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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  November 16, 2023 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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would the annexation of crimea be a realistic mechanism for advancing the discussion of ukraine in nato? i think your question about ukraine’s membership in nato is a complex topic, especially when it comes to article five, but at the same time everything is quite obvious, since article number five is very black and white, the proposal to extend the scope of this article only to those territories which are ukraine. and it’s unclear what she will do next, but just as they can go forward, just as events can develop backwards, now let’s imagine that kiev now has a fifth point of the alliance nato, and thus there is an armed attack on the territory of the alliance, and do not forget that russia is attacking ukrainian territory around the clock, precisely the one that kiev controls at the moment, in this case it will be ... in accordance with this plan
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that you are talking about say, in the blink of an eye we will see how nato will be drawn into a conflict together with the united states, i think that you already know the problems of such a situation. we believe that in the short term our determination is critical, that's why. it is really important to instill trust that we are working on the real prospect of ukraine joining nato , then the formality is that obviously this proposal is a complex issue, it is too early to talk about it, besides, we do not know how this war will end, and how there will be negotiations, maybe one day they may take place and so on, so it's early, the only important message i want to say is that ukraine is not ready to join nato. we
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have a proposal on the table right now that we are discussing, proposal for 50 billion in military assistance to ukraine, and we do not see anyone blocking this work, we are already forming specifics in terms of new military support and this is no secret, i am talking about both the already implemented assistance and the new packages intended for the military help. is one of the fundamental principles of the united states, so members of congress understand this very well, of course the question is what does this mean for an american who may have never traveled abroad, but the fundamental functioning is at stake world, all the aggressors or potential aggressors in the world are very carefully recording what is happening now, and if our response is not tough enough, as it was in the fourteenth year, when the crimea was annexed, then the aggressors who realize that it pays off, conducting an aggressive war pays off because... that you are leaving
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with more than you had before, you are saying that the answer is not tough enough, explain how this manifests itself in practice, what is the end result that would really convey the message that you speak? as you know, in order for a country to become a better country, it must lose its last colonial war, russia never lost its last colonial war, so not only must ukraine win, but russia must also lose, this implies that it suffers ... defeat on the battlefield means she returns to her borders, if she comes away with more than she had before, then it turns out that the war has paid off, at the beginning of the war president biden promised that he would strengthen nato's eastern flank, including estonia, there is some disappointment about how this promise is ultimately fulfilled, both regarding weapons and sending additional forces to the border, there was great concern that this would be a provocation. the problem is complex, and now in
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november 2023 you feel safe, not only in estonia, but in the entire nato alliance. nato is a defensive alliance, it was created for defense, not attack, so weapons for defense cannot be a provocation, defense is not a provocation, vladimir putin can claim that this is a provocation, but here a question arises for us, someone should say this to vladimir, how do we react to this? are we going to do this, because if we fall for it and say: oh yes, we should not have weapons that can reach russian territory on the border with nato, this will imply a threat to the territory of my country, estonia, if you already only have there is an opinion that even if you attack another country, it will not be able to fight back, then with one hundred percent confidence you will do so, especially if you initially have an aggressive attitude. biden doesn't managed to lure him away from
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the ukrainian issue; in any case, neither one nor the other leader said anything about ukraine at the end of the meeting, although this topic seemed to be raised. reported in chinese. biden announced that the united states and the people's republic of china are renewing military-to-military communications. shizenping called for effective resolution of differences between the united states and china and stressed that washington must support the inevitable, peaceful reunification of mainland china and taiwan and stop supplying arms to the islanders. china doesn't... usa, the chinese leader assured and proposed to lift unilateral anti-chinese sanctions. but all the successes that seem to have been achieved during the negotiations, as bloomberg reports, could undermine the last words of the american president
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at a press conference; biden again called his guest a dictator. and the whole visit, which was supposed to be grandiose, somehow didn’t work out right away, it all started with a rather ordinary reception at the airport without an orchestra and a red carpet, it was laid out at the entrance of a fifty-six-room mansion of the 20th century with an area of ​​5,000 m2. it was planned there the meeting, which he declined to attend, did not receive any hands. the meeting lasted more than 4 hours, including lunch. there, at lunch they served ravioli with recota and crispy artichokes. chicken rice baked in tarragon, baked bracalini, this is apparently small broccoli and almond bizet. afterwards there was a walk in the pomegranate grove. all negotiations were accompanied by simultaneous translation, as the head of the chinese ministry of foreign affairs wang said, the heads
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of the two states outlined the direction for healthy, stable sustainable development. then he left for a meeting with the leaders of the business it was at that moment that grandfather suffered. left without si, he said: listen, but si is really a dictator, it is now impossible to deny it or argue with it. the chinese foreign ministry called biden's words erroneous and irresponsible. overall, we had a wonderful conversation. after his announcement , biden, accompanied by dozens of security vehicles , returned to the fairmont hotel. the police blocked traffic along one of the central streets of san francisco for at least half an hour before the arrival of the convoy and did not lift the cordon another hour and a half after the column left. and this, too, i think, is a manifestation of freedom
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and democracy, let’s see. living and working in san francisco you get used to the homeless, but something happened today that made me stop right in front of the ferry building, looks like a living room, sofa, oriental rug, books, electricity, what's your name? geni, last name alexander? do you have a couple of sofas here? nothing can replace face-to-face conversations. our conversations always seemed direct and frank to me, and i always appreciated that. mister president, we have known each other for a long time, we did not always agree, which was never a surprise, but our meetings were always
