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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  December 1, 2023 4:31am-5:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] also, from today, those who turned 80 years old in november will begin to receive an increased pension; in addition, from december 11 , amendments will come into force according to which a foreign, diplomatic or service passport can be invalidated, including loss of a document, data changes, expiration , termination of russian citizenship and others, in conclusion, for driving on summer tires in winter you will face a fine of 500 rubles. similar punishment. and for studded tires, but in the summer. 15 billion rubles the government will allocate for the development of the automotive industry, mikhail mishustin announced. at the same time, the prime minister called for localizing the production of components for cars as much as possible and monitoring their final cost. in addition, at the meeting of the cabinet of ministers it was stated that additional funds would be sent to the regions to increase salaries. so almost 30.5 billion rubles will go to
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payments to doctors. sergei lavrov takes part in the osce ministerial meeting, which is taking place in skopje. last year, poland did not allow the head of the russian foreign ministry to come to warsaw, now the chairman of north macedonia, who wants dialogue with our country. however, it was not without a spoke in its wheels; bulgaria opened the skies to the plane with the russian delegation on the condition that maria zakharova would not be on board. the route was changed, paving the way through greek airspace. zelsky said that he does not know for sure whether ukraine will ever join nato; the question was raised at a meeting with students during the ukrainian leader’s trip to nikolaev. according to him , there is a desire, but exactly how it will be
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no one will say, zelsky once again repeated that kiev is moving towards nato standards and must do everything to ensure that national security is at the highest level. in the meantime , new obstacles are arising on the way to international institutions, so the financial times drew attention to the fact that the lack of an effective judicial system prevents ukraine from defeating corruption. advisors to the head of the kiev regime have enormous power and can become new oligarchs. in turn, bloomberg notes that the mobilization of harm is still ongoing. in donesk opened the first training ground for military personnel. the platform for practicing combat skills was built literally from scratch , taking into account the experience gained during the war. up to 4,000 people can train there at the same time. olga lukyanchenko visited the shooting range. soldiers of the 150th motorized rifle division conduct training here.
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something that mud tanks are not afraid to show. precisely in the weather that found us at the training ground, dampness, falling rain and , of course, wet ground, but despite all these factors, the t-80 combat vehicles were on command they go out to carry out the task, three crews must hit moving targets, covering the required distance, the tank crews open fire, and here they practice their grenade shooting skills, our servicemen have just completed manual training. they were working on targets; the target was already used military equipment. a little further, soldiers are engaged in throwing hand grenades, and here is an area for army tactical shooting. military personnel are trained to operate in modern dynamic combat conditions. in general, in the range includes a tactical training field, a shooting range, a tank and artillery directorate. there is also
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administrative and technical. territory, comfortable conditions for fighters have been created here. this is the first training ground on the territory of the donetsk people's republic, which was built by the military construction complex. this is probably the most important and special moment in the construction of this landfill. it is important to note that at the new training ground, electrician operators will be trained for service in the dnpr and lpr. olga lukyancheko, alexander uleschenko, news donetsk. this is news, we are monitoring developments. the freeze-up at sea near khabarovsk has ended, however, access to the river is very dangerous; the first victims have already been killed; two tragedies could not be prevented, but winter fishing enthusiasts continue to stubbornly ignore the recommendations of rescuers. elizaveta yurova will continue. among the translucent hummocks of the moor, ice fishing lovers cut circles around their
