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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  November 15, 2023 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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already 190,000 people, the new york times reported that the losses of the ukrainian army exceeded 150,000 military personnel, kennody jr. reported about half a million killed. in the news, look, this was a 60 minutes program, all the best to you, goodbye, bye. on the rossiya tv channel, tatyana remizova is presenting in the studio and the main thing is for this hour. the israeli army resumed its assault on ashifa hospital. in
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the gas sector, the building is de-energized, there is no communication, the fate of the daily workers, hundreds of patients are unknown, rockets continue to fly towards israel itself, right into the center of tel aviv and vashkelo, this is what it looks like a direct hit by a hamas rocket, a rally of palestinian supporters at amsterdam airport, thousands of demonstrators marched for israel in washington, chinese leader xidinping arrived in san francisco for a personal meeting with joe biden, with whom he plans to meet at the ats summit. russian delegation, heavy snowfall in yekaterinburg, severe blackout in irkutsk and vladivostok, buds are blooming again in omsk due to abnormal heat. the russian military in the special operation zone repelled five attacks by the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction, destroying bradley infantry fighting vehicles and tanks leopard. he did tekwa, served as a marine, and now, i'm running for state.
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as he unwittingly became an honored artist of russia, igor livanov is 70. an hour ago, the israeli army resumed its assault on the largest in the gas sector, the ashifa hospital complex, under which, according to tel aviv, the hamas command headquarters is located. all night long , alarming messages came from the epicenter of the fighting. according to middle eastern channels, idf units broke into the territory... of medical institutions and, while clearing the first buildings, opened fire on doctors and patients, and, as reported in the enclave, there are now almost 9,000 people there. the day before, late in the evening , vladimir putin discussed the situation in the conflict zone by telephone with abdel-fattah sisti, the leaders called for an end to the bloodshed, the release of the hostages, and provision of humanitarian assistance to the civilian population of gaza. the situation at this moment is with ilya klimov and pavel melnik.
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the largest gas hospital in the sector, alshifa , was surrounded by israeli tanks that night, blocking all entrances and exits. army special forces stormed a medical facility, the light is turned off in the building, communications are not working, the journalist who was nearby was detained by the military, what is happening inside is unclear, the unknown fate of hundreds of patients , women and children hiding inside, shots and explosions are heard. israel called the storming of the hospital not a raid, but a targeted operation; there are allegedly extremists in alshif who were asked to surrender. hama, in turn , blamed us president biden personally for the battles in the hospital corridors. and the unsf said that there was no safe place left for a million children in the gas sector. more than 4-5 infants and teenagers have already been killed as a result of israeli strikes. no less disappeared into obscurity under the rubble of destroyed buildings. operations to clear the rubble, rescuers and local residents have to be constantly interrupted due to incessant shelling. this is footage from... on the eve
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of a particularly massive missile strike, doctors can no longer provide the necessary assistance to the victims, all hospitals in the enclave may close in the next 24 hours due to lack of medicines and electricity. otsahal says the ground operation will affect the entire the gas sector, and not just its northern part, where active fighting is currently taking place. despite israeli claims of success on the battlefield, hamas talks about the destruction of 180 tanks and other armored vehicles, about hundreds of dead soldiers, claims that the armed... we are still at the beginning of the battle, we are still at the beginning of the journey, we are fighting for realization palestinian dream, victory over occupation and the creation of an independent palestinian state with its capital in jerusalem, israeli army attacks on hospitals and others civilian targets jeopardize tel aviv's prisoner exchange talks with hamas. local and western media claim that an agreement is close, cnn even reported that the deal will be in until the ambulance arrived
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, help was provided by eyewitnesses, a bystander was in serious condition, debris from a downed rocket fell on him in the very center of tel aviv, even modern systems about guarantee absolute security, it was ashkilon, a gas shell that found brezh in the iron dome of israel. the power of the shock wave, eyewitnesses say, that the car was literally thrown into the air, perhaps this saved everyone around from imminent death. the entire impact was on iron, this is what a direct hit from a hamas rocket looks like. a meter to the left or to the right, and under attack it is artisanal. what have we done, we are ordinary citizens, we are not military, my car, my house, how can i live now? israel has blocked northern gaza, and clearing one of the most
