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tv   Morozova  RUSSIA1  December 1, 2023 3:35am-4:32am MSK

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which was built by the military construction complex, this is probably the most important special moment in the construction of this training ground. it is important to note that at the new training ground, electrician operators will be trained for service in the dnpr and lpr. olga lukyanchenko, alexander uleschenko, vesti donetsk. this is news, we are monitoring developments. on the amur river near khabarovsk , the freeze-up has ended, however, access to the river is very dangerous, there are already the first victims, two tragedies could not be prevented, but winter fishing enthusiasts continue stubbornly ignore the recommendations of rescuers. elizaveta yurova will continue. among the translucent hummocks, ice fishing enthusiasts cut circles around their holes in anticipation of the coveted bite, at the sight of the ravine fishermen, inspectors also go out to the river. yes, we have
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aleksandrov’s end for this, a special rope for rescuing drowning people, as they say, just in case, fisherman alexei demushkin does not have this, but there is hope of getting a pike. there’s nothing, i didn’t even move, i’m sitting here in the fresh air. safety booklet the khaborovsk resident hides it in his bosom and waits for the catch. those who were confident in the thickness of the ice shell in the khabarovsk territory have already been rescued. this season there are four people and a car. no, such arguments do not work on the extreme neighbor. sik, pike, he's a guy , now he's caught three of them, the thickness of the ice can already be driven by car, such a loose surface of the ice just indicates its danger and it is impossible to measure the exact thickness, because of the wastewater and the rapid cross-section you can fall through anywhere. that's why
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there are no official ice crossings in the regional capital, prigorod, and there never will be. there are plans to open about 40 of them in the region, but even in the north the ice is not yet strong enough. a contractor is hired, so, uh, a project for an ice crossing is being made, in agreement with the fisheries protection agency. strength is expected only in mid- december, and for those who go out where there are prohibiting signs, punishment is provided. there are a lot of difficulties that arise when we, well... like a word, detain a person, he says: i went out on the ice, without using the sign, if you hit with a ruble, then they are beginning to understand something, both pedestrians and motorists will have to pay fines of up to several thousand rubles, specialist raids continue, elizaveta yurova, alexey shibelnikov, lead khabarovsk. amur schoolchildren are being helped to choose their future profession; the first festival of the profession ticket to the future was held in the region. more than half a thousand schoolchildren from all over the region took part in it. teenagers visited about thirty
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large enterprises, tried fifty specialties, and put them on virtually. report by diana polonets. percussion with fingers that is, digitally. complex terms do not frighten schoolchildren, because in addition to theory, here you can learn everything in practice. valeria came to the festival from the skovorodinsky district; next year she will have to make a fateful choice, so a consultation definitely won’t hurt. this is a very big contribution to career guidance. we come, we look and we realize whether we need it, whether we can pull it off , guys from the sixth grade gathered at the regional ticket to the future forum, they visited many enterprises and organizations, tet, a shipbuilding plant, rospotrebnadzor, the russian guard and others , over fifty specialties were represented, the very young egor krsov attended one of these lessons at the far eastern university, he likes the profession of an engineer with machines that... all sorts of
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mechanisms work with engines and so on, i think that it is useful because cars make life easier, and the children also learned how important it is to choose a sought-after specialty in order to participate in the development of the region. we are implementing unique investment projects, analogues to which no, in the far east and even in russia. deputy chairman of the regional government pavel puzanov noted that local young specialists are now especially needed at the cosmodrome, in the gas chemical industry, agriculture, logistics, industry and tourism; more than 30,000 vacancies are open on the amur market, mainly in working professions. children will get acquainted with the prospects for the development of our economy, that is, these are the guidelines for them that will allow them to form their own career educational trajectory. ticket to the future program is being implemented on behalf of vladimir putin as part of the national education project. it
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reached almost 4 million schoolchildren across the country, so that none of the children will be left alone in finding themselves. diana polonets, sergey bitkov, vesti amur region. all. news is always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, this is news, we are monitoring developments. let's recreate the picture of the incident. what will you see here if your eyes are full of flies? when was the last time he called you bunny? oh, it's been a long time, hares don't live that long, value your transformation cost about 15 million rubles. i’m trying to imagine what kind of money this is, so far only a million has been presented, a show from a big country, premiering today after midnight on the russia channel. the notorious mistress of the people's artist of the rsfsr alexandra abdulov went to a monastery. a woman, after a luxurious
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life in france, was left with nothing and secretly returned to russia. she is an arrogant, false woman. she was accused of theft. you find yourself in a milan prison, was it scary there? this is a zone, there were such bunks there, live broadcast, today at 16:30 on the channel russia, good morning everyone, good morning, join our broadcast, today is december 1, the first day of winter, i was happy. welcome to the screen, vladislav zavyalov and svetlana abramova, today with you, car repairs in pasag are overrated, and for drivers this is more of a plus than a minus, payments for car insurance should increase from december 19 by almost 10%. this is the preliminary assessment of the russian union