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holes in anticipation of the treasured. seeing risky fishermen, inspectors also go out to the river, we comply with the measures, we have an end for this alexandrov, a special rope for rescuing drowning people, as they say, just in case, the fisherman has this... alexey demushkin is not there, but there is hope of getting a pike. there’s nothing, they didn’t even move, so i’m sitting here in the fresh air. the khaborovchanin hides a booklet with safety rules in his bosom and waits for the catch. those who were confident in the thickness of the ice shell in the khabarovsk territory have already been rescued. this season, four people and a car, two tragedies could not be prevented, and divers began their work to find the body. on there is no driver's front seat. similar arguments. do not affect the neighbor of the extreme sportsman. sik, pike, dude over there, now i caught three of them, then the finale is already possible to drive by car. such a loose surface of the ice actually indicates its danger and
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it is impossible to measure the exact thickness; due to waste water and rapid cross-section, you can fall through anywhere. therefore, there are no official ice crossings in the regional capital of prigorod and there will not be any. there are plans to open about 40 of them in the region, but even in the north, there is not enough ice yet lasting. a contractor is hired, and a project for an ice crossing is being made, in agreement with fisheries protection. strength is expected only in mid-december, and for those who go out where there are prohibiting signs, punishment is provided. there are a lot of difficulties that arise when we, well, as a word, detain, uh, a person, he says, i went out on the ice, without using a sign, if you hit with a ruble, then they do something. are starting to raise, both pedestrians and motorists will have to pay fines of up to several thousand rubles, specialist raids continue. elizavyata yurova, alexey shabelnikov, vesti, khabarovsk. amur schoolchildren are helped to choose their future profession. the region hosted the first festival
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of the ticket to the future profession. more than half a thousand schoolchildren from all over the region took part in it. the teenagers visited about thirty large enterprises, tried fifty specialties, and put on a virtual report. polonets. percussion using fingers, that is, digitally. complex terms do not frighten schoolchildren, because in addition to theory, here you can learn everything in practice. valeria came to festival from the skovorodinsky district, next year she will have to make a fateful choice, so a consultation definitely won’t hurt. this is a very big contribution to the career guidance of students. we come, we look and we realize whether we need it, whether we can pull it off. children starting from the sixth grade gathered at the regional forum for a ticket to the future; they visited many enterprises and organizations: ted shipyard, rospotrebnadzor, national guard and others. over fifty specialties were represented, at one of these
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the very young yegor krsov also attended lessons at the far eastern university. he likes the profession of engineer. with machines that work with all sorts of mechanisms, engines and all that. i think that. it is useful because machines make life easier. the children also learned how important it is to choose a specialty that is in demand in order to participate in the development of the region. we are implementing unique investment projects that have no analogues in the far east and even in russia. deputy prime minister region, pavel puzanov noted that local young specialists are now especially needed at the cosmodrome, in the gas chemical industry, agriculture, logistics, and tourism; more than 30,000 vacancies are open in the maritime market, mainly in working professions. children will get acquainted with the prospects for the development of our economy, that is, these are the guidelines for them that will allow them to form their own career educational trajectory.
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the ticket to the future program is being implemented on behalf of vladimir putin as part of the national education project. he covered there are almost 4 million schoolchildren across the country, so none of the children will be left alone in finding themselves. diana. polonetsey bitkov, vesti amur region, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, this is news, we follow the developments of events. let's recreate the picture of the incident. what will you see here if your eyes are full of flies, when was the last time he called you a bunny? oh, it’s been a long time since hares don’t live that long, that’s all. transformation cost death 15 million rubles. i'm trying to imagine what kind of money this is, just for now presented a million, a big country show, premiered today after midnight on the russia channel. the scandalous famous mistress
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of the people's artist of the rsfsr alexandra abdulov went to a monastery. a woman, after a luxurious life in france, was left with nothing and secretly returned to russia. it is false, false. she was accused of theft, you find yourself in a milan prison, it was scary there, it’s a zone, there were such bunks, live broadcast, today at 16:30. on the russia channel, good morning, good morning everyone, well, here it is, winter outside the window on the calendar, 1 december, friday, vladislav zavyalov, svetlana abramova, today with you, and nevertheless with an eye on the warm season, annoying mosquitoes.
