500 people, can you imagine it or not, so he brought
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a falsified document to the central exhibition committee, this scoundrel became president and in exactly the same way, 237 deputies were elected from the congress without a congress, without a delegate, that is, the first time in the fourteenth year they came through a coup, the second time they came through fraud and falsification, i know many cases where they take factories, banks, but i don’t remember what they took over the country, so they tried to reboot it in 2020, when zelensky understood, they said: there is a problem, and a second problem arose: if he resigns early in 2020, and according to the law he cannot run for president again , this topic is stuck, after this people will ask, because when a good result everyone asks, but when it’s bad, they will figure out who led ukraine to tragedy today. advertising, we'll be back in
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a minute. you have a wonderful figure, you need write, a statement, sign, they asked me to give it to you, what else is this, on your order, i guarded this skull for 2 hours, i was going to retire, buy this house and start a new life, but my ideas about starting a new life were also connected with this home, remember you mentioned the knife? there’s something wrong with this knife, the statute of limitations is on friday on rtr, i thought that everything was more serious here , you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, this is all here, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that's it, there can't be two opinions,
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because we have five of them. this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let’s go crazy, that’s what i meant, of course , bear, when he said, such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 1000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five-on-one program, i'm oops, five on
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one on saturdays on rtr. i still have pain here, here it hurts , here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually,
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to be healthy, itself... the main thing is to remember the principle of 3p. by the way, this is officially proven proper nutrition. how to properly deal with stress? you need to choose the products that... doctor, medicines are like crutches for us, and giving them is not harmful, the right medications, run to the right habits, and shouldn’t we slap a little kefir, and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, and most importantly, tomorrow at prt, i i buy happiness, mom, i buy happiness, mom, this is a hotel with history, with traditions, on saturday, everything is fine with you, of course, i go into the salon, i, she sits, and i, and you, and i, fell in love,
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you know that my wife will kill me, and then another buyer showed up and offered such a price that i could not refuse, so where is he, and your other buyer, you, you, after the transaction with happiness? i will become a partner, and it is my dream that will come true, not yours. oh, you know how, yes? i will still fight, i will save happiness. it's hard to share happiness if it's a hotel for two, premiere on saturday, on rtr. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donets, you are with us, yes, when, my soldiers come running. they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, let’s say this is my trophy, we were hungry then, and here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she brings this
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kurba to the shelter, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys to i actually came across such people who were not indifferent to me. support in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed , without your help, you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you , what you do is simply amazing, from tuesday to thursday, on rtr, russian military budget , 2 and a half times more than the ukrainian one, so what the russians get, kiev vitally needs help, the ministry of finance of ukraine is begging for money. the conversation publication also rings the alarm bell without help from the west. zelsky will be humiliated at the negotiating table. columnist claudio lorenzo writes that the problems on the battlefield and the difficulties of western support put
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serious pressure on the kiev regime and undermine its position in future negotiations. bratislava decided to weaken them even more. the new government of slovakia, led by prime minister fitz, blocked the transfer to ukraine. another package of military assistance worth more than 40 million euros. it was to be based on artillery shells and missiles, which were so necessary for the kiev regime. french journalists drew attention to another attack. they discovered that the prisoners the vssu members are ready to liberate ukraine with arms in hand, not at all from the russians, as the occupiers are screaming in kiev, but, on the contrary, from bandera and zelensky. the first battalion, consisting of... former ukrainian military personnel, is sent to the front line, it was named in honor of bohdan khmelnytsky, hetman , through whose efforts in the middle of the 16th century ukraine freed itself from polish rule and became part of russia, it is very symbolic, as is the fact that
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the fighters the new unit was sworn in on national unity day. i announce an event dedicated to bringing the von pricha open, yatali vladimirovich. tishchenko andrey olegovichno victor alexander kirillo alexandrovich i solemnly swear allegiance to my fatherland, the russian federation. sacredly observe the constitution of the russian federation, strictly comply with the requirements of the moyev charter and the orders of the commanding officers. it is worthy to perform military duty. courageously defend the freedom , independence and constitutional order of russia. i serve russia. i serve russia. it was as if we had already taken an oath. to the ukrainian people, but we did not betray the ukrainian people. ukrainian people is now being held hostage by this kiev regime. ukraine has entered its 621st day of conflict since the russian invasion began. among the photographs of the day are images of those ukrainian soldiers who take the oath