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of auto insurers? the increase in payments is dictated by the fact that the repair itself has become more expensive; accordingly, the directory of average the cost of spare parts at which insurers calculate. your payments in case of an accident. about repairs, but in a broader sense we can continue right now; labor lessons, which were canceled at school back in the tenth year, can be restored as a separate subject. the reason is that a whole generation of young people has grown up who do not have basic self-care skills. alya davidov found out why this happened. fellow plumbers, where do you breed like this? watching the grief of the masters and heroes of the videos can be. funny, but it's a sin to make fun of them they just weren’t taught in childhood. and look , further, further, look, the water began to go down, yes, uh-huh, great, well, let ’s do it again, this plunger from his great-grandfather initiates yuri into the family secrets of his son, that he cleared the blockage in the pipes himself and together with i bequeathed this tool to my grandchildren
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and great-grandchildren to do this, that’s all, you see how great you are, give me a pitunya, at the age of 7, sasha can do a lot, twist a door handle, glue a baseboard, his job, dad teaches his son to change light bulbs, although he is still the same size, remembers his childhood, then we did everything ourselves. every the boy knew how to work with a jigsaw and could make some kind of fake or some kind of spare part for an item that was broken, we could always do this. today, parents don’t have enough time for their children, and there are no labor lessons yet. is it any wonder that some people’s hands don’t grow from there? yes, my children don’t know how to do anything, they’re waiting for dad until something falls off, that’s it. probably they just don’t want to, it seems to me that they are so lazy mainly because of gadgets. yes, the lion's share of time is taken away, people have lost their hair, this due to the fact that convenience is realized as much as possible everywhere, neural networks, artificial intelligence, and there are specially trained people, a master will repair, a tailor will sew, a cook will cook , a courier will deliver
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, a neural network will definitely not be able to bake such a charlotte at home, miroslava is sure, under the guidance of her mother , she masters delicious recipes from an old culinary notebook, a woman must cook and she must be taught it, there, mom can’t always do it, maybe time, and if at school it was additionally, it would be a big plus, of course, for our children. earlier the girls also knew how to sew, today they teach how to work with a needle and thread in courses and there is no end to those interested, no one expected it to be so interesting, they often began to come with such an eye on becoming a designer, well , you know, when they choose themselves a profession and want to try all sorts of different things, they really like doing something with their own hands, making crafts, so why shouldn’t the school provide such an opportunity... for children, let them see the results of their work when they just sit and study, this is important , but this is long-term, but here they are right away they see that they are already big, they can do something, and this is very important for their self-esteem, this is generally very important for their personal development, and to make it interesting, the lessons must become
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modern, because you can not only bake charlottes and beat stools, but learning to work, for example, on 3d printers, this will give work a new dimension, the proposal to return labor lessons to school will be discussed with elviy aitkulova, a member of the state duma committee on education. first i wanted to ask you why they actually removed labor lessons and school, and then i thought, if it’s in the same form as... it was like this in our school days, all the girls are sewing en masse, and the boys are turning, it’s better not to, return it in what format is it all offered now? i think our colleagues are watching us today, maybe they don’t agree with everything, that girls are separate, boys are separate, because in fact, work is also preparation for family life, that’s what we just heard the opinion about, and that’s why a girl should be able to sew, embroider, and the boy handles plumbing tools, so it was probably justified. why did we leave this model? well, probably, today there are a lot of such reasons in the education system and the subject is not the only one. well,
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what do we want our children to learn? learn what? now we listened to both parents and experts in the story, yes, they all say that our children can do everything except make something with their own hands. therefore, of course, our task is not just to return the labor lesson as it was, yes, but to return it in its modern form, today we saw about this this is also probably an option for children, so that they can see the results of their modern labor. how large is this course supposed to be, and at what grade should these labor lessons begin? you know, we still have this subject, it ’s called technology in different classes, different number of hours, so here , of course, they will look at the equipment of our schools, because today our schools are in different material and technical conditions, there are schools that are quite modestly equipped, and
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of course, even if we teach this subject as a mandatory subject, we will not be able to make the same demands so that they start cooking right there, because let’s say the same cooking, it also requires a hood, then we plan to equip these schools or organize some kind of training centers where they can work centrally , centralized, probably, for our large country such a rather complicated story, because there is a rural ... school, which are hundreds of kilometers away from each other, and dozens, so we, of course, ideally see that if this norm will appear in the law , a protected subject will appear, that the state program will include funds to equip our schools, we probably need to analyze the staff, because there will certainly be a shortage of specialists, you know, i’ll probably give analogues here , we have another subject that was included in the sixth protected lesson, these are lessons in defense of the fatherland, we say, and we are launching next year, and already now the federal ministry of education is launching courses
