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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  November 17, 2023 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] and then also the dictator, immediately after this statement, the us president, accompanied by dozens of security vehicles, returned to the fairmont hotel, the police blocked traffic along one of the central streets of the city for at least half an hour before the arrival of the convoy and did not remove the cordon for another hour and a half after, this also, probably, a manifestation of democracy. living and working in san francisco you get used to the homeless, but something happened today that made me stop right in front of the ferry building, looks like a living room, sofa, oriental rug, books, electricity, what's your name? geni, and
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the last name is alexander? you have a couple of sofas here. nothing can replace face-to- face conversations. our conversations always seemed direct and frank to me, and i always appreciated that. mr. president, we have known each other for a long time. we didn't always see eye to eye, which was never a surprise, but our meetings were always frank and directly useful. every aspect of chinese president shizenping's visit to california was carefully choreographed, people briefed on the matter said. to the point that it was thought out what exactly xi would see in his window while riding in the motorcade; after the meeting between biden and shizenpin, a dinner would be given, costing $ 2,000 per plate, and senior us leaders would be at the dinner, as well as others high-ranking officials.
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the owner of this... auto body shop told me that sometimes he has to drag homeless people away from the front of the store to open it, customers are sometimes just afraid to even come in here, and many begin to wonder why this didn't happen. previously, now around the center of moscona, the place where the leaders gather, kilometers of barriers have also been installed. confirmed that the meeting is taking place here. welcome, you most likely know it as the carington mansion from the eighties hit dynasty. over the years
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, various things have happened in this mansion. now let's go inside. sorry, i'm alexis kelington and this is my home. get away from my doorstep. dynasty was the most popular series in 1984 and '85. and he greatly influenced society. at a time when representatives. in which the two main characters were gay. alexia, she's back. and yet the crime rate is so high that stores like target, ulgreens and old navy have decided to close completely. and city employees who are supposed to track drug dealers
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were given bulletproof vests or even. i don't know why they clear the streets not for people, but for world leaders. i used to go shopping in the city center, but now the shops there are closed. over the past half century , relations between china and the united states have never been ideal, and various kinds of problems have always arisen, it is impossible for one side to change the other, and conflicts lead to unimaginable consequences, i am still of the opinion that competition between large countries does not correspond to the prevailing trend of the current time and cannot solve the problems facing china, the united states and the world as a whole. will china change its destabilizing approach after this meeting? of course not, we've been talking to china for 40 years now, they still do everything they should have done for it over time, they have turned into a powerful
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economic... and military power, and this is a serious threat to us, so why should this meeting change anything? a team of journalists from czechoslovakia was robbed right in the middle of belodnya, this is what he writes... one of them, they walked right in front of my cameraman, one was aiming at his stomach, and the other at my head, almost all the residents of san francisco blame themselves for what happened , as if they were apologizing for something they didn’t do, fortunately the journalists were not hurt. chinese president xi spends the day with president biden, but today in the evening he will have dinner with a group of his old friends from iowa. yes, you heard right. president xi's relationship with iowa goes back almost 40 years; for reference, in 1985, president xi, as a thirty -one-year-old government official, visited iowa as part of a delegation involved in food production. c has attended the pig pig bbq,
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gone on farm tours and gone boating on the mississippi river, and today he invited many of the same everyday people for dinner in california, how is everything going, mr. president, president biden, how are the negotiations going, quite well, you achieved what you wanted, after today's meeting you still consider chairman xi a dictator, as they said earlier this year, listen, well he is, after all, a dictator, he is a dictator in the sense that he is the same guy who runs a communist country whose government is completely different from ours. biden accepted zinpin's sith. in the filoli residence - this is a fifty-six-room mansion at the beginning of the 20th century century, with an area of ​​5,000 m. according to the chinese , the estate was built with money from the largest gold mine in california.
