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tv   Yekaterina  RUSSIA1  November 23, 2023 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] made scandalous statements more than once, even proposed to ban the koran and close all mosques in the country, became the author of an anti-muslim film, because of which he was banned from entering the uk, and was later tried for provocative speeches at rallies, but recently wilders, in order to attract side of the more moderate ones, softened the anti-islamic rhetoric, citing the inviolability of constitutional norms. migration, however, remains the focus of his attention. today we drink champagne, but then we get started. to work, because citizens believe that everything should be different, that the dutch should come to the fore again with stricter migration policies, more housing. the dutch believe there should be more money in their pockets instead of throwing away billions . actually, the migration crisis in the netherlands became the reason for holding these early elections. admitting that he had failed, prime minister rüte announced his resignation in the summer, but given the results of the vote,
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it was a failure on all fronts. rutte, hot a supporter of kiev and zelensky, his slogans can be placed in the familiar let’s make holland great again, it’s not for nothing that wilders is called the twin brother of donald trump, and because of his appearance the nickname mozart has stuck; in politics he definitely stands apart. even during the elections in 1917, he, contrary to the rumors that were being fanned in the country, rejected the version of the possible interference of russian hackers in the electoral process. it may not be possible, but hackers are hackers, and russians are russians. i don't think the impact is real. and 5 years ago, when it was already in full swing introduced anti-russian sanctions, came to moscow, visited the state duma, met with deputies from the committee on international affairs, after which he wrote: stop russophobia, the time has come for real politics, partnership instead of enmity. russphobes, like the german journalist bilt roebka, are still desperately trying to label wilders , habitually frightening him that he is a pro -russian politician, and supposedly now another nato country
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has gone over to the side of russia, but as the elections showed to the dutch, all this does not matter at all. wilders' far-right freedom party will officially occupy the most seats in the dutch parliament, 37. its closest competitors have a maximum of 25. in total , 15 parties, a full color and political spectrum, have entered the 150-seat parliament. one of the forces will even be represented by one deputy. in such a kaleidoscope , wilders may not become prime minister. now everything depends on who will join the coalition, and if this is excluded for the main opponents. we will never form a coalition with parties that claim asylum seekers are the source of all troubles, no, but others of a right-wing orientation do not exclude anything, for example, the leader of the people's party named dilan yesilges zeggerius, herself a refugee of turkish-kurdish origin, her parents fled after the coup in turkey in the eighties, she advocates stricter migration controls. hey guys, we're getting down
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to business, not anymore. for months we 've been saying: this is a new chapter, we're just getting started, and it's going to be a blast. she will even be given the position of prime minister, in which case she will become the first woman to hold this post, albeit a kurdish one origin may complicate the already strained relations between amsterdam and ankai, because it came to banning turkish politicians from coming to the netherlands, but the consequences of these elections are much larger, tectonic shifts throughout europe. the ultra-right has sharply gained popularity in germany, against the backdrop of the current failed policy of scholz, who left the country. from russian gas and sales markets launched essentially deindustrialization, so a columnist for the german ard states that the dutch are fed up, but who is next? political leaders have disappointed voters with instability and inaction, the entire middle class and its problems have been ignored, families have been stranded in an overpriced housing market, and even minor reforms on immigration have been rendered impossible. the result of the elections in the netherlands is a warning shot for germany and europe
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, in our case, an equally complex coalition is close to the abyss, the french authorities may fall into the hole, and into the rowing hole, farmers there today dumped tons of manure and garbage in front of government buildings in the city of cahors, the same in toulouse, then they set it all on fire, farmers are protesting against rising taxes and rising prices for fertilizers, a direct consequence of anti-russian sanctions, but this , on the contrary, is the result of preferences presented by the european union to ukraine. polish truckers today blocked all four checkpoints for trucks on the border with ukraine. more than a thousand cars have accumulated. the poles thereby oppose the fact that ukrainian drivers, having freely received european permits, took their workers places, and ukrainian transport companies have made a fortune in dishonest struggle. truckers in slovakia have already joined the blockade, where, against the backdrop of general discontent , opponents of brussels’