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in this viral video, he built a real air defense system to fight mosquitoes, only greatly reduced ; a miniature radar station is used to detect insects, and it also gives target instructions for an automatic laser system, which leaves no chance for mosquitoes. the developer confirms the effectiveness of his system by documenting and actually keeping a diary of his trophies. in ours... fortunately mosquitoes don’t bother anyone now, unlike white flies, i’m talking about snowflakes, winter forecast from vadim zavodchenov, hello vadim, leading specialist in winter vadim zavodchenkov, the calendar itself frees your hands, so please, we’re waiting for a full one winter forecast, well, the fact is that winter has really come now, and not only according to the calendar, and on the streets of our cities, well, you can imagine, for example, russia, the depth of snow cover,
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it has already exceeded the norm in mid-january. the only place where autumn resists is southern regions of the country. let me go tell you. cyclones will bring well-warmed air masses from the mediterranean to the southern regions of russia. there will be light rain in the region, and the temperature regime will be within the october climate. daytime temperature. in the crimea in the kuban +15-20, in the lower reaches of the volga and don up to +10-15°. but in the middle volga, warm air will only penetrate the very south of the region, here on friday and saturday in the daytime it will be around zero. but on sunday it is expected to become colder everywhere and daytime temperatures will drop to -5 -10°. in in the northwestern district, light snowfalls are expected today, so it will not be very cold, at the weekend the clouds will begin
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to dissipate, snow charges will pass only in places, and the daytime temperature will drop to -6-11, in central russia there is snow from time to time, and the most intense snowfalls will occur on sunday, the temperature regime is quite even in the midday hours -3-8, in the black earth up to -3 +2. in the urals, the bad weather will linger, only on friday, saturday, then the weather in the region will improve, cold weather will begin, daytime the temperature is down to -13 , frontal waves will bring well -warmed air masses to southern siberia, there will be snowfalls, sometimes turning into rain, and in some places icy, in the daytime from -3 to +2°. in the southern part of the far east , the atmosphere will be dominated by a powerful... sunny but frosty anticyclone, precipitation
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is unlikely, daytime temperatures on the banks of the amor are -10-15°, in the south of primorye - zero -5. thank you, vadim, everyone was jealous of the south, but how wintery december will be. according to preliminary forecasts, for the most part on the russian plain, the temperature regime will be colder than usual. but there is good news for sibireks in southern siberia. the average temperature will be several degrees higher than the climate norm, but for them this is a pleasant surprise, well, thank you, vadim zavodchenko, leading specialist at centro phobos, told the weather, blue bird, anniversary season, on sunday at 17:55, on the russia channel , promise me that you will sing from the bottom of your heart, i promise, musicians,
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this is my group, this is the same boy, who enchanted everyone with his song, soon, the terminator promised to return, and he is already on the way extending his hand to us, researchers from switzerland have created the first cybermanipulator for robots, there are ligaments, tendons and bones, for this it was necessary to seriously improve 3d printing technologies, the printer was fed a cocktail of the latest... materials that have variable elasticity. the result was almost the same as what we have seen more than once on x-rays or in hollywood movies, from the classic terminator's hand is almost... no different except for one thing: there is not an ounce of metal in it. in the future, this could make it much easier to reduce the cost of producing smart machines. and it’s already possible to control the same robots or other electronics without using your hands. in the decade of science and technology, russian engineers are creating a new interface,
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the brain-computer. what you are seeing now is probably happening for the first time in history. two people met in the gym to play neurotennis instead. the ball copter needs to be controlled not with your hands, but with the power of thought, to do this, players wear electrodes that record data on brain activity; the goal of the game is to make the drone fly to the enemy’s side and make it stay there as long as possible. of course, it’s so easy to put on a headset and immediately control a flying machine for a beginner, but even before the game the learning process is now simple, the technology quickly adapts to the characteristics of the signal that comes from the head of a particular user, if... alpha rhythms predominate, the drone executes one command , if beta rhythms predominate, you can interpreted for the drone, this is in the form of a different command. the brain issues beta waves when you need to get ready for the copter, and not a command to fly to the enemy’s side, alpha waves, on the contrary, are responsible for relaxation, if the drone senses them, it tries to stay closer to
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the owner of such a signal. essentially, the one who is more focused wins the game. by the way, you can control not only the direction of movement. the drone is capable of perception. and other commands, for this purpose so-called artifacts are used, from which specialists previously tried get rid of it, since they spoiled the view, in this case we are talking about blinking, andrey, i suggest you relax now, i connect the device , i suggest making a series of two blinks, and for the experiment we blink three times in a row to clear the landing, now they are going to connect it to signal analysis here. .. network, then there will be even more commands that the drone understands, at a minimum, such a development will be appreciated by fans of computer games, who will have their hands free for additional functions, but the scientists themselves think more about people with with limited capabilities, strength and thoughts, you can type text or control a prosthesis , well, in the future, such systems will take our