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hundreds and thousands of chinese who fled china before the collapse of the qin empire worked and died in this mine for the benefit of america for pennies. there were also those who were brought to america as guest workers. it was because of the gold mines of san francisco where the leaders met. they call it chinese, that is, the old golden mountains, that is, the city was built on the use of cheap chinese labor, and biden’s attitude towards beijing remains approximately the same as that of the owner of those mines and the mansion of the billionaire bourne, and then biden fell into a stupor when he learned that there is an auto industry in china, they say, you really drive cars, probably thought in rickshaws, and at the same time he moves in an advanced chinese limousine... red banner. biden compared hongzi to the american cadillac deville, saying it is very similar, hinting that the chinese themselves are not able to come up with anything. at the same time, the western press humiliates biden after the negotiations. politico. biden and qinping
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talked, and this is the main achievement of the meeting. the washington post calls the results of the meeting modest. the guardian argues that by calling xi a dictator, biden has put an end to his relationship with beijing. well, the outcome of the negotiations between washington and beijing will be continued by advisor to the us president for national security salevan, he will interact with the head of the chinese foreign ministry one and. that's all, the grand visit turned out to be a big deal, at least for the white house. what conclusions beijing made will become clear in the near future. well , it’s also funny how closely blinken followed biden during the meeting with sidzentin. the secretary of state was so worried that his boss froze. stupidity that he literally glared at
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the boss. mr. president, after today's meeting , will you still call president xi a dictator? look, but he's a dictator, and i mean, he's the guy running a communist country. this country is based on a different principle of governance than ours, we're done anyway. people's attention is once again focused on the infamous white house cocaine case due to new photos from the scene. when this bag was found in july, the entire white house had to be evacuated, and then it turned out that it was a bag of cocaine. but today tony behaved.... strange, the secretary of state, sitting next to joe biden, looks clearly upset and agitated, why would that be? at one point he looks like he's about to cry, it's very strange, at this point i realized he
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's probably very embarrassed for the fact that just a few years ago he was doing something extra-governmental with the then former vice president, and now president joe biden. donation to the university pennsylvania. from china amounted to more than $77 million and we don’t know how much of it went to the biden center for diplomacy and global engagement, but it’s a lot, who worked at the biden center then, who was smiling then? yes, it was tony blinken, here he is sitting on the left, he is beaming, smiling, but today tony is completely different, what do you think is the problem?
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something happened, sometimes i get too emotional, i know what it's like when you want to be alone, but you can't handle it and you feel like the whole world falls on you, yes, there is something going on here, or is it drugs, remember how the secret service said that they had no idea who left this bag in the most secure building in the world, this bag was kept in a locker... mobile phones, on the locker there was number 50, to be precise, and most likely it opens with some kind of key, that’s what the keyhole is for, i have an idea, why not find someone who has a key to closet number 50, of course, i'm nancy, but if you find a person with the key to this locker, you will be one step closer to finding the owner of this powder, videos in which the secretary of state looks strangely at... the us president were published immediately after
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joe biden’s negotiations with shiijin, and although at first glance, nothing unusual happens in these frames, social network users drew attention to the strange behavior of the secretary of state. look at blinken, he's nervous that biden will say something stupid, one user wrote. why does anthony blinken look at biden so strangely, another echoes him. all in all, self-propelled grandfather, as always blinkin suffers. well, the french court. the most humane court in the world issued an arrest warrant for syrian president bashar al-assad on charges of using chemical weapons in 2013, and this is the first time an arrest warrant has been issued against a sitting head of state. the french court does not care that the attack was organized by pro-american militants and russia proved this, it all reminds of something. similarly, in the west, about the use of chemical weapons
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by the governments of iraq and libya, you remember the test tube colin paul, that’s all now the charges are based on eyewitness accounts. i wonder if no one in france wants to arrest comrade netanyahu or zelsky for carpet bombing gas and donbass, or is this not a crime against humanity, no, here the old western principle apparently comes into play, he is a son of a bitch, but he is our son of a bitch, this is what western democracy is like, well, now they’re keeping it a little longer. in the united states, the governor of south carolina signed a law that obliges those sentenced to death to choose between execution and the electric chair, all because problems arose with the supply of poison for lethal injections that were used before, but democracy and, as a consequence
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, freedom of choice, and today the choice has even become wider. as a seemingly humane alternative to the electric chair and injections, criminals will be given pure nitrogen to breathe, that is, in fact, the person will be killed by suffocation, he will simply be deprived of oxygen, after which the condemned will suffer, and the torture will last... in 30-40 minutes will finally rid the blessed american society of its presence: the death penalty through asphyxiation with gaseous nitrogen, in particular, has already been approved by the supreme court of alabama, now experiments will be carried out on experimental criminals to determine how much nitrogen each person needs individually to kill himself, so we are waiting for a series of unsuccessful capital punishments and survivors after them, as was the case... already with
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the use poisonous injections, when the injection was administered, the person suffered, wriggled, screamed, coughed up blood, but still did not die, in general, wonderful american justice. alabama may soon become the first state to use nitrogen in the death penalty. the state supreme court voted to use it. alabama attorney general steveshal said executions would be carried out by nitrogen hypoxia , in which prisoners suffocate by inhaling pure nitrogen. alabama is one of three states to approve this method and will be the first state to use it. the alabama attorney general's office has asked the