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aid to kiev recently came to power. and supporters of national interests, now also in the netherlands, one of the leaders of the resistance movement in the eu, hungarian prime minister orban, sent significant congratulations to geert wilders. already here, congratulations to geert wilders on his victory in the elections in the netherlands. and while in brussels, the main thing on the agenda is the fight with russia and the expansion of the eu, come what may, the chances are growing that the opposite will have to shrink. alexander khristenko, maxim shchepilov, lead. the fireball near nagara falls, which the day before sowed fear and panic in the united states and canada, turned out to be just a car accident. this is the conclusion reached by fbi agents who have already transferred the case to the local police. both people in ... the cabin of the bentley that crashed at full speed were killed. according to updated data, the driver was a fifty-six-year-old american businessman, who was traveling with his wife to canada for a rock concert. no traces of explosives were ever found in the car, but the buffalo airport closest to the scene was still
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closed for security reasons. the governor of new york reassures citizens, but journalists continue to escalate. there are no signs that a terrorist attack occurred on the rainbow bridge connecting the united states and canada, it was an accident. okay, this is not a terrorist attack, but there are questions about whether we are reliably protected, whether the fence on the border is sufficient, and what if this the car was carrying explosives, imagine what the effect would be. in turn, canada is taking security measures at checkpoints on the us border; here, where the incident occurred, is still closed, but instead three other bridges have been opened for travel to the united states. billions of dollars spent on yachts and private superjets require even more billions to eliminate their carbon footprint. this conclusion was reached on the eve of the twenty-eighth un climate change conference by the british
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guardian and the stockholm environment institute. environment. according to their calculations, just 1% of the richest people in the world account for 6 billion tons of carbon dioxide, this is enough to warm the earth by 3° and... people over the next 20 years. among the climate-threatening transport is the wide- bodied boeing of the rolling stones, elon musk's jets and a family of media moguls. weather depressions from luxurious life include seismic activity from kamchatka to iceland and anomalous +50 for this year in the southern hemisphere. report by sergei brilev. a children's amusement park like this. it's always great, now let's talk about adult games. so, this is all argentina, further on, that shore, this is uruguay
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, this is like the gas reservoir, just look how many shallows have opened up now, these islands, and this is not because the water was dumped on the gas , it's because of. in neighboring brazil, there is not enough water for ships, farmers, and caimans, and the heat threatens warm-blooded animals. everyone has probably already seen these shots from ipoma beach in rio deneiro, where the thermometer exceeded 58°, but then beach, water nearby, in the depths of the continent, until recently such countries as argentina, uruguay , the south of brazil were a continuous steppe, they say pampa here, but now a whole new industry has arisen, forestry, however, after the recent... droughts, but therefore fires, this is what remains of some of those forests, the greater the threat to natural forests, in this brazilian national park the handsome jaguars are under threat, all because the wild jungle is burning, and the ashes are already
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on the water. if this happens every year, then there will be no jaguars left here, they they will leave, they will find a way and how people will go to cities such as pacane , there were no jaguars in this city, but now they are there, most often they say that the cause of climate warming is the greenhouse effect from industrial emissions, but what else do scientists have time to say , they are on time because, for example, in argentina, during the course of the company , the now victorious javier meley, when he stood at the stand where he showed what government spending and , accordingly, the department was going to cut, he mercilessly crossed out cosinet, the local analogue of the academy sci. before it was closed, this organization managed to release a very interesting report , according to it, the drought in south america is associated with the deer effect, and this is... a cold snap in the pacific ocean, well, logically, no cold snap can be associated with industry, but not speaking of the fact that in the time of dinosaurs there were cold snaps, warming spells, without any industry on earth, in general,
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now there is a paradox. so, even at the first debate, even all the presidential candidates, miley was attacked by the left, the left candidate bragman, for not acknowledging climate change or genocide. not 3,000 detainees who went missing during the dictatorship. come on, come on, first of all, don’t lie, i’m not denying climate change, i’m talking about something that exists in history. all this is cyclical, this is the fifth surge. do you know what the difference is with the previous four? the fact is that there was no man then, but the same thing was happening, hence all this politics. the only thing these politicians are looking for is budget development. european politicians , systemic media. this is a still from a report about the benefits of green hydrogen, the spanish version, recognized in russia by agent doyle. these are the people who most convince latin americans that they need to invest more and more in alternative energy