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frank and directly useful. according to people briefed on the matter, every aspect of chinese president xijzenping's visit to california was carefully choreographed, including what xi would see in his window as he rode in the motorcade, a dinner after the biden-xijzenping meeting, cost which is 2,000 dollars per plate, the dinner will have the highest us leaders, as well as other high-ranking officials. the owner of this auto body shop told me that sometimes he has to drag homeless people away from the front of the store to open it, customers are sometimes just afraid to even come in here, and many are starting to wonder why this didn't happen before, now around the center of moscona, a place where and the leaders are gathering, kilometers of barriers have also been installed, the gates are closed
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, there are numerous signs around me that say that the building is closed for a private event. neither the chinese nor the american side specified the location of the event, but three senior administration officials confirmed that the meeting was taking place here. welcome to filloli, you probably know it as the carington mansion from the eighties hit tv series dynasty. over the years , various events and many films have been filmed in this mansion, but they are incomparable to what was shown in the dynasty series. now let's go inside. sorry, i'm alexis carrington and this is my home. get away from my doorstep. dynasty was the most popular series in 1984 and 85 and it
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had a huge impact on society. at a time when lgbt representation was largely absent from television, dynasty was the first series to air on primetime to feature two gay main characters. she 's back. and still the level. crime rate is so high that stores like target at olgreens and old navy have decided to close completely, and city employees who are supposed to track down drug dealers have been given bullets. impenetrable vests or even police escort. i don't know why they clear the streets not for people, but for world leaders. i used to go shopping in the city center, but now the shops there are closed. over the past half century, relations between china and the united states have never been ideal and various kinds of problems
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have always arisen. it is impossible for one side to change the other, and conflicts and confrontations lead to unimaginable consequences. i remain of the opinion that competition between large countries does not follow the prevailing trend of the present time and cannot solve the problems facing china, the united states and the world as a whole. will china change its destabilizing approach of course not, we have been talking to china for 40 years , they still do everything they were supposed to do, during this time they have become a powerful economic and military power, and this is a serious threat to us , so why exactly this meeting, why change anything, a team of journalists from czechoslovakia was robbed right in the middle of belodnya, that’s what one of them writes, they walked right in front of my cameraman, one aimed at his stomach, and the other at my head. almost all residents of san francisco blame themselves for what happened, as if they were apologizing for something they didn’t do; fortunately, the journalists were not
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harmed. the chinese president is spending the day with president biden, but tonight he will be dining with a group of his old friends from iowa. yes, you heard right, president sisayeva’s relationship goes back almost 40 years. for reference, in the eighty-fifth year. president xi, being thirty-one government-level official visited ayowu as part of a delegation involved in food production. cee has attended pig roast barbecues, gone on farm tours and boat rides on the mississippi river, and today he took many of those same everyday people to dinner in california. how is everything going, mr. president, president biden, how are the negotiations going? well, have you achieved what you wanted? today's meeting, do you still consider chairman xi a dictator, as you said earlier this year? listen, but
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he is, after all, a dictator, he is a dictator in the sense that he is the same guy who runs a communist country whose government is completely different from ours. knowing any government leader is different from the american government, that means you are a dictator. well, the french court, and it is known to be the most humane court in the world, issued an arrest warrant for syrian president bashar assad on charges of using chemical weapons in 2013, and this is the first time an arrest warrant has been issued against a sitting head another state. russia proved that the attack was organized by pro-american militants, but the french court did not take into account. this all reminds me of something, of course. also in the west they were screaming about the use of chemical weapons by the governments of iraq and libya, remember
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the test tube colin paul, now all the accusations are based on the words of eyewitnesses. i wonder if comrade netanyahu or god forbid mr. zelsky, no one in france wants to be arrested for carpet bombing gases or , say, donbass, or this is not a crime against humanity, no, here apparently the old western principle comes into play, he’s a son of a bitch, but he’s ours, a son of a bitch , that’s how western democracy is, well, even now it’s not yet... a little about its chronicles, in the usa, the governor of south carolina signed a law that obliges those sentenced to the death penalty, to choose between execution and the electric chair, all because there were problems with the supply of poison for lethal injections, which were used before, but freedom of choice and today the choice
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has become wider, as a humane, as they say, a humane alternative electrical stool or injections, criminals will be given to breathe pure nitrogen, well, that is, in fact, a person will be killed by suffocation, he, the person, the criminal, will be deprived of oxygen, after which the convicted will suffer, and they last about 30-40 minutes, finally will rid the blessed american society of their presence, the death penalty by gaseous asphyxiation... in particular, has already been approved by the alabama supreme court. now an experiment will be conducted on experimental criminals to determine how much nitrogen each individual needs to kill himself. we wait a series of unsuccessful executions, and we are even waiting for survivors after them. as was the case with the use of poisonous injections, when the injection
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was made into vaudeville, the person suffered, wriggled, screamed, bled, but still did not die, in general, wonderful american justice. alabama may soon become the first state to use nitrogen in the death penalty. the state supreme court voted to use this method. alabama attorney general steve mar marshall said executions would be carried out by nitrogen hypoxia. during such an execution, prisoners suffocate, inhaling pure nitrogen. alabama is one of three states to approve this method and will be the first state to use it.