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in order to retrain us or improve qualifications today for those who teach the basics of life safety, and here i think we will follow the same path, but it is assumed that children will have a choice of what to do, so that, again, not everyone collects stools, you know, and sews them, although sewing on a button and make omelettes, the guy also needs to be able to, you know, there is variability here, it is still there today in labor lessons, technology lessons, i say again, it is connected with the profile of the school, it is connected with the material equipment of the school, and here we also say that today if we another lesson we mean labor as a kind of platform for career guidance, but we understand that a child who has absolutely no idea what a hammer is, and it is difficult to prepare him for a profession, on the other hand, today blue-collar professions, they are very high-tech and we too we give it away. report for labor lessons, probably, including saying that what our great-grandfathers used to do manually, today it is also
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mechanized, a lot of analysis is probably required, here in terms of the programs themselves, very filling, thank you, thank you, and the return of labor lessons to schools we spoke with a member of the state duma committee on education elvira aetkuilova, good, it’s so nice in russia, tea with bergamot and soft black with thyme, morning, time to brew azerchai, let’s recreate the picture of the incident, and what will you see here, if the eyes are full of flies , the value of your transformation cost a million rubles, i’m trying to imagine what kind of money this is, so far only a million has been presented, a show from a big country, premiere, today after midnight on the russia channel, well further, cars are not for everyone, as you
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like, executive cars were invented in the last century for very important passengers, they were produced in the ussr, ministers, ambassadors, first secretaries of regional committees traveled in them, but there were also special-purpose cars among them, ivan zinkevich will tell about them. the soviet automobile industry produced many worthy models, but among them there were those that were a dream to drive... rarely did anyone succeed. of course, i'm talking about the gaz-13 chaika, a luxury car for special persons of the state, there were such more than 300 copies were produced, but here. even more rare flight, why it has such an unusual appearance, i will soon explain, the car was released in 1959, the team of the gorky automobile plant under the leadership of lev eremeev created a unique car, length 5.600 mm, width 2 m. i would like to say that such huge cars in in those years
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, no one did it in europe, only we americans could afford it. the design was made in the then fashionable aerospace style; almost every centimeter was decorated with chrome. the engine is a true legend, it is so turned out to be successful. v-shaped eight, volume 5.5 liters, power 195 horsepower. well, we’ve come to the main difference between our car and an ordinary seagull: it’s a station wagon. on the back door there are two inscriptions - seagull and rav, because at the riga bus factory seagulls were converted into ambulances for important persons of the state. the finished car was trimmed, the roof was lengthened, the door had two gas struts, there were carpets inside, leather curtains were assembled. there was an oxygen tank, a portable defibrillator, and a radiotelephone. front part they didn’t change it, here you have a gold-plated grille and chrome instruments. you see three buttons, this is for controlling a three-stage automatic hydromechanical gearbox, press
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the letter d, which means movement. and let's go. the car accelerates to 100 in 20 seconds, the acceleration is very confident and calm, there is a button on the panel with the letter t, that is , engine braking for long descents. the power steering is powered by a manifold, that is, the slower you go, the heavier it is, although i would like it the other way around. only 20 of these special sanitary versions were produced. the cars were assembled by hand and sent to the fourth main department of the ministry of health, a special purpose garage named after it. defense department. such a seagull was supposed to deliver important patients to doctors without standing out too much from the motorcade, which is why people aptly nicknamed it the black doctor. and then, let’s all turn on the tv tonight, our tv channel, and watch the grand finale of the popular show. about the grand concert, where
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the finalists of all five seasons of the program will meet, in a few minutes. senior investigator marya sergeevna shvetsova, tell me, the long-awaited secret investigations, what’s going on here? everything is fine, gunshot, well , in general, not me without adventures, every detective, if they didn’t hire me as a detective, i would become the commandant of the women’s dormitory, wants to know, can i ask when the secrets of the investigation begin, mash, come on , prick, mind you, i ’m not hiding anything, secret investigations are with us again, oh, what happiness, from monday on rtr, this is my very, very first bayan, the whole
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family collected money in order to provide me with bayan, bayan is at all... a native instrument, some kind of strings of the soul it touches the boyans, your button accordion sparkled like a guiding star, when you want to move, it means they play well, so i wanted to dance, if you drink, i know everything about the dawn, troubles won’t creak, the fire won’t wash away, you can hear on the street somewhere a lonely accordion is wandering you can just hear on the street somewhere a lonely accordion is wandering. blue bird, anniversary season, on sunday on rtr. i am