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so that there is less choice. it’s interesting here, just recently the world weather attribution report said that the reasons for the drought in south america are still in the cooling of the pacific ocean, that is, in the laninya and the subsequent warming elnino, or otherwise, esno, suddenly now, although esno, could affect weather phenomena, its direct relationship to heat is small in comparison with climate change. in this report, scientists from argentina and brazil are only co-authors of the dutch, americans and british. and the heat, now it has receded a little. but the official summer is ahead for the entire southern hemisphere, it turns out to be an irony of fate, covering up the problem, miele is playing against himself. however, changes in the political climate are a separate science. sergey brilev with the assistance of marcelo lourensuti, martin begini, josepe and nicolasani, news from south america. in moscow today the laureates of the vladimir zvarykin prize were awarded, the founder of world television. it is awarded annually for technical developments in the field of tv nominations for personal contribution to the development of television, radio broadcasting
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related technologies, the winner was our colleague, first deputy head of production of the technological department of vgtrk, leonid taube. the man who did so much for the development of television in our country, gave his whole life for the benefit of our industry, the man with whom i had the opportunity to work side by side from 2000 to 2008, and this is leonid mikhailovich tauben. it's been 62 years now i’m doing what i love, which has basically become my life’s work. and if at the same time they pay for a salary for the work they love, well, i think, guys, this is true happiness. see how the davince medical robot works, visit a hybrid operating room. and muscovites will be able to inspect the intensive care unit equipped with the latest technology
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on open excursions to the new buildings of the botkin hospital; the open house project covered the flagship and urological centers of the medical institution; patients have not yet been accommodated here, so the excursionists will not will interfere, reporting by igor ogeenok. past the anesthesia operating room, through the intensive care unit and intensive care ward , see with your own eyes how the most complex medical facilities work. now anyone can; excursions have opened at the botkin hospital for everyone . if there is brain damage or internal bleeding, then neurosurgeons can also work. not only were people in outerwear allowed into the holy of holies of all doctors, but they were also given the opportunity to communicate with the greatest minds of russian medicine. for two weeks 20 professors, 35 doctors and 40 graduate students will become tour guides, talking about the features of their profession. this is amazing, of course i'm impressed.
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this is wonderful, i am very glad that such an amazing complex has opened, spacious, with such amazing equipment, the conditions for patients are also simply amazing, i myself was in votkinskaya, once upon a time, it was 30 years ago, it’s impossible to compare, now it’s certainly much better , it is very important that patients , being in a complex emergency situation, understand all the methodology... logistics in providing assistance, because when a person knows what will be done and that he will be saved, of course, it is easier for him; such a project has not existed and does not exist in any capital of the world. the main emphasis in treatment is on the flagship centers in the botkin hospital, this is more than 16,000 km, a full range of care , nine multi-disciplinary operating rooms, diagnostics, resuscitation - all this in the shortest possible time, the standard of emergency medical care, when
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the count is not only hours, but minutes . the main feature of the centers in the capital is the uniform standards for receiving patients and providing assistance: those who are in a mild condition are taken to the green zone, those who are in an average condition are taken to the yellow zone, and those who are in serious condition are brought to this counter-current room, dozens of pieces of equipment for any task, from heart attacks and strokes to various severe injuries and this is the future of domestic medicine, the most complex operations. which doctors control from a special stand while mechanical arms sew up the tissues of a mannequin, but will soon save from 2 to 3,000 patient lives per year. hospital is a pioneer in the use of such robotic systems in country, allows the patient to recover faster, there is less tissue damage, blood loss is several times less, after almost any operation, even the most complex, on the same day, on the day of the operation, the patient gets to his feet and walks, this was impossible to imagine before, when we even had a laparoscopic approach. another
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advantage of the introduction of robots is the possibility of faster and easier training of doctors, because it is on the basis of the bodkin hospital that there is a platform, unique for russia, for training doctors of various specialties. until recently, we could not even imagine that the city hospital would become a scientific and practical center. today, on the basis of the botkin hospital, there are dozens of university clinics. and this hospital, located in the center of moscow, unites scientific and practical teams, helping patients of a wide variety of patients. but the most important thing is that all this will be absolutely free for patients; according to compulsory medical insurance, the time has come to share the broadcast with our colleagues in the regions, especially since they are already in the field, and there is a lot of news there, in the vgtrk west studios minute readiness has been announced, including those that we will now broadcast for example
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, first we will give a word to lugansk and svyatoslav. hello, it has opened in the lugansk people's republic. soldiers from different units of the russian army can master the skills of controlling a flying drone. over the course of 10 days, cadets gain knowledge of how to use a drone to collect data about the enemy, as well as adjust the fire of artillery and tank crews. experienced instructors with combat experience will tell you how to maintain and repair copters in the field. such specialists are in demand more than ever on the front line, so new fighters are constantly arriving at the school for training. thank you, svyatoslav, we’ll let you go and cook. to the air, we use the remaining minute before the regional part to turn on the state television and radio broadcasting company voronezh, elizaveta kopilina, already in the studio. hello, igor, an agent of the ukrainian special services was detained in voronezh; he is suspected of preparing the murder of a high-ranking russian officer. the attacker used a bicycle for secrecy courier uniform. during his arrest