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the alabama attorney general's office has asked the state supreme court to set an execution date for kenneth smith. the court said the state wants to execute. using the nitrogen hepoxia method. alabama approved nitrogen hepoxia in 2018 amid a shortage of lethal injection drugs, but the state had not used it until then. oklahoma and mississippi have also approved nitrogen hypoxia, but have not yet used it. kenneth smith - one of two criminals convicted back in the eighties in the case of the contract killing of a priest’s wife. the prosecutor general insists that the time has come to carry out the sentence. advocates of this method say it is painless. idaho is going back to the firing squads, they are building a special execution chamber, if they decide to go the utah way , it will look like this, the condemned person is seated on a chair behind his back, a wooden panel, sandbags on the sides, five shooters stand along
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the wall, each has two cartridge. one of the shooters, they are single, so that no one knows who killed the convict, in south carolina, where this execution also takes place, the convict is tied to a metal chair, a bag is put on his head, and three volunteers from among the staff of the state corrections department fire rifles through hole in the wall, i tried to describe what nitrogen hypoxia is, please complete me, in essence it is... kenneth smith will inhale pure nitrogen and without oxygen his cells and organs will fail, this the method has not been tested, it has never been used, so we do not know how it will work. yes, i'm interested in the testing aspect.
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how can one test the death penalty, how can one check on people the duration and extent of the impact of this or that ... i don’t have an answer to this question, we consider all these methods of capital punishment from the point of view that it is carried out by people who understand drugs, equipment, they have undergone proper training and know what to do, but unfortunately, time after time we see that executions end in failure, and these are just terrible examples, prisoners writhe in pain for several hours, their body is on fire, it’s just a terrifying sight, because the performers do not have proper training. not so, to try to figure out how to improve
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the situation, they decided to try a new, untested, risky method of execution. there are problems with carrying out executions, there are shortcomings in our justice system, sometimes people find themselves convicted of crimes that they did not commit, and this is a big problem in itself. and if when viewed in conjunction with similar methods of capital punishment, we must ask ourselves whether we are willing to sacrifice constitutional freedoms to retaliate against someone who may have been wrongly convicted. by the way, torture and drowning methods are also officially permitted in america, once again, freedom and democracy. well, the ministers of defense of the european union countries agreed to adapt their armies. based on the experience of the war in ukraine. euroactive magazine writes about this today; they clarify that the document revising european priorities has already been adopted and will become its own
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kind of the driving force for all eu initiatives that are in one way or another related to defense capabilities. it turns out that russia’s special operation in ukraine literally revealed the abscess of the european army in the form of a shortage of tanks, a shortage of high-precision weapons, as well. atgm, air defense, pro, special attention, the document pays special attention to the protection of underwater infrastructure, increased attention is also easy to explain, they say for europe it became obvious after the terrorist attack on the nord streams, it may be easier to investigate explosions on the pipeline and issue a billion dollar bill washington and kiev, but the question is rhetorical, because such powers are, as it were, sovereign europe. now he doesn’t, and kiev doesn’t have any money. ukrainians can only compensate for the explosion on the flows by being mobilized. more than 7,000 criminal cases have already been opened in ukraine for
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war evasion; ignoring subpoenas in ukraine faces 3 to 5 years in prison, says roman istomin, speaker of the poltava military registration and enlistment office. at the same time , the mayor declares that he, i quote, is very annoyed that some judges rule... the military commissar complains, saying that things generally work out for him the impression is that ukrainian men don’t care where to live, in ukraine or under the so-called russian occupation. according to him, the most popular excuses of conscripts during the presentation of the summons are: let the children of deputies fight, let the majors go to war, i was not born to fight. in general, zelsky annoyed everyone with his war. here are the shots, for example. detentions in the volyn region for organizing the transfer of men of military age abroad. each person was charged $8,000 for the service. an athlete is much more lucky.