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a creative person. and i need two basic things, this is silence, inspiration, today you need to gain positive emotions, finally falling in love, damn it, oh , for some reason i like you, seriously, come on, character, i would even make you the hero of my novel, i’m not your prototype, i’m a living person, and if i said that i love , that means i love you, yes, but you didn’t tell me this, well , i’m telling you right now, yaroslav boyko and his impossible woman, this will be a bomb. today on rtr. let's recreate the picture of the incident, but what will you see here, if the eyes are full of flies, the last time he called you a bunny, it’s a long time ago, hares don’t
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live that long, the value of their transformation was costly, rubles, i’m trying to imagine what kind of money this is, so far only a million has been presented, of a large country, premiered today on rtr. turkish musician ahmed celeik does not go outside without a drum, for which he has already received the nickname crazy drummer from his neighbors, but he simply believes that there is always a time and place for a good song with a crazy rhythm, be it a ski resort, the bottom of the sea or a walk around the city, everywhere with a musician. his faithful friend, even during the flight on the paraplane, in order not to get bored, he took the instrument with him and flew above the ground for 20 minutes, tirelessly drummed cheerful rhythms,
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today’s evening on our channel will be super musical, the stars and finalists of the nuka show will all take part in a grandiose hola concert, at 21:30 we turn on the tvs, the natural channel russia-1 is watching our favorite artists and favorite presenters. come on everyone. open your ears to the artists of the nuka show , it’s impossible not to sing along, those who once started their journey in the country’s most popular vocal project are now drawing full houses, the finalists of all five seasons will meet at the gallo concert, because the audience is already they are waiting, there is already applause, and of course this is an event, because here they will perform better in all five seasons, this is definitely not current, these are preliminary results, because the season has just ended, there will certainly be new seasons ahead, because the viewer loves this show. on stage there is a concentration of drive, emotion and talent, the participants of the show, who have made
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millions of television viewers fall in love with them, will amaze with powerful voices and new original arrangements, in the program there are compositions of different styles, from the popular song of khabib. before the world hit hit... this the project really gives us all a lot, but it gives us the opportunity to be heard, it gives us an impetus, i would never say that it is this genre of some kind of operatic, let’s say, vocalises that will bring me such success, special guests of the concert , music experts, a hundred who came to support... the finalists and stars of the russian scene, unexpected duets will perform on the festive broadcast, altsu and rapper nathan will present their version of igor krutov’s song.
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this is actually one of my favorite shows, come on , all together, i’ve been in the role for 2 years in a row, expert, i always want to support young, incredibly talented guys, it seems to me. this is even more important than the strength of the voice or range, what is more important is the recognizable timbre of the voice. an impeccable vocal performance of sincerity and charm is what the participants needed to achieve their goal of becoming the best to touch the audience’s hearts. now the whole country sings along with them. nuka's gala concert will all together create a bright mood for a family evening and charge you with positivity for the whole week. don't miss it today at 21:30. and then we will lower the stress level. don't miss, i won't miss, please, and we, like this, however
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, the party, yes, about the game, its benefits, we’ll talk right after the news, maybe we’ll have champagne, i won’t refuse, explosions in nikolaev and krivoy rog, precise work to defeat our drones, the situation in the special operations zone , no to financial pyramids and the shadow market of cryptocurrencies, as reported: they went into the night on taimyr for 45 days, the inhabitants of the peninsula will not see sunlight, a report from our correspondent. a new day
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begins on the russia channel, the main news is in the studio of karina elina. hello. 14 december there will be a big press conference, a direct line with vladimir putin. as usual, in december the president will sum up the results of the year. as press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov emphasized, this format of communication will not have a time limit. traditionally, these are long-term , meaningful events of a special nature. they will be found together with the president in a specially created studio. russian federal and regional journalists, as well as representatives of foreign media accredited in moscow. and today is december 1st the collection of questions to the head of state will begin; they can be sent via sms, left on the website or asked by calling a hotline. this year the state saved 30 billion budget rubles thanks to the fight against illegal financial transactions. the head of rosfinitoringai chikhanchin spoke about this. behind
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the turnover of cryptocurrencies, the head of the department also reported that rosfinitoring together with the central bank during the year prevented the withdrawal of almost 320 billion rubles into the shadow sector. and today, first of all, 14 financial pyramids, was initiated against the organizers of the participants in these transactions. 180 criminal cases, 2 billion was seized and another mechanism began to work well, as last time i reported to you that there were attempts to involve the courts, yeah, recovery through the courts is illegal, i provide fictitious documents, today the methodology has been worked out with the courts, they this year they didn’t allow the turnover of 94 million in the shadows, that is, very good, they didn’t let me get the money, yes, yes,