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densely populated areas on the planet could take weeks, if not months. hamas no longer has the ability to control the palestinian enclave, but the radicals are trying, through pressure and threats forced the staff of the shifa clinic to refuse the fuel brought by israel, the fuel is still there, so if they want to use the ambulances, they can fill them with our canisters, they can also fill the alternator with them to power the main premises of the hospital with electricity. the main hamas foothold in the north, the shati camp, is already under israeli control, now that the army has firmly established itself in gaza, new details may emerge about the fate of the hostages, as reported by the kan media concern. negotiations are underway on an exchange using the formula all children for all children. according to this scheme, tel aviv extradites arab minors who are held in prisons for the crime of ahamas, children kidnapped from israelis, but
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there is no official confirmation of this yet. our goal is , first of all, a complete victory over hamas in the south and the release of the hostages. we also want to ensure that... hamas or a similar organization did not return to power after the war. every day, waiting for at least some information about the abducted families is unbearable hostages march on prime minister netanyahu's residence in jerusalem. i demand that netanyahu and the cabinet give us answers. during raids around the captured hamas police headquarters in gaza, personal belongings and equipment of the israeli military were found. those who took on the most terrible battle of the radicals on october 7. all this time they were considered missing. without a trace. pavel miller, vladimir overin and gleb napara, news from israel. the world's attitude towards the military operation in the gas sector is changing every day, not in favor of tel aviv. the prosecutor general's office of istanbul sent to the turkish the ministry of justice has filed a lawsuit demanding that the international criminal court recognize prime minister
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netanyahu’s actions in the enclave as genocide. bilisy decided to withdraw his consent to the accreditation of the israeli ambassador and suspended the work of his consulate. palestine supporters staged a massive demonstration at the airport. lady, where they called for an immediate stop to the fighting, in the states, on the contrary, thousands of demonstrators took to washington to march for israel to condemn the rise of anti-semitism. at these moments the state duma is convening for a plenary session, where the second reading will consider the draft federal budget for the next 3 years. it is known that its basic parameters have not changed, but more than nine hundred amendments have been proposed. first of all, we are talking about additional social financing. almost 140 billion rubles. allocate for drug provision, children's recreation, and expansion of educational programs. in addition, additional funds will be used to develop rural areas and support industrial producers. a cold wave is approaching several russian regions, severe frosts down to -30 are expected in chukotka,
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kamchatka territory and murmansk. in the irkutsk region, due to ice, there were a large number of accidents on the siberia federal highway; the driver of a heavy truck literally crushed four cars in the oncoming lane. about ten flights were delayed at koltsovo airport due to heavy snowfall. passengers had to wait several hours in the cabin for the aircraft to be treated with anti-icing liquid. skolsk on the roads of vladivostok. cars skid on uphills and go away on downhills. into uncontrollable drifts. and a completely different picture in the south of western siberia. abnormal heat came to the omsk region, up to +7 during the day. the trees are budding, but the bears in zoos can't leave. into hibernation. testing of the newest arctic all-terrain vehicles began in the arctic. during the expedition , scientists will also conduct climate studies, take soil samples and measure the level of microplastics in the sea. ours, oleg pasobin, is now conquering the northern expanses at the helm of a snow rover. two cars on
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giant wheels, as if they don’t notice no obstacles. snow, ice, water, huge stones and climbing almost steep slopes are nothing for them. on the shore of the kandalak bay of the white sea , new all-terrain vehicles for the arctic are being tested. firstly, this is a side-turning technique, not a pavement one, what does this give? this gives an advantage. from the point of view of cross-country ability, this is a more maneuverable vehicle, lighter, the vehicles were prepared specifically for the clean arctic vostok-707 expedition of the russian academy of sciences, with which researchers will reach impassable places of the kola peninsula, to study the problems of permafrost and global warming. along the way, we will visit abandoned airfields, cross ice-free rivers, and take soil samples in certain areas of swamps. this expedition began here, on the kola peninsula... in august, hundreds of its participants, studying the north by this time, were able to reach taimyr, and now several