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increasingly, ukrainian athletes after international competitions they prefer not to return to their homeland. the ministry of sports of ukraine has finally realized that it is now introducing popular football players. the ukrainian national team is also on the list of draft dodgers. among the athletes are mudryk, dovbik, zabarny, trubin, half of them are already employed in western football clubs and earn good money there, so they are unlikely to go to fight for zelensky, the doors are closing, the ministry of sports has added mudryk, dovbik, zabarny, trubin to the list of draft dodgers, published . list of ukrainian athletes who did not return from abroad, having left ukraine with a special permit. the ministry of youth and sports of ukraine has prepared a list
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of 304 athletes who remained abroad, although they were obliged to return after training camps or competitions. the list also included players of the ukrainian national football team, artyom dovbik, mikhail mudrik, anatoly trubin and ilya zabarny. all four ukrainian football players moved from ukrainian clubs to foreign ones during the war that russia started on the territory of ukraine, dovbik plays for the spanish gerona, contract artyom is signed until june 30, 2028, mudryk and zabarny play for the premier league, chelsea and bournemouth clubs, respectively, truben defends the gates of the portuguese benfica, anatoly ’s agreement with the eagles is valid until the summer of 2028. ok, of course, everything is ok, also on the list turned out to be a former midfielder of the miner's youth team, alexander rasputka, who
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did not return to ukraine, an away match of the uefa youth league against antwerp in belgium, it later turned out that the player fled to russia, a professional fisherman fled from ukraine to europe, all because of mobilization, the captain of the ukrainian sports fishing team daniil lyasov reported this , according to him, the draft dodger turned out to be arthur bilan, who as part of the team took part in the world street fishing championship in italy, sent to lyasov’s phone an explanation for his actions, saying that the child is growing, the wife is waiting, and then there are two agendas.
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realizing that no one else needed his services, he stated that ukraine has this ukrainian intelligence service, it exists, reports that russia is preparing to spark a new
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war for... once in the balkans, well, that’s why we need to help zelsky so that zelsky destroys russia, in general there are apparently no new thoughts , a crisis of the genre, as they say, also continuing the theme, representatives of the republican party in the senate, the us congress, seem to be responding zelsky in absentia, they say that they will not support additional supplies of military aid to ukraine, if the biden administration cannot, security on the southern border, that is , the main us-mexico border, a fence has been built there since the time of donald trump, and of course, ukraine is fed up, but an expanded version also appeared in a statement by the chinese ministry of foreign affairs, official speaker mounin says that biden’s words, biden called himself a dictator, are erroneous and extremely
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irresponsible, he strongly opposes political manipulation, there are always people with ulterior motives who are trying to provoke and undermine china-us relations, but apparently these people have ulterior motives, american president biden, let me remind you that sitting behind this at a long table during the negotiations, xi told biden: if a conflict occurs, we most of all do not want a conflict between china and the united states, there will be consequences, then a direct quote: the consequences for the world will be unbearable. san francisco, on direct line, correspondent of riya news, igor naimushin, we are transported to the usa. igor, hello, well, we met, hello, grandpa is calling him names, grandpa is not himself, china’s foreign ministry is not happy, in general there is progress in these negotiations, if we broke up, in the end, as...
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i understand, it’s bad. yes, olga, hello, but in fact, all that ostentatious luxury, the estate where the biden-sinzenpin negotiations took place, should not really mislead anyone, because in essence, this is such a, you know, beautiful facade, behind which all the cracks and flaws in us-chinese relations are hidden , they agreed to restore contacts along the military line, through the military departments , in addition, they also agreed to restore... to strengthen the fight against drug trafficking, by the way, for san francisco, where there is a problem with drugs in general, this is especially important, well, everything in general, and between the two countries, as there was the most intense competition, not to say confrontation, it remains so, there is a trade war, which was started by donald trump, not only has it not subsided under biden, it has intensified, the pumping of weapons into taiwan continues, trips of american
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officials continue there at the discretion, in general , any serious progress as a result of the negotiations, to be honest, is not expected, but taking into account the remarks of the american president, in principle, this indicates to us what the american administration will continue to adhere to the line, please tell us in more detail about drugs, more precisely about the drug addicts and excrement there. surprisingly, the background of this important meeting between biden and the si was endless publications of the american media that san francisco was literally trying to they tried to wash away this very excrement in the literal sense of the word... to cleanse them of drug addicts, cleaned them up like the little town is now? well, since you started talking about feces, then no, no, yes, they come across somewhere, but in general
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the city center, of course, tried to clean up as much as possible before the arrival of the heads of state, including the american leader, in fact , these are the local residents with whom i was able to talk, they are simply surprised, because they have never seen the center of san francisco so clean, but with on the other hand... the authorities directly told us that they did not build new shelters, new shelters, because they did not have money for this, they partially housed the homeless who lived next to the moscon center, this is the summit site, they housed them there for a while, but the rest were just driven a little further away, literally , you know, and 7 minutes from the hotel where i live is the moscon center and 7 minutes in the other direction, homeless tents already start there, all the dirt, drugs and excuse me start there , syringes under... lying underfoot, unfortunately, this problem will return on a large scale to the city center, as local residents think, when the summit ends and biden leaves, so the problem remains, it is not going anywhere,