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interaction with technology to a new level, a person generates signals and we can perceive them faster than if he did it, for example, with his hands. eyes or even the head, because the reaction time to such a system is quite short and we can anticipate the actions that occur ; cars are given to us as an example; if a person in the car notices that the autopilot is not working correctly, he will be able to instantly take control and prevent an accident, telephone scammers have found a new way... of deceiving gullible citizens, they intimidate people with fictitious powers of attorney, according to which someone is trying to withdraw money from their account, and the scammers offer only one way out, transfer money to secret account, the notary chamber gave practical advice, don’t be afraid, a fake power of attorney is detected instantly, for all transactions with money or real estate, all
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documents are simply checked in the electronic database, now in the electronic database sick leave by the twenty-fifth year will be maximum... payments for one day will more than double. kristina sorokina found out why such a decision was overdue. according to surveys, 66% of working russians prefer not to take sick leave, for fear of losing out on wages. it’s not very profitable to go on sick leave, to be honest. that’s why i haven’t been on sick leave officially at all for the next five years. i try not to get sick because my salary will decrease. the difference is very significant, and you sacrifice your health by going to work. now the minimum amount of payments for one day of sick leave is 534 rubles for equal pay or if the employee has worked no more than six months, and the maximum is 2,736 rubles, provided that the work experience is more than 8 years, and the calculation is made according to a strict formula. earnings for the last two years are taken and the cost of a working day is calculated, then, depending on
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the length of service, a reduction factor is used, if the citizen has a work experience of more than 8 years, in this case, he is paid in full, if less eight, but more than five, then 80% is paid, if less, then 60%. however, even long-serving employees do not receive full pay during an excused absence. firstly, only white wages are taken into account, and incentive payments, which, together with the basic income , may exceed the permissible payment limit, are not included in this amount. there is another important point. in any case, you need to warn everyone that. all payments are also subject to personal income tax, that is, in any case, you will receive the money is already minus personal income tax, this needs to be taken into account, let’s calculate the amount of payment for an employee who is entitled to the full amount. so if he has been working in a company for 9 years, over the last 2 years his salary was 50,000 rubles, then by taking 5 days of sick leave minus income tax, the employee can claim an amount of
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7,150 rubles. but if your average earnings for 2 years were more than 83,250 rubles per month, then you will not receive the amount of sick leave payments above the maximum limit. this is due to the size of the unified insurance tariff contributions. now for each employee it is no more than 1,917,000 rubles per year, but in subsequent periods it will grow , the government made a decision, introduced a single payment for the employer, established a single contribution base, which will allow people on sick leave to receive more than they received before the changes we accepted. so, next year the maximum amount of compensation will be slightly higher than 4,000 rubles. and in 2025, the maximum amount of payments for temporary disability will be 5,674 rub per day this will allow a wider circle of employed people to practically lose wages, and in order to less often need sick leave, we stock up on vitamins and microelements
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, which of them are persimmons richest in, and to whom it is especially indicated, in a few minutes we will find out everything, if not simply, there are places that they are fascinating because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history. conquer, the ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say
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it’s done right the bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. dad, when we go to the amusement park, now dad will set up a business and we’ll go every week. dad, it’s sunday, igor is in intensive care at koshirka, they said he’ll live, here’s your phone number, you some nika wrote, she was very worried when her old life fell into pieces , there will be you and money, mogum and the maldives, stop fooling around, go back to your love, kiril, i ’m actually married, i have children, that’s why i’m inviting you for lunch. and not for dinner, don’t rush to leave everything behind, seriously, this doesn’t concern you, i left nicky because i realized that i can’t live
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without you, i can’t live without children, the oncoming lane, on sunday on rtr, how many animals are there in your family? 16, why stop, i offered the goat first, goose, there were ducks, ducklings, turkeys, he’s not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog , leva, well, i beg you, leva, well, be you a person, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr.