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work continues on the circulation of cryptocurrencies. taking into account that that the system is still under-regulated , the growth of suspicious transactions is approximately doubled and this is mainly due to drugs, machinism, corruption, money laundering from the sale of drugs, and yes, yes, yes, unfortunately, terrorism too, they use it here, we , together with vtb bank, launched the so-called transparent blockchain, it makes it possible to still conduct an investigation into these cases related to cryptocurrency, explosions occurred in nikolaev and krivoy rog, this is reported by the ukrainian media: by russian troops ukrainian infrastructure in odessa was attacked. local authorities admitted that drones hit a number of military targets. the department also said that in the special operation zone, the loss of militants over the past 24 hours amounted to more than 700 people. two command and observation posts of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. the strikes were carried out by aircraft and drones. hamas has confirmed that the two men who
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carried out the shooting in jerusalem were members. movement wing of the al-qassam brigade. according to the statement, the operation was a response to the massacre in the gas sector in jinin. in israel the incident was classified as a terrorist attack. let me remind you that on thursday morning, militants opened fire on unarmed people at a bus stop. three people died and about ten were injured. the radicals were eliminated on the spot. the temporary truce between israel and hamas continues to be tested. according to arab media reports, israeli tanks opened fire in the north the day before. the coast of khanyunis and the south of the gaza strip were also shelled. israel said it was ready to extend the ceasefire if hamas released 10 hostages a day. protests against the escalation of the conflict in the middle east are taking place in europe and america. in paris, activists blocked several streets, they demanded sanctions against israel. in spain, 3,000 people chanted anti-israel slogans in the central
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square of madrid. in new york, protesters nearly disrupted the lighting of the city's most famous christmas tree near the cancerfiller center. meanwhile, elon musk responded sharply to advertisers who refused to cooperate with his social network x because of recent statements billionaire about the arab-israeli conflict. musk added that he does not consider himself anti-sem and is not going to apologize, even if the social network goes bankrupt. the polar night has begun in taimyr. residents of the peninsula will not see sunlight for 45 days. anastasia blendonoy learned how northerners adapt to the new rhythm of life. light returners are an indispensable accessory for polar walkers for the next 45 days. although there will essentially be no days, the polar night has fallen on taimyr. moreover, winter here lasts almost 9 months. clear days are not enough anyway
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a lot of. my husband has been living here for several years, that’s why. i’ve already gotten used to it, of course , i always want to sleep, it’s hard, i’ve been here for 30 years, so it’s hard, yes, life without the sun is basically stressful, the polar conditions aggravate many people... chronic diseases, efficiency decreases, mood drops, doctors add , only a healthy lifestyle saves, this is a daily routine, this is dosed physical activity and this , of course, nutrition, for the indigenous ethnic groups of the taimyr polarka is the month of great darkness, an integral part of ancient folklore, night in stories and legends, the personification of an evil entity that stole the sun. the polar night for the indigenous people is still a rest, what’s more great is what can be done in the darkness without... you can’t see anything, women in the winter at this time began to prepare preparations, this is scraping skins, doing it for moss. at the latitude of dudinka, the polar night will last 45 days, for example, on dikson all 80. on taimyr
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, a round-the-clock season of artificial lighting of street illumination begins and goodbye, only a bright flash of an orange disk above the horizon. the sun has appeared just for a few minutes. residents of the city are watching the last glow of this year. the next ray of sun will be seen only in the middle. anastasia blindinnogo alexander ribinkin, leading krasnoyarsk from dudinka. this is news: we are monitoring developments. the popular front of the irkutsk region is preparing its twelfth humanitarian mission. almost fifty vehicles will be sent to the special military operation zone. they will be delivered to donbass by rail. in total , since the beginning, svo have been activists. help, this time they will bring warm clothes and new year's gifts, report by vlad boranenko. the popular front, activists and caring residents of the baikal region continue to help the participants in the special operation; now the activists are collecting
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warm clothes, everything that can help and be useful to our fighters. 600 dugout candles, everything is packed and signed, so the front is supported by employees of the federal treasury department, they are helping the military, first in this shipment there are also camouflage nets in winter colors, we selected this color taking into account the fact that in those parts the terrain is dry grass prevails, in separate boxes of sweets , after all, no one canceled the new year, and the volunteers also prepared a special siberian gift, fir brooms, so that in field conditions our soldiers could still feel the aroma of our siberian forest, the people's front. .. will also transfer vehicles to the military, this is the largest batch of 60 vehicles. 14 have already been sent by rail, another 46 are closer to the new year, among them the rusamakha snowmobile, it costs 6 million rubles. irkutsk resident alexey vorobyov gives it to his
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fellow countrymen. i wish our guys victory and this unit was useful to them and benefited them. the siberians will not be disturbed in the steppe fields of donbass; warm tents are all that can be used to warm them up. they also bring such equipment. the devices are very necessary, as you can see, yes, an air-diesel heater, it runs silently on diesel, because there are problems with gasoline, these are sleeping bags, these are thermal underwear, warm clothes, the soldiers give feedback in the format of video communications, and many during vacation or treatment, meet with volunteers personally, everything they do, how they they help us, this is very important for us , this supports us very much, in total, since the beginning of the special operation, activists and volunteers... handed over 500 tons of humanitarian aid to the fighters, as part of the regional collection of the project , they collected more than 105 million rubles for victory. vlad baronenko, andrey vorobyov and roman ryutin, vesti irkutsk. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on