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state supreme court to set an execution date for kenneth smith. the court said the state wants to execute him using nitrogen hypoxia. alabama approved. hepoxia in 2018 amid a shortage of drugs for lethal injections, but until now the state had not used it. oklahoma and mississippi have also allowed nitrogen hypoxia, but have not yet used it. kenneth smith is one of two criminals convicted back in the eighties in the case of the contract killing of a priest's wife. the prosecutor general insists that the time has come to carry out the sentence. advocates of this method say it is painless, but some say it involves testing on people. other states are introducing other methods, idaha is returning to firing squads, they are building a special execution chamber, if they decide to go the utah way, it will look like this, the condemned man is seated on a chair, a wooden panel behind him, sandbags on the sides,
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five shooters lined up along the wall, each with two cartridges. they are single, so that no one knows who killed the condemned man; in south carolina, where this execution also takes place , the condemned man is tied to a metal chair, a bag is placed over his head, and three volunteers from the state department of corrections fire rifles through a hole in the wall , i tried to describe what what is nitrogen hypoxia, please complete me, in essence, this is the same as putting a pillow on a person’s face and suffocating a person. kenneth smith will inhale pure nitrogen and without oxygen his cells and organs will fail. this method has not been tested and has never been used. so we don't know how this will happen. yes, i'm interested in the testing aspect? how can
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the death penalty be tested, how can the duration and extent of the impact of a particular method be tested on people. i have an answer to this question no. we consider all these methods of capital punishment from the point of view that it is carried out by people who understand drugs and equipment, they have undergone proper training and know what to do, but unfortunately, time after time we see that executions end in failure , and these are just terrible examples. the prisoners writhe in pain for several hours, their bodies are on fire, this is simply a terrifying sight, because the performers do not have proper training. the drugs have expired or are occurring. unknown or unscrupulous manufacturer and other problems. alabama managed to screw up three executions in a row. and after a very hasty investigation, the state concluded that no changes needed to be made. so the question is why, instead of focusing on understanding what went wrong and trying to figure out how to improve the situation, they decided to try a new,
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untested and risky method of execution. there are problems with carrying out the execution, there is a shortcoming. in our justice system, sometimes people find themselves convicted of a crime they did not commit, and this is a big problem in itself, and when considered in conjunction with similar methods of the death penalty, then we must ask ourselves the question: are we willing to sacrifice constitutional freedoms for the sake of retribution for someone who may have been wrong convicted well, now the sensation of the day: the twelfth package of eu anti-russian sanctions will include “ drumroll, don’t laugh now, sanctions for circumventing sanctions. such measures are used against companies from third countries that trade with russia, they told the european commission. well, here is a new zrada, as the ukrainians say. russia has earned more than 550 billion from fossil fuel exports since the specialization began.
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this is evidenced by a study from the center for research on energy and clean air. guess who stays. the largest importer of russian energy resources is, correctly, the european union. the main buyers are germany, 28 billion, the netherlands 18 billion, italy 17 billion. and only after the eu countries, the list of main buyers follows china, which spent more than 143 billion euros. also russia exports energy resources to india 64 billion, turkey - 53 billion. and as it is, in ukraine, meanwhile, they continue to find out why the american auditor came to them, we are talking about the lady. and pritzker, whom the white house appointed as biden's special envoy for ukraine recovery.
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the ukrainian pravda publication found out from its source that pritzkert was appointed to quote: coordinate processes between various departments and structures in the united states that provide support to ukraine. the main goal is designated so that every dollar gives maximum payback. it’s funny, to put it simply, the americans will now think that american dollars should not be spent on drums, eggs and other nonsense that the ukrainian ministry of defense buys. against this background , there is another corruption scandal in kiev: the ukrainian ministry of defense lost 2 billion hryvnia in contracts with gasket companies for the supply of ammunition and body armor. reznikov, whose nickname turns out to be ochkarik, knew about the dark schemes, but instead of closing up
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shop, he signed contracts with the gaskets. the ministry of defense of ukraine entered into a contract with the little-known company lvsky arsenal for the purchase of 100,000 mines, the cost of the contract is 1 billion 380 million hryvnia or 37 5 the first mines were supposed to arrive in a month, but this did not happen either after six months or a year, on paper the chain looked like just mines , the arsenal, the ministry of defense, everything in life was not like that, the lviv arsenal is actually not lviv at all, it is registered here in kiev, in an ordinary residential building, and as we see, the office has been
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empty for a long time. arsenal signed a contract with the slovak company sevotech, it was this sevotech that should bring 100,000 mintar billion to ukraine, and arsenal should only receive the money. a few days before the signing of the contract for mines, the lviv arsenal informed the ministry about an inspection at the manufacturer's warehouse. the invoice was accompanied by dozens of photographs, in two of them a man poses against the backdrop of mortar mines, which ukraine allegedly was supposed to receive, this is alexey kharashaev, he worked for many years as one of the leaders of the state-owned enterprise progress, this is a special exporter who trades weapons enters the ukroboronpro concern, a few days before the russian invasion , khoroshaev went to the czech republic, and six months later he becomes a member of the board of directors
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of the slovak company . it didn’t work out at home, but after long telephone conversations he agreed to meet.