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scientists have returned back to the murmansk region to transfer to all-terrain vehicles, the main mission of a clean arctic is obvious from its name, researchers are studying how it is possible rid the polar region of the garbage that has accumulated here for the last hundred years, bring in fuel, food , equipment for geologists, just imagine how many objects there are, it’s not even possible, it’s still impossible to count them. unique machines appeared in 2015 as a result of cooperation between entrepreneurs from russia and ukraine. after the breakdown of cooperation, our designers had to replace parts from abroad. as a result, a new snow and swamp-going vehicle, arkhand, was developed with a lot of know-how. its arctic version is white designed for use in extreme cold conditions. well, all the glass, both on one and the other all-terrain vehicle, is electrically heated. but on the polar version the side windows and side windows of the driver's cabin are made of a single
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glass and double-glazed unit, the car, by all-terrain standards , is economical, its engine is 55 horsepower, and another important detail, special training is not required to operate it, this car easy to control, now we are moving calmly on the ice and i ’m already a little used to it, we’re not afraid, we’re very it’s comfortable to drive, here we are overcoming a huge ice floe, scientists will test new cars in the tundra, in the mountains, on lakes, swamps and even in the sea, reliable and affordable all-terrain vehicles are necessary for many residents of distant regions. oleg posobin, anton kalimovsky, dmitry kvasnyuk, lead the mormon region. modernized employment centers have opened in five russian regions, and a personal meeting between sidin pina and joe biden is being prepared in san francisco. we still have a lot of news ahead, we'll be back on air in. watch today
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's 60 minutes special, that's it the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world, don’t miss it, 60 minutes, today on rtr, will you agree with me, go to a restaurant? on the weekend, why are you alone, time is not alone, i have a son, marry me , beyond a dream, i don’t want to become a grandmother to someone else’s grandson, on the other side of happiness, i hate your mother, shut up, what’s my fault, i just want to save my child, why is this happening to me, everything in my life is because of you, and now everything... will be in my opinion, where are you? you will come back to me, the other side of love, in
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saturday on rtr, i don’t understand where these people come from, what planet, you have something inside you that allows us all to be drawn in by this simplicity and sincerity. the girls worked without insurance, delighted, surprised, tearful, and then burst into tears, we each had wet eyes, sometimes eyes can say more than a thousand words, new emotions, what they are doing, it’s impossible, i’m just all nervous worn out, this is just the beginning, everything will be ahead, new discoveries, for the jury and for the audience, under great impression, this certainly an event for the blue bird, in
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the new anniversary season, this is the blue bird, the stage on which young talents from all over the country come out to become better, not better than others, but better than themselves yesterday. bluebird, soon on prt. i will start a new life tomorrow, i can be useful to you, on saturday, even now they are preoccupied with finding housing and work, they say that you need help. son, i’m ready to try, your name is irina, you are my wife, she lost her memory of me, but she’s not ready to lose her love, we were traveling with you together, oh fuck, it can’t be another person’s shadow, it’s always been just
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mine. i need and i am real and i need real love, i ask you, please help me remember myself, from scratch , the premiere, on saturday on rtr, there was no sadness, a woman bought a pig, once you get a pet and life will never be the same again former. puts everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face that you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, and then i clean up, i ’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, a secret of dreams, how do you feel about it
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i agreed, first they shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, broadcast and we continue our broadcast, russian military in a special operation zone repelled five attacks in usa in the donetsk direction, the sibir special forces detachment , after several days of hunting, destroyed a ukrainian infantry fighting vehicle, which was daily shelling russian positions near kleshcheevka. in this video , the bradley bmp is trying to attack previously lost territory, conducting heavy fire, but when he leaves to reload, he comes under attack from a russian fpv drone. burnt-out leopard tanks were also captured in the frame. in the kupinsky
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direction , army aviation worked on the positions of ukrainian troops. points affected. locations and military equipment of three ukrainian brigades, and this is filming of the destruction of a radar station of the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​​​the city of ochakov, nikolaev region, a russian lancet hit the target, the situation on the front line in the kherson region, near the military correspondent margarita semenyuk, now we are driving along a highway that is very it is often fired at by the enemy's pividrons; the vehicles no longer even know whether the vehicle is a civilian or a military one; they burn either one. quite a lot, so we are driving very quickly, as soon as our film crew arrived at the position, a dry attack drone was spotted in the sky, i went left again, i