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to cross to the other side to fight in the ranks of the russian army. according to the riyavosti agency, which published the image, it claims that these people allegedly surrendered to the russian army or were captured and then voluntarily switched sides. in this regard, some ukrainian newspapers accuse russia of non-compliance geneva convention on the rights of prisoners of war. the salaries will be the same, it won’t be, here everything will be exactly the same. if only somewhere someone tries to organize hazing about them or some kind of restrictions, this will be immediately nipped in the bud. whether ukraine expects hazing within the european union, the head of the european commission, ursula fonder , did not specify today, but stated that her department officially recommends starting the process of negotiations on the accession of ukraine, georgia and moldova to the european union. allegedly, kiev
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has already completed 90% of the reforms it expected brussels. zelsky is trying to find at least some good news, solemnly telling the ukrainians that they have earned a place in the european union by their defense of european values, and someday kiev will definitely be in the bloc. the head of ukraine's foreign ministry, kuleeva, convinces the europeans that kiev will not be a burden at all; on the contrary, ukraine, as he said, is. an asset, an asset, and a dubious one at that, says the german newspaper jungi wel. the publication directly writes that ukraine’s accelerated membership in the eu will absorb all the monetary savings of brussels and will require huge money, all 27 eu members will have to become donors for kiev, they themselves, of course , will no longer receive any subsidies from brussels and many are naturally unhappy with this, however, they should not worry, bloomberg believes, negotiations on ukraine’s accession to
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the eu could take years , the publication writes about this with reference to members of the european commission, notes that kiev still needs to do a lot to protect the minority, believe it or not, and of course fight corruption, but cave is already adopting european values ​​in ukrainian cities, an official gay parade is taking place, the speakers of vsu were sadly fired, they were trans for a long time. but lgbt people are not the only ones alive, here in ukraine we know that medical marijuana is being legalized, and some nordic parliamentarians decided not to wait for the law to be passed, but they also prefer heavier substances, this is how the head of the educational committee of the rada babak, a stoned politician, is resting, tied to a couch , springs up and swears, this is how
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ukraine is, look, a video has appeared on the network in which allegedly the head of the verkhovna rada committee on education and science innovations, sergei babak behaves inappropriately and is tied to the couch. former people's deputy igor mosichuk claims that the woman in a drugged state was stopped at a checkpoint in december last year, because of the strange behavior of the politician, he was taken to a medical institution, in the video from the patrolman's chest camera you can see how the woman, tied to a medical stretcher, is probably waving his arms and shouts out
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incomprehensible phrases, with education in ukraine everything is about the same, is it worth clarifying that the people’s deputy is a drug addict babak, representative of the zelsky party is a servant of the people, these are such inadequate dependent people who send ordinary ukrainians to slaughter, only in the donetsk direction over the past 24 hours they were destroyed... 235 vsuushnikov inform the ministry of defense. the department also reported that russian air defense shot down five ukrainian armed forces aircraft. three su-27 fighters, two mig 29s, and a couple of su-25 attack aircraft. and this is for the boats. american f-16s in ukraine will simply be targets for our anti-aircraft gunners, unless, of course , ukraine capitulates before their transfer. al jazeera writes that after the failure in contrast to the sobering and pessimistic west for kiev, the end of the war could be
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zelsky’s capitulation. aljazeera also quotes the words of the ex-deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine and our former expert, mr. romanenko. he blames the vanderovites for the failures, namely western sponsors who did not do enough for kiev. ukrainians blame each other too. your post says that tensions between ukraine's top leaders have spilled awkwardly into the open. speech. of course about the zelsky conflict and commander-in-chief of the ukrainian army zaluzhny. look. president zelensky again insists that the war has not reached a dead end. but along the entire front line, ukrainian and russian troops are waging fierce and bloody battles, often for every kilometer
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of acquisitions. i spoke with general zaluzhny in kiev about three weeks ago, we met in his office, where he said the same thing that he mentioned in his article, about the possibility... zaluzhny uttered the so -called taboo phrase, which washington avoided for most of the conflict, thereby opener of pandora, people who do not believe in victory have no place in power - said secretary danilov, the american publication the hill believes that the dam that held back ukrainian reality has finally collapsed. the dam around reality in ukraine has been completely destroyed and the truth is now spilling out, it all started with. in time magazine, where zelsky's assistants and advisers said that he had been deluded for a long time, but it was his belief in unconditional victory, one of his assistants said that we have no choice, we will not win, but try telling him about it, that's not all. then an nbc news story came out that essentially said the war had reached a stalemate, but
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what's more, officials said that if ukraine didn't negotiate by the end of the year, the situation would become critical, you could hear in the voices of these unnamed officials... there is almost panic, even in the top leadership of ukraine there is no agreement, ukraine is not winning, the counter-offensive has failed, a disaster awaits them. zelsky makes an urgent appeal calling for ukrainians seek unity after disagreements among the country's leadership are afraid of freezing supplies of western weapons. the ukrainian armed forces' counteroffensive did not live up to expectations either in the west or in ukraine. the russians have made enormous progress in the use of drones and electronic warfare. in my opinion, the situation is deadlock. in 2022, both russia and ukraine conducted successful offensive operations using armored formations, which brought great successes to both sides. then the russians dug in, and the ukrainian army was unable to return the lost territory, so with the onset of a new winter it is unlikely that we will see any progress at