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, an explosive device weighing more than one kilogram of an electric detonator and a fake russian passport were seized from him. as the fsb reported to the twenty-eight-year-old agent. recruited by employees of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine. this happened in the kharkov region in september last year. he completed a reconnaissance and sabotage training course and was sent to russia. now the detainee is confessing. we wish all colleagues a good broadcast, with the residents of moscow and moscow region. see you in a few seconds. during these hours, a warning from the ministry of emergency situations is in force in the capital; a blizzard with gusty winds and drifts will linger at least until tomorrow morning. a high- alert regime has been declared for public utilities; emergency crews have taken up round-the-clock duty. the snowfall added problems and huge traffic jams for motorists. olga meshcheryakova
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will continue. snow swirls over moscow, falls on the roads, parks and squares like a snow-white blanket. just a winter fairy tale for everyone except motorists, stuck in a road mess, here they stretched out in a long string along all the outgoing highways and central streets of the city. the third transport garden ring , imkat, is practically stopped at rush hour. result of the day : 60 accidents throughout the city. and everything suggests that tomorrow the road will only be covered by those walking from home to the metro. at these moments, the streets of the city are patrolled by almost all the snow removal equipment, which has been working for several days. atla. and as forecasters say, a very deep cyclone is rushing to the capital region and bringing snowfalls and a sharp increase in wind. maximum today the temperature was in the range of -7-8°, tomorrow it will be -2-4, but the breeze still will not give the feeling of this warming.
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and subsequently the temperature will also rise on saturday , on the weekend, in moscow the temperature is from -1 to -3°, in the region even... to zero, and in the coming days muscovites will also experience such an anomaly as a pressure saw. moscow and the region are setting a record; tomorrow the atmospheric pressure will drop to 716 mm, this has not happened for half a century, and then it will rise sharply. the ministry of emergency situations has issued an emergency warning, drivers are asked to reduce the speed of pedestrians, be more attentive, do not approach advertising bills, avoid trees. and another sign of the approaching winter, this morning they opened snow rafting points, where snowdrifts collected from the streets are brought, work is already in full swing. olga mecheryakov, maxim bragin, gennady bogdanov, news. deputy chairman of the security council dmitry medvedev and moscow mayor sergei sabyanin today opened a shared use center
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of the federal center for unmanned aircraft systems. this is the first such complex in the country, in more than 35,000 pieces of high-tech equipment have been installed in the rudnevo industrial park, which makes it possible to produce parts and units for unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as to conduct research and design work. number of tourists from china visiting. moscow this year turned out to be six times larger than last year, a record influx of guests from the middle kingdom is expected for the upcoming winter holidays, among the most popular items on the program are excursions around red square, visits to vdnkh, most recently it was also time for the moscow zoo; tourists shared their impressions with alexey karev. red square for guests from communist china, this place in the russian capital is undoubtedly special; everyone who visits russia is simply obliged to see the kremlin and its hall, and of course, take a photo as a souvenir. there was a business mission, negotiations, meetings, which he postponed and came here accompanied by his comrade, shen li,
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who had already acquired a russian name in russia for the ninth year. my name is, well, it’s a russian name. how do you like russia? a couple of minutes later, on the manege square, it is heard again, which in chinese means beautiful. a tour of moscow for friends from beijing is led by brian, a student. we just arrived yesterday and thought that somehow it was snowing, it was very beautiful, the task was very cool, and of course, the russian people, they are kind, the chinese are with great interest in everything connected with our country, all this is on the main page today exhibition of the year. vdnh is now a center of attraction for all of russia, of course, our guests, and as always , increased attention to pavilion 75, where you can get to know everyone. region , the hospitality of every corner and the stand of the arkhanel region aroused particular interest among chinese tourists. traditions of crafts and cuisine