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worked the eleventh, debris from the drone fell within the radius of the first line, where the military groupings of the dnieper troops are holding in defeat, it is now if it's hit, there's ammunition lying in super-torque, there was a charge from an rpg here, it was shot, it detonated, the drone itself caught fire, this is it the remains of batteries, well, they flew here, fell, yesterday there were more than twenty pieces, we already counted them before, now the intensity is 3-5 minutes approaching positions, ukrainian comedians... can be heard 15 minutes before approaching russian positions, so the soldiers they constantly remind us to listen to the air, in addition to everything else, well, the gun barrel, mortars, that is, it’s all as it was, well, that is, now we are in an open area, that is, theoretically , the enemy can also now see us somewhere, yes, yes , that’s why i i'm telling you, let's go here not for long, we go down into the equipped trench, from here we can clearly see the river and
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the entire horizon is visible, this is a tributary from the dnieper, this is already the first line, right? yes, this is the first line, then there is a gray area. machine gunners and riflemen work here, their task is to shoot down all attack and reconnaissance drones, not allowing them to reach the rear. previously, two or three arrived, yesterday there were more than twenty. the invasion of dry drones is compared to a swarm of wasps, but even with so many fighters of the dnepr group they can cope and shoot them down right away. peredron, let’s say he’s louder there if he’s walking there loaded, say with an outfit, you can immediately hear that he is walking heavily, losing a reconnaissance bird is the same as going blind on... the battlefield, while the fighters on the first line are destroying the uav, the artillery is already aimed at the enemy crew. even in such a harsh combat situation, where real men are fighting... men, the military carefully keep talismans from their relatives, turn, please show me what kind of talismans they are, where it comes from, what it is, where it comes from, a toy, as if for good luck, my wife gave it to me, well,
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in general, initially she conveyed the cheers, so that i remember a piece, how to say at home, like this you look, you remember, it becomes easier, margarta semenyuk, alexander smychik, kherson news. the asia-pacific economic cooperation summit opens in san francisco amid pro-palestinian protests. the processions have been going on for several days, but for the first time they continued even at night, since world leaders are visiting the city today. the most anticipated was xidin ping. the last visit of the head of china overseas took place 6 years ago, back in trump times. the american press agrees that the main task of negotiations with biden will not be achieving breakthrough agreements, but at least restoring a dialogue acceptable to both sides. security measures have been strengthened to the limit.
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metal fences the height of two people are placed everywhere, and the places where contacts are held at the highest level are under the control of the secret services. agents, police and dog handlers swarmed the hotel where biden was staying. the hotel itself is considered ultra-fashionable in the local media and is called the white house of the west, since its opening in 1907 , it has hosted virtually every leader of the united states. the highest concentration of high technologies is in yekaterinburg. the best specialists from the brics ocean countries and the eurasian economic union show their skills at the international high-tech championship. the most powerful shots were captured by kirill bortnikov. 35 competitive competencies, more than a thousand competitors and experts from 25 russian companies, plus... participants from eleven countries, and this is all about the international championship of high-tech hi-tech professions 2023. the largest exhibition center in yekaterinburg
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turned into a large-scale production site for several days. the best of the best in their field met here. the tasks are the most complex, but adapted to specific working conditions. the basic formula has not changed over the years, yes, we take the best requirements for equipment, the best requirements for the task, the best. requirement for the worker, this is the only way to achieve such a drawing norm, and not to measure waders in your swamp. conditions are as close as possible to those created locally, be it a welding shop or a chemical laboratory. time to complete the task is limited, but everyone wants to win. not only russian teams are participating here, but also india, belarus, kyrgyzstan, brazil, kazakhstan, and iran. we have come such a long way to raise the flag of our country higher. they plan to create serious competition. teams from china? our team is well prepared, and the main experts are our competitors, and we hope that we will take prizes.