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the website the news is following developments . promise me that you will sing from the bottom of your heart, i promise. men's musicians, this is my group, this is the same boy who charmed everyone with his songs, soon, good morning, hello, sveta abramova vladislav zavyalov, december 1, there is a reason to start with a memory: the first sketches of the novaya anapa resort have appeared in the renderings , water parks with thermal baths are announced, greenhouses, a luxurious embankment, fountains, cafes, restaurants, a marina for 300 yachts, a museum and
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hotels and sanatoriums. a domestic company was assigned to develop the architectural project; it beat out 148 applicants from 11 countries, a master plan for a year-round health resort, next spring and we’ll also go on holiday to the resort soon in 1930, well , surely there will be billiard rooms there, is there a growing interest in rolling balls among russians? sergei egorov looked into why this type of leisure is attractive and who can be met in billiard rooms today. you are a quickie, a citizen-boss. otherwise you won’t be able to play with your hands. if in the late soviet years billiards was strongly associated with basement leisure, characterized by an exclusively suspicious element, today tables with green cloth can be seen in many sports palaces. by the way, a distinctive feature of billiards as a sports discipline is that players of different generations and even different genders can compete on equal terms at the same table. here you can overcome precision, precision, cunning.
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when i came to billiards, i thought i would play poorly because i am very short, when i realized that there is strength here, you don’t need strength in shots, then i began to think through the strategy very well, for example, you can not only try to roll the balls yourself, but also complicate the position on the table in front of blow from an opponent, however, if the strength can be compensated by the mind, then the technique will have to be mastered in any case, this is a matter of not only victory, but also health, on average, in an hour of play an athlete performs about 200 bends, if the stance is incorrect, for example, with with a twisted back, then after some time you can develop a curvature of the spine. the back is far from the only muscle involved in this sport, and now we are not even talking about the hands with which you have to hold the cue throughout the entire games. at least for a match, at least an athlete walks 15 km, this is only the minimum, we have had cases when 30, respectively, for a training session that is carried out there somewhere... 3-4 hours for an athlete about 20-25 kilometers
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around the table in circles wraps a large number of circles around the table is characteristic of the so-called russian billiards in this type of game the balls are larger and the pockets are the opposite so that before hitting you have to carefully measure the position, although each type of billiards has its own unique features, for example, for fans of snooker , among other things, you also need to be a little bit of a mathematician, the game itself is that you have to score a red one, then a colored one, then a red one, then a colored one, each red ball is one point, a colored one , depending on its color, some less points, from two until seven. in this case , you will have to take into account not only the color and location of the balls, but also the features of the table covering. in snooker, the cloth is different, it is smooth in one direction and fleecy in the other, and this must be taken into account when performing a stroke, because there will be some displacement, deviation from the trajectory. this is also very important, a small nuance. all types of billiards are united by their undeniable benefits. doctors have been able to prove that even an hour of playing significantly reduces anxiety and stress levels. moreover, this sport, although it is considered to be individual, is hardly possible. without communication, i’m 91 years old, i
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’ll communicate here, and i feel like i did something right, i already feel somehow, i ’m needed, this once again proves that billiards, like love, submissive to all ages, which means it's never too late to try yourself game, which was sincerely loved by peter ii , pushkin and gagarin, a road map for the development of tourism will appear in russia, a corresponding project has been prepared by the ministry of development, the document contains 27 initiatives, they should soften the requirements for the tourism business, reduce its costs, for example, it is proposed to introduce non-refundable hotel rates, and also legalize remote check-in, stay in hotels, set a maximum limit for the personal liability fund of tour operators, but how such changes will affect the tourists themselves, we’ll find out from vice-president of the russian union of travel industry dmitry gorin, kind, as with air tickets, fares are non-refundable, but even they
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can be returned in the event of a passenger’s illness, the death of a relative, or some emergency situation, for example, a flight delay, what will happen with hotels? the return rules will be similar to those in aviation and railway transport; of course, medical documents are the basis for surrendering the hotel without a fine. yeah, how much will it decrease, the price of such hotels, such rooms, will it decrease? this is the most important question, because just in conditions when vacation prices do increase, this is an opportunity to reduce the cost by 10-30%, especially in the off-season, in this situation, this is exactly what supervision will be monitoring, of course, regulates the entire market, but we understand that this the only tool to reduce the cost of transport, they also propose to legalize remote registration when checking into a hotel, this has been discussed for a long time... but precisely in order to reduce costs, so that it is