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, guests do not let go of their phones. masha one says that she has already been to our country, but here she discovered russia again. i saw many regions of russia that i now want to visit. culture and tourism come together here. a lot of useful information, i really liked the moscow stand. no translation is needed to understand. any chinese person experiences emotions when they see a panda, these chinese tourists they say that they simply could not help but visit the moscow zoo , where a new addition recently occurred to the family of bamboo bears. the cub is still being protected from prying eyes, so one can only be touched by looking at the touching footage that was filmed by the zoo staff and rejoice at meeting his dad, ruyi. baby, she is so cute and it’s so great that her mother accepted her, this doesn’t always happen, for every chinese a panda is a special animal, it is... our national treasure, we are very pleased that in moscow they are looked after so well, guests from there is a lot of tourism in moscow this year;
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compared to last year, the tourist flow has increased sixfold . moscow is a safe, understandable city for a chinese tourist, and for example, navigation in chinese is very well developed in moscow, as well as the hospitality industry, hotels, restaurants, strives to create special conditions for chinese tourists, but it is still a special joy for chinese guests to walk around moscow. and enjoying the night views of the capital from the water, even frost, does not interfere. i will really like moscow, but it’s more beautiful and very beautiful. and new year holidays are ahead, and then chinese new year. tour operators expect that there will be many guests from the middle kingdom this year. alexey kariev, nikita chyuchkin, alexander markin nagaev, ilya novikov, ilona agasieva. news. residents of the sokol district are asked to evaluate the safety of the construction of a two-hundred-meter residential complex. the soil in these places is sandy, in abundance, and along the perimeter of the new construction site , cracks have already formed on the sidewalks, people are afraid that the surrounding houses will simply go
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underground, to what extent are these fears justified - grigory vdovin found out. would you like to live in this house? if the engineering-geological report suits me, and the results of the examination suit me, i will live, but if i’m not satisfied, i won’t. residents of the area of ​​sandy streets are passionately asking the honored geologist david kochev, he... is essentially just a passer-by, but there is no one else to talk to, the developer is building behind a fence, and the streets around the perimeter are cracking. one fine day we discovered that the soil was collapsing , a new bracket appeared, and more than one crack appeared. on the territory of a former garage cooperative, an excavator removes sand from kotlovan, clearly illustrating why the streets around are called sandy. the residential complex will be 200 m high, which is higher than the neighboring administrative building of the cska stadium, almost a triumph. there are karst limestones, that is, with cavities that increase over time and a failure can form, so
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to speak, karst funnels, here is the map that we are looking at with such concern... residents of the surrounding houses, the complex is really located in the zone designated as dangerous. the examination that justifies the construction of this facility does not indicate that this development site is located, according to the general plan, in a zone of dangerous geological processes, flooding, karst voids, etc. zorgi street is the floodplain of the tarakanovka river, the territory of gska-32, it was even indicated on the land plot that this is an embankment. the river itself is now in a collector. only from wood-removal photographs can one understand how this reservoir flowed here at the beginning of the 20th century. this is the place where the tarakanovka river comes to the surface, this is in the mtsk khoroshova area. what can we say, the water has a pronounced yellow color, the current is strong from the surface, steam rises. the river is small, but formidable, it is believed that it is because of it that all the problems associated with soil mobility in the area
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of ​​​​the alabyano-baltic tunnel, all the surrounding areas are now being measured and measured by surveyors, everyone here is simply afraid that now everything will fail, and you and i also including, but no, we’re just doing topographic surveys in this area territory, well, this is the construction order, well, yes, it’s from them, well, that is, they are still afraid that there is something down here, well, these are all better questions for them, the developer responded to our request that there is no reason to worry , all permits have been obtained, the necessary examinations are in place, minimally, located exclusively on the sidewalk, are absent on the roadway and do not interfere with the operation of the road surface. today, according to the position of the established deformation marks , they are at rest. but people still collect signatures with demands situations, figure it out. this is what house we have , house 25.23. in the event of a hypothetical ground failure, the prosecutor's office of the northern district,
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located close to the pit, will first slide into the resulting pit. by the way, the building is limited. groundwork for future balconies, but they did not build higher and the buildings were removed from the housing stock, while at the neighboring construction site they decided not to limit the height of the object being built in any way. grigoriev dovin, yaroslav aulov and oleg dobin, vesti. now about other events, briefly. appeared in moscow embankment with a lighthouse. a luminous seven-meter structure was installed in nagatinsky zaton. on the territory of the former industrial zone , a one and a half kilometer walking route was created, with swings, a beach, bicycle paths and fishing bridges. in sergiev posad, they decided to block the so-called folk paths so that violators would not cross the railway tracks in the wrong places, they put rubber mats with spikes, which are almost impossible to stand on, so they want to convince passengers to use only equipped crossings, if the experiment is considered successful, spikes will appear at other stations.