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the strategic tasks of the russian federation are also being solved here. industry, as part of the championship, for example, they are creating the country’s largest 3d printer and a digital production twin, on which such products can be mass-produced. this will be a kind of summary of the work of the entire high-tech 2023 team. this is our new russian assembly, when it’s not easy. professions, each, well, is individually responsible for the buttons and does it as well as possible, and when these professions can flexibly assemble into teams and produce a factory. we even have such a slogan, a plant in a year, but in reality it turned out to be a plant in 2 months. applied problems are solved at the third cup for rationalization and productivity. it runs parallel to high-tech. more than 350 competitions of the best professionals from all over the country are thinking about how to optimize processes, be it broiler production. or replacing railroad tracks. this is a rail fastening, which during operation the monoregulator is removed, the bracket is removed
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, and the corner is removed. after this , the reality changes and goes back. all work today is manual, and i would like it just for promotion productivity of the resource, some proposals for its optimization must be developed. there are several days of testing ahead. results of the anniversary high-tech championship. 2023 and the innovators cup will be announced at the end of the week. kiril bortnikov, maksataldyev, gennady lagunov, len galalyaeva, vesti ekaterinburg. modernized employment centers opened today in the lipetsk, belgorod and samara regions. the launch ceremony via video bridge took place at the large-scale exhibition russia. by the end of the year , the total number of new personnel centers in russian regions will increase to 550, thanks to them the number of unemployed citizens. does not exceed 3%. this figure became possible largely thanks to the work of these very career centers, which.
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since the announcement of sanctions against the russian federation, they have essentially become a place of support for enterprises, for workers, in order to do everything possible to make people as comfortable and as convenient as possible when looking for work. in the new episode of our program, the story of dpr resident kuchkovskaya, whose son volunteered and after a few ended up on the death toll for months. but one day natalya recognized him in a video made in a ukrainian prisoner of war camp, what is known about his fate, watch today at 15:00, an exchange is taking place, honored artist of russia igor livanov, who comes from a theatrical family, celebrates his seventieth birthday today, he did not plan to connect his life with acting profession. today, his filmography includes about eighty works, where livanov appears in a variety of roles, and performances with his participation
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have been staged in the moscow theater for decades. i don’t need you, playing with intonations, precise gestures, complete immersion in the character, the performance has been on stage for 23 years, largely thanks to his unusual role, i am running for state, well, in general, a completely stupid person, unlike his brother aristarkh livanov, he is not i was sure that the theater was his vocation from the profession... he tried to escape either into sports, tekovando, then he served in the army as a marine, acting fate, it depends, for me to be dependent on anyone is very painful, everything was decided by chance , his actor rostov mtyuz was invited to the cinema immediately on main role. i was told, young man, if you want to listen to good advice, you will never act in films, and literally a few months later, at
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the entrance... of the theater there was a telegram, she invited me to the film unrequited love film based on gorkovov's stories about life provincial actors, an incredible cast, makarova, markov, kuravlev, in this circle, young livanov. marry me, i pray you. in the film, the february wind, his partner is mikhail ulyanov. stop delaying time, a movie about the conflict between revolutionaries. and the supporters of the old world could have remained an agidism if not for the amazing performance of the actors who revealed the souls of their heroes. the creative duet, in life, will result in friendship, a recommendation to the communist party, mikhail aleksandrovich ulyanov wrote to me. his star role, of course, in the action movie destroy the thirties, everything came in handy here, his passion for martial arts, and his army experience. it's not that simple. is this bad? let's see. director's irony. hero
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igor livanov, the main villain is his brother, arrest, but igor also performed stunt tricks himself, albeit at the cost of serious injury. there is a stuntman profession, and there is an acting profession, of course you can combine it, but jackie chan is not me. the role of captain nikolsky in the series on the corner of the patriarchs brought a new wave of popularity. prepare the experts, call lepilov, let's go. and it turned out to be the easiest in my career. this is who i am, in the given circumstances. will be the beginning of a career in tv series, his roles include daily workers, officers, doctors, and each image is embedded in memory. success and the fact that i know him do not in any way affect his self-sufficiency. there were many tragedies in his personal life, he lost his first wife and daughter, and later his son from his second marriage, but he found the strength to start over and is now raising two sons.
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i love those who are alive and i love those who are not... he knows exactly what he wants, to live, to love, to play, and it seems that he has finally accepted that the theater is still his calling, dari okaneva elena fenoshina, to lead, and tonight, don’t miss the continuation of the historical drama catherine’s favorites, brothers of the crimean khan they start a riot and shagingerey asks the empress for intercession, the new seventh episode immediately after the big news. all news is always available on the media platform. we look at the app or website, and the news continues to follow developments. stay tuned. in the center of moscow, a mercedes that was parked in a parking lot was robbed...


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