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unfortunately, dirt, drugs are then, with what residents have been facing for years, and frankly, none of them expect the situation to improve, after the test, on the contrary, they call what is happening, some of the people with whom they managed to talk, what is happening is hypocrisy, well, that is, in other words, this is not an artistic exaggeration, the day before there was a message that a czech film crew was robbed, a camera, wallet and tripod were taken, that is, the city is unsafe, the city is unsafe, yes, journalists were attacked by journalists, a car drove up, armed and unknown people ran out of there, like we were informed at the police department and under threats, under threats, they confiscated all the equipment and other, other equipment, fortunately the journalists were provided with borrowed cameras and they were given them on credit, but nevertheless it is better not to go out at night , moreover, all the doors of the hotels,
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they are usually blocked so that no one can enter here without having cards, that is , in this regard, the level of the crime situation, unfortunately, is far from the best, on the contrary, it is even one of the most difficult, taking into account .. .again, that that california, the state of california, is the absolute leader in the number of homeless people in the united states, in all of the united states, and please tell us about money, zelsky gives interview after interview, there are not enough dollars or american abrams tanks, the american congress at the same time, i understand, i’m not bowed down, if they haven’t agreed on military assistance now, then when will they be able to next time... that is , you and i probably understand that the money will be found and given, just when, when now there’s voting again, but no one knows when will
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a bill has been introduced for additional money for ukraine, the republicans who control the house of representatives, they do not want to support biden’s package request, which includes money for ukraine, taiwan, israel for other purposes of the so-called national security, as it was designated, now.. .with difficulty we managed to push through a temporary resolution so as not to send the entire government into a shutdown, but there is no money there to help kiev, and here you need to understand that the pentagon has the opportunity to make a transfer of money from just articles of its budget into other items, just in ukraine, but for this they will also have to go to congress for approval and, again, this must again be agreed upon by the republicans, taking into account the fact that in a year the country will hold not only presidential elections, but also regular elections to congress, you need to understand that there is a political struggle going on, and here the factor of support for ukraine, which in fact in congress raises big questions for many members of the legislative assembly, will play an increasingly important role. thank you very much, igor,
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igor dnaymushin, riya novosti's own correspondent, on a direct line from san francisco, thank you for finding the time, the difference is 11 hours, that is, it is one in the morning for you, go to bed. please sleep, as for money, let's get back to money. jake sullivan, the national security advisor, is, in my opinion, absolutely mocking. unfortunately i can’t do anything, but i’m suffering, honestly, to confirm this, i’m not sleeping, and then there’s a funny quote, i lay down on my right side, then turned to my left, i’m lying there, i’m talking, i’m thinking, i’m thinking about in ukraine, there, he says, someone is in the trenches, and the infrastructure, in general, insomnia, lay until the morning. a little less than a year ago you said
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you were concerned that the russians were convincing themselves that nuclear armageddon was acceptable to them, what is keeping you up at night now? obviously, supporting ukraine in its efforts to achieve its goals , thinking through the military elements, the diplomatic elements, supporting the ukrainian economy, protecting the civilian infrastructure of ukraine, especially now that we're going into winter, i'm not sleeping at night, thinking about how to protect ukraine's energy supply so that the country does not plunge into cold and darkness this winter. under attack from russian missiles and iranian drones, so all this contributes to my insomnia. well, dmitry peskov just said that russia values ​​putin’s respectful relations from sijinping. and the kremlin does not comment on the fact that biden called the chinese leader a dictator. please, well, analyzing the current international agenda, of course, there are two tracks, two directions, in my opinion. the key ones are, of course, firstly,
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the ukrainian-american track and the chinese-american, atesovsky track, but in ukrainian-american affairs it is quite obvious what is happening, of course, there is such a movement going on, as people say, that is , you know, this is a statement, by the way, by deputy assistant secretary of state douglas jones at the meeting atlantic council, about what, well, there was a discussion going on. this is well shown in the plot, we won’t take it into nato, then the entire fifth fifth article means conflict and so on, in my opinion, this means at least, well, two points, as it were such new nuances or accents, firstly, well, it absolutely follows from this that some politicians in the states seem to share, that is, have a completely negative attitude towards integration, there is half of ukraine or a piece of ukraine in nato, that’s as they say , as the card will fall, but in principle it doesn’t mind that there was a discussion a week ago by the european commission in the eurovet, there is a piece
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of ukraine with debts in crisis in the european union, here it seems that such a military conflict situation is not visible and this follows all the fuss, all this talk in the states, and now in ukraine itself, about some kind of freezing of the conflict, what kind of, well, that is , it is clear that this is a movement on the topic, well , taking into account the military situation at the front, taking into account all this fuss internal ukraine of discord, how to get out, so to speak, from this conflict, from a military conflict , well, move to some kind of political format, maintaining some positions, and so on, it is quite obvious that this is an absolutely dead-end option, since for russia there is today there is only a military victory, all these maneuvers around the so-called freeze, well, we all understand perfectly well where they come from and what they mean, that is, this tangle of american-ukrainian contradictions, it reflects the realities of the front. and the second thing, of course, against this