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on sunday, the moscow cable car will celebrate its anniversary; it was launched 5 years ago. in honor of this date, passengers will receive gifts, the cost of tickets will be reduced by half, and for those whose initials coincide with the abbreviation mkd, travel will be free. on commuter trains you can now carry skis and snowboards at any time of the year; until now , this opportunity was provided only in the winter months; at no additional cost , a passenger can take one set onto the carriage; they can also be carried on trains for free children's sleds or other non-bulky winter equipment. prosecutor's office. deprived the so-called international university of magic and witchcraft in ivanteevka of its university status; the state duma is planning to completely ban the activities of fortune-tellers, sorcerers and other pseudo-magicians. russians spend about 2 trillion rubles a year on their services; gullible clients are promised to improve their health, predict the future, or solve a family problem. report by maria temnikova. the center of moscow, among luminous signs and bright shop windows,
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an inconspicuous door behind which they sell magic. the pleasure of telling fortunes, all such mysticism, everything is so interesting, and then the tarot reader will predict fate in 15 minutes and 2,000 rubles. for some people this is simply necessary, but because the inner world is so mobile , there is an entire international university of magic and witchcraft operating in the near moscow region, judging by the name, magic from all over the world gathers here, and as expected, in such cases the entrance to... is through souvenir shop, however, after seeing our film crew, the sellers closed the store for registration, the organization is headed by a certain alena polyn, here she is artistically looks at the camera, poses in the appropriate surroundings, snakes, magic balls and even a dagger, there are completely different prices, but in general how much does a consultation cost,
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personal consultation, gratitude 4500 rubles. paradoxically, the market for ma services with billions of dollars in turnover today is not controlled in any way. proposals were made by our colleagues, deputies in the state duma, who said that it is necessary to legalize this activity, then they will pay taxes, but in my opinion, the damage from their activities is much greater than the replenishment of the budget. ivan spent 2 million rubles on magic, ended up in a real sect to cleanse the energy, improve health and attract money, bought dozens of unnecessary amulets. i started checking the facts, started searching through hidden resources, in general, their names, their surnames, i found forums where there were a huge number of people on the forums who, in the same way, got there, they were selling their apartments there, after reporting to the police, they detained , but were soon released, in a similar situation, maxim also said that there was something out of my sight, very strongly charmed by someone, that if it’s not urgent
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take no action, there will be a terrible situation with me, i spent hundreds of thousands of rubles, but the problems have not disappeared, today it is not people who are hunting for witches, but witches who are hunting for people, that is, people are often deprived of their funds and receive a very serious spiritual, such... . illness after this, we conduct our own experiment, order online fortune telling, according to legend, i have problems with my soul mate, which is this brazilian actor, the fortune tellers say that he is andrei, most likely this is the woman that andrei has, she is, that is, yes, yes, you feel it yourself, i feel, yes, i feel, just a couple of phrases thrown casually and the fortune teller finds himself in a flow, not of energy, but of lies and deception, now we open the cards, are you mistaken? in everything and didn’t even feel it, no, no, look, the magic card came out, it says that this man has difficulties in life, his life is not working out,
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listen, anna, well, i’m not ilona, ​​and he’s not andrey, discussion there is no decision on whether to introduce punishments for fortune telling and magic that will last for more than a year, but there are ruthless numbers, in per year, according to unofficial data, russians spend about 2 three rubles on the services of magicians, astrologers, and fortune tellers. news. this concludes our release. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, right now on the channel there is a new episode of the fourth season of kinosaga
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ekaterina favorites. i am glad to see you as a guest in my house, great sultan, am i a guest, i was taken to your palace like a prisoner, please forgive me if i made you feel nervous, i wanted
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to save you from the captivity of the russian queen, i am yours friend, i long for the rightful khan to rule in crimea again, you are shagin, i have been waiting for so long. help, but it never came, why should i trust you, dear khan, let me. to atone for your guilt, be our guest, you will be presented with a rest room with everything you need, rest, gain strength, believe