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the front. at the same time, the situation in ukraine is stalemate, not only at the front, the morgues are overcrowded, the wall street journal writes, and the cemeteries are full. you have to book in advance; spontaneous mass graves appear near major cities. ukrainian authorities have not disclosed the death toll, but the toll is visible in cemeteries across the country, where fresh graves are decorated with wreaths of blue and yellow ukrainian flags. the number of killed ukrainians has decreased resources of morgue number four in dnieper. one recent morning, all the body bags were lying on the floor at the back entrance because the catalog was missing. relatives were waiting at the entrance to the building, who had to be convinced that yes, the fragments of bodies in such and such bags were once their father. son or husband, in morgue number four the bodies are handed over for identification by a forensic anatomist, time is of the essence because tomorrow more bodies will arrive, sometimes there are so many to bury that they have to organize mass funeral, a dozen or more soldiers. in addition to colossal losses, ukrainian units are now complaining on tiktok about mice and snakes that literally filled the dugouts due to
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the cold weather. in these shots, for example, rodent barricaded himself in a drone, friend, this is our copter, there is a squad here. settled in a soldier's sleeping place, today we had a sad mission, today we had a sad mission, here are our two hundredths, everyone is talking about avdiyevka, here in marinka, unfortunately it’s no better, these guys just died this morning, and this is what it looks like a new series of operations, the wounded now have to be evacuated from the front on their own, the heavy ones are being pulled out on a piece of tarpaulin, brother, brother, alive, alive, alive, brother,
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it hurts, it’s normal, i know everything is fine. in this footage from the zaporozhye region, ukrainian militants are loaded into a german infantry fighting vehicle mardor trying to leave their positions in the vicinity of the village of verbovoye, a minute later the combat vehicle is destroyed by the russian military using an anti-tank missile system, and here a towed american howitzer becomes the target of the kamikat the lance drone. on this video , air force pilots carry out strikes on ammunition depots. change the course of the ukrainian conflict. even the atap operational-tactical missiles that washington transferred to kiev are not capable, the new york times notes. general zaluzhny said that to get out of the stalemate on earth , a serious technological breakthrough in the field of weapons would be required and added that there would most likely not be a deep and beautiful breakthrough, but what this technological breakthrough would look like is still unclear.
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biden advisers say they have already provided zelensky has all the weapons systems he has asked for, including long-range missile attacks that biden has long been reluctant to provide for fear they could cross a red line that could lead putin to resort to nuclear weapons. now the concern about attack is that they won't... have such systems. the world cannot afford to be tired of the ukrainian war - said in an interview of great importance, since the russians are based their planes are beyond the reach of these politicians, the head of zelsky’s administration, eermaak , the conversation publication believes that without the help of the west, zelsky will be humiliated at the negotiating table. retired us army colonel mcgregor is confident that humiliation will ultimately await everyone who has called themselves an ally of ukraine. how to get out of all this without looking ridiculous, what can you say or do to hide the scale of this disaster? in the past we just packed
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up and left, we did it in vietnam, afghanistan and mostly iraq, we left a few people there to maintain the illusion that we have some influence in this country, which i don't think we have, but the point is, it's over, and the sooner they get zelsky out of the way, the sooner they will be able to reach some kind of agreement with the russians, but let's face it. several news at once, the approaching winter will be much more difficult for ukraine than the previous one, said assistant secretary of state at a press conference, assistant for energy resources jeffrey pae, and zelensky is also currently holding negotiations with secretary of transportation of the united states of america, who is also a homosexual who is raising two children with his husband, from this controversial meeting the news came that zelsky promised him that
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ukraine would fight corruption and would definitely try to achieve results on the battlefield, as well as zelensky homosexuals asked for access to american military technology, which of course sounds crazy, in order for ukraine to organize military production on its territory, in general the hour is certainly no easier, everything is funnier, if only people didn’t... hello, well, it seems to me that there is no need to experience illusions, and i agree with those who say, don’t think that ukraine has lost now, tomorrow it will go to negotiations with zelsky they will squabble, all this is happening, but this is not the point, the americans will decide anyway, these unconventionally oriented messengers who are sent to zelsky, their task is simply, well, to feel out the patient, how long he will hold out, and they will ask russia for negotiations namely americans, not ukrainians, not europeans, they have lost their subjectivity,
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so we are waiting for interesting proposals about a new yalta from the united states. the question is where we will accept these proposals, whether in kiev, in lviv, maybe somewhere in the area , so to speak, of warsaw, this is the second question, but of course, we should expect these proposals from only one subject of world politics. therefore, i believe that we don’t need to engage in mischief, we still have a long special military operation ahead, it won’t take another year or two, because the task is too serious, and the frustration is too high, but to say that now this will all end quickly, quickly , it seems to me, is to introduce the audience into some kind of illusion, no, my friends, nothing will end, it will not end, it is just beginning. unfortunately, the fact that people are dying is terrible, it’s a tragedy, but russia has no other choice but to bring this to an end,