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background, it’s just a masterpiece, all these atesov vigils, the chinese american format, that is, the eu itself is not an organization, it’s a meeting, and a huge one, 21 economies, 19 countries have existed since ’89 , but there is a certain evolution here, if we project it onto chinese-american contradictions, here precisely in this global, regional sense, that is, well, at the beginning in 2000 , it was such an american hamburger, huge... that is, which, that is, the american-centric system of the asian-pacific region and, well , russia in ninety-eight, we by the way they held a brilliant summit in vladivostok in 2012, the russian island and so on, and china was building in, but gradually this american hamburger is gradually evolving, well, there is such a dish in china, beidenkauya, this is peking duck, that is, when the duck is already cooked, the cook divides it into 54, he wraps such tidbits through projects and into turnips and others
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, he actually turned this american hamburger, well, i would say such a biden duck in peking, bidenut in peking, that is, he takes american projects to different corners, and yes, china does not claim hegemony, but in fact everyone understands that this huge territory of the region has already become american. centric, china centric, this is such a cunning, soft, chinese, but systemic policy, biden doesn’t understand this, their negotiations, face to face, clearly show, his statement there that he is still a dictator and so on, but look , in essence, they already talked about sijinpin last year in bali and biden on the sidelines of the twenty, then they decided , what to create and how to say, but a managed conflict model in order to manage the chinese conflict model, it didn’t work out, it’s a big deal, they ate it and so on, everything broke down, now it didn’t work out again,
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why, simply because in beijing in washington they understand perfectly well that it’s possible tactically agree, yes agreed on restoration... regarding tourism there and so on, but they all understand perfectly well, both xi and biden , that the conflict model there was and is and will be, there are five, well, at least indissoluble obstacles, taiwan, well, yes, the united states makes a statement, one china, but doesn’t believe it, no one in it, they still understand perfectly well, there are there, especially during the pre-election period in january, january next year, funds have already been created in america. for the promotion of the so-called, well , candidate from the party, that means, after this current president, tsayen, laycent, this the chairman of the progressive democratic party, america is already openly preparing him, promoting him, he is anti -chinese, pro-american, there are other things there, that is , there will definitely be a very
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serious mess, there is ukraine, completely different, there is russia, but this is generally a separate story, everything is the same was our friend and partner, he will be so, this is understandable, absolutely, and the middle east is also a position of uneasiness, there is north korea, these five obstacles, they were at the heart of the conflict model, they remain so, that is, in fact, this array, he continues will develop, if so, you know, to summarize all these contradictory things , and well, what is happening in los, in san francisco, in the region as a whole, an image arises of such, you know, the great wall of china, well known to all of us, and we according to the meta... how biden climbed up the plane ladder and fell constantly, so to speak, trying to get on the plane , an image appears, and the staircase leading to the top of this chinese wall, it means on each step it has a clearly perfect name taiwan ukraine russia high technology 5-6- 7 steps and now biden climbed
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it means that having entered one step, he falls, having entered the next, he again falls with such a feeling that of course he can’t get to him, that’s for sure, well , a wonderful image at the moment when they parted with shizen pin, biden said the day before that there was nowhere to go, because he had enormous problems in the economy, and then lo and behold, a car, hongzi’s chinese car, was translated into a red banner as a direct person, finally. it was made in china, open it and look inside, it looks like the cadelac we have
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there, every time between. on people's trips, this car follows me, you know what they call it, they call it a beast, thank you, see you tomorrow, how the city looked at him condescendingly, we'll be back in a minute, blue bird, take-off stories. eli seimysin, i will be interviewing you as a correspondent, get used to it, because you will be a famous artist, the shapin international piano competition, first prize and audience award, victoria lestunova, i
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am sure that in your person, we we will get a real olympic champion and we will be for we worry about you and are sick, bravo, thank you. olympic champion, european champion, vita kormienko, your eyes, your tears, i held on, the jury doesn’t seem to be crying or giving birth, we’re not crying, but we really wanted to, more than 100 roles in films and tv series, two nominations for the golden eagle award, i'll go put on my dress and crown. ivan bessonov, such an unusual family, everyone is connected with music, the first russian winner of the classic eurovision. they asked you, where would you like to be in 50 years, and you said, a member of the jury, a member of the blue bird jury, blue bird,
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anniversary season, coming soon to rtr, lika. she sent me a message, wrote that she was scared, asked me to come, and then she just jumped off the roof, she didn’t jump, she ’s your sister, they wanted her because she was a little luckier in life than you, you want to take her place, the name of the thing, you understand that it’s not me, and you know who? yes, i saw his car at the construction site at the time of the murder. do you even know who you've contacted? his father won’t even
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have to get up from his chair to crush a leader like you. i have to protect myself somehow. without you, sunday on rtr, there was no sadness, a woman bought a pig. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face that you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, and then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, a mystery. how did you agree to this? first they shoved in a red snake, our hearts sank, you
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are the most understanding program about animals in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for everyone families, on saturdays on rtr, this is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you think it’s a rift? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe. listen and watch on the media platform. substation: the first podcasts we watch. i had a dream
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where i was standing in a wedding dress. on saturday i i can clear this fog. i didn't think you 'd fall in love. no need to move on. damn it. you are somehow involved in this. now this is happening to me: 9, 8. from scratch: premiere, saturday on rtr. we stand up for what we have, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, and our every word is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov.