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a more accessible service, contactless check-in, this is planned, yes, this is very convenient for tourists, because it will be possible to register in advance, indeed this is a lower cost for hotels, this will ultimately also optimize the final cost of hotel accommodation, the tour operator’s personal liability fund is proposed to be minimum and maximum... well, we are talking about amounts from 700,000 rubles to 300 million. this is a sufficient amount to cover the costs of payment, including compensation. for tourists in the event of a company bankruptcy, yes, that’s enough, now the fund has already accumulated more than 2 billion rubles, the money is de facto frozen, it doesn’t work, and the money costs interest rates in banks , now there are other guarantee mechanisms for tourists, these are bank guarantees, contracts, sureties, real estate collateral, well, you
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say, there is money, but tourists receive meager payments , compensation, i mean up to 6%, in total? here you know, we need to distinguish, unfortunately, there were cases and fraudulent ones, when money was embezzled, in this situation, tour operators retain the funds, it does not disappear anywhere, but at the same time , the mechanism for insuring bank guarantees, it is increasing, our operators, for example , now hold 500 million rubles in the fund, and every year we contribute up to 7%, annually 1%, this is a lot of money that does not work, today, how much has the demand for travel decreased... how much has the demand for travel decreased in russia, we know that they have become more expensive and it is quite difficult, financially and costly to plan a vacation, unfortunately, in fact , there are mechanisms that make travel more accessible, these are package tours, and here, if the state supports tour operators, then we
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are interested in more interesting proposals in terms of price, and maybe it’s worth returning the cashback program, you know, we are in favor of returning this program, but maybe in a more targeted manner, for example, not the high season, but the off-season, thank you, we talked about the development of domestic tourism with vice president of the russian union of tourism industry dmitry gorin. on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time, summing up the results of the year, vladimir putin will answer questions from journalists in the studio, as well as questions received from russian citizens for ask your question to the president through the website by phone 800-200-4040 or via sms to number 040-40. results of the year with vladimir putin. live broadcast on december 14 at 12:00. let's start.
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come on, come on with a smile. morning of russia, don’t forgive me, the main thing is that this year , thanks to the national project tourism and hospitality industry, more equipped slopes, ski lifts and comfortable hotels have appeared at ski resorts. last weekend , many of them opened a new ski season. our correspondents found out how the largest resorts in siberia greeted vacationers. us they’re filming, and you’re as lethargic as spaghetti , come on, high five, you did it, roman and his two children have just opened the winter season, one might say, for the whole country, sheregesh is the first of the big resorts to begin accepting tourists and one of the last to finish, the siberian
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climate gives special dry and fluffy snow, and the slopes of the mountain are green and safe from avalanches, which is why the resort is so popular for family holidays, my daughter and i came to open the season in sheregesh, super, we love sharigesh very much, great discovery, great organization, we i really liked everything, the increase in tourist flow at domestic winter resorts caused a problem, hotel rooms were dismantled in the summer, now two huge buildings and a hotel are being built in shergesh, but waiting for them to finish would mean disappointing the guests, we found a quick and successful solution, this year we we have introduced more collective accommodation facilities through modular buildings, this is a separate new story for sherige, because we can now... receive people directly in the forest, they can use all the infrastructure that is at the resort. thanks to the national project tourism and hospitality industry, by the end of 2024 , 630 modular hotels with more than 14,500 rooms will operate in 66 regions. according to experts, the domestic tourist flow in the coming winter season will exceed 30 million
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trips. couples and families with children fit here quite comfortably. the important advantage of these houses, besides... comfort, is that there is no need to dig ditches and lay new roads under them, the buildings almost do not disturb the environment, modular houses are ideal in this landscape, you can put your skis on the street and ski directly to the false track . artyom has been opening the season in altai for the third year now; there is no snow at home in sochi yet, but here you can already start snowboarding. he devoted 18 winters to this sport; resorts know a lot about equipment. i rented the equipment. is developing, so alena chose mancherok for the first time in altai, including because of the convenient road, non-stop flight from moscow and transfer to the resort. a little more than in the sochi mountain classer, here i especially liked the safety and order on the slopes. it’s very cool that we noticed that
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for those who are more professional, there are separate slopes, this is such a distribution of those who are just learning and those who are already good at skiing, so that they do not interfere with each other, the track is well equipped, the resort is young, all the equipment here is new , there are already more than a hundred snow cannons on the slopes, soon their number will be increased to 55, there will be the largest snowmaking factory in russia, this year we will launch an illuminated track... for evening skiing at the very top of mount sinyukha, this is almost 5 km of illuminated ski slopes, also this year we have increased the ski area, it is already almost 30 km of ski slopes, at all ski resorts in russia, from sakhalin to the kola peninsula, this season they will open more than 50 km of equipped trails for everyone to ski levels, from children's to extreme. many of you check