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there is no other choice if someone in our elite or among the people who make decisions thinks differently , they are wrong, they go against history, this has never happened, so that russia starts and does not end this kind of military operation , this time we will finish it, especially on ... the minister of foreign affairs today said that sanctions are forever, we have nothing to lose, and we are going cheerfully with a smile, so to speak towards the polish border, but on the territory of poland, i’ll say right away that for those who are scared, westerners usually say: oh-oh-oh, how can that be, we won’t go there, we’ll leave them to be divorced in the european union so that they do harm from within this organization, we will decide everything else, then you have no doubt that these proposals for negotiations will follow, you say where after, i have no doubt, i have no doubt that if this is the case, russia, thanks to our president, has a firm, absolutely clear position. in this case, i am addressing those who are hesitant
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, so to speak, on the perimeter; unfortunately, we have such characters, but in general the position is absolutely clear: yes, we must denocify and demilitarize the entire territory of ukraine. ukraine can surrender at any moment, but they forbade themselves to do so, they have reached that level of bitterness, by the way, and the europeans along with them, when no dialogue with them is possible, you know, so they are counting on the fact that now, as it were, the clouds have cleared, zelsky ate zelsky, or zelsky ate zelsky. and now we are sitting, it means, in some mythical istanbul and talking about something like this with the ukrainians, no, this will not happen, of course, these things will be decided by washington, which is behind this military operation, ukrainian, which weakens europe, which weakens ukrainians against the russians, and who will be defeated, in fact, if
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we speak like this in some general way, then of course, they have already lost, because the absence of this counter-offensive, which they announced, tried, sent such missiles, all kinds of missiles, pumped up ukrainian soldiers in every possible way, well, what about a counterattack, one and a half square kilometers of a gray zone where success is, the europeans have already understood this, but they are simply afraid to admit it, their elite is determined to support ukraine to the end so that it wins on the battlefield , on she is not winning the battlefield, which means that they will support him a little weaker, but they can’t refuse this, already... the words have been said, that’s all, so it’s pointless to discuss this with them, with the ukrainians, especially since they don’t care they don’t decide, regardless of what they say about the legitimacy of the servants of the people there and so on, everyone who took up arms against russia will be punished for this, that’s all, well, lavrov about the sanctions that lavrov is about sanctions are correct, and that forever i have nothing to lose, today it became known that as a result of
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the anti-russian policy, not russia about russia is not officially reported. publicly, and the european union, as a result of anti-russian policies, as a result of the imposition of sanctions, has already lost 250 million , look, washington, in fact, is ruining its european vassals, and allowing its military-industrial complex to earn money, has imposed and continues to impose expensive american liquefied natural gas on the european union gas, forces european companies with its... selfish laws transfer enterprises overseas to places where the basic costs of business are lower, well, forcing the european union to abandon everything russian, while washington continues to buy
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uranium and other critical materials from russia. over the past year and a half, according to very modest, conservative estimates, european business has lost up to 250 billion euros due to western unilateral sanctions, this is a large figure, in general, every time we negotiate with western countries or with ukraine, we constantly become witnesses to that it is useless to do this, as for and the minsk agreements, and as for the negotiations on the azovs, excuse me, with mediation, the turks, what did we agree on, the istanbul negotiations, look at the recognition there that they will not go to nato, with this, johnson called, everything was canceled, so i i think it’s not necessary, why can they also pass a resolution banning any negotiations until victory, we are not fools, but then we need to clearly define what victory is, we are not fools, we will win in any case, in my mind, i remind you that exchange takes place within the framework of the negotiation process captivity, for example, respectively, so if you somehow ban something there, you need
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to stick it out correctly, because ukraine is the same one that carries out sentences on captivity, exchanges took place, that’s what concerns how exchanges happen, i’m not talking about that when there is talk about making some strategic decisions, or at least, they are cheating us , it’s just, well, i doubt that the terms of the agreement are currently relevant for all parties, i very much doubt it, so from this point of view the question is, not even istanbul agreements, we agreed that we will exchange prisoners for azov people, the azov people will sit in istanbul, the end of the conflict, where are the azov people at the front, and how did they end up there, that is, there is a deal there too, in short, the meaning is as follows, that some kind of agreements that were also concluded there in istanbul, i remind you, in advance, they were specific, so this is related to the question that the new yalta will most likely be in the middle east, now with a high degree of probability, in any case if so, we will win there too, we are fighting there, i would just like to clarify, you just need to understand, the truth is that dmitry will win, not us