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what kind of circus? disguise? who did you take the car from? a neighbor lent it to a good cause. svet marya sergeevna to bury from enemies. the secret investigation is with us again. from monday on rtr. the first one is waste-free. the market appeared in australia. what makes this family- owned vegan store unique is that no product is thrown away. for example, bananas loss of presentation, cleaned, frozen, as an additive to smoothies or porridge. other defective fruits, as well as vegetables, are used for sandwiches, hot pies, salads, juices, all of which are overdue without 5 minutes in processed form, and are in high demand. thus, the supermarket owners not only care about the environment. but in your wallet , everything goes to work, not only in sydney, by the way , much closer, in a store near my house,
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i saw something similar, here is an amazing product, a fruit that needs the opposite. lie on the counter - this is a persimmon, it helps fight anemia, increases immunity, improves mood, and december is the season for persimmons, whether it knits or not, almost shakespearean passions are now happening in all markets of the country, with the onset of cold weather, buyers begin to hunt for its sweet and juicy persimmons, but there is one condition, give one that is not astringent, okay, how many do you want, well, i’ll take a couple of things, sweet, tasty, so as not to wilt, not astringent, sweet. of course, so as not to knit, i buy imported ones. by the way, it is a misconception that they only knit tightly certain varieties, it’s all about the degree of ripeness; while the berries are still green, they have a maximum concentration of tannins. this substance has a specific effect on our receptors, so we choose an orange raft of medium softness. another thing is that the size of a persimmon is about the size of a fist - this is most often the ox heart variety, or otherwise
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called super persimmon, it is a large fruit with skin, this is the most popular, juiciest persimmon fruit, which is present everywhere in markets, stores, which the consumer chooses, here she is large, she delicious, it is juicy, now many new varieties have appeared, chamomile, flatbread, honey candle, they are brought from azerbaijan, uzbekistan , now domestic persimmon from dagestan boasts a record harvest, we have 20 hundredths, we have about 50 trees in the garden, every year we somewhere we collect about 2 tons. the total area of ​​persimmon in dagestan exceeds 350. in 2023, the harvest is expected to be 5,500 tons. and just as many benefits, because persimmon is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements. these are, of course, betocarotenodes. they are a must for us needed, they are antioxidants. and you and i become young, beautiful and healthy. and, of course, this also includes
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a large amount of vitamin c. this also applies to antioxidants. as for vitamin k, which few people know about, persimmons also contain it and it helps our calcium and vitamin d3 to be better absorbed. persimmon also contains easily digestible iron and lutein for vision, but it is not recommended to heat it, because heating will destroy all the beneficial vitamins. freezing is another matter; let’s make a healthy sorbet from persimmons. we peel the persimmon, cut it, beat it in a blender, then cut the orange in half and squeeze it out. heat the orange juice for literally a few minutes on the fire along with sugar, stir everything in, then add cinnamon at the end and set it to freeze. just a couple of hours and the dessert is ready, this is a real vitamin charge for the whole body, it will help support the immune system and improve your mood, but the world needs to know and not eat more than one or two persimmon berries per day.
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day. and then, vasya’s dad is strong in... dad studies topics for the whole year, where is it heard, where is it seen, the chair is ready for the labor lesson , and mathematics, and i will learn mathematics, but i have no time for mathematics at all, but the return of labor lessons at school, we’ll talk right after the news, mom, we're hungry, the burch is ready! explosions in nikolaev and krivoy rog and precise work to destroy our drones, the situation in the special operation zone. no to financial pyramids and the shadow cryptocurrency market, as reported to the president by the head of the country’s financial intelligence? and they left into the night taimyr is 45 days old, the inhabitants of the peninsula will not
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see sunlight, report from our


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