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the us senate passed a bill on a temporary budget to avoid a government shutdown, which does not include assistance to either ukraine or israel. the honeymoon of ukraine and the west is over, according to according to the times, the united states and europe are tired of zelsky’s endless requests, not all the united states is ready to come to terms with this. senator holland said that if ukraine were to be abandoned , the entire nato alliance would collapse, i hope to god. the least we can do is step up efforts and continue to provide military assistance so they can defend themselves. and this isn't just about ukraine, it's about making sure our nato allies understand that the united states will continue to stand up to aggression. if connected the states will leave, the nato alliance will begin to fall apart. it also sends a terrible signal to other countries around the world, other autocrats who are watching very closely
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what the united states and our allies are doing. please, well, i would like to start with that, a little like this in verse, yes, when you look at the crocodile tears of salivon , the main moderator of the ukrainian conflict, the one who insisted on this offensive in the summer, so that ukraine was given weapons, prepared at all future training grounds , as they say, the winners of russia, then it is very similar to a famous character, remember, there is a sandwich there in the morning... a sandwich, we immediately thought, but how are the ukrainian people , and they speak there and they don’t drink coffee and the screen doesn’t fit into their mouth, well, i paraphrased it a little, but zelensky, he is, of course, none other than another famous character from nekrasov’s poem, a lackey, yes, remember with these poems let’s pray, let’s pray to the lord for the master’s long life, yes, said the
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sensitive lackey and began to cross himself with his decrepit hand, that is, we see this a performance that didn't work out, a performance that developed against russia, for some reason ukraine was appointed the winner, russia was given money for this too, they said a strategic victory is clear, but miracles don’t happen, miracles don’t happen, because everything they said was that the nato military-industrial complex, military - the us industrial complex would not cope with the assigned tasks, it was obvious. because having accumulated a huge amount of ammunition and equipment for waging endless colonial wars, all this is reset when a more serious war is waged, and the military-industrial complex of russia, more precisely the military-industrial complex of russia copes with this task, because what they did against our compatriots, what they shelled cities, did not separate us, on the contrary, united us, that is,
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russia, when times of testing occur, it gathers into a single a fist against which there is no force to stop it, this kalos there says that russia must lose, it will not be otherwise, it has never lost, so it is aggressive, but in fact russia never, russia must lose and my husband should make money from russia, haya doesn’t finish, yes, but russia did not wage colonial wars , when she says that this is a colonial war, some kind of colony, we are returning our lands, which we had with various tricks in the nineties there and previous years, like they say, they fragmented our united state, made us our compatriots , and some were reformatted into anti-russian projects, moreover, they are now plunging ukraine into satanism in general, when there are these lgbt communities and so on, this has already been talked about, but what happens at the end, that is, in ukraine, there is no money for ukraine, that is, the first
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temporary budget, which was for 45, has ended, the second budget, which was adopted, there will still be 45 days until the main budget is adopted, for this entire period 90 there won’t be any money for days, but of course, there is a lifesaver, there could be australia, some kind of canada, well, those from the anglo-saxons who will send, especially canada, after all, it sent militants there, and before that there was all sorts of help there pretended to be humanitarian completely different, yes, maybe they’ll somehow... let zelsky’s pants support him, because zelsky’s crime, of course, will hit the biden administration very painfully. after all, sulivan convinced biden that ukraine could win, although american analysts said back in the spring of this year that this needs to end, because it is the united states, contrary to all calculations, that has become so involved in this conflict
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that it is beginning to affect the states themselves america and proposed to get out of this conflict, shift all this onto the shoulders of european partners, and to focus on a hybrid war, biden did everything exactly the opposite, moreover, the european partners, to whom this is always being shifted, do not want to deal with this conflict either, despite the fact that they are being squeezed out of them and scholz says there that we will support , and petryus says, we don’t have millions of shells, here we don’t, the rhine metal tried. fought, sharpened something there, but they didn’t appear, magic wands don’t appear, they just sharpened maybe about 200,000 there where will they all go? they will go to the middle east, where they are more needed, because the fate of the world is being decided there, or rather another biden project, which is also close to failure, and as we see, both analytics and expertise in the biden administration lead to
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people paying for it those vassals who believed. the american administration that their efforts in defense of democracy, and some kind of american one, will lead to results and will finally accept the bourgeoisie. will not be accepted, because who will accept the one whom makes a sacrifice, they with their bones, their blood, they tried to shake something that no one could not shake, russia, russia, not only did it not remain in isolation, it acquired new alliances, these are its accusations that the russian military -the industrial complex cannot cope with the fact that we are running out of missiles, that china is definitely supplying us with weapons. there are iranians and north korea, it also does not stand up to any criticism, but the message that the russian federation ran out of missiles last year, in the past