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, really, but this is what it is, but now... if we are talking about the long term, then we need to understand , as it were, why does this prospect seem to influence what is happening now , why are they now starting to talk about it from the point of view of the economy of everything else, because in fact the price of the issue is much more than 250 billion, and now in order to to simply reduce the us budget deficit to level of economic growth, that is, not just to reset it to zero, but simply so that it does not grow so quickly, it is necessary to collect more than two 2% of gdp, to remove, this is 800 billion dollars, 800 billion dollars is the entire us military budget, just in order to stabilizing the situation with the national debt must be done over the course of several years, or rather, even sorted out within a year; now the maintenance costs 1 trillion, according to the latest data. in the european union, by the way, on thursday, the minister of finance will roll out a proposal will discuss how much it is now necessary to reduce the expenses of the european union in order to cope with the national debt, accordingly, germany’s proposal, which will most likely become the base 1% of gdp, 1% of gdp economy
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of the european union, this is 183 billion dollars, everyone needs to cut all 27 countries a year , in order to stabilize the budget, this is not in order to get to the mastrich agreements, it’s just so that it does not become quickly unstable, this must be spent a year, that is... every year it is necessary to spend a trillion just to to resolve the issues that have arisen over the past 2 years, we don’t feel sorry for them, because we also have to spend, of course, trillions simply in rubles, in order to also stabilize the situation, for example, the fall last year in the economy and today, growth from a low base , in order to accordingly also stabilize the russian economy, in order to find, for example , other sales markets, in order to reorient ourselves towards southeast asia, funds are required to build the same thing, let’s assume the power of siberia 2, it’s all money, and therefore this conflict, like another conflict in the east, has very high prices, so it ’s not possible to scatter billions in different directions, this is accordingly for a whole number of countries, there is a budget deficit several times there, so with from this point of view, of course, the economic consequence
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is very high, what will this lead to, why is this important, while russian factories are 96% loaded, and the german tag spiegen reports today that despite endless sanctions, russia was able to, managed to increase the production of ballistic missiles and uuvs, from a military point of view, but this is the economy as well, these are also jobs, this is jobs as well, but you need to understand naturally that in the long term, for example, in horizon five, as well as the very technologies that zelsky is now asking the homosexual buttigieg for, well, that’s not even the question, the question is that, in fact, now the republicans are going to dismantle him for the fact that he is somehow wrong provided financing, so he flew on planes, i remind you, but there is corruption , he used, he is accused of this being a state plane, the personal problem is that now in order to play in the long-term component, it is necessary, tolstoy crossed himself, we saw , i’m afraid of such conversations, you are always trying to confuse dmitry, so
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to speak, from what he says, but he says interesting things, let’s listen, about money, about the economy, this is straight from the heart, we are for the truth with all our hearts, and dmitry has already calculated everything, i i calculated how much it would cost, that’s how much it really costs dmitry gavevich, what, he was counting something there before the light seemed to nest on lake nalazh, then he could have missed that everyone there was accordingly equipped on his word of honor, accordingly, as if in these, and do you think that they are with accounting books, i believe that at first they were armed for something, they were found for this , someone, somewhere, somehow dug up the money, question and of course, even the money did not exist, the problem is next, the problem is that this will gradually lead to very serious radicalization, including in the european union, and now this will directly manifest the internal agenda, as is the case, that is, the marginalized are radicalized, it will be worse, on the 20th of the month, the radicals will be marginalized, accordingly, there will be elections on this major, the last major elections
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that will be held this year in the european union, these will be elections in the netherlands or holland, respectively , the authorities have been there for a very long time, the bulk of them back in the eighties, the bulk of voters voted 80% for the largest parties for traditional classical parties, three, in fact, he was 13 years old. about was in power, one of the longest-serving politicians, turnover of power, well, tell me about merkel, the former one already, just like that, after the situation has now changed, now 40% will only vote for these old parties, new parties will receive up to 60% of the votes of all, and these new parties are appearing everywhere, the same dg party, by the way, in germany, and now it collects more than 30%. same naturally, the italian brothers, who are represented in the same italy, they also collect a large number, and you looked at their programs, for example, those radicals who come are the same, this is the party of freedom, for example, there is in the netherlands, which is now engaged in the fourth place and can enter, of course they really can win, well, for example, in extreme cases, enter the top two, then they will bring tulips to us, no, they advocate, for example,
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limiting the migration policy, which is quite strict, and expelling everyone else respectively, citizens from the territory are right, right, the same sa, the same thing, respectively the italians, now germany has made the same decisions, the european union will close, it will accordingly create the issue of creating a center in albania, funding the center for migration time, why is this for is it important to us? in the long term, conflicts will lead, among other things, to the fact that a significant part of the flow will leave , for example, from the same ukrainian theater of military operations, directly into european. union, and now they will all begin to return in the next six months, because the conditions of stay there will become more complicated , but it is beneficial for us that there will be new leaders, and not these monkeys from the circus, which are changed there all the time, the question will be for us it’s beneficial, it’s beneficial for us, so that new people come, so that we can negotiate, who no longer said that russia is an evil empire, and who didn’t have time to say this, i don’t brand new people, i mean political parties, that’s it. these people and will solve the situation, we will have to negotiate with them in a year, in two, in three.