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me, great things await us. your grace, i was just looking for you, me, what had someone to do to deserve your attention? the academy of sciences publishes a newspaper, vedomosti, today i read about the upcoming trip to crimea, at dinners, stops, meetings, everywhere your name is there, and there are no fake naked ones, and mine is nowhere to be found, and your name always comes first after the empress’s name, take the trouble to explain how this could be, and who are you to reprimand me? close to her majesty, uh -huh, mr. close, ask the chief chamberlain for clarification, as for me, i don’t study those articles and don’t even
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read them, but you run the academy well. to go incognito, what a masquerade, everyone will understand everything, i think the emperor does not feel his strength yet, politics is not a hospital, not you feel the strength, it will carry you forward, your highness, stepan ivanovich shishkovsky is waiting for a reception, beautiful, alexander andreevich, thank you, you are free. called yours, stepan ivanovich, i wanted to improve my health, have you changed your mind about sending me alone on a trip, and if you are worried about safety, please let me be there, but no, i’m not worried about that, i know that i have arranged everything, please i have one for you,
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i’m listening to yours. if you stay here, look after the small yard, i’m afraid to somehow leave pavel alone, i’ll do everything to distract him from thoughts of a corral-conspiracy, well, how is your majesty, raising your sons, let him take care of it. good health your lordship, what happened? the new government offends people, they wanted
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a mosque, we are going to build you a mosque, what ’s wrong? place, is this a bad place? it’s haram, you can’t build here, there are black eyes, black water, black earth, haram, your lordship, you can show me where it’s possible, it’s coming. well, yes, long live the new mosque, i ask one thing, if anything else haram happens, let me know right away, it’s for us quarrel, and the russian empire honors the customs
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of the crimean people. i would like to have a glimpse of what it’s like in the sovereign’s carriage, they say it’s huge, everything inside is gilded. if you want, i can help you, will you go to reproach the empress? well, what else should i drive, don’t worry, i’ll think of something so that you can take at least one look inside the emperor. i am most interested in what the russians have on the black sea, after all, the question of the fleet is very interesting, it’s still possible to get to the sea,
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you can 600 mil, by the way, tovri yes absolutely scorched earth, even grass doesn’t grow there, count, yes, yes , it seems that a book was published in vienna, its author, as if... lived in kherson for several years, you mean mr. wieber, i must admit, i haven’t read it, and my wife sent it to me, and you know, i’ve already read it, and so weber writes that supposedly kherson is populated by solid convicts, and supposedly he even saw once how three russians, gathered in a circle, eat an ordinary passer-by, come on, gentlemen, for a cargo voyage ? we will definitely like it, i'm sure you will write exclusively the truth about this journey, the russian empire has always been concerned about
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the prosperity and security of its peoples. residents of taurida can count on our support for help, and you, gentlemen, i hope, with your own eyes, will be able to convince... how russia is sharing the faith and traditions of all the peoples of its empire, on the road, gentlemen, ekaterina alekseevna, let me take you to the carriage, who is this , second guard, alexander zubov, is this really the responsibility of the second guard? my responsibility is your safety, which means
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should the carriage be carried out? your imperial majesty, remember this, this is the only way to address the sovereigns. your excellency, count, take you to the sixth carriage. mr. colonel mamonov, let me tell you the number of your carriage, am i not from the state , her majesty ordered that mr. colonel ride to smolenskaya in the guests' carriage, here you are, dear ladies, in the carriage for
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the maids of honor, the eleventh. well, alexander matveyevich, we promised to go to the empress, but don’t worry, we’ll figure something out. would you saw the imperial carriage with at least one eye, what are you ladies, how can your society compare with the society of these boring ambassadors who moved into the carriage of the empress, i’d rather be with you, 41, they wrote to me back in st. petersburg that in kiev all decent... which was not encroached upon by krafotemkin , which was snapped up by the polish nobility, prices in the city have skyrocketed, don’t worry, mr. ludwig, our guests won’t have anything to do with it. you won’t have to pay, you just need to keep your hands and ink from freezing in order to regularly write to
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your homeland, describing our magnificent voyage, drumsticks 11 , i have, i ask your majesty to forgive my virginity, but the russian winter is simply terrible, i hope that all our apartments on the trip will be as warm as your imperial cat, from what? in carriages near the carriage with coals they freeze faster on them, don’t explain, gentlemen, in the stuffing we will change the carriage for you, so 89, grandfather’s neighbor, uh-huh, count, please, close it for me here, 14, and at mine, please. gentlemen, you know that once we were called