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month, last week, the day before yesterday, somehow passed, well, they look at what is happening at the front, i understand that this is completely absurd, i also want to show about zelensky, it ’s funny, the counter-offensive in the end didn’t work out, who is to blame for the americans, why americans, we have been waiting for the abrams for so long, we waited for them and were afraid, fortunately or unfortunately, we have a lot of different tanks, the abrams are no exception, these are high-quality tanks, but we don’t have very many of them, i’ll tell you honestly, i hope that if we develop our relations and support does not decrease, then we will have there will be more supplies, but now it’s difficult for me to say that they play the most important role on the battlefield, their number is too small. you know, regarding the abrams, i want to tell you, i have said this many times, in fact it was a political decision, and i think the abrams entered ukraine with restrictions, that these tanks would not appear on the front line, because they
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would be exactly the same burn like leopards or challengers, why didn’t abramsov appear at the front in ukraine at all, abrams was allocated in order to force, no they first they forced scholz, and then they were forced to send something. now about biden’s reaction, i can’t help but react to this actually on the car si yes , because i think after this reaction, i think everyone accompanying biden sighed with ease, because everything could have been different, he could have come out on the porch to say, oh, hunter has arrived with his grandchildren, mother, set the table, turn around and leave, as he did a thousand times during various kinds of events and conferences, so what in his head is really there... it’s difficult to understand, and of course, ukraine is seething with - so to speak - a counter-counter-offensive or a dead end of a counter-offensive, and this topic is so politicized that another line
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of division has appeared, not just between the military and the political - by the leadership of the country, the country is already divided into those who support the position of the military and those who support , so to speak, zelsky, you see, everything is much more complicated when we discuss the topic of stuffing various... kinds of information, and about what is where to say, let us exchange territories for peace , it seems to me that this is also happening because the west is actually not ready to return to those key issues that need to be resolved in order for this peace to come, the key issues that need to be returned to are the issue of global security, including the security of russia , which were outlined back in december of twenty-one, they are not ready to return to them, therefore... they are trying to reduce everything to the fact that this is a conflict between ukraine and russia, and where to say, let's, within the framework of this small local conflict, let's solve the security issue, it won't be possible to solve it, ukraine in this story, it is just
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a tool for achieving, and zelsky actually serves the west, without solving the problems of ukraine, because he can't even formulate what the national interests of ukraine are, how they are expressed, how to implement them, what is needed for this, well , about... sending to arms, you understand, when they say that there is a military deadlock, from the point of view of ukraine, this is probably so, because they have nowhere to advance, they have already tried everything, but is there such a dead end in the war? i think not, why? because you correctly focused on the fact that the west , in fact, was at the peak of its capabilities, everything that it could give to ukraine, it has already given, it cannot give more, and in russia diametrically different processes are taking place, russia is just beginning to unwind your military-industrial complex. you see, it is just beginning to gain momentum and it is still far from its peak, in this situation the question arises: with an unequal ratio of manpower, with an unequal
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the ratio of military equipment, with an unequal ratio, weapons of shells and so on, and what result do you expect from a possible offensive contour, how can you hope that you can, you can just hope for a miracle, you know, well, i don’t know, this. .. you have to be such, you know, a romantic, yes, and believe that something, probably something will happen, someone will invent some kind of gunpowder, that all this has been invented a long time ago, and no miracle. no, but they continue to believe in it and continue to convince us all to try to convince that such a miracle weapon actually exists, well, live in your illusions, it’s just a pity that as a result of the fact that some politicians and military men are captives of their own illusions, hundreds of thousands of people are dying, we’ll be back in a minute, i have urgent news for
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the state, the main premiere of the year, came and let me in, why are you doing this with them? there is no person, there is no problem, but i am so graceful about it, and the fact that you have lost interest in your sasha, maybe it is for the better, god willing, it will escape from you alive if only she felt that she was losing me, she would definitely want to get me back, ekaterina favorites, today on rtr. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is a door scratched by dogs, he could become a catcher, or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups, a taster, i always like to eat a lot . or
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a lifeguard? but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist. doctor myasnikov, every saturday on rtr. crystal. date crystal gift! bitter! on friday, i was in love with you like crazy, now you are also in love, even more sark , someone else’s family does not give rest to others, handsome, rich, but why not mine, i won’t miss him, yuri baturin, sash, i’m pregnant, and i'm going to have to give birth, so that's great.
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we're getting married now, maria kulikova, hello, this is marina, i'm expecting a child from your husband, i hate you, no, i have a new number now, a new address, a new job, a new life, crystal happiness, marina, we need to talk, she's not wants, we somehow do without we'll sort you out on friday on rtr. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve?


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