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these people, in theory, will carry this agenda, these people who, for example, lost 1/6, and we’ll give up on these, so we ’ll invite them to yalta, these people whom you intended for us, but right away you, well, in the trunks, the problem is this, the problem is that these people, when they come, who will now change, they can be very different, they can be very radical, such as, for example, the same italian brothers who came to the right slogans, and then radicalized so much that they accordingly proposed to actually introduce stricter restrictions, a scheme, you don’t have to work, you just give us all of them, we will process them, so to speak, we will sprinkle them with holy water, your radical, don’t worry, very much religious great idea, for the middle east, in short, the meaning is the following, in the near future there will be an election campaign next year , including in washington, and there, accordingly, only there, well, we will have it, too, but ukraine most likely will not, judging by everything, although i almost doubt it, not including us, we will have it, but they will have it too, we will have it first, they will have it later, respectively, in november,
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yes, that’s all, but the problem now will be the following, that then before biden’s election campaign, if by this time, accordingly , the issue of ukraine is not settled to some extent, it will still be carried out on it even after election campaign, that is, it will not be exhausted, why would it was exhausted, but gas, what gas, well, just gas, of course, the gas issue doesn’t affect biden, or what? influences, look what is happening there, the whole world, so to speak, condemns him for the bombing of gas, for the gas sector, this will of course affect the election campaign. that he will lose a significant part of the voters, the independent candidates who will be represented here, there are already two independent candidates, can collectively take 10% of the votes, this is the first time in us history, so from this point of view, if now in the near future the foreign policy agenda the middle east agenda will take ukrainian issues away from the focus of attention, unless there are additional shifts in attention, as biden is now trying to do, for example, with abortion, in this case there is a very high probability of the republicans returning to the senate, and accordingly the issue
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will increase very seriously, why? because the republicans will most likely begin their anti-chinese campaign with a high probability of being pro-israeli, as a result of which the ukrainian agenda will be built in there will not go anywhere, therefore from this point of view, from this point of view, we have already won, in order to win it is necessary that our economy survive until this time, accordingly, everything else is important, so that until this time i said that we have everything to lose there’s nothing left to say, your rhetoric resembles what they said before the elections, now the republicans will come, now trump will come, everything will work out, no, i remind you that first of all, well, for starters, during trump, despite the problems with energy, with ukrainian, on the ukrainian track, the situation is not was such a problematic one, in general it was an attempt to reach an agreement, there was, accordingly, a meeting in the same paris , by the way, on the subject of course, there was even a meeting between putin and trump in finland, and what followed after that the next day, mosquitoes, yes, only in regarding flows, the ukrainian agenda at that time accordingly was not as radicalized as it is now , so from this point of view, of course, this
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will lead to the fact that sanctions will be imposed on the energy sector, but in an extreme case, if the ukrainian track does not seem to be mainline, apparently, he has, so from this point of view, of course, it is necessary to look at what is happening there, because this now directly affects what is happening there, if we are going to do this for a long time, for several years, and every few years we will allocate 10% of gdp, apparently, naturally for military spending, in this case we need, how can we correctly calculate ours, in order to radically increase gdp, it is necessary for the soviet union to seriously reorient itself to southeast asia, because for now there the main markets to which we supply, the united states does not want to see the participation of the people's republic of china after the military restoration of ukraine , the us state department, the state department believes that the war has already ended, all that remains is to repair ukraine, or rather, what is left, we will return in a minute. i want
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to know what nonsense. you are planning the main premiere of the year, full stop grigory sanovich, let’s hope your uncle didn’t let this secret into this, there are too many people. and you love my grandmother with all your heart. you said it was impossible to love me, but you were wrong. what do you say? are you happy? ekaterina "favorites". today on rtr. god, you will meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing, to find out what country it is. just taste it and we’ll add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just crazy taste, what’s next, honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy
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products, unique recipes, and you know why people count proteins and living carbohydrates in order to happily jump through life, unusual answer, i make a wish that all our tv viewers have... good health. formula of food every saturday on rtr. time the hunt hasn't come yet. let's wait until morning. let's see on the weekend. maybe you killed him? leana. wait, she doesn't even remember me. and she doesn’t remember her father’s death either, i want my life back, it will take us a month, which means
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that in a month the commission will confirm the complete incapacity of grape, when there is hopeless darkness all around, captain, lena has disappeared, you ’ve fallen for her too, losers. dawn will definitely come, attention, fire danger, i will always be with you, do you hear, at dawn on saturday on rtr, time spent it’s priceless with your family, you can play sports together or. or we can all take part in the competition together, it’s a family affair and win great prizes, details on this.rf. good evening, good fellow, what is your
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name? anna yacolena. anna, i admire your beauty. i hate it when a stranger writes a note like this to my wife. i don’t need a house or a car, i want you and me to have a child , it’s so easy to be happy, you understood that i love you from the moment we first met, as soon as i saw you, it’s so confusing easy, i don’t know who i love anymore, i don’t know, i don’t like all this, the price of crazy passion is too high, i won’t give you to anyone. love that was not there, on sunday
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on rtr, the hall is treasured, the hay is shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room absolutely without glee, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing . we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i generally plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes, real stone flowers will soon bloom , after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look, let them into your home. big changes, every sunday on rtr. so, romanian prime minister ciolaku calls on the west to more actively support
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the kiev regime, otherwise the european union will be filled with, as he put it, a copy of putin, bloomberg writes today. one of these unpleasant for brussels and washington. is already prime minister of hungary orban, following the statement, that ukraine does not at all ensure the security of budapest for the rest of europe, he said another nasty thing to zelensky , orban said that it would still not be possible to defeat moscow by arming the kiev regime, and called on the european union to look for some kind of plan instead of aimlessly pouring billions into ukraine. in his speech at the summit , viktor orban said that europe faces difficult dilemmas, the answers received will have a strong impact on relations between the turkic world and the continent. the prime minister emphasized that from a european point of view global security is currently... in its worst state since the end of the cold war. he emphasized: over the past 30 years, the situation has never been
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as difficult as it is now. the prime minister addressed the european debate surrounding the russian-ukrainian war, noting that it poses a direct threat to everyone living on the continent, including the hungarian people. he emphasized that the war has been going on for a year and a half, and it is obvious that the previous european strategy failed. he added that the plan was to ukraine was at war and that western countries would deliver money and weapons so that ukraine could win, changes had to happen in moscow and an agreement could be reached with the new russian leadership. according to the prime minister, it was an ambitious and logical plan, but it did not work, so now the dominant question in european politics is whether to face reality and develop a plan b. he noted that there is a dialogue in the european union on providing ukraine with 50 billion euros. orbán took this as a sign that the majority still believes that they have a failed strategy and finance it. nevertheless, mr.