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only as ekaterina bolshaya, ekaterina small, guess who, like, russia has one catherine, great, 22, 22, kusti lepedi, con, i played, hot coffee to warm his majesty, i believe that the young rotmister does not really understand what he should do in the service, maybe we’ll assign him to the kitchen, alexander andreevich, i think... it wouldn’t hurt for the guests
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to cheer up either, milord, the perekop fortifications are unreliable, the banks are low and weak. strengthened, the waves of the estuary are washing away the shores every day, making them a poor support, your majesty knows especially, separately indicates that only there can the main blow be directed at since it has not escaped how strongly the taurida is developing everywhere, this is how
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the crimea peninsula is called in russia. all ports worthy of attention, continue to send to our ambassador in constantinople, what does he report by the way? the great turk has not yet sharpened his scimitar. sultan medlid, how else should he be humiliated so that he understands that. the whole world will stop respecting him, wants to wait until his capital constantinople returns to europe? i reported that empress catherine is pregnant plans for the revival of byzantium with its new emperor, his young grandson, constantine. what time are we living in? what a
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disgrace? the arrogance of the russian queen before europe. still, prepare some gifts for the sultan, otherwise you won’t be able to shake up his eastern slowness, seeing that the wind was getting stronger, we lowered the blind and prepared to remove the forearms, but... it was getting worse, having examined whether the guns were firmly tied, we removed the bezan, the ship was in open sea, and it was decided better to sail before the wind than to remove all sails and surrender to the will of the waves. we took the reefs from foxail, set it, then pulled the sheet. the tiller lay in full wind. thank you for this opportunity, nikolai ivanovich, just remember, we don’t have much time, with the departure of the court there weren’t many
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spies in the palace, the sea was very stormy, we didn’t think about lowering the topsails, but left everything... because the ship was moving under the wind, and it is known that topmasts help control the ship and increase its speed, especially since in front of us was the open sea. you're not with me, you're talking about work, tell me
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me about your dictionary, brighten up a moment, your majesty, i consider the dictionary important, and you know what word i just stopped at, which caused me difficulty in describing... it is exactly in russian, the word friendship, neither in french nor in the florentine dictionary, i didn’t find a suitable description for us russians, affection, community, so what is friendship? in my deep conviction, friendship is based on respect and trust, it is sacred, it is friendship that helps a person cope with adversity, difficulties, it saving... power, friendship will finally help to achieve an enlightened society. well
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said, so write it down in your dictionaries. i can help your highness, mr. zhatsisch, your eyes are on you, did italian serenades melt the heart of my iron catherine, in no way, mother, i don’t know what caused your suspicions in this regard, but we achieved the first diplomatic success, just yesterday fizherbert and sigur couldn’t stand each other, and now look at these lovebirds, and the russian cold brought together sworn enemies, some dirty trick
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they are planning, this journey has not yet... did you see how they greet the empress? malarusia, celebrates catherine's visit like all national holidays, do you want to write to your masters about this? well, write at least one truthful report, let's see how much it will contribute to your future career. blue bird, stories of take-off, elisey mysin, i will interview you as a correspondent, you get used to it, because you will be a famous artist. international
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chopin piano competition. first prize and prize audience sympathy. victoria lestunova, i am sure that in your person we will get a real olympic champion and we will worry about you and root for you, bravo, thank you, olympic champion. european champion. vita kornienko. your eyes, your tears, i held on. the jury doesn't seem to be crying or giving birth. we don't cry, but we really wanted to. more than 100 roles in films and tv series. two nominations for the golden eagle award. i'll go put on my dress and crown. sonov, the family is so unusual, everyone is connected with music, the first
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russian winner of the classical eurovision, you were asked where would you like to be in 50 years, and you said a member of the jury, a member of the jury bluebird, bluebird, anniversary season, on sunday on... discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum titanic luxeriction bodrum is exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed
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