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arms dealer zvoonko, sevotech received only part of the money from the lviv arsenal , almost $13 million, and tivotech no longer has this money, it is with wdgg. i clearly sent this money, one prepayment, the second to the medical center, not a penny of the money was touched, not a single kopeks. this was not an official comment, here is the official one, well, where is the money now, but i don’t know the money, the money, 30% was received in the dgg, yes, 70% went to the arsenal, that is, you have money, no, exactly, exactly, then who well, after all, standing behind the arsenal, then who is it, in our
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opinion, denis sharapov is the former deputy minister of defense of ukraine, he was called ermak’s man. by the way, one of our interlocutors at the ministry of defense said off the record that the instruction to sign at least one of the scandalous contracts came directly from the president's office. i probably won’t talk about the war and my own mother anymore, you laughed, die in the trenches, somewhere in... kherson or maybe zaporozhye direction, and officials from the ukrainian military department will swell, in particular reznikov, it is known for certain , that he was fired for corruption, and the eggs for the ministry of defense, that is, the food contracts were overpriced, and those same eggs were bought for 44 rubles in our currency per piece, he was removed, but
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of course they did not arrest him. because too many are tied to the front, our war correspondent georgy medvedev is in direct communication, let's start with the kherson direction, the hottest, most acute direction about which ukrainian propaganda is composing the most bloody fakes, what can you tell me, yes, olga, but before start, i'd like to. let’s go back a little and remind you that more than once on our broadcasts we talked about this topic and talked about the enemy’s attempts to create such a bridgehead on our side and from there try to develop success, to be honest, i can’t even remember how many times we talked about this, and what, the scale of personnel losses for the ukrainian group, with equipment, of course , it’s not the same, because mostly on foot, well,
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on foot, infantry they tried about it, but what happened now was not by magic, the enemy wanted it and he did it, this is the only thing that was achieved over these long, long months, this is the only result that they were able to give at the cost of such colossal losses, indeed in a populated point now there is a ukrainian bridgehead, but they cannot really build on their success, expand, or gain a foothold there, first of all this is due to the lack of heavy equipment, heavy artillery, which they do not have the ability to deliver there, there have been attempts to advance troops, in particular in the area antonovsky bridge and the small railway bridge , but all of them culminated in our troops simply defeating these groups, and the ukrainian troops now do not have the ability to move forward, to expand the bridgeheads, because
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our artillery is working very actively, here is the artillery with the enemy side, for the most part, does not reach the main part of our troops, does not have enough , therefore, in my opinion, the only option for the development of this situation is simply the destruction of this bridgehead along with those who are there, and of course there will be attempts to bring more people there, perhaps some of them will be crowned with success, but the technical equipment, which is urgently needed for any success in kiev, will simply not be allowed to transfer our troops there; around donetsk, there are also fierce battles there... kleshcheevka and higher there to the lugansk region in the forests, what is happening there? well, probably the most important thing is the artyomov direction, here at the fronts, and the most important thing in this regard is that the situation is already developing diametrically opposite, if before this, as part of the so-called counter-offensive, ukrainian troops tried to massively, massively crush
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our positions, and we counterattacked in order to thwart these plans, now... almost along the entire line of the artyomovsky front, we have already gone forward, we are repelling those positions that we were forced to leave earlier, we are consolidating, moving forward, this is kleshcheevka and other settlements that are located there, the main theater of military operations is now developing in the berkovka area, on kleshcheevka, where our troops are fighting for the dominant heights, of course, if we if we get these dominants, then the position of the group of... ukrainian troops will become even more difficult and most likely they will be forced to seriously roll back, the fighting there continues, the fighting continues active, with success in our favor, but the picture has changed, almost everywhere, this is also said by those guys with whom we communicate, who are fighting there, well, in particular, one cannot help but mention the battles in the bogdanovka area, also


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