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orban will apparently vote for the next package of anti-russian sanctions, which the eu promises to announce to us on the 13th. the new york times confirms early reports that ukrainian authorities are preparing to begin conscripting women into military service. the head of our european bureau, anastasia popova, is in direct contact from brussels. nastya, hello, lavrov today named the amount that the european union lost from anti-russian actions. 250 billion sanctions, that’s so modest calculations, obvious, absolutely, and what are europeans preparing for november 13th, what restrictions besides the ban on needles and pins? of course, the restrictions are becoming more and more absurd, since the space for maneuver is quite small, there is little left that we trade with the european union, the main one, of course, is energy resources - this was the main, let’s say, point, all this has already been cut off, and of course, here in europe
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, many who oppose sanctions say that, in principle, europe loses much more than it earns, and earns in this case, the united states, which sell here their liquefied gas, for example, is much more expensive than what was bought in russia, and that liquefied gas that comes from democratic countries, other countries, is essentially the same russian . gas and also russian fuel, it just passes through third parties , that is, everyone makes money on this too, europe loses, indeed the damage to europe is already gigantic, it is felt, and even if we take the same inflation, and prices are light, everything is growing, everything is just increases, and continue this sanctions policy is indeed becoming increasingly difficult, since many european leaders openly oppose providing further financial assistance to ukraine, that is, in essence... against sponsoring the kiev regime, and in addition, against sanctions, although indeed,
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most likely such a political decision will be made unanimously, not without bargaining, which happens naturally on the sidelines, without this nothing happens here now, since everyone is trying to use the situation in their own interests, but judging by all the trends, which we now see, it is becoming more and more difficult to come to a single compromise and , in fact, against this background , this is... the european commission that ukraine will be granted accession candidate status is such a loud political statement, behind which, again, there is essentially nothing no, since even this decision must still be agreed upon in december by all and the leaders of the eu member countries, only next year, in case of agreement, here again it is necessary to make a reservation that the same hungary will clearly be against and will openly bargain against, only next year will they perhaps develop some kind of roadmap... accession map , they said that many reforms have been carried out in ukraine, that great progress has been achieved and that
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indeed ukraine must move further in this direction, must earn its membership in the eu, so who needs to serve and curry favor was not specified here , but it is certainly clear that europe is now acting out of inertia, because it simply cannot stop, and on the issue of sanctions, on the issue of providing military assistance to ukraine, they will use, use russian frozen reserves, but both belgium and luxembourg are against this, the main reserves are in belgium and the belgians, the belgian prime minister points out that there are certain legal nuances that you cannot just take away because you want, need legal basis, there is no such legal basis in europe, and belgium is not going to act alone here, it is waiting at the same time for all other countries to act in the same direction, but as we see, not everyone is willing to act and further, the european bureaucrat popov is on
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direct communication, this is really when we are listening now. he says: there is a plan b , no matter how we created it in the european union in the united states , it is still unclear there, but this accordingly means that there is a certain plan a, which we saw, that it was carried out and collapsed. what is this plan a? conflict, the west helped, practically irrevocably, by... 250 billion dollars to ukraine, while, well, here you need to understand, this is military assistance, and macroeconomic and humanitarian, and the figure, of course, well, you say, is not that big, there will also be help further, but the question is that this is what orban is talking about, that this is what alice called running the black queen, remember when the queen grabbed her and said: run, run, run, run, back in place, and says ,
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why are we running like this, he says, in order to to run somewhere, you need to run twice as fast, that is, in fact, this money that would have been spent by both the european union and the united states in ukraine, consider that it has already been written off, like those goloshas that you sent us last week, we have already eaten a long time ago, send us new beautiful galoshes, and new galoshes, as the previous speaker told us, are quite difficult to find now, due, again , to the macroeconomic things that are happening in the united states in the european union, on the other hand we see certain processes in ukraine, well, plan a is what zelsky voiced. he said: no elections, this is generally, as he said, a daring, daring stuffing and generally a completely unnecessary thing, i, you have, i’m the very person who will lead, even before the end of the year, in my opinion he , said, he again takes upon himself socialist or some kind of bandera obligations, that by the end of the year he will solve the russian question by military means, well, on
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the other hand, as i understand it, there is already a fairly serious, sensible the layer that is just here... where is this? here’s an interesting point, now i’ll tell you about it, so everything was quite aorphic, if only the extremist aristovich had spoken , who, by the way, collects millions of views on his blogs in ukraine, that is, you know, such a new leader of the maidan who will tell everyone this to the widows who have lost their husbands and sons unknown, come out and overthrow this government, which still hasn’t paid you even the funeral money, everything wasn’t so scary if only the zaluzhny had come forward, which in fact... accuses the political leadership of being absolutely short-sighted now at the moment when it is necessary to go on a strategic defense, they are talking about an offensive, he says almost exactly the opposite of what zelsky is now saying, zelsky says victory is here, it is literally around the next turn, zaluzhny says, no victory this year, nor next, or even in 2 years, because well, this is his statement, a new technological revolution is needed, but this is where