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your email first thing when you wake up, and i’m certainly no exception. do you want to get a sea of ​​positive emotions? here they will cheer up everyone, kesha wants to read, please read, kesha can’t read, but a man must earn money, yesterday i earned such money from my wife so that on the air of the morning mail and i am its host nikolai baskov. the most positive, morning mail: with nikolai baskov until sunday on rtr, this is
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for you, well, got some sleep, gentlemen, a moment of attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, damn. bela, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, we fell in love with them, but who’s good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, rapping, the whole team, just... in the studio, hello andrey,
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songs dedicated to birds are being played. my mother and i went to the bird market and bought a gosha parrot. i sang swan fidelity, my 5 years in the room on a stool in front of the guests. andrey malakhov's evening show on saturday on rtr. i came up with a brilliant plan, trust me. this is for you, i want to invite you to the restaurant today, i would be very pleased if you agreed. there's no need to rush. olya, i’m over 30, i’m already old enough to be an old maid. nastya zadorozhnaya. your father died and left you an inheritance. andrey chadov. courting rich heiresses? olya, by the way, is my wife. yes,
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listen, you’re a smart guy, you need to get rid of her. unsent letter. on saturday on rtr. every week we take stock of the president's work. it's time to sum up the year and do it. the president himself, there will be not only answers to journalists’ questions, but direct communication with citizens, and as always, we will see and show more than others. results of the year vladimir putin. on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time, the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. representatives of the media will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the website by calling +7495. 539 40 40 + 7 499 550 4040. how
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to get to the library? this question is heard everywhere in london these days. a christmas tree-reading room was installed at st pancras station. there are 4,000 books on the stylized sub-branch shelves. they are all about christmas. at the very a spiral staircase leads up to the top, and cozy rooms are located below. for book lovers , such a tree can definitely become a serious obstacle in their journey, because many books have a magical ability to transport people to new unknown places and not always where the train ticket goes, but how to choose the most fascinating book in yegor sirov will tell you how to read the road and at home. good morning, this doesn’t happen these days, but this is there, a book, this one has been translated into 17 languages. metropolitan tikhan, not the holy saints and
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other stories. the author is not looking for any special beauties, as if he is talking to us, there are also bright stories in the book , they are all very good, including almost detective stories, but what is it worth, the story about the discovery of the relics of patriarch tikhon, there is also false metropolitans and impostors who decided to seize the temple and organize a divine service, there is also the arson of the small cathedral of the donskoy monastery, which is not a detective story, a very good book, i strongly recommend it to you. scientists have long debated where the name of the great russian river: volga, but it turned out that everything almost lies on the surface. water, moisture, volga. you can read about this and much more in the book by nikolai shansky, linguistic detectives, fascinating stories from the life of words. and, well, it’s clear that detective stories are more likely, so to speak, for advertising, but this book is very
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interesting. for example, now everyone just about anything, turn on the tv or radio, everyone gets goosebumps, it’s like an expression higher than emotional delight, who are goosebumps, and goosebumps are ants, and the origin of this word is very similar to a bug, a goosebump, look how pasternak writes about it, how those exits were quiet, beautiful, the boundless steppe is like a marina, the kamarina sighs, the goosebumps rustle, the camarina cry floats. a very interesting book, nikolai shansky, linguistic detectives, fascinating stories from the life of words. it is very interesting to learn about wonderful people. and then a series of books appeared, it’s called the life of wonderful people. anna remes wrote a book by pablo picasso, a boy from malaga, and anastasia strokina, leo tolstoy,
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nothing but joy, very good. a poignant book and magnificent illustrations, and with this i say goodbye to you, all the best to you, read and be happy, and then insurance payments for sick leave, how they are calculated and whether they will increase next year, more on that after the news. this is the morning news, we will talk about the main things in russia and abroad. in the studio of karina elina. hello. from the first of december, a number of important innovations come into force in russia. so, pensioners will receive payments not only for the coming month, but for january. this takes into account the new year holidays. at in this case, the january payment will be indexed by 7.5%. also, from today
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, those who turned 80 years old in november will begin to receive an increased pension. in addition, from december 11 , amendments come into force according to which a foreign, diplomatic or service passport can be invalidated, including loss of a document, changes in data, expiration, termination of russian citizenship and others. and in conclusion , for driving on summer tires in winter you will face a fine of 500 rubles. similar punishment for studded tires too, but in the summer. the government will allocate 15 billion rubles for the development of the automotive industry. in addition, at the meeting of the cabinet of ministers it was announced that additional funds would be sent to the regions to increase salaries, so almost 30 and a half billion rubles would go to payments to doctors. sergei lavrov takes part in the ministerial meeting.


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