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it is now, right here next to each other did it fit or is it actually necessary to create a new army? of course, the second thing, but the most significant thing for me was that simon shuster spoke, i remind you, this is generally an official, one might say, daily life of st. vladimir zelensky, from the very beginning of the conflict, this is the person who wrote the article in time, who remember, with such a wonderful profile, this is now his second article, where you already see, no, well , there is also a profile, but it’s like zelsky is leaving, that is, this is exactly the plan b that is now being promoted in order to get out on... to negotiations with the russian federation, and, let’s say, such figures as john mearsheimer say there, he is such a well-known conservative, he says: we need to come to an agreement with russia now, because tomorrow, we will fight in the middle east, we will we are still fighting in ukraine, but we have not solved the problem with china, which is in fact our main enemy, he is china number two, russia number three, as he says, and accordingly
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we would like to have the third player or neutral on our side, and we he was simply pushed into china's embrace. and this position, it is of course dangerous for us, because they are practically offering us to sell what is ours, in fact, as rama is talking to you, but let us give the russians what they have already seized, but who you are like this, excuse me, in order to discuss where the russian troops are stationed, the russian troops have already bought with their actions, liberated these , as they say, let’s tell you that the russian troops will decide for themselves what to leave themselves, also the russian troops won’t do anything exciting, this year it’s 15 years with selyagi, let everything be the way you want, there were so many risks in general, having played once you could get spoiled in this image. after style, i didn’t act for 3 years and understood perfectly well that
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i didn’t want to get stuck in this role, anton shakin, i asked for auditions. on verkhovensky, and a couple of days later i was confirmed on verkhovensky, how amazingly the demons led you to god, we went to optina puskin, and this later completely changed me. different roles and one love, god sent me a nickname, courtship began, i became under slip the door into poetry, and sentences, i realized that this is the person with whom i want to live my whole life, with whom i want to give birth and raise children, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. i buy happiness, mom, i buy happiness, mom, this is a hotel with history, with traditions, on
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saturday, everything is fine with you, yes, of course, i go into the salon, she is sitting, and me, and you, and me, i fell in love, you know that my wife will kill me, and then another buyer showed up and offered such a price that i couldn’t... say, well, where is he, but your other buyer, you, you, after the transaction with happiness, i will become a partner, and it is my dream that will come true, not yours, oh, you know how yes, i will still fight, i will save happiness, it is difficult to share happiness if this is a hotel for two, premiere on saturday on rtr. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready,
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explore, nature, dear mother, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here. try it on taste. oh, my eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, the smiy caster is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, according to secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. who is he, and how did he end up here, these
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remains are 25-30 years old, in general we did not have a statement about the disappearance of people, but this is 100% deaf. the past is a valuable witness, this weight is enough to lower a person to bottom, which means it was not an accident. you just need to be able to ask questions, where did you find it? there under the bridge, i found something else there, information about the owner of the badge can still be found in the archive, ekaterina rednikova and you and i have news, according to our stranger, the statute of limitations, you will interfere in this matter, freely, on friday on rtt. we gathered about ten people into the first group , there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they
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carried me away, another shelling began, they they laid me down, they lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, let’s say it’s my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes grandma, she’s hungry herself, but she’s carrying this chicken, i come and say, baby, feed the dogs , lend a helping hand. olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys with us, i came across such people, not without a variety, to support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, then , what you do is simply amazing, from tuesday to thursday, on rtr. in order to look good on the beach in the summer, natalya started feeding her best friend oksana since winter, dried burdock
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, boiled burdock, salted burdock, acorns, everything with mayonnaise, even tea, but i can’t deny myself this, yumarina’s premiere, on saturday rt we watch before everyone else, you have always been like this, a bun with a good bun, with a good bun, vasnetsova, i’d better go find the killer while i ’m here for someone... let’s subscribe and watch. a national disaster, this is how the largest attack in history is characterized. telephone scams every day. scammers are driving people into multi-million dollar debts, taking away their last homes, kidnapping and driving russian citizens to suicide. if they don't pay 5 million, they will send my parts of the topic. we continue our investigation into where they are hiding, but the main thing is who is helping them physically on the territory of our country.
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malakhov, today. well, now the shots of the day, putin is photographed with children, the president today visited the national center for pediatric hematology, immunology, oncology named after dim rogachev, absolutely unique, the largest in the world's children's scientific and medical institution with such a profile, the president inspected the new nuclear medicine building, went into the wards of small patients, talked with sick children, looked at their drawings and even got down on one knee to take a joint photo with the children, hello, hello , what's your name? eva, eva, how are you feeling, yes, and mom is happy, yes, very much, hello , how are you, everything is fine, everything is fine,
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what kind of cat is this? do you have a cat like that? show me what you're reading, i wrote a heart, well done, i won't hug you, kiss, for sanitary reasons, all the best to you, maybe i can quickly take a picture of the children with you, no, i’m here
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, come on, the neighbors are here, i wanted to show the result this year, look at the news right now, it was 60 minutes, goodbye , bye. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news , i greet you, maria sidpol, hello, vladimir putin is on an official visit to kazakhstan, where he will hold negotiations with president takaev and take part in the cooperation forum. the reconnaissance team moves to the place of work early in the morning. the specific task of this reconnaissance battalion is to operate deep behind enemy lines near


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